The Blue Dress - Part 9

The Blue Dress - Part 9

by MonicaS

Copyright © 2021 Monica S.

Chris got bullied for being girly and was forced to wear a dress at school. To avoid the bullies, he started to live as a girl with support from friends and official recognition. Chris found some allies to fight the bullies and had some first successes. He saw a therapist regarding his gender identity, which was still not clear. Chris found a girlfriend, and their relationship progressed to visiting each other's parents.

* * *

Tuesday morning started quite normal until my first-period teacher sent me to the principal. So I found myself sitting in his office again.

"Miss Walker, it came to my attention that you're responsible for a group that calls itself Protection Pact," Mr. Stevens said.

"Umm, I'm a contact person, but I wouldn't see myself responsible," I replied

"Okay, that'll suffice. Your group's goal to stop bullying is honorable, but I'm afraid you might not recognize the consequences your actions may have. For example, you might place yourself in danger or create a violent mob that goes after your perceived bullies. Handling bullying is the responsibility of the staff, not the students."

"Well, the staff can only do so much, as they can't be everywhere. And there's a lot of bullying going on. We are just discouraging the bullying by being present and speaking out. We don't get physically involved. And if we notice something bad, we'll notify the staff, of course."

"Hmm, be careful. Some bullies might not like being discouraged. Regarding notification, I assume you're responsible for the plethora of reports we got since Friday morning. This looks a bit like a defamation campaign to me. I hope you understand that this is a serious matter, and any false statements would have consequences too," the principal said.

"I only reported what I witnessed myself and encouraged others to do likewise. We didn't have to lie or even embellish with Xavier Delmonte as we witnessed a lot of bullying, unfortunately."

"Okay, I believe you and will take the reports at face value. I'm always cautious with concerted actions, though, because not all are genuine as I've painfully experienced."

"So you don't want us to continue?" I asked.

"Actually, I like the idea, and inofficially I congratulate you for being so brave to stand up against the bullies, but officially I have to be concerned. So I won't stop you, but please be careful, don't hesitate to involve staff, and please tell the other members of my concerns. How many members does your Protection Pact have anyway?"

"Hmm, I didn't count them, but I think about 50."

"50? Well, you don't do things half-heartedly," Mr. Stevens said.

"So, will you do something about Xavier?"

"That is confidential, but I'll do what I deem appropriate to address the situation at hand."

"So no more meddling school board members? I heard two of them resigned. Is that coincidence?" I asked.

"Hmm, perhaps somebody laid a trap by telling each board member a different false fact, and then they heard that fact from somebody who shouldn't have been told. Perhaps they then confronted the board members and threatened to expose them if they wouldn't resign. Would that be a likely story? I guess not, so it must be a coincidence."

I smiled at the principal. "A nice coincidence."

* * *

At lunch, I told the Protection Pact about my meeting with the principal and his concerns. He was probably right about being careful. Some bullies weren't rational and might lash out even if they got into trouble for that. We were a big group now and therefore had some power, bullies would be stupid to fight us, but sometimes we'd be on our own and perhaps vulnerable. The best example was Mark, who had attacked me and was again sitting next to us and watching me.

I told the group about the principal probably doing something about Xavier but not about the board members. I didn't want him to get into trouble as he seemed to try to do the right thing.

* * *

After school, Lizzie drove me home and stayed with me. After homework, we skipped trying to watch TV and went straight into my bedroom to make out. Soon our tops were removed, but we didn't stop there, and our bras followed not long after that. I was a bit reluctant because of my tiny breasts, but Lizzie told me not to worry and that I was beautiful. She showed me that size didn't matter when she caused exquisite sensations by caressing and kissing my breasts.

I reciprocated, of course, and got Lizzie so hot she took off her pants and panties. She then moved my hand to her most private parts.

"I don't know what to do," I said.

"That's okay, I'll guide you," Lizzie responded and then told me how to pleasure her.

First, it was just my fingers, then I started to use my tongue too. It seemed to work as Lizzie got more and more excited until she finally reached her climax.

"Now it's your turn," Lizzie announced after she calmed down again and started to remove my remaining clothes.

"Are you sure? You don't have to. I mean, you know, lesbian and boy parts," I said.

"I'm not afraid of penises," my girlfriend replied. "It's just that people I'm attracted to usually don't have one. So I'll try my best as it's my first time too."

