The Ram 18

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A chapter that describes the New-years-eve preparations before the party at The Melancholy Pussy.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 18

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby) Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Elsbeth Briony’s sister.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.
Shirley Rachels’ GG wife.
Fajita The maid.

BEV 1 at Barry Isaland 23 Oct 2011.jpg

Faux fur jacket and skinny jeans on a windy day at the seaside.

The Ram 18

As Briony slumped into the welcome arm chair, Sion came bounding across demanding to know if his mum had enjoyed. She smiled and hugged him as the maid appeared with Ellairy. Briony had a giggling fit as she struggled to slip her LBD down past her breasts and attach Ellairy to her nipple. In the end, Shirley had to hold Ellairy while Briony shimmied the dress down to her waist. She then settled back to feed her daughter while Sion sat to the table as the maid served up his breakfast. The maid looked askance at Briony and it was obvious she was surprised that Briony was quite prepared to feed her daughter in front of her eight-year-old son. She eventually realised that Sion was completely inured to the sweet intimacy between his mother and his sister. As he wolfed down his breakfast, he peppered Briony with questions.

“Where there other girls like Daphne and Rachel?”

“Yes, lots,” Briony confirmed, “and they were all as nice as these two.”

She explained as her glance encompassed the tee-girl pair.

Daphne and Rachel grinned affectionately as they shared a coffee with Shirley and the maid. Briony noted that the maid seemed to temporarily promoted to status of Nanny insofar as she was invited to share food with the guests, rather like nannies of the Victorian days would sometimes attend the evening meal with the family, if only to supervise the children at table. They still ate the same food at the same table.

“I’d love to go there,” Sion sighed, “just to see.”

“Well, I’m afraid you’re far too young. “You’ll have to wait until you’re eighteen before you can go into those clubs because they can’t serve you alcohol until you’re eighteen with a proper I.D. That rule is strictly enforced in the clubs. It’s a general policy.” Daphne told him firmly. “You’ve got another ten years before you can come.” clubbing with us.”

Daphne turned to Briony and explained while Sion ear-wigged.

“Young gays and tee-people are extremely vulnerable; we try to protect them in the village.”

“I noticed.” Briony replied. “Do you have anything to do with that little cafe on the opposite corner of the cross? I saw several young people in there.”

“Yes. That’s the alcohol free zone and I’m glad you noticed it’s well lit. The tea and coffee is free to kids between twelve and eighteen. We have lots of lost kids turning up there, often homeless, usually frightened and always hungry. The police and the charities supervise its operation while some of the more philanthropical club owners help with the financing. When I first came here, there were gay and tee-kids, begging ... or worse, on the streets. Lots of the tee-girls have been there or somewhere like it when they were kids. I was one of the lucky ones.” Daphne finished.

“Here, here,” Rachel added softly.

Briony recognised the intensity in Rachel’s demeanour. It was obvious that Rachel had ‘been there.’ They carried on chatting until, eventually, Briony finished feeding Ellairy and the long night began to take its toll. Briony felt her eyelids getting heavy and she shook her head momentarily. Fajita stepped over and took Ellairy from her arms as Daphne smiled indulgently,

“No stamina, these ‘R-Gee’s’ have they Rach’? Falling asleep already.”

Briony looked up and pouted angrily.

“It’s all right for you ‘T-Gee’s. You haven’t got to produce milk. This takes blood!”

“Oops, sorry love, wish I could save you the effort.”

“With those tits she probably could,” Rachel teased.

“Watchit! Daphne grinned then the grin faded to a thoughtful introspection. “You never know, bit of prolactin maybe.”

“Yeah, well not this time, she’s nearly weaned.” Briony observed, therefore curtailing any further speculation. “So, I’m for a nap, what are you girls doing?”

“Well, I’ll be going with Fajita to take Sion out. He can’t stay cooped up here all day.” Daphne declared.

“Aren’t you going to sleep?” Briony wondered.

Daphne and Rachel smirked then spluttered. Finally Daphne replied.

“Not likely girl. This is News Year’s eve. This morning I’m running Fajita and Sion to a children’s party at the Safari park then this afternoon, I’ve got to get the club ready for tonight. Meanwhile Rachel’s got a few last wrinkles to sort out for the convention.”

Briony gasped.

“When do you guys sleep?”

“Tomorrow when you guys are enjoying the New-year’s-day sales.”

So saying, Daphne nodded to Fajita who prepared Sion for the party while Daphne changed from her LBD into some skinny jeans, ug-boots and a faux-fur jacket. When she emerged, Briony realised Daphne would still ‘pass’. She checked with Sion who was obviously at ease with Daphne’s appearance. Boys of his age would normally be hypersensitive to being seen with a tranny. There was not the remotest sign of masculinity about Daphne. Having gained acceptance, Daphne then asked.

