Chapter 22
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman
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Ronin Warriors, known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Trooper, means literally, “Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers. It is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate.
The story line picks up after the very last Episode No. 39 “Triumphant Warriors.”
The lists of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This a fan-fiction story.
In the Andromeda Galaxy, on the world where the nine warriors live, there is a passenger train traveling to a remote village. On board the train are eight of the warriors. They acknowledge each other as they board the train by nodding their heads up and down. They sit far apart from each other so they don’t cause a scene. White Blaze is sitting near Ryo. Each one is deep in thought with the latest communication from Lady Kayura. They are wondering why all nine warriors need to be gathered together. Also, they were told to bring a satchel filled with at least three changes of clothes and toiletries. They were also told to have their helmet in another satchel.
The train slows down and comes to a stop at the next station. All eight warriors and the white tiger disembark the train together. They gather together and walk through the village.
The farmers wave their hands at them as they walk by. Four of the warriors wave back at them.
Once they are through the village, they see the dojo complex in front of them.
“Well, let’s hope Lady Kayura has an answer why we are all needed to be here.”
“You can say that again, Ryo. She said that we need to walk to the central dojo building and meet her there.”
They walk up the wooden steps and enter the central dojo. “Please sit down according to your attribute symbols by the banners on the walls gentlemen. I’ll explain myself why are you needed here. Set your helmet in front of you. White Blaze, you can sit within the circle.”
Everyone rearranges themselves to the banners on the wall. Ryo sits down in front of Jin, Virtue. Sage sits down in front of Rei, Wisdom. Cye sits down in front of Shin, Trust. Kento sits down in front of Gi, Justice. Rowen, sits down in front of Chi, Live. Kayura is already sitting in front of Chuu, Loyalty. Cale is sitting in front of Kou, Obedience. Dais is sitting in front of Nin, Serenity. Sekhment is sitting in front of Tei, Piety. They take out their helmets from the satchels and place them in front of them. White Blaze is sitting down within the circle. The Ancient’s Staff is in the center of the circle. It is erect in a hole in the floor.
“The reason why are you here, is we have a new problem to solve. As you might remember, I was deceived by Talpa. Fortunately, Ryo destroyed the amulet that I was wearing. That amulet kept me under Talpa’s power. Then Anubis saw I was a descendant of the Ancient’s Clan. He sacrificed his life so I can be free from Talpa’s hold over me.”
Everyone nods their heads up and down as they recall that time.
“Since I was under Talpa’s hold, I have become very aware of any subtle changes from him. We all remember that Talpa exploded into a million pieces. Well, someone put Talpa back together.”
Everyone looks at each other quickly. “What?!”
“He is put back together? This is very bad Kayura.”
“I know, Ryo. I will now let the Ancient’s Staff tell us what we need to do.”
The gem in the shaft glows, then the image of the Ancient appears with his familiar straw hat on his head.
“Greetings, Warriors. My name is Kaos. The Creator put my soul and spirit within this gem after my last encounter with Talpa. Yes, Talpa is still with us, unfortunately. When I first met Talpa, it was not here on this world. My actual home world is called Earth. It is found in our nearby twin galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy. A thousand years ago, Talpa invaded my world in Japan. Yes, there are subtle differences between your world and my home world. All armies couldn’t defeat Talpa at all. Therefore, I knew no Earthly power would be able to defeat him. But, I heard rumors of a power that could defeat him. I sailed the seas to the other side of the world. I arrived in the Land of Picts on the Isles. I found a famous gem smith there. The gem smith fashioned nine gems for each of the nine weapons I had with me. Yes, there is a gem hidden within your weapons. Then we found nine dragon spirits still lingering on that island.”
Touma (Rowen) looks up quickly. “You found nine dragon spirits? Were they ever alive?”
Lady Kayura smiles that she asked the same question when she heard that statement.
“They were, Touma. However, their bodies were killed by a group known as the Eleven Magi about a thousand years before I arrived there. In that northern Pict valley, there is still great magic. However, the people would take great pains to keep it a secret from the rest of the world. I was told there used to be magic widespread on that world. However, it was abused by the people to control other people more than six thousand years ago. They told me. The Creator of the Universe removed it from the people. But, then the Creator told me, it will be returned when a promised King and Queen will reclaim the crown years later in the Isles. However, the magic won’t be abused this time. It will be weaker than what it was. The nine dragon spirits entered into each of the gems. These dragons’ spirits enabled me to have the ultimate power of the nine weapons.”
