Weeping Willow - Part 12

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Weeping Willow
Part 12

Self Realization

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“This is crazy,” Willow flustered. “I’ve been kidnapped, nearly mutilated, and had a breakup – all in the last 6 months. Survived them all. And yet tonight I can’t get calm; I’m tingling all over!”

Angie laughed. “It’s your first prom. You’re supposed to be nervous!”



As I have been saying all along, this story was written fully before I started to post it. The full length was 12 parts (earlier I had said 13, but I miscounted). However, as I have gone along, more has been added to Willow's story. So much, in fact, that part 12 would have to be twice as long as the other parts to bring Willow's story to a conclusion. That seems unwieldy ... so, I'm now announcing that there WILL be a Part 13 tomorrow. And I'm certain that will be all. Pretty certain. We'll see. Sorry for the confusion, if I caused any. Now, on with today's episode!


The person in bed 204 was waking up. The eyes opened to a fuzzy glare of light; then focused with more blinking. A quick turn of the head showed that this was a hospital room; there was a heart monitor with lines and numbers, and an IV pole with clear liquid dripping down a tube and into the person’s arm.

The patient tried to sit up and felt pain all over, as if they had been beaten up in a fight or a car wreck. Different visages flooded the mind of this person; they were confused about … well, about everything.

A female in blue scrubs walked into the room. “Well, look who decided to wake up,” she said with a smile. “Good morning, sleepyhead. Who are you?”

The person fretted, further perplexed. “What – what kind of question is that? I’m a patient, in a hospital, and you look like a nurse – don’t you know who I am?”

“No, I don’t,” the nurse answered cheerily. “I’m not even sure if you’re male, or female, or maybe gender fluid. Your groin anatomy is male, but so much more of your body is female. Who do you see yourself as?”

“This is crazy. I need to know who I am! I’m not just who I “see myself as”, okay?”

“Oh, you absolutely are. You are who you see yourself as. Now – who do you see here?“ The nurse held a face mirror up to the patient.

The reflection showed a young head with natural brown hair that perhaps needed a slight trim to shore up some split ends. The face seemed familiar, yet needed some work, or – perhaps makeup? – to look right. The cheeks were rounded but not chubby; the eyes were brown, and the earlobes had obviously been pierced, though no earrings were currently present. As the patient contemplated, a name formed in the mind and worked it’s way out of the mouth.

“Willow. I’m Willow. Willow Ramos.”

“Well hello then, Willow. Are you a boy, or girl, or…?”

“I’m a transgender female. Pre-op. Going through my life test. But … I’m a young woman, definitely.”

“And so you are,” spoke a smooth-voiced male entering the room. “Hello Willow.”

“Dr. Estrada! Hey – what’s going on?”

“You still may be fuzzy about what happened yesterday; it was quite a full one for you,” said the doc. “You were sedated against your will; actually, you were overdosed on a sedative, and we’ve had you here to monitor you as your body slept it off.”

“Did – did those guys … cut me?”

“No. The police arrived just as they gave you the sedation.”

“Was I damaged by the overdose?”

“No, thank god. Help arrived just after you got the drug, so we were able to manage it. And when it became evident that you were going to likely wake up this morning, I decided to do an experiment of sorts with you. Don’t worry, not a drug or surgical trial – more of a psychological observation.”

“O – okay … “ stammered Willow, still unsure as to what he meant.

“See, some of your recent words and behavior have caused your family to wonder if you really see yourself as female, or if you were a male masquerading as a girl to achieve some other goal. As you awoke out of the fog of sedation, I had a unique opportunity to find out who you really see yourself as. I needed someone to ask you these questions – someone you’d never seen before, like Nurse Jennings here.”

“You can call me Alice, honey,” inserted the nurse.

Estrada resumed his explanation. “Knowing you really identify as Willow keeps us on solid ground as you proceed with your transition. Alice, could you tell Willow’s family they can come in now?”

In the next minute, they entered. Gwen and Angie ran straight to her, hugging and kissing her through their tears. William stood behind them, smiling at the happy sight. Malachi stood by him, munching on an apple.

