A very hard choice. Part 2

So the next morning...

Oh wait you want to hear about the night before?


The ride in the car was silent as Arianna glared at me. Not that I was surprised. I didn't say anything more and couldn't wait to get out of the suit. I would have taken off the blazer, however with it being fall, I knew it was already quite cool outside and would freeze in the thin blouse just going from the car to the house. While I wouldn't say I was comfortable in the suit and blouse. It was not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be, except the shoes. My feet felt wet and clammy in the shoes. They may look nice but they don't breathe much, if at all. I couldn't help but think of how society pressures women into wearing such shoes.

Who knows maybe some women get used to it, or like it or something. All I knew is I couldn't wait to take them off and the blazer. Which is exactly what I did when we got into the house. The valet, Kieth I think his name was, asked if we wanted the bags brought in. I said sure as I didn't want to put those shoes on again. Ari and I were sitting on her couch as Kieth brought in three suitcases, large suitcases. Then he went out for more, I think my jaw dropped. Ari just looked with wide eyes.

There was another two smaller cases and a large garment bag when he was done. Ari gave him a tip before he left with the Limo.

"What is all that stuff. What happened to a bag, like a shopping bag with some jeans, tshirt, socks and gotch?"

"Well for one thing, Leanna, your a woman, so it's lingerie not gotch."

"But but I'm not! This was just a one day thing cause of a mistake!"

"Well apparently Greg felt bad. Oh heres a note."

'Dear Ms. Bridgston.

I know you wanted some pants and blouses but unfortunately all we have for pants wouldn't fit you. Please accept our sincerest apologies.
Before you was what was left of two of our lines that were not of interest to the boutiques. I know that you will enjoy them.

P.S. I also included some shoes to go with most of the outfits. The cosmetics and accessories are a gift from me personally.

Thankfully yours

A Peterson

Assistant to Greg Fritz.'

It was a hand written note. Actually very good penmanship. Mine sucks so bad even printing carefully it's hard to make out some words. As I was reading this Ari started to bring the bags upstairs.

"Hey let me help you with that." I grabbed two of the suitcases and struggled up the stairs one step at a time because of the blasted skirt. I had figured that she would want them in her room but she went to the room that I was staying in.

"Ari.." Okay I whined sue me.

"What it's not like I have any room. Even if I wanted some of your clothes."

I dropped a suitcase onto the bed,"What do you mean my clothes?"

"Greg gave them do you. And probably most of them wouldn't fit me quite right. The shoes are probably too big for me for one."

"But Ari..." I was trying to get her to see reason...Yes I whined again.

"Lets get a move on Leanna I don't have all night to get you settled in."

For some reason I went back downstairs for the rest. It took me two trips as that garment bag was bloody heavy. Ari was of course unpacking and putting stuff away into the dresser and closet as I got the last of it into the room. I figured it's her house she can put her clothes wherever she wants. They defiantly were not my clothes. What guy wants a heck of a lot of girl clothes? She seemed to be having fun. I turned around and started to unbutton the blouse.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna take a bath to get this crap off my face and stuff."

"Oh" she rummaged through the dresser and the one bag on top of the dresser. "Here take these with you."

"Uh why?"

"Leanna you have just had a semi perm and color!"


"Unless you want green hair wear the shower cap." it was the thing that looked like a pink diving cap you see those divers wear on tv.

"whatever" I didn't care. I went into the bathroom and started to fill the bathtub after putting the stuff onto the counter. It took me a bit to get out of the skirt, blouse, slip, bra, and stuff. When I did the tub was mostly full. I pulled the shower cap out of the package and read how to put it on, the instructions were printed on the inside. The clothes I wore I put into the laundry basket by the door and settled into the tub for a good soak before I washed. It felt good, really good, as kinks I didn't know I had relaxed.

It was only when I felt a little cool that I shook myself awake. I had sorta started to fall asleep in the tub. I hurried up and washed all over with the soap I found there. It was a different soap than I had used the day before. Then again so was the small pile of tubes and stuff that I was sure was not there when I first got into the tub. As I washed I noticed a slight odor, not unpleasant, that occurred. When I got out there was a note on the counter.

"You shouldn't just pile your clothes on the counter. They might get creases. Use the tube on the right." It was marked makeup remover, which made sense. Not sure about the funny round pads beside it. I read directions. Oh that's is what they are for. I was surprised how much makeup came off with the stuff, even after a nice soaking bath. Mind you I didn't dunk my head under the water so that might have something to do with it.

In the pile was a pair of panties, big surprise, a long white satiny nightie with embroidery at the top and a blue silk looking Chinese style house coat. On the floor was some sort of shoe that fit around my feet. I did notice that the blouse and skirt were missing from the laundry basket, the rest was there though, I think.

I called out to Ari as I opened the door of the bathroom. She was in her room and told me to go to my room. So I did. Now I don't think I was gone that long but it looked like a woman had invaded my room. The dresser top was covered in makeup and some small jewellery box. The dresser, when I looked into it, looked somewhat full. I couldn't tell you what half of the stuff was. Curious I went and looked into the closet. it was not nearly as packed as Ari's were but it was still fairly full.

Unfortantly none of it was stuff I could wear. There was a number of dresses, from summery things, to more formal looking things. There was even this one dress that took up a heck of a lot of room on it's own. With a special hanger as there was no top to the dress. It was redish with lots of satin and some goldish lines at the top. I groaned when I saw the number of skirt suits and blouses, that Ari seemed to have matched together.

