Rough Waters 6 - 'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 2
Rough Waters

Chapter 6 - 'Nobody expects
the Spanish Inquisition...'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

Some wrongs can't be made right again


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Photo Credit: Provided by PB.

Chapter 6

“Gail, would you please ask Mrs. Johnston to come in? Thank you … Mrs. Peters? … Mrs. Morgan? … Please do come in.” As both women entered the Headmaster’s office, he warmly greeted them and showed them to two high-backed leather covered, chairs.

Mary Johnston soon entered the Headmaster’s office, accompanied by Maddy and Rhod. Miss Cowlishaw arrived a minute later and joined the group as Mr. Woods indicated the two students be seated in the vacant chairs beside their respective mums.

“Well … Madeline … Rhoderri. I assume you know why you’re here with your mothers … am I correct?”

“Yes sir,” they both unenthusiastically replied in unison like well-drilled school children. Maddy looked very solemn and Rhod was looking very nervous as he sat in front of the Headmaster.

“In all fairness … I have to inform you that we’ve already heard from the Bond’s. If there’s any conflicting accounts between either of you and what we’ve heard thus far … I’m prepared to summon any of the Bond’s or Allison Lacey … to help try and sort things out…”

“Yes, sir,” they both quietly acknowledged.

“However … I trust that won’t be necessary, will it? … Miss Peters? … Mr. Morgan?”

“No, sir,” Maddy and Rhod chorused.

“I’ve also been told that both of you knew that Miss Cowlishaw was required to keep records on every student on the trip.”

“Yes, sir...”

“Good. So … since Mrs. Johnston and I weren’t with you in America, it won’t come as any shock to hear that she’ll also be offering her input as you each tell me about your experience in Virginia?”

“No, sir…”

He then paused to let his words register and took a long intimidating look at both of the students before him. It was a few minutes of an uncomfortable silence that passed before he spoke again.

“Alright, then … the purpose of this meeting is to hear your side of the story. Any decision on the matter will be made later by myself, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Cowlishaw … after we’ve heard from all parties,” Mr. Woods sternly but calmly cautioned before letting the two students tell their stories.

“Now, Madeline … you start. Suppose you tell us your side in your own words ... and I suggest you begin with the morning of your departure … then work up to the birthday party and leave nothing out.” Maddy knew Mr. Woods better than to think that she had any choice other than to comply with the Headmaster’s suggestion.

As she told her story, he questioned her on several points. When she covered the weekend that she and Gaby switched, her recollection of events and conversations differed somewhat from what was told by Jules. Naturally, Maddy insisted she was right.

“Are you accusing Jules of intentionally misleading us?” Mrs. Johnston asked.

“Not intentionally, ma’am … but she wasn’t there … was she?” Maddy smugly countered.

“Point taken. However … it’s also my understanding that you weren’t at Miss Bell’s house on the weekend in question, either. There is one way we can resolve this, though … maybe I should call Gaby and have her drop by? We can resume this when she gets here … and I’m sure that Miss Cowlishaw will gladly recount her conversations with Miss Bell, concerning your behaviour towards Gaby,” Mr. Woods calmly proposed.

“Umm …I don’t think that’ll be necessary, sir … now that I think about it…” Carol glared at her daughter as she quickly tried to backpedal.

The rest of Maddy’s ‘testimony’ went without incident or major deviation from what Jules had related … with the three staff members taking turns questioning her on several points.

The Headmaster then turned his attention to Rhod.

“Now young man … your turn … if you please.”

Rhod tried not to grimace at the Headmaster’s choice of words.

“Yes, sir.”

He then related his story, covering the same period, with more questioning from the same panel. When he finished describing Em’s participation at Gaby’s party, he was almost on the verge of tears.

“Sir? I’d like to say I’m awfully sorry for what I did and if I could (sniff) … but Gaby won’t talk to either of us.” Rhod’s eyes were moist as he thought of the friend he lost.

“I quite understand, but do buck up Rhoderri!” Mr. Woods replied.

“Yes, sir”

“Is there anything either of you ladies would like to add or ask, of ourselves or of your children?” Mr. Woods calmly asked as he addressed the parents.

“I’d like to ask my son a few questions…” Sylvia ventured. That sparked a fresh round of cross-examination for both children, from their own mothers! Once she and Carol had exhausted their curiosity, Sylvia asked what the next step would be.