“D’you want us to take Ellairy or will she stay here with you?”

“Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. Are you happy to take her?”

Fajita smiled.

“I look after baby Mrs Briony. No problem. Daphne, she drive.”

Having been re-assured, Briony gave her consent and sighed wistfully as they stepped out. Had she not been so knackered, she’d have gone with them.

‘Just where did this girl Daphne get the stamina?’ She asked herself.

As she finished off her morning tea, Rachel made her excuses while Shirley yawned to indicate her tiredness.

“I’m for bed as well. Dunno’ where those two get it from. See you for lunch; ‘bout one-ish.”

Within minutes, Briony was abed. She woke up to find Shirley tapping her shoulder.

“Come on girl, it’s half one. They’ll be back in a minute.”

Briony sat up with a jerk.

“God! Is it that time already?”

Shirley grinned.

“You must have been shattered. Can’t think why, you slept for a couple of hours in the club last night. You’d better get some more sleep in this afternoon. It’s going to be really wild tonight; all the amateurs will be out.”

Briony pictured the scene and grinned.

“Yeah, men in frocks.”

Shirley’s grin faded slightly.

“Don’t let Rachel hear you say that. She’s very defensive of her less fortunate sisters. Not everybody can pass. That’s why she runs this convention. It’s to educate those who have to deal with the transgendered community. It’s not easy being ‘trans’ you know. Daphne’s really lucky having an isolated house out in Wales. Most of the sisters have to live with neighbours, and lots of those neighbours are; well, I don’t have to lay it out do I?”

“Bigots or bullies,” Briony finished somewhat chastened by Shirley’s very mild admonishment. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

“What’s the house like? Daphne’s place that is.”

Briony looked up as she remembered.

“Oh of course! You’ve never seen it have you?”

Shirley wagged her head.

“No. Rachel’s going to check it out when the convention’s over. I’m back to Manchester by train tomorrow night then coming down with my baby and Daphne’s older children on the Friday afternoon.”

“Oh, so she’s seeing them again.”

“Yes. The social workers have had to agree, James the oldest, is technically free to see his dad at any time and Tara his sister had one hell of a row with her mother. Threatened to run away if they didn’t let her see him. They say she swore at the judge at the hearing a few weeks ago and when he threatened to send her down to the cells for a night she told him at least that would mean a night away from the bitch. He wasn’t impressed with her attitude but I think he got the message ... and she did spend the night in the cells. James and Tara won’t be separated, leastways not as far as living goes. They wanted to spend Christmas with us but the judge wouldn’t allow that, however he did give Tara permission to see her dad at least once a month, from now until her birthday in June the custody order has expired for James, he’s free anyway but he chooses to support Tara. They were always close but Rachel’s divorce brought them even closer together.”

“Does that mean you and all the children will be coming with Rachel for the weekend?”

“Why; yes. I thought you knew that.”

“Well I knew Rachel was coming. She and Daphne were thinking of organising soirees or something, transgendered meetings, country weekends.”

“That’s the plan, so what’s the house like.”

Briony could only tell the truth.

“Well. It’s quite big; well, very big actually. It’s got about ten large bedrooms six of them en-suite and then there’s another
five smaller bedrooms on the upper landing in the main block. There’s even a small turret with a tiny little bedroom that gives a view right across the hills to Plynllimon.”

“And is it as remote as they say?”

“Hell yes, apart from Blodwen's dads' farm which is about a mile down the road, there’s nothing else for about five miles in either direction. It’s also got its own lane that sets it about a quarter a mile from the only road.”

“So it’s not overlooked then, nobody can see the gardens and stuff.”

“Only the bloody kites, buzzards and ravens. I’m telling you Shirley, it’s as remote as any Scottish castle.”

“Sounds like just the place for a trans weekend.”

“Who’s going to cater for these weekends?”

“Rachel is up for organising all that. She’s got several sub friends who are prepared to be maids.”

“What cooking and stuff?”

“Everything, cleaning, bedding, supplying the food, everything.”

“So Daphne won’t be over-worked or anything.”

“Daphne will be like ‘lady muck’ ... lording it over everybody, lady of the manor, mine hostess, you name it. Rachel and her friends are a hardworking band and they’ve been looking for a safe venue for some time. Daphne’s house sounds just the place.”

Briony felt a little apprehensive, Daphne had mentioned that she was inviting Rachel to check the house out but she’d no idea what Daphne had meant by parties. She needed to speak to Daphne as soon as -. Shirley seemed to be talking about, twenty five people or so per party. The logistics were frightening. She stirred her tea thoughtfully as Shirley sensed Briony was not altogether happy.