Hey it was just one closet, a large closet, but still one. She had two packed full in her room. On the floor was a heck of a lot more shoes than I thought there would be. Unfortunately the only practical ones was a pair of bright white with pink shoes. I still had no idea where my ratty pair of shoes was. I may have left them on the step. I didn't recall seeing them at all that day. Might be that the one dog came and used them as a chew toy again. I don't think they would survive a second time.

I just sighed closed the doors and went downstairs. I played a bit more with the program waiting for Ari. The last test showed a 68% match, whatever that meant. There was this little smiley face on the program whenever you did something right. An angry face if you did something wrong. It was like playing a game, and just like earlier I got lost in it.

It was only the hug from behind and something that sounded like sis that alerted me to Ari. I took off the headphones.

"What did you say?"

"I said we should probably put your hair up for the night like mine. Trust me it will look like a rat's nest tomorrow morning if you don't"

"Uh ok I guess but can we take these things off?" I pointed at my chest.


"What do you mean why?" Like from crying out loud Ari, come on, I'm a guy.

"We would just have to put them on tomorrow so why not leave them on."

"Why would I need them tomorrow?"

"Leanna I don't remember seeing anything but skirts in your clothes, you girlie girl."She said with a smirk.

"Ari..." I whined again.

"Look I have to work tomorrow morning to get the stuff done for the guys at the club. We can go shopping for some jeans for you later."

"Why can't I wear a pair of yours?" seemed reasonable to me.

"Well, for one you have your own clothes, two the only other pair of jeans that would fit you are the ones I am wearing tomorrow. Just wear one of your denim skirts."

"Ari..." this time I sighed heavily.

"Come here" and she pulled on my hand and lead me to the couch where she had me sit with my back to her. She brushed out my hair, which in truth felt rather nice.

"I know what your going to say. And... It might be selfish of me to ask this of you." she paused.

"What..." I had a strange feeling I wasn't going to be too happy.

"I ... Well you see... How do I put this.... I really liked having my little sister around today."

"I think I know where your going with this. Arianna I do like you like a sister but this...I'm not a girl, I do not want to be a girl."

"Do you have someplace you have to be soon? Any appointments or anything." I didn't have to think about that.

"No not really. I can pay my rent through the phone."

She turned me to face her and I saw that her eyes were close to tears."Please Leanna. Can you like stay with me for a while. I. I really would like to have my sister around." she choked out.

Oh gods how can you say no to something like that. I wanted too. I knew I should say no and maybe call a cab or something. But....

When you think of it objectively all it really is is just clothes in the end and maybe a bit of makeup or something. I mean today didn't kill me, probably raised my blood pressure for awhile. But it wasn't like it was horrible. I sat in silence weighing the good and the bad. I guess I took a bit to long.

"Look you don't have to decide right now or anything. Just please think about it tonight and maybe in the morning..." I cut her off.

"No Ari.."


"No I have to make this decision now. And I am going to."

She left me in silence with those sort of tears in her eyes. I knew she was ready to cry if I said no.

"There is no identification for Leanna you know."

"Actually there is sorta. I have a birth certificate. I really did have a little sister for two months. I was told it was a crib death."

"Well I guess that would help." I sighed deeply"Somehow I just know this is going to go pear shaped somehow but...." She held her breath. So why did I come to visit you, I know what we talked about in the murfff..." she had tackled me in a tight hug.

"Breathe..." I choked out..

"Sorry sorry..." She had tears on her face but it was the happiest I had ever seen her face." I'm just so happy!" She got up off the couch and was gone a minute or two before she returned with a photo album.

The rest of the night was spent going over some of her memories growing up. At one point more wine got consumed. Actually a fair amount. Things got a bit fussy after ten at night. I know we were up late after we found out that there was not record of death, via internet, for her sister and that you could order a social insurance number. Having prior experience with the site it probably didn't take me long. I remember there being something about a credit card used for some history of some sort but it was all really vague.

For the second morning in a row I woke up with boobs and a bad headache. I really had to stop with the wine. As I got downstairs I found Ari looking just as sour as I did. I also noticed a few bottles on the living room table, some empty bowls of either popcorn or dip. The kitchen counter had a knife and a dried pile of something beside an empty bag.

"Hey sis." she whispered.

"Ugg morning" i said back. She winced, got up poured some juice into a cup and pointed.

"You sound terrible this morning go play your game." slow me, nah...

"Huh.." It was then that my brain realized I was speaking in my normal voice again. I sighed really really lightly. I did agree to be her sister for a bit. I went to the computer that she was pointed at and played the game till my head cleared up, ie I was there for awhile before she hugged me from behind again.

"Feeling better yet?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Much better."

"What is?"

"Your voice."

"Oh right."

"We should get ready."


"For the day, duh."

"I don't follow you."

"you have much to learn sister mine." she smiled at me.

Much to learn is a bit vague. I soon found out what she meant. She assisted me in getting dressed, I had to remind myself a few times I had agreed to this. First was makeup, there was the powder thing, which I learned was called a combo. Foundation and powder in one. Next was a bit of eyeliner, it was tougher than you think. Then mascara, still hate that wand. Then I had to choose a lip color, after getting an explanation on what was for what. Same for eye shadow. The end result was that I didn't look like I really had any on but my face was clearly that of a woman's now. The eyebrow pencil for my overly plucked eyebrows was stupid. I even told her so. The reply of "price we pay for looking good" really didn't help.

