Byline chapter 27 (Final)

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Byline chapter 27 Final

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Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

chapter 27 Final

“That’s it? You’re done?” Abbey asked. We were sitting in my old apartment. The apartment Abbey had been living in for the past year or so. Abbey had just gotten home from work and was still in her nurse's uniform. I had taken the day off and was wearing a pair of tight jeans, a sleeveless crop top and flats.

“Yeah. I still have two weeks of my current job. Then I get four weeks off. After that, I go back to the magazine.”

“You’re getting six weeks off and getting paid?”


“Can’t beat that. What about your apartment?”

“I have to be out of there by the end of next month.”

“Oh. What are you going to do?”

“I’ll move back here.”

“Oh.” She sounded concerned.

“Hey, I’m not kicking you out. You can still stay here. Stay as long as you like. There is no reason for you to leave. Until you’re married that is.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. You are going to have to start paying half the rent.”

“I knew there was a catch.” She smiled. “Are you going to be okay with me bringing Gil here?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I’ll deal with it.”

“Are you going to be okay with me bringing Trevor here?”

“I’ll deal with it,” She said. We both laughed.

She paused for a second and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Um, what are you going to do…?”

“I said, I’ll move back here and...”

“No, that’s not what I was asking. What are you going to do… you know… about you?”

“I’ve given that a lot of thought and…”

“Wait. Before you tell me, I want to say something. First, I love you. You know that. Casey, this experience… I’ve seen you blossom. You have become a very confident person. You’ve become more outgoing. You’ve helped people. You’ve come alive. I’ve spoken with mom and she feels the same way.”

“I know. I’ve spoken with mom also. The two of you have helped me more than you know. It’s also great to know that I have both of your love no matter what I decide to do.”

“Oh, come here.” Abbey stretched out her arms and we both hugged. “I’ll love you whether you’re my brother or my sister. If you have made a decision, I’m ready to hear it.”

“As I started to say, I’ve given this quite a bit of thought.” I paused to collect my thoughts. “During my assignment, I have been looking forward to going back to being C J. It was like I was either C J or Casey Jean. I think that was the way I was writing. That’s why my articles were all over the place with no conviction. Sometimes I was writing as C J. Sometimes I was writing as Casey Jean. I finally realized it’s not a matter of being either C J or Casey. I am C J. I am Casey Jean. C J and Casey Jean are not two separate people. They are me. I am C J and Casey Jean. No matter how I decide to present, I am me. So I made my decision.” I paused again. This time just to make her wait. “I called the clinic… I canceled the surgery.”

“You canceled the…wait, does that mean…?”

“I’ve decided to permanently present as a woman.”

Abbey gave out a squeal. “I get to keep my sister!” She said as she happily stamped her feet. She came over and we hugged again.

“I’ve not decided if I’m going to transition. I’m seeing a doctor next week and will discuss things,” I said. “I know I have to present as a woman for at least a year. I’m not sure if my time as a woman so far would count. At least I won’t need breast surgery.”

“You know you love them,” Abbey said.

I brought my hand up until it was touching my breast. I let it linger there a moment. “You’re right. I do.”

“You are going to look so good in your bridesmaid dress.”

We both laughed.

“Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I came over for a reason. I need a favor. I need to borrow a suitcase or two.”

“Sure. Are you going somewhere?”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I paused. Seeing the look of bewilderment on her face I finally said, “I told you I have to be out of the company apartment.”

“Okay?” she said.

“I get to keep my wardrobe.” Abbey’s eyes got wide.

“Oh my God! Everything?”

“Yes, Everything,” I said.

“You have to let me borrow some of your dresses and those 5-inch heels!”

I laughed. “Of course! What are sisters for?”

“When do you need them? I’ll help you pack.”


“How are the wedding plans going?” I asked Hannah. Calling Hannah was always a good part of my week. Shortly after I got the decision on my assignment, I had to leave the agency to take another job. Hannah and I had kept in contact. After all, I was still her business partner. Her relationship with Bart had blossomed and Bart had proposed to her at Christmas. I think she had said yes before he finished proposing.

“There’s so much to do and the date’s not even close.”

“So you picked a date already?”

“Can’t waste any time if you want to get the venue you want.” There was a pause at the other end of the line. “Casey, I know your assignment is over. You won’t be presenting as a woman when my wedding comes around. Crap, I don’t know how to ask this. Would you please be in my wedding? The only problem is, I want you as one of my bridesmaids. If I didn’t have any sisters, you’d be my first choice for maid of honor. I know it’s a lot to ask but I want you there. Please say you will.”