“Girls. Sheesh. Am I right, Dad?” Mal said with a full mouth.

“Thank God for ‘em, Mal. You’ll appreciate this as you get older,” William replied.

“Doctor,” Gwen sniffed as she turned to Estrada, “what did you find out?”

“She sees herself as Willow, a female. She is truly your daughter.”

“Oh Willow, my little girl,” Gwen breathed as she turned back. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Momma,” Willow blubbered. “And you, Angie.”

“The cops came just in time,” Angie reported. “Those hoodlums didn’t get a chance to cut you.”

Willow remembered more and more about last night with each second. “How did the police find me so fast?”

“You wore your Grandpa’s coat,” Gwen smiled. “Remember how I told you I was going to get him a GPS tracker for him, one that had a ten mile radius? I did get it, but he wouldn’t keep it on as a neck chain; he kept removing it. He always wears his coat. So I slipped it inside his jacket lining and sewed it in place. When you left last night, I saw you were wearing the jacket, so I activated the locator service. They were able to find you, and sent the police. I just had to emphasize that they weren’t looking for a senior citizen, but a young girl in deep trouble.”

Angie jumped in the conversation. “I called Mom on Bernard’s phone as soon as we got to a place where I could jump into the front seat. She relayed the info on who and what went down to the police. El Paso DEA* got involved, too – evidently Rico’s been on their radar ‘cause he can’t keep his mouth shut. So when the law arrived they were loaded for bear.”

“Are you okay, Angie? Is Bernard? All those gunshots fired at you!”

“It appears Rico can’t hit the broad side of a barn. We’re all OK. Bernard’s gonna come see you a little later; we wanted this time with you as just family. I love you, sis,” said Angie as she kissed Willow’s cheek.

“Ahem. Willow,” said William, “Your mom and I need to talk to you – about Bernard, and your grounding. We aren’t going to revert to the full restrictions you had as Bill; we changed our mind about that. But we do feel the need to address you and your friend. It’s lousy timing, I know, but we need to do this before he gets here.”

*Drug Enforcement Administration


That afternoon Bernard visited Willow; Gwen stepped out so they could talk alone.

“Willow – I’m so glad you’re alright. And –“ Bernard had to stop talking as he breathed slowly, and his face screwed into a knot. Tears began spilling down his cheeks; Willow had never seen Bernard cry before.

“Bern – what’s wrong?”

“I,” – he choked, then tried once more. “I left - I left you there!”

Willow wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled his sobbing face to her shoulder. “You did just what I asked you to. You saved my sister. There was no way you could have come back without getting Angie and yourself shot. So I thank God that you left. You’re my hero, Bernard.”

“And you’re mine, Willow. You’re so brave; you have no fear. And you always know what to do. Except for that stupid pothole, your plan went perfect.”

Willow shook her head. “I feel fear all the time, Bern. I just face it and keep walking through it. It didn’t come naturally; I’ve had to learn how.”

They held each other silently for a long time.

Willow cleared her throat. “Ah, Bern. Who was that blonde? You know, from yesterday?”

“She’s a girl in my geometry class. I’m sorry about that too, Willow. You told me you didn’t want to talk about us for 3-4 more days; I guess I took that as we were taking a ‘break’. Now looking back, I should have made sure it was OK with you before I took her for coffee. I’m such a screw-up.”

“Oh, let me tell you what a screw-up is. It’s announcing to a whole coffee shop that you’re transgender – and adding little details, like I’m pre-op and still have a penis. It’s taking a criminal like Rico and embarrassing him to the point that he kidnaps your sister and tries to mutilate you. THAT’S a screw-up.”

“Yeah, I heard Rico planned to remove your ‘nads without anesthesia. But aren’t you planning on getting that done anyway, just with numbing?”

“Yes I am, Bern. I’m planning to have intercourse one day, too. But NOT have it FORCED on me – that would be rape! Same principle applies with the testicle removal.”

“Yeah, I see that. Of course,” Bernard nodded.

