Tony's Birthday Party

Tony's Birthday Party
by Sharphawlad.

I wrote this some time ago after reading several stories by an Author I very much enjoyed. I have been informed the site was called Daphney's Secret Garden. This was wrote as fanfiction and the copyright for that remains with Daphney. This though is my story. The original Daphney's secret Garden stories can be found at.

Tony the beginning

Anthony's mother Alice was talking to her sister Mary about what to do for Tony's birthday. She was saying, “I have no idea what to do for his birthday"

When Sheila his cousin entered though the kitchen door. "Hello Mum". Hello Aunt Alice what's up?” Her mother explained that aunt was having a problem with what to do for Anthony’s birthday. Sheila thought for a second or two and then her aunt and mother saw a smile come across her face.

“Would you two let me ask all the guests and make all the arrangements for Tony’s surprise party? Mum & Aunt if Tony asks about a party just say you have decided as he is now a big boy you decided he no longer needs a party. I promise this will be one party that Tony will never forget.”

Tony's mother."Ok Shirley I will give you free reign to organise this party.”

At this Shirley made a dash for the telephone and started to ring around his friends. Shirley's mother looked at her sister. "Do you know what you are doing giving Shirley a free hand?”

Tony's mother laughed. "If nothing else we will be getting a massive telephone bill from her. She though knows Tony the best of any of us and she has always looked after Antonia like a big sister does.”

Tony's aunt also started to smirk. "I think Tony will not be getting a party this year if Shirley has anything to do with it."

Tony's mother. "Yes I realised that when I gave Shirley a free hand. Shirley your mother and I are going to buy our party dresses,”

Tony's mother and Aunt Mary went out shopping for new outfits too Leeds. After visiting every Boutique in Leeds they eventually spotted matching dresses in Vivian Westwood’s shop. The sales lady said, “These are actually from our mother and daughter range."

With that the sisters looked at each other and said together, “Have you an 8 and ten in the same styles for our daughters?”

Shirley's mother. "Are you certain about this?"

Mean while Tony came bursting into the house "Mum, Aunt”. He shouted very loud.

With this Shirley put the Phone down. "Where is everybody”? Asked Tony.

"Oh they went shopping and left me in charge."

"What's for tea?”

Shirley looked at her mud-splattered cousin. Then said, “While I start to make tea you can be having a bath Antonia and make sure you wash your hair at least twice or I will come and do it.”

“Shirley as you are the only one here I will have to tell you. I am so excited I have finally made the school team as goalkeeper. We won 2-1 and now are in the county school finals at old Trafford Manchester. It is on the 31st the day before my birthday.”

Shirley, “Congratulations cousin we will come to support you.”

"Shirley whilst I am getting a bath will you select me some clean clothes. We can wait for our mums to come home before we eat. But we both could prepare the table and get the food ready.”

Whilst Toni was getting a bath Shirley went and selected Antonia's clothing. She then went to see how Tony was doing.

“Toni I have selected the yellow outfit with matching accessories is that ok?”

Toni ." Yes but will you help me with my hair?”

Tony got dressed and Shirley helped style her hair. Then the cousins set about setting the table and getting the tea ready.

Shirley, "I need to change now.”

After a few minuets she returned in an identical outfit to Antonia.

Shirley, “Come here and let me do your make up."

Toni did as she was told. Shirley then did her own make -up. By the time their mothers returned they looked more like twins rather than cousins. Their mothers returned laden down with shopping.

"Shirley can you help me” Said her mother to Toni.

"Yes certainly replied a voice from behind her. We have set the table but so far have prepared nothing.”

Tony's mother and Aunt did a double take. "See I was right," said Tony's mother to her sister. Girls we have something that we would like you both to try on."

They handed Antonia and Shirley a bag each with the name Laura Ashley on it and another with Vivian Westwood on.

“Shirley can you unzip me please,” asked Antonia?

"Sure if you can do the same for me".

After a few minutes Shirley and Antonia returned to the Sitting room to find their mothers similarly attired.

“Well as we are dressed for going out we had better go," said Tony’s mother.

Just then the doorbell rang stood at the door was a chauffeur with a white limo.

“I thought we might as well go out in style,” said Tony's mother.

Eventually the limo pulled up outside the Hilton International. Tony’s mother gave her name and they where shown to their table. Tony’s mother and aunt noticed how at ease Antonia was. Whilst having their meal Shirley informed everybody that Toni was to play in the School finals at Old Trafford on the 31st.

Tony’s mother, “I had better inform your father so he can also attend."

After the meal there was a band performing? Tony’s mother spoke "Antonia will you dance with your mother?”

While Shirley dances with her mother. Several heads turned as they danced on the ballroom. Eventually they returned to their table. The waiter came across with a bottle of champagne.

Tony’s mother, "There has been a mistake we have not ordered it.”

The waiter replied “It is with the complements of the gentlemen on table 36 madam.” The ladies turned to see two older males with what appeared to be twin boys. After a few minutes the gentlemen appeared at the table. As they approached the table Tony’s mother realised that the men must be twins.

One of the older men spoke "I am Robert Church. This is my twin brother William and these are our sons John and George.”

Tony’s mother introduced herself as Alice Green and her sister Mary and then said these are our daughters Shirley and Antonia.

Antonia found she got on very well with George. The youngest of the four males. While Shirley had whipped John on to the dance floor. It is strange said Toni I feel as if I should know you. Their respective parents noticed they where getting on very well. Shirley was already kissing and cuddling with John.

Tony’s mother spoke. "That has not taken our respective children long."

Robert spoke up. “William and I both like you but there is a problem with my son George. George is actually my daughter Georgina but she likes to go out occasionally as my son.”

Tony’s mother, "Well it looks like it is time for a confession on my part." My sister and I both enjoy your company but I have a similar problem with Antonia she is actually my son Tony. Occasionally he agrees to dress up for me. As I have no daughter, but I have often wished I was like my sister with a daughter."

Robert "Our late wives where twins also they died two years ago in an accident. Georgina knows I get depressed about our loss, but also about the fact I have no son like my brother so she dresses for me.”

As Antonia was dancing with George all of a sudden it came to him where he had seen George before. Antonia bent forward and kissed George. Then said, "I think we will make the perfect pair Georgina.” With this George burst into tears.

Antonia placed her arms round George. “Georgina look into my eyes you know me.”

Georgina looked into Antonia's eyes then said “Oh My Oh MY. Then her tears changed to laughter as she said, "It looks like I am not the only Transgender child here tonight. Tony it is Tony who sits next to me in class. "

Tony replied "Yes it is me. And for a long time at school I have wanted to tell you I liked you but always felt that there was something different about you.”

Tony then told her about his adventures. The kidnapping. The illegal Immigrants. The trip to America. His mother finding out and then her surprise trip to see friend. Culminating in the school giving him a placement on the work experience Scheme. As a domestic maid. Tony explained how originally he had agreed to please Shirley but the truth was he enjoyed being dressed up as he was. Georgina wrapped her arm round Tony and gave him a big kiss.

"Tony this is our secret at school I have wanted to tell you but I was scared that you would think I was weird or go and tell everybody.”

Whilst Antonia and George where having their chat Shirley returned with John. “Mum, Aunt Alice you know you put me in charge of Tony’s birthday party. I was wondering if we could have four extra guests to what we had originally planned for.”

Tony’s mother was holding hands with Robert. “Will you four boys come to Antonia's birthday on the first?”

Robert and William both said they would be there.

Then Robert said, "You did say four boys". Oh good George is going to love this. Tony meanwhile was telling Georgina he was to play at Old Trafford in the Schoolboy finals.

George." I will see you there as I am leading the cheerleaders.”

Eventually Antonia and George returned to the table. Mum I have something to tell you. George and I would both like you all to come to the match at Old Trafford on the 31st, as we both will be playing on the field. All of a sudden it suddenly dawned on Shirley who looked at George. "Mum, when you and Aunt Alice eventually get married will you be having three bridesmaids at the wedding?

Mary, "What makes you think we are planning to get married young lady.”

“Well you both are very intimate for a couple who have just met for the first time. Tonight is out of the ordinary and we do not normally go out in a limo or dress up like this. Before you say anything though John & I have something to say. For 5 months now we have been meeting each other, going out and doing homework together.”

“We realise we both are young and we want to go to Uni. But John & I would like to get engaged & then get married after we get our degrees. I also would like Antonia & Georgina as my bridesmaids.”

John. “Mary can I have your daughter’s hand in marriage?” as Shirley showed off a solitaire Diamond ring.

"Well John even if I said no it looks like that you two have already decided what to do."

Robert, " I think I can speak for the four of us Shirley & John there is something you both should Know William & I have asked your mothers to be our wives. Tonight was intended to break the news to you. Ever since your trip to America with the dance group we have been meeting each other.”

Then Tony spoke which took Robert & William by surprise. "Robert & William are you going to ask my permission to marry Mary & Alice. I may be dressed as a girl but I am still their only male relative.” Meanwhile Georgina was giggling at her dad & uncle being put in place.

John broke the ice by saying then "I suppose I should have asked you for Shirley hand." Georgina was holding tight to Antonia.

Robert. "Tony do I have your permission to marry your Aunt Alice?"

