The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 5 New Beginnings Ch. 27

New Beginnings
Chapter 27
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


We enjoyed the weekend very much. It is still winter with the cold air here. The high is 55 degrees F. The lows are about 32 degrees F. Hopefully, the warmer air will start arriving by the middle of February.

The fairies trim my hair again Saturday afternoon. They put the hair trimmings into an envelope. They are saving it for the next pair of fairies when they are born in eight months.

Then I realized something. I never did the devastating move of the chicken this last Saturday morning. I need to remind myself. I need to do that first for next Saturday.

Then I start thinking about the Earth moves and metal moves I need to do by then. I can use 16 gauge wires for the constraints. Fortunately, the builders for the house left a spool of wire here. There is about 50 feet left on the spool. I’ll also send around us in the air of ten coins. If there is a front end loader out there again, I’ll magnetize my fingers and cling to the side of it. I’ll extend my body out to the side. For folding a metal sheet will be really easy. I’ll visit a hardware shop and pay for it in cash. It will be about 15" x 15" x 1" thick.

For the Earth moves I decide to use quicksand and bury them to their knees. For earthquake and fissure I decide to make them small and only ten feet long. Then I’ll erect a small wall of only four feet high and ten feet long. Then I’ll send an elephant stampede to crash it down.

We all have a nice relaxing weekend. We find Monday morning it is a repeat like last week. I continue to add more literature novels to the information hard drives. At 5 PM it is time for us to leave. After having my dinner in the break room at Secure-Sys, I get to ready to leave the office at 5:30 PM. I see my fairies are all nice and warm in the back seat of the car. I unplug the portable heater until I get there. I arrive there in 30 minutes. I plug it back in. I roll the window down an inch for fresh air for them.

The fairies quickly flutter out in their butterfly mode. They flutter around for 15 minutes for their exercise. Then they flutter back in the open car window. They get themselves warmed up by staying under the folded blanket. Once they are warmed up, they open their satchel to get the nuts and fruits to get their energy back up.

I walk into the dojo. I see Robert with a smile on his face as he sees me in his carriage. I smile back at him. I take off my shoes and walk across the mats to the men’s locker room. I change my clothes and put on the gi clothes and wrap the fifth degree black sash around me and tie it up front. I exit the locker room and place duffle bag with my thick warm coat on top of it near the locker room door.

I exit the separate room and enter into the main hall. We all do our own stretches and warm ups in five minutes like last time. We then split apart into several groups. I’m with Brianna, Qiang and Sifu Chou. Then another student joins our group. He has a brown sash on.

“Okay Brianna, what the three men is going to do, they will walk in a circle around you. There are basically two different moves to avoid being hit again. The first one is going to swing his fist at you. Then the other two will do leg swings to trip you. So, the question is, what are you going to do next?”

“Well, I probably need to duck down quickly to avoid the fist. Then I need to jump up quickly to avoid being tripped up.”

“That’s right, Brianna. So, let’s practice that first of moves.”

The brown belt student quickly swings his right fist at Brianna’s head. She dodges downward quickly. Then Qiang and I swing our legs toward her knees. She jumps up quickly to avoid the trip. She lands on her feet.

“That’s good, Brianna. Let’s do it four times more until you get it memorized.”

“Yes, Sifu Chou.”

We do it four more times. She stops to catch her breath. “Pant . . . pant . . . It is getting easier Sifu Chou.”

“Yes it is, Brianna. Now the three of them are going to get a weapon from the walls.”

The three of us go to weapons displayed on the wall. We grab two wooden batons and a metal sword. When we approach her, she sees one of us with a metal sword.

“How am I going to defend myself against a metal sword?”

“Do you remember what I told you last week in facing three people?”

“I think I do, Sifu Chou. In this case I need kick my two legs into the chests of the people with the two wooden batons. I jump over the student with the metal sword and sweep my leg to get him on the ground.”

