So I spent a bit of time last night in the emergency room. At such times, my mind begins to wander... or is it wonder?
For example, What exactly is the Tooth Ferry for? Where does it cross. I thought there was a bridge there.
Do you leave positive or negative feedback when you purchase batteries online?
In Greek mythology, was Chiron known as the Centaur for Disease Control?
Is Irony truely the opposite of wrinkley?
I keep hearing all these "facts" about if you took all the blood vessels in your body and laid them end to end. The fact is: you would die.
Of course, being in the ER, I wondered if it would confuse my doctor if I put on rubber gloves at the same time he did.
Isn't line dancing also called a roadside sobriety test?
Is the reason they keep wanting people to get their animals "fixed" to cut down on littering?
Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards are backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
Is a six piece chicken dinner, six kernels of corn?
And last, but not least, is it strange that I get these thoughts when I go to the ER because of a seizure?
i hope
it wasn't your home they seized, that would really suck.
seriously though, I'm sure I speak for everyone here, hope you are okay and that its nothing too serious.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Thank you, Maddy. I think it
Thank you, Maddy. I think it was much better than it could have been. I went in because I thought I'd had a stroke. I already have seizures, so getting released without the stroke was a good thing.
A very old and long departed friend
had a stroke. He was well into his seventies and you never saw him without a flat cap and a cigarette butt seemingly glued to his lip. His name was Claude (someone like him does sort of feature in one of my stories) and was an old time engineer. He could make or fix just about anything as long as it was mechanical. He was eccentric and drove a 1951 Bentley. Mechanically it was perfect but the boot/trunk was his mobile workshop.
Anyway, I went to visit him in Hospital. The Nurse said that he wasn't speaking yet so I was very surprised when he said,
"Nice to see you son (I was 15 at the time). My big end has gone and I've thrown a rod and my valve gear is shot. This won't be a quick or cheap rebuild."
He didn't look very well. But somehow, he pulled himself together and even gave up smoking. He lived until he was 94 and was still driving that car well into his late 1980's.
I hope you keep well and carry on writing. Your stories would be sorely missed.
Aww. Very sweet. I love
Aww. Very sweet. I love people like that. Reminds me of some of the people I drove truck with. They could drive about anything, and I learned from their experience. Some of them are still around, and others aren't I haven't seen any of them for several years, except of course, my dad and my sister. Thankfully, they're two that are still around.
When I was a kid, I thought I was invincible. Nothing could make me ill. LOL.
I feel somewhat like the One-Horse Shay. All the sudden, something burst, and everything came apart at once. Hopefully, this stops sometime in the near future.
From one punditz to another...
"Hail seizure?"
(sorry, you started it!)
I wish you well,
It's oh Hell, seizure!
That's a good one! I'll have
That's a good one! I'll have to remember that!
Brain Damage
I hope that your seizure didn't cause brain damage. But it sounds as if your brain weathered it intact.
How does one answer, "Is it crazy..."? And I definitely am confused about the Chiron question. Wasn't he the one who piloted the recently-dead to the realm of the dead? It's the name of the first moon of Pluto to be discovered.
-- Daphne Xu
From Wikipedia: Chiron was
From Wikipedia: Chiron was notable throughout Greek mythology for his youth-nurturing nature. His personal skills tend to match those of his foster father Apollo, who taught the young centaur the art of medicine, herbs, music, archery, hunting, gymnastics and prophecy, and made him rise above his beastly nature.[3] Chiron was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine, and thus was credited with the discovery of botany and pharmacy, the science of herbs and medicine.[4]
As far as my brain, who knows. The problem is, I've always been crazy, or so I'm told. Crazy, isn't it.
Chiron was a wise minotaur (oops I mean centaur)
Charon was the ferryman who piloted the Thoth Ferry to the Underworld.
In my Dante's Inferno parody he's a she and a Mexican chihuahua...
~hugs, Veronica
Oh, I stand corrected. You're right Rose, Chiron was a centaur.
Which makes more sense, the wisest thing a minotaur
could say would be MOOOOOOO!!!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I once had a chihuahua. I
I once had a chihuahua. I figured he needed all the help he could get, so I named him Goliath. Unfortunately, his name soon went to his head, and he thought he could take on our neighbor's saint bernard. Thankfully our neighbor lived about a half mile away, and I was able to catch Goliath before he bit the Saint Bernard's toe.
Chiron / Charon
Chiron is the centaur.
Charon is the ferry man.
Both are from the Greek mythology.
Love tmf
The Mind is a Thing of Wonder
Which is one reson why strokes are such nasty things.
Have you tried to get a Seize and desist order?
Reading your musings I also realised that I know of no checkered dancing. I've been exposed to Square dancing, Round dancing and Line dancing (fortunately without being contaminated).
As for batteries your feedback can be positive OR negative but NOT alternating.
I'm happy you're still around here
Yesterday, while on Facebook,
Yesterday, while on Facebook, I saw a great picture of a cat fish.
That's really disappointing about feedback. I prefer to sandwich a negative in between two positives, but i suppose the negative is then cancelled out, and you only have one positive then, and the negative is lost.
Sigh. So many complexities in the world.
I would think checkered dancing would be something done to bagpipe music, but I could be wrong.
What more eloquent proof do we need that
(to adapt a quote) "the devil (? or some other agency depending on your belief(s)) finds mischief still for idle minds (as opposed to hands) to do".
I hope you are recovered now.
Best wishes
I don't know if I am or not.
I don't know if I am or not. I had a laughing attack while writing this as I thought of the emergency room doctor's face had I put on rubber gloves when he did. If that's recovered, okay. I think it's more going off the deep end, myself.
Please take care of yourself.
Humor like yours is in high demand and quite rare.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thank you! I tend to think my
Thank you! I tend to think my humor is as warped as time and space like to be in science fiction.
'Sorry' - now I'm doing it.
A) Over in vegan-land it's either "Hail Seitan!", of "Kale seitan!" - which would be an odd start for a salad...
B) Asking Wikipedia or YouTube how the Czechs dance ... Very Czechered, I'm sure....
I think puns are very punny,
I think puns are very punny, so I enjoy them all. :-D
When the title of the blog
When the title of the blog entry appears above the advertisement, and the title is "When you have nothing but time on your hands", and the ad is for breast forms, Hmmmm.... What does that say for the forms?