This was followed by William saying, “Tony will you be my son and sometimes daughter?”

Tony whispered something to Georgina. Then they both spoke together. “We give you permission to be our new Mums & dads. Shirley I LOVE YOU like an older sister. You have taken care of me when mum was away. Even if each time I some how ended up in dresses. Georgina & I would love to be your bridesmaids when you eventually marry. Just as we will be bridesmaids for Mum & Aunt Mary along with you.”

Shirley spoke" This is getting interesting, When Aunt Alice marries William." John will be your brother & my cousin. & when mum marries Robert then Georgina will be my sister as well as your girlfriend. When John & I marry you will end up being brother & cousin to us. Likewise when eventually you and Georgina get married you will be our brother & sister as well as cousin.”

“Hold on” said George; "Antonia & I appear to be the only ones not smitten by the love bug. For a start we are still too young to even contemplate getting married. However when we decide we are mature enough and ready to get married we would love you as our bridesmaid Shirley.”

Robert "You two have certainly got your head screwed on. When you both feel ready you will have our blessing. However there are more pressing arrangements to make. We have decided to sell our respective houses and buy one large house for the all of us to live in together.”

Eventually the evening came to a close and the limo took everyone home. On the doorstep there were several lingering kisses before they went inside. As they where opening the door the telephone was ringing. Tony ran to answer the phone. It was his father who was ringing to apologise that he would be unable to get to his football match or even be across for his birthday but he would be sending a special present for him by courier service. He then asked if he could speak with Alice.

Tony passed the phone over to his mother, who then gasped and said, "YES I understand fully." Then he asked to be put back on to Tony. "Tony I am going away and do not know when I will return. If Mr Brown from work turns up. You do remember Mr Brown?"

Tony said, "Yes dad”.

"Well do you remember our version of land of hope and glory".

Tony said he did.

"I want you to sing the song to Mr BROWN, No body else just Mr Brown." Do you understand Tony it is very important"

The following day Tony had arranged to meet Georgina and go round the town together. In town they ran into several of Tony & Georgia’s schoolmates.

They went to the local ice rink together whilst skating Georgina said "You are great at skating & you would make a great dancer.”

Tony related his experience with the Ballet Company & how he had an offer of lessons from Madame but so far he had not taken her up on the offer.

Toni returned home with Georgina for their tea. His mother said " a package has arrived for you while you where out." In the sitting room were a large cardboard box and several smaller boxes. Tony ripped open the largest parcel it was a brand new State of the art Mountain bike. The smaller box was clothing and a helmet. Tony wanted to try everything out straight away but his mother reminded him it was not his birthday yet and he would have to wait until then before he could use them. Then Tony noticed most of the furniture was missing

Mum what happened? Where is everything"? Just then Robert & William turned up with a van.

Robert, "Right we will get the rest in to the van." Tony & Georgina both helped too completely empty the house. Robert spoke "In view of the circumstances it might be better if Tony vanishes and Antonia appears for the time being.”

Then Tony realised his mother and aunt both had bright red hair like Georgina & John. Before they left his mother took him to the bathroom and dyed his hair the same bright red. “Tony from now on you will be Antonia & only answer to that until I tell you differently.”

Antonia found most of their furniture had been put into storage until they moved into the new house. "Sorry" said William but Tony & John. & Shirley & Georgina will have to double up until we get into the new house. Tony found his old bike had been taken across for him but his new one had gone into storage.

Tony found he got on well with John. Shirley mean while went to see her Aunt. "Aunt have I still to arrange Antonia's party or is that off now.

Alice thought for a moment, "It’s your uncle that has got us in to this mess & it could be dangerous for Tony to attend, but they will not be looking for a girl will they."

"In that case I will only invite Antonia's friends to the party".

William, "If Antonia is having a party lets do it in style & Book an hotel.
John helped Shirley with the arrangements & the booking was made in the name of Church and not Green.

The day before the party Tony & Georgina had one last commitment to make before their parents got married. They had the final of the Schoolboys Match at Manchester United ground of Old Trafford. Tony found when he got to the ground although he was the smallest in the team he had been made team Captain. The First half Tony’s team scored a goal then in the second half the opposition equalised. Tony saved a goal then scored in the closing minutes of the game.

Of the cheerleaders there was nobody more vocal than Georgina. John went into the changing rooms to congratulate Tony when he spotted a man attempting to abduct Tony. John picked up a piece of 2 By 4 that builders had left lying around and whacked the man on his head. John grabbed Tony & said, "Forget your clothes we have to get away fast. Georgina was just coming out of the changing room when she met up with John & Tony. Quick into here Tony put on my cheerleading outfit. Tony quickly put on Georgia’s outfit & found nobody gave him a second glance as a cheerleader.

William spoke "From what the children tell me it is obvious that somebody wants Tony badly. I think we are going to have to move away from this area completely. As they drove away they passed Tony’s old house. There was flames shooting out of it and there were three fire appliances in attendance.

Shirley burst into tears, “I really liked it there".

Mary looked at Alice, "It is good job we emptied it before they torched it".

Robert, "I called the removers & they have emptied our house and put everything in storage while we where at the match. "We are going to stay in a hotel for the time being." As they arrived at the hotel A man came and asked for the keys to the car. After being emptied out it was driven away. In the hotel Tony recognised Mr Brown his father's boss. & remembered the song he had to sing as Tony looked round the room he noticed several very tall men with very short hair cuts apparently speaking into their arms.

On espying the group Mr Brown came across, “Sorry folks this has just blown up in our faces. We believe Tony’s father was killed yesterday trying to get a message back to me.”

Tony, “I don’t know about the rest of the group but I feel as if we are spies or something.”

Mr Brown, "Tony your father like Georgina's mother worked for H.M Government as a special agent. Georgia’s mother was killed with a car bomb in London along with her sister. Your father was trying to bring some very evil people to justice.”

"Mr Brown dad gave me a message that I had to relay to you only.”

Mr Brown took Antonia to a little room while the others waited. Tony sang the version of the song to Mr Brown. Mr Brown promptly called the four police officers. “Can two of you get this back to HQ fast? & the other two have always to be with Tony here.”

"Always" asked one of the officers.

"Yes even if he is in the bath or at the toilet. Or you will find your heads are on the chopping block."

“Alice your former husband had wanted to be there when you remarried and if he could not be he asked me if I would give you away.”

"Tony I am sorry that you will not be getting all the trimmings for your birthday as your cousin had planned for you, but in the circumstances it is the best we can do. Shirley I have a question for you and John will you and John agree to marry now rather than later please.” Then Mr Brown vanished from the room.

Shortly after the two officers returned. One of them spoke to Antonia “By any chance did your father teach you any other songs."

"Yes several but dad has not told me to sing these only to Mr Brown.” The officers looked at each other.

One of them said to Tony’s mother, “Do you mind if we record these songs while Antonia sings them.”

The first was flower of Scotland. After Tony had finished it Georgina said, "You sang it with the wrong words Tony."

William told her to be quiet while Tony went into America, America, followed by 27 other songs Then Tony said this was the last dad taught me and I always had difficulty singing it but I will have a go. The officers recognised the tune as Boots & Laces.

Then Georgina spoke up. "Do you have a lot of trouble with your garden?" Because mum before she died told me that she thought there was a mole & she would have to get a ferret to deal with it."

The officers looked at each other. "Georgina when did your mother tell you about the mole?"

"Oh it must have been when auntie was there about a day before they both died.

The officers said, "We will be back shortly in the meantime both you children are not to repeat anything until we return."

As they watched the television in the now quiet hotel there came a news flash. Government agents had smashed an international terrorist group. Also on the news was that nine eastern diplomats had been recalled to their countries.

The officers returned, "Tony & Georgina thanks to your parent sacrifice & your great memory we have managed to smash an evil group of people.”

Georgina asked, "Did you catch mummy's mole."

"Sorry said the officer but we lost the ferret but we will try again".

Georgina, “You may catch crooks but you need a gamekeeper to catch the mole".

“Quite right little lady we intend to call a gamekeeper in."

Later that day the officers returned again. It is safe for you to return home or you can stay here at H.M expense. As everything was in storage they decided to stay put. Tony asked his mother if he could have his bike. His mother explained everything was still in storage.

The officer said, "We can hire you a bike from the local bike hire if you wish. The officer spoke into a phone and shortly after two bikes with helmets where delivered.

Tony & Georgina both got bikes & helmets. "You can go cycle now. But do not go too far away as we will still have to have somebody nearby to you."

Antonia & Georgina cycled to the local park. There they stopped at the kiosk at which they bought an ice cream each. Then they started to kiss each other. Through the reflection of the glass in the kiosk Tony saw a black Ford Escort was been driven across the grass at high speed. "Quick Georgina on to your bike. if it is after us we better go on the narrowest footpaths we can." Georgina & Antonia split up. The car driver was after Tony. Georgina was in a right state when she got back to the hotel. With in seconds the park was surrounded by police officers

Tony realised the car was gaining on him so he headed for the adventure play area he knew so well. Tony was going so fast that he did not see the piece of wood sticking out at the side of the path. He was sent flying off his bike and was impaled on the play area railings. As Tony was flying through the air he thought he heard a gun go off but he would know nothing more for another two weeks.