“So, that means there is another ultimate level besides the one we did within ourselves.”
“That’s right, Cale.”
“Are we to join ourselves together into one warrior, Kaos?”
“That is not needed this time. This time each one of you will do your own kill shot. It is that combined power will certainly send Talpa and his demon followers to the Lake of Fire permanently. That place is the total separation from the Creator of the Universes.”
“Kaos, if I have Anubis’ armor and weapon, what about my Starlight Swords. Who would be the tenth warrior in our group?”
“That’s a good question, Lady Kayura. Perhaps there is an answer when we arrive in Japan and China.”
“So, how are we to arrive at your home world, Kaos?”
“Within this jeweled staff, there is a small amount of Ethereal Space ore. There is one other artifact stone needed. It is called a blue stone pillar. When I left my home world, I knew there was a blue stone pillar buried in Japan. I went to that location and activated the Ore. I was immediately transported to this world in this very location. When I arrived here, I found a similar blue stone pillar. In time, I built the central dojo building right on top of it. Then I built the nine smaller dojo buildings as you see here. Eventually, Talpa found me here in Japan in this galaxy.”
“Are we to arrive there now, Kaos?”
“No, you must prepare your minds to do the impossible. This time it is an inner journey within yourself. So, for the next six months, you are to meditate, sleep, and have your meals in the nearby village.”
“I would assume we are going to meet someone there.”
“That’s right Sage. You will be meeting several people there. There will be two people from China. The next man will be a son of a Water God. The next three people will be a family. That family will have several butterflies fluttering around them. The husband will have the title of the Omega Unicorn Dragon. His wife will be with them and a young boy who will be eighteen months old. He will be in a carriage. Don’t underestimate them for one bit. Just as we have the legendary weapons here in Japan. In China, the people learned how to do the four basic elements of wind, water, earth and fire from within themselves. Along with the fire element they can create lightning from their own bodies.”
“Whoa! I didn’t realize they could do that.”
“That’s right, Touma. This group will be your hosts as you visit Japan and China. They know where I hid the nine dragon spirits on the mainland of China. Also, you will visit some incredible mountain vistas. This was at the time I encountered Talpa in two battles on China and one on Japan. Follow this group to the coast line. You will sense a problem hidden within the people. It is the same problem here. You will see a water demon lord humiliated in shame by a Water God. From that experience, when you get back here, you have an idea what is needed to be done here so peace can rule here as well.” The image fades and resumes its natural luster.
Lady Kayura speaks up next. “All right everyone. Your bedrolls and pillows are still within your own dojos. We’ll meet here once a month to discuss our efforts in preparing our minds to do the impossible.”
All of them shout out loud in one voice, “Yes, Lady Kayura.”
Everyone gets up and picks up their helmet. White Blaze gets up and follows Ryo to his dojo. Everyone else walks to their own respective dojos. They see the bed rolls and pillows are still there. They take out some of their toiletry items and place them on the shelves mounted under a small mirror.
They all sit down in the center of their own dojo. They realize each one will have their own dragon spirit. They think within themselves about the nine dragon spirits. They try to focus on the right one for themselves. Right now, they sense no connection. They hope by the end of the first month a mental picture of the right dragon will be within their minds.
Monday, January 3, 2112.
Monday is a repeat of what is happening at Secure-Sys. The one thing I did do, I recorded my voice for the three files to be opened up later on the AIVAS System. I also recorded my introduction to the various people whom will need the upgrade to their computer systems. That would be people like Maximus and Tech Coyote for starters. I also recorded my introduction to the planets represented in the Local Group. I have a funny feeling I will be visiting those worlds at some time in the future. I see myself visiting them within a hundred years or so. Why? The Hch’nyv.
I continue to make sure the files have the appropriate key words to do the searches within the books. I also include the various stories here by the authors on our world. That would be the stories of the super heroes like Superman, Santa Claus, Peter Pan, Harry Potter, the Dark Sword Trilogy, the Ronin Warriors to name just a few. I also make sure the stories of the Pantheon Gods are there as well. I put them all under the folder named, “Other Worlds”.
When it becomes 5 PM, the fairies in butterfly mode quickly enter the car when I open the car door. I make sure I brought the honey squirt bottle, their skin of water with the attachments. I check their satchel has the two bags of seeds, nuts and fruits. I also see their small cups in there as well.