I smiled. I hadn’t told Hannah my decision yet. “You have no need to worry Hannah. I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it. Now, I have something I need to tell you.”


I’ve been back at my job at the magazine. It felt good to be back at my desk again. Cindy came over and dropped a couple of copies of the yet-to-be-released magazine on my desk. I looked up and saw her smile.

“I thought you’d like some copies,” she said.

“Thanks,” I said. She smiled and walked back to her office, I Picked up one of the magazines. I opened and paged to the feature story with my byline. I smiled. For the next couple of issues, I would be reliving my assignment as a woman. I sat there paging through my article. As I crossed my legs, my high heel shoe dangled supported by my toes. I put the opened magazine on my desk. I was happy with my decision. I had done what I wanted to do. I thought of Abbey. While her brother wasn’t gone, she now had a permanent sister. She is thrilled. Especially since she can wear some of the clothes the magazine had bought for me. Mom’s happy also. She finally told me she thought I made the right decision. She made sure the decision was something I wanted. She is still getting used to having two daughters. I’m sure she wonders how she was going to be able to handle both of us. And of course, Trevor is also happy. He had said nothing would change between us even if I had decided to go back to presenting as a male. I’d like to think he’s happier with the decision I made. I know I am.

No one here at the magazine has had any problem with me presenting as a woman. They haven’t seen me for over a year. Now I come to work in a top and skirt or a dress. I think some people thought I was a woman to begin with and I had decided to no longer come to work in men’s clothing. I closed the magazine just as Jim from purchasing walked over to my desk.

“Um, Hey C J, I mean Casey. How’s your day going?”

“It’s going good, Jim. How about yours?”

“It’s been a bit busy but good. Look, I’m not being tricked into coming over to you this time. I know you’ve told me you’re a guy… I mean I know you’re a guy. But I’d like to know… um…” He was stumbling for words.


“Would you be able to…? I mean I’d like to… I mean would you like to go to lunch today?”

“Are you sure you want to go to lunch with me? Like you’ve said, I am still a guy.”

“You sure don’t look like a guy,” he said. “I mean… sorry. Yes, I’d still like to go to lunch. I mean, it’s just lunch, right? If you want to, that is.”

“Jim, you know I have a boyfriend.”

“I know, I’ve heard. I’m not asking to go out with you on a date or anything. I have some questions. We can go as friends. It’s only lunch.”

I smiled. “Sure Jim. What time?”

“Is twelve-thirty good for you?”

“That’ll work. See you at twelve-thirty!”

I watched as a happy Jim left my desk.

I hope everyone has enjoyed reading Casey’s story.
I also want to thank everyone for reading. I have enjoyed reading your comments more than you will know. Thank you for the helpful advice, encouragement and suggestions.


Thanks for reading. Comments welcome.

Cover picture Credits
Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels
Photo by Valeriia Miller from Pexels
Photo Composite by Peregrine

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Glenda98's picture

For a really enjoyable story, very well written and a great plot.

Glenda Ericsson

Very nice story

SammyC's picture

Thanks for the happy ending for all concerned. Well-written with interesting, emotionally resonant characters. Maybe at some point in the future you'll revisit the Casey Jean narrative. We'd all love to see how her life progresses.


That's all?

crash's picture

Well. I'm glad that you shared this with us. I really enjoyed it. Sweet with a few conflicts to help Casey learn what she wanted. It was fun to watch him work that out for her self.

As always, I'll be looking forward to your next work.

Your friend

No need to thank us

For reading your well written and engaging story. It is us readers who should be thanking you. Those of us who are authors as well as readers know how much time and effort go into creating a story.

Gill x

Good storyline

Donna T's picture

You did a fine job. CJ would be pleased.



CJ Equals Casey

joannebarbarella's picture

I guess I was hoping that Casey would wake up to herself and you didn't disappoint me. A very satisfactory conclusion to a very well-written story.

Thank you and don't keep us waiting too long for your next tale.

An excellent story.......

D. Eden's picture

But it feels like there is more to be told yet, and somehow I think that Jim has a story yet too.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Excellent Story

Very fun to read, was nice to see everything work out well for our heroine :)

Suspect from this ...

Jezzi Stewart's picture

... “I know, I’ve heard. I’m not asking to go out with you on a date or anything. I have some questions." that a future story might be Jim's ???

BE a lady!


Jamie Lee's picture

It took Casey long enough to figure out whether he was CJ or Casey, he was both at the same time.

He learned a lot about himself as Casey, which he must have liked since Casey is who others will now see.

This is a nice story, full of examples why introspection can help a person better understand themselves and others.

Others have feelings too.