“That’s right, Brianna. Make sure your two kicks are very hard against the two. You need to push them back to give you time to yank and twist his two legs. Then he will let go of the sword. Then you can toss it out of the way. Now you are down to two attackers.”

“I see.”

“But, in this case, the position of their weapons coming at you is very important. One will be aimed at your ankles. One will be aimed at your knees. The other will be aimed at your thigh.”

“So, I definitely need to jump higher to avoid the hit.”

“That’s right, Brianna. Here is a question for you. When did you learn to do the jumps?”

“It was for the yellow sash. I even put some five pound weights on to jump up higher. The maximum weights I put on are fifteen pounds for each leg.”

“That’s right, Brianna. Pay attention to their body positions again as they go through the moves.”

Qiang aims for her ankles with a baton. I aim for her knees with the baton. The brown sash student aims for her thighs with the metal sword. We stop our weapons just before we hit her. Brianna jumps up quickly to be above the metal sword. She successfully clears the metal sword by six inches.

“That’s good Brianna. There is one of two possibilities when they are swinging their weapons at you. They can swing the weapons all the way through and you will be on the ground. The other possibility is they stop their motion of the weapons half way. Then you will be standing on top of their weapons. When they bring them up, it gives you the momentum to do the quick kicks with the batons. Then you can jump over the person with the sword and take him down. Do you understand what I am trying to say, Brianna?”

“I think I do, Sifu Chou. I just need to be observant what they are doing.”

“That’s right, Brianna. Let’s try it when they swing their weapons all the way through.”

We bring our three weapons back for a swing at her. When we start our swing of the weapons, she immediately jumps up to avoid the sword at her thighs. We swing all the way through. Brianna lands on the ground safely.

“Whew!! That took some doing.”

“It will be easier as you practice it some more. Let’s do it four more times until you are comfortable with it, Brianna.”

“Yes, Sifu Chou.”

Brianna is able to do it four more times with no problems. “You’re right Sifu Chou, it is getting easier. Pant . . . Pant . . . Pant . . . !”

“That’s right, Brianna. Take a five minute water break to get your breath back.”

We all take a five minute water break to get our breath back. We use the water fountain where the chairs are at near the front doors.

We gather near Sifu Chou. “All right, Brianna, now they will stop the motion half way. Make sure you land on top of the weapons safely with your feet.”

We bring our three weapons back for the swing. As soon as we swing them forward, Brianna immediately jumps up to avoid being hit. We end our swings half way. Our weapons are now pointing at the ground. She puts her right foot on one of the batons. She has the left foot on top of the sword.

“That’s good, Brianna. Now they can bring the weapons up to give you some momentum. Remember to kick your feet into Qiang and Richard very hard.”

“Yes, Sifu Chou.”

We bring our weapons upward to give her some momentum. She immediately kicks her feet into Qiang and Richard very hard. We get pushed backed by thirty feet or so. She jumps over the brown sash student. Once she is down on the ground. She immediately sweeps her leg to trip the brown sash student. She immediately pulls the left leg out and twists it at the same time.

The brown sash student yells out really loud, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”

She takes the other leg and does the same thing, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”

He lets go of the sword. He immediately tries to rub his legs as quickly as possible. Brianna quickly goes after the sword and tosses it to a nearby wall.

She sees Qiang and Richard doing a different swings with the clubs. Qiang is aiming for the chest. I am aiming for her knees. She immediately dives between the two swinging clubs to avoid being hit. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees me swinging my club at her head. She immediately gets on the ground and pushes me with her feet into my chest. I get launched to be on top of Qiang. We both fall down to the ground. She immediately goes after my right leg. She immediately pulls my leg and twists it out of the hip socket.

I yell out loud, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”

She takes the other leg and does the same as well, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”

I roll off of Qiang. She yanks Qiang’s left leg and twists at the same time.

Qiang yells out loud, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”

Qiang reaches with his right hand towards Brianna. She does the same thing to his right arm. Qiang yells out loud again, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”

Some of the students exclaim out loud, “That’s the way to fight three people at once!! Good job!!”

