The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 5 New Beginnings Ch. 28

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New Beginnings
Chapter 28
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman

We enjoyed the weekend very much. It is still winter with the cold air here. The high is still 58 degrees F. The lows are about 32 degrees F again this week. It is now the fourth week of January. Hopefully the warm air will arrive in the middle of February.

We continue to have a relaxing weekend. The fairies take a sip of nectar from the flowers in the green house from time to time.

When the weekend is over, I continue to add more stories from the scholastic data base on Monday. I continue to organize them into fiction and nonfiction stories. When the day is done, we arrive at the Jacksonville Shaolin dojo at 7 PM. I change into my gee clothes with the fifth black sash around my waist. I walk into second room.

“Now Brianna, you need to take close a look at this chart. It shows the arrangements of the nerves laid out. What you are looking for is a single line nerve. See if you can find it.”

She looks hard at the chart. “I see a single line above the inside part of the elbow. It is just above it.” She points to it.

“That’s good, Brianna. Now see if you can find the next one. It should be near the knee cap.”

She looks hard at the chart. “I think it is just above the knee cap.” She points to it.

“That’s good Brianna. You have a good eye for it. Now Richard is not going this next part. I need to touch both points at the same time. Your arms and legs will spasms at the same time. In effect, you are causing a backfire on the limbs. What Richard is going to do he will rub your joints to reduce the sensation. He will count out loud from 10 to 1. Are you ready, Brianna?”

“I hope so, Sifu Chou.”

Quickly, he hits both spots on the joints at the same time. Immediately, she is on the ground with her arms and legging shaking like crazy!!!

I count out loud, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!” I immediately start rubbing her the inside part of the elbow first. Then I concentrate near her knee cap and rub those down.

“Oh, that is the most nerve wracking experience ever!!” She tries calm herself down by breathing slowly.

“If you think that is nerve wracking, I did the same thing to Josh. However, he was shaking at least five minutes long. Not only that, the three ladies in his gang kicked him in the balls while that happened. They were crushed beyond repair.”

“So he got his just reward after all, Richard. Giggle, giggle, giggle!!”

I smile at my wife, “Yes he did, Brianna.”

“Now tomorrow night you will do the same thing to me. So, now lets review the moves when fighting against three people at the same time.”

Another brown sash student comes into our circle. The brown sash student uses his fist at Brianna’s head. She ducks down quickly. Then she jumps up quickly to avoid Qiang and me from our sweeping legs.

We go over to the wall to retrieve the two wooden batons and a metal sword. We walk around her in a circle. Then she sees our movement with the weapons coming at her. She immediately jumps up high enough to avoid the wooden baton coming at her thighs. We stop ourselves half way. Her left foot is on the medal sword. Her right foot is on a wooden baton.

We bring our weapons up to give her some momentum. She kicks her legs into Qiang and me in the chest. We stagger back thirty feet as we try to gain our balance. She jumps over the brown sash student with metal sword and sweep her legs to trip him up.

Then I come with a chop to her left neck. She immediately grabs it and locks the wrists. She split my fingers on my right hand.


I come in and do left chop with left hand onto her right neck. She immediately grabs and locks the wrist on my left hand. She immediately splits my fingers!


Sifu Chou rubs my fingers bring life back into it.

“That’s good Brianna. You all take a five minute water break it is now 8 PM. Now we need to focus on the birds for Qiang and Richard. The moves for the swallow are a particular boxing style that is very fast with arms and hands. They use the daggers as well.”

Sifu Quon comes up to us. Qiang and I pantomime the movements very slowly for the first movement. Then we slowly pantomime for the second movement.

“Now let’s put first two movements together slowly at first. Remember to make a fist with both hands.”

Qiang and I pantomime first two movements slowly.

“Let’s put them together at normal speed.”

Quickly, our hands and arms are blurring very fast.

“Let’s focus again and do the next two movements.”

We are shown the next two movements. We repeat them slowly to understand them completely. Then we repeat next two movements at normal speed. Again our arms and hands are blurring very fast. Then we put all four movements together. Again Qiang and I like the results. Our arm and hands are blurring very fast.

“When we do the crow it is a different boxing style than the sparrow.”

We enter into the dressing rooms to take a quick shower. We change back into our regular clothes. The masters lock the doors. We return back to our homes and apartments. We enjoy another relaxing evening. We get to bed at 10 PM.


The Guardians of the Universe are doing another wormhole hopping. They are explaining to them when their villains disappear from their sector. They will appear on Earth when that happens.

Tech Coyote is looking at the screen. “Hmm . . . I think I need to create a new password. Computer, is their file to read?”

“Hello Tech Coyote. This is Richard Moore. I have a file to read it will give you an idea to create your own five password sequences.”

He reads the file. “That’s genius! I just need two languages that are thousands years old. Translate them into my language. Computer, let me see the first equation?”