“The three of us will meet to discuss all we’ve heard and let you know our decision either way … as soon as we’ve made it. Hopefully that will be sometime later this afternoon,” Mr. Woods replied.

“If there’s nothing else and as it’s almost lunch time, I propose we adjourn and we’ll call you when we’ve made a decision.” Hearing no objections, they all left the Headmaster’s office.

Although Maddy and Rhod had a fair idea about how things went with Mr. Woods, they had absolutely no misgivings about how things went with their mothers! When they left the main office to go back to join the rest of their classmates for lunch, both kids looked like they’d just been handed an immediate death sentence. As the two co-conspirators slowly headed for the cafeteria, Rhod finally broke the silence.

"So … you admit that it was you saying those things about me that evening we were all at the Jones’ … not Dre … ahh … Gaby?

The two kids stopped in the corridor and Maddy slowly nodded her head, while avoiding eye contact with Rhod.

“Why the bloody hell didn’t you tell me when you had the chance at Sandy’s? This didn’t have to happen!” Rhod hissed. Maddy knew he was mad. He never swore!

“What does me being at the Jones’ have to do with anything?” Maddy defensively asked in a display of false bravado.

“Everything! I lost my best mate for nothing … all ‘cuz of you! All those things I did to her were to get back for the mean things YOU said to me while you were at Sandy’s … only I thought it was Gaby.”

Maddy remained silent while avoiding direct eye contact with Rhod.

“Crikey! … You never stop playing around with Gabs’ life, do you? … Bloody manipulating bitch! … You don’t care about anybody as long as you get your jollies … even if it buggers up the lives of others!” Rhod angrily exclaimed as he stomped off and left Maddy standing in the corridor, with tears forming in her eyes.

Now that he’d walked away, Maddy knew that she was all alone, just like Ally said she’d be.

After learning the truth about Maddy’s role in Grottoes, Rhod knew that he had to try to mend the broken fences with Gaby and hope that they could be best of mates again. As he sat alone in the cafeteria, he relived Em’s exchange experiences and the more he thought about them, the more he understood Gaby’s parting words to her in the halls of AHS. How he wished he could get those six weeks back.

Six weeks in America had left Maddy alone and confused. As she ate her lunch in solitude, reluctantly contemplating an existence without Drew, Gaby or any of the ‘gang’, she tried to figure out what really drove her to treat Gaby as she did.

Meanwhile in the staff lunchroom, Mr. Woods, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Cowlishaw discussed what they’ve heard over the last two days. Following a short debate, the three agreed they needed to hear from both Jenny and Gaby one final time, before they handed down any decision.

“Oh, Jenny ... before you go, how’s your afternoon schedule?” Mr. Woods asked as he reached out and touched her arm when she walked past him while leaving the staff lunchroom.

“I have a double set with Mr. Pilling’s third levels in about an hour. May I ask why?”

“After hearing from Maddy and Rhod this morning, the three of us would like hear any final comments Gaby and yourself might have, before we hand down our decision later this afternoon. How soon could she get here?”

“If she’s waiting for me outside the house when I get there, I guess I could have her back here in about fifteen minutes,” Jenny offered.

“Would it be possible to call her? We’d like to try to conclude this as soon as possible,” Mr. Woods asked.

“I don’t see why not. As far as I know, she has nothing planned…” Jenny removed her mobile from her bag and selected their home number from the pre-programmed phonebook.

“Hello, dear? Are you doing anything right now? Good … if I pick you up in a few minutes, could you be ready and waiting outside? Mr. Woods would like to speak to both of us … no … nothing like that ... he just wants to hear our final thoughts on the matter … particularly yours. Thanks, kiddo … I’m just leaving now. See you in a few, bye.”

Twenty minutes later, they were back in the Headmaster’s office.

“Not exactly regulation school uniform … is it Gaby? Mr. Woods jokingly stated, looking at her low-rise, flared jeans and her ‘chocolate’ crewneck t-top.

“No, sir. Mum and I gave all of Drew’s clothes to charity yesterday including my school uniforms,” Gaby nervously replied.

“Don’t worry, Gaby … you look fine,” Fran whispered. “Love the heels.”

“I was getting used to them, when Mum called…” Gaby quietly confessed. “Still am…”

“Could’ve fooled me!” Fran softly shot back with a grin.

After Gaby and her mother settled in their chairs, Miss Cowlishaw became all business as she softly continued.

