Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”
Chapter 19: “One Day Too Late.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
In De La Plata Podrido, Mexico, it was the next morning, after Lee learned about Revy's previous life, and he secretly help Revy return to normal. It was eleven two AM as Lee walked thought the front door to the Rats Nest.
The outside weather was clear, slightly cool in temperature, with a nice, pleasant sea breeze.
That morning, it took Lee a few extra minutes to get to the Rats Nest bar, considering he parked his car a few blocks away, to help prevent him from being ambushed, again.
Lee was dressed in his usual, casual clothing, including his blue cloth jacket, large glasses, and blue baseball cap.
As Lee came into the bar, he gently shut the front door behind himself. As he stood right inside the room, he looked around. He saw no one, but the bartender, standing next to the outer side of the bar counter.
Lee saw that the beautiful, slender bartender, was wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, with a black leather belt, black socked, and black tennis shoes. From the outline of her t-shirt, Lee guessed that she was wearing a regular black cotton bra, to support her decently sized breasts. Lee knew that the bra was black, because white would show through the black t-shirt.
Lee saw the woman looking at him, and he decided to approach her.
While Lee walked to bar counter, he thought, 'It will be nice to see, Sam, this morning. He is suppose to meet me here in a little while.'
Lee then continued his thoughts with concern, and slight worry, 'Though, my main concern is, why I cannot shake this growing sense of doom, that I feeling, since I woke up this morning.'
'My precognition has been screaming at me this morning. Like a doom meter that is slowly becoming more serious as the day has gone on. And I do not even know why. Everything was fine at breakfast. Even Revy appeared to be normal... Well, as normal as she usually is. And those brief moments I risk a glance at Revy and the girls, a the restaurant, this morning. Revy showed no signs of being under any influence from her previous life's persona, Jack Sparrow.'
'And I believe that River and Annie were able to seal Jack Sparrow memories and persona, yesterday.'
'Because, Chang has not since left a message for me, with check in desk, here, on the matter. Like he said he would, if there were problems. So, everything is fine, on that end.'
'Still, I feel if I just let this day play out as normal, I should be fine.'
When Lee reached the bar counter, he came to a stop, as he turned to the beautiful bartender. With the woman being six feet from him.
The bartender continued to look at Lee, as she calmly said, in english, “Good morning, Lee.”
The bartender thought, 'Just as I thought would happen. Lee was the first one here. Like usual. I pulled out my some of my good clothing. And I stand on the outer side of the counter, so he can see me. Now to implement my plan to get some answers from him.'
Lee replied, in english, “Good morning.”
The bartender requested, “Lee. I could use your help. If you don't mind.”
Lee shrugged, as he inquired, “What do you need?”
The bartender said, “I got a little behind this morning, in my stocking of items. And I had to open up the bar on schedule. I could use your help stocking a few items from some boxes that are still out. With us working together, it should take about ten minutes. Maybe less.”
Lee thought, 'There is no reason not to help her. It would be good karma. And I could use all the good karma I can get. Especially, now that my con is starting to fall apart around me. Though, I just need to buy a little time for Chang to get his ducks in a row. When he is ready. I will take his offer, and in the end, I should be fine.'
Lee said, “Okay. I will help you.”
The bartender grinned, as she responded, “Thank you. You go first. I need to get the inventory list, I left out here.”
Lee said, “Sure.”
Lee walked passed the bartender, and to the end of the bar counter. He then turned to his right, and walked to the door set against the right wall of the room.
Lee pulled the door open, and he walked inside. Though, he left the door open for the bartender.
As the bartender followed him, she took a moment to quickly walked behind the backof the bar counter. She quietly pull something from under the counter, with her right hand. Next, she turned around and she swiftly heading for the back storage room, with Lee.
After she passed through the door to the storage room, she gently shut the door behind them.
Meanwhile, Lee heard the door shut behind him, as he walked further into the storage room. He soon came to a stop in the center of the room. He then looked around himself.
The yellow ceiling light was on, so Lee could see around the room.
There were several shelves lining the walls, with boxes of items on them. Also, there was a large freeze nearby. Along, with the back exit to the building.
And there were two plastic chairs, in an open area of the back room. The chairs were set six feet apart, and facing each other.
Still, there were no boxes that appeared to be in need of being stocked.
Lee heard the bartender's foot steps come to a stop, ten feet behind him.
Without turning around to face the women, Lee began, “I do not see any boxes that need putting up...”
Lee then realized what was going. He thought, with annoyance, 'Ah hell. And I was going to do this out of the kindness of my heart.' He deadpanned, “This is a trap, and you are pointing your pistol at me.”
The bartender complimented, “You have always been very perceptive.”
Lee turned around from his left, to see that the bartender was holding her black semi-automatic pistol in her right hand. The hammer of the weapon was cocked back, meaning there was a bullet in the chamber. And the weapon was ready to show.
And while she had her right index finger resting on the trigger guard, she was pointing her semi-automatic pistol on him.
Lee then noticed that the bartender's facial expression was unreadable.
Lee maintained his own poker face, as he thought, 'She is showing a mask of calmness, almost as good as my poker face. Though, give her job. I am not surprised she can do so.'
The bartender order, “Go sit down in the far chair.”
Lee turned back around, and calming walked over to the far chair, and sat down in it.
Lee then turned back to looked at the bartender.
He saw that as soon as she saw him seating, she walked over to the other chair, and sat down, as well.
Lee took a hard look at the woman, and her weapon, as he assessed the situation. Lee though, 'With my precognition to both help and guide me. I could probably take her in a fight, without getting shot. But, I need to know what is going on first. Though, I doubt she is the danger my precognitive abilities are warning me about. '
Lee looked the bartender in her eyes, with the bartender looking back into Lee's eyes.
Lee asked, in a firm, though polite tone of voice, “Okay. I have one question. Why? I have always been nice to you. I paid my tab. I tipped you well. And I always treated you like the lady you are.”
The bartender laughed, for a few seconds. As she calmed down, she said, “Well, my main issue is that you brought trouble to my bar. I do not like that one bit. Other than that, you have been a great customer. Which is why I am giving you a change to explain yourself, before I decided what to do with you.”
Lee continued not no show outward reaction, as he thought, with concern, 'She figured out out something about me. The what and how are the important questions. Though, she is giving me a chance to explain myself. Which is a good sign for me. But, I will have to be careful what I tell her. And I better not directly lie to her. So, I need to start off with asking...'
Lee inquired, “What do you mean?”
The bartender stated, in a direct, yet even tone of voice, “What I mean is that Revy, and her friends, came here last night. And don't worry. This is one of the times they did not cause any trouble. Hell, Revy didn't even try to get drunk.”
Lee thought, 'Actually. After getting to know these women. None of them, including Revy, try to get drunk every night. They only occasionally try to do so.'
The bartender went onto say, “Anyway, Revy and I got into a discussion. Soon after they got here, months ago. I could already tell that they were after someone. And I finally got around to asking Revy on the matter. While Revy was vague, she did mention that the one she, and her friends, were after had scorned them. Then, I remembered that conversation we had the first day I met you. And I agree with you. There is nothing worse than scorning women. As in plural. Not singular.”
Lee immediately recalled their conversation. He lowered his head, as he groaned. He said, “I should have never joked like that.” He mentally berated himself, 'I am such an idiot. Though, it was my first day here. Well, second day. Considering, when I first got here, I checked into the Devil's Hotel, headed to my new suite, and slept for several hours. Still, that day can count as my first full day here.'
Lee then looked back up at the bartender's face. Lee saw the bartender still had a calm expression on her face.
Lee also swiftly resumed his calm poker face.
The bartender commented, “Perhaps. Still, this conversation might be beneficial to both of us. But first, I need to know.”
The bartender demanded, in a stern tone of voice, “What the hell did you do to piss those women off? Given the time you have spent here has shown me that you would never knowingly anger such women. You have always treated them with cautious respect. Which I admire. But, now that I think about it, this also shows that you know them. And while they are after you. They clearly do not know you are the one they are after. Or, they would have already captured you.”
The bartender flatly inquired, “What is going on?”
Lee did not show any reaction on the outside, as he mentally cursed, 'Damn! Damn! Damn! She was able to put many of the pieces she had together. And I was right. All it takes, is one slip up, and it is over. I should never said that, women scorned, joke, to her. Now, it has come back to bite me in my ass.”
Lee then forced himself to calm down, as he continued his thoughts, 'I need to calm down. And at this point, while my con is collapsing. With my cover being all but blown. I do not need this woman as an enemy.'
'She still might consider me her friend. She is just currently upset with me.'
'She already pulled a gun once to protect me. If I stay in her good graces, she might do so again. So perhaps, it might be best to admit everything, and hope for the best. That is if she wants to hear my explanation.'
Lee admitted, calm tone of voice, “You are right. But, I do not think that you would believe my explanation.”
The bartender smiled, as she dared, “Try me?”
Lee thought, 'Alright. If that is the way you want it.' Lee calmly began, “Before I came here. And the reason everyone is after me. Is because I wrote a series of stories. Books. All together, the stories were a few thousand pages long. This is why they refer to me as, the writer.”
The bartender stated, “I heard the them talk about a writer, now and again. But, I did not realize the connection between that was the same person they were looking for. Let alone, that it was you. All I figured out was Revy and the others were the ones after you.”
Lee said, “Well, now connection is made. And there is more.”
The bartender inquired, “I am sure. Though, I am a bit confused about this. How would writing stories piss these women off?”
Lee stated, “I am getting to that part. And this is the really far fetched part. But first, how much do you know about multiverse theory?”
The bartender coyly replied, “A little.”
Lee went onto say, “Well, it is not a theory. The multiverse is very real, and it seems that all realities, even fictions ones, exist. And those women are from fictional realities.”
The bartender raised her right eyebrow in interest, as she requested, “Do tell.”
Lee explained, “Due to these women coming to this reality, after my hide, and the way they present themselves, I have come to realize that it is possible to write something in one reality, and have those writings effect the people, things, and events, within one or more realities.”
“And I wrote stories about those that are after me. Very strange and twisted stories, that actually happened to this set of people, or characters, along this branch of the multiverse.”
“To add to that, my stories were works of fanfiction, and not parts of the canonical stories. Which is another reason they are after me. I did not create them. I am just an absolute nobody whom toyed with their lives in an extreme manner.”
The bartender asked, with concern in her tone of voice, “How extreme?”
Lee let his poker mask drop. He gained an embarrassed expression on his face, as he answered, “Well, long story short. Most of the women that are with Revy, use to be men, before I got my hands on them. And they learned about the stories I wrote. And they tracked me down to this reality. My home reality. Now, with their presence, I am on the run from everyone. From the government of my home nation, to these women. It is just that they don't know who I really am.”
Lee emotionally deflated. He slumped in shoulder down, as he looked down at the floor between them. He continued, in a sad tone of voice, “As such, everybody wants a piece of my ass. And not in a good way.”
Lee then slowly looked back up at the bartender, and what he saw pleasantly surprised him.
Lee watched at the bartender used her right thumb to turn on the safety to her pistol. She then tucked her pistol into the back of her pants. Next, she began laughing for several seconds.
Lee thought, 'Her putting the gun away is a good sign. The laughter... Not so much.'
After, the bartender stopped laughing, she looked at Lee. Lee saw the woman's eyes hardened, as she casually stated, “Well, it is nice to be wanted... Still, this explains a lot. And you know you are truly screwed to the wall?”
Lee calmly said, “That is an understatement.”
Lee saw the woman's eyes relax, while she giggled for a few seconds.
The bartender commented, “Well, I have another question for you.”
Lee questioned, “Sure. What is it?”
The bartender mischievously smiled, as she playfully asked, “Who do you think I am?”
Lee thought, with concern, 'That is never a good question. Especially, coming from a mysterious woman, whom I do not know the name of.' He inquired, “What do you mean?”
The bartender grinned wickedly, as she stated, “You haven't figured it out? Have you? None of you have. And I like it this way, because I prefer my anonymity. I like not being known. As such, I never did tell any you my name. It is not hard to lie when you do not tell the answer in the first place. Still, given the situation, and who you are, I will give you a clue. The bar I was most well known for was the one I managed in Thailand.”
Lee thought, 'She is right. It is hard to catch someone in a lie if they don't tell the lie in the first place. Still, who could see be? She is a no nonsense, badass bartender... And the bar she is most known for operating was in Thailand.... No... She could not be... The dress!... It is an ao dai. A Vietnamese dress... She is!...'
Lee's eyes slightly widened, as he stated, “Bao?!”
Bao continued smiling, as she said, “Got it in one.” She the started laughing for several seconds.
Lee remained silent, as he let Bao continued laughing.
And Bao's laughter gave Lee time to collect himself, as he made his eyes returned to normal.
Bao some calmed down.
Lee said, “Oh hell. That dress you wore at the dance. It was a vietnamese ao dai, and I completely missed it.”
Bao responded, in a comforting tone of voice, “Don't feel bad. Very few non-vietnamese whom would recognize that style of dress. And I do not mind wearing it because the style uses pants, and it also looks good on me.”
Lee commented, in an honest manner, “Listen Bao. I am sincerely apologize for the gender bending. I did that just as joke scene. At the time, I didn't realize it was really happening in another reality...” Lee then realized something, as he contineud, with worry, and concern, in his tone of voice, “Oh no. You weren't forced into Chang's breed projects?”
Bao answered, “Fortunately, no. They really did want a good bartender.” While still in her seat, she used her hand to gesture down the front of the sides of her body. From her shoulders, to her stomach, as she continued, “And I am not sore about being this smoking hot woman you see before you. So, there is nothing to apologize over this.” She then put her hands in her lap.
Lee let out a breath in relief. He said, “I am happy to hear that.”
Bao stated, “That I am sure of. And I mean you gave me so much in return. I am now younger, healthier, and I age very slowly. I am stronger and physically tougher than almost anyone I know around here. Except for those after you. That saves me on having to hire bouncers.”