As Tony fell a shot issued out and killed the car driver. The ambulance was quickly on the scene and Tony was lifted of the railings and taken to the local hospital. His mother was furious that he had been endangered. The consultant came to talk with Tony’s mother, "Tony will be unconscious for some time however there is a problem he sustained major trauma in his groin area. I would like to make a suggestion. I realise that you will have to talk it over but speed is of the utmost importance with this type of injury. Mrs Green to put it bluntly your son Tony will never be able to sire children and will always look feminine as a result of his accident. I propose Tony becomes Antonia."

Robert & William where both in the room. "William spoke we would go with the doctors, but the decision is yours either a daughter or a feminised boy who would have the Mickey taken out of him at school.”

Georgina then spoke “When we get older we can still adopt if Antonio still wants me."

Shirley then spoke, “Is they’re any chance of saving anything so that he may have children in the future.”

The consultant replied “I have already taken that into consideration & have saved what I could although we did get quite a surprise. Tony before this day did he ever dress as a girl and how did he act? The reason I ask is what I have to show you from the xray and ultrasound scans we had done."

Alice took a deep breath "Ok do it". With that the doctor left the room.

After the operation Antonia Green was placed in a private room. A police lady stayed permanently in the room & there were always two officers outside. Georgina refused to leave the room and a bed had to be brought in for her. All the while Antonia was unconscious Georgina talked to her and played her music. Meals had to be brought to Georgina as she refused to leave her.

“Georgina I have brought you a change of clothes said her father.

"Daddy if it had not been for Antonia spotting the car we both would have been dead. I always love Tony but I owe him my life now. So I am staying here until Antonia recovers.”

Shortly after changing in to her clean cloths Antonia mother came in with Shirley & Mary. Alice was speaking to the girls. When Antonia recovers we are going to have to teach what it has taken us a lifetime to learn.

Shirley, "While it may be a shock for Tony he always behaved with the utmost decorum as Antonia. His birthday party went by the board, but we could have a welcome Antonia party for when she returns to us.”

Unnoticed by all of them but Georgina, Antonia was stirring. Georgina said, "I would like to give Antonia a bath & a change of clothes would you like to go for a drink or something.”

Her father laughed "She is getting to be a right proper nurse, but she is right there are two may of us crowded in here & the doctors have said it could be some time before she recovers.”

As they left the police lady also said she was going for her lunch but her colleagues would be outside the door. Georgina as soon as they had gone said, "Tony did you hear all that.”

Tony replied, I heard everything including how you all will have to help me be Antonia as I have been her all along.”

Georgina ran a bath for Tony. “I can stay outside if you wish.”

Tony looked in the bathroom mirror at the new Antonia. "Well Georgina are you going to bath your live Barbie doll?"

Georgina bathed Antonia who said the wound still stung. "Can I get dressed or do I have to go back to bed."

Georgina thought then said, "Antonia I have a spare set of clothes here. Dad brought me a clean set, but I already had a set."

Georgina pulled out the bag and Antonia quickly got into the clothes. Georgina brushed her hair and then fastened it with hair slides. Do you want me to put you make up on asked Georgina?

Antonia. "We might as well go the whole hog if I am to be a girl full time". Antonia also noticed she had painted nails with stickers on.

"I put them on for you I hope you like them sister." The both of them had a good chat & Georgina told how she had refused to leave the room so they had to bring a bed in for her.

“Tony it makes no difference to me whether you are Tony or Antonia. If you want I can become George again although that was only to please dad. I quite like the idea of having a sister to play with.”

Antonia, "I suppose we will have to let everybody know I have come round.

Georgina,” I have always wanted to push the emergency button." With that she pushed the big red button at the side of the bed. When the button went off the police lady was just finishing her coffee and she jumped up in a hurry spilling the last of the coffee on her uniform. Within seconds the doctor was in the room. When Antonia's mother returned with the others she found the room full of medical staff.

“Sorry you cannot go in there”, said a red headed nurse to Alice & Shirley, “They have lost something important.”

Alice and Mary did not give the nurse a second glance but Shirley did. She went into the room, “I think I have found your lost item.”

At this everybody turned to see a red haired nurse burst into a fit of giggles. “Antonia that was not very lady like.” Said Alice as she embraced her daughter.

The consultant said he needed to check Antonia over but there was no reason why she should not go home later in the day.

Antonia. "I am famished is there any chance of some food round here.”

After having lunch and having a check up Antonia was given the all clear. But was told the dressings would have to be changed regular.

Georgina said, "She would ensure the dressing where changed often." A nurse came in carrying a large box of dressings and some tablets for Antonio to take.

Antonia was also loaned a wheelchair as the consultant told her she had not to walk far at the moment. Alice drove in to the grounds of a mansion. "Right you lazy lump time for you to do some work. You have had nearly three weeks rest".

It was only then that Antonia realised that she had been unconscious for so long. "Mum what are we doing here?"

Georgina was also perplexed, as she had never seen this place before. Before Alice could answer Shirley and the rest of the extended family came out to greet Antonia. Shirley spoke, “this place is great you can have your own room but for the time being we have put you two girls together” as Antonia cuddled up to Georgina.

“Tony I have disposed of almost all your boy things but Shirley persuaded me to keep your winning football strip and medals." Shirley arranged the decor of the room for you two. We have a few more surprises for you.”

Tony, "Mum the bike dad sent me. I never did get to see it properly or try it out."

Alice, "Darling it is still here I was going to change it but Mary persuaded me to keep everything.” Robert & William brought the presents in. In one of the smaller boxes there was a card Tony had not noticed previously. Tony this is to say sorry I cannot make your party or get to the football match I hope you win the match love dad. Your mother and aunt told me about your friend Antonia so could you give these presents to her Love from your Father.

Georgina was looking at the mountain bike then she said “Antonia the bike it’s a girl’s bike. ANTONIA rechecked everything else. They where all for a teenage girl. Alice saw a smile come across the face of Antonia.

"I am too sore to try it out now but with Georgina help I will put on the outfit for you all." The Cycling outfit was in Barbie Pink.

Georgina, “Could I have a matching outfit for my birthday Dad?" Her father nodded his head in agreement.

Then Antonia spoke again, “Mum did I get any birthday cards or will I have to wait to next year now?” Shirley smiled and took her cousin by her hand. In the sitting room there were hundreds of cards some to Tony and some to Antonia. There was also loads of get well cards including one with a crown on it.

The one with a crown on turned out to be an invitation to go to Buckingham palace for the entire family. The other cards where from school friends and friends of Antonia. There was also a pile of presents for Antonia to open. With the help of Shirley & Georgina all the presents and cards where opened. Shirley kept a note of who sent what so thank you notes could eventually be sent out

A couple of days later Antonia said, “Mum can we go shopping town. But first I want to go back to the park. Georgina & Shirley accompanied Alice & Antonia to the park. Antonia soon found the spot where she had hit the piece of wood. She then got out of the wheelchair and went over to some trees she looked around in the grass and eventually found what she was looking for it was the cartridge case of a 303. "I did not dream that bit,” said Antonia who then proceeded to tell them she had dreamed that her father had shouted a warning but it was too late. I also dreamed that dad was up the tree and shot the driver of the car which then crashed into that tree there. Around the base of the tree was broken glass and fragments of metal.

Alice was getting rather nervous by now and said "I thought we where going shopping. "Whilst I was asleep I was visited by a fairy "said Antonia. "Oh where you dear "said her mother." "Yes and she told me everything was going to be ok and that I soon would have a baby sister to look after & Shirley would also have a baby sister.” Her mother laughed this off.

When they got back to the house laden down with shopping Alice called Mary. “Mary by any chance are you pregnant like me."

Mary smiled and said "Yes but I have only just found out myself" "How did you know" Alice then related Antonia's story and how she had been warned by her father and then a fairy had told her about the both of them having girls.

That night Antonia had another dream the fairy came again. Antonia asked about her father and Georgina mother. And was told both of them where safe but it was John’s mother and a friend who had died in the explosion. "If that is the case. Why is dad not here for me said Antonio to the fairy?"

The following morning Antonia told Shirley & Georgina about her latest dream. Shirley said, “I think we will keep this one to ourselves. Later that day Shirley went to see her aunt. "Could we have the party Tony never got?” "I know it is past Tony’s birthday but we could have a party to welcome ANTONIA.

Over the next few days Georgina noticed Antonia scratching her chest. "Is something the matter she asked?

"My chest is very sore and my nipples hurt."

"Let me see" said Georgina with that Antonia stripped to show her problem. "Wow you are larger than me you definitely are going to need a bra from now on. I will get Shirley to take us into town and we can get you fixed up."

In the end Alice and Mary both accompanied them. Antonia, "Well you two are we also getting our fitting for our bridesmaids dresses. You cannot be leaving it much longer,” and patted her tummy.

"Mum" said Shirley "Have you something to tell me"?

Alice came to her rescue "We had decided to have a joint wedding but we where waiting to see how Antonia was first.”

Georgina was the next to speak. "You both have just evaded answering the question. I know dad and uncle like you both but which one of you is going to be my mother. Also if Antonia is correct you both are having twin girls not a girl each. So one way or another I am going to get a lot of sisters."

