Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 3: Chapter 02

Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”

Volume 3: “Dynasty.”

Chapter 02: “Getting To Know Yourself.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Reality, unknown. Place unknown, though in forest, on Earth. Time, unknown, though earlier at night.

For the two preceding weeks, River, Rose, Violet, and Dongmei sailed across the high seas of reality, in search of the elusive Lee.

They crossed realities that ran the spectrum. From roman style empires, to castles in fantasy medieval kingdoms, to mystical valleys that were full of wonders and mysteries, to alien science fiction city planets, with vast cityscapes that took their breath away in the awe at what they were seeing.

In each reality, they looked for clues, as they spoke to the locals, as best they could.

And except a few minor altercations, that were quickly settled without anyone seriously hurt, they were all fine.

Day after day, they continued to look for Lee. But, no leads presented themselves.

Around two weeks later, since they started their journey, it was night time, over the warm, starry night sky, as the four women had set up camp, in a clearing, in a forest River brought them too.

They had safely set up a small campfire near them. With Rose and Violet already sleeping, on the soft ground, beside each other.

Across the camp fire, from Rose and Violet, sat Dongmei and River, beside each other, as the quietly chatted amongst themselves. With Dongmei being to River's right side.

Dongmei asked, in chinese, “Do you want to take first watch? Or, should I?”

River stated, in chinese, “I wouldn't worry. We are far enough from anywhere to be concerned about that. That is why I picked out this time and location. I know this forest. There are no dangers here. Just plants, and small animals that will leave of alone. There are not even any ants, flies, nor other types of pests nearby, to bother us.” She thought, 'Plus, I don't sense any beasts, nor people anywhere, nearby.'

Dongmei inquired, “Good. So... I have to ask. Why are you after Lee? What did he do to you? We haven't ask any real questions for two weeks. But, while Rose and Violet plan to continue to do so, I want to know why I am traveling across existence itself for one single man?”

Dongmei's question took River off guard, as the redhead thought, 'I have been reading Dongmei's thoughts and she asked that off the top of her heard... Just a reminder that being a telepath does not mean I know everything about someone, whose mind I am reading...'

'And since we have asked a lot from them. It is only fair I at least give them a few answers... Even if I, myself, don't feel conformable with those answers...'

River answered, “Well... Lee did not do anything to me.”

Dongmei asked, “Then, why are you after him?”

River gave Dongmei a look on her face, as she answered, in a sober tone of voice, “Because I want to help him.”

Dongmei recognized that look, as she guessed, “You love him? Don't you?...”

River's face turned slightly red, as she protested, “I do not. Besides, I already have a boyfriend.” She mentally added, 'That can turn into my girlfriend. And I can turn into his boyfriend. And the sex is great.'

Dongmei shrugged, as she replied, “It is not the first time I have known people to share.”

River sighed. She then flatly admitted, “Okay. You're right. I got to know him, and I found I liked him... Actually, I do love him. And while he accidentally screwed almost everyone else that is after him, he helped me.”

Dongmei calmly asked, “Then, why are you after him?”

River answered, “Because, if I catch him, I can mitigate the situation of what to do with him, when it comes to the others.”

Dongmei pointed out, “That is one hell of a gamble on both your parts.”

River conceded, “I know. But, it is all I got.”

Dongmei asked, “So, I get the feeling that you are older than you look?”

River complimented, “Good guess.”

Dongmei inquired, “So, any family?... Children?...”

River answered, “Besides the person we are after. I have an older brother, a great lover, and some wonderful friends. But, no children.”

Dongmei questioned, “Plan on having any?”

River shrugged, as she said, “Sometime. You?”

Dongmei replied, “Of course. I plan to have children.”

River said, “I hope you find a good person to have those children with.”

Dongmei responded, “So, do I.”

There was a few seconds of silence between to the two women, as Dongmei place her hands in her lap.

It was then, that River noticed the ring on Dongmei's right forth finger, as the gold and small jewels on the ring reflecting of the light from the campfire.

River thought, 'I might as well ask her about her ring.' She questioned, “What can you tell me about your ring?”

Dongmei looked at her ring for a second. She then looked back at River, as she casually commented, “Oh this. I have had it since I can remember. I think it is magic, because it won't come off. And the ring grows with my finger. It is not tight, but merely comfortably snug on my finger.'

River thought, 'I need to know more about her.' She asked, “You said you were adopted into the amazon village. Why was that? And do you remember before you were adopted?”

Dongmei answered, “I was adopted when I was six years old. And I don't really remember anything before then. It has something about me being accidentally being hit on the head with a falling rock. Though, I do occasionally get flashes of playing cards.”

River thought, with concern, 'Cards?... I do not like where this is going. Still, I wonder if she has any special abilities that she does not think about.' She asked, “Pardon me for asking, but do you have any special abilities?”

Dongmei stated, “Well, yes. And though I keep this a secret, for the most part. Since, we have been hunting together for the last few weeks, I trust you enough to tell you. Besides my language skills, and hunting skills. I am precognitive. I can sense the future. Though, this makes playing cards boring. Though, I still find playing mahjong and ziangqi to be a challenge. And my precognition does wonders for my throwing skills.”

“But, due to the randomness of chance in real life. I have found that my precognition does not help that much in a drawn out fight. Nor, in hunting. Except when I use it for throwing. And that is why I do not rely that heavily on my precognition.”

River said, while slightly in shock, “That is a good approach to take.” She then thought, 'Oh no... It is not possible...'

Dongmei was oblivious to River's reaction. Dongmei calmly replied, “Thank you.”

River then to good hard look at Dongmei's face for second seconds, the light cast by the nearby fire.

Dongmei noticed this, as she calmly asked, with concern in her tone of voice, “What is it?”

Meanwhile, River did not response, as she continued to stare. And while she did not show any outward expression. She thought, with surprised, and trepidation, 'Oh, Dongmei is, Lee!... How?... Why couldn't I tell?... Of course, Lee doesn't know that Lee is Lee. And now she is completely a she. I have shared few hot baths with her and the her two friends, and she was completely comfortable with the company. So, I am guessing that the ring is magical. And from the chinese word lock means to be locked into her curse female form.'

'And from the original size of the ring, and what she said of her past. I am guessing she was turned into a very young girl. And she has spent that last several years being raised as a chinese amazon. And that ring just grew, as her finger grew, to keep from hurting her.'

'The other symbols also state the other physical benefits she gets from wearing that ring. But, that is not important now. The important part is that Lee is here. I found her. And know one knows I have found Lee. Not even Lee. She has no idea that she is Lee... But, how?... Cologne. It has to be her. I vaguely remember Ranma one time mentioning a type of magical shampoo that the chinese amazons had, that could seal memories.'

'But, if Cologne knew that Lee was Lee. Ranma and Lee both mentioned that Cologne had sent her, Rose, and Violet, to be on this hunt. Chances are she intentionally sent Lee after herself, as away for us to handle cleaning up the mess she created by brainwashing Lee.'

'And from reading Ranma's mind, I know Cologne is too dangerous for me to confront about this. So, all I can do now is focus on damage control.'

'Still, what am I going to do about this?'

'I am a genius... And I am at a loss as to what to do about this situation.'

'I cannot tell Dongmei the truth, because I have no proof. And doing so might ruin the trust and friendship between us...'

'Though, the good news is that she clearly looks up to me. And at at some level, deep in her mind, she still knows to trust me.'

River then realized something, as she continued her thoughts, 'Hold on... I just admitted I loved Lee, to herself. When she remembers who she was, she will likely still recall this moment. And our conversation. With what I said... Though, I will deal with that then... Also, she did say she hoped to someday have children... And once Lee's memory is restored, that would be interesting conversation for all parties involved...'

River then mentally lamented, with a bit of sadness in her thoughts, 'Though, should I do so. Dongmei seems happy to be Dongmei.'

'It is tempting to try to restore Lee's memory. After the whole Revy, Jack Sparrow incident, I know between Annie and I, we could do it. But, should we. I do want Lee back. But, because I love Lee. Though, that would be selfish of me.'

'Dongmei's thoughts on her life and herself are peaceful and pleasant. Instead of the tortured soul that Lee was. And even if I restored Lee's memory. She would still be a she. Still, that is a lot of emotional baggage to deal with.'

'And if I forced her to remember, it would likely wreck any chance I could have with her.'

'If the others discovered that Dongmei was Lee. They would make her remember she was Lee, before they started torturing her. Likely with smoke from Ranma's magic lamp. That would be the easiest, quickest, and safest way to do it. Any other way, might cause a split personality to occur. Though, in that case, Lee would likely let Dongmei be in control, because of the two of them, Dongmei has the Lee that Lee has only dreamed up.'

'And that is another reason why I should not risk wrecking Dongmei's current life, just to restore Lee's memories.'

'I could always just leave Dongmei the way she is. I like her as a person. Personally wise, Lee and Dongmei are pretty much the same person. With the same wants and tastes. Only their memories and genders are different. Well, their physical genders. Lee always had a female mind. And at some level Dongmei cares for me, as well. I could build a relationship with her, from scratch, using that as a foundation.'

'But, that approach has its drawbacks. What if, years later, she remembered her life as Lee? She will soon realize that I already knew for a long time. She could easily hold that against me, and it would wreck any relationship I had with her.'

'Though, that is if the others didn't realize that Lee was Lee, by then. Because if they found out I was seeing someone else, besides Chang. They would realize that person was Lee. With Lee and I worse off. For hiding Lee from them, for a second time. That would blow any good will I have had with them, since I revealed to them that I was Sam, and I hid the identity of the writer, Lee, from everyone else after Lee. With me helping Lee escape into the multiverse, in the first place.'

'And that good will, is the only leverage I have in helping Lee, when it comes to the others desire for revenge against Lee.

'Talk about a catch twenty-two. A real no win situation. I wonder if Lee is how Lee felt for most of his life, as a man. Before she became a female, and took on the Dongmei personality.'

'I need some time to think about this. A lot of time. Because I am honestly not sure how I should handle this.'

Something then occurred to River, about her current situation, that she found humorous. She thought, with mild amusement, 'Wait a minute... Given that Lee is now the female amazon in this relationship, this would make me the amazon chaser in this situation...'

River held back a giggle, as she continued her thoughts, 'The irony is not lost on me...'

River went onto think, in a more serious manner, 'Along with all this, Rock was right. If I just take her away, questions will be asked. And if I do not come back, they will know I have found Lee. Which would only create more problems for all of us, in the long run. To that end, I cannot take Dongmei back to the casino, because Chang cannot protect Lee from the others.'

'And I admire that Chang did try to buy the others off, in leaving Lee alone. It was worth a shot. And I supported him, making the attempt. But, they turned us down. Though, some of them took gold and other payment to not come after us. But, they still want to have their revenge on Lee.'

'Though, I need to tell Dongmei something, right now. Before she wonders why I am still silently staring at her face, without replying to her comment... Yes. That will do nicely...'

River complimented, in a kind tone of voice, “You have a very pretty face.”

Dongmei smiled, as she said, “Thank you. And so do you.”

River thought, 'Even brainwashed, Lee is polite as ever. And she has been polite to me, and her friends, during this entire hunt. So, that is a good sign that I can probably get her memories restored, either fully, or mostly. If we chose to do so. Now, that I think about it. I will not do that without Dongmei permission. That is if I want to tell her that she is Lee, in the first place.'

'Though, before I do anything. I need to figure out a way to ask Ranma about that magical shampoo, and how to break programing that shampoo caused. Though, after I think about it. I am not sure that Ranma's smoke, from her lamp, might be the best way fix Lee's memory.'

'A gradual process might be better. With Dongmei slowly remembering, and thus retaining the Dongmei personality. But, I would likely lose the Lee personality. Still, Dongmei would still remember, while still retaining her own personality, and being her happy self.'

'Though, besides the lamp and doing the gradual process. The only other way to fix Dongmei's memory is to get Annie's help. And we both connect to Dongmei's mind to restore Lee. If Lee wants that.'

'But, I don't want to involve Annie, because she is a friend to both of us. So, I need to do more thinking, before I decide how to handle the situation.'

River returned Dongmei's smile, as she responded, “I appreciate the compliment. Anyway, we need to turn in for the night. So, we are ready to travel tomorrow morning.”

Dongmei agreed, “Good idea.”

The two of them then laid down by the fire.

As River laid on the ground, she thought, 'Okay. The best plan I can come up with is to get Dongmei back to Lagoon Island, and figure out what to do then. I cannot take Lee back to the casino, because that would put Chang, Annie, Simon, and the others, in the line of fire.'

'So, we go back to Lagoon island.'

'We will play this hunt for a few more days. Then, I will say we need to head back to the island for some rest. That should work. I will figure out what to do, from there.'

'And no one would expect me to return to Lagoon Island, with Lee, to hide her, from those on the island, looking for. It is so audacious a plan, it has to work. If Lee was in her right mind, she would be proud of me for pulling off something like this.'

'And sleeping on this might be best. A plan might come to me in my sleep, on how to hand this situation.'

'Still, I will look on the bright side. I have found Lee. And she is now healthy, and happy. Though, I hope I can maintain her friendship, through the days and weeks to come...'

River then closed her eyes. As did Dongmei. And they soon went to sleep, beside each other, on the soft ground.


The next morning came earlier for the four women. Though, as the coolness of the dark night sky gave way to the warm sunny day, Rose, Violet, and Dongmei were already up for the day.

They had just finished cleaning up after themselves. Such as, smothering in dirt over their previous night's camp fire.

River was still getting ready to face the day. And unfortunately, a plan for her situation did not come to her, in her sleep.'

Dongmei put on her bandolier, with its throwing knives, and collapsed staff, already in it. As she adjusted the bandolier slightly, she looked over at her friends. She asked, in a deflated tone of voice, in chinese, “This hunt is going nowhere. So, what now?”

Violet slung the scabbard of her sheathed dao sword, with the strap going across her clothed chest. She turned to her friends as she responded, in chinese, “Good question. Even I can tell that hunt is going nowhere?”

Rose held her chui her right hand, as she looked over at Violet and Dongmei. She stated, with disgust in her tone of voice, in chinese, “This isn't a hunt. A hunt has clues, and a trail. In the last two weeks, we have had neither. And given the literally infinite distance, eternal time, and endless possibilities, that this Lee could hide in, we may never find him. I hate to say this. But, I don't see the point of continuing this hunt.”

Violet inquired, “Still, don't you have any pride?”

Rose flatly answered, “Yes. But, I realize this is becoming a waste of our time. And there is no way I can see how we can find Lee, now. There is no trail. No clues. No nothing.”

Violet suggested, “Well, sometimes it is best to start a hunt, where the trail first began.”

Dongmei asked, “The past?”

Rose smirked, “Yes. I like that idea. They never said what version of Lee they wanted.”

Violet suggested, “It is best we leave before River gets finished.” They looked at some nearby bushes, as she continued, “Because she always seems to know what we are thinking.”

Rose agreed, “Good point.”

Dongmei inquired, “So, do you remember the name of that city they last saw Lee in?”

Rose stated, “Yes. And we will just capture the Lee of the time, before he started running. Now, get closer, so we can do this.”

Violet and Dongmei walked closer to Rose. As they did so, Rose used her left hand to pulled out her reality device from left side of her belt, She then thought of when, where and what reality she wanted to take herself, and her friends too. She held that thought, as she used she used her reality device. In an instant, all three amazons disappeared.


Nearby, a minute later, River had finally been able to finish what she was doing. She was standing up, as she pulled up her pants. Then, zipped and buttoned up her pants.

And she had read the minds of the amazon woman. Unfortunately, she literally in a position, where she could have not stopped them.

River soon walked passed the bushes and into the clearing, where they had camped the previous night. And her worst fears were confirmed, as she saw the amazons were gone.

River thought, in annoyance, and a bit of anger, mostly towards herself, 'Damn my modesty. Damn those girls for being so devious, in coming up with plans on the fly. Damn me for not coming up with a plan, to help Lee, while I was asleep. And damn us for not having the foresight to explain what a paradox is. And the dangers of causing a paradox...'

River emotionally caught herself, as she forced herself to calm down. She continued her thoughts, 'At least I read what they were planning, and I can use the same thoughts that Rose has went the disappeared... I just hope that I get their before they start to cause a paradox.'

River then pulled our her own reality device from a pocket, with her right hand, and she thought the same exact thing Rose has been thinking, as she pressed the red button on her reality device, to teleport across the multiverse in the blink of an eye.


Reality, Lee's Reality. Location, the island De La Plata Podrido, Mexico. Date, several days before Lee first left the city to escape into the multiverse. Place, inside the city of De La Plata Podrio, in darkened, dimly lit alleyway. Time, just after nightfall.

As the three women look around, their eyes adjusted to he dim light, and they soon saw each other more clearly.

Rose hooked her her reality device to the left side of her belt, as she held her chui mace in both her hands. She stated, “Okay, girls. We don't know what we to expect here, so pull out your weapons, and be ready for anything.”

Violet and Dongmei did not reply, as they did as instructive to do.

They pulled out their weapons

Violet unsheathed her dao sword, from behind her left shoulder. And she held the hilt of the weapon her her right hand.

Dongmei pulled out collapse staff, and extended it. As she held her weapon, with both hands, she asked, “Now, where would we find him at?”

Rose calmly suggested, “Let's duck our heads out of the alleyway, and look down the sides of the street.”

The three women then walked to one of the exits of the alleyway, they leaned out and look down both ways of the street. While their alleyway was dark, there were street lights every so often, and they saw some people walking down the street both ways, but none of them fit Lee physical description.

Violet suggested, “Let's try the other street.”

The three women then walks back over to the other end of the alleyway. The leaned out both ways. They saw a few people walking down the alleyway. But, one specific man, whom has just walked under a street light, toward them, on the sidewalk they were on, caught their eye.

The man was dressed in pants, shoes, a shirt, over a cloth jacket, along with a baseball cap, and glasses.

The three of them walked a few feet back into the alleyway, as they looked at each other.

Violet stated, “There he is. That is Lee.”

Dongmei asked, “Are you sure it is him?”

Violet answered, “Yes. A caucasian man, with short black hair. You can tell his hair color from around his baseball cap. He even has a gaunt face, from the cancer. And he is in his mid-thirties.”

Rose replied, “I agree. It is him.”

Dongmei said, “You two agreeing on this, it good enough for me.”

Violet asked, “So, how do we catch him?”

Dongmei commented, “He is coming our way. It is your call, Rose?

Rose held her chui in her right hand, as she said, “We just grab him off the street, and bring him here. Remember, Rock stated Lee prefers to avoid violence. We can use that to our advantages.”

Dongmei asked, “What is the plan?”

Rose stated, “We do not want to harm him. We will just pulled him into the alleyway, and place him with his back against the wall. We have weapons, and we will use them in an intimidating manner, if we have to. But, if he is as intelligent as the other state he is, he will surrender.”

“Violet, you and I will snatch him with our free hands. We will be quick. Dongmei, you stand behind us. And be ready to assist us, if need be. And remember, we are not to seriously harm, nor kill him.”

Dongmei shrugged, “Good plan.”

Violet agreed, “Yes. That is doable.”

Several seconds later, the three amazons watched as Lee passed by their alleyway.

Dongmei stood back, as Rose and Violet then stuck out, towards Lee, whom was only six feet way from them. The redhead and pink haired women both quickly rushed from the shadows of the alleyway, and they used their free hands to pull Lee into the alleyway.

A couple of seconds later, Lee found himself standing, with his back to the wall, while he looked at the three chinese amazon women, whom were holding their weapons towards him.

Rose and Violet also let go of Lee, as they took a took a couple of steps back, in case Lee did try something.

What happened next caught them off-guard.

They saw Lee smirk, as he stated, in chinese, “From the look of your clothing and weapons. I am guessing that you are chinese amazons. First, I have no interest in fighting you what so ever. That would be a no win situation for me, from either being engaged to one of you, or being killed. Though, it might not be a good idea to take me away, right now.”


Meanwhile, a few feet behind the chinese amazons, River arrived in the reality, in the shadows of the alleyway.

As River took stock of the situation, she thought, 'Good, I am still in time to stop this mess. And none of them has seen me yet. Now, what I am going to do to avert this time wreck?...”

'First, it good, from reading past Lee's mind after this, that she did not remember any of this. Or, she just didn't think about it. Either way, past Lee does not realize that Dongmei is her future self.'