“Um. Since I brought up the sex subject,” stammered Willow. “I know you felt like you needed me ‘all the way’ – that’s the biggest reason behind your proposal last week. Now that you’re dating other girls, you probably will want to sleep with them at some point, right? So if – ”

“Willow, I don’t have to-“

“Bern. This is tough enough for me to do without interruptions, okay?” Willow took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. “I’m giving you permission. Oh poop; I’m encouraging you, okay? Date other women. Make love to them if you need to. If you fall in love and want to marry one of them, then do so. I’ll come to your wedding and cheer for you. But if the summer hits and you want to start to date me again, then we’ll see what happens. After all, I’ll be dating around too … if someone asks me out, that is.”

“The summer. What day in the summer?” Bernard quizzically asked.

“The day after Montclair High lets out. Didn’t Poppa tell you that?”

“He may have; I don’t specifically remember all the details, I was so surprised that he was grounding us.”

“It wasn’t just him, Bernard. Earlier this morning, Dr. Estrada, Momma, Poppa, and even my sponsor Julia had a big pow-wow about the turmoil we’ve had involving our romance – the emotions, the break-up, and my acting out afterwards, little anger fits, and that stupid stunt I pulled at the coffee shop. So this ‘grounding’ is from all of them. What do you remember about what Poppa said?”

“Willow, he started out by saying how much he appreciated my role as your friend, and he thanked me for helping to save Angie. Then he emphasized that he wanted our good friendship to continue. Just not the romance. He wanted that to stop, or at least be on ‘hold’, for the whole spring semester – while you continued to work on your behavior and emotional issues. Evidently they hope that if you and I are still mutually “unattached” by the end of school, we’ll will be mature enough to handle a romance together.”

“Yes. That’s what they told me. They’ll still allow me to use my phone and to go out with Angie or even Julia; heck, you and I can even still meet at NA meetings, or in a group afterwards for coffee. We just can’t be alone, as in a date. How do you feel about that, Bern?”

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter how I feel about it; that’s what’s gonna happen. You’re still a minor and have to do what they say.”

Willow fretted. “No, Bern. How do you feel about us still being friends but dating other people?”

“Well I’m not thrilled about it. Taking Sandy out – that’s her name, the blonde girl – was a substitute. I’d still rather date you.”

“And I, you,” she replied. “But I found that the one thing I have to have from you – HAVE to have it – is your friendship. Losing you as a lover for the past week was really lousy. Losing you as a friend – no talking, no texting – was DEVASTATING. I won’t commit to a romance with you if it means I could lose my friend. You promised me once that we would always be best buds. I’m holding you to that, Bern – no matter who you date, who you make love to, or who you marry. Can you handle that? Will you still be my best bud this semester?”

Bernard looked directly into Willow’s eyes. A slow but assured smile developed on his face. “Yes, Willow. Best buds. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

They hugged tight, then Willow kissed him on the cheek followed by a whisper in his ear. “So date Sandy, or whoever. Sow some wild oats. But if we’re both unattached by June 5th, I want dinner and a movie, OK?”

“Ahem,” said Gwen at the door to the room. “Twenty minutes is up. I’m coming back in.”

Bernard rose to leave. “I’ll text you later, Willow.”

“I’ll be waiting for it, Bern. My hero.”


It was now early May.

Willow was in her room, finishing up her homeschooling work for the day. A knock came on her door.

“Hey sis,” said Angela. “Can I come in?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“You know my senior prom is in 3 weeks, right? Joey’s asked me to it, and I’m getting my dress tomorrow.”

Willow smiled. “You and Joey are hitting it off. It’s been, what, a month since your first date?”

“Yeah.” Angie now frowned. “And it’s been over four months since your last one – the Denny’s date with Bernard. He’s still dating that Sandy girl. I wish you could date other people!”

“I can, Ang; I just don’t have a chance to meet boys I could date. Most of the guys at the NA meetings are older, like mid-20’s or more, and they see me as jailbait since I’m still 15. If I actually attended high school I’m sure it would be different.”

“Well, here’s the deal sis. I’m going to prom, and I want to experience it with my best girlfriend – you. Even though you’re technically a sophomore, you could go if a senior asked you.”

“There’s the rub, as Shakespeare would say,” Willow smiled. “From my English lit readings.”

