Portrait, Chapter 5

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by Leslie Moore

Chapter Five

Lunch with Mrs. Statler was always a test. It was a real challenge to ignore her dour attitude. She truly tried your patience with everything she said. She asked questions just to see if she could raise your ire. She said what she was thinking as if all her filters had left with aging. She just sounded crazy.

Helen Statler was richer than most third world countries. If she wasn't loaded, she would have been locked up years ago. Instead, she sponsored charity fundraisers and supported the worst politicians. People fawned over her words like they were jewels. I thought she was a waste of oxygen.

But, Matthew Statler was my boyfriend and was important to me. After knowing him for six months, I lifted my own ban on dating him and turned my inner woman lose. After all that time working hard to be my friend, I felt sorry for him. I ran over him like a truck at high speed. I thought about the Black Widow spider who eats her mate after sex or was it the Praying Mantis?

That’s what kept the smile on my face while I ignored Helen’s babble about ‘what was wrong with the country today’. Or was it, ‘Did you know what I saw the other day? And they were holding hands and kissing in public.’ Instead, I thought about the raw sex that Matt and I had while we were getting ready to visit for lunch. I wondered what she’d say if I described how we did it standing up in my closet with me holding the reinforced clothes rod and my legs over his shoulders.

Fortunately, I had already received my third degree. Earlier, she’d looked me over and complimented my pleated skirt. Then, she wanted to know if it was wearing a poly blend. I sighed and said it was cotton and silk.

“Oh that’s right, you don’t like chemically based fabrics on your skin. I’ve wondered why you people are so anxious to fill yourself full of artificially made estrogens if you don’t like synthetics.”

Matt cut her off with a steely voice simply saying, “Mother.”

I almost wanted to laugh. “Well, Mrs. Statler, we all have to make choices. I wasn’t fortunate enough to have my body provide the correct hormones.”

I could look her in the eye and do my best to stay glib as I thought about how I screamed with pleasure burying my face in a heavy winter coat as her son brought me to orgasm less than two hours ago. I smiled and shrugged.

When Helen failed at getting a rise from me, she switched over to Mathew. “Oh yes, Matthew. So after our banker contacted me, he told me you wanted one hundred thousand dollars and that you were overdrawn on next years trust fund too.”

She stared as Mathew sat there looking at her like she was a stain on his tie. The two of them had years of practice glaring at each other. Fortunately Mathew saved his best glares for his mom, the Beast Master, herself.

“I want to make an investment.” He said.

“Are you going to tell me what it is?”

Mathew shook his head. “No.”

“Well, tell me why should I just give you another hundred thousand dollars then?”

Mathew always saved his best for last. I was thankful that we didn’t have this type of relationship. “Mother, I am thirty-one years old. When I turned thirty, I could have gotten a lawyer and challenged you for one half of father’s estate and won. I don’t think a court would turn me down. But I didn’t. I didn’t want to expose the family name in the papers and shine a light on you. I’ve lived very comfortably on what I earn through my paintings and the trust. But, I have an opportunity to make an investment in my future.”

His mother stared.

“So it’s simple, mom. You can write a check and cover my overdrafts for next year’s trust and add a hundred grand to sweeten the pot or you can wait for me to petition the court and I will take half of everything you have. It’s your choice.”

Helen looked at him and smiled. “Well, why didn’t you simply say so, honey. Of course, I will call John and give him those instructions.”


“Yes, dear.” She sighed for dramatic effect. “Today.”

Matt stood and pulled my chair out for me. “Well, mother. Thank you for lunch but we must be going. Caroline has work to do.”

Helen looked at me with a feral grin. “How is 8th Avenue Graphics Designs doing?”

I looked down at her and smiled as I thought, we won! “Thank you for asking, Helen. It’s keeping me busy.”

One of her Irish lassies showed us out and we were back in the Maybach before we could thank all the angels for rescuing us from the Queen of all that is dead and dismembered.

When we were safely in the car and moving along, Matt whispered to me. “Usually, this is when I like to get blind drunk and go looking for a fight.” He chuckled and grabbed me in an embrace.

I laughed a real laugh. “She does bring the best out in people.” I told him about what I concentrated on while I sat there. While I was retelling the details of our sexual heat in the closet, I put my hand on his crotch and felt him respond.

I kissed him hard on the lips. “We go home and go to the gym. Five miles of cardio and then we can practice kickboxing together. I might let you win this time.”

He laughed and kissed me back. I could see the dark mood had passed. “You’re on. But, I’m not going to hold back. I’m not going to let you win.”

I grinned. “Like I let you win in the closet today?”

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Very nice

sugar_britches63's picture

Very nice continuation of a very wonderful story I hope you keep up the great writing.

opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem


I always like your stories. This one in particular.


Cindy Jenkins

Another good one

Short, but spot on! Got to love the snobby mums with control issues. They never give up do they?


I love Leslie's range. This

I love Leslie's range. This is so different than Wildcats... but both are so wonderful in their own ways...

...though Mama's crocodile smile worries me!

How does Leslie do it?

Podracer's picture

"Portrait" has a delicious atmosphere, I hope there are a good few chapters to go yet.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."