She then instructed me on choosing an outfit. Apparently, I didn't really have any suitable 'tops' to go with the denim skirts, which by the way were called distressed. To me they looked well used. And not one of them reached my knees. She said it was fine as I had killer legs. Just what I wanted to hear, not.

After going through a few options, no shorts either, and in case your wondering Ari isn't a fan of them. She, or I should say, we decided that I would wear this thing called a khaki skirt with a top that looks to be part tshirt with an over shirt called a cami but was all one shirt. the outer was was about the same light green as the skirt, which had these wide pleats, and the undershirt was a light 'baby' blue.

"I don't know. Maybe you have a shirt I can borrow to use with the denim."

"It's top, not shirt, and I might but..."

"But what?" I sighed I knew there was another agenda at this point.

"You look so cute in that. You should wear it anyways."

"ARI!" frustrated? Me ...no... forty minutes and I still wasn't in my underwear yet...

"Now for that you can go with white or beige lingerie."

"Is it really that complicated?"

"Well ya.. You don't want the boys to see them through your clothes. Besides it looks tacky."

"Fine whatever."

Of course I had to choose the frigging panties, and bra. Which after a few tries met with her approval, along with an explanation of what was best to wear with what. Demi cup, strapless, convertible, sounded more like car terms that something you would think was a bra. Even though the skirt was lined, and short, I still had to wear a slip, a small slip but a slip none the less. Then I got lessons in how to pick things up after I bent over to get some shoes, shoes I was told to skip the socks on.

It was closer to an hour when she said I was ready. I went downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast of sorts while she got ready. She was done in less than ten minutes it felt so unfair. I told her so as well as complain a little about wearing a skirt. She said I needed the practice to help me get out of my tomboy ways. I just groaned while she laughed. The fruit cup breakfast left a little to be desired to tell the truth.

While Ari worked in the kitchen/living room I went outside and looked around. The sun was in the front of the garage and not the back. I didn't want to run it inside the garage so I dragged the tiller out to the front before starting it up. I was wearing a smock that Ari said to use from her gardening stuff. It covered my clothes enough and held a few tools so I thought it was okay. I pulled a few times before she coughed and fired. A bit of adjustment on the carb and the tiller ran...sorta.

The idle was up and down and if you tried to put it in gear, it has a separate clutch for driving and tilling, it would sputter and die. I checked a few things before pulling the plug. Spark was good so I put my finger into the hole and pulled it over once or twice. Sharp but weak pressure.
I had an idea of what it was but I needed to take it apart to be sure. From one of the scavenge runs near my place I had found two of those cheap ass folding tables. Putting parts from one to the other got me a working if small table. I used that over here sometimes to work on stuff outside.

I grabbed that and some old flyers from the recycle bin and put that beside the tiller just outside the front door of the garage in the warm sun. My bag of tools and some paper towels I was ready. I had been working at taking off the housings to get at the head bolts for a few minutes when I looked up and noticed that one of the neighbors was watching me from the sidewalk out front. Shrugging I kept working. Sure enough this was one of those engines.

Back in the eighties and nineties there was a run or two of engines where the head bolts didn't get torqued properly causing premature gasket leakage. Leakage not blow out. I used a black marker to check for head warpage, you never knew it could happen, and found none. A bit of carb cleaner, some paper towels, and a bit of metallic paint to help reseal the gasket. Was all it would take. I didn't have a torque wrench but using my little finger to pull on the ratchet handle worked close enough on a small engine.

It was then a matter of putting all the shrouds, gas tank and stuff back on. I cleaned a few things that were dirty in the process. Since I had the one shroud off I checked the gap on the magneto. It was off a bit so I readjusted it with the feeler gauges I had.

Of course I was oblivious to the small gathering of people from the block watching me as I fixed this. Once I get into something I have been know to ignore rain. People after working outside in the city all the time was nothing new.

With the housings back on I gave it a pull and it coughed on the first try. Setting the choke I gave it another pull and it started right up. Let it run for a minute and then released the choke. I tried it with throttle up and down. At the high end it was a little rich, minor adjustment. She ran good and when I put it into gear she took off on me. With the clutch released it stopped on it's own. No sputtering at all. I killed the engine as I was going to put away my tools and go test it out back in that patch when I heard some clapping.

It was then I noticed the small crowd of like ten people. One of them being, of all things, the previous owner of said tiller. He told me that his dad had bought it new but had never used it. When he moved to his new house he tried to use it a few times but gave up and left it in the corner of garage before putting out for the trash. He was nice enough to pull it into the garage, after I put away my tools. I guessed he wanted to try it out.

I guessed right. I showed him the spot in the back I wanted to try it on, explained how to use the tiller on unbroken dirt. This one had a reverse lever as well as forward. I explained that for unbroken ground you put it into the reverse position but didn't pull the clutch. Just let the tiller dig itself down. Then put into forward and let it pull itself to next spot and repeat. He seemed to be having fun so I left him too it and went back to clean up my table.

Well I was sure surprised to find a few people with push mowers out front needing some help. I set up some of those cheap folding plastic sawhorses. Ari had gotten them for some reason. I had one guy lift a mower into position on the sawhorses as I pulled the drain plug and blade off the bottom. I would sharpen the blade as the oil drained. It really doesn't take long, then put plug and blade back in and refilled the mower with oil. Then I checked things like the cables, most of them needed oiling. One person needed a new cable. I gave the the directions too the parts place and then went to get the cable while I worked on another mower.

