Becoming Sara, Day Seven, Sisters

Work was out of the question as the hypersensitivity was getting worse. I had woke up the next morning to a screaming orgasm. It took several minutes to figure it was me that screamed at least I thought it was a few minutes cause I think I passed out as well. Taking a shower turned into an experience that I couldn't stand as I literally couldn't stand it was so intense. A bath was only slightly arousing. I was so glad that Max, Jackie, and even Megan had to work as if even one of them came over I would have raped them. By evening after several spontaneous and deliberate orgasms it had lessened. It was that or I was just too exhausted to feel anything. Thursday wasn't much better though for a few hours I was able to write. Not that I could add anything to my book with what I wrote. As I went to the bathroom before bed I took sleeping pills and was able to wipe without moaning. The ability to touch my new sex without heating up brought tears to my eyes.

“Maybe I should switch the ring?” I yawned as I got to my bed and all thought left me as my head hit the pillow.

Day Seven.

“Hello, who are you?”

“I am here to see my brother”

“Oh? You must be Michelle. I'm Megan one of h- his neighbors.”

“Sorry I didn't say my name. How did you know?” Michelle banged on my door.

“We have talked and had dinner once. You know banging on his door is not going to wake him. He must be in a writing phase as he hasn't come out in several days. Have you tried calling?”

“Four times already. How come he never told me about you?” Megan shrugged.

“It was only a few days ago. Have you talked this week?”

“No we haven't one of the reasons I guess he doesn't know I am here.” Michelle banged on the door.

“Then maybe he is not home, but then again I didn't hear him leaving.” Michelle banged again. This noise I heard, the pounding told me it was coming from my door. I struggled out of bed yawning as I shuffled to the door. I wondered who was at the door. Then again I wondered what time it was, but I just could focus on the clock.

“I know he is home. He never gets out of bed before noon the lazy butt.” My eyes popped open as I heard my sister, but I was too sluggish to stop myself from opening the door. Michelle was there and her hand was raised. I saw the sudden shock on Megan's face next to her as she knocked on my chest. I was now in full control and more than awake, but instead of running I froze looking straight into my sister's shocked face. That hurt. She recovered before I did.

“Who are you?” she asked pushing her way inside. “Sean get your butt out of bed, and explain what she is doing here.” Michelle went straight to my room then she screamed in aggravation.

“Don't you think you should have stopped her?” Megan asked.

“She's my sister.”

“She doesn't know?”

“Nope, want to back me up?”

“Sorry but I am still hurt, and you really could have used me with what I heard the last few days. If you really need me just scream.”

“Funny.” My face must have lit up as I was embarrassed. Who else heard me the last few days.

“Sean you deviant pig.”

“Well got to go.” I shut the door and caught Megan blowing me a kiss before it closed.

“Where is my brother?” I never seen her this angry before which help to drain the heat out of my face.

“Michelle I think you should sit down.” She didn't hear me.

“You will tell me where my brother is. Wait a minute how old are you?”

“Twenty six. Sean is not here.”

“What?! There is no way you are that old and he let a Lolita like you just use his apartment. That is not like my brother.”

“And what is your brother like? My name's Sara.” I so wanted to giggle. I was a Lolita?

“Constantly on his computer working on that story no one wants.”

“Well he finished it and he now has a publisher.”

“Your kidding me right?”

“No the paperwork is right here. He deposited his advance the other day.”

“Oh wow, but never mind that what is up with all the girl clothes? Do you live here? Didn't he have dinner with that chick in the hall.” I started to giggle. “What's so funny?”

“We share.”

“Wait you him, and her?” I giggled again.

“No the clothes we are nearly the same size.”

“No not my brother he hates dressing as a girl. He said he would never do it again. Said he would rather wrestle alligators with his hands tied.” I giggled which then turned to a deep chuckle as I hit the power on the modulator. I didn't realize I had put it on but now it came in handy.

“Damn sis I guess I did say that, but you forgot to mention the pink tutu.” I don't think I had even seen her so shocked, confused, or angry at the same time. Then again I hadn't seen her in nine months. I waited for a bit and then I shuffled into the kitchen. She had that deer in the headlights shock reaction. She slowly followed me once I was out of view. She sat down as I put on a pot of coffee. It was eight thirty in the morning. I yawned and waited for her to reboot. I giggled which came out as a deep chuckle. This broke her silence.