“Monthly periods are annoying. But, I am so sexy that can I get laid every night I want, by almost any man, or woman, I approach. I just have to be careful not to get pregnant. Condoms help with that.”
Boa smiled wickedly, as she continued, “And the best part is that redheaded demon bitch, and her friends, don't have a clue it is me. I can finally enjoy some peace and quiet.”
Lee commented, “Given you are a veteran of the army of the republic of Vietnam, I have a feeling that what I know about the Yellowflag, and yourself, in Roanapur, is only the tip of the iceberg for your past.” He mentally added, 'That is why made it so you and Shane Caxton knew each other from the U.S.-Vietnam war.'
Bao stated, “You are probably right. Back in Roanapur, I had to deal with psychotic customers. Corrupt cops. Greedy mafias. And a whore house above me.”
“Though, here. I presently run my own business. And I have this bar insured at a cheap rate. I now have the power to control who my customers are. And thanks to me being friends with Pedro, I don't have to worry about extortionists. One phone call and they are taken care up before the next day is over.”
Lee thought, “That is true. And there is also the fact you separately slept with both Pedro, the police chief of the city, and his brother Paciano, the former mafia boss of this town. Whom left immediately after learning what was going on. Though, I think both of them would get a kick out of finding out who you really are. Even after you slept with them.”
Bao went onto say, “The only reason I did not throw Revy and her friends out is because I know better. They pay well, and I do not want to piss them off. And I realized they would likely move on.”
Lee complimented, “That is very wise of you.”
Bao responded, “Thank you. Anyway, the police, and crooks, here, leave me alone. Should this place gets destroyed one too many times. I just pull up stakes, and move to the next place, I find interesting.”
Lee said, “I am glad you're happy.”
Bao agreed, “So am I.”
Lee inquired, “Now, how did you leave your home reality for a second time?” He thought, 'I wonder that. Considering I did not write about it. I was not even sure it happened. Until you confirmed who you are, Bao.'
Bao answered, “I used my bartending skills to get a few of the techs, working on reality devices, drunk, From there, I learned what those reality device are, and how they worked. Then, I waited. When the time was right, I stole one of those small reality devices. That time being during the chaos in Rock's attack of the Tower.”
Lee complimented, “That is some intelligent thinking.”
Bao replied, “I know.”
Lee thought, 'I might as well ask.' He requested, “You wouldn't happen to have that reality device, on you, that I could borrow?”
Bao flatly said, “It is not on me. And I am not giving you, mine. Still, do not worry. I am not going to turn you over to them. You are such a good friend and customer. I have no intention on telling them who you are.'
Lee replied, “Thank you. And it was worth asking about.”
Lee happily thought, 'Well, Bao. I am glad you still consider me your friend. And oh well. Back to my original plan.'
Bao agreed, “You are right. In your situation, I can understand you asking about such a device. Also, thanks for including me in that toast with the Ardbeg Providence.”
Lee replied, “No problem. You are nice to me. So, I am nice to you.”
Bao agreed, “Yes. It pays to be nice to each other. Though, I do have another question. What was with that Tex-Mex joke?”
Lee answered, “Tex-Mex is an alias of the creator of the Black Lagoon series, the series you, and the others from Roanapur, are from. That series being in both anime and manga formats. You are from the anime timeline. Anyway, he uses the Tex-Mex handle when he draws pornographic manga. Included in these manga he uses the babes from the Black Lagoon series.”
Bao laughed for several seconds. As she calmed down, she still giggled a little, as she stated, “That is evil. Just pure evil.”
Lee mischievously smiled, as he said, “I know. But, I had to come up with a way to keep them here. To let them know I was here. While not blowing my cover. And my plan worked.”
Bao commented, “True. But, you did make mistakes. I did recognized that attack you did, during the time you disarmed the man in the bar. It was like something Akira did, the night he first came into my old bar.”
Lee stated, “You are right. And I did write that scene. And come to think of it, it is similar. Only, I had to deal with one idiot, instead of two idiots.”
Bao said, “I am surprised none of the girls recognized what you did then.”
Lee responded, “By then, they were too drunk to care. And they likely do not remember much of that night. Also, the guy in question, pulled a gun on me. So, it was worth the gamble.”
Bao nodded once, as she replied, “You got that right. I would hate to lose you as a customer. You are so polite, and a nice tipper.”
Lee stated, “Thank you. I long since learned to treat the help with respect.”
Bao pointed out, “And your manners may save your life in this messed up situation you are in.”
Lee agreed, “You are right. And it cannot hurt. Since I am nice to Revy, and the others, if they catch me, they may just put a couple of bullets in my skull, instead of torturing me for ten days straight, then killing me.”
Bao replied, “Exactly.”
Lee thought, 'Now, that I think about it. I have been, petting the dogs. And it has been worth doing so. Being polite to all the women after me, plus everyone else I could, since I came here. Though, I for that matter, I have been polite most of my life. And that will likely help me a lot. Still, there is another question I want to ask Bao about.'
Lee inquired, “Though, I do have a question. Where did you come up with name, the Rats Nest, for this bar?”
Bao answered, “Believe it, or not. The younger maid one time called the Yellowflag, a rats nest. After I got to thinking about it, I realized that insult, would make a nice bar name. So, given the name, Yellowflag, was too well known with reality travelers. When I had a chance to open my own place. This place. I named this bar, the Rats Nest.”
Lee began, “But, when did Fabiola called the Yellowflag...” Lee immediately stopped talking, as his jaw dropped, while he remembered something he should have known in the first place.
Bao giggled at the expression on Lee's face.
As Lee collected himself, he stated, “Of course. Fabiola called the Yellowflag a Rats Nest after she shot up the bar, in the american english dub, at the end of episode twenty-five, Collateral Massacre, of the anime.”
Bao commented, “And I found that to be hypocritical of her. How dare she criticize my bar after she wrecked it.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. You are right about that. Also, you didn't own that bar, in the U.S. midwest, when you had that beard, while you were hiding out?”
Bao answered, “No. I just ran it. The owner called the bar, the Western.”
Lee sarcastically said, “How original.”
Bao responded, “Well, at least he had it insured for arson, so he is probably okay. And considering you wrote about that bar, how could you not know that?”
Lee admitted, “I kind of used broad strokes with that bar. I stated what the bar looked like on the inside, and outside, along with music playing in it. And you being the bartender. I did not give it a name. Nor did I state what you had been up to while in that reality. I guess it makes sense that reality would fill in the blanks.”
Bao inquired, “So, you didn't write about my dates with several beautiful woman while in that town?”
Lee answered, “No.”
Bao said, “Interesting.”
Lee agreed, “Very.”
Bao commented, “And to think, during that time, I had some really good sex, with some of those women.”
Lee shrugged, as he replied, “I hope you used a condom.”
Bao requested, “Of course. By the way, I might want to see that Black Lagoon series sometime.”
Lee mentioned, “Pedro has a copy of the series, and he knows where to find my stories on the internet. My stories are titled, Badasses Of the Multiverse, books one through four.”
Bao commented, “Now that is an ambitious title.”
Lee pointed out, “I know. But, look what I had to work with.”
Bao complimented, “Good point. I would say you lived up to that title.”
Lee responded, “Thank you. Anyway, I am sure if you ask Pedro, he would be more than happy to loan his copies of the Black Lagoon series, to you. Along with showing you a copy of those stories. And don't worry, that anime has a really good english dubbing. And you would probably enjoy both the Black Lagoon series, and my stories. Or at least, you would get a good laugh at Revy's misfortunes in both series. Barring one scene, in the last episode of the Blood Trail arc, at the end of the Black Lagoon series.”
Bao inquired, “Which scene is that?”
Lee quietly said, “The scene that showed Revy as a teenager. A cop falsely arrested her, and then he raped her in a jail cell, while she was laying on her back, on the floor, with her hands cuffed behind her back.”
Bao softly replied, “Oh... Well, that does explain some things about Revy's personality. Still, to get back on track. It might be best, when I talk to Pedro, that I don't tell him who I really am. Considering, that I slept with both him, and his brother, separately, on two occasions.”
Lee thought, 'That confirms that. Though...' Lee mentioned, “Actually, I think you could bring up the subject, if you delicately handle the matter. Pedro might take it the news quite well. For example, we both agreed a number of the men turn women here, from your reality, and a few others, are hot. Such as Chang's female form.”
Bao asked, “Chang's a woman, now? I know, with the casino, that Chang is in town. But, I didn't know Chang was a woman now, as well.”
Lee explained, “Yes. Well, it is more of part time situation for Chang. You know that black hair chinese woman that came here that day you saw Rock, as a guy, and the others, whom played Sam and I at cards?”
Bao cracked a grin, as she said, “Yes. I remember that day. And how you had sex with that woman in the men's restroom, right after.”
Lee winched, as he responded, “Don't remind me... Anyway, that was Chang's female form. And Chang's female form's alias is, Daiyu. Which means, black jade, in chinese. And I found it kind of narcissistic to name his casino after himself, or in this case, herself. Though, I will admit that it a good name for a casino.
Bao agreed, “Yea. Chang can sometimes be full of himself.”
Lee replied, “No kidding.”
Bao asked, “So, what gave you the idea to turn us into women?”
Lee admitted, “Honestly. It was not originally my idea. Your creator came up with the idea to gender bend a number of the other people of the Black Lagoon reality. To be specific, the idea was shown in both the manga, and anime, in omake comedy short stories. There are seven Black Lagoon omakes in all. There is also an eighth omake in the manga series, that was not animated. It is about the Lovelace family.”
Bao inquired, “What happened in that one?”
Lee stated, “Roberta went crazy, again. This time protecting Garcia. With her planning to go after women with a-cup breasts. Which, at the time, included, Fabiola. Though, after Garcia calmed things down, it was Fabiola who snapped. Due to Garcia being unable to do calm Roberta down so quickly, when they searched for Roberta, in Roanapur. Fabiola reaction was so intense that she even scared both Roberta and Garcia. With her chasing them.”
Bao chuckled a little.
Lee continued, “Given I was using the anime timeline. And how Roberta was maimed and crippled, at the end of anime timeline. I felt mentioning that omake was in poor taste.”
By then, Bao calmed down. She said, in a calm tone of voice, “I heard what happened to Roberta. Both her injuries in the jungle, and Chang's repairs. And at least you have a sense of decency not to mention something like that in poor taste.”
“Though, I am not surprised, that Roberta could go overboard like that. Or, Fabiola could respond with just as much insanity. Though, I did see the younger maid once, after that fracas in Roanapur. And the younger maid, Fabiola, has definitely blossomed since then.”
Lee thought, 'You must be talking about that screwy, three chapters, that happened around the same time, when you were captured by the Hell Sabers. Still, I do agree with you.'
Lee commented, “Though, I have no seen pictures of Fabiola, since the end of the Black Lagoon series. Given, what I wrote, I would have to agree with you. Also, in a fan magazine Tex-Mex made about Black Lagoon, Tex-Mex hinted out working on a ninth omake, dealing with Revy as a dominatrix, call Queen Revy.”
Bao stated, “Been there. Done that. I have seen her like that one time, during one of her more crazier periods. Long before she ever met Rock, and she started to calm down.”
Lee thought, 'Bao's comment can be taken in so many ways, that I do not want to know the details. My life is insane enough, as is.' Lee replied, “I don't want to know.”
Bao complimented, “That is a wise a reply to make, on that matter. Now, which omake are you talking about, with the gender bending?”
Lee responded, “To be specific, the gender bending idea came from the fourth omake, the Boys and Girls omake. Still, all the omakes are hilarious. You were not in it. That is probably why no one has recognized you, while you have been here.”
Bao agreed, “That is very likely.”
Lee went onto say, “But, you could probably already guess who was. You might get a kick out of watching the anime versions of the omakes. You can find english fansubs of them, and the manga versions, online.”
Bao commented, “I will have to check those videos, and manga, out sometime.” She inquired, with curiosity in her tone of voice, “Now. Given I am stuck as a woman. Though, at hot, strong, sexy woman at that. But, still a woman. I have to ask. How can Chang and Rock change genders back and forth? Is it like Akira's sneezing ability?
Lee answered, “For Chang, yes. Rock uses a magical powder, with water, that works once per dose, with cold water. And hot water reverses the effect?”
Bao asked, “From the Ranma Half series?”
Lee guessed, “Pedro showed you his anime collection?”
Bao stated, “Yes. Some of it. We just never got around to the Black Lagoon And let me guess. That redhead with Akira is Ranma. And the blue haired woman with them is Natsuru, from the Kampfer.”
Lee replied, “Yes.”
Bao questioned, “I thought so. Are given the physical similarities, are the three teenagers sometimes with them, their children. I believe their names are Nodoka, Mikoto and Yurika.”
Lee answered, “Correct. Those are their names. And they are Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru's children.”
Bao asked, “I suspected as much. Which one is the mother and father to each one?”
Lee answered, “Ranma, Akira, and Nodoka, each gave birth to one of them. Ranma is Nodoka mother. Natsuru is Nodoka's father. Natsuru is Mikoto's mother. Akira is Mikoto's father. Akira is Yurika's mother. And Natsuru is Yurika's father.”
Bao inquired, “You came up with those three daughters in your stories? Didn't you?”
Lee admitted, “Yes.”
Bao commented, “You have a sick mind.”
Lee causally responded, “That goes without saying. Along with me being an idiot. But, those three teenagers are good people.”
Bao agreed, “Yes. From what I have seen of those three teenagers. They seem to be good kids. And can they gender bender like their parents?”
Lee stated, “All three can change at will. And Mikoto and Yurika can change with a sneeze.”
Bao said, “That is interesting. And it does not take a genius to figure out who those five other teenagers are the children to.”
Lee replied, “Yes. They are.”
Bao commented, “I will find out the details, later.”