Brianna is panting very hard now, “pant . . . pant. . . .!!”

“That’s very good, Brianna. You can go ahead to the water fountain, take a ten minute break.”

“Thank you, Sifu Chou.”

While she is doing, some students rub our limbs to bring life back into them. We stand up and go to the water fountains and take a ten minute water break as well.

“It is now 8 PM. Tomorrow night we’ll focus on the wrist lock and spreading the fingers at the same time. Defending against arrows being shot at you will take time and practice. The last defensive move with the shaking limbs will take more time to figure it out. I have question for you Brianna.”

“Yes, Sifu Chou.”

“When did you learn the move to kicking your feet into the calf muscles of your opponent?”

“It was during the yellow sash.”

“That’s right, Brianna.”

“Qiang, Sifu Chou, Brianna I need to tell you a story when I went to Twainor for the first time.”

“Come, let’s sit down together in a corner here.”

We all sit down together in a corner of a room on the mats.

“We flew to the southern region called Evenshard Kingdom. I was in the last demonstration group. I requested four different knights in size with a hostage. The hostage was Lady Elena. The largest one is Sir Cargan. He was at least a foot taller than I and more stout. Two of them had wooden clubs. The third one had a short sword about two feet long. I did the same moves to the first three knights. Then the two knights tossed their wooden clubs down and went for my legs to split them apart. I relaxed as much as possible, it allowed me to have my legs stretched. Then I start to bring my legs back together slowly. The two knights started losing ground as I brought my legs back together. I told them they are going down the next time. Then I squatted down quickly and pushed my feet into their chests. They staggered backwards as they try to regained their balanced. I shake my legs to quickly relieve the pulled muscles.”

“Then I saw a changed position in their bodies. I saw them using their clubs at me. I saw them aimed for the legs and at my chest. I dived between the swinging clubs. The fairies giggled and laughed at that I caused them to miss me. Then a knight came after me and aimed for my chest with his wooden club. I saw in the corner of my eye when it happened. I quickly ducked down to the ground and launched the knight into the other knight. I went after the knight on top first and do the same leg pulls on him. Then I did a leg and arm pull on the second knight. I remember hearing them saying it was like a riding a horse for the first time.”

“Then I taunted Sir Cargan to come and get some pain with my left hand. The crowd roared in approval when they heard that. Then I see Sir Cargan to use a bow and arrow at me with the sleep darts. I immediately went to the wooden clubs to defend myself. I avoided the hit from the arrow. I got down on the ground to become a small target. I was able to move the clubs around to protect me from the darts he shot at me. Once those were done, I stood up and dodged his long sword as he swung at me. I was able to get around behind and triple kick his calf muscles. I get around him again. He swings his long sword again. This time I moved to his right this time. I triple kick him again in the calf muscles. When he swings his long sword again, I move around again and do a pair of really hard double kick again. Then I approached him a little closer. Then all of a sudden he steps forward with his left foot. He screams in pain. Then he steps forward with his right foot. He screams in pain again. This time he is on his knees. I smile when I see it happen. I toss the club from my hand. I twisted the sword from his hand and toss it to another corner. Then I did sleeper hold on his neck. He eventually fell asleep. Then Sir Dolen who is the Legion Commander of Evenshard Kingdom, announced I did it without magic and weapons.”

“The knights of Evenshard lost a lot of money that day from the bets they made with the dwarves. It ended up the dwarves hands when it all said done.”

“So you see, Brianna. Anything is possible.”

“That’s a great story Richard. I see what you mean Sifu Chou, anything is possible.”

We all leave the dojo complex again like before by 8:30 PM. The two masters make sure the lights are turned off and the doors are locked.

We all went back to our homes to get cleaned up for the next day. We all get a great night of sleep during the night. The next day is a repeat on Wednesday. I continue to add more stories from the website. We have our meals like before.