“Are you really Sean?”

“Not anymore, but most of me is Sean. I go by Sara now.”

“Your pen name? But hormones can't work that fast and you never were very good with your money. Plus you look smaller then Sean. I think you are pulling my leg.”

“Well I woke up and changed that. I took no hormones to look this way. Plus you forgot I have always been small.”

“Why was your voice so feminine before?”

“Oh well I have this device here and it works perfectly to change what you hear into the right tone and pitch.”

“Change what I hear?”

“I talk really softly sub vocalizing really, and so you here the tone and pitch I set it for.” She studied me for a long time and I set a cup of coffee in front of her and got a creamer out of the fridge.

“You're wearing a bra with that dress? Breast forms?”

“Yes, but hold that though as I have to tinkle.” I smiled as I walked by her and swatted at her hair. I knew she hated that. She growled, but I was out of reach. I sat down and the device started to beep. I unhooked it and the meter was in the red. Crap oh well she was believing me, but then again my sister always treated me like a sister more than a brother. That was until I went to college. I guess not seeing me that often and only hearing my voice changed her view of me. That or I just didn't care that she teased me. I wiped with a sigh before I went back in the kitchen.

“So why are you still en femme? Are you transgendered?”

“I guess. It really is hard to explain. I just am.” I took a sip of my own coffee.

“Okay can you turn the collar thingy off again.”

“What collar?” her face contracted a series of confused looks before blinking rapidly.

“Um, Sean why did you do this?” She was very quiet almost as if she was feeling guilty. I knew that reality sunk in. I sat down and told her of the last four days. Not any of the personal stuff and I left out the hypersensitivity. I started to cook breakfast after I finished my cup refilling both before continuing. When I finished she sat there lost in thought. She watched me eat which I couldn't stand.

“You going to eat or don't you want it?”

“Sean how?”

“You wouldn't believe me how.”

“try me and you are okay with this?”

“Not sure if complaining will do any good. I guess my awakening and the urge to publish my book took over my life and my body. Still bothers me a bit to be called miss, but other than that I am okay.”
“So I lost my brother, because he dressed in drag.” She looked deeper in thought before she started laughing. I giggled with her because it felt good. “Oh wow so you were right.”

“What do you mean?”

“I remember you told me that if I made you dress up again you would turn into a girl. Except you did it to yourself.”

“Now that you brought it up I remember that.”

“So Max and you...”

“No that was just me teasing him. It was a eye opener. Not sure he will be able to handle that I am a female. He didn't even notice the other day that I had cleavage or that my neck was bare.”

“Ouch, but you would think he would notice, but then again he is pretty dense some times.”

“True, but other than surprising me and punching me, why are you here?”

“Well if you called more often you would know I got hired to work in the city. I figured you would let me crash here until I could find my own place.”

“I don't see no suitcases.”

“I left them in the car downstairs. I was going to make you drag them up here.”

“I am not weaker. I don't think maybe somewhat.”

“Ya but you would have dragged them all up here, by yourself. Now I have to go with you.”

“I don't know I can't have any freeloaders living here.” She reached over to hit me then pulled me in for a hug. I giggled and then we both started laughing.

“So that is a yes, my sister? I promise not to bring any guys home.”

“Ooo, that I'm not worried about. Its the girls.”

“I am not attracted to girls.”

“I didn't think I would like cross dressing or turning into a girl, but I do. It was like a switch was flipped. I became someone else. Now I just hope I am both Sara and Sean. That I am still me. I am not so sure until me and Max go out again.”

“Wait a minute. You said you only teased him. How far did it go?” I blushed thinking about it. Then I got up.

“I am going to take a shower.”

“Don't do anything I can do, since you now can.” I appreciated that she didn't make an issue about me teasing Max. I didn't want her thinking I was gay, but then again now that I was female would my attractions switch over? I could see it happening. I hated my imagination some times. I got in the shower and moaned as the hot water caressed my body. It wasn't as bad as it has been, but as I thought of Jewel and Megan I knew I was building up to a climax. However I was in control more or less now and this one made my body hum.