I had done about five mowers when David, the tiller guy, said he was done in the back. I told him what the general plan was for back there and he was happy to help rake it flat. I was kind of busy out front fixing lawnmowers. I guess word had got around the neighborhood as I was busy for most of the day. I had to explain more than once , that I wasn't Arianna, but her sister.

Being thanked as Leanna was a new experience. Funny thing was people were paying me for fixing their mowers and were quite generous about it. One guy brought a larger riding mower. It had a dirty carb which took me a few minutes to clean. Another guy had a snowblower with no spark. I looked at it and told him to go get a coil. I ran out of oil quick but someone went to the local gas station and got me a few liters of oil.

I had started around ten that morning on the tiller. By six that evening I had done around eight or nine machines beside the tiller. There was a few people that wanted me to come around to their place or a place of their friend to fix this or that machine. I called off saying I was getting hungry and maybe another day. I had just finished putting stuff away in the garage and was thanking people for coming by when the Humvee drove up. Not a Humvee two or three, one of the real and somewhat expensive Humvee's. I didn't really register it as people were leaving with their now running smoothing lawnmowers, snowblower, and the guy was driving the riding mower. And I guess in a way they didn't want to leave.

I should mention that most of them were all men. It did not dawn on me how that I was dressed, as a cute woman, working and fixing their stuff. And that they were men. I was very new to the whole being a woman thing. It was when I removed my apron that the guys got a good look at me. From the looks on their faces I finally got why they were reluctant to leave. I had no idea what I should do at this point. I had dirty hands and arms, but was amazing clean for clothes. My one leg was a bit dirty.

Imagine my surprise when Hanz waltzes in like he owns the place. He walked right up to me and gave me a peck on my shocked cheek.

"Ready to go babe?" he asked. I fish mouthed while the guys out front took the not so subtle hint and left like poor puppies with their heads between their legs.

When I could gather my thoughts I gave him a glare that could kill.

"What gives you the right to come in her and kiss my cheek?"

"You looked like you needed the help." was his defense. He was right, of course.

"That is beside the point! No kissing. No anything. I thought I made it clear last night."

"You look great by the way and yes your welcome."

"Okay fine, Thanks for sending them away." I blushed. I hated that I blushed. Figuring he would take the hint and also leave I went to the house. I was not all that worried about leaving the garage door open for a few minutes in this nice neighborhood.

Having very dirty hands I went directly to the kitchen and used the dishsoap and a scrub brush to get my hands and arms clean. I washed quite well. I even brought my knee up to get the dirt off of that. I hadn't noticed Hanz right behind me. Arianna and I apparently shared a similar trait. We both got really focused on what we were doing.

"Wow." was all he said.

Well that cause a few things all at once. I just about fell backwards, he caught me the fool. But Arianna and I both screeched at the same time.

"Ow" he said in response to our combined screeches.

"Whaaa ... "was what I said or tried too.

"What are you doing here Hanz?" Arianna completed for me.

"You sure your not twins?"

"HANZ" I said somewhat louder. He was still holding me. I had got his attention to let me up with my soap covered hands and leg.

"Yes my love?"

"Quit the horsing around. Why are you here and would you please let me finishing washing up?"

"Do I have too?" he pleaded. I just grunted and he let me up.

"Have the two of you noticed the time or eaten." I wasn't sure who's stomach chose that moment to growl first. Mine or Ari's." I'll take that as a no."

"Before you ask, we have plans." I cut him off before he asked something stupid like.

"Can I take you lovely ladies out to dinner anyways?"

... that.

" I just said..."

"Actually that doesn't sound bad as long as it's nothing too fancy."

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!" I almost screamed. Ari gave me a look like I was the one being rude.

"Actually Greg, Ellen and the others had a few points they had raised that I wanted to bring up with Arianna. It also gave me a good excuse to see you Leanna. I did mention about being stubborn." I put my wet hand to my head like I had a headache to give me a moment to not try to do something I would regret.

"Okay look. Last night I said no. I don't really have much in the way of identification so I can't really work for you."

"She lost her purse or it got stolen at the airport, we are not sure which."

"Surely you ordered new ones."

"Well yeah I guess."

"Should be in the mail in a few weeks."

I turned and growled out to Air. "Not helping here..."

"Shall I let you too get ready? I'll go wait in my car you don't need to take yours."

"Sure ten minutes."

"Well I have to close up the garage. You two go.."

"Just hit the button by the door Hanz. Lets go Lee" and Arianna actually did pull me off my feet. I had to stumble a bit to catch up as she raced up the stairs.

"Ari I can't go out with a guy." I hissed at her as she dragged me along. Hanz had left by the door and I could just hear the garage closing.

"Just put on some hose and your LBD and some red lippy. Let down your hair and put a side comb in it. You'll be fine."

"Ari.. I can't go out with a guy." I stated again.

"Why not? He has money and seems to be nice."

"He is a guy!"

"And" she stopped to look at me like I was crazy.

"I am , you know, under this.."

"Look Leanna. There is not a girl around that would refuse to let a guy like Hanz treat her to dinner. And that goes double since it is also a working dinner for me at the same time. Just be a good girl, get dressed like I said so we don't leave him wait too long." And with that she closed the door to her room in my face.