“First … I’m really sorry you had to be put through all this, Gaby. There is just no justification for it. Now, when we were considering the matter of any disciplinary action the school may take, Mr. Woods pointed out that the applicable guidelines handed down to him … are worded in such a way that he as Headmaster, still has a lot of flexibility.”

“It’s for that reason, I’d like to run our decision past both you and your mother, then listen to any comments you may have,” Mr. Woods voiced.

Following the short meeting, Jenny went off to her double set, while Gaby walked towards the bus stop across from the school to catch the bus home. At the same time, Mrs. Johnston went and informed Maddy and Rhod to take the next set in the library until sent for. Later that afternoon, Mr. Woods phoned their mothers to inform them a decision had been reached and would be revealed upon their arrival.

Rhod still questioned Maddy’s grip on reality, appearing as detached from the whole affair as she did. As he nervously took a chair and sat down at an empty table, he likened his own position to that of being told to relax and read a good book while they replaced the trigger mechanism in one of the rifles for the firing squad! A short time after the two had settled at a table with their books piled in front of them, Mrs. Johnston entered the library and asked both kids to follow her.

When they entered the Headmaster’s office, their mothers and Miss Cowlishaw were already there. Mr. Woods had turned his seat and was staring out his office window. Just as Mrs. Johnston closed the office door with a quite ‘click’, he slowly swung his seat around to face those gathered in his office.

“After careful consideration of everything we’ve heard … Miss Cowlishaw … Mrs. Johnston and I … have reached a decision. I have to say that if it wasn’t for the final remarks of both Mrs. Bond and Gaby … our decision would have been much harsher. However, they felt the damage was already irreparable and they thought nothing was to be gained if we handed down our original recommendations,” Mr. Woods stated.

After a very brief pause to let that register with both students, he continued by saying, “Before I reveal our decision, let me say that neither I … nor this school … will condone the bullying of another student … on …or off … school property … in … or out of … school time. You, Madeline … have been the benefactor of that policy on at least one occasion as I recall.”

“Yes sir,” Maddy solemnly acknowledged.

“Therefore your punishment, even reduced as it is … will serve as a reminder of our ‘zero tolerance’ policy to the rest of the student body. This will also be permanently placed on your academic records. Any questions thus far?” His question was met with silence.

“None? Then we’ll continue.”


Rhod bolted upright in his chair at the sound of his name.

“You’re suspended from this school for a period of one week for the callous disregard of a fellow student’s well-being. Your intentional ‘pranks’ … although not apparently malicious in intent … were completely unacceptable given the situation the two of you found yourselves in … plus your actions knowingly placed Gaby unnecessarily at personal risk. We’ll meet again at the end of the week to review your case. Any questions?” An eerie silence from both mother and son, met the Headmaster.

“Madeline … your conduct was most reprehensible given your knowledge of … and relationship to … Gaby. We suspect that some of your malicious actions may have been in aid of Brittany Walters and to that end a complete accounting of our findings will be sent to Miss Bell for further investigation. However, as the instigator of several other instances … all of which only served to amuse you at the expense of a fellow student … we’ve no choice but to suspend you from this school for a period of three weeks.”

Upon hearing Maddy’s punishment, Carol stared at her daughter while Maddy sat in her chair and looked straight ahead with no outward display of emotion.

“Like with Rhoderri … at the end of your suspension, we’ll meet again to review your case. Any questions? … Mrs. Peters?” Hearing only silence, Mr. Woods went on.

“I want you both to know that originally, we were prepared to suspend each of you until the next term … which would’ve meant automatically forfeiting your year. Fortunately for you … we listened to Gaby and her mother … and re-considered our findings accordingly.”

Mr. Woods briefly paused to let that sink in, before continuing.

“When each of you return to sets … you will be responsible for making up any lost lessons and tests. If you fail to measure up at year end … you will be required to repeat your year like any other student that fails to meet the standards for advancement. I should also warn you that if you should think that these recommendations mean you’re on holiday with free time to hang out in local retail establishments and generally make a nuisance of yourselves … think again! You’ll be granted no leeway by this administration with the authorities that deal with absent students just because you have been temporarily suspended.”

“Also, both of you are prohibited from participating in any extra-curricular activities for as long as you attend this school. That means, effective immediately … both of you are permanently off the Sherwood Foresters’ cheer squad. Miss Cowlishaw has assured me that she’ll be able to continue just as effectively without your participation.”

Mr. Woods was quick to observe the negative impact that announcement had on the two ‘girls’, particularly Maddy.