As I came out, Michele was dragging a suitcase in the door. I pushed my door closed wishing I knew she had left. Still it would be nice to have her for a bit and once I got called back to the publisher she would have the place to herself during the week. Unless I could do everything over the net. I hoped that would be the case. I pulled on some skinny jeans and a loose blouse. Once my runners were on I went out and helped her. I had a hide a bed. Plus a large closet that I could clean out for a room. Though it was only big enough for a twin mattress to fit in. I helped her get the rest of her stuff inside and put her car in the parking garage. I knew she liked her car, but it was faster to walk most places.

“So now that I am here what are we going to do?”

“Well I am going to go through all my paperwork while you clean out the closet there. I don't have much stuff in it, so we can pick up a bed or a cot for you later.”

“Really I get here and you expect me to clean? What kind of women are you?”

“I am your sister and I would rather you not take over my living room.”

“Claiming to be my sister already?”

“What, ever.” The contract was the longest to read. I thought I would need a lawyer just to explain it to me, but I was mildly surprised at the plain English. This explained the large size of the contract. The other paperwork took little time to process. My heart beat faster as I saw the paperwork for a change of name and sex for a half a dozen different records. I filled out what I could and then helped Michelle finish up. Before we made lunch together. I measured the small room and made a shopping list as I needed to stock up with my sister being here.

“The room needs to be painted as well, and a small carpet as the floor is nasty.”

“I was getting to that.”

“You think we will find a bed to fit in there? It is small like you said.” I showed her a sketch.

“You really are my brother. Only you would draw a detailed picture.”

“What do you mean? I have a full 3D image of the whole place I just don't want to turn on my computer.”

“Why not?”

“Cause I would have to answer my emails then I have to send some of the forms back after I scan them. Then I would open one of my stories and start writing, or edit some pages. Plus I have had about four new stories rolling around up here.”

“You know you won't be able to write when I am here.” I chuckled she was so right. Not that I had been doing any normal writing. I grinned as a certain story came to mind.

“Hey grab your phone.” Michelle stopped me and I picked it up wiping a bit of dust off of it. I frowned as I had to turn it on. Michelle dragged me out as I started going through the messages that popped up. My sister was talking about how this needed to be changed as my face was locked on my phone.

“Sean, sorry Sara if you don't put your phone away you'll walk into a fountain.” Michelle then giggled as I didn't respond and I walked into her.

“What?” She put her hand over my phone.

“You have ignored your phone all week why are you looking at it now?” I frowned before I put it away. I couldn't believe that I had. Normally I would use it here and there during the day, but I couldn't remember the last time I picked it up. I had like ten missed calls and thirty messages. A few from Max, Jewel, and Jackie, plus one from the publisher. Most of the texts were from Max, but I didn't get to read them. I felt guilty for not reading them but my sister was more important.

“Okay remind me to check them later.”

“Don't worry I will.” She took my arm and we went shopping. We found plenty of things for the apartment and a daybed that would give her some room for a tall shelf and a small cabinet closet. The daybed had six drawers underneath. What she couldn't fit in her room she could store in mine. We were the same size for somethings so I was sure we would be sharing clothing. I smiled at this as she would always try to get me to wear her clothes and a few times I did not noticing. Most of the times it was her jeans. Now I could wear anything she had.

“Um, Sara you don't have to do this.”

“What do you mean? I do need most of this stuff for the apartment. It is kind of bare, and now we got all this cute stuff.”

“I know that, but a simple cot would be fine. I have a bed at home and other things.”

“Nonsense girl, you're my sister and sure I am stuffing you into the closet but I can't see you not being comfortable.”
“But I can't pay you back for this not now.”

“You don't owe me a dime.”

“Three grand is too much.”

“Michelle once my book is publish that will be the same as three dollars. I got more in that first check than I have made the last year and a half. Hell I spent that much on clothes so far.” She hugged me tightly.

“I like you as my sister.”

“Hey don't push it.” We both giggled.

“Everything is set we can deliver this tomorrow morning. Would you like it to be assembled as well?”

“Are the movers cute?” Michelle asked.