We arrive at the dojo by 6:30 PM. We see the usual cars there as well. I plug the small electric warmer in the cigarette lighter. The fairies stay in the warm car again like last time. I roll down the window an inch like the last time. They fairies flutter out quickly in the butterfly mode to get their exercise for 15 minutes. Then they flutter back into the window and change back into fairies. They get warmed up underneath the blanket. Once they are warmed up they open their bags to eat the dried fruit and nuts to get their energy back up. They also carefully make their own cups of honey-water as well. They warm it up carefully using their own chi. Soon, they have warm cups of honey-water to sip on.

I enter the dojo. I see Robert smiling at me. I smile back at him. I change into my gi clothes like before. I enter the main room. Sifu Chou, Qiang and I gather around Brianna.

“Now we’ll show you the wrist lock movement, Brianna. Qiang will do a slow motion chop at Richard’s neck. Then, Richard will do a wrist lock slowly and split Qiang fingers slowly as well. So pay attention, Brianna.”

Qiang does a slow motion chop at my neck with his right hand. I quickly move downward and grab his hands with both of my hands. I give it a slow twist of his hand. Then I slowly split his fingers. I grab his pinky and ring finger. I use my left hand and grab his middle finger and index finger and split them apart slowly.

“Now Brianna pay attention, once they are split apart Qiang will not be able to use his right hand to chop at Richard’s hands again. He will his use left hand to do a chop on Richard’s neck. No we are going to play it full speed now. ‘

Qiang does another chop with his right hand on my left neck. I dodge downward quickly. I quickly grab his right hand and twist to lock it. I quickly grab his fingers and split them apart quickly. Qiang yells out really loud, “Arrrggh!!”

Qiang uses his left hand to chop the right side of my neck. I dodge downward quickly and grab his left hand with both of my hands. I quickly twist to lock it in place. I grab his fingers like before and split them apart. Qiang yells out loud again, “Arrrggh!!”

I help rub Qiang’s fingers and wrists quickly to bring life back to in it.

“Okay, now Richard is going to do the same thing to you at full speed.”

I quickly do a chop with my right hand at Brianna’s left side of the neck. She dodges downward and grabs my hand. She twists it to lock the hand. She quickly pull my fingers apart quickly.

I scream out loud quicky, “Arrrgghh!!”

I use my left hand and do a chop on Brianna’s neck. She dodges downward to grab my hand quickly. She twists it to lock the hand. She quickly pull my fingers apart quickly.

I scream out loud quickly, “Arrrgghh!!”

“That’s great Brianna. Qiang will now rub Richard’s fingers and wrists to bring life back into them.”

Qiang quickly rubs both of my hands and wrist to bring life back into them. “To do the defense of arrows being shot at you is going take practice of at least a week to learn how to do it. It will require some patience. Qiang is going to shoot an arrow at Richard, the only weapon he will have is a single wooden baton to defend himself.”

Qiang goes to the wall and retrieves a bow. He takes an arrow from a quiver. I go to the wall and retrieve a wooden baton. I stand about twenty-five feet from Qiang. Qiang notches the arrow into the bow. He pulls back quickly. I keep the wooden baton in my right hand. Qiang let’s go of the notched arrow. I quickly I need to point the wooden baton downward a bit. It hits the wooden baton cleanly and sticks into it, “Thok!”

“Don’t worry, Brianna, it takes practice to learn how to do it.”

“Right, I need some patience with this defense.”

I take the arrow out from the wooden baton and give it to Qiang. He puts the bow where it belongs on the wall. He puts the arrow back into the quiver.

We get done early by 8 PM. We change back into our regular clothes in the locker rooms. I push Robert’s carriage out through the doors and to our car. We get packed up again like last time. We get back to our homes by 8:30 PM. We lounge around in the living room. We get to bed by 10 PM this time.