Mary and Alice looked at each other, "We have decided to have a joint wedding. John will be best man for both Robert & William. You Shirley will be our Chief bridesmaid then Antonia & Georgina can be our younger bridesmaids.”

Antonia spoke, "Mr Brown promised to give you away Mum."

Alice, “I am sorry but Mr Brown cannot give me away he was in a car accident a short while ago. Your aunt and I have decided to walk down the aisle together and give each other away."

The first shop to visit was a lingerie store to get Antonia measured correctly. After purchasing what seemed like the entire stores stock of 32bs. They went on to Wedding Store there they where all measured and then tried out various dresses. Shirley saw one dress and said, "When I get married that is the dress I want". Eventually the sisters decided on matching outfits for themselves. Then they went for purple dresses in satin for the three girls. There was some slight alterations to be made to the dresses but they where assured that the dresses would be ready in time.

After this they decided to have a meal. Whilst they where having their meal Antonia's mother said. "Antonia I have been giving it thought and the fairy who visited you must have been Georgina as she refused to leave you alone in the hospital.”

Antonia, “Mum it cannot be as Georgina was not there the first or second times I was visited. Admittedly she was there the last twice. But ever since we visited your friends I have been visited by a being that tells me things and shows me what might be or what could have been depending on what route I take. She told me everything would be ok and so far she was right. She told me dad is alive and so is”___ at this point Georgina gave her a slight nip. Antonia stopped what she was saying.

Alice and Mary went to the Toilet. Mary spoke “I do not know how she knows but she is right I am expecting twins,”

“Snap" said Alice. “I wonder what else our fortune-teller was going to say before Georgina stopped her.”

“I do not know but let’s not worry about it."

Shirley joined them "Mum, Aunt I have arranged the party from this weekend. Can you arrange for Georgina to occupy Antonia on Saturday? Like taking her out and keeping her out until early evening.”

That night the room was bathed in a bright glow this also awoke Georgina who went to check on Antonia. What she found surprised her. There sat in the room was Antonia talking to what appeared to be a fairy of angel. Georgina spluttered “Are you a fairy or an angel or something else”

The creature looked up and said "Glad you can join us Georgina” Georgina looked at what appeared to be a television screen.

Antonia said, "Watch."

They both watch the screen it started by showing the both of them in the park buying ice creams. Then Tony’s warning. They saw themselves cycle away. There was a man in the tree with a rifle the man shouted the warning to Tony. The man fired a shot at the car but also the lady in the Cafe brought up a rifle and also fired at the car.

Georgina said “That was my mum and your dad trying to protect me.” They watched as the couple ran to Tony and lifted him off the railings. By then the ambulance had arrived and the couple disappeared in a red Mini Cooper.

They watched as Tony was taken to the hospital & his mother was told what had happened to him. Then the scene changed and the red mini drew up outside a house and the couple went in. The lady was shaking and saying we should have stopped with then. The man said," No we still have to protect then even though Mr Brown is now dead."

The following morning Antonio & Georgina where awakened by Antonia's mother coming into the room and finding them cuddled up together.

Antonia, "I had a bad nightmare & Georgina comforted me and calmed me down.”

Georgina, "Do you mind if I take Antonia out for the day? I would like to spend some girl time with her"?

"Would you like Shirley to go with you?"

Before they could reply Shirley butted in, "I am sorry but I have to catch up on my college work or I will fail the course. Perhaps next week".

Antonia's mother, "If you are going shopping you will need some money. So take this & you better have this, my gold card in case you see something special. Georgina can make sure you both return by 6oclock as Mary is cooking a meal for us all.”

Georgina looked at the notes they had just been given. They counted it out there was just over £500. "I do not believe how much she has just given us to spend. Before we go anywhere I want some breakfast and to talk about last night Antonia. I know where that house is do you feel like visiting it on our outing today."

Antonia, "It is much more fun being a detective when there are two of you.” They rushed their breakfast. As they where leaving Georgina father handed her his mobile phone and an envelope. Inside the envelope were more money & a note thought you girls would like some spending money. Buy something special with it

They left the house Georgina pushing the wheelchair. Round the corner Antonia said, "Lets get a taxi to the place you know. So Georgina pushed the chair to the taxi rank and found a taxi that would take the wheel chair. Georgina said an address. The taxi fare was £10.00, which the girls paid, and then they asked the man for his number for when they wanted to return.

They rang the doorbell it was answered by a lady who when she saw Georgina said “Cherub". Antonia this is my mum’s older sister. Antonia took her hand to shake it but the lady bent a kissed Antonio. From the kitchen the came a voice Antonia knew only too well. "Who was at the door darling? As he walked through and saw the two girls there.

Antonia. “Father you have some explaining but first I was to thank you both for saving us. We both know about you two shooting the driver of the car.”

“You could not have seen that as you where in the opposite direction.”

Antonia, "You both used Special Forces lightweight rifles."

Georgina, "Originally I thought it was mum then I realised it was you her older sister who had served us in the park.”

Antonia's father spoke “If you had stayed put you would have been perfectly safe but you where not to know that.”

“Will you be returning home dad?”

Antonia's father shook his head. “My job is far two dangerous for me to endanger you or your mother. Besides you will be getting new fathers shortly. Will you give mum away then please dad?”

He thought then said "If your mother agrees then yes I would love to.”

“Aunt Catherine we are supposed to be shopping and choosing some new clothes including something special each. Would you two come round town with us to help us choose?”

Antonia father, "Yes we can do that." Just a minute while I order the car.

A Knock came at the door, “sir your car”

It was a white Rolls Royce with chauffeur who looked splendid in his uniform.

“Well ladies you want something special first we better sort out your clothes.”

Antonia’s father gave the driver instructions and they set off.

Georgina, "Dad we have to be back by 6pm or we will be in trouble with our mums."

“Don’t worry we will ensure you are back on time." The girls found themselves at the front door of a very exclusive shop.

The doorman greeted them as they got out of the car sir, “Madam and ladies."

The girls giggled. Inside Antonia's father said my daughters need several special outfits including one for a visit to the palace. The man showed the group to a room. He then had girls model various designs for the girls. Eventually the girls chose three designs they liked. They where told it would be two weeks before the dresses where ready.

The two girls where looking sad so Antonia said, "We where wanting something special for tonight as we have a special function to attend." The man came back with two models dressed alike. “If the ladies wish we could adapt these for the young ladies.”

Georgina & Antonia looked at the dresses they where both raw silk Chinese dresses. The Girls found the dresses fit perfectly without alterations. Up to now the girls had not thought about the prices of the outfits.

Georgina, "How much these will cost us".

The manager, "These two dresses are a present from me & your father has already paid for the other items.”

The girls asked if they could keep the dresses on.

The girls where handed bags with their old clothing in and they where just about to leave when the gentleman said, “I have had a thought would Madame like a similar outfit to her twin daughters?

"Catherine looked at the two girls, "Yes if you have one similar". He snapped his fingers and one of the girls brought out a matching outfit. Catherine tried it on it fit perfectly as if it had been made for her. "Thank you please add this to the bill.” Catherine like the girls kept the dress on.

The driver was waiting for them out side the shop. He then took them to a jewellery store.

Their heads where measured & the man said, “The maids size will do sir.”

The lady assistant was showing then various assortments of jewellery. When the assistant noticed neither girl had their ears pierced. “Would sir and Madame allow us to pierce your ears asked the girl?”

Antonia’s Father nodded his head that it was ok.

Antonia was the first in the chair. She felt her ears being cleaned with solution and then there was a pop as each ear was done. Madame will have to keep the ears clean with this solution. Then it was Georgina turn. The sales girl explained they could try earrings immediately because she had injected a small plastic sleeve through the ear.

While they chose jewellery the salesman noticed the necklace and Bracelet Antonia was wearing.

Sir would your other daughter like matching necklace and bracelet we have one in store we also have these which looked like angels for a charm bracelet. Georgina ended up getting identical item to what Antonio was already wearing. Catherine also had the two gold angels added to the bracelets.

Antonia’s father, "Can you deliver the other items to this address for this day." After going for a meal they where asked what they wanted to do next.

Catherine, "I had intended to pamper my self by having my hair done & get the works.”

The girls, "Great can we come too?"

“In that case I will see you in about 3 hours.”

When they got to the hairdressers Catherine asked if they could squeeze the girls in.

“The girls would they both like nice blond hair with extensions like you.” By the time she had finished with them both girls had waist length hair that was blond like Catherine. The girls also found they where having their nails done. After paying the hairdresser and giving her a good tip. Catherine took both girls to have their faces done and buy them some make up of their own.

Whilst there Antonia needed to go to the toilet Georgina went with her. While they where in the stalls Antonia shouted out "GEORGE” she quickly went to see what the problem was. She found Antonia shaking her head. "The fairy has visited me again. We need to talk with Catherine."

By now Catherine was also ready. "Would my girls like to go for a drink & something to eat while we await your fathers return?”

“Aunt Catherine,” said Georgina. "We have a few questions to ask you. We would like some honest answers please. First both of us dreamed that it was Georgia’s mother with the rifle. Then Antonia’s dad has been referring to us as his girls & you more than once have refereed to us as your daughters.”