Lee mentioned, “Just ask Pedro. He will help fill in the blanks.”
Bao replied, “Okay.” She thought, 'So, Pedro knows what is going on. In part. Or, in full. That was not hard to guess, after overhearing Lee and Pedro, talking about that bottle of Ardbeg Providence that Lee brought into the bar. And I will find out the details in a minute.'
A thought occurred to Lee, as he asked, “Now, that I think about it. I find it hard to believe that Pedro would show you the Kampfer and the Ranma series. But, not a series that showed strong adult women. Such as the Black Lagoon series.”
Bao admitted, “During our time together, I did mention to Pedro that I was interested in the gender bending genre. And yes. He gave me a strange look, due to my request. But, given I am such a hot woman, he let the matter drop.”
Lee said, “Okay. And it too bad I cannot get you some of those packets without revealing to them who I am.”
Bao responded, “True. And I cannot approach them, about that without risking them finding out who I am.”
Lee said, “Yea. It is kind of a catch twenty-two for both of us.”
Bao shrugged, as she stated, “Oh well. It is the thought that counts. Sex is still enjoyable as a woman. So, I am not going to complain. And Pedro, and Paciano, were both good in bed.”
Lee replied, “I will take your word on that.”
Bao let out a laugh. She then thought, 'Now, to find out more how much Pedro knows. And what happened to Paciano.'
Bao inquired, “By the way, what happened to Paciano? And how much does Pedro know? I could not help but overhear your conversation with Pedro, when you brought that bottle of Ardbeg Providence by, three days ago. You both clearly knew that bottle originated from my home reality.”
Lee commented, “Given your enhanced senses, that is understandable. Okay. The Del Soto brothers are big Black Lagoon fans. Paciano found out that Revy and the others being here, at the Devil's Hotel. And that they were from the stories I wrote about, as well. Just like you. And from what Pedro told me, Paciano gave away nearly everything he had, left town, and joined the priesthood.”
Bao giggled. She then commented, “I can actually see that happening. Most of the mafia members I knew of back in my reality were stupid enough to try to insult Revy, and the others like her. But, the people of this world seem to have a savviness that is lacking in my reality. And Paciano realized it might be best to get right with God, than face Revy. Honestly, I think he made the right choice.”
Lee replied, “No kidding.”
Bao inquired, “And Pedro?”
Lee stated, “Pedro knows what is going on. Revy, Chang, the others, and the stories. But, unlike his brother, he stuck around. We have been working together to figure a way to steal a reality device, so I can escape to the multiverse, with the others following me.”
Bao commented, “Nice plan. And I think Revy, and her group, would follow you. But, I don't think Chang, and his group will. It looks like Chang is putting down stakes here.”
Lee responded, “Pedro and I both realize that, as well. But, if we can get Revy and her group to follow me, at least Pedro, and this town, have a chance.”
Bao agreed, “True. And I hope your plan works.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Bao asked, “By the way, I noticed you are getting thinner. And with that, not going to be here forever, comment you made a few days ago... What is going on?”
Lee admitted, “I am dying of cancer. I got a few months to live, unless I can find a cure in the multiverse.”
Bao stated, “Ouch. And good luck. On second thought, in that case, if I wasn't afraid of reprisal from Revy, and the others, I would loan you my reality device.”
Lee responded, “I fully understand. And I would have returned it, when I was finished.”
Bao agreed, “I am sure you would have.”
Lee commented, “Well, I am glad we had this conversation. I can now have a casual conversation, about this, with someone who is sane, and who does not have a personal agenda, besides just living their life.”
Bao stated, “I guess you would consider that refreshing. And like any good bartender, I am more than willing to listen, and offer advice.”
Lee chuckled a little. He then said, “Thank you.”
Bao inquired, “By the way, who else knows who you really are?”
Lee grimly stated, “The number seems to be dreadfully climbing by the day. Besides yourself, those in town, that know I am the writer, are Pedro, Chang, River, Arcee, and Annie. At the moment, all of them have agreed to keep my secret. But, I don't know for how long.”
Bao commented, “Be happy that Chang loves playing his games. So, you have a little time.”
Lee replied, “True.”
Bao questioned, “So, Sam does not know who you really are?”
Lee responded, “Nope. He is a genuine friend to me. And I do not want to get him dragged into my mess.”
Bao complimented, “That is kind of you”
Lee said, “Thank you.”
Bao inquired, “So, I know about Chang, and Pedro. But, who are the others. I know you played River in that poker tournament. Though, all I know about her is her name, and that she is Chang's girlfriend. What is so special about her?”
Lee asked, “Have you ever seen the Firefly sci-fi series, and Serenity movie?”
Bao answered, “Yes.”
Lee flatly commented, “Same River. Though, she doesn't look it. She is several years older. And she is saner. Also, she likes to occasional dye her natural brown hair red.”
Bao's jaw dropped. A few seconds later, as she collected herself, she stated, “I take it back. I have seen that series, and movie. You winning that poker game against her is balls to the wall awesome.”
Lee could not help but smile at Bao's compliment. He said, “Thank you.”
Bao realized, as she inquired, “Wait a minute, River still looks young. How is that possible? Did she have the vat process?”
Lee explained, “No. When I wrote my stories, I created a gender bending virus that Chang, River, and the rest of the Serenity crew head. Do not worry, the virus is not contagious after it ran its course, over the first few weeks of infection. With the infected being confined to the Serenity, for those weeks. With no physical contact to the outside. So, they are the only ones that were affected by that virus. That gender bending virus gave them the same gender bending sneezing ability that Akira has.”
“At the time, Chang was a woman, like you with the super-soldier serum in her veins. The virus allow her to change back into a man, at the same youthful age has her female form. In addition to Chang still have the physical enhancements the super-soldier serum gave him as a woman.”
“Along with the gender bending, this virus also slowed down their aging to a very slow crawl. And that added longevity, has a multiplier effect to other forms of longevity. Such as those of the Verse's natural longevity, compared to people, here on Earth. And the longevity from the super-soldier serum that you and Chang have.
Bao commented, “No wonder Chang is not pissed off at you. And River did not turn you in. You gave them both so much. And their love life must be interesting.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. Given Chang's creativity, and River's genius, I would guess so.”
Bao giggled. She then questioned, “So, who is Arcee?”
Lee answered, “Arcee is a autobot. As in a transformer?”
Bao questioned, “From that old cartoon series?”
Lee pointed out, “Actually, Arcee is from a newer comic series, inspired by that old cartoon. The comic series is from the Transformers. IDW comic series. She goes from pink robot, into a pink motorcycle, and then back again. And she is as crazy, if not crazier than Revy.”
Bao inquired, “Is she the pink robot I heard that worked with Revy and the others, at the Tower.”
Lee replied, “Yes.”
Bao commented, “That figures. And dare I ask who Annie is?”
Lee admitted, “You are not going to like the answer. But, here is a clue. What Stars War badass was nicknamed, Annie, as a boy.”
Bao began, “There is only one character, a male one, that I can think of, who was nicknamed Annie, as a boy, was...” Her eyes went wide, as she stated, “No?!”
Lee replied, “Yes.”
Bao said, “No.”
Lee stated, “Yes. Annie is, or actually was, Darth Vader.”
Bao exclaimed, “Oh god! That rumor from the Tower was true?! You are crazy to rob Vader of his manhood! That is insane!” She forced herself to calm down, as she continued, “Doing that is crazier than Roberta on a bad day.”
Lee soberly admitted, “I know.”
Bao pointed out, “I see you are right, concerning what you said, early, about yourself. You would have to be an idiot to do that.”
Lee quietly repeated, “I know.”
Bao inquired, “After she learned who you are, why has she not force chocked you to death, yet?”
Lee answered, “Annie is out of the black suit, and in healthy body, with restored limbs. Because of this, she is happy with her current situation, for the most part.”
Bao conceded, “I can see how that would help your case with her.”
Lee went on to say, “Plus, I did a whole lot of character development for her. She was kidnapped between the prequel and the original trilogies. And I had her watch all six movies.”
Bao commented, “That is mean.”
Lee countered, “But necessary. She saw how her life would have ended up. And she rejected that path, and became a better person. You could consider her a good guy, or in this case, good gal. But, she is no saint. And she is more than willing to kill those whom threaten her.”
Bao stated, “I am glad you convinced her to be good. Vader as a bad girl, with her force powers, and the super-soldier serum, would be scarier than the Bloodhound.”
Lee agreed, “You are preaching to the choir.”
Bao asked, “So, what does Annie look like?”
Lee answered, “Annie is the one with the brown hair, in the brown robe, with the lightsaber clipped to her belt, at Chang's casino.”
Bao said, “I will be sure to avoid her.”
Lee pointed out, “No need. She is likely one of the nicer people you will meet at the casino. Just don't crack any Star Wars jokes in her presence.”
Bao cracked a grin, as she inquired, “So, how many of those Star Wars jokes did you crack at her expense, in your stories?”
Lee admitted, “More than was healthy.”
Bao let out a laugh. She then said, “I will keep that in mind. Now, that I think about it. I do have another question. I heard about Melvin putting Revy in her place. I would pay money to see what happened.”
Lee agreed, “So would I.”
Bao commented, “Anyway, I have met Melvin a few times, and I just get the feeling I have seen him somewhere else, before.”
Lee stated, “It is not my secret to tell.”
Bao inquired, “Okay. But, how big a secret is it?”
Lee answered, “Melvin is in hiding from badasses that are more dangerous than those after me.”
Bao stated, “The only badasses I know of, that are more dangerous than Revy and the others, are Balalaika and Hotel Moscow... Of course. Now, I remember. He is a member of Hotel Moscow.”
Lee softly replied, “Damn.”
Bao snorted.
Lee said, “Well, since you figured that out, you need to know that Melvin is actually on the run from Hotel Moscow.”
Bao pointed out, “Why is he on the run from them? He does not seem like he would willfully cross Balalaika. And the only good thing that everyone can agree about her is that she takes care of her troops.”
Lee explained, “First, I didn't write this. I just pieced it together from some sources. And this is all on Balalaika's head. After the fall of the Chang's Tower, Hotel Moscow continued with business a usual, only at different locations. And as the years passed, Balalaika stayed young, while her subordinates did not. Eventually, it reached a point that she made them an offer, the vat process, to make them young. At the price being they would be women. Only Melvin objected. It was then that Melvin learned that Balalaika's offer was more of an order, than an offer, and so he ran.”
Bao asked, in a firm tone of voice, “Are you saying that Hotel Moscow is now composed of young, badass super-soldier women?”
Lee replied, “Yes. And that isn't my fault.”
Bao said, “I believe you. And here I thought the members of Hotel Moscow were dangerous before.”
Lee responded, “Yes. I am just happy that Balalaika does not know who I am.”
Bao said, “If she did you would be better off with surrendering to Revy and her group.”
Lee agreed, “I know.”
Bao commented, “Well, we better head back out before more customers show up.”
Lee replied, “Agreed.”
Bao stood up from her chair, as she said, “Anyway. I wish you luck, and I am rooting for you.”
Lee stood up from his chair, as he replied, “Thank you.”
Both of them turned, and walked towards the door, leading to the dining area of the building.
Lee walked passed Bao. And he pushed opened the door for Bao, and let her walk through first.
As Bao passed by Lee, she said, “Thank you.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome.”
Lee then followed behind, with him gently closing the door after he was through it.
Lee then walked around the bar counter, and sat at one of the stools, in the middle of the bar counter, with him facing the right wall of the room.
Lee then patiently watched for his good friend, Sam, to show up.
Meanwhile, Bao walked behind the bar counter, and placed her pistol in its holster, under the bar. She then turned to Lee, as she asked, “Can I get you anything?”
Lee turned to Bao, as he answered, “Not yet. And your secret identity is safe with me.”
Bao grinned, as she replied, “Thank you.” She then pulled out a bottle of water, from refrigerator, under the counter, to drink.
Lee turned turned looked down at the bar counter, as he continued to wait for Sam to show up.
A few minutes later, Lee was still sitting in his stool with Bao behind the bar counter, as both of them heard the front door to the bar open.
They both turned their heads to see Sam walk through the front door.
Lee stood up from the stool he was sitting in, as he turned to Sam. He said, with joy evident in his tone of voice, “Good morning, Sam.”
As Sam reached Lee. Sam came to a stop, in front of his good friend, as he happily replied, “Good morning, Lee.”
Lee inquired, “So, back to the usual poker game?”
Sam replied, “Yea.”
Lee asked, “How long can you stay?”
Sam smiled, as he answered, “All afternoon.”
Lee returned his friend's smile, as he happily responded, “Good.”
Lee turned to Bao, as he ordered, “We will have two glasses of lemonade.”
Bao continued to look at the two men, as she said, “Coming right up.”
Sam grinned, as he said, “You know me so well.”
Lee turned to Sam, as he warmly said, in a happy tone of voice, “What are friends for.”
Both men then turned and walked to their usual corner table, in the left back corner of the room, to continued their ongoing poker game.
Later on, it was the late of the afternoon, near sunset, inside the Rats Nest, Lee and Sam were at this usually table, playing poker against each other, at their corner table.
Lee had treated Sam to a nice lunch at the local American steakhouse that he had previously taken Eda to. He drove Sam to the restaurant, in his pink Cadillac. Where Sam and Lee both enjoyed the meals that Lee paid for. Lee then left a tip, And Lee returned this to the Rats Nest.
We then returned to the Rats Nest to continued their poker game, at their corner table. With Bao giving them both fresh glasses of lemonade.
Currently, Bao, Sam, and Lee, were only three people inside the bar.
As Sam and Lee saw in chairs at the large table, in the back left corner of the room.
Sam had his back to the back right corner of the room. Lee sat with his back to the right wall of the room. Which allowed Lee to see the front door, with the corner of his left eye.
And while Lee was enjoying his time with Sam. He was still dealing with a minor personal concern.