'It is tempting to tell Lee of the past, and Dongmei of the present, what is going on. But, that would ruin the situation. Still, it is also nice that I know that Lee will be fine, and happy. Though, brainwashed. But, we can always work on that.'

'Still, either way, I still need to explain how dangerous paradoxes are. Along with the fact that I need to get these girls back to Lagoon Island, before they can cause any more problems. And when we get back, I need to get their reality device from them, so they cannot do this again.'

'Now, I need to walk out of the shadows and settle this, before things do get worse...'

River then walked out of the shadows. And she saw Lee immediately see, and recognize her. River thought, 'Good. And he seems to be calm about this.' She then said in chinese, “He is right. I told you girls this would not be easy. And you cannot take him from his past.”

Lee smiled, as he casually said, “Hi River. I believe this is the first time have formally met, outside of that talent contest.”

River thought, 'Oh, he is happen to see me. That is a very good sign. Though, he is right about another thing.' She shrugged, “Given this is time travel. It depends on your point of view.”

Lee agreed, “Very true, River. And I want you to know. I am a big fan of yours. And it is not just because of your body. It is your intelligence and skills. I am so happy you were able get your head mostly back on straight by the end of that movie.”

River thought, in delight, 'Those are very sweet things to say to me. And the compliments are sincere. No wonder I fell in love with her.' River smiled, as she commented, “Sanity does have its advantages. And you helped me out some more in that department. Thank you.”

Lee stated, “You're welcome. Too bad about Wash and Book, though. But, I am sure they are in a better place.”

River thought, 'I am so happy you mentioned them. Because, I have my own agenda concerning them.' River replied, “I plan on looking into their situations, after this whole mess with you is resolved.”

Lee said, “Well, good luck. I am guessing this is Ranma's bright idea. And I admit, it is a good one. Given the tracking skills Shampoo displayed at the beginning of the Ranma Half series, it would be logical to send them after me. Care to introduce me to these women?”

River thought, 'Oh, why not. Given how sharp Lee is. She might wonder why I would refuse such a request.' She responded, “Sure. The redhead is named Rose. The pink haired girl is Violet. The raven haired girl is named Dongmei.”

Lee cracked a grin, as he said, “Better than being named after haircare products.”

River grin got slightly wider, as she replied, “I fully agree.”

Lee casually joked, “River, and her pretty flowers.”

River giggled, as she thought, 'Now, that is a cute joke. Now, to tease her a little bit, so she can relax some.' She then asked, “Are you flirting with me?”

Lee smiled, as he responded, “River, you are one of the most badass individuals in existence. I would rather make you happy, than sad, or angry.”

River thought, 'Now, that an intelligent statement to make.' She complimented, “Then, this is a good approach.”

Dongmei spoke up, “Why is this fool not worried about us?”

River remained calm on the outside, as she thought, 'It is so hard not to laugh, for Lee's future counterpart, unknowingly calling her past self a fool. Still, I need to remain calm for everyone's sake.'

Rose stated, “Dongmei is right. You don't look so surprised to see us.”

Lee explained, “Well, I already had a groundhogs time loop in the present. Along with visitors from the past. So, I am due for a visit from the future. You all being here means I escaped, and they had to use other alternative means to catch me. Besides, take a look upwards.”

All five of them looked up, and it looked like small energy fractures were forming in the night sky.

Rose thought, 'I don't know what that is. And I don't like it.'

Dongmei thought, 'My precognition is screaming at me to stop what we are doing.'

River thought, 'Just great. A paradox is forming. The good news is there is still time.'

Violet thought, 'This is bad.' She said, “Oh my.”

Lee said, “River, I would thought you would have explained the rules to them, by now. I guess I will explain them to you. Girls, that is a paradox forming. If you take me from this timeline right now, or blow my cover, reality itself may collapse. Even I didn't dare fully imagine how bad that would be for reality, itself.”

Everyone looked back at each other.

Rose asked, “How do you know the rules?” She thought, 'No matter the answer. It will likely not be good.'

Lee replied, “Honey, I literally wrote these rules.”

Rose thought, 'I know better than to ask for details on such a statement.'

River overheard Rose's thoughts, as she mentally reflected, 'Rose has the right idea. This is the type of conversation, we all need to avoid.' She said, “Girls, we have to leave him here.”

Lee said, “It is okay. Given how skilled you are, I am sure you will meet me again. Anyway, have a nice day.”

Lee then walked back to the street, leaving the girls to their own devices, as he headed for his car.

As Lee left their sight, Dongmei commented, “I think it is pretty obvious that none of us are going to go after him.”

River thought, 'And it is a good thing that we do so.”

Violet look up at the sky, as she said, “The sky is clearing.”

The other looked up at the sky to see that it was now clear.

River said, Good.”

As all four of them then looked back at each other, Rose turned to River, as she said, “Why didn't you warn us about this?”

Dongmei and Violet look over at River as well.

River looked over at Rose, as she sorrowfully admitted, “Because, there are some secrets we are trying to keep from getting out. And we over looked warning you about paradoxes.” She thought, 'Oh, that is an understatement. And I need to make amends.' She verbally continued, “As are as I am concerned, you did nothing wrong.”

Rose calmly commented, “Okay. But, next time. Warn us beforehand of such dangers.”

River said, “I will try to do so.”

Rose replied, “Fair enough.”

River thought, 'No matter how I look at it. This hunt is over. This was too close a call.' She turned to look at Dongmei, as she continued her thoughts, 'Also, I have found Lee. Though, the others think we have hit a dead end. And that is what I want everyone to think until I figure out how to both fix Lee's memory, and save her.'

'So, I think it is best we head back to Lagoon Island. I think, in this case, I will also put some distance in both time and space.'

'Also, I need to come up with a reason why we are going back?... An excuse that will be both believable, and will not tip my hand... That will work... And we get their, I can keep an eye both both Lee, and everyone else, as I come up with a plan to save Lee. Along with restoring her memories. Then, the real fun with being for us, and Chang.'

'Now, to get this ball rolling...'

River stated, in a calm tone of voice, “I blame myself for your actions. It is clear the trail has gone cold, and that your actions were in desperation. Now, put away your weapons, and gather around me, girls. We need to go, before we cause any more problems with the space-time continuum.”

The three chinese amazons did not reply, as Dongmei collapsed her staff, and put it back in her sheath, on the back of her bandolier.

Meanwhile, Violet sheathed her dao.

And Rose held her chui in her right hand, as she leaned the nearly smooth, metal ball of her weapon over her right shoulder.

All three women then took a few steps closed to River.

River then thought of where, when, and what reality she wanted to the her, and her three charges to, as she press the red button on her reality device, in her right hand, with her right thumb.

A split second later, they saw they were back in a familiar grassy, during a want sunny day. From the way the sun show down on them, from on high, they could tell that the time was around noon.

Violet turned to River, as she said, “You took us back to Lagoon Island?”

River look at Violet, as put away her reality device. She answered, “Yes. No matter how you look at it. The hunt for Lee is over. Until we come up with more leads. And until then, I am sure the Lagoon family will not mind us staying here, as we rest. We have been on the road for around two weeks. I figure we could all use a much well deserved break.”

River thought, 'And I don't sense anyone nearby. But, I am sure they are somewhere else on the island.'

Rose shrugged, as she replied, “I could enjoy some sleep on a conformable bed, on a schedule that will allow me to sleep in, until the late morning.”

Violet smile, as she said, “And I could use a nice bath, where I can soak for a few hours in peace.”

Dongmei commented, “Still, before we head in. Given the temporal event we just experienced. We need to ask. When are we?

River did not outward show any response to Dongmei's comment, as she inward thought, with happiness, 'Lee, you are still sharp when you are knowledgeable of the situation.'

River looked over at Dongmei, as she answered, “For them. It has been two weeks, as well. I figure they might as well be in line with us.” She mentally added, 'Also, it will give them a little more time to calm down about you, Lee... Still, there is another matter to deal with.'

River turned to Rose, as she requested, “Rose. I need your reality device. Do not worry. This is not a punishment. It is just that the others and I agreed, before we even contacted you, that we would account for all reality devices, when we return to the island.'

Rose thought, 'Fair enough.' She replied, “Okay.”

Rose then used her left hand to unhooked the her reality device, from the left side of her of her brown leather belt. She then handed the device over to River.

River took the reality device into her left hand, as she politely said, “Thank you.”

In response, Rose warmly smiled towards River.

River noticed the smile, as she thought, 'Good. She is taking this well. Without the reality device, and considering only the Lagoon parents, and I, know where the keys to the Lagoon PT boat are, they have no way off this island. And I don't have to worry about another misadventure, like we just had.'

'And I do not have to worry about them escaping without me. Which will help us all, in the long run.'

River then turned to look at the front of Lagoon mansion. Next, she turned back to look at the amazon girls, as she continued her thoughts, 'Now, I just have to convince the Lagoon family to let us stay... That shouldn't be too much of a problem. Barring my actions concerning Lee, I have always tried to maintain good relations with everyone on the island. Which is why they let me return here, even after my part in what happened.'

'Now, to make this sound good.'

River suggested, in a slightly sad, and disappointed, tone of voice, “We need to go inside and tell them we bad news that we lost Lee.” She mentally added, 'Also, I think it is best I ask a small favor from them...'

River said, in a more casual tone of voice, “Thought, I am more than willing to omit that we went into Lee's past?”

Rose said, “Good idea.”

Dongmei replied, “Works for me.”

Violet stated, “I would just as soon pretend that entire event never happened.”

River cracked a grin, as she responded, “Good.” She thought, 'I will say this. Lee, in any form, has good taste in friends. Not just Lee, but Rose and Violet catch on quickly. Now, we need to check in. And I will use this time off for the girls, to come up with a way to save Lee.'

'It is a good thing that I am the only telepath on the island, or I would have to take more drastic actions in saving Lee. Because, there would be more risk of both our covers being blown. But, as it stands now, I can take my time, and do this carefully. And careful is the way I would prefer to do this. And I admired Lee for being the same way.'

River said, “This way, girls.”

River then turned and walked towards the front doors to Lagoon mansion, with the three teenage girls following behind her.


A few minutes later, they all entered the entryway, with Violet gently closing the door behind them.

As they stood, looking at the staircases in front of them, River used her telepathic senses, as she thought, 'Now, where is everyone?... Oh, most of them are outside, in back, or on the beach. Still, is there anyone one here that I can talk too?... Yes. She is just the woman I wanted to see. And one of the more level head members of the family.'

River then turned right, as she entered the entertainment room, with Rose, Violet, and Dongmei right behind her.

River and the other stopped at the threshold of the room, they saw one person, sitting in one of the back couches, on the fair right wall, to the four standing women, as she watched a movie on the large, widescreen TV, across the room from her.

It was Dutch, in her usual clothing. They saw the dark skinned woman was looking back at them.

Dutch quickly picked up her remote, that had been sitting by her, on the couch she sat at. She then paused the movie. She set the remote back down on the couch.

Next, as a courtesy to the amazons, Dutch turned to the four women, as she stated, with joy in her voice, in chinese, “Girls. It is so good to see you. Please, come on in.”

The four women then walked up to where Dutch was sitting.

As they came within a few feet of the couch Dutch was sitting in, they stopped.

Dutch looked up four standing women, as her voice took a more serious tone, “Since I don't see Lee. So, I take it that you never found him?”

River thought, 'That is what I want you to think” She lied, “You would be correct. But, we did eliminated several possibilities.”

Dutch commented, “That's good. Though, I wonder why it took you two weeks to return to us?”

River admitted, “I figured you all needed a little more time to cool off. And that is how longer we were gone, for us.”

Dutch was quite for a few seconds. She then said, “Fair enough.”

River stated, “By the way, here is the reality device we borrowed from you. Thank you.”

River then handed the reality device in her left hand, over to Dutch.

Dutch took the device and set it on the couch she was on, away from the remote she had been using. She then turned back to look at the four women, as she said, “You're welcome. So, what are you going to do now?”

River answered, “It has been a long hunt for us. And I would like to ask permission for the four of us to spend a few days here, as R&R.”

Dutch cracked a grin, as she stated, “Okay. Hotel Lagoon is always open to her friends. Still, you will have to leave your weapons in your assigned guest bedrooms.”

Rose stated, “That will not be a problem.” She then said, in a more warm tone of voice, towards her hostess, “And thank you for allowing us to stay here for few days.”

Dutch responded, in a casual tone of voice, “Think nothing of it. It will be fun to have you over for a few days. It can sometimes get boring here.”

River said, “I know the feeling. Why do you think my friends and I were so open to the idea of Chang's little venture.”

Dutch grin became a little wider, as she responded, “That explains a lot.”

River thought, 'Yes. It does. I might as well ask.' She inquired, “So, where is everyone? And is it just your family on the island?”

Dutch answered, “Actually, Akira's family decided to stay here for the last few weeks, as well. They had nowhere special to go. And they are good company. Also, barring a few unwise decisions, I think their kids are a good influence on our kids.”

“Kristina, Sarah, and Nodoka are in the gym sparring. Molly, Yukio, Akira, Natsuru, and Mikoto are at the shooting range. Rebecca, Yurika, and Ranma are out back, in the pool, swimming.”

“Benny and Janet left the island to go on a lunch date, on another part of the world... For some latin american food. I just didn't have a taste for it. But, they will likely be back within the hour. Rock and Revy are walking the beach, around the island, doing god knows what.”

River thought, with amusement, 'I bet.' She commented, “You never know with those two.”

Dutch looked River in the eyes, as she thought, 'Yea. Given how many of those instant male packets those two use, I am surprised we don't have any more kids running around on the island.'

River burst out laughing, as she nodded her head, in agreement, for a few seconds.

As River calmed down, Dutch thought, 'Now that you enjoyed my joke. We need to talk private.'

River turned to the amazons, as she requested, “Could we have a few minutes, alone?”

Dongmei and Violet silently nodded, as Rose said, “We will be in the kitchen, getting something to eat, for breakfast. If that is alright with you?”

Dutch casually responded, “Of course. Make yourselves at home.”

The three chinese amazons, turned and left the room, for the entryway, and then to a hallway, which lead to the kitchen on first floor, in back left part of the mansion.

A few seconds after the chinese amazons left, Dutch look back up at River, as she stated, in a very stern tone of voice, in english, “Okay. Let's cut the bullshit. While I do believe you looked for Lee, and did not find him. And the reason came back was because the amazons were getting restless, without any leads. We need to get to the heart of the matter. Everyone can see it. You love Lee.”

River thought, 'That is very true. Even Lee, without her memory, can tell that I am in love with her. Though, she doesn't realize it is her that I am in love with. But, that is because she doesn't know who she really is.” River looked down at Dutch. She shrugged, as she admitted, in english, “You are right about that. I fell in love with, Lee. Still, what is it to you?”

Dutch answered, “It is my business because this can cause problems, and come back to bite all of us in the ass. And I have been patiently waiting for the opportunity for you and I to talk about this, in private... So, how did it happen?”

River stated, “You already know. Of all of us, I have likely spent the most time with Lee. And Lee didn't even know who I was, until the day he escaped. When I revealed the truth with a sneeze.” She mentally added, 'And she took the news very well.'

Dutch conceded, “True. And I got to admit that Sam gag was pretty good. You had us all fooled.”

River said, in a depressed tone of voice, “Yea. I even fooled myself... Meeting Lee was the first time I actually got to know someone, when I was pretending to be someone else, as a man. Lee, along with no one else, recognized me. I wasn't River the genius. I wasn't River the telepath. I wasn't River, the broken, brainwashed, crazy, super-weapon...”

Dutch spoke up, in a kind tone of voice, “We don't think about you that way.”

River pointed out, in a sad tone of voice, “No. You try not too. And I appreciate that. But, that is in the back of all your minds. I know. I am a telepath. I can since all of you occasionally thinking that. Though, all of you try not too. But, not Lee. He didn't think that. Because I was not that to Lee. And as a man, I wasn't even eye candy to Lee. I was just a person was that being kind to he... Him. And he treated me with kindness and friendship...”

“He was the first person, in my entire life to treat me like just a normal human being. And not someone special. Not someone dangerous. Just a person.”

Dutch quietly replied, “Oh... I can see how those things could cause problems for you...”

River said in a sad tone of voice, “Correct... And I love Lee for that... And as time went by, I read his mind, without him knowing, and I learned how Lee's mind works. For all Lee's flaws. And Le has several. I will not lie about that. Deep down, Lee has a nice personality. And that Lee unknowingly made one really big mistake. That Lee is sorry for that mistake. Lee really is.” River's voice turned into a whiny plea, as she continued, “And I don't understand why none of you can see that.”

There was silent for a few seconds. Dutch then said, in a calm tone of voice, “First, we do realize that. But, that man is an arrogant jackass. You should have heard some of the things he said to us, at both the factory and Edgars HQ.” She continued in an annoyed, slight angry tone of voice, “That bastard considered us his puppets.”

River deflated, as she stated, “That was just for show. He wants to escape. So, he intentionally played with your emotions. He wanted you to be angry, so you would make mistakes, and he would be able to escape. And his plan worked.”

Dutch voice took on a dangerous tone of voice, as she said, “While you may have a point. You of all people know how dangerous it is for someone to play with another people's emotions. Especially, when is comes to women.”

River thought, 'On more levels than you realize. I lucked out with Lee.' She said, “You are correct about that. But, what other tools, besides his wits, did Lee have to escape you?”

Dutch calmly responded, “I will give you that one. So, how is this play out with Chang? Because, I don't want this blowing up in our faces. Trust me. Though, you are a badass. You don't want to cheat behind Chang's back.”

River smiled, as she said, “And who says I am doing this behind my boyfriend's back? I talked to Chang about Lee the night you caught me and turn me over to him.”

Dutch questioned, “So, Chang knows?”

River causally responded, “Of course, he knows I care about Lee. And he is okay with it.” She thought, 'Actually, Chang wanted Lee back, unharmed, almost as much as I do. But, for different reasons... I think. I will have to talk to him about Lee current state, sometime. But first, I need a few days to think on this situation.'

Dutch calming said, “As long as that is the case, I will not trouble you any more over your love triangle. And I am glad we had this talk.”

River agreed, “So am I.”

Dutch leaned over and used the remote to turn off the TV and other electronic equipment. She then set the remote down, where it had been, as she picked up the reality device that was by her.

Next, Dutch stood up, with River taking a few steps back, to give the brown haired woman some room.

With the reality device in her hands, Dutch turned to River, as she offered, “Now, let's go check on the girls, and get you something to eat.”

River looked at Dutch, as she happily said, “That sounds great. Then, we can do some sunbathing by the pool, as we visit with yours, and Akira's, families. And maybe later, an hour after we eat, we can cool off in the pool.”

Dutch commented, “That is a wonderful idea. And since it is a saltwater pool, so there should be no problem with chemicals.”

River mentioned, “The casino pools are saltwater, as well.”

Dutch raised an eyebrow, as she questioned, “Pools? As in plural?”

River shrugged, as her smile slightly widened. She casually said, “What? You don't think Chang doesn't have one pool for his customers, one for the staff, and one for his private functions, that he and I use?”

Dutch returned River's smile, as she stated, “When it comes to Chang. I am not surprised. He can be such a hedonist.”

Rivers smile curled into a lecherous grin, as she said, “Oh yes, Chang can. Especially in bed. That is one of the reasons I am still with him.”

Dutch asked, “So, who are you going to decide to be with, in the end? Chang? Or, Lee?... That is if Lee survives us.”

River thought, 'I am sure, either way. Though, Lee will survive. And I will make sure she will be fine. Still, I can have some fun with Dutch's comment...'

River teased, “You of all people should realize that I can have both.”

Dutch shrugged, as she continued to smil at River. She said, “Fair enough. Now, let's get something to eat. And afterward, we will ask the girls to place their weapons in the gym, until we assign rooms for them.”

River complimented, “Good idea.”

The two women then walked out of the room, and towards the kitchen of the mansion. So, they could rejoin the three amazons, and get something to eat for themselves, as well.


Later that evening, during sunset, everyone was having some supper on the patio, that was located on the back side of the mansion. The patio was organized to handle a large cookout. Included on top of the red brick floor of the patio, was a barbeque cook area, and several circular metal tables, with four to six metal chairs.

Each of the tables had large umbrellas over them, to protect those sitting at the table, from the glaring sun. The umbrellas could be folded up, by releasing the draw string in the center, and brought in, during major storms.

This made meals during their lagoon parties, and other social functions, much easier to handle.