Catherine. “Oh I wish your dad was here to answer, but I suppose you both have better know. Fourteen years ago your father worked in a government department with me and my twin sisters & your mother Antonia. We all thought your father was fantastic, but your mother had set her sights on him.”

Georgina your mother got married to a twin as did her sister. Your mother found she could not have children and was very depressed. Your mother and I both had our sight set on the same man. Your father Antonia. I was career orientated while you mother was a home make but we where the best of friends. On Christmas we both ended up sleeping with your father. He married your mother Georgina & she gave birth to you. Meanwhile I also found I was expecting and it came as a shock to me.”

“My sister and her husband agreed to bring the child up as her own as they could not have any.”

“So Antonia is my sister or at least half sister"

Catherine, "Yes she is your half sister. That was something else that was only discovered as a result of Antonia’s accident that she had been a girl all along.

Just then their father returned. Catherine explained what they had been discussing “We always thought you where a boy Tony but as a result of the accident we discovered you are a girl who needed slight surgery. This has been corrected and now you will be as other girls.”

Georgina, "What even with a monthly visitor."

"Yes Antonia can get pregnant like you once she is old enough.” said their father.

Georgina looked at her watch, "Oh my we are going to be late it took us ages to get here and we have only half an hour before we are due to return home otherwise mum is going to be going crazy."

Their father paid the bill and they left the restaurant. Soon they found themselves at a heliport. “I thought we would use this to get you home." The blades started to rotate and very soon they found themselves being flown over the city. The girls could see the sea and the different shades of the Sea.

Georgina, "Look at that ship how tiny it is. Look there is our house down there,” said Antonia soon they found the helicopter was descending and it arrived on their front lawn. The pilot lifted Antonia’s chair out of the helicopter while her father lifted her out.

"Dad as you are here you better come in with us & explain these." The girls pointed to their earrings. Alice & Mary came to see what the noise was.

"Mum look what we have found, " said the sisters. Alice looked at her former husband and Friend. . "We had planned something for tonight but two more will not break the bank. Come inside” Mary meanwhile told the pilot he would not be required again tonight and he could have the night off.

As they got inside the house Antonia noticed most of the lights where out. "Please go into the sitting room I will be with you shortly.” Said Alice.

As Antonia & Georgina went into the room the lights went on. Antonia recognised all in the room where her and Georgina school friends then Antonia noticed several special friends.

There was Althea with a young man in tow. When Shirley rang we just had to come said "Althea.

There was Fiona and Mrs Young. Fiona ran to Georgina and cuddled her. “I missed you can you come and play again? I have brought you this to add to your collection “It was a porcelain fairy doll.

Antonia, "When I have recovered I will bring my sister & we can play together but if you want you can stop with us there is plenty of room"

"Mum "said Fiona to Mrs Young “Can I stop here with Antonia? Please”
Mrs Young replied, “Providing it is ok with Antonia’s family.”

Alice looked at Antonia's smiling face. “It will have to be a camp bed as we have other guests.”

The three girls where shortly joined by Emily & Mrs Fitzgerald. "Emily" Antonia said.

Emily replied, "We also have brought Trudy she is scheming with Shirley and Gwen somewhere.”

Then Antonia noticed Mrs Heart, Vanessa & Megan. Megan greeted Antonia like a long lost sister. Mrs Heart was more reserved as was Vanessa but they came and greeted Antonia.

Vanessa."You are a most remarkable and brave young lady we want you to have this.” It was a golden statue of a fairy removing bricks from a wall.

A group of five where the next to greet Antonia. It was Madame & Mimi with Melanie & her mother Elizabeth & Cheryl. Madame spoke "Antonia the offer still stands if you wish to join your cousin.

Georgina asked what the offer was. Antonia told the little group of friends about the offer of ballet lessons.

"Madame would you like four students once Antonia has recovered "said Fiona

The rest was made up of family and some of Antonia’s mothers friends. Shirley came in with Gwen, Trudy and some of the older girls they had a cake with a detective on it and a fairy. There were fourteen candles on the cake.

Antonia thanked everybody for coming to her belated birthday party & hoped to see most of you at my sister’s party in a week’s time.

Antonia. “I also have several announcements to make. I would like to tell both my parents I love them dearly. Both Georgina and I have agreed to be bridesmaids for our parents when they get married in a month’s time.”

Antonia’s father. "Although we divorced over two years ago because of my job I still love Alice and Antonia. Alice now has found somebody else and for that I am happy I have agreed to give both Alice and Mary away if they wish it.”

“Secondly there is something that some of you already know but others do not. I have another daughter, half sister to Antonia. Her Aunt and uncle brought her up as their daughter until two years ago. When her mum was killed. While I knew and paid for my daughter I never let on & she believed that her uncle was her father. Well he has done a smashing job of bring her up. I know it hit him hard when he lost his wife and sister in law as well in that car accident.”

“Until earlier today I had not seen my second daughter since she was a baby. However earlier today my daughters found me and it was confession time. I still do not understand how they found out that they where to be bridesmaids for Catherine and I as we have not yet asked them yet.”

Catherine." we had intended to ask John to be best man and Robert & William to be our groomsmen. I had wanted four or five bridesmaids & I think I have the solution in front of me.” Looking at the little group who had been joined by Melanie.

“Melanie what are you doing here like this?”

"Oh after dad was arrested I reverted back for a short while. But now I am Melanie full time and enjoying it. I even have managed to do my Ballet correctly & I am not as clumsy as I was. We now have moved back to England and live not far away so I will be seeing you in class again soon.”

The evening ended with Alice & William, Mary & Robert. John & Shirley, & Catherine and the girls father all taking to the dance floor.

Antonia. “Georgina lets us dance too I am fed up of been in this thing it is time it was consigned to the scrap heap. With that they also went on to the dance floor. "George will you be the man? You realise that now we never will be able to marry as sisters cannot get married."

"Georgina replied perhaps one day we will find twin brothers who will not separate us. For I have no intention of leaving you even if we end up as old maids together." they both laughed.

The party eventually came to a finish. Apart from those staying over Catherine and Octavian where the last to leave. They said good night to everybody” When they got to where the helicopter should have been. Mary was Laughing and said it look as if you will now have to stop the night. It’s a good job I kept our last bed for you two. Octavian & Catherine came back inside.

Robert spoke my friends we have being discussing you two. First of all let us offer you our congratulations. Secondly we feel that the two of you should spend more time with your daughters. With this in mind we have decided that when you both are not away on H.M work we would like you to stay here with us and get to know both your daughters.

Catherine. "Well we both have some extended leave to come."

Octavian, "We have not come with anything to wear other than what we are stood up in."

Robert. "That is no problem I will loan you something and Mary is about same as Catherine.

The following morning Octavian & Catherine said, "They would have to go shopping for some essentials.

The girls said "We are coming too daddy". The girls dragged Catherine to the makeup counter of the local department store. There they experimented with various make-up and scents. Catherine eventually bought some items to put her on.

Both Catherine and Octavian found they enjoyed the company of the girls.

Octavian said to Catherine, "I wonder if Robert & William would need another partner if they did I would consider leaving H.M as it has cost us both dearly." Unknown to them Alice was outside the door & she overheard. She mentioned the conversation to the others for their thoughts.

William. "Well we where thinking of expanding and Octavian could be very useful."

Alice. "We will eventually need extra help around and who better than family. I have been surprised that Shirley and John have managed to keep their passion on ice. I have been expecting them to come and say their passion got the better of them.”

That night William said, “Octavian we where wondering if you where due to retire soon and if you would be interested in a partnership."

Octavian. "I will have to think about it & talk it over with Catherine". The following day they both resigned from their jobs and has they had considerable time owing they only had to go back to the office to clear their desks.

Octavian said, to his daughters, "Today we will have to go into the office to clear everything out would you like to come as it is our last day?"

Antonia looked at her mother and asked, “Is it ok mum?"

Before Alice had time to reply the doorbell rang. Shirley was the nearest so she answered the door. On the doorstep were two gentlemen in bowler hats and suits. "Miss Antonia Green" said one of the men.

"No that is my cousin". Replied Shirley.

"Who is at the door?”Asked Mary.

“Only two men asking for Antonia”.

"Then you had better ask them in,” said Alice.

“We represent the estate of the late Thomas Brown who died tragically a short while ago. I am Mr Wright and this is Mr Place. Just before he died Mr Brown came to us and altered his will. Previously a young man called Anthony Green was the sole beneficiary. But Mr Brown came to see us to alter his will. He said, “That he wished his estate to go to Antonia & Georgina Green as Anthony had died but his twin sister survived him. There seems to be some sort of mix up though. Which we need to sort out.”

Antonia stepped forward. “I am Antonia Green. This is my father Octavian and this is my Mother Alice Green. This is my sister Georgina Green but she is also known as Church and this is her mother Catherine Paris who is shortly to become my stepmother. This is William Church that is shortly to become my stepfather he was previously married to my stepmother's sister. He and his wife also brought up my sister. This is Robert who is my stepfather’s brother and he was also married to one of my stepmother’s twin sisters. This is John who is Roberts’s son and is engaged to my cousin Shirley who greeted you at the door. And this is my Aunt Mary who shortly will marry Robert & then John will also be my cousin.”

“According to these birth certificates you have a brother also.”