Thursday is a repeat like the last three days. However, on Thursday afternoon during my lunch break, I take a trip to a local metal shop. Fortunately, it’s about 7 minutes away. I purchase a 15" x 15" x 1" sheet of metal. I keep the sheet of metal in my trunk this time. I have my lunch and dinner like the last time as well. When I arrive at the dojo, I immediately set up the car like last time for the fairies. The fairies have their exercise by flying about for 15 minutes. The time it just right entering into open window. They get under thc covers get warmed up. Then they get their fruits and nuts. They make their own cups of warm honey-water like the last time. The fairies sip on honey-water cups to keep themselves warm.

I see Robert smiling again at me. I smile back at him. I then go change clothes into my gee clothes. Qiang is assisting the other students to learn the weapons from the brown sash.

I am shooting at her. I have the quiver around my waist. Brianna tries her hand using the wooden baton to defend herself against the arrow shot at her. I am shooting at a wooden wall behind her. She misses nine arrows being shot with an arrow. There is only one arrow that sticks into the wooden baton. I retrieve the ten arrows and refill the quiver. She keeps at it for the next ten arrows. This time, two arrows are sticking into the wooden baton .

We all take a five minute water break to get our breath back. For the next half-hour, Brianna is able to get four arrows sticking into the wooden baton. She realizes it needs to be 100 percent all the time. We all go home again like the last time.

Friday comes again. It is a similar repeat as well. When we arrive there, Sifu Chou makes a new challenge to Brianna. “Now that you have up to forty percent in blocking the arrows. This is the new challenge, Richard is going shoot the arrows in different positions. You will have two wooden batons for protection. Some will be in front of you near your knees or to the sides. So, be prepared for that new challenge, Brianna.”

“Yes, Sifu Chou.” Brianna goes to the wall to retrieve the two wooden batons. She stands in front of the wooden wall partition like the last time. She gets into position and faces me standing up.

I go to the wall to retrieve the quiver and tie it around my waist. I take the bow and walk to face Brianna again. I am about 25 feet from her again. I pull out an arrow and notch it in the string. I point the arrow at near hear waist on her right side and let it fly. She moves quickly moves the baton quickly and makes the arrow stick in the wooden baton. “Thok!”

I immediately reload the arrow from the quiver. I notch it and point the arrow at her left knee. I let it fly!

She quickly moves the baton in her left hand downward to her knees. The arrow sticks into the wooden baton again, “Thok!”

“Sifu Chou, I would like to call in one of my gauntlets here. It is armed with darts. I will have them set to no freeze and sleep darts. I was able to defend myself against his sleep darts as well.”

“That’s good idea, Richard. Please bring in one of your gauntlets.”

“Right gauntlet on from mountain cabin in the Master Bedroom.” The right gauntlet appears on my hand. “I am going to shoot them one at a time, Brianna. All darts will have no sleep and freeze spell on them. If any of them hits the wooden wall, the darts will return to the gauntlet. If the darts hit a wooden baton, that dart will return to the gauntlet as well.”

She concentrates again where I am pointing my right hand at. I aim at her left side of her waist. I shoot out a dart. “Thoo!” She quickly moves her left hand with the wooden baton to block the hit. “Thok!” The dart returns to my gauntlet, “Thwip!”

I aim at her right waist. I shoot out a dart. “Thoo!” She quickly moves her right wooden baton to block the hit. “Thok!” The dart returns to my gauntlet, “Thwip!”

“I want you to get on the floor and become a small target. You keep the wooden clubs in front of you. You must be aware as the darts come at you.”

“Yes, Sifu Chou.”

Brianna gets on the ground in front of the wooden wall. I step back a few paces to keep the distance of about 25 feet from her. I aim near her head. I let the dart shoot out, “Thoo!” She moves the wooden club in front of her. It sticks into the wooden club, “Thok!” The dart returns to me quickly, “Thwip!”

I aim near her right shoulder. I let the dart fly, “Thoo!” She moves the wooden baton in her left hand to block the shot, “Thok!” The dart returns back to me, “Thwip!”