Brianna is joining us from the Rescue Center in Jacksonville. She has Robert, Lavan, Bianca, White Acacia and White Rose with her. We agree to have a quick bite at a nearby fast food court in a mall. We agree to meet at the dojo at 7 PM.
We get done eating by 6:30 PM. We drive to the dojo together. When we get there, we see about ten cars there already. The fairies realize they will have to be in butterfly mode until we gather together in the separate training room of the dojo.
Bianca and I change our clothes to our gi clothes in the locker rooms. For the first hour, Brianna and the fairies learn how to defend against two people at once. Of course, the fairies realize they will be using the elements to do the attacks and the defenses.
Everyone takes a break for ten minutes. The fairies get themselves recharged by making cups of honey-water and eating the seeds, nuts and small fruits. For the rest of us, we eat two apples and drink a lot of water.
Now, it is my turn to teach Sensei Chou and Qiang the air moves. I walk back out to the car and open the car trunk. I take out the wrapped up cave carving and close the car trunk. I walk back into the separate training room of the dojo.
“When I saw Qiang do the special move for the lizard, the Earth Wave, I thought it couldn’t be done. Then I realized, the magic was removed from us. Hence, the Earth Wave is really small here.”
“That’s right, Richard.”
I unwrap the cave carving. I place the cloth on the mat first, then the cave carving on top of it. “This cave carving is from the planet Twainor. There is magic on that world.” I turn it upside down. “The greenish vein is the Ethereal Space ore. This is the source of magic for all worlds that are magical. The white vein is Evenshard. It has some unique properties. When a light source is brought near, it reflects a barrier shield. No projectile can penetrate it. However, it can absorb light easily. It’s other name is the light stone.” I bring up my right hand. “Right gauntlet on from the cabin closet.” The right gauntlet appears on my hand in a blink of an eye. “This gauntlet and my armor is made of steel and the Evenshard stone. It can absorb lightning hits and laser blasts with ease. I can redirect that energy anywhere I want to.”
“Is the Ethereal Space ore harmful?”
“It is not harmful, Sensei. Most of the Ethereal Space ore got absorbed into our magnetic ores. When we see the Aurora Borealis lights in the northern and the southern regions of our world, it is the proof that the magic was removed from us. There are still small pockets of the Ethereal Space ore still on our world. One of them is found in northern Scotland. Another is found in the Transylvania region of Romania. If there other locations out there, it is probably well hidden from our eyes.”
“So that means anyone can create the air currents of the crane wing slash.”
“That’s right, Qiang. However, I know of an astronomical event that will happen in about two to three years from now. One of the worlds I visited during our Honeymoon Trip is a visit to the world of Pern. It is the story of the dragon riders. One of our writers wrote about it. I am guessing when the exploration space craft leaves our Solar System to colonize the Alpha Centauri system. We will get a visit from a planet from that story. In its wake will be more Ethereal Space ores. The pieces of the Red Star will break apart. Six of those pieces will impact the six ocean vortices. The Red Star will dissolve the trash that it is collecting and add life to the oceans. To make it pristine once more. The Ethereal Space ore will bring the Magic back to our world. However, it will be weak enough so that we won’t be able to blood bend and force people against their will. The planet Pern will show up in the year 2950.”
“That is great news, Richard. When do you think this blood bending was done the first time?”
“It probably happened during the time of Atlantis, Sensei and Qiang. That was at least 6,000 years ago. I think some of the rulers back then did a lot of blood bending to control the people. They forced the people to do things they wouldn’t do otherwise.”
` “Hmmm . . . that seems to make sense, Richard.”
“Also, by touching this ore or being near our family, you should be able to do the element moves. Okay, let me show you some air moves. We all need to stand up for this demonstration.”
We all stand up on the mats.
“To get the wind currents on the finger tips through the crane wing slash, you must first visualize the air currents there. Make the arm movement slowly first. Then move the arm at normal speed for a crane wing slash.”
Qiang and Sensei Chou slowly do the crane wing slash first.
“Yes, I can feel the air current as I move my arm and hands. Now let’s try it at normal speed.”
Then Qiang and Sensei Chou quickly do a crane wing slash with their right arm. They see two banners on the wall move slightly.
“Yes! That is what we need to visualize in our minds. Thank you, Richard.”