Georgina, "Antonia is only just getting over the separation it was a considerable shock when we found he was never to be with us again.

Octavian, " Can I look at the certificates” As he looked through the certificates he noticed there was a letter addressed to Octavian. "May I open the letter?"

"No". Not until Antonia and Georgina sign this,” said Mr Wright.

Octavian read the form and told the girls to sign.

Mr Place, "Will you and the ladies also sign but will Catherine sign as Catherine Green please.”

"Right "said Mr Place "These are for the parents of the girls and this is for the girls.”

"Mr Place do not forget the other items as well.” Mr Wright then spoke “Mr Brown was a very wealthy man and he had no need to work we could never understand why he did." Mr Brown insisted that his estate was totally liquidated and then everything had to be put into trust funds for the girls.”

“Exactly how much are we talking about?” asked Alice?

£9,199,795,999,967.99 this is after death duty has been paid “said Mr Wright"

Octavian read the letter addressed to him. Dear friends if you are reading this I have died. Do not blame yourselves. I got involved with a group that was very left wing. It was they who planted the bomb that killed Catherine’s sisters. I discovered Antonio’s altered persona and thought you might like some real Documents for Antonio they will all check out down to the medical records. I pulled Catherine from the car but could not save the other two. Before you leave the department there is something you must do these are the rest of the group. Your daughter said we need a gamekeeper and you are the best we have so send your dogs after the foxes."

Octavian decided to read the letter out. Georgina " I did not know you where a game keeper you must go and get those foxes before you retire."

Antonia, "I agree sis" In the end it was another fourteen weeks before Octavian could eventually retire. But Catherine was able to retire immediately.
In the end there were arrests world-wide.”

One day after their father had retired they all had to get dressed up. All of them included John & Shirley. By now Antonia no longer needed the wheelchair and could get about with out it. They where all to go to Buckingham palace. The girls found out why they had to have their heads measured. First they where presented with medals as was their father. Then a man came a placed a cloak on each one of them tiny coronets where placed upon their heads. The queen then spoke "I wish to make known to you all present our two youngest Duchesses in the country. Antonia Duchess of Northumbria and her sister Georgina Duchess of Cumbria. With that a cheer went up from the assembled group it was only then that Antonio noticed the television cameras.

The two girls where lead on to the floor of the Great hall by William & Harry with whom they danced all night. William was very concerned when Antonio collapsed. It was explained she had only just recovered after having major surgery and that she had over done it. Prince Phillip lifted the child up and carried her to another room. There he laid her on a bed... Eventually Antonia recovered & her father wanted to get her back to the hotel where they where due to stay.

As they where about to depart. A footman came in "Sir it is by Royal command you and your family be entertained here for the next two weeks or until the Duchess Antonio recovers. It is also by Medical advice from Sir John Peel that the Countess is not moved. Also at the command of a younger Royal who wishes to get to know the duchess Georgina better. This left Octavian rather stunned.

"Everything is at our hotel".

“Do not worry sir it has all been sent over. Also HRH has decided that during the duchess stay with us Royal protocol will be deferred.”

Antonia was again confined to her wheel chair. Elizabeth came into the room Antonio started to get out of the chair to curtsey. But she was told to get back in the chair. The footmen watched in amazement as the Queen Elizabeth pushed Antonio around the palace. A lot of these are offices, but some are Royal Apartments and some are for Special Guests. It is not my favourite home to be honest I would live in the Country all the time if I could. "

Antonia. “But you are the Queen you can live where you want everybody does as you want. If you decided to live at Windsor or Norfolk permanently everybody would still come running after you.”

The queen laughed and said, "In reality I am a prisoner even if I have opulent cells. Antonia for hundreds of year you family has held court in the North of England. They where once mighty rulers in their own right. They paid lip service to the court in London but in reality though they where the most powerful in the land. There are the coats of arms of the Percy, Neville and Clifford’s these barons Ruled from Suffolk to the Isle of Man from York to Berwick and Carlisle. These are your ancestors and some are mine also.”

I have decided to return one of your Families titles to your father that is why he let you and Georgina accepts the titles of duchess. This we normally would have not done but in this circumstance we had to. This Friday we will all fly from London Heathrow to the Isle of Man. We will then go by Imperial Coach to the Manx parliament. There I will crown your father King of Man and Lord of the isles. From then on you will be Princess Antonia of Man Duchess of Northumbria.

"Nana” may I call you that for you remind me of my Granny. “Mr Brown why did he try to run us down?"

"Oh child it was not Mr Brown who ran you down but two terrorists. They discovered that Mr Brown was the Mole in their organisation and they shot him down. After being invested in the Isle of Man you have many more awards to come from grateful countries around the world."

Antonia. "I feel sorry for mum if she had stayed with dad she would have been Queen of Man.”

"That will be taken care of shortly your mother will get my Uncles old title Duchess of Windsor this eventually will find its way back to you. Your Aunt is not to be forgotten either she will become the Duchess of Clarence. It will be your first task to ennoble those you and your father see fit on the Isle of Man”

"What about Catherine?” asked Antonia?

"Until she marries your father she is neither Queen nor Duchess. But you will one day as you are the eldest become the Queen of Man and as such will very soon have to learn the correct protocol much to my regret. Also as future Queen the death duty paid on Mr Browns estate will be repaid to you in full.

“Nana how old where you when you met your husband and did you get butterflies in you tummy and your eyes dance like demons."

"My somebody has it bad. Is he the same age or is he older".

Antonia, "Well he is several years older than me; He comes from a single parent family. But he is well thought of by his Grandmother who is a lovely lady. I made a promise to Georgina though that I intend to keep." We would always live together and we would have to look for twins. Instead we found Brothers.”

“When Eventually I get married I would like it to be in the Great Minster of York or the Cathedral of the Dales in my home town.”

"What if his family say no to the marriage,” said Elizabeth.

“Then we would have to wait until I was of age or Queen of Man. Seriously now though now Nana I would like to ask for your permission for Georgina and I to announce our engagements to William & Harry. I realise we cannot marry until we are at least 16. But it will give us plenty of time to get to know each other and for me to learn how to be Crown Princess of Man and Duchess of Northumbria.

William had overheard the conversation as he was looking For Antonia "Nana" I was looking for the two of you. I wanted to ask your advice. Dad said, See your granny. If a Prince was to meet the girl of his dreams & her father was a king. Would royal protocol mean should he ask permission off his own monarch or the girl’s father first?”

Antonia looked at him and said; personally I believe he should go down on his knees and propose to the young lady concerned while she is in the presence of the senior monarch.

William did not need to be told again and he went down on his knee and proposed to Antonia. Antonia promptly accepted although she added that they would have to wait until she was 16.

Prince Phillip entered, “Elizabeth you will never guess what Harry of Wales has done in front of me & Octavian.”

“I think I might have an idea. However he needs my permission so he will have to do it again in front of me and the future Queen of Man.”

Harry redid the proposal and Antonia clapped her hands.

The ambassadors from Germany & Italy arrived. Your majesty we have decided to once again to re-establish our Royal family like Spain has. We wanted a new start and we looked at all the Royal Houses of Europe and found that Ludwig had two living relatives in England".

"We want to start with a clean slate so have chosen the younger as our Prospective Monarch." Gentlemen I have no objection to you asking Ludwig's family to be your Empress or Emperor.” I my self will crown the King of Man & His daughters at Tynwald on Friday".

The Italian Ambassador spoke "We have a problem in that we know the names of Ludwig ancestors, but they have moved & so far we have not managed to locate them."

"Gentlemen if you are all so intent on once again being monarchies then I will try and help you. Elizabeth gave an order and the Chiefs of the intelligence services where called for. "Gentle men these ambassadors would like to locate the relatives of Ludwig of Bavaria they seem to think they are living England can you HELP THEM? The Audience is now over.” With that the ambassadors slowly walked backwards & left the room.

"Madam" said the footman "You don’t have long to get ready and go to Heathrow to meet Air force one.”

Elizabeth explained that Air force one was carrying George Bush the President of the United States of America. "He is a nice man” Said Elizabeth to Antonia.

All the stops where pulled out for the imminent arrival of Air force one. The Queen and the Entire Royal Family were there to await the arrival of the aircraft. Some had gone In Rolls Royce’s while others had gone in the 52-seater Royal Paxton coach. It was specially made by Paxton’s of Scarborough for the Royal family."

Antonia & Georgina found they where stripped and redressed by the royal dressers. When Antonia looked at her self through the mirror she found she was wearing a long flowing dress and a Tiara with three legs on it. Elizabeth was similarly attired.

Elizabeth. “Antonia normally we do not dress up for Presidents like this. But George always likes a bit of pomp & Ritual.”

Meanwhile back at Heathrow Airport the English and American flags where being hoisted side by side. The American ambassador arrived first at the airport with a cavalcade of cars and security staff. One of the Security staff asked for this new American flag to be flown instead of the current one. The flag appeared to be the original flag of the U.S.A.

All other aircraft had been diverted or delayed and Air force one was given the instruction to land on runway one and then taxi to the V.I.P arrival area. There was a 21-gun salute to welcome the President.

