“You did what?!” Leah said.
“It just happened, it was something silly”.
“It isn’t something silly anymore Dani”.
Leah came to sit next to me in bed.
“Have you thought about it? About how you feel? What this actions may reflect about you?”.
I didn’t want to answer, mostly because I really didn’t have an answer. It all just happened, and I enjoyed it, it was something I had just discovered and didn’t put much thought to it, when I did my mind got foggy and I got anxious.
“I… no… I haven’t” I said turning my head to the floor.
Leah pulled my face to her, holding it with her hand, looking me straight in the eyes with a puzzled look.
“Do you like girls?” Leah said.
“But like, do they turn you on?”.
“I think so”.
“Does wearing women's clothes turn you on?”.
“No… not really”.
She took a deep breath, still her hand on my face, pulled me closer to her and then out of nowhere planted a kiss on my lips, it was a sweet short kiss, I had never felt something like that and my body reflected it immediately.
“What the…” I said.
“You do like girls” She said with a smirk and then pointed at the bulge on my pants.
I quickly grabbed a pillow and covered my pants with it.
“Why did you do that?”.
“I wanted to find out, I feel you’re afraid of letting your true feelings out, so maybe I have to help you bring them out Dani”.
I was so confused, what a sweet kiss, now I wanted more, my body wanted more, it was like a sudden rush, blood pumping through my body, was I in love with Leah?, so many feelings.
“Do you feel the same way when you wear makeup and women’s clothes?”.
“Uhm no, definitely not at all”.
“Ok well, that tells us something, it’s not a kink, uhm have you ever watched gay porn?”.
What the hell was going on, she was out of her mind.
“Well, maybe that way you can figure out if you’re turned on by guys”.
“I haven’t, no, do you think…”.
“Yes, I think you should try it, it’s only normal to watch porn”.
She had a weird smile on her face, and suddenly I could concentrate on anything else than her lips, I still had the feeling on them on mine, and as this thoughts came over me, I started to feel my body reacting again.
“Uhm... right now?”.
“No!l I don’t want to see you jerk off!”
“I won’t jerk off”
“Well we don’t know that Dani, you might get a strong urge and I don’t want to see that”
“Stop it! First you kiss me, then you tell me to watch gay porn, it’s all too much”.
“Well no, first you got yourself women’s clothes, and then you got obsessed with wearing my makeup, and then you go out and buy a dress with a girl you just met in french class, so don’t make it as if I’m the one coming with the weird stuff, I’m just trying to help you out”.
I feel my heart going fast, she was right, it was all to weir, she was probably doing the right thing by helping me figure this shit out, but I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to be weird, to be not normal, I wanted things to stay the same, the same where she would help me look like a girl and and nothing bad would happen, and no one would judge me, I looked at her, lost in my head, looking for some comfort.
“Everyone at french class thought I was a trans girl”.
She brought her arm around me and pulled me close to her in a hug, my eyes were teary.
“Are you worried they might be right?”.
I took a deep breath.
“I don’t know, I just want to be normal”.
I was crying already, like I hadn’t cried since I was probably a baby, I was overwhelmed with everything.
“No one is normal Dani, I am not normal and certainly you’re not normal either, but that doesn’t change anything, you have to find yourself to be happy, maybe you’re trans, maybe you’re not, but you have to figure out who you are, I’m just trying to help you, I don’t want you to be hurt”.
“Thanks” I manage to say in between my sadness.
“And if you’re going to go around buying girl clothes with strangers, we have to make sure you’re safe Dani, I don’t want anyone to hurt you in any way, that’s why I’m pushing you, because you have already went out of your way to do crazy things, and that’s ok, but let’s just make sure we figure you out, before you do it again, so we can build an armor and shield around you before someone tries to harm you”
She was stroking my hair, she was right, she was so sweet. I was already getting more calm.
“So, should we watch gay porn” Leah said, and we both started laughing.
Author's note: Just a tiny chapter following the ending of the last one, and getting us prepared to the discovery journey that Daniel is going to take
Danni needs to meet other
Like her, she is not alone, this an important point.
Danny is such a lucky guy
Danny is such a lucky guy having someone like Leah to help him through this difficult period in his life. It is starnge that sometimes; finding yourself can be a very difficcult task, so a catalyst like Leah is worth a lot.