So she continued with undressing me and then carefully handled my dick. This time, I was the one guiding, and Lizzie was the one giving pleasure, but the result was similar. Well, it got a bit messy in the end as I didn't warn her, and she got a load into her face. She was surprised but thankfully not turned off.

After cleaning up, we snuggled some more under the blanket. I must have dozed off, as the next thing I noticed was my Mom calling my name.

"Hi Mom, I'm in my room, just give me a minute," I called out and then scrambled to get dressed.

Lizzie didn't seem to be fazed and said, "Your Mom knows what teens are doing and sort of approved it. No reason to get worked up."

I thought about it and replied, "Hmm, you're probably right, but we can't just stay in bed."

"Why not?"

"Because my Mom is home, and she'll eventually come looking for me, and I don't want her to barge in on us," I said.

"Then lock the door."

"Would you stay in bed with your girlfriend while your parents are banging on your door?"

"Okay, perhaps not," Lizzie conceded.

"Well, I'll get dressed now. You can stay in bed if you want."

So I started to get dressed and repair my makeup. Eventually, Lizzie got up too and was dressed and cleaned up before me. Her simpler style certainly needed less time.

When we finally met Mom, she asked, "So, did you have ... fun?"

I was embarrassed and blushed deeply.

Lizzie was cooler and replied, "Yes, Mrs. Walker, a lot of fun."

Unfortunately, Lizzie soon left, and I was alone with Mom. Without my girlfriend's protection, Mom pried some more about our relationship and reminded me to have safe sex. I still wasn't comfortable talking about that with her and felt quite awkward.

Then the talk shifted to my gender, and I declared, "I tell everybody that I'm a girl, and most people see me as one. I'm still not 100% sure, but I see myself as a girl now too. I'm happy with my life as a girl. I don't see myself growing into a man and would rather grow breasts than a beard. So I'm thinking about hormones."

"Hmm, hormones cause permanent changes," Mom replied.

"I know, but not taking hormones will cause permanent changes too. I'm lucky that my testosterone level is so low, but eventually, it will kick in. And I'm afraid of what will happen then."

"But this is all so new still. You might change your mind."

"I don't think so, but my next therapy appointment is in three weeks. Nothing will happen before that, probably not even then," I said.

"Okay. Just don't rush things."

* * *

On Wednesday morning, Larry actually turned up with cleaning utensils. I made sure he cleaned everything affected by his juice and didn't make things worse. Since it was mostly smooth surfaces, it didn't take that long.

"How far did you get about counseling?" I asked after he finished storing his supplies.

"Um, nothing yet," Larry replied

"Hmm, it's still early. Let's go to the school secretary to ask for an appointment."

"But, but ..."

"No buts, just do it," I said and prodded him to move.

He resigned against my willpower, and we went to the school administration.

"How can I help you today, Mrs. Walker?" the secretary asked after we entered. I guess I was becoming a frequent visitor.

"I'm just lending moral support," I replied. "Larry here needs an appointment with the school counselor."

I stepped back a bit and let Larry handle the rest.

* * *

During phys ed, I noticed Anne talking with Kevin whenever there was a chance. She seemed to flirt with him even. I knew she'd been single for quite a while, but Kevin? He had been one of Mark's friends who bullied me, even if he hadn't been the worst and didn't mingle with Mark anymore. I was all for redeeming oneself but wasn't sure Kevin did that after our last exchange.

* * *

At lunch, I asked Anne about Kevin.

"We're just talking," she said.

"It looked like more than just talking. I'd like to remind you that Kevin was one of Mark's bullies. Are you sure you want him as a friend?" I asked.

"He said he's sorry about that and won't bully anymore."

"I hope you're right. Kevin certainly didn't apologize to me."

"Give me some time," Anne said. "I might even convince him to join the Protection Pact. Wouldn't it be good if we had some jocks on our side too?"

"Hmm, I guess so."

A bit later, I talked with Oliver, who reported that Xavier wasn't at school. He assumed a suspension from his teacher's reaction. So the principal did act on our reports. We congratulated each other and discussed the next target for concerted actions.

There was a sophomore named Victor who was seen bullying, but I wasn't a witness. We decided to go the now established route, and all witnesses would file a report. From what I gathered, his offenses weren't as many as with Mark and Xavier, but it couldn't harm to stop him early.