At the moment, Dutch and Benny had just finished cooking everyone some hamburgers. And they were hamburgers on buns, and other trimmings. Along with chips and bottles of beer, soda, or water.

The teenagers of the two families were sitting between two tables, a few tables away from the older adults, and the teenage amazons.

The adults also sat between to table, that were close by each other. One table sat, River, Rose, Violet, Dongmei, Natsuru, and Ranma. On the table by them, sat Akira, Revy, Ruck, Dutch, Benny, and Janet.

With all of them have their plates of food, and bottles of various refreshments to drink.

For the benefit of the hosts, the conversation was in english, with either Dongmei, River, or Dutch translating english to chinese, and back, for Rose and Violet. So, the chinese red haired and pink haired teenage girls could be a part of the conversation.

The conversation, during their meals, had so far been pleasant, and the collective mood of the gathering had been calm.

Rock looked over at River, whom sat in the nearby table, as she asked, “So, River. Dutch said that you intentionally jumped couple of weeks, to now, our time, so we would be in a better frame of mind about Lee?”

River looked at Rock, as she teased, “I figured you guys would need a few weeks to cool off. And it was the same amount of time, as we spent, while gone from here.”

Dongmei translated what Rock and River had said.

The others turned to look at River, as Dutch let out a laugh. Dutch commented, “Now, that I have thought about it. That is not a bad idea.”

Rock conceded, “It was a nice try.”

Benny commented, “With the cooler heads prevail trick.”

Janet said, “But, it is not going to work.”

Revy finished for them, “Not, by a long shot.”

Dongmei translated for her two friends.

River just shrugged in response. She also suppressed a giggle, as as she thought, 'To finish sentences like that, those five have been together way too long.'

Revy asked, “So Riv, what are you going to do now?”

River looked over at Revy, as she thought, 'Two can play at that game.' She playfully commented, “Well Rev, we have been on the road for two weeks, and I figured the girls needed some down time.'

River noticed that just as Dongmei had finished translated for her, Rose, Dongmei, and Violet smiled towards River..

River grinned, as she continued, “And this place is as good as most vacation resorts I can think of. Chang's casino included. Only, this place is a lot cheaper, and a lot more private.”

Revy snorted, as she agreed, “You got that right.”

Benny said, “Yes. This is one of the nicer places I have lived in.”

Natsuru looked over at Benny as she stated, “Huh uh. Everything, including a nice hot tub. Though, you cannot get a decent back rub here.”

Janet turned Natsuru, as she teased, “That is because you never asked.”

The others laughed, with the amazons joining in, just after Dongmei finished translating Natsuru's comment, and Janet's joke, for Rose and Violet.

As everyone calmed down, Dutch inquired, “So, I take it you will be needing bedrooms?”

River said, “Yes. We do need some guestrooms.”

Janet volunteered, “I will take care of assigning them rooms. I suggest the bedrooms on the western side of the home. On the first floor.”

River said, “That should be fine.”

Janet, “I thought as much.”

Dongmei translated for Rose and Violet.

Dongmei then questioned, in english, “So, where is everyone else at?”

Janet turned to Dongmei, as she answered, “Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru are on the first floor. Us, ours kids, and Akira's kids are in the bedrooms on the second floor.”

Ranma commented, “Though, where you are staying is completely on the opposite side of the house, to where you put Akira, Natsuru, and I.”

Dutch turned to Ranma, as she playfully stated, “And with good reason”

Dongmie translated what was said.

Violet could not help but ask, in chinese, “What reasons?”

River translated for Violet.

The Lagoon parents giggled.

As they calmed down, Dutch said, “Well, I hope Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma don't mind. But, the three are lovers. And they prefer to share a large bed together. And to this day, they have a very active love life between each other. And a very loud love life, at that.”

Dongmei translated, as she held back a giggle. When she finished, she, along with Rose and Violet, started giggling for several seconds.

Benny stated, “To be honest. I am surprised, that back at the Devil's Hotel, Lee got any sleep at all. Considering you room was right beside his.” She mentally added, with a bit of malice in her thoughts, 'Still, since this is Lee we are talking about, that bastard probably deserves more than a few restless nights of sleep.'

River was saddened by Benny's thoughts, but she did not give any outward expression towards the blond haired woman's mental reflections.

Ranma stated, “Well, that one night, we returned late, after a men... Women's night out, Lee was in the lobby, and he mentioned that issue to us. Though, he pretended to be drunk at the time. And he also pretended not to know us.” She thought, in more ways than one.' She continued, “And to be fair, we did starting cutting our fun early at night, for him. But, that was before we knew who he was.”

Ranma thought, 'Of course. At the time, we were men. And he knew who we were. And he said, the trio of lesbian lovebirds, that was keeping him up at night. And to be honest. The way he pulled that off was real smooth. Unfortunately, I cannot tell these three amazons exactly what happened, because it would lead to some very unconformable questions for us.'

River giggled a little bit, at Ranma's statement, as Dongmei translated what Ranma said, for her two friends.

Rose inquired, in confusion, in chinese, “So, you were staying at an inn with Lee?” Her voice took on a hard tone of disbelief, as she continued, “And you three were in a room right beside his room?”

Dongmei translated what Rose said.

Akira cracked a grin, as she answered, in a happy tone of voice, “Yep. And given how he asked us, I realize now he was not as drunk at the time, as he pretended to be.”

Rock deadpanned, “That is an understatement.”

Natsuru agreed, “True. That man just loves playing the angles.”

River translated what Rock, Natsuru, and Akira said.

Rose asked, in chinese, “What do you mean by angles?”

River translated Rose question for the others.

Rock answered, “As we said. Lee is manipulative. By angles, we mean both plans he makes, and weaknesses in others, that he uses against those around him, to get what he wants done.”

River translated Rock's answer.

Rose replied, in english, “Oh...” She then said, in chinese, “I can see what you mean by Lee being a problem.”

Dongmei translated for Rose.”

Rock replied, “Exactly.”

Benny inquired, “So, what do you plan to do tomorrow?”

Before Dongmei could translated the question for her two chinese friends, Revy spoke up, in excitement, “I know. Tomorrow morning, I will take them to the range, for some shooting. And I will show them what real weapons are like to use.”

River tried her best not to roll her eyes. She then turned to Revy, as she questioned, “Guns? You want to teach them to use guns?”

Revy turned to River, as she smirked. She said, “Of course. I want to teach them how to use real weapons. Semi-automatic pistols, to be exact. We might not have time to do everything, but we can cover the basics.”

River stated, “Make sure you teach them some gun safety, first.”

Revy promised, “I will.”

Dongmei translated what was said.

Rose said, in chinese, “We have very little skill in such weapons. But, we welcome any such lessons.”

Dongmei translated what Rose said.

Revy replied, “Thank you.”

Since Dongmei know what Rose and Violet knew what, thank you, meant, in chinese, she did not translate for them.

Benny stated, “I think it might be best that we not be present when Revy is giving her lessons.”

Dutch said, “Agreed.”

Ranma commented, “I can go along with that.”

Benny looked around the table, to see her other friends, agreeing, by nodding, or shrugging, while Revy just shrugged, in response, to Benny's slight teasing.

Rock turn to River, as she said, “While they do that, tomorrow morning. I would like to talk to you more about the hunt you four just had.”

River heard Rock, as she thought, 'I cannot back out of this. Though, I doubt they will figure out that Dongmei is Lee. I will just have to play this by ear.' She turned to Rock, as she said, “Of course. But, there is not much to tell.”

Rock said, “At the very least we will eliminate some possibilities. Also, I think we should all take turns tomorrow, to teach the amazons what we know. It might be fun if the amazons had a chance to learn other skills that we can show them how to do.”

Benny complimented, “That is a great idea. I know electronic and computers.”

Dutch commented, “I wouldn't mind giving them, a stroll around the island, a few times, in the Lagoon.”

Rock mentioned, “The mansion library has some interesting books for them.”

Ranma said, “I give them a couple of pointers on their combat skills.”

Akira requested, “I would like to spare with them, using their weapons against my long knives.”

Dutch casually asked, “So, what will our kids be doing tomorrow?”

Janet looked over at the tables, with their teenage adult children, and the teenage adult children of Akira's family, for a few seconds. She then turned back to those at her table, as she stated, “I think I can come up with a few things to kill time, to keep own kids busy for tomorrow.”

Benny turned to her wife, as she asked, “Such as?”

Janet looked after at her spouse, as she answered, “A shopping trip. While you guys entertain our guests, I was planning to take our kids on a shipping trip to India tomorrow.”

Natsuru complimented, “Good idea. Along with myself, I think our kids would like to join you. And I can help chaperon.”

Janet turned to Natsuru, as she said, “The more the merrier.” She then looked around the table, as she offered, “I would love to have you all come.”

Dutch flatly stated, “No thank you. Thanks to the shopping trips you brought me on, I am have enough skirts and dresses to last a lifetime.”

Benny calmly said, “Honey, I have to agree with Dutch on this.”

Revy flatly stated, “The only times I am wearing a dress are at a wedding, or a funeral.” She mentally added, 'I almost feel sorry for them. Janet and Natsuru has some of the most feminine taste in clothing among all our groups. Especially, the tomboys, in the group, that will be going. Still, it will be a good shopping trip for the kids. And we have plenty of wealth for them to have a great time.'

Rock apologized, “I am sorry, Janet. I am with the rest of them on this.”

Ranma shook her head a few times, as she said, “Clothes are not my thing.”

Akira shrugged, as she softly said, “Another time, Janet.”

Janet playfully pouted at their responses. But, the others could tell she was faking, and they took Janet's playful actions in stride.

Meanwhile, River suppressed a giggle at their responses, to Janet's comments, and Janet's pouting, afterward.

Dongmei turned to her friends, as she translated for them. She then asked in chinese, “Does this sound good for you?”

Rose smiled, as she said, “Yes.”

Violet smiled, as well. She replied, “Of course.”

Dongmei smiled, as turned to the other nearby women. She stated, in english, “Then, it is decided, Tomorrow we will see what you have to offer.”

Rock turned their smiles, as she said, “Good.”

The group then continued their conversation, as the ate their meals.


A few hours later, that night, it was time for bed, for most of the household.

Rose, River, Violet, and Dongmei, followed Janet, as they all walked down a hallway, on the west end of the first floor of the mansion.

While they walked, River requested, in chinese “If you all don't mind, I would like to share a room with Dongmei.”

As they made continued down the hallway, Dongmei translated River's comment into english, for Janet.

Dongmei then asked, in chinese, “Mighty I ask, why?”

River answered, in chinese, “Well, most of the guestrooms, have two beds per room. With a few having one larger bed. It will be easier for the four of us to take two rooms, with two beds.” She thought, 'And that will allow me to keep a closer eye on you, Lee.'

Dongmei said, “I understand.”

Violet teased, in chinese, “Rose and I won't mind sharing a single bed.”

Rose calmly said, in chinese, “I intend to sleep tonight. We will play later. So, two beds will do us fine.”

Dongmei then translated what she and River had said, for Janet. Though, Dongmei did not state what Rose and Violet had just said.

Janet said, “That is alright with us. It means less rooms to clean, later.” She thought, 'Which is usually a job we assign for our kids... And occasionally we help. Since, we long since stopped having a staff here. And the upkeep of this house builds good work ethics for our kids.'

River cracked grin over Janet's thoughts, as she translated what Janet said, for Rose and Violet.

Janet then came to a stop, between two doors in the hallway, with the other four women stopping a few feet behind her.

Janet turned around, to face the another four women. She then leaned to her right, way to open the door on that side of her. She then leaned to her left, to open the other door, on the opposite side of the hallway.

She stood back up straight, as faced the women four other women, in front of her. She said, “These will be your two guess bedrooms. Each room has two beds. There are ceiling light switches are right beside the doors. We also have some spare clothing that should fit you, if you want.”

Dongmei translated for Rose and Violet.

Rose said, in chinese, “That will be nice.”

River translated for Janet.

Janet said, “Good. Also, there is a bathroom, with a full bath, and western style toilet, down the hallway. It is also fully stocked with neared towels, soap, a few spare brushes, toothpaste, some plastic cups, spare toilet paper, and need hygiene products.”

Dongmei translated what Janet said.

Rose calmly replied, in chinese, “Thank you.”

Violet stated, in chinese, “I call first dips on first bath.”

Dongmei countered, in chinese, “No. If you want to soak for an hour. You are going last.”

Violet deflated, as she replied, “Fine...”

River translated their comments for Janet.

Janet said, “Well, not to worry on showers, or baths. The hot water is on demand system. You will not run out of hot water. And the water pressure is good enough to have multple people having a shower at once, in this building. If you need anything else. Let us know.” She mentally added, 'I am now going to have some fun with Benny and Dutch.'

River cracked a grin, as she replied, “We will.”

Janet then walked passed them, as Dongmei translated what was said, for Rose and Violet.

River turned to the three amazons, as she stated, in chinese, “Rose, and Violet, the bedroom to your left is yours. The one on the right, is mine and Dongmei's.”

Rose and Dongmei remained silent, as Violet said, in chinese, “Okay.”

River said, “Now, let's check out our rooms.”

River then turned and headed into her guest bedroom, with Dongmei following. While Rose and Violet gook a right, into their guest bedroom.

River flipped on the ceiling light switch, as she continued walking into the room. While she walked, she requested, “Dongmei, please shut the door behind you.”

Dongmei followed River, into the room, she gently shut the door behind her. She the walked further into the room, as he looked around the bedroom. She found the guestroom bedroom to be a decent sized room, with to twin sized beds, set against the same side of the wall. Between the beds was a small nightstand, with an electric lamp on top of it.

There was a chest of drawers set against the opposite wall from the beds.

Above the chest of drawers was a widescreen, flat TV mounted on the wall. There was also a disc player, that was connected to the flatscreen TV, and a remote to operate both devices, set on top the chest of drawers.

And there was a mirror nearby.

River soon came to a stop, with Dongmei stopping a few feet from her.

River turned around, as she took a few steps closer to Dongmei, until she less than a few from Dongmei. With both women looked at each other.

River then gently hug the black haired girl, around Dongmei's chest, and under Dongmei's arms, with both her own arms.

Dongmei was confused by River's sudden action, and she did not return River's hug.

A few seconds later, River let go, as she took a few steps back from Dongmei.

Dongmei calmly asked, in chinese, “Not that I am complaining. But, I would like to know what was that for?”

River stopped herself, from showing sadness. And instead, she warmly smiled at Dongmei. She said, in a kind tone of voice, “It is a show of affection for our friendship.” River thought, with relief, 'Lee, it is so good to finally just hug you in private. It is unfortunate that you do not yet realize why I did so.'

Dongmei replied, “Okay.”

River asked, “So, what do you think of our room?”

Dongmei calmly answered, “I think we will be fine, sleeping here.”

River smiled, as she replied, “I agree.” She though, 'And I will be able to keep a closer eye on you. Unfortunately, your memories are so sealed that you do not even dream as Lee. But, at least I can sleep beside you, while I figure out how to save you from this mess we all find ourselves in.'

While it was still a few hours earlier for River, and the three amazons. The four women then got cleaned up, and got ready for bed.

Rose and Violet retired to their bedroom, while River and Dongmei retired to their bedroom.

When Dongmei and River got into their beds, River turned off the lamp light, between their bed, which, by then, was the only light on when the got into bed. And they then soon went to sleep.


The next day, it was a sunny, warm morning on the Lagoon Island.

Everyone one on the island had already gotten dressed, ready to face day, and had some breakfast.

After breakfast, half an hour ago, Janet, Natsuru, and the eight teenage adult women, said their goodbyes for the day. They then used a reality device to head to one of Janet's favorite parts of India, her homeland, to do some shopping.

Meanwhile, Benny and Dutch decided to do some maintenance on the Lagoon, in preparation of the amazons taking a ride on the PT boat, later that day.

Akira and Ranma were in the gym, exercising and getting a little hand to hand sparring done. Akira was nowhere near Ranma's level. Though, Ranma's years of teaching Akira, along with the rest of her family, and brought their level up they could spar with Ranma, one on one, to the point Ranma would break a sweat.

River was in Rock's personal study, for their meeting.

And finally, Revy had brought Dongmei, Violet, and Rose, to the Lagoon Island firing range, to learn the basics in using a firearm.

The shooting range was located in the behind the mansion, to the western side of the island. The shooting range was clearing in the bush and trees that a twelve hundred yards long, and was twenty feet across.

The shooting range was intentionally made by the Lagoon family to be to narrow for an airplane to land, to help prevent unwanted guests.

At the end of the firing range was a large dirt berm that was twenty feet high, ten feet deep, and forty feet wide. With ten feet of the berm going each way into the bush.

Behind the dirt berm was some more trees and brush, which soon ended at the sea.

One of the main reasons for the Lagoon family picking that area for the shooting range was that behind the berm, there was not much beach, where the sea met the island.

Earlier that day, twenty-five yards from the firing stations of the range, Revy had set up a three feet by three feet square bull's eye target, with wood jigs being the backing for the target to stand upright. The target was thirty feet from the firing line.

Revy and the amazons stood behind the firing stations, at the firing range. A couple of the stations were just grass in front of the red strip on the ground, that signified not to cross, when people were firing on the range.

Other fire stations were four feet high, three feet wide, four legged, square, brown stained, wooden tables place at the red firing line.

At the moment, the three chinese amazons and Revy were standing in behind one of stations with a wooden table.

The amazons did not have their weapons, as they had moved their weapons, from the gym, earlier that morning, to their guestrooms.

Also, the three amazons had fresh clothing, which fit them, that was provided to them, by their hosts. The clothing was casual pants, shirts, and undergarments. Though, they had on their shoes, that they came with.

Revy had her semi-automatic custom Beretta ninety-two FS Inox pistols, in her shoulder holsters.

In Revy's right hand was a blued black Beretta M Nine nine millimeter semi-automatic pistol. The M Nine pistols had a fully loaded, fifteen round magazine in it. Though, the chamber was empty. Also, the hammer of the weapon was not cocked back.

And given Revy was also going to teach the three amazon women gun safety lessons, Revy kept her weapon pointing away from herself, and the three amazon, by pointing at the barrel of the gun, at the ground, by her right let.

There were also two other loaded magazines for the weapon, on top of the wooden table, along with several boxes of nine millimeter ammo beside the magazines. And there was a small spray can of gun oil, and a firearm cleaning kit box.

All the women had on acoustic earmuffs, over their ears, to protect them from the sounds of gunfire they would soon be hearing. And they were yellow, protective sunglasses over their eyes.

Fortunately, even though the earmuffs dampened the sound around them, they could hear normal talking from those nearby.

Revy had her back to the range, as she looked at the three amazons facing her, four feet away.

Revy held up her weapon, by the grip, with her right hand, while she continued to be mindful to keep the end of the barrel pointed away from herself, and the other women there.

Revy stated, “This is my Beretta M nine semi-automatic pistol. This is the pistol I used, until I upgraded to my cutlasses.”

“It is unfortunate that we do not have time for me to show you how to use other weapons. Such as rifle. But, for today. We will just deal with me teaching you how to use this pistol.”

“This weapon fires a nine millimeter bullet. It is semi-automatic. Meaning it self-reloads, but you have to pull the trigger each time you want to fire a round. The ammo magazine this weapon uses has fifteen rounds. The effective range this weapon has is around sixty yards. Though, I can cleanly hit something at over eighty yards, without a problem. But, since you are all new at this. I set up a big target at twenty-five yards from here.”

Dongmei translated for Revy, so Rose and Violet understood what Revy was saying. Dongmei also converted the yards to roughly the equivalent meters, for her two friends. With twenty-five yards being just under twenty-three meters.

Revy's tone of voice became more serious, as she continued, “The first thing to be mindful of a firearm, is to always treat the weapons, as if it is loaded. Always make sure the weapon is first unloaded.”

“Never point the end of the barrel, which is the end of the weapon with the round hole, at someone. Unless you plan to kill them. Not hurt them. Not warn them. Kill them... And do not point the end of the barrel at yourself. If you have to, keep the end of the barrel pointed at the ground. But, not your feet.”

“Next, when first picking up check to see if it is loaded. You do that by first removing the magazine, with the magazine release button. Which is here...”

Revy held the pistol by the slide, with her left hand, as she used her left index finger to pointed out the pistol's magazine release button.

Revy stated, “Then, pull back the slide. When you are not firing a weapon, always place your trigger finger... Your index finger, against the trigger here.”

She pointed out the trigger guard.

