Boyfriend and Girlfriend - Part 1

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by Lana Lund

Lana and Nina only had met recently and ever so briefly. Now the relationship is about to grow into a High School romance with a twist!


Nina and Joey walked to school everyday that week. Joey was more then uncomfortable about the arraignment but what choice did he have. She had discovered his secret. She had seen him full dressed and she had seen him partially undressed as well. She knew that he was a cross dresser and that was not going to change.

Joey had never considered Nina as a friend although they were the same age and he had known her most of his life they lived in the same neighborhood and even were in the same grade at in school. He had always been friendly toward her, but Joey was friendly toward everyone. But telling his friends that he was not walking to school with them for a while caused a stir. Fortunately for Joey, Nina was cute, so the boys understood and thought that they knew what he was up too.

As they walked together they talked of Bobby Owens and his friends and that night. They talked about her brother Enrique. They talked about Joey and Lana.

“Why do you do it?” she asked.

“I do it because it makes the world right for me,” was his answer. “I do it because it feels so good and so right!”

She truly seemed to understand his reasons and accepted the reason as well. They continued to walk and talk each day and Joey discovered that he really did like talking to her. She was very knowledgeable about transvestites and cross-dressing. She was insightful as to his feelings and the emotions that were a part of a boy wanting to be a girl. They talked about fashion and hair, shoes and makeup. Each day when she got to the corner Joey was waiting for her. And as they got to school they would stand out side and talk until the last possible minute before the bell rang. As Joey lay in bed each night he had trouble falling asleep as he went over and over the things that they had talked about. The things that he had said that week to Nina were things that he had never said out loud before.

The fact that the school thought that they were a couple was fine with Joey. It would help stop the questions that he had about his own sexuality, plus it would make his life easier when dealing with girls that wondered why he was not aggressive with them like all the other boys were.

Each day they spent together made them become closer. They discovered that they enjoyed each others company very much. Their relationship was quickly built on friendship and grew to so much more. She was not like other girls that he had talked with. She was very interested in him! She asked questions about his feeling and emotions. She gotten inside of him, where no one had ever been to before; not his friends, nor even his family.

He told her how he got started wearing his sister’s clothes. He described in detail his baby sitting jobs where he would spend the night dressed. He talked of his trips downtown on the bus to go shopping for clothes as he built his wardrobe. She liked many of the same things that he liked and offered to help him shop in the future. The relationship was not one way by any means. She talked about herself and her brother Enrique. She described how she discovered when they were quite young that Enrique was not born in the right body. Nina told him that when they played as children they played as sisters. Their favorite game was dress up. Enrique never had to be forced to play with girls; he just seemed to be one of the girls from day one. As a child Enrique was always dressed as a girl.

Mrs. Lopez never seemed to mind that Rikkie had replaced her son Enrique. When they went shopping for clothes they always bought two sets of clothing. For him, a cute outfit was a cute outfit - it didn’t matter if it was a boy's or a girl's. Plus Rikkie could always fit the things that Nina had grown out of. Rikkie liked dresses and skirts he was a girly girl and there was no doubt about it. Nina had the responsibility of looking out for Rikkie. Being the oldest with mom working, Nina ran the house for them. Their father had been killed in a car accident three months before Enrique was born. Mrs. Lopez worked two jobs to support the family. She left for work at 4:30 AM on the bus and returned home at 11:30 PM each and every day. So Nina was about all that Rikkie had, growing up.

Rikkie's evolution as a girl came quickly and very naturally. Long hair was in style and his hair was the prettiest in the neighborhood. Enrique attended school as a boy but that was the only time that he was a boy. Being very feminine, his male life was very difficult. He had to learn quickly that boys hurt you if you couldn’t stand up for yourself.

After a while the boys stopped trying to pick on him because Enrique could protect himself. He could fight and fight well! The skill was a big asset in a Hispanic neighborhood where macho ruled. So the neighborhood left him alone and he took advantage of it. Nina and Enrique had agreed that Rikkie should remain a secret and only harm would come if she were discovered. That was the same decision that Joey had made for himself and Lana. Like Rikkie he too wanted more then any thing to be Lana, but the circumstances and the times being what that were, it was best to not be discovered.

Nina had not only gained Joey’s confidence but she had earned his trust and respect too. He shared everything with her about himself and his life as Lana and she took it all in. On Thursday of that first week they ran into Bobby Owens on the way home from school.

Bobby walked up to Nina pretty much ignoring Joey and asked, “Who was that girl that ran from me the other night? Do you know her?”

“Why were you chasing her?” Nina asked.

“She messed around with the wrong guy, that’s all!”

Joey made no bones about it he hated Bobby and felt the need to protect Nina! He stepped between them and dropped his books and standing nose to nose with him asked, “Is there a problem here?”

Joey couldn’t help but smile at the thought that the last time he was nose to nose with Bobby, he had kissed him!

Bobby stepped back and turned away quickly and said, “No man, we don’t have a problem at all!”

Joey told her what had happen that night he was chased and they laughed all the way home. As he walked her to her door, he was wondering if he should kiss her goodbye, and questioning if she wanted him to. Just then a voice came out of no where, “Hi sis! It’s about time you got home. I’m hungry!!”

They both turn to see Enrique smiling at them from the doorway of their apartment. “You can cook better then I do, so you fix dinner!"

Enrique walked down the stairs toward them and Joey felt his emotions boil.

“Hi Joey!” Enrique said before Joey could begin to think about what to say. Extending his hand toward Joey they shook hands and then Enrique pulled him forward into a hug. Brief as it was Joey understood that there was much exchanged between them with the little hug!

They both turned to see Nina’s face locked in the biggest grin you every saw! “What are you smiling about?” they both said in unison.

“I’m just happy to see my two favorite girls in the whole world finally meet, well sort of,” she said. “I want to have you over for dinner tomorrow if you can make it?”

“Well, not you, but Lana, come over for dinner and then you can meet Rikkie. I think you both will be surprised.”

It is always a struggle for a person with a secret to put it out there for people to see. Being a transvestite, you learn to hide, to stay back, and never let anyone see a trace of the girl that lives inside. You must not let down your guard, EVER! This makes for a lonely life. You tend to keep people at a distance, for fear of harm coming to you from them over the secret!!

Joey’s eye shot back and forth between Nina and Enrique; he stammered and searched for the words.

“I take that as a yes then” Nina said before he could back out of it. “Will 5:30 work for you Joey, we can work out the details tomorrow on the way to school?”

“Don’t worry everything will be fine Joey, trust me!” She then leaned forward and kissed Joey ever so gently. Electricity shot through Joey like it never had before. Yes he had kissed before and so had Lana, but this was the first time that they had both kissed each other, and it was wonderful!!

“I do.” was the first words out of his mouth as their kiss ended.

“I do? What? Did you two just get married?” Enrique asked.

“I do trust you Nina!” Joey replied.


To Be Continued...


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Knockout Part 2

Nice continuation. Didn't realize at first it was the same story as Knockout, just the next part.

You need a bit of proofreading and formatting, if you get the chance. A line between paragraphs would pretty things up.


I like stories with character's like Nina.
It has a simple and entertaining plotline
that I very much enjoyed, Lana.

Sarah Lynn