Sometimes I just have to shake my head and wonder what advertisers were thinking of, or were they thinking at all.
I was looking at Amazon for A/C prices, and got into the tiny evaporative coolers, or as we used to call them when I was a kid, swamp coolers, only in miniature size. There was one picture where the model was sitting in front of a portable A/C wearing a long-sleeved sweater.
Maybe I'm overanalyzing it, but it seems to me that either this girl can't realize that if the A/C is that effective, turn it off rather than put on a sweater, or take the sweater off, and don't bother with the A/C. Either way, rather than waste the electrical power of the portable A/C, turn it off and take off the sweater. Use brain power--not electrical power.
As I said, I'm probably overanalyzing.
You are over analyzing... but it's what we do.
Besides, you're assuming that people have common sense, something way to too many people lack.
However, over analyzing things keeps our brains nimble and acts as a relief valve to keep internal pressures building!
I say go for it!
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Common Sense???
These days, there's nothing so uncommon as common sense.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Common sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everybody's garden.
I am totally stealing that phrase. It's so perfect. ^.^!
"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
I once heard,
"That makes as much sense as an elephant hanging over a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy."
I never assume people have common sense. Unfortunately, it's not common anymore. My grandparents would have called it horse sense.
Even when I was in college, common sense was becoming a thing of the past. I knew someone who would bet people that they couldn't grab onto the trimmed ends of an old power cord with it plugged in and sing through Popeye the Sailor Man. To my knowledge, no one was able to, but many tried.
I shake my head when I see the warnings printed on products as well. For example, why is it necessary to tell people not to touch a stove burner when they're cooking something? I am a product of the '60s, and I grew up with none of those warnings. Granted, a lot of things were learned the hard way, but still. Maybe I just expect too much from people.
There are several examples of warnings I could give, but I'm sure you have seen them as well. :-/
And, yet, the advertising worked.
For people that didn't clue in the fact that the model was wearing a sweater implied it was really chilly.
For people like us that clue in on how stupid the picture is, we remember the picture clearly because of how stupid it was.
Either was, we remember the ad clearly. And that's what the advertiser's want.
Here are three pictures of models soldering while holding the burning hot end of the soldering iron.
I've seen those.
My wife tells me the same thing. "You remember the ad." Yes, but why would I buy the product when it obviously doesn't work? It tells me that I don't want to buy such a product. It's obviously an ad for their competition. :-D