Revy warned, “Do not place your finger on the trigger, when you are not aiming. That is a good way to shoot yourself. Place you finger on the trigger guard, the ring around the trigger. When you have finished firing the ammo, the weapon will automatically leave the chamber open. Just drop the magazine, put a fresh magazine in, and then used the slide release level here, to reload load a round into the chamber.”

She pointed out where the slide lever was.

Revy said, “And you are good to go. Now, as you can see the hammer.”

She pointed out the hammer of the weapon, which was not cocked, as she commented, “At the moment, the hammer is not cocked. When the hammer is cocked, realizing it allow it to hit firing pin, which in turns hits the primer on the back of the bullet, with makes the bullet fire.”

“Now, the next part is the safety lever, which is here on the back left part of the slide.”

She pointed to the safety lever.

Revy stated, “The safety is currently off. You flip it back and forth to use it. When the safety is on, the gun cannot fire. And the red dot shows when the safety is off. Also, the safety works as a decocking lever. This puts the hammer in a position to not immediately fire. Though, due to this being a double action-single action pistol. If you pull back on the trigger, it will fire.”

Revy said, in a more serious tone of voice, “This is the only safe way to decock the hammer of weapon, when it is loaded. Any other way, you will cause the gun to fire, and you seriously hurt yourself, and maybe others.”

“Next, is the trigger. As I said, the trigger on this pistol is a double action-single action. The double action means that you can pull the trigger, when the weapon hammer is not cocked. And the trigger will pull back the hammer and release it. The single action beings that it will fire went the hammer is already cocked back.”

“After we finished here, I will show you how to take apart this gun, clean it, and put it back together. And never try to clean a loaded weapon. As I said before. Always check to make sure the weapon is unloaded, before you work with it.”

“Also, while we make our own quality ammo, here, on the island. Because this weapon does not have a sound suppressor attached to it, the weapon will be loud. That is why we have these things covering our ears. Also, while the weapons are designed to eject up and to the right. They can pop back and hit you in the eyes. So, that is why were are wearing these fancy yellow sunglasses.”

Revy thought, 'Though, I prefer not to use and eye and ear protection. I would never hear the end of it, if I accidentally damaged the sight, or hearing of these girls. So, this is a case of practice what I preach. At least, until they are gone from the island.'

Revy continued, in the same serious tone of voice, as before “There can be jams. When we have a jam... If we do. I will show you how to clear a jam.”

“But, if you have a jam. Immediately take you finger off the trigger. Remove the magazine from the pistol. And set the pistol down.”

“Then, tell me. I will clear the jam.”

“Clearing a jam is very dangerous. If not done in a specific way, can cause a misfire that can hurt you. And not just with the bullet exiting the gun, can hurt you.

“But, the slide going back and forth, on you hand, can rip into you flesh. This is why I wear the fingerless gloves. Along with allowing me to have a better grips on my cutlasses, while allowing me to have exposed fingers, for better control of the triggers, My gloves also allow me to clear a jam, with less chance of hurting my hands.”

“Now, when you hold a gun, you hold it by the grip. I will show you what I mean in a little while. I will show how to fire with both one hand, and to handed positions. I will also show you prone, kneeling, and standing positions.”

“We will be firing off hand. One handed. And when firing, use the hand on the same side as you dominate eye. If you don't know which of your eyes is dominate, I will show you how to test to see which of your eyes it is.”

Revy strongly stated, “Along with not being in front of the barrel. Do not place any part of your body directly against the back of the slide. When it fires, it will hurt you badly enough to go the hospital.”

“Speaking of which. I do have a reality device in a pocket, for emergency teleports. But, I will be very upset with you, if you make me use it.”

“We will be using standard target ammunition for this pistol. The bullets have a slight kick. But, you should quickly get use to it.”

“The way you aim is to line up your back sights with you front single sight in the middle of the groove of the back sight. With both sights making an even, horizontal line against the center of what you are aiming for..”

“When we are finished, we will be picking up the brass shells we use. Because we can use them for reloading.”

Revy then smirked, as she casually said, “Now, pay attention girls. And let me show you have to use this weapon.”

Revy then gripped the pistol in her right hand, more tightly by it's grip. She kept her weapon pointed at the ground, as she used her left hand to pull back the slide, loading a bullet into the chamber.

Next, Revy turned, with her front facing the left side of the firing range. During this turn, Revy kept her gun pointed at the ground.

Revy raised her right arm, as she took aim of the target down the range, one handed. And she waited for Dongmei to finish translating.

When Dongmei was done. Revy stated, “Now. Heads up.”

Revy fired all fifteen rounds, dead center, into the bull's eye.

The bullet grouping was so accurate, on the red dot in the center of the bull's eye, that one would think only three, or four, bullets had been fired.

The slide of the pistol was locked in the open, back position, waiting for a fresh ammo magazine to be inserted into it.

Revy removed the ammo magazine, and pulled some ammo out of an ammo box, to reload the magazine. But, she left the magazine out, by the two other full magazines. She then set both the ammo magazine, and the pistol, with the slide still open, onto the top of the wooden table, by the rest of the items she had brought out to the range that morning.

Revy then turned around to see, from the looks on their faces, the girls were impressed with her marksmanship.

Revy smiled, as she happily thought, 'I still got it.' She said, “Keep in mind. I have had decades of experience in using firearms. So, this is nothing for me. For you three, I want you to take your time.”

“Because you are new at this, I want you to carefully take aim, and slowly pull the trigger, as you fire each round. When you pull the trigger, try not to jerk the gun upwards. You will find this to be an involuntary reaction. And it take time for someone to work this out of their system. Even for me. And it will take time to find your proper finger placement on the trigger.”

“So, who is first?”

After Dongmei finished translating what Revy stated, Rose said, in chinese, “I will go, first.”

Violet requested, with eagerness in her voice, in chinese, “Me next.”

Dongmei shrugged, as she said, in chinese “I guess I will be last.”

Dongmei said, in english, “Revy. Rose would like to go first. Violet second. And myself, third.”

Revy responded, “Okay. Now, does everyone know what the dominate eye is?”

Dongmei translated, and Rose and Violet replied.

Dongmei answered, “Yes. All three of us know that answer.”

Revy stated, “We will rotate after two magazines. That is thirty rounds. When we run out of fresh magazines. When you are finish firing. Remove the ammo magazine. And set the ammo magazine, and the pistol, with the slide open, onto the wooden table, by the empty magazine, and the full magazine. With the end of the barrel pointing down range.”

Dongmei translated what Revy said.

Rose went first. Rose walked to the table, with Revy standing to Rose's left side. Revy walked Rose through picking up the pistol, loading the firearm, aiming the sights, and firing the weapon.

On Rose's first magazine, she barely hit the target at all. But, on her second magazine, she did start hitting the target more often than not.

After Rose was finished, Revy showed them how to reload ammo form one of the ammo boxes, to the two magazines that Rose used.

Then, it was Violet's turned. And the pink haired teenage woman was just as bad as Rose.

Though, both of them were mindful on the instructions Revy gave for safety, including resting their trigger finger on the trigger guard. And there were no problems, as they fired the semi-automatic pistol.

As they fired Revy was standing a few feet behind them, and to their left side. And she was always mindful of the situation. With her being ready to step in at a moment's notice.

As Violet set the empty pistol, with the open slide, down, by the empty. Revy then had her reload her two magazines. After which, Violet turned, and she rejoined her two friends, whom stood six feet behind her, as they watched her shoot.

Revy looked at the target. She then looked over at the three amazon women. She thought, 'Best not to berate them. This might be the first time they even ever held a gun. And I will give them pointers, as we go along.'

Revy said, “Not to worry. Rose and Violet. Considering you are new at this. You did fine for beginners. Now, Dongmei, you are up.”

Dongmei translated what Revy said.

Dongmei and Revy both noticed Rose and Violet smiling in response to Revy's comment.

Dongmei then walked up to the wooden table. She picked up pistol with her right hand, by the grip, while being mindful to keep her trigger finger resting against the trigger guard.

Dongmei used her left hand to grab and load a few ammo magazine into the semi-automatic weapon.

Next, she turned her body, so her front side was facing the left side of the range, in front of Revy.

While Dongmei raised the M Nine pistol up, with her right arm, and took aim, a thought occurred to her, 'Why does this feel so familiar?... Not that it matters. Though, I will just do my best.'

Over the next minute and a half, Dongmei carefully aimed, as she took her time with firing each round, of the first magazine she had. Most of the rounds when into the black bull of the target, around the red bull's eye. While, more than a few of rounds hit the bull's eye, itself.

One Revy saw the pistol slide lock open, meaning the gun was empty, she whistled for a few seconds. She then joked, “Nice shooting, Tex.” Her voice became slightly more serious as she asked, “So, who taught you how to shoot a gun?”

Dongmei removed the empty ammo magazine, setting it onto the top of the wooden table. She then turned around to face her friends, and Revy. She kept the slide open, as she had end of the barrel of the weapon in her right hand pointed at the ground, while she kept her finger on the trigger guard. She casually replied, “No one. I guess I am just a natural.”

Revy remained silent.

Rose calmly stated, in chinese, “You clearly have natural skill.”

Violet said, in chinese, “And it shows.”

Dongmei turned to her friends, as she happily replied, in chinese, “Thanks.” She did not bother to translate what they said for Revy, as she turned back to the firing line, and loaded a fresh magazine into her pistol, and slide the slide back in place, with her right thumb.

Revy noticed this, as well. But, she did not say anything.

Dongmei turned to have her right side facing the target, as she held out her right arm and hand, with the weapon. She took a proper grip with her right hand. Next, she fired her weapon, again and again.

And just like last time, Dongmei's bullets either hit the bull, or the bull's eye.

As quietly Revy watched this, she though, 'No one is naturally that good at shooting... There is something else going one here, and I will find out what?... But... For now, we are just going to have some fun.'

Revy continued her lessons for the next hour. And all the girls had fun. Including, Revy.

Still, Revy was always mindful, as she made sure the girls did not do something dangerous with the M Nine, that could hurt themselves, or one of the other three women present, including herself.

The three amazon women continued taking turns, until they ran out of ammo.

By then, at twenty-five yards, Rose and Violet were at least hitting the bull of the target with most of their shots. While Dongmei was mostly hitting the bull's eye.

Revy then used the gun oil spray can, and cleaning kit, to show the three other women, how to properly take apart, clean, and put back together the pistol they had been using. Revy even cleaned the magazines. Revy then left the pistol empty, without a magazine in It she closed the slide, and put it in a plastic box she had for it. She also put the loaded magazines, into loose ammo pouch she had for the specifically for those magazines.

When they were finished with those lessons, Revy and the girls spend a few minutes collecting brass shell casings, into a small bag that Revy brought. They then all picked up the items that Revy brought out, including the target they had fired on. As a memento of the experience. And the three chinese amazons followed Revy back towards the Lagoon mansion.

After they dropped off the items, in one of the common areas of the Lagoon mansion, they were lead by Revy, over to the harbor, on the island's small bay, to see Dutch and Benny, at the Lagoon PT Boat. With the amazon women getting a chance to ride, in the PT boat, around Lagoon island a few times.


Meanwhile, as the chinese amazons were learning to use a semi-automatic pistol, in the Lagoon mansion, in Rock's private study, Rock and River were holding a discussion on River, and the amazons' hunt for Lee.

Rock's private study was located on the second floor, near the large bedroom that she shared with Revy. The study was a small, simple room, compared to many of the room in the home.

The room had simple, brown colored carpeting.

And in the room, on the wall across from the door was a window on the upper, middle part of the wall. The window allow Rock to see outside. Below the window was a small brown, four legged wooden table, that stretched the width of the window.

To the right of the room, from the entrance, was Rock's desk. The desk was placed with its back to that wall.

It was a nice, but simple brown wooden desk, with drawers in it.

Rock's desk chair was a simple, four legged metal chair, that was painted brown. With cushions armchairs, seat and backing, which was wrapped in brown leather.

On top of the desk was a wireless laptop computer, other equipment, and office supplies.

In the wall across from the desk, were shelves full and fireproof filing cabinets, which were full paper documents and back up data discs, from computers located through out her home.

Due to Rock's education and corporate background, she was the accounting and financial person in the household. She made sure everything was bureaucratically straight, with everything else, when it pertained to her family, and the island they lived on.

For the last hour, River and Rock had been talking about the two week hunt that River and the amazons were on.

River was standing between the open door to the hallway, and where Rock was sitting, in her chair, by her desk.

Rock sitting in her chair, with her chair facing River, whom was six feet away from her.

River look down at Rock's face, as Rock look up at River's face.

And at Rock's request, they carried the conversation on in japanese.

River guessed, given the situation they were in, that speaking in japanese, was intentional by Rock, as a form of submission on her part, in speaking Rock's native language. And by having River stand and look down at her. In a manner a servant would be towards their lord... Or lady...

With the door lead open, to further remove any sense of privacy that River had.

But, River did not verbally raise these points with Rock.

And even if that was the case, Revy found it to be good discussion so far. Rock asked most of the questions, and River was master at avoiding any answers that may tip Rock off that Dongmei was Lee, without Rock even realizing that it.

But, time wears away on defenses. And Rock was beginning to realize something.

And given River was a telepath, Rock did not bother to think on the matter, as she accused, in japanese, “You are hiding something?”

River casually deflected, in japanese, “Of course I am. We all have things we like to hide.” She mentally added, 'You have no idea that I brought Lee back with me. And I intend to keep it that way.'

Rock questioned, “Such as the fact you are in love with Lee?”

River said, “So, Dutch told you about that?”

Rock answered, “Yes. My family does not hide secrets from each other.”

River thought, 'You're is right about that. You even left the door to this office, open.' She asked, “So, what of it?”

Rock said, “By loving Lee, it makes it difficult to trust your actions on this matter.”

River retorted. “And wanting revenge gives you clarity on the matter?”

Rock conceded, “Point taken.”

River thought, 'Now, to deflect Rock's suspicions.' She said, “Besides. I have been a good girl.”

Rock flatly responded, “I know. That you have. Which is why we are having this conversation. Instead of you not being on this island.”

River replied, “Fair enough.” She thought, 'She is right. This is their island. This is their home. And I am a guest here. And I need to remember that at all times.'

Rock stated, “So, we have talked about the events of your hunt. And I must say, you went places. But, what is your opinion of those chinese amazonian girls?”

River thought, 'I can be honest, without giving away too much information.' She answered, “All of them are intelligent, and practical, in the way they approach problems. Rose is clearly their leader. And she has a good head on her shoulders. She has a reserved personality. Violet seems to be a little bit of a ditz. But, she is very sharp, and knowledgeable about what she knows. I have to be careful about what I say around her.”

Rock spoke up, “I will keep that in mind. And Dongmei?”

River calmly answered, “Dongmei's personality seems be that she is just doing this, because she has nothing better to do. She is loyal and honest. But, her sense of honor is a bit on the uptight side.” She mentally added, 'The ironic thing is that Lee's personality was that it is bit of the opposite when I knew Lee in Plata Podrido.'

Rock casually responded, “Ah. Honor before reason. That would explain why she jumped Revy.”

River thought, 'Yea. And you can thank Lee for learning that term.' She said, “To a degree. Revy caught Dongmei on a bad day.”

Rock raised her eyebrow, as she questioned, “She was having her period?”

River berated, “Rock, I would think, after having to deal with monthly periods, for decades, yourself, that you would know better than for that to be your, go to, question, when why a woman is having a bad day.” She thought, 'I am glad I don't have to deal with that now. Thanks to Lee. Though, I am sad that Lee now has to go through them. But, that is part of being a woman. And at least I can use Rock's question to have some minor fun with this situation.”

Rock backed down, as she replied, “Okay. You have a point, River.”

River shrugged, as she admitted, “Though, to be honest, you are partly correct. At the time, she was having her monthly period.” River suppressed a giggle, as she saw Rock deflate a little. She continued, “But mainly, from what I read in her mind, she was hunting an elk, for a few hours, that morning, and she lost the animal right before she could kill it.”

Rock agreed, “I can see how that would put anyone in a bad mood, as well.”

River stated, “Yes. And Revy has a gift for upsetting people.”

Rock defended, “She has gotten better.”

River agreed, “True. Being a mother has been good for her... Still, she has her moments.”

Rock rhetorically pointed out, “Don't we all?...”

River thought, 'This is getting ridiculous. And I can think of better things I can do with my time, than to carry this conversation, in this direction.' She flatly asked, “Yes. So, are we done?”

Rock stated, “Yes. Except, what are you planning on doing for the rest of the day?”

River thought, with slight bitterness, 'This is her island. So, she has the right to ask that question. So, I might as well answer her question. And, for once, I will be honest.'

River answered, “Well, I am going to take a break for the morning, and go find Ranma and Akira. Then, when the girls get back, from their trip in the Lagoon. They are going to spar with those two. And I will attend their matches, as well. And maybe spar a few times, with the girls.”

River thought, 'I need to give Lee, Rose, and Violet, some space. Or, they might suspect something. And along with Revy being good with guns, she is sharp in a number of other ways. But, she does overlook things, when her guard is down. And after everything that has happened, she will lower her guard further, if I am not around her.'

Rock smiled, as she said, “Then, have a good time, River.”

River returned Rock's smile, as she said, “Thank you.” She then turned around, and walked out of the room, and down the hallway, at a casual pace. She left the door to Rock's study open, as she went in search for Ranma and Akira.

A minute later, Rock let her mind relax, without worry of River overhearing her thoughts.

Rock sat up, and turned her chair back to face her desk.

As Rock faced the papers on her desk, she thought, with mild wariness, 'Why do I feel like this is going to be a long day?...'


Meanwhile, after Revy and the amazon wrapped up their shooting lesson, they first headed to the kitchen of the mansion to drop off the weapon, casings, empty boxes, and equipment, on the kitchen table. While everything was clean and neat, on the table. They left the items there, to be taken down to the basement vault, later that day.

Revy then lead the three teenage amazon girls to the Lagoon island bay.

When they reached the bay, which was across the grassy field from the front of the mansion, they walked onto the dock on the bay.

Revy was in front, with the three girls right behind her.

Soon, they reached where the Lagoon PT Boat moored, by its left side, to the right side of the dock.

Revy came to stop by the Lagoon. With the three amazon women stopping behind her. The four women then turned to their right, and to the Lagoon. They looked up, Dutch and Benny on top of the deck.

Benny was mopping the back of the deck, and Dutch was cleaning the outside windows of the boat.

As the four women on the dock look up at them, Revy smiled, at seeing her two friends. She playfully yelled, “Ahoy captain!”

Both Dutch and Benny stopped what they were doing, as they turned towards the four girls standing below them, on the dock.

Benny said, in english, “Well, hello there, girls. How as Revy lessons in firearms?”

Dongmei translated for Rose and Violet. Rose and Violet responded, with Dongmei answering for all three them, in english, “It was wonderful.”

Benny thought, 'I am so glad that Revy turned out to be such a good teacher. She seems to enjoy it.' She smiled, as she said, “I am glad to hear that.”

Dongmei translated.

Rose said, in chinese, “So what type of boat is this?”

Dutch answered, in chinese, “It is a torpedo boat. A PT boat to be exact. As in patrol torpedo boat. This boat is designed to sink larger boats. I call her the Lagoon. And those torpedoes on it are live, and can be used at a moments notice.” She mentally added, 'Considering I keep this ship tuned up, and the gas tank full.'

Violet asked, in chinese, “How fast can it go?”

Dutch thought, with mild amusement and joy, 'Ah, the curiosity of youth.' She answered, “Let's just say that this ship was designed for speed, and maneuverability.”

Dongmei translated for Benny and Revy.

Revy said, “So, can we come aboard, and have some fun?”

Dutch answered, in english, “You're more than welcome.” She smiled, as she inquired in chinese “So, would you girls want to take a ride around the island, a few times?”

All three amazons responded, in unison, “Sure.”

Dutch stated, with joy in her tone of voice, “Then, come aboard.”

The four women on the dock then boarded the Lagoon. And a few minutes later, the mooring ropes were untied off the dock, and on the Lagoon's deck. After which, the Lagoon was castoff from the dock, and roaring out of the bay.

Dutch was sitting at the pilot's chair, in the pilot's cabin, as she used the the controls to the Lagoon, to do some simple counterclockwise loops around the island, at a fairly fast speed, with Benny sitting at the co-pilot's chair, by her.

Meanwhile, Revy, Dongmei, Rose, and Violet, were sitting outside, on the forward part of the deck, as they enjoyed the ride.