“Tech there are three equations. First one is available to see. The next two are blocked by Richard Moore. You will need passwords from him for direct access.”

He reads the first equation. “That’s genius! That is a very good complex equation. I can imagine what the other two is like.”

He creates his one thousand word sets with two syllables and types them in. “Computer, is next password ghaathreed theeroonn werdnlle foorrjeekl berrrmeerrl. Is that the correct sequence?”

“That is correct. Revolving to next password sequence. Tech Coyote’s voice is added to the database for future reference.”

Tech has a big smile on his face when he hears that. Now the electronic villains will not be able to hack the computer system again.

A month later one of the electronic villains tried to do that. It was Bio-Tech Parasite. She came to Acmetropolis in a disguise. She went to a known computer terminal that is used as an Internet Café. She logs in and tries to access their system. She intends release “Spikey” into their system in the tower.

“What?! What is this Gate 1 about? Let’s let me send in “Spikey” in there anyway.”

“Passed First Gate. Second Gate is blocked. Cannot release “Spikey” into system. “Spikey” signature is now added to the Library.”

“No!!! This can’t be happening!!”

Then two police officers show up in the Internet Café to arrest Bio-Tech Parasite and she is escorted to a jail cell.


On a computer screen Tech sees an unauthorized user tried to access the system. He hears it called out loud to him.

“Bio-Tech Parasite tried to access the system. She was immediately arrested and put in jail. “Spikey” signature is added to the database. Need new password sequence to reestablished access to systems?”

“The password is weerdon theratonn thallberr xeroghatth merrrouoot.”

“That is the correct password sequence. Tech Coyote is still the user of the system.”

Tech has another big smile on his face.


We wake up in the morning fully rested. I change clothes for the day. It is now Tuesday, February 1, 2112. Today is the day Brianna will apply the pressure points to Sifu Chou to cause his limbs to shake like crazy.

It is now February 1, on the planet where Nine Warriors are located. They put their helmets on their heads outside the mini-dojos. Immediately their weapons appear on themselves. They gather back in their own dojo buildings. They take out the weapons in their hands and concentrate on the gems in weapons. They sit down and concentrate on the weapons. Soon, they see in their minds what dragons look like. They see serpentine dragons in their minds. The four dark warriors see subtle changes in their minds. They see two dark blue dragons and two light purple dragons.
Ryo sees a golden serpentine dragon in his mind.
Cye sees in his mind a white serpentine dragon. Sage sees in his mind a white serpentine dragon as well.
Kento sees in his mind an orange serpentine dragon. Rowen sees in his mind an orange serpentine dragon as well.


The nine dragons feel something unusual feeling in their minds in the Nine Dragon Cave.

“Brothers, are we feeling an unusual mind connection?”

“Yes we are. I don’t feel Ronin’s presence at all. Something is going on?”

“If we find Ronin body has perished after facing Talpa. We will have great anger with great patience.”

“Yes, we will finally send Talpa to the Lake of Fire for all eternity!”

“Yes, we must be patient now.”

The voices quiet down in the Nine Dragon Cave in China. They must wait for now. They don’t realize they will be waiting for five months from now until they see Ronin himself.


Tuesday is a repeat from Monday. I continue to add more stories to the information hard drives. Right now there are at least three hard drives that are totally filled up. I continue to add more stories on a fourth hard drive. I have my lunch and dinner as well. I have a turkey breast sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes for both meals.

When I get to the Jacksonville dojo. I set up the portable heater and plug it in the cigarette lighter. I crack down the window about inch and half again for fresh air the fairies. They have their flight of exercise for fifteen minutes. They get under the blankets to get warm. Then they open their satchel they make their own cups of honey-water. The sip on the warm honey-water cups once they are warmed. They each get two nuts and two dried fruits to get their energy back up.

I go into the Jacksonville dojo. I see Robert with a big smile on his face. I give a big smile on my face when I see him. I go to into dojo men’s dressing area and change into my gee clothes. I put on the fifth degree slash and tie it in front of me.

Brianna tries to remember the positions to hit them at the same time. First above the elbows and just above the knee caps. She hits above elbows and just above the knee caps. Soon Sifu Chou is on the ground with both arms and legs spasms at the same time.

We count down from 10 to 1 out loud. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” Brianna and I quickly rub his joints down very quickly.

Soon Sifu Chou has a big smile on his face. “Well, you just earned the Green Sash to fighting three people at the same time. You did that in three weeks time. Go and take water break for ten minutes and eat an apple. We will have the ceremony at 8:30 PM. Now we need to show four new moves to Qiang and Richard.”

Qiang comes back after showing a new move by wrapping their legs around a person and taking them down in one move.

After that, Qiang and I are shown the next four moves in the sparrow boxing. We do it slowly at first. Then we do it a normal speed. We find our arms and hands are blurring very fast.

“Tomorrow night we will add the daggers as well.”