Throughout the afternoon, Lee was unable to shake off the growing sense of impending doom he had been feeling all day, since he woke up.
Lee looked at his poker cards, in his hands. It was a good hand. Though, Lee was just more interested in continuing the current hand, just for fun. The pot for the hand was only a few dollars, with him and Sam just presently playing for the fun it. As the two friends sent time with each other.
While Lee continued to look at his poker hand, Lee thought, with concern, as he fought off the creeping dread he was feeling, 'I don't get this feeling. It is like my precognition is redlining. This is way worse, than when I sense an actual possible threat from Revy. That is just a minor annoyance, compared to the down right, apocalyptic sense of danger I am feeling right now. And I cannot figure out why.'
'If they girls finally figured out who I was, they would have dragged me off at breakfast, or come after me by now. It has got to be something else. Maybe the authorities of my homeland are going to take another shot at me... Nah. Pedro said they wouldn't... At least not this soon.'
'It cannot be Chang. He already knows who I am, and he let me go. He even made me a nice offer, that I am willing to accept, as soon as he works out the kinks in his plan. And I told him as such.'
'Annie, River, and Arcee know who I am, and they clearly don't care. The rest are in the dark. And I am still in Pedro's good graces. So, that cannot be it. So, what is it?'
Suddenly, to his left side, he heard the front door to the bar open, with footsteps of people walking in.
Lee did not paid any mind to whomever walked into the bar, as he looked at the cards in his hand.
Lee had a pretty good hand. A full house of three queens, and two aces.
A few seconds later, Lee heard a bottle dropped on the floor, from behind the bar counter. Though, from the sound, the bottle did not shatter, when it hit the floor.
Lee thought, 'Well, let's see if Bao needs some help cleaning that up. The bottle may be intact, but it likely that it was full, and the liquid inside spilled its alcohol onto the floor. Anyway, I owed Bao, for what I did to her, and for keeping my secret. Helping her clean up a mess is the least I can do.'
But, when Lee turned to his left side, to look at the bar counter, whom he saw, standing in front of the bar counter, nearly caused him to have heartattack in fear.
As Lee's cards fell on the table, with the cards facing upwards, he felt intense fear at the two individuals he saw, He immediately understood what his precognition had been trying to tell him all day long.
It took all the will power Lee had not to break his calm poker mask. Still, it was extremely difficult to prevent himself from immediately freaking out, jumping out of his chair, and running for the front door. But, he knew if he did, it would give him away as the writer.
For whom he saw were two women. One woman had long purple hair, that went below her waistline. The other woman had long green hair that went below her waistline. Both had their hair in ponytails, tied back at multiple points. The purple woman's hair was so long that her hair was tied every two feet, and was tied three times in all. And the woman with the purple hair was closest to him.
Though their clothing, Lee could tell that the purple haired woman appeared to be in her mid-twenties. While the green haired woman appeared to be in her late-twenties.
Both had very athletic physical builds. And while the green hair woman had a respected set of breasts on her chest. The purple haired woman had a large set of breasts on her chest.
From the angle they were standing at, he could see that neither of them were wearing glasses, nor bonnets.
Yet, both were wearing classic, black and white, long skirt, long sleeved, and white gloved, maids outfits.
The two women could only be two people.
Aside from the fear, Lee was beyond happy that both of the women were turned towards the bar counter, with neither of them looking at him. Though, the purple haired woman, the more dangerous of the two women, was the one being the closer to Lee, as she stood to the left of the green haired woman.
Still, Lee mentally screamed, 'It is Roberta! And Fabiola! The Lovelace maids! They can only be those two. No one else would wear those outfits, and have those hair colors, at those hair lengths, in those ponytails. And the only reason they would be here would be to look for me.'
'Chang told me that all those after me agreed not to tell the maids about the stories, and about my anonymous alias, as the writer. So, who the hell among the Rock and Revy's crew called them in?! No one in Chang's group could be that stupid, because they know Chang would have their hides for ruining his fun.'
'Though, the answer to that question really does not matter at the moment. These two badasses will literally tear this town apart looking for me. I have got to get out of here. Out of the city. They will eventually chase me. Though, my running will get everyone else out of the line of fire. But, how? I go for either the front, or back door, I am had.'
'And they are literally way too close for my comfort. Roberta is less than ten feet from me. I would guess the Bloodhound is eight feet, nine inches, and three quarter inches from me. To be exact. I am literally two steps from an absolutely, horrible, horrible fate. I just pray that I can get Bao to stall them, while I figure out a plan that can save all our asses.'
'Fortunately, Bao knows the situation, and she has no love for the maids. So, we still might be able to pull off a miracle. And I have an idea to buy time. The question is, can Bao pull it off, on the fly.'
Meanwhile, Bao was standing, behind her bar counter, and in front of one of her worst nightmares, come to life.
Bao had dropped the bottle out of fear, when she looked up, and saw Roberta and Fabiola standing right in front of her.
Only after years of experience in dealing with Revy, and other lunatic women, kept Bao from showing any outward fear towards the women.
Though, Bao thought, with intense fear, and worry, 'Oh fuck! Lee is fucked! And maybe I am too!' She then risked a glance of at Lee, and their eyes met each other, before she looked back at the faces of the maids. She continued her thought, “And from the look in his eyes, he knows he is fucked!'
'At least the these two women don't look pissed off at the moment. Given the situation, that could be worse. And I see that Roberta replaced her cybernetic parts, with more human looking ones.'
'The only thing I have going for me is they clearly don't know who I am, nor do they know that Lee here is the writer.'
'I need to play up the babe angle, until Lee figures out a plan. At least, I learned spanish when I first came to this town. So, that may help put them at ease, while in my presence.'
Bao kindly said, in spanish, “I apologize for my clumsiness.”
Fabiola said, in spanish, “That is quite alright. We all make mistakes, sometimes.'
Bao thought, 'It is tragic that you are likely not going to apply that rule to Lee.'
Roberta spoke in a calm, polite tone of voice, in spanish, “Yes. We all do. Now, excuse me, ma'am. We are looking for the Devil's Hotel and Resort? Could you provide us with directions?”
From over Roberta's left shoulder, Bao saw Lee still looking at her.
Lee silently mouthed the words, in english, “Stall them.”
Bao thought, 'I think I can do that.' She offered, “Well ladies. If you give me a minute to get a pen and paper, from in back, I can draw some directions for you. And if you can wait a few more minutes than that, I can call you a taxi.”
Roberta responded, with a cute, innocent smile, “That would be nice.”
Bao thought, 'If I did not know better, I would have fallen for that smile.'
Bao asked, “Can I get anything for you, before I head to the back?”
Bao thought, 'If it is milk, we may make it out of this alive. If it is hard alcohol, we are screwed.'
Roberta answered, “We will each have a bottle of beer.”
Fabiola commented, “Something nice, and cold.”
Bao thought, 'I am confused now. I cannot read their answer.'
Bao quickly pulled out two cold bottles of expensive beer, from a small refrigerator, from below the bar counter. She swiftly set the cold bottles on the counter, in front of the maids.
Bao then turned, and walked to back of the room, where she opened the storage room, and ended the storage area of the building.
Meanwhile, both maids opened their bottles, and they each of them took a drink their cold bottles of beer.
As Sam saw Bao leave for the back area of her bar, he could tell that she was scared for some reason. Also, he saw a bit the fear Lee's eyes, as well.
And all of the fear, from both adults, were directed towards the two women that had just walked into the bar.
Yet, for Lee, Sam could see the fear had lessened considerably within the last few seconds.
Though, Sam wisely decided to be remain silent, as he watched the situation play out.
Meanwhile, Lee saw what Bao had done.
As the Bao left the room, and maids drank their bottles of beer.
Lee turned back to face Sam, lest the maids notice that he was staring at them, and wonder why he was doing so.
Lee thought, 'Okay, Bao. Good job. You bought me time. Not much, but some. I may have seconds to a few minutes. But, I can work with this.'
'Though, when I first saw the maids, just now, I was so scared, I almost pissed my pants. Sill, I need to figure a way out of here... Wait... Could my escape be that simple?... It is worth a try. I just have to calmly get up, and walk casually. As if nothing is wrong.'
Lee slowly stood, and he calmly turned and walked to the men's restroom.
Though, at the same time as Lee did heading for the men's restroom, from the bar counter, Fabiola had decided to take a look around the room. And she noticed Lee walking to the men's restroom door, open it, and walked inside, with him closing the door behind himself.
Fabiola set down her beer bottle on the counter, as she thought, 'I wonder.'
She walked over to the men's restroom, and opened the door to it.
She saw Lee next to, and facing, one of the restroom urinals.
Lee turned to Fabiola. He inquired, with annoyance in his tone of voice, as he spoke in spanish, “Do you mind?”
Fabiola blushed, as she said, in spanish, “Sorry.”
She then stepped back into the dining are of the bar, as she closed the door behind her. She then turned, and walked back to her place at the bar counter, by her teacher, and long time friend, Roberta.
Meanwhile, in the men's restroom. Right after the door shut, as Fabiola exit the room, Lee let out a deep breath, in relief. Lee thought, 'And she was modest enough to not even check to see my fly was zipped up. And she would likely not expect the writer to know spanish.'
As this went on, in the main room, Fabiola walked away from the restroom door, and back towards the counter.
Sam watched this. He then set down his cards, got up, and passed by her, as he entered the men's restroom.
After Sam entered the restroom, he let the door close behind him. He turned, as he saw Lee standing by a urinal, a few feet from him. Sam began to ask, in english, “What...”
Lee quickly rushed up to Sam, and cupped Sam's mouth, with the open palm of his right hand.
Sam could see that Lee has a serious expression on his face. Lee whispered, in a serious tone of voice, in english, “Speak only in whisper. The purple haired woman has sharp hearing. And do not use my name, nor your name. Do you understand?”
Sam silently nodded.
Lee the removed his right hand from Sam's mouth.
Sam softly inquired, with concern in his tone of voice, “What is going on? You are acting like Santa Muerte just walked into the bar.”
Lee quietly responded, “That would be pretty close to the truth. We have to get out of here. The window in here is our best bet. We are lucky it is big enough, and it is not painted shut. And we have to do this quietly. Also, forget the money on the table. It is not worthy our lives.”
Lee mentally reflected, 'I am glad I still have most of my money on me. And I can live without that five hundred dollars, and change, I left on the table. Plus, the maids will not suspect us of leaving without first collecting the money off our table. So, we got that going for us. Now, to get out of here.'
Lee softly turned around, and walked to the window.
The window, as three feet wide, and six feet high.
The window was set three feet above the tiled floor, in the middle of the back exterior wall of the building, with the window reaching the ceiling. There was a simply turn lock on the center of the window.
The window faced a concrete block wall, six feet from the back of the building.
So, privacy was not an issue. Though, the height of the concrete block wall dropped down to four feet, when it was no longer parallel with the building.
The window was clear, and provided light for the large, restroom. There were ceiling lights, and a suction fan in the ceiling that could be turned on, but both machines were currently turned off.
The window was a standard tile and slide window, and pushed upwards from the bottom to open the lower half.
Lee careful, undid the lock in the middle. He then slow, and quietly, pushed the window up to where it was open enough to get out of.
Meanwhile Sam quietly walked across the room, to where Lee was. And he stood a few feet behind Lee.
As this point, Lee had opened half of the window, all the way up. Lee then checked, and found, that the window stayed in place. After which, he let go of the window.
Lee was the first to walk outside through the window. He was soon followed by Sam.
When both men were standing outside, Lee whispered, “Just follow me. We will talk, when we are about a city block from here.”
Sam softly replied, “Okay.”
Lee then turned, and started walking to the along the back side of the building, towards the right side of the building, which had not windows on that side of the building, that could be seen from the middle part of the bar counter, where the maids had been quietly drinking their bottles of beer.
Lee did this, so Sam and himself would not risk being seen by maids as they left the area.
As Lee walked, Sam followed right behind Lee.
Soon the two men would be the concrete sidewalk, where Lee would then take them to a nearby intersession, and he will turn right, to go up another road, that did not face those outside of the Rats Nest Bar.
And while Lee was taking a different route to where he parked his car. He knew the road so of Plata Podrido, well. And he was still heading to where he parked his car, a few blocks away from the Rats Nest Bar. He did this so that he would not have to double back, and risk accidentally running into maid.
A minute later, Lee lead Sam to an intersession, where they cross the empty street, to their right. And they walked down another sidewalk, with the road to their left.
Both men were silent, as Lee briskly walked, with Sam following right behind him.
Though, Lee did plan to make a quick stop, on their way to his car.
At the moment, inside the Rats Nest bar itself, Bao had just re-entered the dining area, form the storage room. She walked around the back of the bar counter, with a pen and paper in hand.
As Bao walked, she noticed that Lee and Sam were gone, but the maids were still there, calming drink their beer.
Bao thought, 'Good. Lee figured a way out. And he was able to get Sam to go with him. That means no one is likely going to die right now. I helped give Lee a head start. He is now on his own.'
A second later, Bao came to a stop, to the left of the maids. Though, not right in front of them. She looked at the two maids, whom had been silent, and losing in front of themselves.
Suddenly, a group of eight men walked into the bar. The men were in their late teens, to early twenties. And they were all in casual clothing. Such as shirt, pants, and shoes. A few of the men were holding wooden baseball bats. But, none of them had any other signs of weapons on them.
Bao thought, 'From their clothing, and ages, they are likely another mexican gang. These guys seem to come here every other week to cause trouble. As least with Revy and the girls coming by regularly, most of them got the clue to stay away.'
'And Pedro, and his men, usually handle the rest of these fools.'
'If the maids were not here, I would pull my gun, and they would leave. And some of them also have yet to learn, the hard way, that I was physically stronger, quicker, tougher, and a better fighter than them. But, if I do that, with the maids here, it is going to result in a bloodbath. With maybe my own blood being shed as well.'