As Dutch made the Lagoon PT boat do loops around the island, inside the mansion, River was walking through the first floor of the mansion, looking for Ranma and Akira.

As River walking down one of the back, eastern side hallways of the mansion.

While River continued forward, she thought, 'Those two would not have left, without saying something to the rest of us. So, that only means they have got to be watching a movie. It is the only way I cannot pick up their thoughts. While I will not say this out loud. Unless someone is actively thinking, I cannot really sense them, except for their being in the general location. And when most people watch TV, they just tune out, and their minds don't think much, as they enjoy the show.'

'And I have already checked all the other places they could be watching TV. So, their bedroom is last on the list. And I know which room it is. The Lagoon girls always assign the same bedroom to those three, every time we have a Lagoon bikini party.'

'Speaking of which. After this entire mess is sorted out. I hope I can convince everyone to allow Lee to join them in their next bikini party. Considering Lee wrote about it, she should have more than the right to enjoy those parties.'

'Though, I think convincing Lee to attend those parties will be the hardest part of all...'

River then cracked a grin, as she continued her thought, 'But, I do so enjoy challenges.'

A few seconds later, River came to the door in the hallway, that lead to the bedroom of Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma.

As River approached the door, she mentally noted, 'The door is open, and I do here music and noise from inside.'

When River reached the door, she turned, and looked inside the bedroom.

To River's left side, she saw both Akira and Ranma sitting beside each other, at the foot of the large bed they shared with Natsuru.

Akira sat to Ranma's left side.

The blond and the redhead were watching a movie, on the wall mounted flatscreen TV, that was across from their bed.

River thought, 'Looks like I was right.... Now, to get their attention...'

River coughed.

A second later, Akira and Ranma looked over at her.

Both women sitting on the bed smiled towards River.

Akira asked, in japanese, “Oh, hi River. How are you doing?”

River returned their smile, as she said, in japanese, “Fine, Akira. Say. I was just hoping I could chill out with you two, here, until the amazon girls are finished with Revy, Dutch, and Benny.”

Akira replied, “Sure. We would more than love to have you.”

Ranma agreed, in japanese, “We would enjoy the company.”

River said, “Thanks girls.”

River then walked over to them, and Ranma moved closer to Akira, to allow for River to set on the end of the bed, on Ranma, right side.

As the three turned back towards look at the TV, River saw they were watching a comedy movie that River, herself, sometimes enjoyed to watch.

The three then continued to relax, as they spent the rest of the morning watching movies.


A little while later, the Lagoon PT boat docked back by pier, in the island bay.

The group of six adults had a great time riding around the island, in the Lagoon.

When the Lagoon reached port, as Dutch turned the boat around, to point her ship, facing outward, on the left side of the boat being beside right side of the dock. Just as it was before. Dutch then turned off the engines.

A few minutes later, Revy and Benny jumped down to the dock, and they used ropes on the deck of the Lagoon, to moor to the dock.

After that was done, all six women had gathered on the back deck of the Lagoon.

While the six women stood look at each other, Dutch said, in chinese, “Well, girls. I hope you enjoyed your trip.”

Violet smiled, as she said, in chinese, “It was fun.”

Dongmei stated, in chinese, “We will have to do this again, sometime.”

Rose commented, in chinese, “I agree with my friends. You have a very powerful boat.”

Dutch replied, in chinese, “Thank you.” She happily thought, 'It is always nice to be appreciated.'

Dongmei looked around the group, at Dutch, Benny, and Revy, as she asked, in english, “So, what next?”

Revy turned to the amazons, as she shrugged with both her shoulders. She commented, “Well, sorry girls, I am out ideas. I plan to do nude sunbathing on one of the more private parts of our beach, until lunch.”

Dongmei translated what Revy said.

Violet commented, in chinese, “But, you already have such a lovely brown skin tone?”

Dongmei translated what Violet said.

Revy said, “Well, I just enjoy the feel of the sun beating against my skin.”

Dongmei translated what Revy said,

Violet replied, in chinese, “Oh. I guess there is that.”

Dongmei translated what Violet said.

Revy giggled, at little, in response.

As Revy calmed down, she look at the three amazon girls, as she stated, “Well, see you later, girls.”

Dongmei translated.

Violet said, in english, “Goodbye.”

Rose stated, in english, “See you later.”

Dongmei commented, in english, “Have fun.”

Revy replied, “I will.”

Revy then turned and walked, across the deck, towards the pier. When she reached the edge of the Lagoon, she jumped down to the dock. She landed on her feet without a problem. She then continued walking until she reached the beach.

Revy turned to her right, and continued walking down the beach, away from the bay, and the Lagoon.

The others women on the Lagoon watched her for a few more seconds.

Dutch then turned to the group, in by her, as she said, in chinese, “Sorry girls...” The other women turned back towards Dutch, as she continued, “But, I plan to do a little more routine maintenance on the Lagoon's engines, for today. It purrs like a kitten, but I still want to check a few things.”

Dongmei said, in chinese, “That is fine. We thank you for the ride.”

Dutch just smiled, as she stated, “You're welcome.”

Benny spoke up, in english, “If you don't mind. I would like to show you three a few things.”

Dongmei translated what Benny said.

Rose questioned, in chinese, “Such as?”

Dongmei translated what Rose said.

Benny answered, “I want to show you the electronic workshop that Janet and I have.”

Dongmei translated was Benny said.

Dutch commented, in chinese, “You girls might have fun looking at that place.”

The three girls looked at each other, for a few seconds.

Dongmei shrugged, as she said, in chinese, “Why not? We have nothing better to do?”

Rose commented, in chinese, “I am always interested in learning new things.”

Violet stated, in chinese, “Fine with me.”

They then looked at Benny, as Violet said, in chinese, “Okay. Please, lead the way.”

Dutch turned to Benny, as she said, in english, “She said. Please, lead the way.”

Benny looked over at Dutch, “Thanks, Dutch.”

Dutch looked at Benny, as she replied, in english, “No problem. See you at lunch.”

Benny teased, “It's a date.”

Dutch let out a laugh.

Benny turned to the three amazons, whom were looking back at her. She said, “Okay girls. This way.”

Dongmei translated what Benny said.

Benny then lead the three amazons off the Lagoon, onto the dock, and towards the mansion.

Dutch watched Benny and the amazons headed for the mansion, at a casual pace, for a few seconds. She then turned around, as she headed for the engine room, from the hatch on the back deck. So, she could work on the Lagoon engines for the next hour, or so.


Five minutes later, Benny lead Rose, Dongmei, and Violet, into the mansion. Up the western staircase, in the entryway. Through a hallway, in the second floor, on the western side of the mansion.

As they approached Benny and Janet's workshop, Benny was leading the way. She said, “While, with you not coming from a very technical society, I can say that electronics can be very important.”

Dongmei translated for Benny.

Rose joked, “Yea. Electronics can be important. And so does having fresh batteries for one's vibrator.”

Dongmei did not translate what Rose said, as three amazon girls giggled for a few seconds.

Benny thought, 'Ten dollars says that was a sex joke.'

A few seconds later, they reached a closed door.

The amazons ways as Benny turned the knob, and opened the door, signifying that it was not locked.

Benny then walked inside, as she casually flipped open the light switch to the ceiling lights in the room.

Rose, Dongmei, and Violet, followed right behind her, and into the well lit room.

Benny then came to a stop, on the other side of the room, with the three amazons stopped about ten feet from her, inside the room.

Benny turned around to face the three young amazon women, as she asked, “So... What do you think?”

Dongmei translated what Benny said, as the three amazons looked around the room.

Violet said, in chinese, “Wow.”

As the girls look around, they notice that the room was completely enclosed, with no windows. They saw computers, and other forms, on tables surrounding all four walls of the room. Where there were no tables, there were also shelves that line the walls. There were stools, and basic seats in the room, by the stables. Also, on the tables, and shelves were also pieces of electronic equipment, various electronic tools, and other items needed to work on and get electronics to work.

There was were fire extinguishers near the door, on the opposite side, from the direction the door swung open. And there were smoke alarms on the ceiling, and what looked like a couple of fire sprinkler on the ceiling, near the ventilation ducks and away from the ceiling lights.

Benny stated, “First, the walls, floor, ceiling, and interior side of the door, are lined with firerock paneling, and the sprinklers are wired to the smoke alarms and the electronic system going into this room. If the sprinklers are tripped, the electricity going into room is cut. So, not accidental electrocutions.”

“Also, the room is well ventilated, so any ambient smoke, created, while working, is moved out of the room. So, the fire alarms will not easily trip.”

“Now, this is the place that Janet and I work on our electronics. Even Dutch, Molly and Kristina sometimes join us. This is all top of the line equipment. Hell, some of it is not of this reality. And I must admit, it is fun getting electronics from different realities to work together.”

“This is where I first worked on the generators that power all the electrical equipment. We first bought though generators from another reality. And the worked great for power and back up power. They are real cheap to operate and maintain.”

Dongmei asked, in english, “Where are the generators, now?”

Benny answered, “They are now located in auxiliary buildings, on opposite sides of the mansion.”

Dongmei complimented, “That was intelligent thinking on your part. There is less chance of a storm, or a wave, knocking out generators on both sides of your main building.”

Benny smiled, as she replied, “I know.”

Dongmei translated then what Benny, and herself, had said, for Violet and Rose.

Violet asked, in a curious tone of voice, in chinese, “So, are you girls rich?”

Dongmei translated Violet's question, for Benny.

Benny looked over at Violet, as she smirked. She rhetorically asked, “We own an island, and a mansion. What do you think?” She then girlishly giggled for a few seconds.

Dongmei translated Benny's answer.

Violet replied, in chinese, “Oh I see...” She then shrugged, as she continued, “Of course, you're rich.”

Rose thought, 'It is best we keep this conversation moving forward.' She smiled towards Benny, as she calmly asked, in chinese, “What would you like to show us first?”

Dongmei translated what her two friends had said.

Benny's smile widened ever so slightly, as she answered, “Whatever catches your eye, my dear... Whatever catches your eye...”


Those on Lagoon island continued what they are doing, for the rest of the morning, until everyone gathered, together, to have some lunch, around one PM, local time, in the kitchen of the mansion.

After lunch, Ranma, Akira, River, Dongmei, Rose, and Violet, headed to the gym of the mansion, to get in some friendly sparring sessions with each other, on the blue mats of the room.

The group had been sparring for the last twenty minutes, one of the large, square sets of blue cushioned mats. With their shoes off.

Each blue mat had over an inch of cushioning, and was three feet by three feet square. The blue mats were laid out in a thirty feet by thirty feet grid square.

Those in the group that were not sparring, stood around one of the blue sets of cushions mats, watching their friends fight.

When needed, either Dongmei, Ranma, or River, translated for Rose and Violet.

They were preforming hand to hand techniques, with no weapons. And it was just to see what everyone was capable of. None of them were going all out. Especially, Ranma, nor River.

They had been there for twenty minutes. As they took turns sparring against each other.

First, was Rose versus Ranma. While Ranma won, Rose was a gracious loser. And Ranma admitted that she had potential.

Then, it was Akira versus Dongmei. Akira won, but not after a long fight with the black haired girl.

After that, was River versus Violet. To Violet’s credit, she took River by surprise a few time. But, ultimately, River won the sparring match. Though, River gave Violet pointers, afterward, which Violet more than welcomed.

Presently, River was standing beside Akira, as she was watching the match between Violet and Ranma. She thought, 'I have to admit, Rose and Violet are respectable fighters. They are giving a good showing against a master, such as Ranma. And even myself. With everyone is being polite, over these sparring matches.'

'Also, during the match between Akira and Dongmei, Akira showed her skills are continuing to improve, as well.'

'On the matter of Dongmei... Well, I am not going to say anything, but even as Dongmei... Lee is holding back. But, then again, Lee never gave a hundred percent, unless her ass was on the line. I am sure, when Dongmei spared with Ranma, with Ranma easily beating her. Ranma can tell that Lee is holding back, but she is polite enough about the matter, not to say anything.... What a minute. I sense someone coming into the room, and that person is thinking about me.'

Revy turned to see Revy entering the gym room, from the other side of the room. Revy was presently walking passed the exercise equipment, as she was approached the group, while looking back at River.

River noticed Revy returning her gaze, as River thought, 'It is Revy. And from her thoughts, she wants to talk to me. I best find out what this is about.'

River than walked over to Revy.

They met where the exercise equipment ending, around thirty feet from the sparring mats.

As they came to a stop six feet in front of each other, they calmly looked at each other.

Revy was the first to speak, as she stated, “I see you sensed that I was looking for you.”

River shrugged, as she replied, in english, “Yea. What can I do for you?”

Revy answered, “Plenty. You heard about Priss beating me?”

River replied, “Yes.” She thought, 'While, we did not laugh over the matter. Chang and I found it humorous that someone finally beat you, that was even closer in personality to you, than Roberta and Fabiola.'

Revy responded, “Well, after Priss beat me, I have been thinking that I need to refine my hand to hand skills some. And baring Roberta, and a few others, you are one of the best hand to hand experts I know. And even with what is going on with Lee. I trust you enough to give me some pointers.”

River kindly said, “Well, thank you, Revy. I would be more than happy to give you some help.” She mentally added, 'And this way, I can keep you away from Lee. While also scoring some minor favors from you.'

Revy replied, “I appreciate it.”

River offered, “We can start right now. If you want?”

Revy stated, “Good. We will use the spar mats. I will drop my holster, weapons, and boots when we get there.”

The two women then turned to face the mats, and headed for a nearby square set of blue mats, to their right side, that was not in use.


Meanwhile, Ranma had just finished wrapping up her sparring session with Violet, which ended with Violet yielding.

As the two opponents stood facing each other, Ranma said, in a supportive tone of voice, in chinese, “Don't feel bad. You put up a good fight. Just like Rose, I see a lot of potential in your fighting skills.”

Violet replied, in chinese, “Thank you.”

Dongmei translated what was said, into english, for Akira.

While Violet walked off the mat, and towards her friends, Ranma turned to Akira, and she noticed that River was gone.

Ranma asked, in japanese, “Where is River? She is up next.”

Akira looked around, she then saw River sparring with Revy, on a nearby set of mats. She turned back to Ranma to see that Ranma had her head turned, looking at River and Revy, as well.

Ranma turned to Akira, as Akira said, in japanese, “I guess Revy needed to spar a little, herself.”

Ranma commented, “Yes. And River is a good choice. You do not mind if I spar with Dongmei next.”

Akira shrugged, as she replied, “Go ahead.”

Ranma turned to Dongmei, as she said, in chinese, “Dongmei. You're next.” She then walked back onto the mat.

Dongmei smiled towards Ranma. She walked onto the mat, towards Ranma, as she casually said, in chinese, “My pleasure.”

When the two combatants were ten feet apart, as they took on offensive fighting stances

A second later, Ranma said, in chinese, “Begin.”

Dongmei than waited where she stood, for Ranma to come at her.

Ranma though, 'So, she is smart enough not to come at me. Just like her two friends. And she wants me to come to her... Fine with me.'

Ranma then quickly charged at Dongmei.

Then, then friendly practice battle the began, with neither opponent taking the time to think, they only reacted, as they fought, as they were trained to do so.

Ranma displayed the aerial skills of her martial arts style, by doing a flying kick towards Dongmei.

Dongmei ducked below the flying kick, as she did a somersault under the Ranma. Ranma landed at the exact time Dongmei finished her somersault. With Dongmei quickly on her feet, facing Ranma, as Ranma turned to face Dongmei.

A second after the two turned to face one another, they charged at each other.

When they came within reach of one another, Ranma through a punch with her right hand. Dongmei block the blow with her left forearm.

Dongmei followed her attack by using her already upright left arm, to form a forked hand, as she did a chopping motion towards the right side of Ranma's neck.

Ranma stepped back to avoid the blow. She then did a spinning kick, with her right leg, toward the lower, left side of Dongmei's stomach.

Dongmei quickly used her left arm to catch Ranma's leg, by Ranma's ankle, between her arm, and her chest.

Dongmei than attempted to do a palm strike, with her right hand, towards the left side of Ranma's forehead.

Ranma tilted her head to her right, to avoid the strike.

Ranma then lifted her left leg, which was keep her up, to limp.

As Ranma began to fall back, she immediately used both her hands to grab the top of Dongmei's shirt, by Dongmei's shoulders.

Dongmei immediately realized what Ranma doing, was going to throw her over her. And if Dongmei did not let go of Ranma's right leg, they could both be hurt by the fall.

So, Dongmei let go of Ranma's right leg, as she prepared for the throw.

Right before Ranma's back hit the blue mats, she used the strength in her hand and arms, her wight, and the momentum of her fall, to throw Dongmei, face first, over herself.

When Ranma landed on her back, she quickly rolled to her left side, and got up, onto her feet.

At the same time, instead of falling on her chest, Dongmei used her momentum, to curled up into a ball, and landed in a rolling stop, onto her feet.

Dongmei jump back up, and turned around to see Ranma looked back at her, from the other side of the blue mats.

Both of them charged again.

As they approached each other, Ranma threw a punch with her right fist.

Dongmei caught Ranma's right wrist with both hands, as she turned to her left, while lifting Ranma's right wrist upward.

Ranma realized what was happening, as Dongmei threw Ranma over her shoulders. Dongmei let go of Ranma, at the apex of her throw.

But, instead of falling on her back, Ranma quickly shifted her weight forward faster than Dongmei expected. And Ranma landed on her feet.

This took Dongmei off guard, and Ranma knew it.

Dongmei was still leaning back up, in one fluid motion, an Ranma turned around clockwise, to face Dongmei. Ranma continued turning, as she swiftly brought up her left knee, to hit Dongmei square in her stomach.

This quickly knocked the wind out Dongmei.

As Ranma set her left foot back down, on the floor, beside her right foot, she watched her well placed strike take effect.

Dongmei quickly collapsed to the blue matted ground, on all fours. She swiftly found enough of her breath to say, in chinese, “I yield.”

Ranma immediately stopped in her tracks.

Ranma remained silent for several seconds, as Dongmei got back her breath, and she stood up to face Ranma.

Dongmei asked, in a calm tone of voice, in chinese, “So, how did I do?”

Ranma said, in chinese, “Not bad, Dongmei. You got some skill. I thought you were holding back, quite a bit. And now I know you were. You nearly caught me by surprise with that last throwing technique.”

Ranma thought, with a mix of slight confusion, and concern, 'Something is wrong here. I know that throwing technique, that Dongmei just tried on me, from somewhere. And it is not the Chinese Amazons. Cologne, Shampoo, Rose, nor Violet, used that technique.'

'Amazon techniques prefer direct approaches, with fists and kicks. While mixing it up with weapons, and aerial attacks. Amazons do not place much emphasis on throwing techniques.'

'But, Dongmei clearly has been taught quite a bit about throwing techniques, to show this kind of skill. Though, it could be that she learned that technique from an outside source. It is very possible. The amazons are also open to learn from others.'

'And I could almost fill an entire small phone book, with the number of teachers I have had over the years.'

'Still, either way, I need a few minutes to think on this.'

Ranma politely requested, in chinese, “Could you give me a minute to collect my thoughts, before we have the next match?”

Dongmei replied, in chinese, “Sure.”

Ranma said, in chines, “And thank you for the match. It was as invigorating as the matches against Rose and Violet.”

Dongmei smiled, as she responded, “You're welcome, Ranma. I appreciate you saying that.”

As Ranma watched Dongmei turned around, and walk off the mat, towards her friends, she thought, 'Now, where did I see those fighting technique before?... I know those technique from somewhere.'

Ranma then looked over at the sparring match across the room, going on between Revy and River.

And Ranma saw River pull the same move on Revy. Only this time, Revy ended up flat on her back, though unharmed.

Ranma's eyes widened ever so slightly, as she looked back at Dongmei. She thought, with curiosity, and mild surprise, 'River did the same thing. But, could River have taught her that trick during their hunt?... No. River stated they were only gone for two weeks. That is why she jumped two weeks into our future... Well, present, now... And she would have not reason to lie about that.'

'Though, that throwing techniques Dongmei used was too fluid. As if that technique had been practiced over the course of years, to where they were second nature. But, how?... When did they have the time?... It would required years, and those kids don't look any older...'

'The only way they could have that much time, and not be older, is by being in a time loop... Oh crap...It couldn't be?... Could it?...'