I aim near her left shoulder. I let the dart fly, “Thoo!” She moves the wooden baton in her right hand to block the shot. It grazes the top of the club and ricochets upward. The dart returns to my gauntlet, “Thwip!”

“That’s very good, Brianna. You did an excellent job of blocking the arrows and the darts. Come Monday, we’ll focus on the body how to make the limbs shake. Take your rest until Monday evening at 7 PM.”

“Right gauntlet return to Master bedroom closet in the mountain cabin.” My right gauntlet disappears from my hand. It appears in the Master bedroom closet in the mountain cabin.

We all leave the dojo by 8:30 PM. The owners of the dojo lock up the place like the last time.

Everyone returns back to our homes with no problems. Brianna and I do a
light soap and wash cloth to our bodies. The fairies have their shower in girls bathroom. Once everyone gets changed into our night clothes we get under the covers. I immediately walk around and turn off the lights in the house. We are in bed by 10 PM.

Come Saturday morning, it is a repeat of the morning. We wake up at 7 AM. Once I am dressed, I enter the garage and use the wire cutters to cut two wires ten feet long each. I coil them up and place them in the trunk of the car. I make sure are at least ten coins in my coin purse.

We get everything loaded and arrive at the construction company. This time we see four trucks hauling out gravel for a road bed somewhere in Duval County. We arrive there by 9:00 AM. We get the car unloaded and get carriage and basinet together like last time. I open the trunk and take the sheet of metal and wires out. I close the trunk. I carry the metal items to the corner like before. This time we see a front-end loader out there.

“The first thing I must do, is the devastating move for chicken.” I tap my toe to the ground. A two foot square of earth shoots up ten feet. I create an image of a man on the column. It is just an outline. “Now, I am going to create two chicken feet on my feet.” I stretch out my hands and bring in the moisture from the air. I have created two water balls. I toss them to my feet. I create two chicken feet. I use my hands to make sure they look right. I step up to the column. Quickly, I bring up my right leg and slash downward to my left. I bring up left leg and slash downward to my right.

“Oh man! That’s the devastating move for the chicken!! You will immediately lose blood from your body. It is near the hips.”

All four are amazed at seeing on the column.

“When I arrived there on the first day, I was informed from the Emissaries that a buffalo yak suffered a terrible blood bending attack. Fortunately, Torin was there. He was able to create an ice sled and bring it to a nearby hill. He created an ice shed with a small hole in the top of the shed. To keep the injured buffalo yak warm. There were seven buffalo yaks and Torin’s mount as well. It was quite warm in there. I was able to heal the injured buffalo yak with no problems. The buffalo yak gave me an image of the man in my mind. I had no idea who it was. But, I did tell Torin he used a blood bending attack. I also told him the joints were stressed into unnatural positions. I remember hearing from Torin that is a bad skill to have.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if that what happened on Atlantis to some of the people at that time,” said Sifu Chou.

“Now I am going to do some more earth bending here.” I move the chicken feet from my feet. I melt it and toss it to the ground nearby. It quickly gets absorbed into the ground.

I quickly move my hands to sink the three masters and Qiang into the ground to their knees.

“What happen, Richard?”

“Why did sink us to our knees?”

“I’m going to create a wall here in front of you. Then I will send a elephant stampede at the wall.” I kick my right foot into the ground. I create a wall five feet high that is ten feet long. I use my hands to sculp it right. I step near the front of the front-end loader. I step to the right. Then I turn around step to the left. I continue this movement, until I create a large amount of dust in the air. “RRRRUUUMMMMBBBLLLlEEEE!!!” Then from the cloud of dust emerges two elephants eight feet high. They run into the wall and crash it down!! The four men quickly get their hands up to protect themselves. I have the two elephants stare down at them. I walk forward between the two elephants.

“Oh man, that’s a great move, Richard.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if I use that move while I’m in China.”