“I found a way around ‘the rub’, Willow. I submitted your name to Action 6 News; they have a program called Positive PromPosals. It’s where youth leaders in the community volunteer to go to the prom with disadvantaged teens.”

“Angie! I’m trans, not disabled.”

“You still fit the profile.”

“Ang – no. I don’t want to be someone’s ‘pity date.’ I’ll pass.”

“Are you suuuuure?” Angie replied with a half-grin. “Look at the stud who volunteered for you!” She showed Willow a picture on her cell.

“It doesn’t matter who – oh. Oh my,” stammered a now-flustered Willow. “Who is that big blonde hunk of beefcake?”

“His name’s Adrian. Adrian Brody. He goes to Truman High, and he’s everything a dream date should be – quarterback, wealthy family, and really really cut. You can see his six-pack through that shirt.”

“Wow. It’s tempting … but a little scary. If Action 6 broadcasts my story, then everyone there – all my peers – will know I’m trans.”

“Sis, most of the school knows anyway. Word got out after that coffee shop fiasco with Rico. I want to experience prom with you! If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me!”

The next day, Adrian Brody drove up to Willow’s house and gave her a bouquet of flowers as he went down on one knee and asked her to the Montclair High prom. Action 6 News was there to document the event. Willow was shaking, but also beaming a huge smile.


3 weeks later.

Willow sat in front of her bedroom mirror, putting finishing touches on her hair and makeup. Angela walked in to check on her.

“How’s it coming, little sister?”

“This is crazy,” Willow flustered. “I’ve been kidnapped, nearly mutilated, and had a breakup – all in the last 6 months. Survived them all. And yet tonight I can’t get calm; I’m tingling all over!”

Angie laughed. “It’s your first prom. You’re supposed to be nervous!”

Willow stood back and took in her look. She wore a red trumpet /mermaid dress with an off-the-shoulder sweep; the hem didn’t quite hit the floor in her heels, which was better for dancing. The 4 inch red heels were gorgeous, and walking in them had finally become second nature after weeks of practice. Dancing was a little more challenging, but she felt confident enough. Her bob wig was in the closet; now she sported extensions to her natural brown hair, and her long straight hairstyle looked as if it was totally all her. Zirconium teardrop earrings and a thin neck chain with a cross pendant were the perfect little accessories, enhancing the dress without drawing attention from it.

As she looked, Angie’s hands came from behind and grabbed her waist. “OMG, sis; your lower curves are so amazing in this dress!”

“Really? Do you think it shows off my J.Lo butt?”

“Oh yes. You’ve got that guitar shape that guys love. And, you’re finally getting your boobies!” she remarked as she tapped the A cup prominences on Willow’s chest. “And the makeover Elle did on your face this afternoon – WOW.”

“Yeah, I thought that my makeup skills had gotten pretty good. Having a pro work on me … it shows I’ve got a long way to go. Look at these smoky eyes!” Willow turned to the side and gave the mirror a seductive, ‘come hither’ look.

“So … the pop thing to do on prom night is to “go all the way” after the dance is over; half my virgin friends are planning on losing it tonight,” said Angie.

“Well you know my thoughts on that, for me at least,” replied Willow. “I don’t have a front door yet, and my back door is locked and bolted shut, thank you very much. Now, handiwork? I’m open to that. Oral? Um … I don’t know, yet. What about you, Ang?”

“Joey has been such a gentleman. But I know he’d like sex. He may want us to go all the way tonight; I’m so worried about disappointing him. I wanted to remain a virgin until I at least got engaged; but it seems like boys these days won’t even consider a long term relationship – much less an engagement – without sex.”

“Angie – do YOU want to have sex tonight?”

“All the way? I’d rather not, for the reasons I just stated. I’d be into heavy petting, like you and Bernard did on your first date.”

“Then Ang, let him know. Joey seems super honorable. I bet he’ll respect your wishes. Whatever you do, DON’T have sex just for fear you’ll lose your guy. That ignores what you want, and you’re worth more than that.”

“Thanks, Willow. I needed to hear that.”

“Now, Angela; let’s take a look at you!”