Ranma took a harder look at Dongmei's face, as the teenage woman had exited the mats, and she was standing by her friends, as she talked to them.

Ranma especially focused on Dongmei's face.

Ranma thought, with increasing surprise, which she did not let show on the outside, 'Wait a minute... Black hair. Caucasian. She is a decent fighter. She is very polite. And her chinese has a slight Taiwanese accent...'

'Oh my... Dongmei is Lee!'

'But, she doesn't act like Lee? She clearly doesn't know us. Still, Lee was tracked from Jusenkyo to the amazon village... And the girl curse would be a good way to cure himself of his cancer. All he had to do was lock herself as a girl. That would not be a problem for someone as clever as Lee is, at the top of his game... Or now, her game.'

'And we never guessed Lee would do that... Though, given her writings, we should have....'

'Still, why doesn't she remember us?... Of course. She was brainwashed with that amazon shampoo. Though, who would do that?... Of course. Cologne...'

'It is clear that something went wrong during Lee's plan of escape. And Lee got captured, brainwashed, and inducted into chinese amazon society... Maybe, Garibaldi betrayed Lee. That is possible. And with everything else on Lee's plate. Pre-cog, or not. Lee would likely not see that coming.'

'But, that doesn't explain why Roberta and Fabiola refused to talk about why they came back empty handed... Or does it?...'

'There are key pieces to this puzzle that are still missing. Though, that is not important, right now. What is important is that we now have Lee here. And no one here realizes it, but myself. And she is a woman... Oh, this is so juicy...'

'And it won't surprise me in the least that Cologne had a direct hand in such matters. Wait a minuted... Cologne said. I preferred to capture Lee alive. Past tense. Not, I would prefer to capture Lee alive. Which would be present tense...'

'And later in that conversation, Cologne suppressed a laugh, in sending those three after Lee... She knew that Lee was Dongmei all this time... Oh, I am probably right. She was likely the one that brainwashed Lee. She might have even named Lee, Dongmei...'

'Of course, Dongmei means winter plum. And Plum in Chinese is, Lee... And knowing Cologne, she not only had a direct hand in this, she likely named Lee, Dongmei, herself...'

'Well, Cologne always did like teaching those with skill. I guess that includes even skills that are outside of combat. For her, Lee would be like a ball of clay, ready to be skillfully molded. And she did mold Lee into someone else. If I didn't know better, I would have never guessed Dongmei and Lee were the same person.'

'And I have to admire the guts of that sneaky, conniving, ghoulish bitch. With her knowingly sending Lee right into our arms, without any of us realizing it.'

'But, the math on her current age does not add up... She looks to be in her late teens. She should be older... Of course. It could be any number of things messing with her age. From the cursed springs to magical mushrooms. I have had experience with both of those. And I am sure there are other age altering magics in my home reality.'

Ranma then quickly looked Dongmei up and down. She paid special attention to Dongmei's breasts and butt, as she continued her thoughts, 'And she's such a cute woman at that… That spring does bring out the sexy in someone. I should know... And being a woman will help greatly mitigate the revenge the others will have on her. It worked for Chang. I am sure this will make River very happy... Oh hell! River!...'

Ranma looked over at River, whom still continuing to sparring with Revy. With Revy already up off the mats, and sparring with River, again.

Ranma mentally realized, with mild relief, 'It is fortunate that River is focused on her sparring with Revy. But, that will not last. And even with my training in blocking my thoughts from telepaths, I might slip up, and mentally inform River that Dongmei is Lee.'

'That would create quite a mess... Unless, River already knew Dongmei was Lee. But, then why would she bring Lee here?... That is walking the lamb into the lions den...'

'I need to get out of here, and talk to someone about this. But, who?... I cannot tell anyone here. Natsuru is with Janet... Whoa, how about, Rock? Yes. She would be the perfect one to discuss this matter with. She will have a plan on how to deal with this. Also, I will make sure to talk to her, alone. Dutch may have a level head, but Benny, and Revy, might let the cat out of the bag before we are ready...'

'But first, I need to hand this sparing off to Akira. So, that no one is the wiser of the situation...'

Ranma turned towards Akira, whom was standing right off the mats, beside the three amazons. She saw the blond woman looking back at her.

As Ranma walked towards her blond lover, from the expression on her face, Akira could tell that something was wrong.

When Ranma reached Akira, Akira quietly asked, in japanese, “What is wrong?”

Ranma glanced of at the three amazons, as she thought, 'Even though Lee somehow learned japanese. I can tell she is to caught up in talking to her friends to notice us. And there is less chance of someone else overhearing us, if we talk in our native language.'

Ranma looked back towards Akira, and into the blond woman's eyes, as she quietly responded, in japanese, “I cannot tell you, right now. But, I will do so, later... I know you want to get some weapons sparring in. But, for right now, just focus on doing some hand to hand sparring with them. And keep an eye on them.'

Akira said, in japanese, “Okay. But, I am nowhere near your skill level.”

Ranma shrugged, as she replied, “Almost nobody is. But, you are at their skill level. You handled them fine, so far. So, you should do fine. Anyway, I need to talk to Rock, about something.”

Akira said, “Okay.”

Next, Ranma slipped on her black slippers, which were by her, set right beside the mats, next to Akira's cowgirl boots.

Akira then watched Ranma calmly turn, and walk away from them, pass the exercise equipment, and towards indoor exit of the room.

After Ranma was out of Akira's sight, Akira turned back to the three amazons, as she coughed. This got their attention.

As the three younger girls turned to look at the blond haired woman, Akira kindly said, in english, “Okay ladies. Ranma has to attend to an errand. And with River busy with Revy, I will be sparring with you, alone. So, who is first?...

Dongmei translated with Akira.

Akira then saw all three girls smiling towards her.

Rose and Violet each said something in chinese.

Dongmei continued to smile at Akira, as she replied, for herself, and her two friends, in english, “You pick. We are fine with whatever order you choose.”

Akira returned their smiles, as she thought, 'I think I am going to enjoy this. I think I will go with Violet. Rose is the best, and Dongmei just fought. But, Violet could use a little work, as well.' She stated, “I pick Violet.”

Dongmei translated. A few seconds later, Akira and Violet ended the mats, to begin sparring.

A minute later, there was a surprising victor, in the match. That being Violet.

Violet walked off the mat, while Akira then had Rose spar with her. While Akira be Rose, she was a little winded. And to give herself time to catch her breath, she then had Dongmei and Violet spar. With Violet winning.

And so their sparring matches continued.


For the next ten minutes, Ranma searched for Rock. Ranma then checked the next place she thought Rock might be, Rock's study.

From a second story hallway, Ranma walked up to the open door to Rock study. She ducked her head in, and she saw that Rock was quietly sitting in her deck chair, facing her desk, writing something long hand, in japanese. With Rock's right side facing Ranma.

Ranma leaned up, and she walked into the room.

As Ranma came to a stop five feet from Rock, Rock calmly said, in japanese, “Hello Ranma.”

Ranma stated, in japanese, “I sometimes forget how enhanced your hearing is.”

Rock turned to Ranma, as she said, “Yes. And I can tell it was you by the specific sound your shoes make.” Her voice took a more casual tone, as she asked, “So, what do you need, Ranma?”

Ranma said, “Rock, I am not sure how to tell you this. So, I am just going to say. I think Dongmei is Lee. And she has been brainwashed to not remember she is Lee.”

Rock slightly shook her head for a second. She then looked at Ranma, as she deadpanned, “Why doesn't that surprise me?”

Ranma calmly pointed out, “It takes a lot to surprise us.”

Rock agreed, “That is very true. So, what tipped you off?”

Ranma stated, “Well, the first clue was Dongmei used a throwing technique that River uses. And she did it with such skill that it was second nature to her. Then, I took a good hard look at her. Even with the long hair, youth, gender change, you can see the similarities. Especially in her face. Like the similarities one would notice in my face, in both my gender forms.”

Rock responded, “Yes. Now that I think about it, they do like brother and sister... A few decades removed.” She mentally added, 'And this might be what River was hiding from me. But, we will deal with that, later. Along, with avoiding her, so she does not read our minds about this. Still, I need to know more proof.'

Rock asked, “What other proof do you have?”

Ranma admitted, “I don't have much. But, if Dongmei is Lee. She has clearly been brainwashed to forget us, and even who she was. But, she still retains some of her skills.”

Rock thought, 'This is getting more interesting by the minute.' She said, “That could be both good and bad. Depending on how you look at it. Do you have that magic lamp of yours, that has the smoke to restore memories?”

Ranma agreed, “Yes. It is in my bedroom. Also, if she has her precognitive abilities, she has not mentioned such skills.”

Rock pointed out, “Lee is always one to keep secrets. Especially, when concerning her more special abilities. I see no reason why Dongmei would be any different.”

Ranma commented, “That is going to make capturing her more difficult.”

Rock responded, “Maybe. Maybe not. Outside of poker, and Lee's fighting skills. Lee never did heavily rely on those abilities. It is very possible they were not really that reliable as an early warning system. And it is possible that Dongmei's precognition is the same way.”

Ranma replied, “I see your point.” Ranma voice took a more concerned tone of voice, as she continued, “Now, I know you don't like Lee, because he is the writer of this mess. But, like River has said. Lee was a nice guy. And she is still a nice girl.”

“And I will be honest. I, and none of my family, have any interest in revenge against her.”

Rock stated, “I realize that. And none of you have really pushed the matter. I respect you, and your family, for that.”

Ranma responded, “Thank you. And I would think, that with her now being a woman. It should help matters, in lessening the severity of your revenge against her.”

Rock calmly responded, “Yes. The gender change will help the situation, concerning her, a lot. But, we need to talk to the others, before we decide what to do.”

Ranma replied, “Agreed.”

Rock said, “Janet, Natsuru, and the girls should be back in a few hours. We can talk to the others, then. Though, we need a plan to a to distract River, so we can talk in peace. And we need to avoid, River. It does not matter if she knows Dongmei is Lee, or not. She bought her back here. What does matter is making sure River does not learn that we know that Dongmei is Lee. Or, she might do something stupid that gets her into trouble. And Lee into worst trouble.”

Ranma stated, “I agree with you. And I have an idea. But, it will require our kids being left out of the loop for a little while longer.”

Rock responded, “I don't mind. As long as your plan gets results. With no one getting hurt.”

Ranma explained, “With luck, no one will get hurt with my plan. Now, here is my plan. As you said we need to wait for Natsuru and the others to return. We will just have to be careful to avoid River. Which should not be a problem. When they get back, I will ask my kids to invite the amazons, and River, for some sparring, with mild elemental abilities mixed in...”

Rock spoke up, as she inquired, with concern in her tone of voice, “Are you sure that is safe, and no one will get hurt with your plan? I may want revenge on Lee, but I don't want the others harmed. Even River. And that might harm someone. Beside, I want Lee to be in good shape, so we don't have to wait for her to get well before we have our revenge on her.”

Ranma answered, “I appreciate that. And not to worry... We have done such sparring before. My children will not hurt the others. And the offer to spar with people that use elemental abilities will be to tempting an offer for them to pass up. And the elemental abilities will be a good excuse to get them out of house, and away from us.”

“Meanwhile, we will gather the older adults together in the gym, where we will tell them what is going on, and we can all talk about it. There, we will come up with a further plan to deal with the situation.”

Rock complimented, “And they call me devious”

Both women giggled, for a few seconds.

As the calmed down, Rock inquired, “Still, what about my kids? Do you want them to join the meeting?”

Ranma said, in a slightly sad tone of voice, “I will be honest with you. From the way I hear my kids talk about Lee. And when they mention your kids feelings with Lee. They might try to help Lee. And I do not want to put them in position where they will have to choose between helping someone they like, and their loyalty to their family.”

Rock stated, “Thank you, for your concern. And I hate to admit. But, you have a point. They might help, Lee. Not that I hold it against them. They owe Lee big for their new lives.”

Ranma thought, 'At least she will admit that.' She agreed, “True. And Lee did do a lot of good, along with a lot of bad.”

Rock responded, “I realize that. Which is why I am not going to kill him... Or, I guess her. But, we will do something else.”

Ranma kindly requested, “Just, please only do something that will leave Lee in one piece. I did come to you as a way to mitigate the situation. So, please bear that in mind.”

Rock said, “I will see what I can do. And I will my children do some daily chores. They may not like that. But, it will get them out of the line of fire for everything else.”

Ranma questioned, “I agree. Still, if River know. Why would she bring Lee back here.”

Rock answered, “The answer is simple. This is the safest place to bring Lee. Because we would never guess that River would hide Lee in plain sight. Which we should have, by now.”

Ranma replied, “True.”

Rock commented, “And with Lee now Dongmei, in all likelihood we would not have recognized her as Lee. It was a fluke that you did.”

Ranma stated, “That is true. I see what you are saying here. It is truly a plan worthy of Lee creative insanity.”

Rock said, “I know. And River did keep her promise to bring Lee back here?”

Ranma point out, 'But, if River knew. She did not tell us.”

Rock commented, “River did ask to spend a few days here, with the amazons. She is just trying to figure out how to tell us, while mitigating the situation with Lee being captured by us.”

Ranma said, “I guess that makes sense.”

Rock stated, “It is the best I can come up with. Now, let's work on the details of their plan of yours.”

Ranma said, “I am all ears.”

Ranma and Rock then formulated their plans on how to hand the situation. With them coming up with the details on how to avoid River, how to arrange the meeting, while getting River and the amazons out of the mansion, and away from the meeting.


Later that afternoon, after Janet, Natsuru, and the eight teenage girls returned to the island, but before supper time, Ranma and Rock hatched their plan, while they were careful to avoid River.

Ranma and Rock got to the Natsuru, Janet, and the teenagers. While they did not mention the meeting. Ranma convinced her daughters to go offer to spar with the amazons and River, outside, in the field, in front of the mansion. And Rock convinced her five daughters to go do their usual daily chores.

Once the teenagers were out of the room, the two women informed Natsuru and Janet of their plan.

After everything was in play, with River and the amazon distracted by Yurika, Nodoka, and Mikoto. By them being convinces to do some sparring, with some minor elemental abilities, out in the open field, between the mansion, and the bay.

Once Ranma and Rock had confirmed that River was outside of the mansion, they began rounding up their friends, for their meeting.

They even contacted Dutch, by radio, on the Lagoon to come to the mansion. But, not to ask questions. With Dutch passing by the teenagers, and River, as she headed for the mansion, with no one being the wiser.

Dutch met Janet in the entryway of the mansion, and Janet took Dutch to the gym for the meeting.

By the time Dutch and Janet had entered the gym, the other older adults on the island, had gathered in the gym, as well.

Rock and Ranma only saying they had something important to talk about, with them.

Those present were Rock, Revy, Dutch, Janet, Benny, Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira.

They were all wearing their casual clothing. In addition, Revy was the only one present that was armed. On her person, she had her pistols in her shoulder holsters.

The adults were around the area of the gym, with the exercise equipment.

Most of the adults stood around, as they faced each other. While a few of them sat on some of the benches on the exercise equipment.

Akira looked over at Natsuru, as she asked, in english, “So, how was the shopping trip?”

Natsuru turned to Akira, as she answered, in english, “It was good. We all had a fun time. I will show you what the girls and I bought, later.”

Akira replied, “Good. I looked forward to it.”

The two lovers then turned their attention back to the group.

Meanwhile, as everyone finally got conformable, Rock looked around her. She turned to Ranma, whom was looking back at her, as she stated, in english, “I am glad you convinced your kids to put on that sparring match with River and the amazons, in the field outside.”

Ranma said, in english, “They like to show off. When they can. And friendly sparring with those that have element abilities was to tempting for the amazons, and River, to pass up.”

Benny spoke up, “I am not sure what going on. But, I am sure you are trying to keep River out of your minds. And with luck, River will be too busy with watching the girls, to not notice what we are up to.”

Rock and Ranma turned to the group, as Rock replied, “Exactly, Benny.”

Akira inquired, “So, where are your children at?”

Rock answered, “Doing some chores, that will keep them out of trouble.”

Akira replied, “Okay.”

Ranma stated, “Now, down to the business at hand. I think Dongmei is Lee. Dongmei just doesn't know who she really is.”

Given the oddities everyone present had experienced throughout their lives, they all took the news in stride.

Revy took on a feral smile, as she stated, “Hmmm... Wouldn't that be deliciously sweet and poetic. The lamb walked into the slaughter house on her own. And I can see the resemblance between Dongmei and that bastard, Lee. Well, bitch, now. If she is Lee.”

Janet calmly agreed, “Now, that I think about it. So can I, as well. They do have a striking resemblance between each other. Especially, their faces.”

Akira said, “I think we all can see the resemblance.”

Revy stated, “She is definitely ain't chinese. She admitted that, herself.”

Benny asked, “What I can't believe is why we did not recognize Dongmei, beforehand?”

Natsuru pointed out, “That is because personality has a lot do with how people recognize each other. Voice also. And facial features. If someone has a different personality, a different tone of voice, different gender, and much longer hair, it can thrown anyone.”

Rock asked, “Did you learn that from your police training?”

Natsuru answered, “Yes. And from experience.”

Akira commented, “It is safe to say that if Dongmei is Lee, then it clear that she does not know who she really is.”

Rock said, “Yes. That seems to be the case.”

Revy commented, with a bit of excitement in her tone of voice, “Oh, it is so delicious that after being so paranoid with us, across literally three realities. That because of her recent memory problems, when we finally confront Lee, she won't see us coming. And the best part is, since she is already female, we won't have to waste any magical girl powder packets on her. So, when do we capture this bitch?”

Dutch turned to Revy, as she said, “Hold your horses, Revy. As much as I would like revenge on Lee, as well, I don't want to go off half cocked.” She turned to Ranma, as she continued, “Exactly what makes you think Dongmei is Lee?”

Ranma answered, “As Akira, Janet, and Revy, pointed out, Dongmei's looks. Age and gender differences can be explained with magic. Maybe even the girl curse, like I have. It just made her younger. Also, she has the same basic personality as Lee, in that she is polite, knowledgeable about what she knows. Though, she doesn't remember any of us. And she likes to hold back in a fight.”

Dutch responded, “Yes. Lee always does like to keep his secrets. I don't know how. But, Lee clearly went too far in his secrets, and became a her with no memory of being Lee.”

Janet stated, “Yes. It is poetic justice. And it is likely that Lee locked herself as a girl, because this morning, when I came to tell them that breakfast was ready, I saw her walk out of the nearby bathroom. And I saw steam coming up from the room, meaning that was not a cold shower. But, hot water.”

Benny asked, in a slightly confused tone of voice, “The question is why would Lee turned herself into a woman in the first place?”

Janet turned to Benny, as she casually answered, “To cure her cancer, silly. She now looks young and healthy. Given we tracked Lee to Jusenkyo, it is an academic guess that she used the spring of drowned girl curse, and she locked herself in her girl form, to remain healthy.”

Benny turned to Janet, as she shrugged. She said, “I didn't know that Lee had it in him... Or now, her. To do that.”

Dutch pointed out, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

Ranma commented, “There is a sense of irony in that given how many people have hunted and tracked Lee, that Cologne stated that Dongmei is an expert hunter and trackers. And I believe Cologne was honest with her claims.”

Revy commented, “I don't doubt that, one bit. The best escape artists are those that know how to hunt, track, and understand how the game is played. And Lee knows all three, very well.”

Ranma agreed, “That is true.”

Janet looked around the room, as she asked, “Still, how can Lee not know that she is Lee?”

Rock mentioned, “Well, the amazons do have a type of memory altering shampoo.”

Ranma said, “True. And I am starting to realize that Cologne likely knew we were after Lee, and she was the one that brainwashed Lee. Because she handed picked those amazons to help us. She even stated they were always welcome in her village, no matter what.”

Natsuru commented, “I get you. She was clandestinely saying that to Lee. So, that Lee would know, that when her memory was restored, she was still welcome in the village.”

Ranma said, “Exactly. And I think that was nice of Cologne.”

Natsuru replied, “I agree.”

Janet questioned, “But, why would she send Lee back to us?”

Revy snorted, as she stated, “Simple. It gets Lee out of her village. And her village out of our cross-hairs. While having us do the dirty work of getting Lee to remember. This way, they don't have to do anything. And at the same time, by sending Lee to us, it forces Lee to finally deal with her own problems.”

Ranma shrugged, as she conceded, “Yes. That is Cologne in a nutshell. She is that crafty. And she knows we won't immediately kill Lee, upon discovering who she really is.”