“You probably will, Richard.”

I soften the dirt around themselves using my hands. They easily climb out and stand on the ground. I break down the wall easily using my hands. I stamp on the ground to make it solid again. I tap my foot and slide it back to lower the column back down to the ground.

“Now, I am going to create a fissure here in the ground. It won’t be long and very deep.” I step my foot onto the ground lightly. I fissure immediately snakes out from me. I use my hands to make a turn to the right and end it. They all look down in the fissure, it is ten feet deep and twenty feet long.

“That’s incredible, Richard.”

“Yes it is, Toph taught me very well.”

“Richard, I had a look at the story again. We couldn’t find any picture of you anywhere? What happened there?”

“On the first day I arrived in Yu Dao. I did a horse stomp at Wo Tun.”

“Yes, he is a very large man. I remember seeing his photo in the story.”

“Toph directed us to a nearby inn near the front of the city. It had a total of ten steam rooms in the back of the inn. It definitely helped us to relaxed our muscles.”

“The next day, three more students showed up in the morning. I told Toph about the Earth Wave is really small here. She understood that our magic was removed from us. She had me to do another Earth Wave there. I created an Earth Wave of four feet high and five feet wide. I moved the Earth Wave all around in the back of the dojo.”

“For the next three days we worked on learning how to be better earth and metal benders. On the fourth day, we had a surprise visit from a leader in Yu Dao. He told Toph that 50 people will becoming there next day in the morning. Their age ranges are from young adult to the adults. He also told there could be more showing up the next several days.”

“Toph told the six students they are promoted to temporary instructors. She still over sees the group to make sure they are good metal benders. They gave me thanks that I helped them to be better earth and metal benders.”

“So, that means we shouldn’t see your face there? I did remember reading that 50 people showed up unexpectedly.”

“Fortunately you were there long enough to do it all in three full days.”

“When we checked out of Inn, the Creator told us in our minds to a find an alley on the right hand side and walk down about twenty feet. We immediately beamed up into Emissary’s Star Ship. They set us down just on the outskirts of the Northern Water City. We found Pakku walking toward’s Ratook’s residence. We greeted each other warmly. When I told Ratook and Pakku about the blood bending attack and the joints being stressed into unnatural positions on the buffalo yak. They became very concerned. Because I remember hearing from them that several boats when to the South.”

“Then they realized that there is no way to track them down. I think they are hoping the next Avatar will be able solve the problem. I didn’t tell King Keui and the water bender masters that Korra will solve that crime syndicate problem and anti-element bending problem as well. I told King Keui, the next generation Avatar and she will solve it.”

“That’s good Richard. Yes, Korra did solve both of those problems very well,” said Sifu Quon.

“I then did the six animals for the second black sash. That would be monkey, chicken, frog, horse, turtle and the duck. I also demonstrate the weapons for them as well. I remember hearing from Pakku he liked the frog darts I associated with the frog. Because they have that weapon as well.”

“I remember seeing a smile on their faces when I used the monkey fist on the fifty steel ice balls that Pakku created.”

“When I did the chicken moves, I had a cloud of ice underneath my head. The first move I did was the devastating move of the chicken. After that, I swiped the ice tree many times to hide my attack. They were impressed by it.”

“Now, I am going to do some more metal bending.” I bend down an pick up the sheet of metal. “First thing that needs to be done is to do the seismic touch on the sheet of metal. You need to know where the unprocessed ores are located.”

I hold the sheet of metal with my two hands in front of me. Each one sends a seismic touch to the sheet metal. “Where are the unprocessed ores ?”

“There are unprocessed ores about four inches from all of the corners. There is a faint line of unprocessed ores from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.”

“You need to use your Earth Bending Strength to bend it. I’ll do one of the corners.” I put it on the ground. I put my right foot on top of the plate. I place it about four inches from the corner. I put my fingers under that corner. Slowly, I lift the corner, “CRRREEEEEEKKKK!!!” I bend it to about 90 degrees!!