Brianna is awarded the Green Sash at 8:30 PM. Everyone claps their hands. We head back to our apartments and homes. We take a shower and get cleaned as well. The fairies take their own shower in girls bathroom. We get dressed in our warm clothes for the night.

Wednesday night, something new begins for Brianna to earn the Purple Sash. There are now three weapons to learn as well.

“Brianna there are three weapons to learn. It is wooden sword, two batons and the fighting staff. It will take awhile to learn these moves. First you need to learn how to fight with your hands and legs first before you use the weapons.”

Brianna slowly learns how to do the wrist grabs with the punches. She mimics my moves slowly at first. Then she does at normal speed. She likes the results that are happening. Then I show her next set moves doing hand sweeps and above and below her waist. She is imagining tripping someone up with the hand sweeps. We keep this up until hours is done. She takes a drink of water and eats an apple to get her energy back up. I also do the same thing as well.

Sifu Chou and Qiang are assisting the other students showing how to use sai, metal broad sword and the sickle.

When it becomes 8 P.M.. Qiang and I are shown how to use the daggers. We are shown how to grasp them by the handles. We thrust them into the imaginary stomachs. It is like using the sai weapons thrusting them into stomachs. However, there is no ball on the weapon either.

We are shown how to throw the daggers by Sifu Quon. We see Sifu Quon throwing flat out at the wooden wall. The daggers are pointing into the wooden wall. Qiang and I throw for the first time. They rotate a bit. They are not sticking in the walls. We keep practicing it, after five times. Then they are flat out at the wooden wall. The points are now sticking in the wooden wall. We throw the daggers at the wooden wall ten times. We do it ten more times until we comfortable with it. The points are sticking into the wooden wall.

At 8:45 PM, the two masters lock up the place. We drive back to our homes and apartments.

Brianna and I take another shower together like last time.
Everyone put their warm night clothes on. We get under the covers and have a great night of sleep.

In the morning, it is Wednesday, February 2, 2112. Monday and Tuesday are repeats on Wednesday. I arrive at Secure-Sys and continue to add more stories the hard drives. I have my lunch and dinner there as well. They fairies have their flight for 15 minutes. They get under the warm blanket to get warm. They each get three nuts and three fruits to munch on for their lunch. They sip on the warm honey-water cups. Again it is turkey breast meat, lettuce and slices of tomatoes. I leave by 5:45 PM and arrive at the Jacksonville dojo by 6:45 PM.

I set up the portable heater. I roll down the rear window on the right hand side about 2 inches. The fairies have their exercise for 15 minutes. They get under the warm blanket to get warmed up. They each get three nuts and three fruits to munch for the dinner. They sip their warm honey-water cups again.

When I get inside, I see Robert with a big smile on this face when I see him. I give a big smile at him as well. I go back into men’s locker room and change into my gi clothes. I tie the fifth black sash around my waist and tie it up front. I put my clothes into the duffle bag and put it in a locker. I take the towel with me. I create a four-digit combination it is an easy one to remember. I exit locker room. I drop off the towel near the door.

I enter the main dojo room. We do our stretches for five minutes.

Qiang, Sifu Chou, Sifu Quon and Sifu Li are assisting the other students showing the brown sash students the animal moves of the crane and tiger.

I show Brianna how to use legs for blocks, kicks and take down leg swings. For the kicks she is kicking out her legs to push someone away. For the blocks, I come in with leg swing to trip her up. She blocks my leg swing to avoid being tripped. For the take down leg swing it is very similar to the Green Sash move. She swings her leg to take me down quickly to the mats. “Oooff!” We take a five minute water break. We then put everything together from yesterday and tonight for the next half hour. She is now more fluid putting all together.

We all take a 15 minute water break and we all eat an apple to get our energy back up.

Sifu Quon comes over to talk about the crow boxing style. “The crow boxing style is with the arms straight out like this.” He extends his arms to the side. “What this means you are doing arm swings like this.” He swings his arms out. “Also you can get lower to swing your arms to hit the person’s legs and cause him to fall down. The legs are not used all.” He demonstrates that move as well. We repeat the moves slowly. Then we do it at normal speed. Quickly our arms are blurring very fast again.

“You can create fists or use your hands opened like this.” He demonstrates that for us.

We do the moves slowly like before with our fists first. Quickly they are blurring very fast again. Then we have our hands opened and do the same thing ten times. We come in lower to hit them on the upper thigh. We do that tens times like before. Quickly our arms and hands are blurring fast again.

“Now tomorrow night we will show the advance forms of the crane. It is now 8:30 PM it is time lock up the again. We go into locker rooms we create a quick shower. We change back in our regular clothes and leave at 8:40 PM. The place is locked up again. We drive back to our homes and apartments.

We change into our warm night clothes to get another great night of sleep. I set the alarm clock for 6:30 AM.

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Nice to see a new chapter of

Nice to see a new chapter of this story, been awhile and I was beginning to wonder if it had just dropped off without completing the story. Glad it has not done so.