“I think one of them is.” the clerk replied. I rolled my eyes, and Michelle laughed. I swiped my card and it was done. We hit the grocery store after that. We got enough to hold us over until I could take the car. Michelle wanted to shop for clothes but most of the shops were closing by the time we got there. Maybe I should get one of those services that delivered? We came back and dropped the bags on the table.

“You should have warned me we would be walking everywhere. My feet are killing me.” Michelle complained as she sat down removing one of her heels.

“You are the one who decided to wear heels.”

“I know but I needed to be taller than you.”

“We're the same size now so why should it matter?”

“Because it used to bother you that you were so short. I couldn't resist teasing you.”

“Well all you did was get sore feet. Now help me put this away tall one.” We laughed as we put away the groceries. We got everything finished and I put a pot on for tea.

“Hey you can check your phone now.”

“My phone? Oh ya.”

“Hey don't turn into an air head on me.”

“No I have just been distracted lately.” I pulled it out and started to read the texts I had missed. The theme was clear after a few of them. Most asked, 'where are you?' I cringed as I read the messages from Jewel and Jackie. Jewel ended her texts with 'whatever' Jackie was trying to get me to talk to Max. When I opened his texts he went from concerned to angry. Sure I had gotten lost in my problem and ignored my phone for days when I wrote, but this time Max was acting weird, like he was my boyfriend and not my best friend, but what bothered me that he had visited a few time and he thought I wasn't home. I would have heard him banging on my door shouldn't I? Michelle's phone rang and I jumped as it sounded like gun shots.

“Hi mom...” Oh crap! “No we are doing great.” I got up and rushed to get the modulator. “I know mom, but sh- he has something to tell you.” It was charged but I felt funny when I put it on. “No I can't tell you it is his news.” I finished clipping it on and walked to my sister. “Okay here he is. Its our mother.” My hand shook as I took her phone and Michelle had an evil grin on her face.

“Hi mom.” the modulator whined a bit.

“You should call more and keep your phone on. What if we needed to get a hold of you and what is wrong with your voice?” I cringed as I forgot to hit phone mode.

“No that was just interference do I sound better now?”

“Alright honey but what is the big news your sister mentioned.”

“I going to be published, and by Hatchingsworth Publishing. Isn't it great?”

“That's wonderful dear, but don't they have some strange rule? Well anyways now that you are an official author when are you coming home for a visit?” I sighed as she didn't remember what the rule was.

“Well I have to go back up there on Monday and meet with the editors, and also finalize the contract. Not sure how busy I will be after that, but I am sure once everything gets rolling I can do most of it online. How about it a few weeks?”

“How about in two weeks for your father's birthday. You missed mine and your sister's. We have been worried about you.”

“Mom you know I get lost in my writing. I do take care of myself though. A lot has happened over the last week and it is more than I can process right now.”

“Okay, but you know you can talk to me. I am here for you and I worry about you.”

“I know mom it's just...” The modulator beeped and my voice changed. I almost panicked as I put her on mute. “Test test.” I sighed as it started working again.

“What wrong with your voice hello?”

“Sorry mom where was I?”

“Didn't you hear me and what happened to your voice?”

“Oh the microwave distracted me, and nothings wrong with my voice.” I cringed and Michelle was not helping by laughing behind her hand.

“You have to tell her.” she suddenly mouthed.

“Not yet.” I mouthed back, and the device squawked.

“Seriously that is annoying.”

“Look mom the connection is breaking up we'll call you later.”

“Okay put your sister on.” I sighed as Michelle took her phone back.

“Hi mom.”

“Is he okay. He sounds distracted.”

“Mom he is fine just under some stress. You know how he gets.”

“Okay honey you keep an eye on him and text me later what you can't say now.”

“I will mom, I love you.” Michelle put the phone down and started laughing until tears formed. I frowned until she stopped as I checked out the device. “You are going to have to tell her.”

“I know, but I hoped to have some more time. Maybe I could come up with something.” I sat down and turned the computer on. The device shouldn't be doing this. The battery was charged nearly to full.

“Oh no you can't put this off. Dad is turning fifty.”

“He his going to have a cow. His only son is now his daughter. Mom will be shocked but dad?”