“Now, if there are no questions … that concludes this meeting and both of you are free to go with your mothers. If any questions do arise … please feel free to contact Mrs. Johnston. For administrative purposes … your suspensions officially begin next Monday and when you return, you will report directly to her.”

When everyone had left the Headmaster’s office, Mary escorted the pair to gather their belongings, while their mother’s waited at the main office. Once they returned, she walked the small group to the main doors and reminded them that she would always be available should any questions or concerns arise.

Meanwhile, back at the Bond residence…

“You’re home early, Dad,” Gaby remarked when Dave walked into the house.

“I left early to pack for tonight … had you forgotten that I’ve a meeting with George this weekend? By the way, I’ll need a larger suitcase … any chance I could borrow yours? I promise that I’ll have my own next trip.”

The two went upstairs and Gaby ducked into her room to retrieve her suitcase. Once his job with the team was defined and a work schedule worked out, it was decided that the girls would then start accompanying their father to Germany. After putting the empty case on his bed, Dave walked back across the hall to Gaby’s room and gently knocked before entering her room.

“Let’s see that number of yours, lass.”

Gaby went over to the computer desk and took out her autographed number for her dad to measure up. Grabbing the ruler on the desk, he checked the size, all the time hummin’ and hawin’. Finally seeing a quizzical look on his face, Gaby couldn’t stand it any longer.

“Well?” Gaby demanded.

“Hmmm … I guess…”

“DAAAD-DEE!” Gaby whined. If Dave had tried any harder to wind his daughter up, he couldn’t have done a better job.

With a huge smile on his face, he told Gaby they had an end piece of some rich-looking ‘cherry’ wood at the mill that Frank would let him have as it was of no use to anyone.

“We could do this two ways. Either make a frame just for the number, or combine the ‘Grottoes Express’ photo and your number into a larger single frame. I think that ‘end-piece’ is big enough to go with either option,” Dave explained. “Whatever you’d like…”

“How ‘bout you measure out the single frame first and if there isn’t enough wood then make a small frame just for the number,” Gaby thoughtfully offered.

“Here you are!” Jenny observed after thinking she and Jules came home to an empty house.

Dave realized he was now falling behind schedule once he saw that it was late enough in the afternoon for his wife to be home. After he gave her a kiss, he excused himself and rushed to finish his packing. She then sat on the bed and had Gaby join her.

“You want to hear how things went?”

“Not really … but tell me anyway,” Gaby solemnly whispered. After being told of Mr. Wood’s findings, she sat in silence and let her gaze fall to the floor.

“I’m sorry it had to happen like it did, darling … but now you just have to get on with your life. It’ll be fine … I love you, kiddo…” Jenny quietly told her daughter as they both held each other.

“I better go help your dad. He may be a genius with bikes, but when it comes to packing...” Jenny then got up and joined Dave in their room.

Later that afternoon…

(knock, knock, knock)

I’ll get it!” Jules hollered upstairs. When she opened the front door, she was surprised to see Em standing there.

“Ya know Em? Ya really got some balls showing your face around here. Whaddya want?” Jules asked, her voice dripping with restrained hostility.

“Ummm … is Gaby here? I really need to talk with her … please Jules?” With a jerk of her head, Jules abruptly motioned for Em to enter and wait at the door.

Gaby! Someone’s here to see you!” Jules shouted up the stairs then quickly walked away leaving Em feeling very unwelcome and standing at the door.

Gaby bounded down the stairs but when she saw who it was, she stopped in her tracks.

“Why are you here?” she dryly asked.

“I want to apologize for everything. I didn’t think … at your party … or in the States. It never occurred to me that I was hurting you like I was … honest! If Maddy never … I thought it was you, Gab … honest! I never meant to hurt you. If I’d thought I was … I’d have never done any of it. Please, Gaby ... we’ve been friends too long … please?”

Em’s emotional plea trailed off as she searched Gaby’s face for any sign of forgiveness. Instead, she saw a face devoid of any emotion let alone any compassion.

“You’re right … Rhod … we were mates at one time … an’ maybe we can be again, sometime … but when you turned your back on me, you changed the rules of that friendship. You want me to forgive you … or maybe say … it’s okay … an’ that I understand … well … I’m not … and I can’t ... not after what you and Maddy did to me an’ to my family. Maybe in time I might be able to forgive you … but not now.” Em felt the tears welling up in her eyes. “Enjoy your time off!”