When Daphne and Fajita returned with Sion and Ellairy, Sion was full of news. It was nearly twenty minutes before Briony took Daphne aside and asked about the parties. Daphne admitted she had little idea about organising such occasions so she asked if Briony wanted to talk to Rachel.

“I’ll speak to her Later,” Briony replied, “you didn’t tell me that Rachel was bringing her children next weekend.”

“I told you Rachel was coming after the convention.”

“Yes, but I thought it was just Rachel and her wife.”

“Yes, well she only phoned me the other day; I forgot to mention it to you. They only received the news about the hearing just before Christmas. Rachel and I organised her inspection a couple of months ago. I mentioned that to you. The other bit just slipped my mind. You’re not angry are you?”

Briony realised that she had only known Daphne since Christmas Eve so she was hardly in a position to object.

“Well, no, I’m just a bit apprehensive. Will these parties be, you know ... respectable? You understand, the children.”

“I don’t know; you’d have to ask Rachel. Nothing’s been fixed yet.”

Briony felt a small surge of relief. If nothing had been fixed, she might have some leverage in laying down any boundaries. She had seen some of the tee-girl outfits at The Melancholy Pussy the previous night and she wasn’t entirely sure that Sion or indeed, any children under sixteen should be seeing such stuff. She decided to chat to Rachel that very evening while Daphne had her regular talk with the club manager. That afternoon, she and Shirley went shopping with Fajita who looked after Ellairy in the pram. They also planned to take a somewhat reluctant Sion along but he cheered up when he learned they were looking for more computer games for him. Shirley explained that she thought Briony should be encouraging Sion to mix with his own contemporaries but Briony explained that Daphne’s house was so isolated there were no children living for miles and the only place he would meet other children would be school. She explained that Daphne and Blodwen had been exceptionally lucky that they had each other all through their school years. If Sion lived at Plas Graig Las, (And it looked as though they would eventually would.) then Sion would be quite a lonely child.

“Well so will you Bri’,” Shirley added, “if it’s as remote as you say.”

“Oh it’s remote alright,” Briony finished.

“What will you do for company?”

“Well my sister Elsbeth lives in Machynlleth and her children are Sion’s age, give or take. One of his cousins is a year older and the other two are a year and three years younger so they’ll be able to stay over, provided there are no issues about Dave and Daphne.”

Shirley’s face clouded as she cautioned Briony.

“That’s important Bri’, the Daphne — Dave thing will be make and break if you do settle together. I warn you now; you will never be able to separate Dave from Daphne.”

Briony asked thoughtfully.

“Do you see them as Daphne first and Dave second or vice-versa?”

“Well you saw Daphne in the club was she happy or was she happy?”

“Yee-ees, Briony replied thoughtfully. I see what you mean ... definitely Daphne first.”

Shirley gave a wry smile and nodded.

“No contest girl. Believe me, I’ve been there. I’m married to Rachel not Richard. Come on then we’ve some shopping to do if we’re to look good for tonight.”

“Wish I could get my hair done but it’s too late for an appointment now.”

Shirley grinned.

“No it isn’t girl. This is a first-class international hotel. As a guest you get priority at the hair salon just off the shopping lobby. Just tell them your suite number and bingo, you’re straight in. I’ll take Sion shopping if you want. Is he comfortable with strangers?”

Briony smiled and Shirley saw the evident relief in Briony’s demeanour as she replied.

“He is now, ever since meeting Dave and Daphne. The grin has hardly left his face.”

“Yes, I did notice. Well, we’ll go shopping then you can order a taxi and meet us by the Bull-ring after you’ve had your hair done. There’s a cracking stylist called Naomi and she gives excellent advice. Ask for her; as a guest of the imperial suite, they’ll do all they can to oblige. Daphne tips well and they know it.

Thus they separated and met later at the bull-ring.

“Well that’s a lovely style. You look like some delightful young thin just out of her teens.” Shirley grinned as she noted Briony’s hair. “Have you had extensions?”

“Yes and a tint. You won’t believe it; guess who came in just as I was getting finished up?”

“I’m guessing Daphne.” Shirley grinned again.

“And your other half.” Briony added.

“Yes, she did say earlier, everybody wants to look good for tonight.”

“What about you?”

“I just undo my pony-tail and brush it out. You’ll see. Naomi does a good job.”

Briony couldn’t help but agree as she glanced at her reflection in a shop window.

Thus they spent another hour before Briony’s mobile rang. She double checked before answering.

“Daphne, how’s your hair?”

“Nearly done darling. Don’t forget, we’re booked for a meal at six. I’ve got to be back at the club by seven.”

Briony had mixed feelings. She was totally enjoying the shopping spree but a meal at the hotel’s superb restaurant was not to be missed either. The weekend was going swimmingly.

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