"Only 21 guns Elizabeth". "Well if you where a King you would rate 27 or an Emperor 36". President Bush laughed. Elizabeth introduced Antonia as Crown Princess Antonia of Man, Lady of the Isles & Duchess of Northumbria. Like wise Georgina was introduced.

After inspecting the guard of Honour they left for the Banqueting Hall. After the small talk and the meal “Elizabeth asked George "what was the purpose of the visit".

George replied "Well it was not you I came to see this time but some body else". We started out as a British colony before the war of independence. We then became independent with our own constitution. Our countries have been friend for a long time and some people even joke this is the 53 state." With the exception of Canada I have to represent all the Peoples of America North and South. All our governments have asked me to represent them and express their feeling on this issue."

"Today is neither the time nor place to discuss business George."

Your Majesty." Said George.

"I do not know what has got into you George normally you are fun to have around but today you have been all serious.”

"Elizabeth please forgive me but everything will be clear at the weekend until then I intend to enjoy myself."

That night Elizabeth spoke to Phillip, "Did George’s wife give you any inkling what they where up to?"

"No but I saw her watching both William and Antonia when they where dancing. She also was observing Octavian & Catherine, but that could be because they are new to the court."

Friday eventually came Antonia and the others went to one of the two aircraft from Heathrow to Ronaldsway Isle of Man. There they where met by the State coach and the Imperial Manx State coach.

Elizabeth, “This is where I must leave you now you your father and sister are to lead in the Imperial Manx State coach. I will follow in the State Coach and everybody else will be in either Rolls or Bentleys."

Antonia found people waving flags and cheering lined the streets of Douglas. Eventually they arrived at Tynwald this was the ancient parliament of Man. There out in the open were three thrones. The Manx parliament was held in the open upon a man made hill as the Vikings had done 1000 years before. There was a canopy over the thrones.

Queen Elizabeth came all resplendent in her regalia "People of Man this is the last time as Lord of Man you will see me. Shortly I am to pass the Kingdom of Man back to its rightful and lawful heir Octavian. I along with the Bishop of Man & the archbishops of York and Liverpool will crown your king & Crown princess. Also today also gives me great pleasure to make a joint announcement with King Antonia after his coronation here at Tynwald .

The actual coronation was filed and shown world-wide. It went with out a hitch. Antonia found the crown she was expected to wear was heavy in comparison to what she wore previously.

Elizabeth whispered Antonia you could revert to the lightweight one later. Elizabeth then said, “People of Man I give unto you your New King Octavian the 1st of Man.

“Octavian thanked everybody for their help. Then Octavian & Elizabeth read out a joint statement. "As from today the Princes' William & Harry of Wales are engaged to be married to the Princesses Antonia & Georgina of Man."

With that there was a tumendous shout from the assembled peoples. Over the following few days and weeks Antonia found she had to receive various ambassadors & presidents who came to pay their respects. . One of those who came was George Bush. Antonia remembered George from her meeting with him when at the Palace. Antonia held out her hand and said "Please to meet you again President Bush. George bent forward and kissed the back of Antonia's hand. "My father sends his apologies he could not be here to greet you himself."

"Princess it was not your father I travelled across the pond to see, but you. I have been authorised by the peoples of the Americas to ask you to be our Queen."

Antonia. "Thank you for the offer but first I will have to consult with others about the consequences of accepting your offer. I will though give it due consideration and let you know in a months time.” Antonia then spoke with her father to ask his counsel.

"Antonia I thought hard before accepting the Crown of Man. I decided that if I could help by becoming King then I would do so. For you the decision will be yours and yours alone take all the time you need and some more if required just do not rush into anything without thinking it out.”

In the meantime the security services had located four living relatives of Ludwig of Bavaria. The Prime minister went the see the Queen with the news and the list of name for the Queen to peruse. Are you sure about this Tony?

"Yes they are the last remaining relatives of Ludwig of Bavaria.

"You realise that it is imperative now that am going to need an act of parliament to change the Succession to this throne For William & His future wife will have too become co-rulers.

Antonia meanwhile asked if she could visit London as she wanted to talk to William. Antonia also wanted to see her friend’s back at home. After due consideration Alice and Mary said “They would take the ferry across to Heysham and drive the girls to meet their friends before taking them go to London.

The departure from the Lemon squeezer.

Octavian saw them off from the harbour at Douglas as they boarded the Lady Galadrial for their journey to Heysham and the mainland. Octavian thought to him self. The terminal did look like a giant Lemon squeezer. The crossing was rather choppy and several people where travel sick on the ship. Antonia and George were both excited at crossing on the ferry. Alice & Mary had booked a cabin for the crossing in the name of Green.

The chief steward recognised Antonia & went to see the captain. “You say we have the Crown Princess & family travelling under the name of Green?”

The Captain looked at the booking and said, “Well just to be on the safe side I will ask them to come here.” “Attention please will Mrs Alice & Mary Green come to the Captain's Cabin Please.”

Alice looked at Mary and said, “I wonder what is wrong now?”

The girls accompanied them to the cabin & the Captain was bringing up details of Antonia. “I am terribly sorry you had been given a basic cabin.”

Alice, “That is what I booked for us.”

The steward spoke, “I have moved you all to a far nicer cabin. In future can you just ring this number and say it is Princess Antonia’s party.”

Georgina, “Is this where you drive the ship?”

Antonia, “It is called steering a ship. The Captain does have a good view though.”

The captain, “As this is your first time I will show you around my ship.” They walked round the ship and ended up at the restaurant.

Antonia, “Mum I do not know about you but I am hungry. Captain will you join us?” They all had a meal together.

The steward. “It will be getting dark soon. So it may be a good idea to get some rest before we arrive.”

Antonia & Georgina were awoken by the Steward saying, “Would you like full English Princess?”

It did not take either girl long before they where dressed ready for breakfast. After all four of them had finished their breakfast the Steward took them to the Captain. There was a man at the side of the Captain who said, “This is the pilot it is his job to steer the ship in to the harbour.”

Antonia, “There was me thinking you were going to let us steer the ship.”

The pilot chuckled, “Come here Princess you might as well have a lesson.” Both girls eventually had a turn before the pilot took over.

What is that over there?

“That Princesses is a Nuclear power station.”

“I am surprised it was allowed so close to houses.”

The Captain, “Others have expressed their concerns and new ones are built well away from populations.”

Alice, “Girls we will have to get back to the car as we are near the front with our car.”

The pilot, “There is no rush as we have to wait for the tide to turn before we can enter the harbour and that will be an hour yet.”

The captain, “Is your security man driving?

Alice, “Actually we were taking turns to drive.”

The Captain spoke into the telephone and said, “That is organised. You will now have security man to drive you and there will also be a full team close by.”

Antonia said, “I only wanted to see my friends & then the Princes.”

“Unfortunately princess you are no longer plain Antonia Green. We the people of Man take the protection of our future queen seriously. I have contacted Church & Church to provide security for you. Apparently the directors of the company have said they will provide the required security for you. They had some rather choice words to say about you ladies just going for a drive.”

Mary, “Alice I told you we should have mentioned where we were going.”

The ship eventually arrived in Heysham harbour. The loudspeaker system announced would all foot passengers please go to deck B. Will all drivers please stay where you currently are as we have a problem with the bow door? The steward came and collected Antonia & party.

“This is Mr William Church he and his brother are to provide your security.” Antonia looked at all the other cars and realised they were being allowed off first.

William drove the car off the boat and straight through customs. He headed down the dual carriageway heading for Lancaster.

Antonia, “I wanted to see my friends back home before driving down to London,”

William, “Are the other three in the car behind us? It looks like Cousin Shirley is driving.”

“Correct Antonia & she has had to have a few lessons in protection.” Robert & John have been busy giving her lessons.

Antonia, “Can you stop for a minute William pulled into the Bull Run car park. Antonia & Georgina went to the toilet & then they saw the snack bar.

Antonia asked if they accepted Manx money. The snack bar holder said, “Have you just come off the ferry. We usually get quite a few customers when the ship docks. I have no problem accepting Manx currency. I hope you enjoy your holiday. You may need to swap your Manx notes for English but a bank should do that for you no problem. Antonia took the drinks and sandwiches to the two cars. “Shirley as you can drive you and John can be our drivers and your dads can accompany our mums.”

Shirley took the cups back and said, “I better have the Manx money back & offered a British note.”

“Nay lass lisle lass brass is as good as thine. I will accept, “English, Scottish, Manx, Irish or Euros. Occasionally I have accepted other currencies as well, but these are the regular ones.

William came up and said, “Trouble Shirley?”

“Not really Antonia paid with one of the new Manx notes and I was offering to buy it back.”

The chap looked at the note and said, “No wonder you wanted it back. Wife & I watched the enthronement service on Look North.”

He went to the till and took out some money and walked across to Antonia, “Sorry there is a mistake on the exchange rate for this Manx note.” “Can you sign it Princess please?”

Georgina said, “I suppose you would like a sign by appointment to Princess Antonia of Man. If you want to you can but she will be expecting a meal each time we pass.” Antonia signed the note for the stallholder.

The stallholder spat into his hand and then shook Antonia’s hand. “Reight lass that’s a done deal then, free grub for thee party when thee & thines passing this way.”

William laughed and said, “By the time you return he will have it painted on the snack bar.