I wanted to scream as I marched into my room and went to the closet to get out the stupid dress. I checked my leg and hands. I stomped into the bathroom and washed my hands with some of that makeup remover to remove the last few stains as well as my leg. Worked surprisingly very well. After this mornings instruction I knew I had to put on some dark lingerie to wear the black dress, which had some weird neckline that was on my shoulder but exposed quite a bit of my upper chest at the same time making wearing a strapless bra a must. It was a pain to put on as it also pulled in my gut a bit. The stockings and stupid belt, I didn't have dark hose, were just as much a pain.

I put the panties on after, making sure to tuck myself so as to give me a flat front, something else we worked out this morning. The dress had a back zip I couldn't reach. And getting the open toed black straped heels one took me a few choice words to get on. While not high high they were still higher than last night and I had to walk a bit to figure out how to wear them without breaking an ankle or something.

Arianna, finished before me, big surprise came in to help me put the comb into my hair and zip me up. She quickly packed a purse for me, tiny little thing with a gold chain for a strap.

"Close your eyes and step forward." I did without asking and smelled as the perfume settled on me.

"Don't you think this is a little overboard for dinner? What about my jeans?"

"Huh what about them?"

"We were supposed to go buy some."

"Oh well do that after I'm sure he wont mind." She handed me the purse while she looked me over." You can do your mascara and lippy in the car. Let's go. Not a good Idea to keep him waiting too long."

"I can't go shopping like this."

"Why not I've done it before."

"I . I..." I just hung my head and followed. Arianna had already made up her mind. One way or another we were going, dressed up, to dinner, no matter what. In a way I knew she had to for her work and all. I would have rather have stayed home and dived into a good book. But as her 'sister' it would look out of place. I knew it was a bad idea agreeing to all of this.

I don't think she had realized just what we would have to get in and out of when it came to Hanz car. Her eyes were as wide as mine as we looked at the height of the thing. It was not jacked up they are just that tall normally. Hanz came around and hoisted Arianna up into the back seat. He then closed that door and opened the front for me.

He grabbed me around my waist and lifted me up like I was made of glass. I am not that light, not that heavy either dang it. He made it seem so easy. The guy must work out and have some muscle under that shirt and coat. Yeah he was wearing something similar to yesterday. No tie but a nice shirt , pants, and matching jacket. Here we were in skimpy dresses, alright I was fairly warm in mine plus the wrap thingys that Ari handed me before we went out the door. But still he must be more than a bit warm.

Or being rich most of his life, I had to assume that as I really didn't know much about him, he was used to it. I guess I was pouting as he got in.

"You look so lovely when you pout. Penny for your thoughts." I rolled my eyes, which made him chuckle.

"I was just thinking it's so unfair. I struggle to lift a push mower onto some sawhorses and you lift both Arianna and I like we weight nothing." He laughed, a good hearty laugh, not a chuckle.

"It's not funny!"

"Yes it is. Priceless actually." I growled. Or was it my stomach?

"Lovely as you and your sister are Leanna. You are a woman." He just stated it like that explained everything.


"And what? You want me to do the 'ugg me man you woman' and thump my chest to show how men are stronger? I can if you really want me too but that might not be a good idea since I am driving." Ari just giggle from the back seat.

"Not helping Ari."

"Give it a rest Lee."

"Gods!" I just rolled my eyes and tried to use the very well lighted mirror to poke my eye out putting on that blasted mascara. Humvee's have a stiff suspension. I think the bouncing actually helped me put the blasted stuff on well. The lip gunk would have to wait.

The ride was, thankfully, short. We had parked near the front of a restaurant I had never heard of. Tagatelli's kinda gave the impression it was an Italian restaurant. I couldn't help but imagine that there was a fat Italian eating scores of food with slicked back hair and a pair or two of goons. You know the mafia? Oh come on didn't you ever watch The Godfather movies?

I opened the door of the truck, I can't exactly call it a car, and had no idea how I could get down without hurting myself in a dress with a loose flarey skirt and heels that were little more than straps and sticks on my feet. Swinging sideways, as Ari had taught me last night, didn't seem to help much. Hanz came around just as I finished turning and held up his arms.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Helping you down of course."

"Well too bad...Oh hey..stop..." my protest meant nothing as he just lifted me down to where I could try and steady myself. He wasn't letting go of my waist and I had to look up at him.

"Uh you can let go now"

"Your beautiful."

"We talked about this..."

"You talked I didn't agree" I looked down, I was so not blushing.

"My sister.." I whispered.. this was harder than I thought it would be. He did let go and help Arianna out, who had a tight skirt to her dress and much shorter. Still she had the curves to pull it off. My curves were not me, well they were but they weren't. Oh whatever you get the idea.

Hanz looped his arm into Arianna's and reached to do the same to me. However I shuffled sideways away from him and kept my arms close in. I needed... I needed... I don't know what I needed but I needed something..

I turned away from them both and looked up at the sky for some sort of inspiration. They call it partly cloudy. It being fall and getting late, not late late but I guess one would call it predusk. The sun was in the process of starting to set as I looked up there in the sky, which doesn't happen very often you could see the moon, or well part of the moon. I just looked at it and watched it as the clouds lazily moved across the sky slowly but surely obscuring the moon from my view. It was also a bit chilly for being dressed so light.

I guess I had shivered a bit or something. Before I knew it I felt a warmth envelope me in arms that was gentle but also very strong.

"I'm sorry if I am moving too fast. I'm not used to being the one who chases. All my life one woman or another has tried, too often, to make me fall in love with them. Yes even your sister tried once. But you. You don't, Your not like that and I have no idea why but. " he whispered to me quietly.