Angie wore her hair up in a bouffant style with ringlets coming down around her ears. Her dress was a white A-line princess tulle mini dress with a satin sash; the pulled-in waist emphasized her C-cup breasts and her attractive legs lusciously emerged from under the high cut minidress hem. Her heels were white satin.

“Hot you are, big sis,” admired Willow. “Hot-hot-hot! Such a lucky boy, your date is!”


In front of the Eiken house, a stretch Humvee limousine pulled up; two young men in tuxedos emerged from it.

“Hey Adrian; thanks for letting me share the ride with you. What an awesome limo!”

“No problem, Joey; that’s the way Willow wished it. These sisters wanted a double date, anyway. And Channel 6 paid for it, so why not?” Adrian rang the doorbell.

“Come in, gentlemen,” said William Eiken.

As he said that, the intercom to the estate gate buzzed. “Hello? This is the Action News 6 van. We’re here to interview Willow and Adrian. Can we come in?”

“Sure.” William buzzed them in.

“Girls – your prom dates are here, and the limo’s waiting outside,” said William into the indoor intercom. “And Willow, the local news is here as they promised.”

Willow emerged from her room and rushed in hurried high heel steps to the front entry. “Hey Joey, Angie will be out in just a few minutes – oh my! Adrian! Look at you!”

He stood there in a black tux with tails, cummerbund and a red bow tie; his mustache was professionally trimmed, as was his hair. Willow smiled. “You, sir, pull off this classic look immaculately. Bravo!”

“Willow, in that dress, you’re a movie star; no, a goddess. You’re classy, sexy, sophisticated and – I have to say this – Oooo girl, dat ass!”

“Don’t talk like a gangsta, Adrian. I don’t like gangstas,” Willow remarked with pursed lips. She then turned to the other young man standing in the foyer.

“Joey. Wait ‘til you see your date. Angie’s dress is a knockout. If you guys think I’m sexy – hold on to your hat!”


Gwen excitedly snapped pictures of the four teens before they left for prom in the limo. Action 6 News interviewed Adrian and Willow; he said he was happy to take her to the prom, and she said she was honored that he asked. Willliam could tell that both of his daughters were thrilled to be attending this formal affair together as sisters and close friends.

Attendance at the prom was a significant social breakthrough for Willow. Word had indeed spread about Bill Ramos being a trans girl now, and everyone craned to see her as she made her entrance. Those who remembered Willy the Dude from two years prior were especially amazed; Willow showed little resemblance to that person, save for the unique dragon tat on her right arm. Socially, this was a triumph for her. Romantically, it could have been better; her date seemed intent on making the rounds with some other friends he had at Montclair High, often leaving Willow alone as he did so.

One such time late into the prom, Willow sat by herself at a table drinking some punch. Angela drifted over from the dance floor and sat down with her.

“Joey’s done for the night. His poor feet are suffering in those dress shoes. Why are you here all alone, sis?”

“I’m just taking it all in. I’m at a prom, as a sophomore no less. This is awesome!”

“But you’re sitting. Are you tired of dancing?”

“Oh no. I could go hours more. But once the dances became slow – you know, like where the couples hold each other – Adrian danced with anyone but me. I’m trying to convince myself that me being trans isn’t the reason, but it’s hard to ignore. See him out there with that strawberry blonde? That’s their second slow number together.”

“Maybe if the news cameras were still around, he’d be with you flashing that All – American smile,” Angie smirked.

“Excuse me, ma’am. May I have the honor of this dance?”

Both sisters turned around. There stood Bernard, extending his hand to Willow.

“Why yes, kind sir,” accepted Willow. She was led onto the floor as Angie clapped and cheered.

Willow and Bernard danced the next three dances, talking the whole time.

“Where’s Sandy, Bernard?”

“She’s had enough dancing and is cooling her heels over at the dance troupe clique table. So I told her I’d promised at least two dances with you, and came over to make good.”

Willow smirked. “You never promised me two dances.”

“Nope,” replied Bern. “I promised myself that I’d save two dances for you. We may be still banned from dating, but this is a dance not a formal date, right?”

