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Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 2 Rough Waters A Gaby FanFic by PB
Viewing Note: This story should be viewed with the Edwardian Script ITC font installed on your Windows platform in the c:/Windows/Fonts directory. Microsoft Word installs this font automatically.
Photo Credit: Provided by PB.
Chapter 9
Jenny heard her daughter mumbling to herself and poked her head into Gaby’s bedroom as she was walking past the door only to see her seated at her computer desk, staring at something on the monitor.
“Whatcha doin’, kiddo?” Jenny asked.
“Ally just sent me an email.”
“Mail from home. Can your ol’ mum have a read or is it personal?” Jenny jokingly asked.
“Pull up a chair…”
Hi, Gaby!
Crikey, summer hols are finally here & there’s a lot to tell you. Much has happened here since your birthday! It’s like the whole world had been turned upside-down & pulled inside-out!
Since you left sets, no one wants anything to do with Rhod & Maddy. Once the news of you leaving sets and their suspensions got around, they became the social outcasts! It wasn’t hard for them to connect the dots, but other than Bernie and I, none of the kids know the real story and that’s how it will stay. We even went to the year end disco & never saw either Rhod, Em or Maddy!
A few times Bernie & I talked with those two but even then it was still kind of tense. They both know how we felt about things.
I thought you’d like to know that even though Mad won’t admit to anything, IMHO there’s something still there. They both know I’m emailing you (they also know I won’t give them your address!) & in a back-handed way, whenever I talked to them, both (especially Maddy) always wanted to know how you’re doing. Now that Drew’s gone, Mad’s even been seen as fair game by some boys in the other forms, but whenever they ask her out, she’s always refused.
I don’t know what Mad’s problem is & it’s only just a feeling, but I think she’s really missing you. I really don’t think she can let go, inspite of what she did to you. I know how you feel about her, so maybe this is a good sign, huh? ïŠ
Speaking of Maddy, despite all her cramming and her efforts to play catch-up with her lessons, she still didn’t advance. Rhod advanced, but just and Sylv let it be known that she wasn’t pleased with his marks. He must’ve been rattled with all that’s happened. He’s usually a ‘brain’.
Sylv’s still PO’d at Rhod for Em’s behaviour in Virginia & at your party. After your party, you could tell when Em & Sylv got home. At times you could just make out Em’s voice but you had no trouble hearing Sylv through the closed windows! Rhod told me about Em coming over to apologize the next day. Whatever you said really made an impact! Even Em seemed a little more humbled than usual. I haven’t seen much of either one since school let out
It probably didn’t help matters any but I finally told Rhod exactly what I felt about him, Em & us. There was a time when I really liked him. I know I was starting to fall for Em too, but the gentle & caring person I knew just wasn’t there anymore & I told him that. When I think back, I can see Em started changing in Virginia & your party was just the last straw. Anyway, you should’ve seen his face when I told him that I was stepping back & re-thinking any relationship with either Rhod or Em.
Since you’ve moved Gabs, you left a big hole in the lives of everyone who knew you. Somehow I feel that’s especially true of Mad — even if she doesn’t admit it. Paul, Clive, Bernie, & I, we all really miss you, girl! It’ll never feel right without you here with us! :(
Oh, yeah! Fran wanted me to remind you, she’s still waiting for your email! She said to let you know she really misses not having you around. Sounds like Virginia changed her as well.
Hugs & tears, Ally
Gaby sat back and stared at the monitor. Jenny reached over and pulled her daughter into a hug before she got up to leave.
“Sounds like you left more friends in Warsop than you realized,” Jenny intoned.
“Yeah,” was all Gaby managed to whisper.
As Jenny left the room, she heard her daughter frantically typing out a reply.
Hi, Ally …
Thanks for telling me what you think Maddy is feeling. I meant what I said - I’ll always love her, no matter what. Just hope she remembers. Whatever her problem is, it’s something she’ll have to work out by herself. She won’t tell me what’s bothering her either. I’ll just have to give her all the space & time she needs. As Mum says, whatever she decides, I’ll have to accept. It may be the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do, but Mum’s right.
I don’t think I mentioned it but I’m all girl now! I had my surgery before we left. In fact I got out of the hospital the day before Helen’s funeral. Still need the breastforms, but I hope not for long.