The leader of the gang said, in spanish, “Hello senoritas. We are looking for Lee? Where is he?”
The maids left their nearly empty bottles of beer on the counter, as they turned to look at the newcomers.
Roberta asked, in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice, in spanish, “Who is Lee?”
Bao mentally whined, 'These idiots are not only going to get themselves killed, but lead the maids right to Lee. Sure the boy did some questionable things, but he doesn't deserve the fate these two will dish out on him.'
Bao turned to Roberta, as she spoke up, in spanish, “Just a guy in town.” She turned to the gang, as she inquired, “So, what do you want with this, Lee?”
The man answered, “We heard he recently came into some money from that big poker game, at the casino in town. We know he stays at the hotel with those crazy women. But, that he also comes here. So, we figured it was safer to confront him here.”
Bao thought, 'You fools picked the wrong place, at the wrong time, on the wrong people, to pull this stunt on.'
Bao stated, “Nice plan. But, I hate break it to you. But, Lee is almost broke. It was Revy's money, not his. Revy took all the winnings with her. With Lee not seeing a peso of that money. He did not even want to play that woman, in the first place. Revy made him enter that game.”
The man replied, “Really? How sad. Our fallback plan was to kidnap him, and hold him hostage.”
Bao responded, “Good luck with that. No one here would pay any ransom for him. Especially, not those women at the hotel.”
Fabiola question, in spanish, “What money? What poker game? What woman are you talking about?” She thought, 'Though, with Revy involved. And it has to be our Revy. No one else is called, Revy. This is getting more interesting by the second.'
The man answered, “A few days ago, Lee played a poker game against this woman at the local casino. It was a million U.S. dollars, bet against a million U.S. dollars. Lee won the game.”
Roberta requested, “Describe this woman?”
The man said, “Some redheaded chick named, River”
Fabiola raised an eyebrow, as she inquired, “River? As in Chang's girlfriend?”
The man answered, “I guess so. I believe that the guy who runs the casino is named, Chang.”
Roberta thought, 'This Lee beat a telepathic genius in a poker game.' She stated, “I would like to meet this man. What does he look like?”
The man smirked, as he said, “What does it matter? You are never going to see him. We came here to make money today. And if we cannot make it off of his ass, then we can make it off of yours. And we can have some fun in doing so.”
Bao watched the two other women, beside her, as it was like a mental switch have been flipped for both maids. Bao saw their body language go ridged, as both of them grimace, and growl, in unison.
Bao thought, with disgust, 'I have seen this dance before. First hand. Twice. By these very two women. I know what is happening next. Screw it. I am out of here.'
Bao turned to the maids, as she flatly stated, “The beers are on the house. The place is insured. And the bar counter walls are armored. Have fun girls. I am gone.”
Bao swiftly walked over to a nearby section of the back of the bar counter, where she pulled her gun from the holster under the counter. She then turned around and ran out of the room, to the back of the store, and out the back door, while not looking back.
A few seconds later, Bao was in her car, driving away, down the street, from the violent insanity that was about to unfold. With Bao planning to call the fire department, when she was over two blocks away.
Back inside the bar room, by the counter, the maids had kept their eyes on the men, by the front door. Though, the maids had heard what the bartender had said. They saw from the corner of their eyes, as she pulled out a gun. And they heard as she ran out of the dining area, through a door in the back of the room.
As the maids and the men continued to silently look at each other, Fabiola thought, 'So, the bartender was armed, and she did not pull her pistol on us. Nor, these scumbags. Something is not right here.' Fabiola said, “If I didn't know better. I would think she knew us.”
Roberta turned to Fabiola, as she responded, “She might. From what I understand, our series exists here. And is fairly well known for those that have heard about it. With Revy, and her friends, around, it is possible for some people, in the local area, to put two and two together.”
Fabiola turned around, to face Roberta, as she agreed, “True. And that would explain why she ran, while letting us know the building is insured, and the bar counter is armored.”
The leader of the gang stated, “Hey senoritas. We are right here.”
The two women ignore the men.
Roberta said, “Yes. So, we don't have to worry about the destruction.”
Fabiola commented, “That actually makes me feel better about this.”
Roberta suggested, “Curtsey?”
Fabiola agreed, “Curtsey.”
Both women turned to the gang of men. A second later, both women curtseyed, and dozens of grenades, with their pinned pulled, fell out from under their skirts, and onto the floor.
A second later, both maids, jumped over the bar counter for cover, seconds before the grenades went off, and destroyed the room, while taking the gang members with it.
A few seconds later, both maid jumped back over the bar counter, and they calmed walked around small few fires in the room. When the reach the blown out, from door, the two women walked around the slightly burnt corpses of the gang members, as they calmly exited the building.
As soon as they stood right outside the entrance, under the awning, they looked at each other, to see they were both unharmed.
Meanwhile, a few cars passing by them, on the street.
Fabiola said, “Well, it looks like we will have to find someone else to give directions to the Devil's Hotel and Resort.”
Roberta agreed, “Yes. It looks that way. And with our luck, it will likely take a while.”
Fabiola stated, “I am in no rush. How about you?”
Roberta shrugged, “Not really. We will capture the writer, eventually. And if it gets to the point we become hungry this evening. We will stop for dinner, and then resume our hunt.”
Fabiola complimented, “Good plan.”
Roberta suggested, “Since we already learned, from a few other locals, this is an island, that borders the Gulf of Mexico. With those same locals suggesting we check out this bar for questions. With them giving us the direction to get here. I suggest we head to our left, and head for the eastern beach area. I am sure someone there will be willing to give us direction.”
Fabiola replied, “I agree.”
Both women then turned and walked side by side, down the left side of the building. With Fabiola walking to Roberta's right side.
Less than a minute later, the two women had passed by the Rats Nest parking lot, on the sidewalk, as they headed to the eastern beach of the island.
One minute ago, a block away, and half way to where Lee had parked his car, from the Rats Nest, to prevent from being ambushed again at the Rats Nest. Or, at least for Lee to spot those that would ambush him, before they spotted him.
At the moment, Lee and Sam had stop by a payphone.
There was no one else around them, on the street, in the area they were in, at that time of day.
Lee picked up the receiver, put in the needed amount of coins, and he dialed a number. He then used his right hand to hold the receiver to his right ear.
Sam saw the number that Lee dialed. He knew the number was for the local police station.
As the other end of the line picked up, Sam overheard Lee say, in spanish, “This is Lee. Please give a message to Chief Del Soto. Tell him that maids are in town. He will understand.”
A few seconds later, Lee said, “Thank you.”
Sam guessed that the person on the other end of the line had replied to Lee first comment, on the phone.
Lee hung up the phone, by putting the received back on the hook.
Lee then turned and start walking about from Sam, in the direction of his car. With the road to Lee's left side, and the buildings to his right side.
Sam decided to silently walk right behind Lee.
Suddenly, they heard an explosion come from the Rats Nest, a block behind them.
Sam stopped, and turned around, to look at the smoke rising from the explosion.
Meanwhile, Lee just kept walking, without looking back.
Sam turned back to Lee, as he started walking behind him. With Sam catching up to Lee, to follow Lee, by a few feet behind Lee.
As they walked, Sam commented, in english, “I hope the bartender is okay.”
Lee kept this back turned to Sam, as he stated, in english, “Trust me. That bartender has been through worse. She will be alright.”
Sam asked, “Okay. But, what is going on, Lee? You are not acting normally. You are acting scared. Really scared.”
Lee kept his back to Sam, as they two men walked. Lee said, “That is because I am scared, for very good reasons. Listen Sam, you have got to get away from me. It is not safe to be near me, right now.”
Sam offered, “Just tell me what is going on. Maybe I can help.”
Lee shook his head, as he responded, “The heat is just too much on this. The short answer is the Lovelace hammer of righteousness is about to hit me, and I am not sure why...”
“Anyway, you cannot help me on this. If you try, you will just get yourself killed. Like I said. You need to get away from me. A five hundred mile radius should be good start. But, I recommend getting to the other side of the planet, as quickly as possible. Besides, you won't believe me, if I told you the full truth.”
Sam looked at the back of Lee's head, as he suggested, “Try me. I can believe a lot.”
Lee kept his back to Sam, as they walked. Lee stated, “Not like this. I know how this is likely going to play out. I tell you the truth. You don't believe me. You stick around, get yourself kill, and likely me captured. So, cut the bullshit. You are one of the few friends I have in this life. And a good friend at that. I don't want to see you get hurt. Let alone killed, due to my own stupidity. You said you have friends and a girlfriend. Go to them, and use their help to get the hell away from me.”
Sam said, with warmth in his tone of voice, “Lee, I am truly touched by your sentiments, concerning my welfare. And I think this is the best time to show you something about me.”
Lee continued to have his back turned to Sam, as he asked, “What?”
Then, Lee heard Sam sneeze, from behind him.
Lee immediately stopped walking, as he thought, with concern that swiftly turned to worry, 'A sneeze?... Oh no... Which one?...'
Lee slow turned around, clockwise, and he saw, the young woman, River, looking up at him.
Lee was in so much emotional shock, that he did not react. Even his face was stuck in a, huh, expression. He was like a deer caught in the headlights, as he continued to look at River.
River had on a full red fake, fully groomed beard, like Sam's full groomed beard. Her hair tied back in a ponytail, the same way Sam tied his hair back. Her hair was dyed the same shade of red as Sam's hair. River was wearing Sam's clothing, which was several times bigger in size that her current physical body needed.
While still in emotional shock, Lee thought, 'Sam is River Tam. And all this time, she had gender bended into her male form, and used a fake beard. Such an obvious trick, and I missed it. They even had the same shade of dyed hair. And I didn't seen. I have been played since before I even got to this town. And I didn't even realize it.'
Lee then began to laugh, because he did not really feel like crying.
River did not say a word, as she let her friend laugh for several seconds.
While Lee began to calm down, as he stopped laughing, he said, “Sam. Tam. I should have seen that coming.”
River shrugged, as she replied, in a comforting tone of voice, “Lee, don't feel bad. I can be a very good actor.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. You clearly can.” He then teased, “You know. That fake beard looks so funny on you, when you are a woman.”
River giggled, as she answered, “I know.”
Lee commented, “And I see you went back to dying your hair red. I have been meaning to ask you about that. But, doing so, in front of the others, would have blown my cover.”
River said, “Yes. Asking me about my hair would have likely alerted the others. Still, the red hair helps people not recognize me. By the way. Thank you for showing me that option.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome.”
Lee thought, 'First, Bao. Then, the maids. And now this... The whams just keep on coming. And I guess I do not know you that well, after all.'
River took off her fake beard, and put it into one of her right side pants pocket. Next, she tighten her belt a few notches. After which, given their height differences, River looked up at Lee, as she commented, “It is not that bad. And you do know me a lot better than you think. You just did not know Sam was me.”
Lee took a few deep breaths. With him slowly letting out each breath. He then said, “Okay... Sorry, about that. I got lost in the moment. And I honestly forgot you could read minds.”
River said, “It is okay. It happens more often then most people think.”
Lee asked, “So, do I call you, River, from now on? Or, can I call you, Sam?”
River commented, “Either is fine.”
Lee replied, “Alright, Sam.”
River smiled, in response to Lee's comment.
Lee commented, “I take it that Chang, nor anyone else, knows about you befriending me?”
River said, “No. They do not. So, how do you feel?”
By then, the shock of the situation had begun to feel wear off for Lee. And Lee was beginning to feel better and calmer, as he thought about the upsides of his situation. He said, “Well, I honestly feel a lot better, now. My chances for survival have just dramatically gone up.”
River happily agreed, “That is true.”
Lee inquired, “I hope you don't take offense to this question. But, about your sanity? Because, as Sam, you acted like a pillar of sanity. You were practically the straight man of our two person act.”
River grinned, as she stated, “I know. I am much saner than I use to be. I got a lot of help. You even hinted at a few of the things that helped me, in your stories.”
Lee replied, “That is nice.”
River said, “By the way, thanks for that. I enjoy having my sanity back.”
Lee asked, “You're welcome. So, about the poker game? You did call me, as Sam, to cheer me up. And you tipped me off to Faye's cheating.”
River stated, “You won that game fairly. I tipped you to Faye, because she was cheating on my behalf. If I had said something, it would have raised questions. And you really needed to be cheered up. Sorry about scaring you like that. I know I have a bit of reputation.”
Lee said, “Now, that I think about, as River, you were always nice to me. And I just did not realize it was you. Looking back on what really happened, it is okay.”
River stated, “Glad to hear it.”
Lee commented, “I think it is academic that your girlfriend is, Chang.”
River joked, “Well, half the time.”
Both friends laughed, for a few seconds, at River's joke.
As they calmed down, Lee commented, “Given you read my mind, and you already know about the time loop, from our conversation with Chang and Annie. You must know some of the things I did there, besides what was discussed.”
River's lips curled into a mischievous smile, as she complimented, with mirth in her tone of voice, “Oh yes. And you are absolutely insane to pull some of the stunts you did during that time.”
Lee returned River's smile, as he joked, “It is only insane if I am caught.”
River let out a laugh. She then agreed, “True. And that ass joke you pulled on Revy and Rock was brilliant, and hilarious. I had to keep myself from laughing in your presence, the first time I read your mind, while you were thinking about that.”
Lee responded, “Thank you. I try. Anyway, I know you don't have a clear memory of that day, during the loop. But, what were you and Chang up to then. Or, more aptly. What were you planning to do, they day before? That you hinted with me, while you were Sam.”
River commented, “From what we planned, and what I pulled from your memory, we just spent a good time together, that day. By the way, not to sound like a hypocrite, but I admire that you respected my privacy.”
Lee replied, “It is okay. I know the telepathy you have has no real, off, switch.”
River said, “I am glad you realize that. Anyway, from what I can vaguely recall. And what I have pieced together, from reading your mind. Except for the time I was teaching you. Chang and I spent those days making love to each other every way possible, that two gender benders could.”