All four have their mouths open in awe!!

“That’s incredible Richard!”

“There was a story told in the series. Toph was imprisoned in a metal prison. She did a seismic touch to determine distribution of the unprocessed ores in the door. She then punched her way through the metal door. Eventually she was released. Thus began her thinking she could teach anyone how to metal bend. She did established the Metal Bending Police Force in Republic City and became a Captain there.”

“Now I remember reading that part of the story, Richard,” said Sifu Quon.

“Do you all want to try lifting a corner? It doesn’t have to be at ninety degrees like mine. Even an inch will suffice.”

Qiang puts his right foot on the metal plate, four inches from the corner. He puts his finger underneath it. He slowly lifts to an inch before gives up. “CRRREEEEEEKKK!!!”

“Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ! That’s incredible Richard. You are right. We need practice some more to increase our Earth Bending Strength.”

“We’ll set this off the side now. Now I’m going to magnetize my fingers to the side of this front loader. I going to do some more metal bending from it. First I’m going to put a blindfold on first.” I take the blindfold out from a satchel. I put it on my eyes to cover it. I magnetize my finger bones. I place it on the side vertically. Then I stretch out to my side straight. I see the two coils in my mind. I lift them up and outward. Then I move them all around in the area near us.

“That’s incredible Richard. You are seeing in your mind.”

“Now watch this. Since I heard you Sifu Quon, I am going to send these wires and wrap you up quickly to your knees.” I wrap both of the coils of his lower leg quickly to his knees.

“What?! I can’t move my feet.”

“I learned how to do it blind folded from Toph. We practice on each other until we learned how to do it comfortably. Because, if I bind your legs too tight, you might accuse me of hurting you. Then a lawsuit will come out against me. I can do the same thing with the coins while blind folded.”

I put both of my feet on the ground. I demagnetize my finger bones to release from the side of the front-end loader. I take off the blindfold. I look at the the two coils and release him from it and bring it to my hand. Now he can walk about freely.

“I have not decided to do an earthquake here. Because it would be felt near the office. But this is how it works. I do another strike with my foot. Then I would use my hands and slide them like this. It would use a horizontal motion as I rub my hands together. Another technique we learned is how to create shelters with our feet only. Even the fairies did one as a group effort.”

“I can see now what is going happen in China at least. I think there will be an assassination attempt on your life.”

“Well if that is going to happen, they won’t expect me to metal bend at all. Well, I think we can have a relaxing weekend. Then come Monday night, we will pick up where we left off.”

I pick up the sheet of metal and the wire. We all get back to our cars. I open the rear door. I release Robert’s basinet from the carriage unit. I put him into the car on the left side. I use the seat belt to secure the basinet and pull it tight. The fairies quickly get under the blanket to warm up. I lean the carriage unit on the left side as well near the floor. As soon as we are in, I turn on the car and the heater for the car as well. Soon it is all nice and warm in the car. The fairies open their satchel. They open their food bag. Each one is handed a nut and fruit piece to get their energy back up.

We get back to our two story house with no problems. We unload the car and take everything with us. We take Robert up to his room and undress him. We check his diaper on his changing table. Brianna sees a little bit of urine in it. She tapes up the diaper an put in the large waste bag. She puts a freshly powdered diaper on him. Robert is now smiling again. We put his warm clothes on. He has another big smile on his face now that he is warm. Brianna takes him down stairs carefully while carrying Robert in her arms.

We have fun Saturday. I use the video camera and catch Robert taking his first two steps. Then he lands on his butt. Then he crawls around some more on his knees. He realizes he needs to get his legs stronger.

I use some more turkey slices to make our sandwiches. I also include some lettuce and tomatoes with the sandwiches. We all have nice relaxing Saturday. The fairies take a sip of the nectar laden flowers in the green house.

Sunday is a repeat like Saturday. We stay relaxed as much as possible. We have our meals together like family we are.

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