Jules & I are both enrolled in the Bad Neuenahr Are Gymnasium (area secondary school) for the new term. Think of it as a German Augusta High. I’m going into grade 9 (again) & Jules is going back into grade 11. We both thought it’d be better if we repeated the year in the new school. Poor Jules found out that she has to go another 3 years to grade 13, before she can go to university. So much for her GCSE’s.
Oh yeah, we’ve moved again! We now live in real nice little village called Mayschoß (the ß sounds like ‘ss’). Looking in a road atlas, I’ll try to tell you where I am. On a map of Germany, look for Bonn, then looking south, follow the A565 to the A61. Follow that south to where it meets the A573. That takes you right into Bad Neuenahr or Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, as some maps have it. If you pick up the B267 going west out of Bad Neuenahr, you’ll eventually find Mayschoß. It’s about 12Km from Bad Neuenahr. I think it’s only got one or two thousand people in it.
We’ve now got a nice four bedroom house with a basement and a two car garage (now Dad’s got room for the bikes and the car) & we’re only a few houses from the Pinger’s. Maria Pinger is the captain of Team Apollinaris and her daughter Kat goes to the same school as we will be. Mum says we’ll do like Kat does and ride our bikes to school on the good days and take the train on the bad days. Can anyone remember the last time Jules was on a bike, never mind doing about doing 20-30km a day?? Mum says depending on my schedule at school, I might just be riding in with her and Maria. That would be awsome!
Jules’ll probably end up taking the train all the time like a number of the kids. Kat says that starting at 6:30 every day, there’s a train every hour that will stop at all the places in the Ahr valley and finally end up back in Bonn. I think the last one is something like 11:00 at night. If we wanted to go into Bonn, it’s only an hour by train. Kind of neat being in the mountains, yet close to everything. Dad calls it the best of both worlds. The quiet of the country with the city at our doorstep.
Speaking of Jules, she’s got herself a job for the hols. She’s one of the tour guides at one of the local wineries. The particular one she’s working at is also a B&B for the tourists. She tells us we wouldn’t believe how many people compliment her on her English!
Mum’s now retired from competition. She felt that by the time she was as good as she was before she got sick, she’d be too old to compete. The good news is that she’s the new Head Coach and Training Director for the Apollinaris Youth Program. She’ll be the one coming up with a training plan for us and since she’s officially my coach, she’ll be out with me every day I’m training in addition to the days we ride to school together.
Dr. Dieter (Team Apollinaris’ doctor), kept me off the bike for a few weeks until he thought I was well enough to begin riding again. As of the beginning of this month I’ve been back training, but he’s keeping an eye on me until he’s sure everything’s okay. Mum’s already had me out on a 60km training ride. I was knackered at the end, but it felt good! Usually, she’s in the car when I’m doing these rides, but still having her there is great beyond words!
Until there’s a training plan written down for the junior riders, I’ll be riding with the pros when they’re around between races! I’m not complaining.
Dad’s doing real well getting the Youth Program set up & helping Mike maintain the bikes. He’ll finish the 2004 season touring with the pro team while Mum & I stay back so I can get back into riding. Dad’s got 2 other girls signed with the program already. I’ve not met them yet as neither of them are from around here. Maybe I should suggest to Dad that everyone should get together some time.
Another girl Dad’s signed is Kristen Oakley. I rode with her in a few races back in England & we (well, Drew) joined the British Youth Squad together. Now as part of the Apollinaris Youth Program, Kris’ll get additional funding. I know she’s ridden on the continent a number of times, so there could even be a chance we’ll ride together again. She’s already figured out Drew & Gaby so it should be easy telling her about me now.
It seems strange having Mum & Dad around everyday & even stranger training with both them, but neither Jules nor I are complaining. We’re one family again!
That’s about all the news for now. Some things about Warsop, I don’t miss that much, but you & the others, I do miss… a lot (especially Maddy)!
Talk to you later, Gaby
P.S. I’ll be sending out Fran’s email when I finish this.
As she moved the mouse around, Gaby pondered the screen. “close (click) … send (click) an’ … gone!”
“Gaby! … The girls are here!” Jenny called up the stairs.
“Ask them to come up, Mum? I’m just logging off!” Gaby answered in an equally loud voice, figuring Fran’s email would have to wait.