Em’s wide eyes betrayed her surprise at Gaby’s comment.

“Oh, yes … I know what Mr. Woods said. You should be bloody grateful to Mum and me for making our feelings known to him like we did. We thought there was nothing to be gained if you lost your year … even though you guys made bloody sure I lost any hope of getting mine!” Gaby lectured, her voice dripping with contempt.

“I know … he told us…” Em weakly replied.

“For what it’s worth … I think it best if Em never tries to attend Warsop College. Mr. Woods has a long memory and he’s not impressed with her,” Gaby spitefully added.

“Anyway … I gotta go. We’re taking Dad to the airport. He’s leaving for Germany tonight. Go home Em.”

“You going, too?” Em asked, her voice breaking.

“Soon,” Gaby intoned.

“Will I ever see you again?” Em weakly inquired.

“I dunno,” Gaby whispered as she stood ready to close the door.

As she started to shut the door, Gaby noticed Sylvia was waiting in their car. When Em began to walk down the front steps, she stopped and turned back to face her former friend. With tears running down her cheek she uttered a final, “Sorry”.

Gaby silently shook her head in response. When Em opened the front passenger door to her mum’s car, Gaby closed her eyes and slowly shut her front door.

She finally gone?” Jules asked as she came down the stairs and saw her sister standing facing the door.

“Yeah. All she wanted to do was say she’s sorry. Claimed she didn’t know she was hurting me … an’ you know what? (sigh) Knowing Rhod like I do … I believed her … but I couldn’t bring myself to forgive her … not yet,” Gaby’s voice faded to a whisper. “Rhod was my mate, sis…”

Jules saw the tears in her eyes and embraced her sister.

“It’s okay to cry, sis. I’ve a feeling everybody … even Maddy … is hurting after finally realizing what they lost.” After holding Gaby for a while, Jules released her little sister. “Now, better fix your mascara … Mum’s almost ready to go.”

The light had just started to fade when they all piled into the Saab Estate and Gaby cheerfully relinquished her usual spot in the front passenger seat to her mum. During the drive to the airport, both parents were talking about what Dave could expect in Bad Neuenahr. He had planned to stay the weekend in Jenny’s two-bedroom apartment that Apollinaris had assigned her. Besides finding out about his job, he was also going to start investigating the housing market as well as talk to Maria about the schools.

“Don’t worry, luv … I’ll phone when I get there.” Dave poked his head into the opened car window to say his good-byes.

They hadn’t planned on seeing him to the plane and as they passed the terminal’s crowded car park, they knew they made a good choice. Amid the flurry of well-wishes, Gaby made her dad promise to say ‘hi’ to Kat.

“If things work out all around … you can say that yourself in a week or two,” Dave replied as he gave both Gaby and Jules a kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t let your mum get overtired an’ don’t be afraid to help out, okay? See you guys Sunday night … ‘bye!” Dave quickly added as Jenny pulled away from the curb.

“Jules … Gaby and I are going to Sheffield tomorrow … want to come along?” Jenny asked as they sped along back towards Warsop.

“Sure! What time?” Jules asked.

“I really think I should get out on the bike tomorrow morning and I’d like to get an early start, so it’ll be after we get back ... you are coming … aren’t you Gaby?”

“My alarm’s set for six … that okay … or you want me to set it earlier?” Gaby offered.

“No … six is fine …I guess we should be back no later than nine-ish. That okay, Jules?” Jenny asked.

Saturday morning found Jenny and Gaby, both in their Apollinaris kit, riding out to Cuckney and along the same route regularly used for the time trials. On the way back, Jenny pulled over to the roadside and sat down on a small rise. Gaby quickly did a U-turn on the empty road and soon was back, sitting beside her mother.

“Give me a few minutes, kiddo … I guess I’m not ready for the racing season quite yet,” Jenny implored.

“Well … you’re doing much better than last time we were out, Mum. Your endurance is improving. We almost made it home before you stopped and it’s getting harder to win those sprints. I’m finding that I hafta work harder every time we go out,’ Gaby proudly told her mum.

“Think so?” Jenny asked while looking off into the distance. Turning to her daughter, she finally asked what had been weighing on her mind all this time.

“Sweetheart … are you really okay with all of this? I mean a lot has unexpectedly happened in the last few weeks and you’ve had to take things as they were thrown at you. A lot has changed in your life.”