* * *

I needed some more clothes and Lizzie offered to go shopping with me after school. We were browsing through the isles in a fashion shop when Lizzie liked something for a change. I was glad that she found some clothes and it wasn't only about me. So she went off to try it on, and I continued on my own.

"I don't know what you see in her," I suddenly heard behind me.

I turned around, and there was Mark, standing directly in front of me.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" I asked.

"That dyke won't ever make you feel like a woman like I would," he said, ignoring my question.

"Are you mad? How could you make me feel like a woman?"

"Let me show you," Mark replied and then proceeded to grab and kiss me.

He took me by surprise, but then my training from the weekend kicked in. I pressed my thumbs into his eyes, which caused him to let go of me. Then I drove my knee into his groin, which caused him to bend over. Finally, I pushed his head down and rammed my knee into it, and he slumped to the ground.

I was surprised by my own actions and was worried that I might have overreacted. Mark lay motionless on the floor, and I didn't know what to do.

"Is that Mark? What happened?" Lizzie asked when she returned a few seconds later.

"Yeah, he kissed me, and I fended him off," I answered. "I might have overdone it."

"Nah, he deserved it," she replied and took her phone out to make a video of Mark. "This is what happens if you mess with Christine," she said while recording.

"What if I really hurt him?" I said and bent down to him. "Mark, can you hear me?" I asked and tried to rouse him.

Fortunately, he began to stir and came to again. Once he recognized me, he exclaimed, "Get away from me, you fucking bitch. I wanted to be nice to you, and you turned into a fucking ninja and attacked me."

I was exasperated. "You have a warped sense of being nice. You forced yourself on me, and I only defended myself."

"I'm done with you," Mark said and slowly got up.

"Fine, I'll be happy if you vanish from my life," I replied.

When Mark limped away, calling me a bitch one last time, I looked around, and nobody paid much attention to us. Well, it all happened very quickly, and we were not that loud. Actually, I was glad that it was over and nobody noticed.

"I wish I could have seen how you decked Mark," Lizzie said. "You are okay, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm okay, except for my pantyhose. They didn't survive kneeing Mark. And I still can feel his lips on my face."

"Well, I know how to rectify that," Lizzie replied and gave me a real kiss.

Some seconds later, we were interrupted by an older woman saying, "Ugh, the youth nowadays. In my time, we wouldn't have dared such a shameless display."

"Too bad you were so repressed in your time," Lizzie retorted. "Fortunately, we can show our affection nowadays."

The shocked woman turned around and left, muttering to herself. I couldn't help myself and laughed when she was out of earshot. The whole situation seemed surreal to me. I couldn't really believe what just happened.

It was hard to get back into the mood for shopping, but eventually, I selected some items and tried them on. While I was busy, I heard my phone ping multiple times. It turned out that Lizzie had sent the video of Mark on the floor to the Protection Pact chat and people were worried about me. I quickly replied that I was okay. They called me a hero, but I didn't feel that way.

"I don't know if spreading that video is okay," I told Lizzie when I returned to her. "Aren't we doing the same as the bullies who post compromising photos?"

"Mark isn't an innocent victim," she replied. "I think you have to expose the bad guys so everybody can see what they are."

* * *

On Thursday morning, the video went viral, and I was asked quite often how I could knock Mark out. I told them about my self-defense training and that I was lucky it worked that well.

The video seemed to have reached Mark's remaining friends too, well, now ex-friends, as Mark was sitting alone at lunch. He didn't sit next to our tables anymore either but in a far corner. I hoped his obsession with me was broken and that he didn't seek retaliation.

* * *

After school, I noticed too late that I forgot to schedule a ride home and had to walk home. I watched my back to make sure Mark wasn't following me, but I wasn't really afraid, as he lost his friends and I wasn't a pushover anymore.

I took my route through the park but avoided the lesser-used sidepaths. I heard a dog bark, and it was Rex, my savior. He seemed to recognize me too and came to greet me, so I petted him. Ruth was nearby, and I went to chat a bit with her. She seemed to do okay.

At home, I finished my Halloween costume after doing my homework. It was only a week until the big party, and I was looking forward to it. But before that, I was planning to spend the weekend with Lizzie.

* * *

To be continued

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