“I wasn't shocked much and mom will surprise you. Dad will understand. He may not like it, but he'll come around.”

“And if he kicks me out. You know how he can get.”

“Sara he loves you and has accepted that you got the short side of the stick, and that you are not a manly man, but you carved your own path.”

“Thanks I needed a short joke.” We both chuckled. I plugged the USB in and set up the diagnostic. “I think the only thing that stopped him from treating me as a failure was my deep voice. Now that I am female...”

“Sara look you are you. Once you convince him you are happy then it will work out.” I sighed. I couldn't see this going well. I guess she had higher hopes than I did.

“I was happy before, and sure I really found I liked playing around as a female, but I never wanted to be one. You know how much I wanted a rugged face with a beard. Hell I looked like a girl even with a flat top.”

“You have always worked with the hand you were dealt. Now woman up and deal with this as well. You didn't make the choice, but you still have to live with the result. Just think I am jealous of you.”


“Come on put that thing down.” I did and she dragged me to the mirror. “Look at you no makeup and you still look better than me. Your skin is perfect. Your hair I have always envied. Even your chest looks fuller than mine I bet those girls stick straight out. Your waist is smaller, and that gives you a figure I don't have.”

“I use a corset.”

“A corset can do that, but you are not wearing one now. I am proud of you and this is better not that there was anything wrong with the old you.” I smiled and hugged my sister. She squeezed and swung back and forth nearly knocking us both down. She than smashed a kiss on my cheek and I giggled as she tickled me.

“No don't you...” She did and I was soon laughing out of control. “No... ha, ha, ha, I'm...” I peed myself as I sunk to the floor. Michelle laughed as I blushed. My whole head turned beet red as my body shuddered as another reaction made my embarrassment even worse. I screamed out a moan and panted as I came. Michelle's laughter died as she stepped away.

“I'm so sorry. I... I... I'll get a towel and a bath ready.” I should have warned her how sensitive I was. I had forgotten how she could suddenly tickle me and always when you never expected it. I had never peed myself before, but came close several times. Having a penis was like folding a hose to pinch it closed. I couldn't do that now. I felt towels being pushed under me. Michelle got me to stand and helped me undress. I don't think anyone could be more embarrassed or ashamed. She guided me to the bathroom and into the tub. I barely heard the soothing words as she added bubble bath to the water. She left and came back with the soiled clothes stuffing them in the small stand up washer.

“You know if we are going to live here together you're going to need a bigger washer.” I giggled. “So... I'm sorry. I didn't think that would happen or the other thing.”

“Hypersensitivity sucks.”

“That bad?” I glanced at Michelle and she was blushing. I rarely saw her blush, virtually never.

“So you can blush?” I giggled.

“Yes I can. Your sister is not as embarrassment free as you thought.”

“Thank you.”


“Not making it worse, or flipping out that I...”

“That you came? I have heard about it.”

“Ya it has been hell the last few days. A few times I passed out. Much better today. I almost thought it was over.”

“I can't imagine something like that.”

“You have never had one?”

“No I have had plenty, but so strong you pass out. Now I really am jealous.” I drifted off into thought. I really should have texted Max and them instead of writing porn. I needed to write several apologies after this bath.

“Earth to Sara?”

“Sorry I just realized how much of a dick I've been to my friends.”

“Excuse me you can't say that anymore.” We both giggled.
“You're right but I can't call myself a bitch.”

“Hey it has its perks.” I laughed this time. “Okay I am going to let you finish as I have a floor to clean.”


“Not you fault.” Michelle shut the door. It was some time before I washed and got out. I padded over to my bed drying my hair. Michelle walks in and I blush lightly as I smile. She looks at me and shakes her head.


“Strange that you blush at the littlest of things and yet you walk around here naked with the blinds open.” I giggled and toss the towel over a chair. Posing for my sister for a second. “Cute as a Kitten.”

“I did it as a guy, and never got any complaints. Plus I don't do it at night.” I pulled up some black panties and dug out a matching black lace bra. “Better?”

“Not much, but get dressed as I have started dinner. Your favorite.” I paused for a second and tossed on a tee and pajama pants. Tuna noodle casserole was for dinner and we talked until we both got tired.

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