She soon heard the sounds of multiple footsteps on the stairs. As she turned to face her bedroom door, Kat was walking by.
“In here, guys!” Gaby called out.
“Oooo … I like your room, Gabi!” Kat remarked as she walked into Gaby’s domain. She was quickly followed by Steffie and Liesl, two of Kat’s and now Gaby’s, friends.
“That’s right … you’ve never been in my room before! C’mon in, guys!” Gaby enthusiastically replied.
With a sweeping motion of her arms, Gaby added in her best German, “Willkommen zu meinem Raum! Grab a seat anywhere.”
Steffie took the lone vacant chair and Liesl was joined by Kat, sitting on the edge of Gaby’s bed. Just as Kat sat down, she noticed a double picture frame on top of Gaby’s computer desk and walked over for a closer look. She was soon joined by the other two girls.
“Nizza … Gabi! Where was this taken?” Kat inquired.
“Dad took it at the Manchester airport when we left Warsop for the final time.”
“Ist das a feather?” Kat asked pointing to the photo.
“Uh huh … it’s a tail feather from a Nighthawk … wanna see?” Gaby replied.
She proudly told the girls about Jessica’s presents as she brought them out for them to see.
“It looks gut on you.” Looking at the photo, both Steffie and Liesl quickly agreed with Kat’s observation.
“She’s pretty. Looks a bit like you … who ist she?” Steffie asked as she pointed to the other photo in the dual frame.
“She does look a bit like you, Gabi …” Liesl agreed. Gaby and Kat exchanged descreet glances.
“They’re gonna haft to know sometime und it might as well be from you,” Kat whispered in Gaby’s ear as she nodded her reluctant agreement.
“Her name’s Madeline … but everyone calls her Maddy. She’s … my girlfriend,” Gaby answered, a bit unsure if she said too much.
“Ihr Freundin … erm … your girl … friend?” Liesl echoed.
(sigh) “Not girl … friend … but girlfriend,” Gaby slowly replied. “That sounds confusing … doesn’t it?”
Seeing her friend’s furrowed brow, Gaby slowly explained, “You … like boys … and there’s one you really like … Ja?”
“Ja … you haf met Martin,” Liesl admitted.
“Well, I too … have friends who are boys … but … I … don’t look at them like you, Steffie … or Kat … do. (sigh) I … love … Maddy…”
Pointing to the photo, Gaby added, “Me an’ her … versteht ihr?”
“You like the girls then?” Steffie asked.
“Ja … but just her.” Gaby hoped she was stating her case clearly to her new friends.
“So … when you told Aldrich you were already involved mit someone … you mean Maddy?” Liesl asked.
“Ja … it was Maddy,” Kat knowingly agreed.
Noticing that Gaby had become very quiet, Steffie and Liesl swept her up with a reassuring hug while Kat turned and flashed an ‘I-told-you-so’ look.
“At least we know not to try to help you find a boy friend,” Steffie offered with a smile on her face and another hug to her English friend.
“Danke … I was kinda scared of what you two would think,” a relieved Gaby whispered as her eyes started to mist over.
“No crying allowed!” Kat playfully rebuked Gaby for tearing up as she grabbed a tissue from the box on her desk and put it in her hand.
“Now … you still haf to show us what that feather looks like on you!” Kat suggested in an attempt to change the subject.
“Okay…” A relieved Gaby replied as she gave both girls a hug before proceeding with her jewellery fashion show.
In the following couple of weeks, Gaby’s life assumed a routine of training, time trials, some free time with the girls and most importantly, with her mum! By this time, with Jenny’s training regimen, Gaby had equalled or even exceeded her pre-surgery performance levels. During a 10km time trial, she had established a new ‘personal best’ that was a full four seconds faster than her last ‘Cuckney 10’. Granted the bike Diane Biggs had built her was lighter than the one she rode back in Warsop, but Jenny reasoned that alone didn’t fully account for the improvement in her performance. Her endurance and stamina were noticeably improving, no doubt due to the increasing duration of her training rides. She seemed to have a natural ability and took to riding in the mountains, with the varied terrain.
It was during her free time in the days approaching Maddy’s birthday whenever she wasn’t focusing on her training or occupied with her friends, that Jenny noticed Gaby was becoming increasingly quiet.