"But?" I was curious.

"Something about you makes me want to be around you. I don't know what it is. It's driving me crazy." He was being so open so honest I couldn't stop him now.

"Let's start over alright. I'll try to be good really."

It was too cliche as they say but for the first time that night the side of my mouth quirked up into a grin of sorts. I turned around and offered my hand.

"Hi my name is Leanna. My friends call me Lee. You can call me Ms. Bridgston."

Not missing a beat but grinning from ear to ear he shook my hand. "Nice to meet you Ms. Bridgston. My name is Hanz Ryder. You can call me Mr Ryder."

"Nice to meet you Mr Ryder." I smiled back.

"Oh wow." His face just looked lost in something before he recuperated.

"I believe I was offering you and your sister dinner." Well my stomach answered for me. He laughed. "Lets get you inside ladies. Otherwise someone my accuse me of awful and something something punishment." It was stupid but I relaxed and laughed, I did not giggle. No way!

He offered his arms up again. Arianna put her hand gently on the inside of his. I just grinned and put my arm into his forearm up. He laughed and led us in anyways. It was Arianna who entered giggling. No way was I...well maybe I chuckled a bit.

The entryway was some circular steps in large black tiles. Beside each of these was some cheap, well compared to the club, brass tube stair thingys. Balusters? something like that. There was a double metal and class door that led into the resturant. It opened for us as we approached by something I couldn't quite see.

Some of the entrance seemed so...typical. Little desk at front with a guy behind it. Hanz approached like it was the most normal thing in the world. Who knows maybe he is here so often that it is, for him.

"Hey Martin" Martin, not Antonio or something Italian?

"Good evening Mr Ryder. For three?" he asked before leading us away to a table. Unlike the godfather movies this place was quite bright. Up in the ceiling there was that hidden lighting that shown up into the ceiling which reflected it back at you. It was domed with some murals on it. I can't describe them since i have no reference. You just have to go look at them yourself.

The table was one of those tables you tend to see in restaurants. Round, big leg made to look like old cast iron. Wooden top too shiny to be real with a simple white cloth on it that didn't quite cover the whole thing. Chrome chairs with oval cushioned backs and round bottoms. It took me a minute to realize the guy wanted my shawl.wrap thing. I gave it to him exposing the somewhat hidden top of my dress. Now there is two words I would have never once thought about saying. My and dress in the same sentence.

I blushed as I sat down almost but not quite forgetting to put my hands under me to 'smooth' out the skirt of my dress, ill never get used to those words. Gods what if I have to? Bad idea.. this is just a favor to Ari...for a week...maybe. At least I got some money out of it so far. $200 may not sound like much to some people but to me that meant food other than ramen noodles. I can get quite creative with ramen noodles. You can have it as a soup with crackers, without the broth as a cheap spaghetti with ketchup.

And why was I sitting in a restaurant as fancy as this thinking about ramen noodles? I started to chuckle, as quietly as possible. I had the strangest urge to order ramen noodles just to see what kind of reaction I would get.

"Why do I have the feeling that is not a good giggle?" Hanz asked.

"I was just thinking..."I looked around and there was nobody close. "Would I shock the waiter if I asked for ramen noodles?"

Ari put her hand to her mouth to stiffle a giggle. And...didn't entirely succeed.

Hanz looked at me for a long time before barking out a roaring laugh. At this point I started to actively look for something to hide behind. There was no menu and that napkin was far to small. Did we get stared at by every, and I do mean every, well dressed near to do in the restaurant, which by the way was all of them. Yes.

When a white coated person came charging out of the doors directly for our table I just knew we were going to get expelled or something.

Hanz pointed at me as the the coat I was actively trying my best to pretend was not there came up to our table.

"She .. She...She..." and he roared again. Note to self. Never wear a stiff strapless bra with the thing underneath that makes sinking down in ones chair impossible. I tried to be civil. A real example of gentlemanly, err womanly...er well an innocent person. I apparently didn't succeed in the slightest as I felt a hand clamp down on my bare shoulder.

"What on earth have you done to my brother?" oh no...I turned and looked at Hanz who just laughed harder.

It took him a minute to calm down. I looked around and most people had gone back to their dinners. He must come here often. He eventually did manage to explain about my ramen idea, that got Lissy, laughing as well. She said if I really wanted too she could make some. I declined while finding the underside of the table quite nice.

I was given a choice between Canadian or Italian, lasagna, some feticunni thing, and something else I couldn't for the life of me understand. Not knowing any better I chose the Canadian. Ari had the feticunni thing. Hanz just said he would have the lasagna as well. I caught Lissy looking both Ari and myself over really well as Arianna and Hanz lauched into a discussion of how they would like certain things to look. Ari countered with another suggestion.

I got so bored so I looked around and spotted one of those flatscreens you see everywhere tucked behind a plant. It was there displaying stuff along the bottom and showing a picture of a river that looked either man made or altered by man with cement to go in one direction as straight as possible. The older a river gets the more it twists and turns. Some of the wide rivers in the states, while quite popular, are considered "young" while some of the streams, called rivers, here in Manitoba , were both deep and old. One in particular meanders back and forth so much it cuts through the edges of more than four towns. Thing is the original banks of this river are almost four miles away.