Lee admitted, with warmth in his tone of voice, “I envy you.”
River replied, “I know. And if we get out of this mess, Chang and I are always open to invitations.”
Lee raised an eyebrow, as he said, “I just may take you up on your offer.”
River giggled a little. She then asked, “So, since you are the idea man... Person... How do we deal with the maids?”
Lee answered, “My main plan, right now, is to run.”
River said, “That is not a plan. You even literally wrote entire books on the subject, that running is not a plan.”
Lee commented, “I know. Those books are the reason I am in this mess. And well, hiding does not work on the Bloodhound. And all the other plans would mean confronting her, and her student. And that would be suicide, or worse. So, my options are sort of a process of elimination, here.”
River replied, “You may have a point there. I have never seen you this scared over Revy, nor the others. You were not even this scared when confronting me, as River.”
Lee stated, “That is because you are only dangerous when provoked. And I can probably come up with a plan to handle the rest of them, if I had to. But, not the maids. Nor you, for that matter.”
River calmly said, “I am glad you realize that.”
Lee stated, “Still, what I don't get is why they are here for me... Well, I can understand Fabiola being upset with me. I did some things to her. But, those things weren't that bad. And I made sure the situation turned out well for her. It is Roberta, I don't understand. I repaired her body completely, and helped her regain her sanity. Much like I did for you. Also, I made sure Garcia fully recovered from his wounds that he sustained at the end of the Blood Trail arc. So, why is Roberta after me?”
River thought, with concerned, 'Besides my identity, this is one, of two, big issues, I am not sure how Lee is going to react too. I do not think Lee realizes what Lee did, and whom Lee did it too. But, since Lee is asking, I might as well answer the question.'
River calmly said, “I read some of their thoughts, while we were all in the bar. They are angry with you about what you did to their master. While you did help Garcia recover. You also did something horrible to him. Or, should I say, her?”
It took about a minute for Lee to think over his long story, on what he could have done to Garcia. Then, it hit him, as he face-palmed himself with his right hand, as he looked down between at the concrete side walk, between River and himself.
Lee blurted out, as River watched Lee emotionally go to pieces, and she telepathically sensed him go to mental pieces as well, at the same time, as Lee realized the depths of his stupidity, “Oh no... The throw away line at the end book three. I just did that as a gag. It was just a case of, why the hell not. And I threw it in. No wonder they are pissed off at me. I turned Garcia into a girl, with a spring of drowned girl curse.”
“Shit. I am dead. I am deader than dead. I am dead, ten times over. I am so dead, I might as well lay down in my own grave, and let you throw dirt on top of me. I am that dead.”
“Nobody hurts Garcia and lives... Well, except for Roberta. But, that a special case. And even she regrets shooting him... Still, those two badass woman will literally track me across existence itself, to exact their revenge on me.”
“It is just a matter of time.”
“Damn. Even death may not be an escape. I am sure Roberta would find a way to follow me, and bring me back, just so she could bring on the pain, and kill me again. Over and over again. And likely multiple times after that...”
He finished in a deflated, desperate tone of voice, “I am so screwed.”
Lee removed his right hand from his face, as a thought occurred to him. He turned to looked at River in her face. He asked, “You won't happen to have a reality device on you?”
River looked at Lee, in his eyes, as she stated, with a bit of sadness in her tone of voice, from seeing her good friend like this, “No. After Chang had his casino up and running, he even made me give him the one I originally used to get here. And Chang keeps a tight lease on those devices. They are in the casino.”
Lee cursed, “Damn. That would be the easiest way to escape the Bloodhound, for the time being. Though, I can see why. It would be disastrous if that technology got into the hands of some of the more savvier people, or organizations, on this planet.”
River stated, “I agree. And you do not need to run. I can take Roberta in a fight.”
Lee flatly countered, “No. I do not think you can. Now, that I think about it, you likely never saw the Black Lagoon series.”
River admitted, “I didn't have time. I was the one piloting the Serenity, while that series was an inflight movie run. The rest of the crew loved the series. When they found out that the Chang from the series was my girlfriend, I think they envied me. Hell, I know they envied me. And Mal didn't dare throw her off the ship, considering my relationship with her helped me with my sanity.”
Lee suggested, “Well, I apologize for depriving you of the opportunity of seeing that series. But, you really need to see that series. After you see that series, you will begin to understand how screwed I truly am. But, I need to inform you of who you would be facing. To give you the cliff notes, of whom you would be facing.”
River stated, “You do know what I am capable of.”
Lee realized, as he thought, 'I know your comment was meant as a statement, and not a question.'
River replied, “Yes. It is.”
Lee said, “Well, yes. I have a good idea of what you are capable of. So, keep in mind, that even before the upgrades I gave Roberta, she could take you in a fight. When it came to being a badass, the Bloodhound was already in a league of her own, even before I got my hands on her.”
River was taking their situation seriously, as she requested, “Please, explain.”
Lee responded, “Sure. No problem. Black Lagoon was filled with several badasses, but when those badasses talked about Roberta, her name was the one mentioned in hushed tones, behind closed doors. She was their dreaded monster under the bed. The scary thing in their closet. That one person they compared to everyone else, when it came to the last person you would want to meet, alone, in a dark alleyway.”
“When Balalaika confronted her, she brought her army with her. When Revy went after her, a second time, she literally called for help. This is the only time in the entire series that Revy openly asked for help about anything. And when Roberta was in the city, for a second time, Chang spent most of his time, surrounded by his bodyguards, while pulling everyone's strings to get her out of his city.”
“That is how dangerous Roberta is. And Fabiola, Roberta's student, whom you know is now an adult, is almost as dangerous as Roberta, herself. So, you would not be fighting just one badass, that could take you in a fight, you be fighting two of them, at once.”
“Still, how about an easier way to explain things to you? I am going to pull up everything I know about the maids, to the surface of my mind, and you just read my thoughts.”
River did as Lee suggested, and Lee watched as River's face paled in fright at what Lee was facing.
Lee sarcastically thought, 'It is really says something to watch, as a telepathic, super-genius, badass assassin goes sheet white in fear, from learning about who is after me.'
River began, “I had no idea...” Her voice then trailed off at realizing how dangerous the people she was planning to face were.
Lee said, “Now, you do. And you are wiser for the knowledge.”
River commented, with concern in her tone of voice, “Still, you don't have to run, Lee. I know how your mind works. I know what you are likely planning. And you have long been forced into the habit of planning to face your problems alone. Well, you do not have to do this alone. You are no longer alone. I am with you.”
Lee politely disagreed, in a sober tone of voice, “River, you are a telepath, but you clearly only read my surface thoughts. There is a lot of stuff you don't know about me, that I intentionally don't think about. And I am sure this is the case for other people, you know, as well. Still, as Sam, you were my friend. My good friend. And you still are my friend. Aren't you?”
River answered, “Yes. We are still friends.”
Lee said, in a somewhat quiet, sober, serious tone of voice, “Good. Though, I am a bit annoyed with this revelation, that you and Sam are the same person. I can move passed that. I am already working towards that, as we speak. Still, it is looking more likely, no matter the case, that I am not going to live very long. And I do not want you to get hurt. Let alone, killed. Go back to Chang, and screw each other anyway you want. I will deal with my own problems.”
Lee then offered, in a halfhearted tone of voice, “And when you two decide to have kids. You can name one of your kids after me. My real name. Which I am sure you know. Or, my alias, Lee. Either way. I would find it flattering.”
River was deeply touched by Lee's offer. She held back tears, as she stated, with concern in her tone of voice, “Lee, I am not just going to leave you to die.”
Lee admitted, “River, there is not much you can do. I am have several crazy chicks after my hide. You just happen to be one of the nicer ones. Hell, I am basically dealing with crazy chicks all the time. And this is not counting the cancer that is slowly eating me alive. The fact I am still breathing is a minor miracle.”
River thought, 'Now, to deal with the one other bombshell issue, am I sure that Lee does not want to talk about. But, we need to discuss, between someone catches. This is likely the only catch with have. With no one, I sense, around, to over hear us.' River calmly asked, “Does you include yourself?”
Lee stayed silent, as he looked away from River.
River said, “I read your mind regularly. I know what you are thinking upstairs. And that is why you like writing about gender bending. And it explains why you used those magic packets, that Revy has, in the time loops.”
Lee turned to look at River. He frowned, as he flatly stated “That is a low blow... Okay, I admit I do not like my body. I hate my body. I loath my body. I used writing to work through many issues I have. And not just that one. That is why I am precognitive. Because, I would rather be anywhere, than here.”
Lee then both his hands, with his right and left index finished, to point at his chest.
River remained silent, as she was not sure how best to reply to Lee open admission.
A few seconds later, Lee dropped his hands back to his side.
Lee looked at River, as he continued, in a sad tone of voice, “And I never had the money, nor the opportunity to do anything about this. Let alone afford to treat the cancer that is slowly killing me.”
Lee then took a deep breath, and he slowly let it out. After which, Lee went onto say, in an even sadder tone, than before, with pain lacing his voice, “Though, through all the hell I have been through, the one thought that has kept me sane, in this waking nightmare, that has been my existence. And I am not talking about these last few months. But, my entire life. Was one thought. That no matter how much suffering and pain I endured, there was a finite end to it. That I will die. That I will eventually my soul would be free to move on from this living hell.”
“Those three words. I will die. Kept me from going insane. And the reason I did not kill myself, was that was in no rush to go to hell. Which I figure, is where I am going, no matter what I do. For me, I was just playing out a screwy, bad hand of cards, that I was dealt by a crooked dealer called fate. Along with this, curiosity kept me going, to see what will happen next.”
“When I learned that I was going to die of cancer, my first thoughts were that this nightmare, that is my life, would finally be over in a matter of months. That my issues would soon resolve themselves, even if it was in death. And I would deal with my problems in hell, when I got there.”
“I was even planning on how to make the most of my last days in my current life.”
“Then, this mess started. If the others had been as low key as you were, then likely nothing would have happened to me. Cancer is one of the worst ways to die. Most of those after me would have likely been satisfied to have me die by my body literally eating itself alive. And I would have died a quiet death at home.”
River could no longer hold back her tears. She shed a few, as she sorrowfully commented, “That is a very sad way to look at life.”
Lee smiled, as he replied, though his voice held no passion to its tone, “Well, I have since come to realize that I want to live. But, wanting to live, and living, are two different things, and my time is quickly running out.”
River used her right hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes. She then lowered her right hand back to her side. She looked back up at Lee, in his eyes. She suggested, “We could always talk Chang about this. I know you are open to taking his offer. Which I helped talk to him about. And I read from you mind, that you are open to taking you. And I would give you my word. He would help you, if you asked him too. I would make sure of that.”
Lee responded, “I respect you, River. I even care about you. But, I am not so sure about Chang. Though, he made me a nice offer.”
River said, “Yes. He did. It is a good offer. And Chang would keep up his end of the bargain, and so would you.”
Lee inquired, “And you read my mind, about why I did not immediately take his offer?”
River sadly admitted, “Yes.”
Lee pointed out, “So, you realize that Chang knows better than to cross Roberta?”
River conceded, in a disappointed tone of voice, “Yes.”
Lee sighed, as he asked, “You know the worst part about all this?”
River sadly commented, “Yes. I am reading your mind. But, say it out loud. It will make you feel better.”
Lee calmly stated, “Thank you, River. And the worst part is the hypocrisy. If all those after me were not so hypocritical, in this situation, I would not be so against them having their revenge against me. Even Revy's, or Roberta's, revenge. Unfortunately, they are damn hypocrites on this matter, and they don't even realize their true hypocrisy on these issues.”
River said, “But, I do. And it is only human nature.”
Lee agreed, with a mix of frustration and bitterness mixed into his emotional state, and tone of voice, “Exactly. I am being judge by human nature that I, nor them, can help doing. You cannot stop people from having an imagination. From dreaming and creating stories. It is part of our nature. And it is a great part. And those are me are hypocrites because of that. When I was with them, watching the Tron Legacy movie together, in the theater, at the Devil's Hotel. I saw their faces as the characters on screen suffered through their trials, and achieved their goals.”
“They enjoyed watching that movie more than I did. It is all entertainment for us, and thought we all knew better, we could help ourselves. And we all know those characters are just as real as you, me, and everyone else, they are just located in another reality, in the multiverse.”
Lee tone of voice then became very firm, thought a bit shaking, on the verge of breaking, as he continued, “In my heart, I am not a sadist. I like happy endings. But, for the main characters to achieve their goals, they had to suffer through their journeys. That is just the way it is. That is how life here, is, in this reality. And there is no way I can explain that to the those after me. They just would not want understand those facts.”
River felt intense sadness, as she empathized with her friend's plight. She responded, in a comforting tone of voice, “I understand. And I can vouch that they are not willfully blind on the issue. They just do not understand that situation, like you and I do.”
Lee signed, as he said, in a sad tone of voice, “Yes. Mores the pity.”
Lee looked away from River, as he took a few deep breaths.
River could see that Lee's poker mask was completely shattered, and the look on Lee's face showed he did not know what he was going to do.
Lee turned back to River, as he said, “River, I want you to know, that whatever happens, I thank you for your friend with me. Still, I have to head back to the hotel, to collect my belongings, and get something to eat. Before the maids get there. Once I do that, I am not sure what I am going to do. I am overwhelmed. It is just too much for me, right now. And if I think about it too hard, I feel like I am going to crack.”
River stated, “I understand. I will see you back at the hotel, in little while. Likely, half an hour, or so. I need to do some thinking about this, as well. Besides, my car is parked by what is left of the Rats Nest.”
“If you are back at the hotel, when I get there, we will see what we can do, before the maids get there. If you are not there, when I arrive, I will try to help you on my end. Chang has an interest in you. In a good way. So, that is a good sign. And I have his ear, so all is not lost.”