“You okay, darling?” Jenny finally asked.
“Yeah. I just feel bad for not getting Mad anything. I didn’t even get her a card,” Gaby intoned.
“You think you should’ve … considering how things are?” Jenny asked, playing devil’s advocate.
“That’s the problem! Part of me still feels I should’ve sent her something. There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t think of her. I may even forgive her for what she’s done to me ... if that’s wot it takes … I just want her back, Mum!”
“I know, darling…” Jenny softly replied.
“I’m trying to give her space like you and Auntie Carol said I should do … but it’s hard,” Gaby quietly confided. She hoped her mum would understand what she was going through.
“Well …” Jenny started to voice.
“I still feel like a right pile of ...” Gaby’s voice trailed off.
“Shhhh … things will work … just give her time. Your aunt and I told you it wouldn’t be easy … right?” Jenny spoke in a soothing tone as she gently rocked Gaby in her arms. “At least you can keep tabs on her through Carol and I.”
“…An’ Ally,” Gabs quietly replied as she hugged her mum.
Finally, the day after Maddy’s birthday, Gaby logged on once more and sat down at the keyboard. Besides hearing about her girlfriend, she found emailing her friend just made her feel good. Ally was her link with Warsop and just her being there had, in a strange kind of way, proved comforting.
Hi, Ally…
How did Maddy’s 15th birthday go? I’ve already apologized to Auntie Carol for not sending anything, not even a card. I really felt bad, but considering how thing are between us and my last birthday, I somehow felt it was the right thing to do. Even Mum agreed with me.
The training is going great and I really like racing in Europe. There’s so much variety in the courses not to mention that I’m usually racing a larger number of riders. I’ve made the podium in both the ‘local’ (if you call Munich & Berlin, local) races & the three time trials I’ve entered. Mum says I’ve let the German’s know ‘Jenny Bond’s little girl has come to ride her bike’.
You would’ve loved coming to Munich to watch me race. I took a first for my age group. It was 40km and it was held on an F1 racetrack just outside of the city. Some of the cars were even still in the pit area. I was told they were arriving for some qualifying heats, later that week. For some reason the German Grande Prix comes to mind but I’m not sure if that was the race.
The Berlin race was held on city streets. In fact the finish line was in Pariser Platz, under the Brandenburg Gate. You could still see where the Berlin Wall was! The race itself was only 30km, but I was beaten in a sprint that exploded just as we came into Pariser Platz. Once the dust cleared, I made the podium with a third. A girl named Nina Jung, riding for a local Berlin club, took first by a few bike lengths. Still you could see Mum was chuffed. On our way home she kept telling me when the team returned, she was going to arrange some ‘sprint training’. Sounds crazy, but after getting mixed up with those girls in Berlin, maybe Mum should call it ‘survival training’.
The local organizers for the time trials seem to favour the B267 somewhere between Altenahr & Bad Neuenahr. They’re usually between 10 & 25km & they’re much more technically challenging course than Cuckney!
So far, Mum’s had me do one training ride of 80km, all on the secondary roads in the region. I think she was really interested in seeing if I could handle the distance. I know she plans to build up my endurance & stamina but after that ride, it was clear even to me - I need work! Mum says that most of the junior races that really matter are at least 70km, so if I train for the longer distances, then races of 70km should be that much easier.
Haven’t had much free time to spend with Kat & her friends (thanks to Mum), but on the few times we’ve gotten together, we’ve found lot’s to do & I find I really enjoy being with them. We’ve already done the shopping thing in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler & Mayscho០(with & without their boyfriends tagging along). Just hop on the train & you’re there.
I found the ultimate store for stuffed animals in Ahrweiler, of all places. Kat & I both saw this really soft, big stuffed penguin but she picked it up before I got to it. After telling her about Helen, she let me get it for ‘sentimental reasons’ & she ended up with a really cuddly white polar bear with a blue T-shirt. It was hard to resist the bear Kat got, he was sooooo soft, but now I’ve got something to remind me of an understanding friend I once knew. I’ve named my penguin ‘Stuffy’, after Helen’s.