Robert, “I bet that note gets framed and goes on display.”

John took over the driving and said, “Perhaps it would be better if you sit in the back of the Range Rover with your cousins.” All too soon Lancashire gave way to Yorkshire.

Antonia smiled as she recognised the rolling Dales and said, “We are nearly there.” They pulled up outside their friend’s house and got quite a greeting.

They spent the remainder of the morning with their friends and then sadly they set off again. They travelled down the newly extended A650 towards Bradford and the motorway. Then it was down the M1. Near Meadowhall they pulled into a service area called Woolyedge. Whilst there Antonia decided to ring William, “William we should be with you in about three hours."

This put the palace into a panic. William replied, “Gran says you have to come directly here. There are some people who are wanting to see you Antonia.”

John. “We will be there in less than 90 minutes.” They travelled the remaining distance at the full 70mph. As they approached London some of the sights of the Capital came into view and a police escort met them to take them through the streets of London. They drove past Harrods. Finally they were driving down the Mall and through the front gates of the palace.

The guard on sentry duty said, “Oh Princess I have to ring to let them know you have arrived. Your telephone call caused quite a stir down here. In fact you are far earlier than we expected.”

Harry bounded down the stairs and gave Georgina a kiss. “William is having to have a serious chat with grandma concerning you Antonia.”

Harry led them through various passages. “This is your suite while you are here. Grandma has asked if you can put on the white dress that has been laid out for you along with the tiara and sash. Betty the maid will help you get ready.”

“Georgina & I only came to see you two because we missed you. I suppose your Gran wants to give me a bit more training for when I am Queen of Man.”

A royal herald entered and said, “Apparently Princess you have some official duties to perform.” He led Antonia to the throne room. She saw Elizabeth was there already. Elizabeth signalled and Antonia who went and sat at the side of her.

“I need some advice Nana. Mr Bush has come to me with a proposal.”

Unfortunately they were interrupted as the herald said, “We have various Ambassadors to see Princess Antonia of Man.

The blond hair, Blue eyed German Ambassador spoke. “Princess Antonia we all know one day you will be Queen of Man. “We would like to ask your thoughts on an idea we have had. We the countries of Europe currently without a King or Queen have decided to once again become monarchies.”

“With this in mind we decided that the family of Ludwig of Bavaria would be our best bet. Whilst the title of King or Queen of Bavaria is currently vacant. Ludwig's family would automatically inherit it.”

The Russian spoke, “It also appears that they are also the closest of all the Royals to the Imperial Russian crown now that it has been proved that all the Imperial family died.”

“Gentlemen I hope you are successful in tracing your new rulers.”

“Actually Princess we have already done that and there is a problem. The person concerned does not even realise they are already a German Queen by birth.”

“Only a few days ago I had President Bush come & offer me the Crowns of the Americas. At first I thought he was joking but I came to realise he was very serious I promised him I would think it over and give him my decision at the end of the month. To accept would have far reaching consequences. As most of you know I am engaged to William of Wales.” In the future I will be Queen of Man & eventually William & I will also be King & Queen of Britain & the Commonwealth.”

The German ambassador saluted Valerie and said, “In that case we have selected the correct person.”

Alice & Mary entered the room. Both there faces went pale as Antonia said, “Mum & Aunt these gentlemen are looking for Ludwig's descendants.”

Antonia mother, “Who exactly are you looking for?”

“Princess Alice Von Newswanstein & her daughters. To be more precise the eldest twin of the Princess Alice.”

“Mum I was just telling them about the American offer I had recently.”

The German ambassador said, “As Bavarian Prime minister I have to do this immediately regardless of what else is decided.” He placed a crown on the head of Antonia.

Alice looked at the crown, “It is such a long time since I saw that.”

“Princess Alice Von Newswanstein as per your father’s instructions you and your sister were to be left alone, but his title would go on his death to your eldest child. We regret and I am sorry to say that we lost track of you as neither you nor your sister drew on the funds available to you as princesses of Bavaria.”

Alice curtsied in front of Antonia, “Sorry Antonia It appears you are already Queen of Bavaria.”

Antonia was stumped for a moment and said, “I told George if he wanted a coronation it should be in the ancient Capital of York at the Great Minster and that still stands.”

The Italian Ambassador, “These days we all work together for the common good.” “I have a proposal in 12 months time you will be 16. I propose that you marry Prince William and then six months later. We have your coronation in St Peters York. I also propose we have a new crown made for you on that occasion as in effect you will become Empress of Europe. In addition I propose you visit each country in turn and there in a lower key celebration receive the ancient crown of that country.”

“I am not going to get out of this am I. As I am apparently Queen of Bavaria from birth I suppose I had better visit it although I have never been there. I though have seen pictures of Newswanstein Castle”

The German Ambassador grinned as Antonia said, “Well I suppose I could have a practise coronation in Munich.”

Elizabeth was grinning away and so was Alice. “Your father expected you to take the route you did.”

The ambassador, “I will arrange your formal coronation as you wish. In Bavaria you could be married before your coronation if you wished."

Elizabeth, “Actually with my permission she could have a wedding here almost immediately if it was in the interest of the country and I believe it is.”

“When I get married I want it to be at the Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity in the ancient Dales capitol of Skipton.”

“Why is there a rush for me to get married? I could wait a year.”

Alice, “In actual fact you are queen of Bavaria now but if you marry Prince William before your coronation it will make him your co-ruler. Otherwise he will be Prince consort.”

Antonia turned to William, “ Do you want to still be my partner although they are holding shotguns at us? I was hoping to have a joint wedding with Georgina & Harry.”

Harry was opening and shutting his mouth like a goldfish, but Georgina spoke up "That is correct we wanted a double wedding."

As they were talking a royal official came in and said, “Madame we have a serious problem. Prince Charles & the Duchess of Cornwall have been in an accident. Apparently whilst visiting Birmingham there was a strong wind which blew over a tree and it landed on the Royal car? The driver has been killed outright but apparently both the other occupants are safe. Williams’s face went pale at the news.

Antonia, “I think we had better all go to the hospital.” It appeared that the two injured had both been flown to the Royal Free Hospital. There was quite a security team in operation when they got to the hospital.

They soon found Camilla covered in blood but otherwise ok. “Charles is in a bad way & may be brain damaged if he recovers.”

The Neuro surgeon came to speak. “Madame your son has received a massive blow to his head and may not recover properly. If he does then he will almost certainly be brain damaged. He also has received substantial damage to his spine. If he manages to recover he will never walk again & might not even be able to talk.”

Camilla, “It is obvious to me that Charles is not destined to be king.” “I have loved him for a long time & this is not going to stop my love. Sure he may need pushing around but I would rather have him crippled than not have him at all.”

The telephone rang it was Tony. “Sorry I have just been told about Charles.”

Elizabeth, “Tony it is imperative that other problem is rectified immediately. I do not care if it takes all night but get it passed through both houses.”

A short time later there was another telephone call. “Madame it was passed unanimously by both houses and everyone send their best wishes to you.”

Camilla, “Tony I do not know if you are aware but Charles can never be king. He has suffered massive brain damage. Prince William is going to have to take over his father's duties as Crown Prince.”

“Duchess I have already received instructions by Royal decree for the joint wedding of your stepsons.”

The German ambassador, “Madame on behalf of the people of Europe I offer my sympathy for what has happened.”

Harry, “Gran has our double wedding still to go ahead?”

Philip, “Regardless of what happens with Charles your wedding goes ahead. As the Ambassador has said Antonia has to have a coronation. And your wedding has to be before that.”

Elizabeth said, “Well what are you all waiting for Queen Antonia has already stated where she wishes to be married and I expect everything to run smoothly.”

The British & German state machine swung into immediate action. A short while after Antonia’s arriving at the palace a detachment of Bavarian alpine troops arrived for the protection of Antonia & her sister.

Phillip grinned and said, “Those four will unite all the European houses.”

“Phillip that young lady knows what she wants and will get it. At least we can be sure that eventually we will have a family to be proud of.”

Georgina looked at the Bavarian troops and said, “I suppose you could always turn them down.”

Antonia said, “No sister I will not shirk what I have to do. Can you tell the media office I wish to make an announcement?”

Philip said, “Your father is flying across and will soon be landing at Heathrow. He is making his first official to Britain to arrange the weddings of his two daughters.”

“I had better go and meet daddy them.” As they got to the airport Antonia noticed the British & Manx flag flying along with another.

What is the third flag for?

Elizabeth laughed and said, “For a visiting Empress.”

“Oh is there somebody else beside daddy? At least this time I will get to hear a 36 gun salute”

Antonia also noticed the Bavarian troops were also waiting. The door of the aircraft opened and Octavian came out. Antonia went to greet him and said, “Dad I appear to have already become a queen.”

Octavian shook his head, “Antonia I did not know about your mother and Aunt. You do realise she is now Princess Alice the Queen mother.” The guard stood to attention as the two of them walked past the British & Bavarian soldiers. Then Antonia counted the salute and then looked puzzled as the 36 gun salute went off.

“Dad you are a king not an Emperor somebody has made a mistake.”

Octavian shook his head. “Antonia that salute is not for me it is for somebody else.”

“Come take my hand Antonia it appears there are a few more troops to inspect.”

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