Revy begrudgingly admitted, “True. And it sounds like this Cologne lady is not one to be crossed.”

Ranma said, “Exactly. You do not want to cross that woman. In her three centuries, or more, of living, she has likely forgotten more about combat, than all of us know, put together. Myself included.”

Revy replied, “Got ya.”

Natsuru commented, “Still, while this all supports the chain of logic that Dongmei is Lee. As Dutch pointed out. We need to make sure, before we pull the trigger on this.” She turned to Revy, as she added, “Both, figuratively, and literally...”

Revy notice Natsuru looking at her. She shrugged, as she commented, “Don't worry. I am not going to shoot the bitch... Just yet... It would be too quick a death for her.”

Natsuru responded, “Good. Because we need to make sure Dongmei is Lee.” She turned to Rock, as she inquired, “What are you thoughts on this, Rock?”

Rock looked over at Natsuru, as she answered, “I would say, yes. Dongmei is Lee. It all fits together. For the most part. The timeline tracks together. The reasons for the gender and ages changes are explainable. Or, at least workable, with magic involved. And so does the lack of memory on Dongmei's part. The one flaw is that Dongmei knows japanese. Lee never learned japanese.”

Akira countered, “No. Lee just didn't learn much japanese from us. Though, we did give Lee a basic foundation on learning our language. All he had to do was find someone to teach him. And Plata Podrido is full of foreigners, from around the world. I am sure, with all that time in the time loop, Lee likely found someone that knew japanese, to teach him the rest of what he needed to learn.”

Akira thought, 'I believe that Natsuru even mentioned, in passing, while in Mars Dome One, that Lee learned japanese. Though, I will have to ask her about that.'

Rock replied, “That is very possible.”

Akira said, “Exactly. Still, how do we handle this? This could go bad very easily. And I do not want to make an enemy out of Cologne. I have met the woman. While she was polite to us. We could tell she is cagey. And she is very dangerous.”

Revy said, “Simple. We jump the amazons. Tie them up. Make Lee remember, and then get our revenge.”

Akira countered, “We need to handle this a little more delicately than that.”

Benny said, “True. I have no hatred for the other amazons. We can just send them home.”

Rock commented, “That would be best.”

Benny asked, “Still, how do we get Dongmei to remember?”

Rock stated, “Ranma and I already discussed that, as well. We can use Ranma's magic lamp to make her remember.”

Ranma said, “It should work. With only minor possible problems.”

Benny turned to Ranma, as she asked, “Do you have that lamp of yours?”

Ranma looked over at Benny, as she answered, “Yea. It is in my room.”

Ranma and Benny then turned back to look towards the group.

Dutch stated, “Just to play devil's advocate here. But, what if we are wrong. And Dongmei is not Lee?”

Rock said, “If she doesn't remember. We apologize to her, and let her go.”

Revy commented, “If she is Lee, that would explain her shooting skills. Which she claims she has no idea of having.”

Akira turned to Revy, as she asked, “How good was she?”

Revy shrugged, as she replied, “Respectable.”

Natsuru commented, “Coming from you. That is saying a lot.”

Natsuru noticed Revy crack a smile at her comment.

Akira pointed out, “Not to add to the problem at hand. But, it won't just be the amazons we would be facing. River is still on the island. And currently, she is with them, and our children.”

“And River will fight for Lee. Plus, she will likely read one of our minds, the next time we see her. And she will probably react badly to our plan. I don't know about you. But, she is next to the maids, and Annie, on my list of people to never want to piss off.”

Revy said, “So, we just won't see her until after this is over. And we have Lee... Well, I mean, Dongmei. I will give the girl the benefit of the doubt, for now.”

Akira shrugged, as she conceded, “That is not a bad idea.”

Revy replied, “Thank you.”

Rock commented, “Ranma already factored that into our plan. That is why River and the amazons, are with your daughters, out in the field.”

Akira turned to Ranma as she complimented, “Nice plan.”

Ranma looked over at Akira, as she responded, “Thank you. And that is why I could not tell you what was going on earlier.”

Akira replied, “Oh... With River there. Got you. By the way, we had a good time after you left. Even River joined in, again, when she was finished with Revy here.” She thought, 'Even with our training on blocking telepath from reading our thoughts. There is always the chance we might slip. I am sure you realized that Ranma. That is why you make that hasty exit from the gym. So, River would not accidentally read your mind.'

Ranma said, “Glad to hear it.”

Revy overheard this, as she thought, 'At least River did give me a few pointers today. And she was not too rough with me. Which is why I am going to try to go easy on her when we capture Lee. Unless, someone else wants to volunteer to deal with her. Akira is right. She is as dangerous as the maids, and Annie. And we all know it.'

Ranma and Akira turned back to the group, as Ranma inquired, “Speaking of which. Rock and I talked about it. But, even we are not sure. Given River has spent a lot of time with them, do you think River knows that Dongmei is Lee?”

Benny said, “It is likely.”

Janet commented, “That would explain last night. As to why River requested sharing a room with Dongmei.”

Dutch questioned, in a matter of fact matter, “Okay. She knows. But, why would she bring Lee back here?”

Rock answered, “That it is simple. As I told Ranma. This would be the safest place for Lee. We would likely not guess that Dongmei would be Lee. And this works for us. If River uses her reality device, we will immediately track her and Dongmei. And Dutch is in control of the keys to the Lagoon. And if River tries to escape with Dongmei, she blows all the good will she has with us, on us going easier on Lee.”

“As such, there would be no way off the island for them, that will not make things worse for them. And even if Lee remembered on her own, and she tried to run, there would be no way for her to escape the island, by herself. Because she does not have a reality device of her own.”

Dutch commented, “Yes. River gave back the reality device I lent to her, for the amazons. And she has only her reality device. Which we can track with ease. And she knows that we can do that.”

Rock replied, “Good.”

Akira said, “Well, I guess that makes sense.”

Rock replied, “Yes. Though, I will give River credit. If Dongmei is Lee, River still kept her promise to bring Lee back here.”

Janet questioned, “But, why did she not inform us of this revelation?”

Rock pointed out, “Ranma asked the same question. Because she never promised to do that. And she likely has no idea how to handle the situation, in a manner that does not cause Lee to suffer greatly. And she did ask to spent a few days here, with the amazons. That is likely to buy herself time to come up with a plan.”

Dutch commented, “That is true. She did ask for some R&R on the island, for herself, and the amazons. And I gave it to her.”

Janet said, “I got to give her credit. She is sneaky.”

Benny turned to Janet, as she asked, “Which one?”

Janet turned to Benny, as she flatly replied, “All three of them.”

Both women then turned back to face the group.

Natsuru inquired, “There is one question, that is bugging me about all this. I was wondering how Lee ended up being a chinese amazon, in the first place?”

Ranma turned to Natsuru, as she said, “Cologne has an eye for the skilled individuals. And we have to admit that Lee is a skilled individual.”

Natsuru shrugged towards Ranma, as she agreed, “True. And with Lee brainwashed, younger, healthy, and a girl. She would be the perfect moldable follower for Cologne's matriarch society.”

Ranma said, “Exactly. Though, to be far. Barring a few exceptions, the chinese amazons are very nice towards men in general.”

Natsuru commented, “True. They don't even have a problem with gender benders. As long as we obey their rules we are fine.”

Ranma said, “And that is why I don't mind visiting them.” She thought, 'And I am not even going to call Cologne on her little trick. Her plan was too well crafted for me to complain about.'

Akira turned Rock, as she asked, “Along those lines of inquiry, did Fabiola and Roberta say anything else about their hunt? They were kind of tight lipped when they returned. I was wondering if you got anything from them, in private.”

Rock stated, “They were quiet about it. But, Ranma and I got a few answers, in private, from Fabiola. Fabiola stated they did follow Lee signature to the amazon village. And they said they spoke to Cologne, whom told them that Lee left with two others. But, even they could tell that Cologne was being very vague.”

Dutch questioned, “Well, on top of the lie that Lee not leaving that way. There is another matter that I believe everyone is missing. Who is third person, Cologne was referring too? It would not be an amazon. I am sure Lee and Garibaldi, would be very selective concerning who they let know about reality travel. So, this third person had to have come into that village with them.”

Rock said, “That is a good question, Dutch. But, I don't know. Though, when Fabiola and Roberta finally caught up with, whomever had my reality device... Whatever happened caused them not to speak a word to us, about the matter.”

Akira guessed, “Maybe it would cause a temporal paradox situation if they spoke about this third person?”

Dutch agreed, “That would be one of the few reasons that maids would not comment about a matter.”

Rock commented, “That is plausible. And I am sure we will find out, eventually. But still, either way, Cologne lied to them?”

Benny turned to Ranma, as she asked, “Would that old woman be crazy enough to lie to the maids?”

Ranma noticed that everyone turned to look at her. Ranma, herself, turned to Benny, as she answered, “Yes. But, more importantly, Cologne knows she can take them.”

Janet said, “Ranma, if I remember your series, correctly. Cologne does have the skills and abilities to do so. And the series never did show her fighting at her full ability.”

Ranma turned to Janet, as she stated, “And I hope never to find out what she can really do in a fight. She is one of the most skilled fighters I know of. She taught me a lot. And I always had a feeling that what she taught me was but the tip of the iceberg to what she knew.”

“And while we all know I have fought her before. At the time, we both knew she wanted me alive. So, I could married Shampoo. She only wanted to beat me. That is why she held back. And that is why I am still breathing.”

“And I am glad I am old enough, and mature enough, to openly admit that.”

Dutch commented, “That is good to know, if things go south for us. Still, if that is the case, could she have taught Dongmei anything? I don't want to have to deal with any surprises. Such has hidden techniques. Like a tornado that could damage the mansion... Yes. Janet and Benny showed me that series.”

Benny commented, “And Dutch enjoyed the series.”

Ranma casually responded, “I am glad you enjoyed it. And the answer is, no. The way Cologne spoke, she was thinking of maybe someday taking the other two as students for her advanced courses. But, none of them strike me as have any serious surprises.”

Dutch said, “Which means we only have to worry about Lee precognition.”

Revy commented, “Lee precognition has never a major factor, except when it dealt with his use of cards, knife throwing, and dodging attacks. And even then, Lee had to be in the proper frame of mind to use his precognition in those ways. Which is not the case, here.”

“And though precognition can be used as an early warning sense. Even while in Plata Podrido, he knew better than to totally rely on it.”

“Instead, the major factor in Lee's skills was his extensive knowledge of us, and his extended experience in the time loop, on learning how to manipulate us.”

“I am guessing, from the way Dongmei acts, she does not have access to that information, right now. Because, Lee, in his... Or, her right mind, would never physically attack me, nor verbal insult me.”

“Plus, as Rock pointed out, we are on an island. She doesn't have a reality device on her. And we have the only keys to the Lagoon. She cannot escape. The only wildcards in the situation is River and the other two amazons. And if we act fast enough, we can take River, and those amazons, out of the equation before any of them realize it.”

Rock complimented, “That is an astute observation, Revy.”

Revy turned to Rock, as she smile. She responded, “Thank you, Rock. Though, when we do capture her, I want to do it outside. I don't want to damage our home. So, our best bet, is capturing all four of them. Right now. While they are distracted, on the field outside.”

Rock replied, “I agree.”

Akira warned, “Do not harm our children.”

Revy looked over at Akira, as she shrugged, while she cracked a smile. She casually said, “I won't dream of it, lover-girl.”

Akira did not laugh at Revy's joke. Though, she did not frown, either.

Benny said, “I don't want to really bring up the subject. But, someone has too. What about our kids? I mean all of ours. Though, they try to hide it. They clearly support Lee on this matter.”

Rock commented, “Yes. It is kind of obvious. If you look for the signs.”

Dutch stated, “I hate to admit, but they owe, Lee. A lot.”

Akira agreed, “Yes. They do.”

Revy suggested, “Considering they know how we feel on the subject. That is why they have no brought the matter up with us. We will just tell them we are okay with it. Though, we will keep them out of the loop, for the most part.”

Rock agreed, “Good idea.”

Rock looked around to see the others nodding in agreement.

Janet pointed out, “Okay. Now, the remaining question is, who feels like capturing an amazon, while fighting off two other to amazons, and River?”

Ranma volunteered, “I will. I brought them here. They are my responsibility. Still, they are unarmed, so it should not be that hard to capture them by surprise. I will use a trick I know to knock out Dongmei before she realizes it. Also, I have training that prevents River from reading my mind, and so does my family. We just don't use it often, because we know that even River can overlook something.”

Janet complimented, “Smart thinking.”

Revy replied, “Thank you.”

Revy stated, “I will go, as well.”

Ranma turned to Revy, as she said, in a serious tone of voice, “It cannot be to the death, Revy. Nor, can we cripple them. Or, we will be making Cologne our enemy. You do not want that. Because among other things. I have no doubt, if given reason to, she has the means to reach us, from across the multiverse.”

Revy shrugged, as she casually replied, “Okay. We will go easy on them.”

Ranma said, “Also, just keep your head clear, and try not think about anything. River will not pick up your thoughts, if you don't have any.”

As Ranma made her comment, several other members of the group resisted the urge to crack a joke at Revy's expense.

Revy commented, “I remember Annie's teachings.”

Ranma replied, “Good. That should help.”

Dutch said, “Now, the only question is when are going to pull the trigger on this? Are we going to do it, now? Or, in a little while?... Either way, we need to do it soon, before they get finished sparring in the field.”

Rock commented, “I think we should do this, now. Because the longer we wait, the larger the chance something might go wrong.”

Ranma replied, “Agreed.”

Revy said, “Hey. If I get to kick ass, now. Or, kick ass, later. I still get to kick some ass. So, I am happy either way.”

The others nodded in agreement.

Rock said, “Okay. You guys head out, and deal with them. Meanwhile, we find some rope, and a reality device, to take Rose and Violet home.”

Revy smiled, as she stated, “Fine with me. Though, I don't want to use the good leather, downstairs.”

Rock replied, “Neither do I.”

Ranma replied, “Sounds fine to me.”

Revy stated, “Okay then. Let's go.”

Revy walked towards the interior of the mansion, towards the front doors, with Ranma walking right behind her.

As they walked, Revy used her right hand to pulled out her pistol, from the holster under her left arm pit. She used her left hand to pull back the slide of the weapon, to chambered a round in the breech of her pistol. She placed the weapon back into her holster. Next, she did the same thing to the pistol under her right armpit.

A few seconds later, the rest of the group watched the two redheads casually leave through the exit, to the hallway, that would lead them to the front doors of the mansion.

As the rest of the adults looked back at each other, Janet suggested, “Want to go watch them take down River and Lee? Then, we will find the rope.”

Dutch replied, “Sure. I have nothing better to do.”

Benny said, “I'm game.”

Akira responded, “Works for me.”

Natsuru sighed, “I have nothing better to do.”

Rock said, “Revy always did appreciate having an audience... When she doesn't lose.”

Dutch suggested, “We will watch from the front entrance. If she loses. We will be back inside before she notices us.”

Rock looked over at Dutch, as she cracked a grin. She complimented, “Good idea.”

The rest of the adults them calmly walked towards the inside exit of the gym, and to the front doors of the mansion, as well.


A few minutes later, on the open field between the mansion and the bay, near the middle of the two locations, River, Dongmei, Yurika, Nodoka were standing, near each other, as they watched Rose and Mikoto spar, nearby.

To the left sides of the women was the bay, and to their right sides was the mansion.

While Yurika, Nodoka, and Mikoto knew some chinese, River and Dongmei translated between the three sisters, and Rose and Violet.

River was watching the latest sparring match, which was between Rose, and the fire wielding Mikoto.

River, Dongmei, Violet, Yurika, and Nodoka, watched as Rose dodged a swipe of fire by Mikoto, before charging back towards the woman with blue hair, with black highlights.

Even though it was clear that Mikoto was more skilled than Rose, and she had fire elemental abilities, Rose was giving a good showing in the sparring match.

River watched the contest continue, as she thought, 'I got to admit this was a brilliant idea by Ranma. Rose, Violet, and Lee, might not get another chance to spar with elemental user. Especially, with ones as nice as these three sisters. And these three are very careful with their abilities. At worst, Rose will have some minor singe marks, which won't even scar.'

'Also, the sparring contest between Violet and Nodoka was fun. And afterward, Nodoka was nice enough to use her water powers to remove the wetness from Violet's body and clothing. And the match between Lee and Yurika was energetic, as it was electrical. I am surprised that Lee's long black hair was not frizzed by the match. But, I believe Yurika had a hand in preventing that.'

'Though, the other two sisters won their matches. And it looks like Mikoto is going to win her match with Rose. From the thoughts I am reading, it seems everyone is having a good time.'

'Still, I wonder why Ranma told her daughters to suggest this to me. Instead of her doing so, personally... Not that I care... Also, I need to remind myself to call Lee, Dongmei. At least, until I restore her memory. That type of verbal slip could mess up everything I am working towards.'

River then sensed two people approaching them, from the mansion.

River turned her head to see Ranma and Revy walking towards them.

River thought, 'Hmm... I wonder if they want to join us.'

Then, when the two women reached the four member group, which was not fighting, the two women remained quiet.

Dongmei, Violet, Mikoto, and Nodoka looked over at them for a second. Then, they turned back to look at the match going on.

Meanwhile, the two combatants did not pay the newcomers any attention, because they were so wrapped up in their practice fight.

On the other hand, River watched Ranma and Revy, as they walked up behind the group.

River thought, with concern, 'What is going on? And why can I not read their thoughts?'

Ranma soon walked right behind Dongmei. She then turned to face the back of the black haired girl.

Meanwhile, Revy was about ten feet behind Ranma, in the opposite direction from where Rose and Mikoto were sparring.

Then, without warning Ranma quickly used her right fingers to jab Dongmei on a place, on the back of Dongmei's neck, at a pressure point.

River then watched, with surprise, as Dongmei immediately fell unconscious, as Ranma caught her. Ranma then quickly, though gently set Dongmei to the ground, on her back.

The spectators could not believe what they just saw, as they turned to look at the now unconscious Dongmei, laying on the group, with Ranma crouching behind her.

River thought, in surprise, 'What the hell?!'

But, before River could reaction, she saw Ranma look up at her, and spring towards her.

In response, River quickly jump back, and away from both the group, and the nearby combatants.

Ranma reached River, just as River landed on her feet.

As the redheaded women traded blows, strikes, blocks, and dodges, River thought, 'They must have found out that Dongmei is Lee. But, how did I not sense their thoughts?... Oh... Lee wrote it so Ranma and her family had been trained to block their thoughts from my telepathic abilities. And Revy sometimes just doesn't think at all...'

'Along with that, this whole sparring session was to get me away from them, so they could plan their next move, without me realizing what was going on, until it was too late.'

'No wonder Ranma had her daughters suggest we do this. Instead of herself. It was all so Ranma would not risk having me read her mind, until they were ready. This is a pretty good plan. It was very devious, and cunning, on their part. And Ranma, and the others, thought of it, on the spot. I'm impressed.'

'Still, if I am going to save Lee, I have to handle Ranma. And find a way to take down Revy, while she has two guns, and I am unarmed....'

Then, as they fought, another thought occurred to River, as she mentally reflected, 'Or, it might be better to just surrender...'

'I think I will see how this battle goes, before I make my decision on what to do next...'

And the two redheads continued their fight.


Meanwhile Yurika, Violet, and Nodoka turned to looked at Revy, as Yurika demanded, “Hey! What are you doing, Revy?!'

The green haired girl's outburst caused Rose and Mikoto to stop sparring, as the two combatants turned to look at what was going on.

Revy noticed this, as she swiftly pulled out her two semi-automatic pistols.

Revy aimed one pistol towards Violet, and she aimed the other pistol at Rose.

Revy stated, “Don't worry. Everything will become clear in a few minutes.”

While Rose and Violet did not fully understand what Revy had said. They, and the three sisters, did understated how dangerous a gun was, and how skilled Revy was with it. So, neither amazon, nor the three sisters tried anything on Revy.


Nearby, Ranma and River continued trading strikes and punches, with River on the losing end of the battle, and River realized this.

River bitterly thought, 'I already knew Ranma was better than me. And I can tell she is still holding back. And it is obvious, that all this is about, is she thinks I might try to take Lee away from them.... Which, I might try, if I could get away with it... But, I know better...'

'And this misunderstanding is easily fixed.'

River jumped back a few feet from Ranma.