While we were out, I also picked up a white mini skirt & a plain, but very cute (so I’ve been told), long sleeved, cotton mauve top. I didn’t realise until I modelled the outfit for Mum, that she was wearing an almost identical white mini. She thought it’d be cool if we had the same outfit, so when she asked me where I got the top, I told her I’d only tell her if I could get a pair of heels like she was wearing. She just gave me one of those “we’ll see” looks. Hey, if I knew getting a pair of shoes out of Mum was that easy….
Since Maria has to leave for Holland with the team in a couple of days, tomorrow Mum & Maria are taking Kat, Steffie, Liesl, Jules & I into Bonn. Mum says Jules & I need some good clothes for school.
When we moved from Warsop, I promised myself that I was going to only be me. No pretending, no hiding - just me. Both Warsop & Grottoes taught me some painful lessons about that! That promise sort of made for an awkward moment the other day for Kat & I.
Kat’s always known about Drew & Maddy. She also knows about how things are with Gaby & Maddy. The problem was Steffie & Liesl didn’t — until now. We both knew I’d have to tell them sometime about me liking girls & better it came from me. I was kind of scared, not knowing how they’d react. I didn’t really want to lose them as friends. Turned out they’re okay with it.
That’s about all the news for now.
Talk to you later, Gaby
Later that night, as Gaby prepared for bed, one last check of her email revealed Ally’s reply.
Hey, Gabs!
No one was surprised with what you did & why you did it — including Maddy’s parents. I wouldn’t worry yourself over it.
As it turned out, Maddy cancelled her party due to lack of interest. I guess of the ‘gang’ and the Sherwood Foresters, I was the only one that didn’t have some excuse. She cried like a baby when I told her that I’d still like to drop by if she didn’t mind.
Her mum did up a quick dinner for the four of us and afterwards she opened the few presents and cards she got from her family. Mad didn’t say anything, but if you could’ve only seen the look in her eyes. I have a feeling that deep down, not getting a card or anything from you really hit her hard. I know it’s not the best news & it’s got to be pulling at your heartstrings to hear it, but you asked.
Glad to hear your training’s going so well. Guess I should start looking for you on the telly and in those cycle magazines you always read?
Hugs.. Ally
The first days of school brought the usual excitement for the kids, but in addition it brought nerves for Jules and Gaby, new school, more new friends, new language, new curriculum and new ways of doing things such as getting to and from school. As Kat predicted, both Jules and Gaby were boy magnets and like when the exchange students first arrived at AHS in Grottoes, the two sisters were the subjects of close scrutiny by boys and girls, alike — but for their own reasons.
Gaby and her mum soon slipped into a training schedule that revolved around her timetable and included a long Saturday morning ride around the Ahr region, weather permitting. Initially, mother and daughter caused a bit of a sensation whenever they would arrive at the school after a training ride, both wearing their Apollinaris strip, but as time went on, their presence became routine. Gaby would change while Jenny continued onto work. A few times, Maria decided to accompany them wearing her team skins.
As things began to settle down into the familiar, Gaby once more turned to the keyboard to email her friends. After bringing her US friends and Fran up-to-date, Gaby felt it was time to write Ally.
Guten Tag, Ally…
Sorry it’s been so long between emails but it’s been hectic around here to say the least and time’s just flown by. I’ll try to bring you up-todate.
Jules & I’ve been at school for three weeks now & we’re both finding it easier than we first thought. Granted we know a fair bit of the material they’re studying because we’ve already done it once, but we thought we might have more problems with the language than we have been. Mum’s always said we’d pick up German without any problem & she was right for the most part. But when we do have a problem, the rest of the kids are quick to help us. The teachers know we’re still learning German so they also try to help us whenever they think we need it. Our biggest problem is everyone wants to practice their English on us. Kat says the boys just want to hear our ‘dreamy’ accents!
Except for the language, you’d think we’re back at Augusta High — no uniforms, individual lockers and boys checking you out every chance they get. The girls checked both Jules and I out, just like they checked us all out, when we first started at AHS. Got to size up the competition, I guess! Thankfully, there’s no cheerleading. ïŠ
Kat wanted me to wear my aboriginal stuff in the first week. Like that happened! Cor! Sis summed it up, perfectly. She said if I wore it to school, it’d be like ‘throwing down the gauntlet’ and issuing a challenge to all the girls to hold onto their boyfriends! She may’ve been exaggerating just a tad, but why take the chance? So far, we seemed to have been accepted by the other girls as a non-threat, so I may wear Jessica’s stuff in the future, but we’ll see.