Lee said, “Thank you, River. You have been a true friend.”
River smiled at Lee, as she responded, in slightly quiet tone of voice, “I know. And you really do deserve more than one. Good luck.”
Lee returned River's smile, as he replied, “You as well, River.”
The two friends then parted ways, as they headed for their vehicles.
As River walked out of sight, Lee turned around, and continued to walk to where he parked his car.
While Lee walked, he thought, 'I need to get to the hotel, pack up, check out. I will decided what to do after I am ready to go, and I have something to eat at the hotel restaurant. I am glad I filled up the tank to my car, this morning, before I came to the Rats Nest.”
“Now, it is forty-five minute walk to the hotel, from the bar. Even if they knew where the hotel was. Which they don't.'
'And these two are known to walk, and take their time. I am guessing that I have at least an hour, if not more time, before they show up. So, I need to take the opportunity to eat, before I start running. Because, I will likely never stop running... At least until the cancer kills me.'
'But, to be honest, dying of cancer is a far better death, than allowing those two to get their hands on me... On that thought, turning myself over to Revy and Rock would be a far better fate than letting the maids have me... I have much too think about. Still, if I am lucky, River might come up with something, when she meets me back at the hotel.'
Lee turned a corner, on the sidewalk. A few minutes later, he reached his pink Cadillac, with the roof and windows being down.
A minute afterward, Lee was inside his car, driving his vehicle, down the road, to the Devil's Hotel.
At that moment, inside the De La Plata Podrido Police Department, in the open lobby cubical area of the police department, Police Chief Pedro Del Soto had just gotten a cup of coffee in his mug, in his right hand, as he was walking back to his office, on of his officer walked up to him.
The officer said, in spanish, “Chief, I have a message from, Lee.”
Pedro requested, in spanish, “What is it?”
The officer stated, “The maids are in town. He said that you would understand.”
At first, Pedro did not register what Lee's words had meant. But, as he was about to take a sip of his coffee, he immediately realized what Lee meant with his message.
Pedro's eyes went wide, as he face paled, while he dropped his mug to the floor.
The mug shattered on impact with the floor, spilling coffee and pieces of porcelain, on the linoleum tiled ground.
The officer noticed this. He turned to look at Pedro's face, as he asked, with concern in his voice, “What is it, sir? What did Lee mean by, the maids?”
Pedro calmed himself, as he thought, 'I have to remain calm while in front of my subordinates. Though, I am freaking out on the inside. I knew there was a chance that the Lovelace maids would come for Lee. And Lee said, maids, not maid. Meaning both of them. Roberta and Fabiola are in town, together, looking for Lee. This situation is too hot for me... For my boys... Lee is on his own. But, I have to say something to my subordinates, whom have a clue as to what is going on. Or, they could end up in danger, even if I skip town, on my own.'
Pedro said, “Lee meant those maids.”
The officer inquired, “What maids?”
Pedro questioned, “You know who is staying at the Devil's Hotel?”
The officer answered, “Yes sir. That is why we avoid that hotel, and the casino... Oh crap! Those maids! Rober...”
Pedro immediately put a right hand over the officer's mouth, as he quietly warned, “Do not say those names out loud. Do not speak of the devil, for that bitch, and her student, may suddenly appear.” He then removed his right hand from the officer's mouth.
The officer asked, with worry, and concern, in his tone of voice, “What do we do?”
Pedro answered, in a firm tone of voice, “Simple. We get out of town before the fireworks start. It is no secret that Lee has ties to us. Ties to me. The maids will eventually come here looking for answers. We do not want to be present when they arrive here.”
“I am taking an immediate, long term leave. Quietly tell those that know what is going on, that the maids are in town. We have to keep a few people here, for appearances. I hate doing that, but it must be done. For those who know, they can take a long term leave, as well.”
The officer nodded once, as he responded, “Yes sir.”
Pedro commented, “And get someone to clean up this mess.” He then rushed to his office, to get a few things, before he left town, in his car.
Five minutes later, Pedro was in his car, heading out of town.
As Pedro drove his car, he thought, 'I am not even stopping by my home. I am out of here, right now. I have an escape plan, and I am using that plan, right now. Besides, I am sure I left everything turned off in my home, with the doors locked. So, it will be find in my absence.”
Meanwhile, several other civilian cars, pickup trucks, and mini-vans, from the police station, filled with staff, were following him out of town.
Pedro noticed the other vehicles in his rearview mirror, as he thought, with concern, 'I hope they have their escape plans. Because mine is a one person deal.'
A seconds after Pedro turned a corner on the street, and he drove down one of the roads that would lead him to the only bridge to the mainland, he noticed, from the right side of the road, two women, standing beside each other, on the nearby sidewalk.
While Pedro passed by the women, he saw the two of them were dress in black and white maids outfits. One had long purple hair. The other had long green hair.
It took all his willing not to floor the gas pedal, as he thought, with fear, 'Oh crap! That is them. They are real, and Lee saw them already.'
'Though, I do not think they saw me. But, they are real. And they are here, in town. I have to get out of town, now! But, if I floor the gas pedal, it might attract their attention. Though, I believe, that once my boys, and I, reach the bridge off the island, and into the mainland, we will be fine.'
'And when I get to my safe-house, I will say a prayer for, Lee. Because, with those two after him, he is going to need it. And there is nothing else I can do to help him.'
Pedro kept driving. He soon made it to the bridge, and onto the mainland, along with a number of his other officers. As he crossed the bridge, he noticed that the sun was starting to set, in front of him, towards the west.
Pedro thought, 'Talk about a metaphoric symbol for the end of this part of my life.'
Pedro then soon made it to the mainland. At the intersection, across the bridge, from the mainland, Pedro came to a stop at the stop sign. He then turned to drive south, down the coastal road, as he headed for where he planned to hide for the next several months of his life. Until the heat died down, for him. Or, he came up with another plan of his own.
Meanwhile, As Roberta and Fabiola stood on the sidewalk, watching the convoy of cars pass by them, Fabiola commented, “Do you get the feeling that something is going on, that we are not aware of?”
Roberta flatly answered, “Yes. Now, let us find directions to the Devil's Hotel.”
As Pedro, and half his police force were leaving De La Plata Podrido, on the north part of the island, Lee had already parked his car at the hotel parking lot. He then made his way through the front lobby, up one of the elevators, to the third floor, and he swiftly used his hotel key to enter his hotel suite.
After entering his suite, he turned on the ceiling light, as he shut door, and locked deadbolt to the door, behind.
Lee quickly went over, and knelt down under his bed. He pulled out two items, which he set onto the bed.
Lee stood up, and looked at the two large items on his bed.
Lee checked the digital clock on the nightstand. With the clock stating it was six twenty-five PM.
Lee turned back to the two large items on his bed. One was his large gym bag, the other was a slightly smaller suitcase, than his gym bag, that he had bought, a few weeks ago.
Lee had bought the small suitcase as part of an escape plan, that he was now starting to implement.
Lee thought, 'I am glad I did not buy many clothes. Because, for part of my plan, I need to put everything I have into my suit case. Also, I need to get a few plastic bags, I have, for my toothbrush, shaving items, and a few other items. Though, since all my clothes are folded, or hung to where I could fold them, this should not take long.'
Lee went to work, as he opened the suitcase. He pulled out his clothes that were in the chest of drawers, and set them in the suitcase, in a specific order. So, he could get to what he needed, without digging to much into his suitcase.
Next, Lee retrieved his suits from the hanging rod. He removed the hangers, and he neatly placed his suits in his suitcase.
Then, he pulled out some small, plastic bags, and collective his toiletries in this. Such as his toothbrush, comb, toothpaste.
After that, he collected a few other items, such as his dress shoes. He then place the plastic bags, and other items around the interior sides of the suitcase, so, he could get to them, should he need too, without messing up his clothing.
Lee checked to make sure everything was out of chest of drawers. Once that was done. He closed the chest of drawers.
Then, Lee turned back to his bed, and finished packing.
When, Lee was finished packing, he was lucky that all his stuff barely fit into the suitcase. But, all his clothing and other items were able to did fit in the suitcase.
Lee made sure the latches on the suitcase were secure, and would not allow the suitcase to burst open.
He then grabbed his gym bag and unzipped it.
He put the suitcase inside the bag, with it was sitting up on it's bottom side, with the top of the suitcase set against the opening of the gym bag. And he set his black fedora hat, and gray fedora hat, near the front of the gym bag, while placing his dress shoes in the back of the gym bag. Lee then zipped closed his gym bag.
Lee thought, 'Fortunately. As I planned, when I bought the suitcase. This gym bag is big enough that unless a person looks closely, they will not notice the suitcase inside it. Now, to deal with some personal business, before cleaning up, and heading downstairs to check out.'
Lee then walked into his bathroom, to relieve himself.
A few minutes later, as he walked back into the bedroom area of his suite, he pulled out a spare trash bag he had, and he collected the bottles of water, food. Including the food in his small refrigerator and freezer. Along a few other items that needed to be junked. He put these items into this garbage bag, and tired up the bag.
He set the bag down, as he walked back to his bed.
He collected his second hotel key from the drawer in the nightstand, and placed the TV remote on the nightstand. He also picked up his cool looking sunglasses from the nightstand, and he put them inside his left jacket pocket.
Along with this, Lee looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was six thirty-five PM.
Lee thought, 'It only took me ten minutes to do all that. That is great. I am making good time. Now, to check out of here.'
Lee then collected his gym bag.
He carried his gym bag by it's strap, on his right shoulder. He then was over, and picked up his trash bag, which he put in his right hand.
When he reached the door, used his right hand to unlock the deadbolt. After which, Lee turned around, and looked at the room that he had called home for so long, for about a minute.
Lee thought, 'This was a good place to sleep, and think. I am going to miss it.'
Lee then turned back around.
As Lee opened door, as he turned off the light switch, to the ceiling light.
He walked out into the hallway, shutting the door behind him.
Lee then made his way to the elevator bay to the lobby. By the entrance to the front elevator bay, there was a large trash can. Lee dumped his trash back into the bag in the large can.
With that done, Lee made his way to the elevators, and took one downstairs to the front lobby, so he could check out of the hotel.
A couple of minutes later, Lee walked up to the check in desk, he looked around the room, and saw that none of Revy's crew were in the lobby.
Lee thought, 'At this time of the evening, they are all usually in the hotel restaurant, having dinner, anyway. Which I am going to do, very soon, before I make the most important decision of my life. How I want to go out.'
Lee saw there were no other customers at the desk, as he reach the check in desk.
As Lee came to a stop in front of the counter of the check in desk, with the strap of his gym bag slung over his right shoulder, he looked at the two clerks, in uniforms, whom were on duty, across the counter from himself.
A second later, one of the two clerk on duty, looked up at him, as the man asked, in english, “Can I help you sir?”
Lee calmly stated, in english, “Yes. My name is, J.D. Lee. I would like to check out.”
The clerk said, “I am sorry to hear that you are leaving. But, we hope you had a pleasant stay here at the Devil's Hotel and Resort.”
Lee cracked a grin, as he stated, “I won't say it was pleasant, but it was enjoyable.”
The clerk replied, “Good. And we hope you may return sometime.”
Lee responded, “If I am able too do so. I just might. And I will be recommending this hotel to others, for it quality rooms and services.”
The clerk smiled, as he said, “We are happy to hear that.”
Lee pulled out, from a pocket, and turned in his two keys to his hotel room. He then set them down on the counter between him, and the clerk, as he inquired, “Here are the keys to my hotel room. Is there anything that you need me to sign?”
The clerk looked at the keys, sitting on the counter, and the room number on each of the keys. He then looked back at Lee, as he answered, “No. This will be all.”
Lee requested, “Before I leave. Can you watch my gym bag, while I go get something to eat at the hotel restaurant?”
The clerk replied, “Sure.”
Lee said, “Thank you.”
The clerk responded, “You're welcome.”
Lee then handed the clerk his gym bag, and the clerk set the bag on the other side of the desk.
After which, Lee turned to his left, and he walked towards the hallway that lead to the hotel restaurant.
A minute later, as he entered the hotel restaurant and bar, he looked around.
He did not see River, anywhere, in neither of her gender forms. Though, he did see Revy, Rock, and their entire group, at their usual tables, by the stage. And Revy did not have her pistols with her.
Lee then walked over to his usual place at the bar counter, and sat down.
From behind the bar counter, Melvin noticed Lee, as he walked up to stand across the counter from Lee.
Melvin faced Lee, as he said, “Hi Lee.”
Lee turned to Melvin, as he thought, 'Best not to mention that I am leaving, or the girls might overhear me.' He replied, “Hey Melvin. I will have club sandwich, with potato chips, and glass of lemonade.”
Melvin responded, “Sure. No problem.”
Melvin turned, and went to fill Lee's order.
As Lee watched Melvin walk away, he thought, 'I am going to miss Melvin. He is living proof that that there were some actually sane, reasonable people in the badass mafias of Roanapur. And I wish that I could wish him luck in his continued hiding from Balalaika, and Hotel Moscow. But, stating that, here, might blow both our covers.'
'Still, I hope River shows up soon. I could use the company. As I think about some very important decisions, that I now have to make, about my personal life, very, very soon.'
Lee then stared across the counter, at the bottles on the shelves, on the left wall of the room, as he quietly waited for both his meal, and River to come. As Lee did so, he deeply thought about what he was going to do next.
Half an hour later, across the road from the eastern beach of the island, as the twilight of the day completely faded, Eda and Yolanda were in the back of their burger van, as they were cleaning up, and closing for the night.
They then heard the window bell ring.
Eda said, in spanish, “Coming!” She thought, 'I told Yolanda we should not have extended our business hours to six-thirty PM. But, at the time, she did make a convincing argument, in that it would attract more of the supper crowd. And while we have not caught the writer. We have make a nice bit of change from this burger van. So, this trip has not been a total waste.'