“Yeah, I guess so ... but I can’t do much about it even if I wasn’t … can I? I mean … okay … so … things aren’t exactly working out as I hoped when all this started … but I hafta make ‘me’ work. I’ve got no choice. Why?” Gaby thoughtfully inquired after a brief silence.

“It’s just that you’ve never really sat down and spoken about it since you came back and Jules said you two spoke all the time in Grottoes.” Jenny pulled her daughter closer to her. “Truth is … I’m scared, darling. My biggest fear is that you’re keeping it all bottled up again and I’m really afraid that we’ll have a repeat of the Walters…” Jenny softly spoke as she continued to hold Gaby. “…Only this time you’ll make sure we won’t be there to stop you…”

“On the flight back … Miss C told me that I can either quit the race or dig deep to find that inner strength that would let me go on and win. Now … have I ever abandoned a race?”

“Nope!” Jenny whispered through a weak smile. A few tears were beginning their journey down her face as she reached out for her daughter.

“You don’t have to watch me anymore, Mum…” Gaby softly confirmed while the two held each other for several moments. “Besides … back at the Walters I made a promise to Jules … an’ you know me an’ my promises…”

“I know, kiddo … you’ve always kept them…”

When the two parted, they quickly dried their tears and resumed the ride home. Upon their arrival back at the house, Jules gave her mum two messages.

“Dad called … he arrived at the apartment okay and apologized that he didn’t call last night but he felt it was too late when he got in … an’ Dr. Sanwari phoned … an’ apologized for not calling yesterday.”

“Did he say anything else?”

“He’s at the clinic until noon, but he wanted you to know that Gaby’s now ‘legal’. The RGO … or something … phoned him as he started rounds and as he says … things kind of got busy. CONGRATULATIONS, MUM … GAB'S A GIRL!” Jules excitedly squealed.

“Sorry … it just came out,” she added with a smug grin on her face.

“He also said to give him a call either today or Monday and he’ll fill you in on the details,” Jules continued. She was well aware of what that new birth certificate meant to Gaby.

“Looks like we’ll be making another stop … so better make yourself pretty,” Jenny mused.

“Why?” Gaby asked.

“You’re going to need new passport photos … so we might as well get them when we’re out,” Jenny replied then added, “You shower and I’ll give Dr. Sanwari a call.”

Later as Gaby came down the stairs, her sister just stared at her and slowly shook her head.

“What did I do now?” Gaby sharply asked.

“Do me a favour? If there’s any cute boys around … move away and give me a chance, huh?” Jules had a big smile on her face even as she tried to be stern with her sister.

“I’m only 14.”

“They won’t know that, will they?”

“Well, you can have all the boys you want,” Gaby shot back in her best sultry voice as she walked up to Jules and gave her a peck on the cheek. “I’ll just tell ‘em they’re not my type!”

“Darling … why don’t you wear Jessica’s things?”

“It’s only a passport photo, Mum…” Gaby replied.

“You have a choice, sis … ten years with a police mug shot or ten years with something you can live with,” Jules sarcastically pointed out.

“Well … when you put it that way…”

“G’wan!” Jules firmly stated while pointing upstairs.

Gaby quickly retreated back upstairs to her room and returned after a few minutes, wearing her Nighthawk feather, choker and her favourite feather earrings.

“Okay … I was wrong,” Jules playfully muttered as she watched her sister descend the stairs.

“I think she looks very nice!” Jenny firmly stated.

“Looking like that? All the boys will be looking at her!” Jules pouted while trying unsuccessfully to suppress a huge grin.

“Sisters…” Jenny mumbled. “C’mon girls … we gotta go!”

Jenny ushered the girls out to the car and by the grace of the traffic gods, they arrived at the mall in Sheffield in remarkably good time. A few hours later they emerged back into the sunlight, heavily laden with purchases. Each of the women did pretty well with at least one new outfit but as Jules pointed out, her little sister seemed to have come out on top with a few skirts, tops and a dress or two, not to mention a couple of pairs of dress shoes and jeans. As far as Gaby was concerned, the highlight of the day was her new passport photos.

“Well, I think we all did pretty good … eh, girls? Anyone else feel like a tea before we go home?” Jenny asked the girls when they got into the car.

When they eventually made it home Jenny found a message on the answering machine, from Ally. Gaby quickly returned the call and about twenty minutes later, her friend was at the front door.