It didn’t take Jules long before she had a few boys at her feet. Trouble is, I’ve the same problem, only I don’t want ‘em! I know what you’re thinking, but you’d have to come here because I can’t post them to you!
Anyway, Jules & Kat thought they came up with the perfect solution to my boy problem. Whenever some guy tried to pick me up, I‘d tell him that ‘I was already involved’, end of story! I did & it wasn’t….
By now, pretty well everyone around me knows that I have feelings for Maddy but that doesn’t seem to be stopping them from wanting to be around me. Susanne (she prefers ‘Suse’), a girl in some of my classes, says I’m popular and to sit back an’ enjoy it. It kind of feels nice to be accepted for yourself but a bit uncomfortable at the same time. I like blending with the crowd, not standing out — except when I’m on the bike, of course.
Suse & I get along really well. It turns out that she knows Kat & the others, so we always hang out together after school & that kind of feels like the old gang in some ways. She’s a great help in school too! I think I’d be hopelessly lost most of the time if it wasn’t for her.
Remember I told you Mum and Maria were taking us into Bonn for some clothes shopping before school started? I ended up mostly with jeans — both straight-leg & flared, several tops and casual slacks. Kat told me you won’t see too many dresses or skirts at school unless it’s a special occasion, but I did get two. One was a black pleated mini — kind of like the skirts we had for our cheer uniforms, but in black. The other one, by popular demand, was the standard ‘little black (mini) dress’ with a V-neck & sheer, long sleeves. Both Kat & Liesl said that if I ever showed up in that dress, they’re putting their boyfriends on a leash. I guess that meant I looked good in it, huh? Wonder if it would have the same effect on Maddy?
If you ever get over here for a visit (nudge, nudge), I’ll have to take you into Bonn! The malls (plural) in that city make anything we have back home, pale by comparison. You could spend days going through all the clothing stores! I could just hear Maddy, “So many stores, so little time and only one of me!”
Speaking of a visit, not to push you or anything, but here’s my holiday schedule for the year. It would be lovely if your parents would let you come. Think about it?

Mum told us Apollinaris is throwing a real posh ‘end of season’ party for the team, but Maria said it’s just ‘code’ for Mum’s retirement party. Anyway Jules, Kat and I had to get ‘formal gowns’ for this thing. It was bad enough watching Mum & Maria try on different gowns, but I would’ve preferred we went alone & thus spared Steffie & Liesl the agony of watching the five of us going through the racks. It wasn’t hard, but Kat & I eventually coaxed both of them to try on a couple of gowns. Kat jokingly wonders who we really did it for & why. Was it to ease our guilt or their agony? ïŠ
Anyway, I ended up with a midnight blue gown with a ‘scooped’ neckline & a full skirt. Jules said it would really bring out the greys & blacks of my feather earrings & Hawk feather. Mum said the neckline would show off my beaded choker. Call me paranoid, but I’m getting the feeling ‘people’ are conspiring to get me to wear my feather’s almost as much as Maddy got Drew into skirts (not that I’m complaining about that)! Both Jules and I also got a pair of black pumps with 3” heels to go with our gowns. I got a second pair, in a slightly different style, to wear with my flared jeans for when I need that ‘dressier’ look.
When I got home, first thing I did was to try everything on and everyone was right! My feathers and choker looked like they belonged with that dress. When I was showing Mum, Dad walked into the room & took a long look. All he said to me was that I looked very pretty, but as he turned & walked out, Mum said he mumbled something about ‘protection’! I wish Maddy could’ve seen me. Maybe someday….
Even though it’s a fortnight until the party, I know just what I’m wearing & this time there’ll be no question of me showing Mum up! I had to promise Mum I’d let her & Jules wear my other feathered earrings. Maybe I’ll offer my bracelet to Mum as well.
Mum may have been sick with cancer and Jules “Goth Girl”, but after seeing those two modelling their gowns & my earrings, I think Dad might be right about the bodyguards.
The Pingers & our family are planning to take Tina (one of the other girls on the pro team) to Munich the first of Oktober for Oktoberfest. Plans are to take us out of school on the Friday and spend the weekend with Tina’s family. Kat says we haven’t lived until we’ve attended a Munich Oktoberfest so Jules & I are really looking forward to going!