The lotto jackpot flashed on screen, whenever I see that, and have nothing to do, I sort of plan how I would do this or that with the jackpot. That is ONLY after I have bought a ticket. I would help this group, make this or that business to fill a need, which would employ a certain percentage of the population overlooked, or ignored, by many. In this case I thought of all that wood that is being left to rot or fill landfills, from construction, packing crates, pallets, old buildings torn down, renovations. Most of the new construction of houses there isn't much left and what is left is put into bins. The idea is the bins get sorted and the wood gets turned to mulch.

I thought about how I could employ even handicapped people to do some of the manual labour, what possible wood products that could be made. Then I switched to collecting old machines and stripping them into individual materials to recycle as much as possible instead of scrunch and burn off in blast furnaces with less than good metal in some cases.

Donations to the overlooked museum I know of. It's a great museum if you know about it. But lots of stuff there is turning into rusted lumps, while other stuff has been wrecked by kids and there is less and less people who know how to fix the stuff right. Our society had become a remove and replace. I know this because of the amount of lawn and garden equipment I find tossed into back lanes near Ari's and my place. I am one of the few who rescue this stuff. Most gets picked up by scrap dealers for weight.

I was so lost in thought, as often happens when I think about the good i can do, that I failed to notice the bread. I only noticed when Ari poked me.

"Huh what?" I asked. She pointed...Ohhh garlic cheese bread, on real bread not hotdog buns. The bread was a thick, juicy with butter, bread and a fair amount of garlic, hint of spice and shredded marble cheddar. Soo good. I tried really hard to nibble. I still finished before the other two.

"Looney for your thoughts?"

"Huh"..I'm lost.

"Well I offered up to fifth cents and didn't get..." Hanz explained.

"Lee you were so lost in thought that we couldn't get your attention for three minutes or so."

"Oh!" embarrassed, I did not blush. I looked down.

"I just dream about what I would do if I would a few million on the lottery is all."

"Such as?" I had Hanz and Arianna's full attention. I got nervous.

"It's nothing, silly really." Please please stop asking.

"Go on."

"Well I just can't help thinking about.., Look it's not really important." hint hint.

Hanz put his face onto his upturned hand and looked me level in the eyes. "I want to know." No those eyes are evil do not..

"Well, It's kinda pains me to see stuff tossed because it's old. Like an old ratty abandoned building. It may not look nice with all that ugly paint and the garish makeovers over the years to modernize them. But If you really look you can see hints of how they used to look when they were a new building. I mean they looked really good in some cases. Did you know that this city used to have almost forty live theaters, before movies came out, I mean before they became popular."

"Okay so."

"You may not realize it but at that time the population was like at most a hundred thousand, not the million or so it is now."

"One point three actually."

"Whatever, most of these theaters are around but have very ugly paint on the outside, they used to paint the shows on billboards, and sometimes the stars themselves would get a mural. But, they had fancy fronts, grand entrances, and huge impressive theaters with either copper or plaster ceilings with lines and stuff on them. Most of them are covered by layers of plaster or drywall. You can see that when another one gets torn down." I paused to drink some water.

"When you walk by the demo sites you can sometimes see piles of wooden beams. Those beams are like really really good wood, full of nails and screws now, but some you can see the leftover hand carved wood pieces stuck here and there. Did you know most of that wood is full of chemicals and they still turn it into mulch." I had to lean back as the waiter was bringing a cart over to serve us.

"Think of what could be done, properly, to say a new house, or business to give it that old family generation look just by re-purposing some of that wood."

"You have a very good point." Hanz agreed.

"How so" Ari asked.

"Well on the course, about halfway, we built a mini lodge/shop, a year ago. We wanted to make it look like it had been around since the course opened. It does look that way, and in winter it's heated by a woodstove for the ski weekends, So the old lodge feel helps there as well. None of the wood is old. We had to pay quite a bit extra to get the wood artfully aged. The high ceiling looks like greyed unpainted wood but it is actually painted to look that way. The wall boards had rocks tumbled in with them for the look."

I looked at Hanz." And to think there is places out in rural areas where old sheds,barns, heck even whole former homesteads, that are falling down, much of the wood still very good. It is a bit dangerous, because of wasp nests and other possible rodents. But if a crew was careful enough they could salvage a lot of old wood, clean it up with sanders of some type and sell it to places like you guys for authentic look."

"What about those old buildings you were talking about."

"Well those too. I guess one could take apart all that old brickwork, salvage the good stuff, and build some nice property if they had enough. Imagine, for example, someone won the lottery and wanted a manison on their old family property or at the lake or something that looked like it had been there a hundred years. You can't get that look with new materials, it just doesn't work."

"I can kind of see that. Our midway lodge does look old but still feels new"

"What if it had been built from salvaged materials from old barns and homesteads eighty plus years old. Cleaned up of course."

"It would have that feel that I still want."


"Yeah sounds good, how much do you charge for that?"

"Huh" It was then I noticed that, aside from Hanz, Arianna. The waiter, Lissy we also had three other people sitting near us listening.

"Oh uh. I don't actually do that myself."

"An old boyfriend perhaps? Do you have his information I would love to contract him."

"Only after I had him build me a small cabin."

"I would like a library myself."

I held up my hands." Stop please. It was just an idea I have is all. I don't know how to do that stuff." This was more than a little scary for me. Here I was pretending to be a woman, in blasted dress, and stuff I had dreamed about for a few years were almost within reach.

"I'm not a carpenter or whatever, just a humble mechanic fixing small stuff..."