“Mmmm … very sexy,” Ally breathed as she saw her friend wearing Jessica’s feather for the first time. Gaby quickly changed the subject as she could feel herself colouring up under the additional gaze of her sister.

“Sorry I missed your call but we just got back from Sheff. If I’d known you were home, I would’ve called … but I didn’t know if you decided to go with Em to her dad’s … or not,” Gaby explained.

“That’s okay, Gabs. I don’t know if I could’ve handled Sheff any better than last time. Even though the sling’s off … the memories are still there … if you know what I mean.” Gaby nodded.

“Why didn’t you go with Em like you usually do?”

“Yeah … well … after what she pulled on you. I mean … I liked Rhod a lot and even might’ve liked Em … given time … until … anyway I’ve decided to back off for awhile and think things out.”

Gaby chose to let it lie and not pursue the matter with Ally as she gave her a sympathetic hug.

“Show me everything you got at Sheff!” Ally enthusiastically told her friend.

Up in her room, Gaby showed her the new clothes she’d bought earlier that day. Afterwards they both sat on her bed, listening to CD’s and generally trying to make sense of the things that happened to them since they left for America.

“Gabs … can I ask you something personal? It’s been bothering me for awhile,” Ally quietly asked.

“I guess so…” Gaby softly replied.

“At your birthday party when you were getting ready to go back downstairs … Jules looked scared and held your mum’s hand when you said you were just going to get freshened up. You even had to promise her you were coming right back … an’ in Washington … she always stayed real close to you … why? Something bad happened back in Grottoes … didn’t it?” Ally’s voice was quiet and concerned.

“I promise not to tell anybody…” Ally softly pleaded as she reached out to take Gaby’s hand.

Gaby’s gaze lowered to her bedspread as she quietly fought for an answer.

“It’s sumpthin’ I’m not proud of … but … ‘member the party at Prue’s?”


“Later that evening … after we got home … I … I … tried to end it … ’cept … Jules found me before I swallowed any pills …” Gaby’s voice was very quiet, almost a whisper as she continued to look down at her covers.

“OhmyGod! Why? Was it because of us?” Ally expressed her shock as she tightened her grip on Gaby’s hand. Gaby silently nodded.

“Without you guys an’ without Maddy … I had no friends I could turn too … an’ once everyone knew about me…”

Ally's thoughts immediately went to that last evening in Grottoes. She suddenly realized just how close she had come to losing a dear friend because of some senseless juvenile mind-games that had gone horribly wrong. Without warning, her body began to heave with heavy sobs as she wrapped her arms around Gaby in a tight embrace and laid her head upon her friend’s shoulder.

After several minutes, she managed to pull herself apart from Gaby, all red-eyed and tear-stained.

“But everything’s okay now? You’re not…” Ally asked in a weak, pleading voice.

An equally dishevelled Gaby looked at Ally then closed her eyes and silently shook her head.

“No, I’m not … not now. I made a promise to Jules I wouldn’t an’ I knew the family would support me … but I was surprised at the other kids at the party after I told them … an’ then there’s you. Tellin’ you back in DC was the smartest thing I could’ve done … thank you!” Now it was Gaby’s turn to envelop Ally in a hug. “But I’m not really gonna feel comfortable ... to be me … until we leave Warsop,” Gaby whispered.

“Why not?” Ally asked.

“Once people know … it’ll be too hard on Mum an’ Dad. People will talk … an’ there could be trouble, all ‘cause of me … Grottoes proved that. Besides … Maddy hates me an’ I just can’t stay around her … feeling about her as I do.”

With eyes closed, she paused to take a deep breath and then quietly added, “Drew doesn’t exist in Germany.”

“I’ll miss you, Gabs … I really will,” Ally whispered. Gaby felt the wetness of Ally’s tears as she rested her head on her shoulder.

“I’ll be here for a while yet.”

“You’re still going to move away!” Ally quietly shot back.

Sunday was a quiet day with Bernie, Ally and Helen off with their respective families.

During the morning, Jenny and Gaby took another 30km ride. Gaby took solace in her belief that her mum was steadily improving and one day, they’d be riding a stage race together.

While Jules spent the afternoon with Anna and Jenny napped, Gaby spent the time in her room sending emails to all her American friends, bringing them up to speed on all that had happened.

Sunday evening saw Jenny and the girls pile into the car to go collect Dave at Manchester’s airport. Everyone was anxiously waiting to hear what exactly he would be doing in his new job with the team.

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To Be Continued...

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