Wish we could go next week, as Kat says that’s when all the biggest parades are held, but the pro team won’t be back. They still have the World Championship time trials and road race in Spain. I think the 21st & 24th will be hard days for Mum, not being there to defend her title. The team’s scheduled to be back on the 26th.
I’ve attached a copy of my timetable for you. Unlike Warsop, we don’t have a home form to register, just show up for your class & I also have ‘spares’ or ‘free time’, like Thurs./ Fri. mornings & Wed./ Fri. afternoons. Since I’m in the lower grades of their secondary school or "Sekundarstufe 1", I have to stay in for my spares, unlike Jules. Because she’s in the higher grades or "Sekundarstufe 2", she can leave the school for her spares.
I do have one exception to the rule for "Sekundarstufe 1". Like at Warsop, I’ve got an exemption for P/E because of my training, so on Mon., I don’t have to be in school until Math & Thurs./Fri. until my second class. Mum rides into school with me on most days I take the bike & Mondays are used for the longer morning training rides. Whenever she rides in with me, she just continues on to the team’s training facility. Maria’s rode in with us a few times.
Mum and Maria are always in their skins. I only wear mine on the days I have spares and do a training ride before school. The first time I walked into the school in my skins (I change before class) you would’ve thought that with all the fuss that was made, I was an alien making ‘first contact’. I think I know how Mum felt when people first crowded around her for autographs!
Turns out that there’s a cycling club in the school & once they found out I raced, I was asked to join. I had to pass since my training conflicted with when they usually got together, but they’ve asked me to come & speak to them at one of their meetings. I told them I would at some future date, but I left it open. I think I might ask them if Dad can come with me and speak about the Youth Program.
Hugs.. Gaby

The next evening when Gaby did her usual check of her email, she found Ally had already responded.
Hi, Gabs!
Long time, no hear; but you’re right how things get when school starts. I’m really pleased to hear you’re fitting in so well & you say people know you’re a lesbian? Cool. A far cry from your days at AHS.
Maddy’s got Miss Burton for home form, which may be a good thing for her. At least she’ll get a clean start. If she drew Mr. P, she’d no doubt be under the microscope. She still has a bit of a dark cloud hanging over her if the way Timber greets her in the corridors, is any indication.
We’ve got Miss C for home form this year & so far, it’s been a scream, as long as Timber doesn’t come around. For the kids who were in Virginia, we already knew she was a bit of alright, but now the others are finding that out as well. I think we were all a bit surprised to see Rhod return to sets. We were all half expecting to see Em.
However, Rhod’s keeping to himself this term. He hasn’t talked to Bern or myself, much and I’ve a funny feeling something happened at his Dad’s. When Em returned, she was very quiet, not like Em at all & Rhod’s been somewhat distant. I should insist on having a proper sit down with him (more likely Em) this weekend.
Maddy, OTOH, has been on pretty good terms with Bern & I. We hang together at breaks & after school, almost like old times. She’s not as bouncy as she was & even less so if the names Drew or Gaby are mentioned. She tends to shy away from things that remind her of you as well, but at least she does seem to be making an effort to come out of her shell. She just closed the door to everybody after your party.
Mad still ‘talks the talk’ (boys) when she’s around others, but the reality of it is, she avoids them. I really think she’s still hurting Gabs. Seeing her before the Virginia trip with Drew, then with Gaby, I’ve got an idea how she felt. Now the more I see see the subtle way she acts, especially around boys & hear what she says, the more I’m convinced she’s not interested in boys at all. IMHO, the more she tries to hide it, the easier it is to see that she’s very much still in love with you. Her problem is she wants to hide it from everyone, including herself — but like I said, I don’t think it’s working. I’d really like to know why the change as I’m sure you would because that’s not the Maddy we knew before Virginia.
Bern knows to back off & let her sort it herself, just like you told me has to happen. In the past, the gang’s always been there for each other & I hope Mad knows that if she wants to talk, we’re here for her. I’d like nothing more than to see the two of you back together, despite the distance. I’m sure you have the same wish.