"Your a mechanic?"

"What is your rate? I have a problem with a..."

"Ladies, Gentlemen. Please. We are trying to have a dinner. While I am sure she is capable of many things, and in particular I do intend to get her help in my own mechanical problems, we are here to eat this wonderful smelling dinner that may be going cold. Can I suggest that you leave her a few cards."

"Oh yes. Sorry she sounded so passionette I just had to find out more. Enjoy your dinner."

"Quite right. Evening ladies."

And one or two more people gave us the goodbyes. The small pile of cards sitting beside my plate was a little unnerving since I could never use them. I mean if I came as myself to help them. Some might let me work but I doubt it. They wanted the girl they had met. Not the guy I was. Depressing.

The waiter got around to dishing out the lasagna to Hanz and myself. Ari got her fetunnin or whatever, it was. And I was all set to dig in as I was hungry. A touch from Ari, with a small shake of her head, I tried not to sigh as I cut little pieces of food and ate it slowly.

Don't get me wrong it was very very good. Normal circumstances I would easily have wolfed down this and another piece or two. Being ladylike is so unfair!. As I was slowly eating, and getting full as I was taking sips of water with every other bite, I wondered about the time.

"Shit!" Ari jolted from my comment. Hanz just looked up with a smile.

"What's the time? When does Walmart close?"

"Uhm I think they might be open to ten." Ari realized why I was asking. "Oh dear."

"It's nine forty five. Why do you need to go to Walmart."

"Oh Leanna's clothes got lost at the airport and her small bag of jeans got ruined by my old machine. We were going to ask you to drop us off to get some new ones. I guess it's too late now. I'll take you.. Oh crud. I can't take you tomorrow I have to go over to the designers and get them going on Greg's new showroom and that might take all day. Sorry huh."

Hanz leaned over to get a good view of my legs, where I clamped them together before he reached the table edge. "She looks fine as she is."

"Hanz!" I did not whine. "I do have a bunch of clothes, but nothing ..practical at the moment so I do need to do some shopping." gag me with a spoon.

"Pity." he said before pulling out his phone and hitting a number. He held up his hand as I raise mine to object.

"Astri..Yes hi, Oh well good thank you. I'm in the company of two very lovely ladies.... Why yes that is the ones. Oh I see did you not send her any pants? I see. Would it be much of a bother?" He put the phone down for a moment. Anything in particular you needed?"

"Well some denim jeans, and some t shirts, in black if possible." It's what I usually wear. Stains don't show as much.

"Did you get that? Oh you have her sizes? That would be good I'll pay of course. No no trouble." he nodded and listened for a moment or two before talking again." Tagatelli's of course." he paused again obviously listening. Then pressed a button on his phone and put it away.

"I can pay for my own clothes thank you."

"I would be honored to pay for them as well but I was refused."

"Excuse me?"

"Something about it being Greg's fault, he yelled in the background, they are at the warehouse getting other stuff so it's no trouble apparently, something about doing it anyways or something."

"Oh brother" i put my hand to my head. "This is going to far."

"Greg... has a very one track mind. The only person I have ever seen redirect it, as she didn't change it exactly, was your sister."

I looked to Arianna for an explanation.

"All those suits I have are from him. I asked for one. Getting him to stop took showing him both closets full. Since yours isn't that full yet I would just not even try."

Since we needed to leave to go wherever I started to get up.

"Where are you going my dear."I sighed.

"Mr. Ryder. We had this chat I believe. Besides don't we need to get going?"

"OH right. And no. Greg is on his way. I believe he will want to talk with your sister as well."

"Oh crud! I didn't bring my laptop to show him my designs."

"Can you use my pad?" I wasn't sure why he was offering her his bachelor pad if Greg was coming here. Ari bit her lower lip in thought.

"No...I have certain programs on mine for rendering and stuff. Thanks for offering."

Since it seemed we were not going to go somewhere, I made to sit back down. Till Arianna pushed out her chair.

"We may as well go powder Lee. Be back shortly sir."

"I'll have the table cleared and some wine perhaps." Oh no. Not more wine! What is it with these people and wine? Not really having much choice I followed Ari into the ladies room at the restaurant. I paused for a moment at the door before going in.

Second day and it still feels wrong. I wont bore you with the details of going to the bathroom in a confined metal cubical and a dress that took far too long to move out of the way just to pee. Then reverse it. As I exited and Arianna laughed. I was very very glad that the plain white walled cement block bathroom just had myself and Arianna in it. Blasted toilet paper roll and static cling. It was not very fun to roll up the paper back onto a roll in a plastic childproof container. Why they had them in the first place didn't make much sense. Who would want to steal toilet paper?

I mean really most of the women here had tiny, and in my opinion useless, purses more for show. You couldn't fit a roll in there if you tried. Worse on top of the tampon dispenser was a few rolls anyways. It's not even good stuff, better than the mens I can assure you, but still really? What's next camera's to spot if people take the cheap ass stainless steel cutlery you can buy at a dollar store? How do I know this? I have an identical set at home.

We did not take all that long in the ladies room. Arianna insisted I fix my face, her words not mine, which included that mysterious substance that does not like to go on lips evenly called lipstick. Ari tweaked one or two things in my hair, which looked fine to me, before we left the bathroom to return to the table.


Since Dorothy is being very impatient I'm posting this chapter a little quick. I do not have control over the story very much. Ideas I had thought to use couldn't fit in as the story writes itself.

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