“You’re welcome, Sensei Chou and Qiang. Obviously we need to keep that motion going. Soon, you will be able to create the cheek cuts to slice a face.”
“Now I remember what you did to me during your graduation ceremony.”
“What is the next move to learn, Richard?”
“You need to create a mini-tornado in your hand. It is done with a quick flip of the wrist motion. I’ll show you.” I bring up my hand and give it a quick flip of the wrist and the hand. “I can feel it in my hands, friends. Please feel the air swirling in my hand.”
Qiang and Chou carefully feel the air current spinning in the palm of my hand.
“That’s great, Richard. How do we get it bigger?”
“By bringing up the other hand near it and spread your hands apart like this.” I bring up my other hand near it. I spread my hands apart slowly. They quickly feel the mini-tornado become larger. “Also, you can move that tornado anywhere you want to by directing it where you want it to go. Also, you can create mini-tornadoes on your finger tips.”
“Yes, I see what you mean, Richard. You are extending yourself to be an air bender.”
“You can squeeze your hand to make the tornado tighter and narrower, this will allow you to shrink the air and cause someone to lose their breath to nearly pass out. To end the tornado, you can quickly spread your hands apart.”
“Is there a way to build the pressure in the tornado?”
“Yes, you can, Sensei. You can do it by inverting a tornado on top of another. The air pressure will quickly build up within it. I’ll show you with two mini-tornadoes.” I bring up both of my hands and give them a quick twist. Then I take the mini-tornado in my left hand and turn it upside down and put it on top of the one in right hand. “See if you can feel pressure building, my friends.”
Sensei Chou and Qiang each take a turn in putting their hand into the two tornadoes.
“This is incredible, Richard. I feel the pressure increasing. That’s great.”
“Yes, I can feel it as well, Sensei Chou.”
I quickly spread my hands apart to end the tornadoes. “That’s right, Qiang. If someone were to launch a huge water ball at you. You can bring your arms inward and push out quickly to create an air bubble to breathe. Then you can use that water ball for your own purpose.”
“I see what you mean, Richard. You need to be multi-talented in all of the elements.”
“That’s right, Sensei Chou. Now, let’s see if you can create a mini-tornado in your hand.”
Sensei Chou and Qiang each give a try at it. It takes them five times before they can create mini-tornado in their hands. They are smiling widely as they feel the swirling motion in the palm of their hands. They bring up their other hand. They move them apart to end the mini-tornado.
“Well, it is now 9 PM. It is time for us to leave. I can see now how to get everyone here flying like the birds. What is the next air movement to learn, Richard?”
“I’ll show you how to run up a wall and under a ceiling. Then we will create air scooters to move about quickly and to conserve energy while we are flying about.”
“Aha!! So, there is a way to fly like the birds!”
We all smile at Qiang, “That’s right, Qiang.”
I pick up the cave carving and wrap it with the cloth. We all go into the lockers to change our clothes. I put the cave carving into my sport duffle bag. When we exit the locker rooms, we see two people waiting for us. We leave the dojo, the two master teachers lock up the dojo as we leave. We put Robert in the back seat and strap his carriage down securely. Some of the fairies open their seeds and fruit bags to get themselves recharged up.
We enter our cars and drive back to our apartments and houses.
When we get home, everyone takes a quick shower to get cleaned up and put on our night clothes. Everyone gets under the covers for a great night of sleep.
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Hello BC Sci-Fi Fans!!
Hello BC Sci-Fi Fans!!
I'm sorry it took this long. But, I had an encounter with some serious spyware on my PC. I did get it cleaned up and I am ready to go. Hopefully, the next chapter won't take so long this time.
So, we will see in the next chapter if they can fly like the birds.
Have a great July 4th everyone!!
Rachel, great to see your
Rachel, great to see your back and with more of your wonderful story. May you also have a wonderful 4th. Janice
Problem I forgot earlier...
Thread that comes with the Red Star cannot survive in water. If that is the mechanism used to remove the trash in the oceans, it won't work.
Also as new information in the Potterverse, mount Greyback in Massachusetts must have a vein of Ethereal Space Ore. But something else, I would say that the Ethereal Space Ore is just shielded by the Magnetic Ores. It is not removed. This means in places such as the deepest mine shafts they might find ESO. There is a mine shaft that is 2.4 miles deep. I'm sure some ESO would be found there.