Don’t complain to me about your boy problem, Gaby Bond! We’ve always thought you were the prettiest of the gang — now live with it! Maybe if I could convince mum & dad to let me transfer schools I could help you out with your ‘problem’?ïŠïŠ
Seriously, maybe I can convince them to let me visit, sometime. No promises, but I’ll try….okay? Looking at your hols schedule, it looks as if the Christmas period is the only time we have in common. If we can set something up, you can take me into Bonn when I arrive, okay?
I’d like to show Miss C your timetable. I think she’d find it interesting to compare it with our own. Given the fact you’re basically re-doing 3rd Levels; that makes it even more interesting. Why do you have 3 languages? German I can see, but for the German kids, having to take German would be like us having to take English.
I’ve never been to an Oktoberfest so tell me all about it when you get back.
Miss you.. Ally
Comments are Greatly Appreciated!
To Be Continued...
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The letters (okay e-mails) really add.
... to this chapter. It's great seeing friends keep up with each other over distances. Too many times I've seen good friends drift apart when they don't have the reinforcement of seeing each other. It takes an effort to maintain a friendship (or any relationship) across distances...
Thanks for sharing the story again. (I've refrained from doing a file compare to see what you've changed... I decided to savor this one on it's own merrits, of which there are many.)
PB's Idea
The idea of using the emails to help propel the story struck me as a great one when it was first proposed and I fell certain that PB managed to pull it off about as well as it could be done.
I haven't done a line by line comparison, but whatever differences there may be between the version on MB's site and this one don't seem to have changed the overall picture. It was great when we initially proofed it, great when Maddy first posted it, and it's still great :)
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
Rough Waters-9
Looks like Gaby should have gotten a lot more of those feathers. How long before they start getting a bit frayed? Glad to see that Maddy back with Ally and Bernie.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
the German-American Indian movment ---- I love it.
I know of and have seen feathers and their use and do believe they's make great accessories. mabe GABBY can set up a little internet buissness on the side and market them to her friends and such. hey ya never know. I believe the moccasins would likely be a big hit as many USA women love the boots outside the pants/jeans look in ast few years. I know it looks great even on me when i still dress-up on occation :-)
It appears Gabby is adjusting to new life well minus one certain maddy, but otherwise it appears such. it also seems to imply jules is also, but altho it's not about her, I can see we dont know much. What I would of liked tho is seeing jules more involved. the other three members are so wrapped up in the cycling world, it's gotta have jules feeling a little left out even before they left Warsop and more even now. it's implied she's doing well, even so.
I was saddened to see jenny leave the team, but as she said i'd rather go out on top, than, keep trying to compete against younger fitter folks, i'm glad tho, she got a chance to remain actively involved tho.
i still hold hope for maddy and even more now discover her issues behind the facade. I still believe there is a ROOT problem that untill it's discovered and she gets help, she'll keep having more & more issues.
back to jules - for a moment...i sorta know what she's going thru. my family was big into rodeo'ing and stuff surrounding it. ME - my idea of a horse had two wheels, usually with 50cc,90cc,250cc attached around such lol...yet i was also dragged around to all over the rodeo circuit with family. in general i guess i at minimum was ok with matters of such. But other times i wish they'd chosen a few outtings that made me feel included or somthing i really liked doing. It was like ok what do we do with jack 1/2 the time, and anything I excelled in, well let's just say my familily wasnt around rooting me. I hope she's not getting snubbed in in that manner and it doesnt seem implied or that she's forced to be involved. being boy crazy as she seems to be...even if she had to goto some races... there had to be plenty of boys to oogle and chase about ....hahahahaha
Too bad, planning to go to the Oktoberfest in Muenchen 1st October - despite its name, it actually takes place in September. Every year the good folk of Muenchen have to deal with disappointed tourists, mostly from Britain and the USA, who arrive just in time to see the beer tents being taken down and all the piles of rubbish being cleared away !
It is OK if you like to get drunk, but frankly over-rated imho. Not the height of deutsche Kultur.
Oktoberfest dates
That's true re the Sept. start, but according to the Oktoberfest site for the year I wrote this & 2012, it's still going on in early Oct.
The closest I've ever been to the Munich Oktoberfest is actually knowing someone who attended. In this case it was my (future) wife. During her later teen years, she was living in Lahr with her parents (he was Cdn Army).