As River landed, she held out her hands, in front of her, while she quickly stated, in japanese, “Hold it, Ranma. I don't want to fight. I already know Dongmei is Lee.”

Ranma stopped in her tracks, as she accused, in japanese, “So, you know who she was?”

River admitted, “Yes. I have not intention of trying to take Lee from here. Keep in mind, I brought her back here, after I found out who she was.” She thought, 'To hide her. But, this is nice plan B. And it is a good enough excuse to believe. Still, I guess my plan A was not as audacious enough as I thought it was.'

Ranma said, “Fair enough.”

Both redheads turned to those nearby, as River suggested, “We need to quickly defuse this situation.”

Ranma said, “I agree. Though, let me handle this.”

River responded, “Go ahead. I trust you to handle matters.”

Ranma replied, “Thanks.”

Both of them then rushed back over to the rest of the group.


A few seconds later, they two redheads reached the group.

As the two redheads came to a stop, near the group, everyone saw them from the corners of their eyes.

Though, the group did not take their eyes off of Revy's guns, and Revy did not take her eyes off of the group.

Ranma turned to Revy, as she ordered, in english, “Stand down, Revy. Everything is taken care of. We can resolve this peacefully. So, please put away you guns.”

Revy then visibly relaxed, as she holstered her weapons. She turned to Ranma, as she said, “Ranma, if you got things handled. That is fine with me.”

Meanwhile, everyone else let out a sigh of relief, at seeing the armed redhead stop pointed her weapons at them, with her putting her weapons away.

Rose turned to River, and Ranma, as she demanded, in chinese, “River, what is going on?!”

River then turned to Rose, as she stated, in chinese, “Rose, Violet. Everything will be explained in a minute. Please, trust me. And just stay calm.”

Rose replied, in chinese, “Okay.”

Violet turned to River, as she said, chinese, “Fine.” She turned to look at Revy, then back at River, as she continued, “But, it better be a good explanation.”

River replied, in chinese, “It is.”

Ranma then looked around the group, first at Revy, her daughters, the amazons, and River. She then turned back to her daughters, as she calmly said, in english, “Okay. Girls, we think, Dongmei is Lee.”

Nodoka replied, “Huh. Mom, what makes you think that?”

River translated for Rose and Violet.

Rose and Violet said, in unison, in chinese, “What?!”

River translated. She then stated, in chinese, “Ranma is right. Dongmei is Lee.”

Violet inquired, in chinese, “Why did you keep this a secret from us?”

River admitted, with concern and worry evident in her tone of voice, in chinese, “Because I did not know what to do next. So, I brought you all here, on the gamble that no one would know Lee and Dongmei were the same person, until I had a plan, on how to peacefully solve this matter. Unfortunately, I ran out of time, much sooner than I expected.”

Rose said, in chinese, “That happens. But, it is clear you intentions were good. And that is what matters.”

Violet replied, in chinese, “I agree.”

River said, in chinese, “Thank you.”

Ranma translated what was said, between River, Rose, and Violet, for the rest of those present. Ranma then turned back to her daughters, as she stated, in english, “I know it is hard to swallow, but we have evidence that Dongmei is Lee. Such as, take a good look at Dongmei's face. You can see the resemblance, if you look closely enough.”

Everyone looked down at Dongmei, whom her back, with her long hair unfurled, around her.

A few seconds later, Yurika said, “Oh my. She is Lee.”

Nodoka agreed, “It looks like that is the case.”

Mikoto commented, “And I was so hoping that Lee would escape. Still, as a woman, Lee is a very kind lady.”

Nodoka pointed out, “Lee was a sweet man. It is no surprise that Lee would make a sweet woman. But, why is Lee a girl in the first place?”

Everyone turned back to Ranma.

Ranma noticed the others looking at her, as she said, “We only have theories at this point. But, Lee likely used the spring of drown girl, to gain a healthy body, and cure her cancer. She then somehow locked herself in her new female form. Though, we won't know for sure, until we unseal her memories.”

Meanwhile, River had been paying attention to what Ranma said, and she translated what had been said into chinese.

Rose and Violet looked at each other. Rose said, in chinese, “Well, we never met Lee. And we had no reason too. Still, it looks like this hunt is over.”

Violet asked, with concern in her tone of voice, in chinese, “But, did Elder Cologne know that Dongmei was Lee?”

Ranma turned to the amazons, as she said, in chinese, “From what Cologne said, I think she knew that Dongmei was Lee, beforehand.”

The two amazons looked at Ranma, as Rose stated, in a flat tone of voice, in chinese, “That would not be surprising, coming from our elder.”

Ranma snorted, as she agreed, in chinese, “Ain't that the truth.”

River then translated what was said, into english.

Revy and the elemental sisters, had been silently listening to all of this.

Revy thought, 'At least, they are being civil about this. I believe Ranma, when she said that we do not want Cologne as an enemy.'

Rose stated, in chinese, “Still, even if Dongmei is Lee. You are not allowed to take her. She is our friend. Our sister.”

River, nor Ranma, translated what Rose said, for fear it would provoke a response from Revy.

Ranma and River turned to the amazons, as Ranma said, in a sad, sober tone of voice, in chinese, “I am sorry, Rose, Violet. But, Dongmei has to stay here to answer for her crimes against us.”

Violet demanded, in chinese, “What are her crimes? All through out this. As we hunted for you. Including, Dongmei. We never heard what the supposed Lee did to upset all of you. Now, you claim our friend is this Lee. And that she has to now suffer for actions, she clearly doesn't even know about it. What did Lee do?!”

Ranma thought, 'Now, how do I explain this to them, without spilling the beans?'

River heard Ranma's thoughts, and she answered for Ranma, in chinese, “Lee played with their lives. And now they want payback.”

Ranma thought, 'Good old River, to the rescue.'

River teased, in english, “I am not that old.”

Ranma held back a giggle, because it would ruin the mood.

Ranma turned to River, as she thought, 'Okay, River. I retract my previous thought.”

River replied, in english, “Thank you.”

Revy and the three elemental sisters, continued to silently watch the conversation, between the River, Ranma, and the teenage amazon women.

Revy, thought, 'I don't know what is being said. But, I get the feeling that Ranma is doing her job. So, I will find out from Ranma, later, what was said... Also, I think I will have Ranma's daughters take care of carrying Lee inside. That should not be a problem. As long as I get Ranma to ask them, to do so, nicely.'

Nearby, the three sisters share similar sentiments, as Revy, on letting Ranma handle the matter peacefully.

Ranma and River turned back to the two amazon women.

Ranma said, in a sympathetic tone of voice, in chinese, “Look. I understand your situation. But, we cannot let you have her. At the very least, we need to return her memories.”

Rose inquired, “So, you think she has been brainwashed?”

River said, in chinese, “I suspect so. And we know how to fix her memories. Ranma has a some magic lamp that will do it. The smoke form the lamp will instantly make a person recall non-painful memories. And I have used it myself. The process is completely painless.”

Violet commented, in chinese, “That is nice to hear. But, if you use it, will she be the same Dongmei? I mean Lee was a man. And Dongmei is a woman.”

River turned to Violet, as she answered, in chinese, “No. She will not be the same. But, by the same token, her basic personality is the same in both identities. So, she will still be your friend.”

Rose said, in chinese, “That is good to hear. And if Dongmei turns out to be Lee. Let her know that, no matter what. She is still our friend. Our sister. And she is always welcome in our village, and our homes.”

Violet responded, in chinese, “We will consider her family, no matter if she was once a man, or not.”

River said, in chinese, “I promise to give Dongmei, or Lee. Or, whatever she decides to go by, after this. Your message. And I am sure she will be glad to hear you still support her, no matter what.”

Rose commented, in chinese, “Thank you. And that is what friends do.”

Violet turned to Rose. She then looked at River, as she agreed, in chinese, “Yes. It is.”

River happily replied, in chinese, “That is correct.”

Ranma stated, in chinese, “Also, I promise that Dongmei will not be harmed, until we confirm she is Lee. If the my lamp does not work, then it means we were wrong. And we will return her to your village, unharmed.”

Rose inquired, with a hint of a threat in her tone of voice, in chinese, “And if she is, Lee?”

Ranma said, in a dispassionate tone of voice, in chinese, “Then, the others will have their revenge. But, I promise that Dongmei will survive it. And she will recover.”

Rose looked Ranma in her eyes, as she stated, in a strong, even tone of voice, in chinese, “I will hold you to your promises.”

Ranma kindly said, in chinese, “And I would expect nothing less from you. Now, we need to take you both home. We are going to invite others here, that want Lee's hide. And I don't want to risk harm to either of you. And for those in your reality, it should be only an hour or two, since you left.”

Rose commented, in chinese, “Fine. I can see the logic in what you are saying.”

Violet replied, in chinese, “So do I.”

Rose pointed out, in chinese, “Still, we need to get our weapons, clothing, and belongings, before we returned to our village. Though, we will leave Dongmei clothing, weapons, and items, here.”

River looked over at Ranma, as she said, in english, “Don't worry. In a little while, I will go get her weapons out of our bedroom.”

Ranma turned to River, as she replied, in english, “Thank you.”

Both redheads turned back to the amazons, as River said, in chinese, “I am glad you feel this way. Ranma is right. It is likely that the others will be sending for people, to come here. And it will not be safe for you.”

Rose firmly stated, in chinese, “We only do this, because we see that we have no other way to deal with the situation.” Her voice took on a more serious tone, as she continued, “But, be warned. We will give you one month, for you to contact us, about Dongmei. If we have not heard from you, or Dongmei, since then. We will find a way to reach you. And you will not like our response.”

Ranma said, in chinese, “I fully believe you. And do not worry. You will have your answer within that time frame.” She mentally added, 'And with time dilation, and time travel, between realities, we will have plenty of time to response to you.'

River then looked down at Lee, as she thought, 'It looks like I am going to have to go with the plan B. That Chang and I already worked out. I think after we get Lee inside. And Ranma leaves with Rose and Violet. I will excuse myself to a nearby restroom.'

'After I enter the restroom, I will lock the door. Next, I will use my reality device to go to the casino, and talk to Chang about, our plan B. When I am finished there. I will return to the island, in the same restroom, only a few minutes later. And none of them will be the wise.'

Ranma turned to her daughters and Revy, as she stated, in english, “Alright. Let's get Lee inside, and tied up. And get these two on their way back home.”


In the distance, Dutch, Benny, Janet, Rock, Akira, and Natsuru, all watched what had unfolded, right outside the front doors of the mansion.

Benny said, “That went better than I expected.”

Dutch replied, “Yea. It did.”

Rock commented, “Well. No one was serious hurt. So, let's go back inside, and find some rope, before they get here.”

Akira agreed, “Good idea.”

The six women then went back inside, as they looked for some rope to tie Dongmei up with.


Later that evening, after dark, Dongmei felt a pain in her stomach, which quickly awoke her.

As her eyes snapped open, she looked up to see Revy standing over her, as Revy held a wireless microphone in her right hand.

Revy noticed that Dongmei was awake. She gave Dongmei a smirk, as she stated, “Good. You're awake. It is showtime.” She then walked away from Dongmei's sight.

The next sensation that Dongmei felt was the rope binding her wrists, behind her back, as she laid on her right side, on a hard wooden surface.

Dongmei thought, 'What is going on? How did I get here? And why is my precognition screaming danger?'

Dongmei then sat up, as she looked around.

Dongmei found herself in the center of the small, wooden red podium, in the backyard of the Lagoon mansion.

She saw that it was nighttime outside, and that, in front of her, the can lights on the eaves of the Lagoon mansion were turned on. With the lights brightly illuminating the area.

And between the podium and the back of the mansion, several people were looking back at her.

Most of them were women, with a few men mixed in. Also, she recognizes several members of the family that lived on the island, along with Ranma's family.

And most of them did not look happy with her. Including, Dutch, Benny, and Janet.

Though, Natsuru, Akira, the three elemental sisters, and the five teenager sisters on the island, had looks of pity on their faces.

Dongmei thought, with worry, 'So, that is what my precognition is warning me about. I don't know why. But, something tells me, I'm screwed.'

Dongmei then looked to her sides. And to her left, she saw three women that she recognized, standing at the end of the podium. The nearest woman was Revy, with the microphone in her hand. Next, was Ranma, whom had a small lamp in her hands, with smoke coming out of it. And finally, there was River.

Revy was still grinning. Ranma's face was unreadable. And River looked sad.

Dongmei thought, 'I need to figure out what is going on.' She looked over at River, whom was looking back at her She demanded, in chinese, “What is going on, River?”

River said, in a sad tone of voice, in english, “For your sake, you need to speak english, Dongmei. And I am so sorry. This is not how I wanted to tell you. And if you fight those here, you will only makes things worse for yourself.”

Revy looked over at River, as she verbally jabbed, “How quaint?”

River turned to Revy, as she snapped, “I bought her back. What are you complaining about?”

Revy just shrugged, in response.

River and Revy then turned back to look at Dongmei.

Meanwhile, Dongmei looked around, again, and she realized there were two very important people, to her, that she did not see. She turned to River, as she strongly inquired, in english, “Where are Rose and Violet?”

River continued to look at Dongmei, as she answered, “They are fine. Ranma took them back home.”

Dongmei responded, “I don't understand?”

Ranma had been listening to the conversation. She turned to Dongmei, as she spoke up, “It will all become clear in a minute. And your two friends agreed with me, that they should not be here for this. Because we don't want to risk their safety over this mess.”

Revy turned to Ranma and River, as she stated, “Let's get this party started.” She then walked back to the center of the podium.

Revy walked passed the front of Dongmei, to stand beside Dongmei, with Dongmei to her left side, as she faced the crowd. She stated, into the microphone, which were connected to nearby speakers, on the sides of the podium, “Welcome everyone. Your revenge is at hand. For we have finally found Lee. And it turns out that Lee is now this brainwashed woman, sitting before you, right here.”

Dongmei look up at Revy, as she flatly replied, with confusion evident in her tone of voice, “What?... I am not Lee?...”

Revy placed her left hand over the receiver of her microphone, while she look down at Lee. She said, “That's the fun of brainwashing. You don't now who you are, until you are told who you are.” She turned to Ranma, as she ordered, “Get over here.”

Ranma just nodded at she walked over to Revy and Dongmei, with her lamp in her hands. While River stated behind.

When Ranma reached Revy and Dongmei, she came to a stop on Dongmei's left side. She knelt down by Dongmei.

Revy turned to Dongmei, as she stated, “Now, just breath in the smoke.”

Ranma held the lamp by Dongmei's face, with smoke coming out of the nozzle of it. And Dongmei could do nothing to stop from breathing the smoke into her body.

Ranma then stood up and walked back away, over to River, as she capped the end of the lamp, with her hand, to put out the fire in her lamp. Ranma and River then watched for the magic smoke to take effect.

A few seconds later, the magical smoke started to take effect on Dongmei, allowing her remember everything that had been sealed in her mind. She quietly commented, “Oh hell.”

Revy's smirk turned an absolutely feral, as she overheard Dongmei say those words. Revy thought, with excitement, 'It worked! She is Lee.'

A few seconds, later, Dongmei stood up beside Revy, while still having her hands bound.

Revy removed her left hand off the head of her microphone, as she held the device by Dongmei's mouth.

Dongmei looked out among the crowd, as she confessed, in a sincere tone of voice, into the microphone “I am Lee. And I deserve this. You deserve your vengeance on me... I am sorry. And I am ready for this...”

Someone among the group screamed, “Kill her!”

And others were starting to make similar to sentiments, which ranged from torture to murder, to both.

From the crowd, Akira thought, 'They are about to lynch her. I need to do something... That might work.' She yelled, “Wait!” Everyone turned to look at her, as she loudly continued, “We should have revenge! But, let's do it in a way that those of us who want it can get a piece her, without killing her! And thus leaving something for the rest of us!”

Several people in the crowd nodded in agreement.

From the podium, River did not show any outward reaction to what Akira said. But, after Akira spoke, Revy thought, 'Intelligent thinking, Akira. You bought us the time we need.'

Among the crowd, Rock stood near Akira. As she looked at the blond woman, Rock thought, 'Oh... Nice move Akira. We want revenge, but not like this. Now, let me handle this situation.'

Rock turned to the rest of the crowd, as she stated, “We will decide what to do with Lee, later. We now have Lee, and that is the important part. And when it comes to revenge, we plan to include all here, whom wish to participate.”

Rock then looked over at Revy, whom was looking back her. Rock continued, “But, for now, Lee will stay in our mansion, until we come up with a workable form of payback that everyone can participate in.”

On the podium, Revy flatly said into her microphone, “You heard the lady. This meeting is over. Head back home. We will contact you when we are ready for you. And not to worry. Lee's ass will not be touched until we all agree on what to do with her.”

Revy then placed her left hand on the top of her wireless microphone, with her left hand, as she turned to her left, to look at River and Ranma.

Revy saw River and Ranma looking back at her. Revy ordered, “Take Lee to the kitchen. We will decide what to do with her, there. But, keep her hands tied up. I don't want her trying anything stupid.”

Revy then walked to the front of the podium, and walked down the front steps of the elevated rise, to the ground. She then made her

Meanwhile, River and Ranma did not reply, as they walked over to Lee.

Ranma held her lamp in her right hand, as she and River approached Lee.

As the River and Ranma came to a stop five feet from Lee, Lee turned to face them. Though, Lee remained silent.

Ranma was the first to speak, as she asked, “So... Are you back with us, Lee?”

Lee shrugged, as she casually answered, “Yes. It feels like I just woke up from a twenty-four year long dream. And a good dream at that.”

River commented, “There is more truth to that than you realize.”

Lee said, “You know. I never realized that being brainwashed could be such a positive and wonderful experience.”

River and Ranma giggled, in response, for a few seconds.

As they calmed down, Ranma commented, “Yea. Cologne can do a nice mind screw, with lather and rinse.”

Lee giggled herself, for a few seconds. She then responded. “Ain't that the truth.”

Ranma complimented, “Oh, the stories I could tell you. But, you likely already know most of them. Or, you wrote them. Though, on the matter at hand, you make a nice woman, Lee.”

Lee replied, “Thank you.” She then looked around the crowd, and back to the two women, as she pointed out, “I know better than to try anything, right now. And I know you are suppose to escort me to the kitchen of the mansion. But, do you think it is wise to walk me through that crowd? Because, I don't. They quite literally want my hide.”

Ranma said, “We are not going through the crowd. We will walk around from the left side of the crowd. And they all know better than to mess with River and I.”

River stated, “Ranma is right. And I will know if they try something, before they to it.... Trust me.”

Lee looked over at River, as she gave River a weak smile.

River returned Lee smile, with a warm a smile of her own.

Lee quietly replied, “Alight.”

Ranma and River then escorted Lee off the left side of the podium.

With her hands bound behind her, Ranma and River helped walk Lee down the steps on the left side of the podium. With Ranma to Lee's right side, using her left free hand, and River using both her hands, on Lee's left side.

As Lee walked down the steps, she thought, 'I see there are steps down the middle of each side of the podium. I didn't include that point. But, it does make sense. Now, to hope I make it to the kitchen in one piece. Then, I will figure out what to do next... Damn... Only a few minutes ago, did I get my memory back, and I am back to scheming like before I was brainwash...'

'At least, I am reviewing my memory, and feeling out my personality. The Dongmei and Lee's personalities and memories seem to have merged seamlessly, and quickly. I think I am pretty much one personality, and not two personalities, due to have two childhoods...'

'I should count myself lucky on that, and make do with my situation, until I have more time to think about the predicament I am in...'

Beside her, River cracked a smile, as she and Ranma finished helping Lee down the steps.

Ranma and River then walked to Lee's left and right, while they continued forward. River on her right side, and Ranma on her left side.

As they walked around the left edge of the crowd, Lee noticed some of those in the crowd, looking at her, had they pulled out their reality devices, and disappeared to wherever they had come from, through the multiverse.

While they continued forward, Lee turned slightly to to her right, as she looked at River beside her. She thought, 'So, how screwed am I?”

River continued looking at the crowd to their right, as she said, “Just keep quiet, and I will do what I will can.”

Ranma looked in front of her, as she mentioned, “So, will I, and my family.”

Lee turned back to look in front of her, as she replied, “Thanks. I appreciate the help.”

River said, “Anytime.”

Ranma replied, “No problem.”

The three women then continued towards the back door to the kitchen, as those invited to the island for gathering, disappeared, as they went inside the Lagoon home.

To be continued.

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