“Bernard,” Willow whispered, “Sandy is gorgeous. Yet you texted me that you’re considering breaking up with her. Why? Does she refuse to make love to you?” Willow held her breath. She’d purposely avoided asking Bern that in their texting; but she had to know why.

He sighed. “Okay, Willow. I’ll tell you, just so we can drop the subject. No, she doesn’t refuse. And yes, we’ve made love on a number of occasions. It’s just; I dunno, it’s missing something.”

“She’s stunning! What could be missing?”

“Willow – I’m just not in love with her. I like her; she’s a great date, and fantastic arm candy at a dance like this. I ought to be head over heels. But someone else has my heart. And I think you know who I’m talking about.”

“Bern. I gave you your heart back when I said we should date around!”

“And I tried to take it back, okay? Things would be much easier if I could control who my heart chooses! But I can’t. It’s chosen you. I’d give up on thoughts of us if I knew you were in love with someone else. But our texts tell me you’re not.”

“Bernard. June 5th is a month away still. And when it comes, I still won’t be able to make love to you legally; I’ll be 14 months away from my 17th birthday. And making love is a must with you, isn’t it?”

Bernard smiled as he adjusted his step to the slow waltz now playing. “I think I’ve matured some, Willow. I believe I can be patient enough to wait for you, as long as we can kiss and hug and occasionally do the heavier petting.”

“Omigod, Bern. Tell me I’m not dreaming. Are we both going to be unattached when June 5th comes around?”

“It looks like it. Could I take you out for dinner and a movie that night? My Pop upgraded my allowance two months ago.”

“I’ll clear it with Momma and Poppa. Well, that will be nice. A date. A date with my good friend Bernard.” Willow couldn’t stop what happened next; she started bouncing up and down on her toes, and squealed. “EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”


At the end of the night, Joey and Angie shared sweet kisses at the front porch. Adrian dutifully gave Willow a quick peck before heading back into the limo. As their dates left, the two sisters dished the details to their mother. Later in Willow’s room, she and Angie compared mental notes. Finally exhausted, the two girls retired to their beds.

Willow was about to drift to sleep when she got a text.

Hey Willow

Hey my good friend Bernard

I want to tell u - u were so pretty. Felt like a king dancing w/u

I M sooo happy about our dancing tonite and our upcoming date!

Willow – were U happy with everything else tonite?

With the prom? YES!! Music and décor off the charts. Felt so free dancing in public with everyone around treating me like a regular girl. Acceptance amazing. And limo was awesome!

Well u pass perfectly – that helps with acceptance. And ur attitude is so positive – u don’t come off strange or weird at all.

Hey Bernard guess what


MOMMA’S GONNA LET ME ATTEND MONTCLAIR HIGH NEXT FALL! No more homeschooling all alone! Yaay! She and Poppa told me tonite!

Awesome dudette!

Hey subject change; did u hear about Rico Santos?

No – still in jail rite?

Rumor is he and that vet tech dude r turning state’s witness against Lobos gang. Prob going into witness protection.

So new life and new city. May I suggest Buttcrack, Alaska? Or the eastern Gobi desert?

Hahaha thass funny, Bern

Hey Willow were u happy with ur date? Blonde dude?

Yes, Adrian was fine. … He was okay I guess
Spent very little time w/ me; feel like he asked me 2 prom to show what a “kind and generous” boy he was, asking a “disadvantaged girl” to prom. Like if I was disabled or something. I mean, nothing against disabled girls! I just think he did this to enhance his public standing, to include it on his resume’ in future.

Oh man. Is your heart broken?

I dunno. It hurt some; more disappointing than anything. But that’s all history because I have June 5 coming up!!! Oh Bern. I so wished that it could have been u giving me that promposal earlier this month.

I dunno. I remember what happened last time I propose 2 u!

Well if u hadn’t used a toy ring we might be married now! JK, neither of us were N E where near ready.

And we prob still aren’t. But getting closer; one day?

Don’t start me imagining. Won’t b able 2 sleep, and it’s past my bedtime.

OK. I need 2 call it a nite too.

Goodnight my good friend. I love u. U R still my hero.

Goodnight Willow I love u 2. And U R mine.


To be continued tomorrow.

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