As Eda walked up to the order window, on the upper right side of the van, by the sidewalk curb, she commented, “We are starting to close, but we will see if you can still fill your order.”
When Eda reached the window, and she saw who is was, she did a double-take. It was the two Lovelace maids. She snapped, in english, “What are you two doing here?!”
As the maids stood on the sidewalk, in front of the order window of the food truck. They calmly looked up at Eda.
Fabiola calmly greeted, in english, “Hello Eda. I take it that Yolanda is in back.”
From the back of the truck, Yolanda asked, in english, “Who is it?”
Eda turned to her, as she answered, “The maids. Roberta, and Fabiola. Both of whom are dressed to kick some serious ass.”
The maids giggled a little from Eda's commented.
Yolanda calmly replied, “Really? I will close up. You handle them.”
Eda thought, 'It is so nice to have competent, sane friends.' She turned back to the two maids, as she continued her thoughts, 'Now, to handle these two lunatics.'
Eda inquired, in a more calmer tone of voice, than before, “So, what are you two doing here?”
Roberta calmly said, with a hint of aggression in her voice, in english, “We are after the writer of those stories that affected us, and the master?”
Eda mentally grumbled, 'What idiot told them about the stories and the writer? Yolanda and I, will find out later. And we will have their ass. But, for now, we have to keep these two from destroying the town, as they look for the writer. Though, I make as well ask the question. It might save me some time finding the idiot that did tell them. And I would like to know why they would be after the writer, in the first place.'
Eda questioned, “Who told you about the writer, and the stories? We all agreed to keep that a secret from you, because we didn't you to destroy this city, looking for him? And what did he do to you, to have you come all this way, after him?”
Fabiola commented, “It does not matter how we know. Just that we know someone harmed Garcia.”
Eda thought, 'So, they are hear over Garcia. That is not a surprised. Though, what did the writer do to Garcia.' She then thought about the story. A few seconds later, Eda mentally realized, 'The gender bending curse. No wonder they are pissed. Still, I need to try to defuse the situation.'
Eda inquired, in the most sincere tone of voice she could muster, for the given situation, “Roberta, given how wrecked your body, and mind, were at the end of the Grey Fox incident. Could you just consider what happened to Garcia to be a trade off for what was personally given to you? And let bygones, be bygones? With you two going back home?”
Fabiola snorted, as she said, “Nice try, Eda. But, no.”
Roberta flatly answered, “Like Fabiola, my answer is, no, as well. Though, I will take what he has done for me, personally, into account, when we have our revenge on him.”
Eda sternly cautioned, “Fine. But, we did not want to create an interdimensional incident. The series, and the stories, obviously exist here. Our bare asses are hanging on in the wind here. If we are not careful, we could attract the wrong kind of attention, towards us.”
Roberta smirked, as she stated, with a touch of venom in her tone of voice, “What is the matter, Eda? Are you afraid to face your red, white, and blue hydra?”
Eda flatly said, “Yes. If they are anything like back home, they could be very, very dangerous. And that is just one government, of many, here.”
Fabiola thought, 'A fight between us will get us nowhere.'
To keep a fight from happening, Fabiola spoke up, in a neutral tone of voice, “Be that as it may. What matters now is that we know about the stories, and the writer. And we intend to find him, and have our revenge.”
Eda deadpanned, “That line forms to the left. And from what I understand, Revy called first dips on the writer's ass.”
While continuing to give Eda a dangerous smile, Roberta commented, in a calm, even tone of voice, “I believe the line will part for me. And so will, Revy. But first, we heard about a man in town that I would like to meet. His name is, Lee. I would like to know more about this man. I even want meet him.”
Eda thought, with worry, 'Dead lord, why would these two walking death machines be after, Lee?'
Eda requested, “May I ask, what you want to know about, Lee?”
Roberta questioned, “So, you know, Lee?”
Eda answered, “Yes. He is a regular customer here for lunch. He is always polite, and a good tipper.” She mentally added, 'And he was not that bad in bed. But, I am not going to let you two know that.'
Roberta responded, “Interesting. The reason I am interested in him was that I heard that he beat River in a million dollar poker game. Someone beating a telepathic genius, such as River, catches my interest. So, what can you tell me about him?”
Eda mentally cursed, 'Damn you, Revy and Chang, for getting Lee into this mess.”
Eda stated, “Well, first of all, Lee is just a nice guy, whom is down on his luck. From what I understand, he is wanted by the law up north, over a construction deal gone bad, and owed taxes. Still, he is very clever. Most of us figured that out, after he beat River at the poker game. Though, the one thing that can be said about, Lee, is that underneath his slightly rough edges, he is a true U.S. southern gentleman. He can even dress, and act the part. When he needs too. We found that out, as well, as a few other things, at his poker game with River.”
Eda thought, 'Actually, I found out that during our date. But, I kept it to myself. Except for talking to Yolanda about our date. And I believe she saw Lee, as he picked me up, for our date. Though, the morning, after my date, Yolanda and I both decided not to mention that side of Lee, to the others. Until much later. During his poker game, with River.'
Roberta asked, “What does Lee look like?”
Eda thought, 'I might as well tell them. They will find out, anyway.' Eda answered, “Lee has short, black hair. He is caucasian america. While his clothing varies, he always wears a blue cloth jacket, a blue baseball cap, and large glasses.”
Eda watched as Roberta dropped her grin.
Both maids looked at each other, and then they turned their heads back to face Eda.
Eda thought, with worry, 'This is not good...'
Fabiola quickly questioned, “Does Lee have a bearded, male, redheaded friend, with a ponytail?”
Eda thought, 'Oh crap. They already met them both. And they did not realize that it was Lee, at the time. But, why didn't Lee just introduce himself to them? They are not that dangerous, except for those they target.'
Eda replied, “Yes. His name is Sam. They are good friends with each other. They are thick as thieves.”
Fabiola responded, with disbelief in her voice, “Lee was right by us, the entire time... Wait a minute, Lee and Sam never came out of the men's restroom.”
Roberta growled, “Lee played us... Even the bartender was in on it.”
Eda inquired, “Are you talking about the Rats Nest?”
Fabiola smirked, as she said, “Yes... What is left of it.”
Eda warned, “You better not have killed any of them.”
Fabiola spat out, “Well, they ran, while we dealt with some idiot gang members.”
Eda replied, “That is fine. As long as those three are okay.” She mentally added, 'Sam and Lee are nice. And the few times I have been to the Rats Nest, the bartender was nice to me. And good bartenders, whom can handle us, are a rare kind. And this town has at least two good bartenders. The one at the Rats Nest, and Melvin at the Devil's Hotel bar.'
Roberta forcefully, though not loudly, stated, “Lee knows we are here. He is going to be running. We have lost the element of surprise.”
Eda mentally wondered, 'Why would Lee immediately run front them, when he first saw them?... Unless, he knew who they were, beforehand... He may have known who I was, beforehand... Lee is the writer. I was not fucking him. He was fucking me... And skull fucking all of us.'
'And he did such a damn good job of it, that nobody around him realized it... Still, to be fair, it was I who asked him out on our date. And he was a perfect gentleman for the entire time. Even in bed. I would have asked questions if he turned me down. And he likely realized that. Besides, a guy like that would be crazy to turn down a hot blond with my reputation.'
'And while, he probably deserves some punishment for his actions. After getting to know Lee. I feel he does not deserve what these two have in mind for him.'
'So, I need to try to save him, or buy him time to escape, from these two bitches. While giving myself the chance to find him first, and talk to him, before any of the others reach him.'
Roberta requested, in a low, dangerous voice, “Now Eda, where is the location of the Devil's Hotel?”
Eda said, “I will tell you. The hotel is the south part of the island.”
Eda then gave them directions. She then maids turned and walked away from the food truck.
When the two women were out of earshot of Roberta's enhanced hearing, Eda quickly shut the window teller window to the food truck. She then turned to the back of the inside of the truck, as she look at Yolanda.
Yolanda noticed Eda looking at her. Yolanda calmly said, “I guess the meeting went well, considering we are still alive.”
Eda thought, 'I guess she did not pay much attention to the conversation.' She responded, “Yes. But, both I and the maids, at the same time, realized that Lee is the writer. And we have to go to the Devil's Hotel, and get to Lee first. So, we can help him.”
Yolanda casually stated, “I can see Lee being the writer. Yet. I do not understand why you are helping him? He literally screwed you.”
Eda smirked, as she said, “I know. But, he was such a complete gentleman about it.”
Yolanda laughed, for a few seconds, at her friend's comment.
Eda went onto say, “Anyway, I gave the maids directions to Chang's casino, instead of the Devil's Hotel. We need to get to the Devil's Hotel and find, Lee. Maybe we can save Lee from them, and Revy's group.”
“That being said. I have a general idea of what Revy, and the others, have planned for Lee. He would likely survive the experience, with most of his sanity intact. But, if the maids get their hands on him, there is likely not going to be enough of him left to bury in cigar box.”
By then, Yolanda has calmed down. Yolanda then turned off the electricity to the fryers, as she replied, “I see your point. Personally, I am more than happy to help you, and Lee. I like what Lee did for me. I got my lost eye, and my youth back. He can have my help, and me, if he wants, anytime.”
Eda cracked a grin, as she asked, “That is what I thought. If I see him, I will be sure to tell him. So, how long on the fryer?”
Yolanda answered, “Ten minutes until I can get grease cooled, and everything locked down.”
Eda thought, 'Ten minutes to finish. And five minutes to get there. That is plenty of time. And work will go faster if I assist.' She offered, “I will help. Then, we are heading for the Devil's Hotel. And I hope that we get there in time to help, Lee.”
The two women then prepped their food truck for travel.
At that moment, across town, at the Devil's Hotel restaurant, Lee had finished his dinner, and he was still trying to figure out what he was going to do about the situation he was in.
He held his glass of lemonade, with his left hand. He swallowed some lemonade from his glass. He then set his lemonade back down on the counter, in front of himself.
Lee thought, 'I am running out of time. The maids will likely be here in less than an hour. And River has yet to show up here. Also, the more I think about it, using my car to run will likely not work for long. The Lovelace maids have reality devices. And I don't... I am not going to be able to out run them.'
Lee turned around, in his stool, to look at the stage, he then saw that most of Revy and Rock's group had finished their meals, and left the room for the evening. The only left, that Lee saw, was Rock and Revy at one table. Along with Ranma, Akira and Natsuru at another table.
Lee mentally wondered, as he began to formulate a very insane plan, 'Hmm... The only women of Revy and Rock's group, that are still here, are Revy and Rock, themselves, along with Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru... They would be far more merciful than the maids. And those five together, out of their group, is the best combination I am going to get, with turning myself in to them. Rock, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru are levelheaded, generally good natured, and kind. Revy is the only hothead of the five. So, that will help my chances of survival a lot.'
'I would prefer to go with Chang's offer. But, as I told River, Chang is not going to cross the maids. But, with them fighting over me, it would by time to give River and Chang time to figure something out. Thought, it would be a coin toss if my plan work.'
Lee cracked a grin, as he mentally reflected, 'Though, taking chances is the whole point of being a gambler... Still, I am starting to get tired of taking chances...'
'So, how do I turned myself in to them? I could just walk up to them, and confess. It would be that easy. But, doing so would completely lack any class, nor tact. And they would feel cheated in their hunt, and thus likely put them in a bad mood. And that is the last thing I want to do...'
'I have to make them work for it, but my effort be easy enough for them to figure out on their own...”
Lee then noticed, the karaoke singing, which had been hearing during dinner. That he had long since gotten use to, as background noise, in the restaurant, at present time in the evening.
Lee looked beyond Revy, Rock, Ranma, Akira, and Nataru, as he focused on the stage, behind them. He saw a male customer on stage, doing a decent job singing a rock song. And he noticed there was no line by the steps, on the left side of the stage.
Lee continued his thoughts, 'That might work. And I know just the song to sing. If I am going down, I am going down in style.'
Lee turned to Melvin, as he said, “Hey Melvin.”
Melvin turned to Lee, as he replied, “Yes”
Lee requested, “Is there a list tonight, for the karaoke machine?”
Melvin replied, “No. You can go ahead.”
Lee said, “Thanks.”
Lee got out of his stool, and walked onto the stage, from the side steps. He made his way steps on the left side of the stage. There was no still no line there.
By the time, Lee reached the steps, the customers whom had been sining his song, had finished, he put away his microphone, back where he had found it, and he was heading off stage.
As soon as the man was off stage, Lee walked up the steps, and across the stage, to the karaoke machine.
When Lee reached the karaoke machine, he selected the rock song he wanted to sing. The version of the song he picked was the full seven minute, fifty second version. Which he long since master in singing, during his time in the time loop. Due to the face the song was one of his favorites, with the music and lyrics speaking to him.
Next, Lee picked up a wireless microphone.
Lee then walked onto the center of the stage. He turned to face audience, with his microphone in his right hand, being held near his mouth, while the ceiling stage lights facing him.
As the music started, Lee watched for the proper time. Given he had memorized the lyrics to the song, Lee did not even use the video screens, showing the when to sing the lyrics, as without missing a beat, Lee began singing, and dancing to the song, Twilight Zone, by Golden Earring.
The entire audience soon became shocked at how well Lee was singing, and dancing to the song.
And Lee let his body flow with the music, as he sang the lyrics, on time, and in key.
At that moment, across town, three women, wearing their usual, casual clothing, had finally gotten around to checking out a lead they had been meaning to follow up on.
They had parked their car nearby their destination, and walked inside the building they were intent on finding answers from.
As they open the doors to the front entrance of the De La Plata Podrido Police Department, and walked inside, Jenny commented, “I am glad we are finally doing this.”
Dutch said, “We would have done it sooner, if Benny had not be so slow in eating, at the hotel bar.”
Benny defended, “I like to enjoy my meal, and at least we are finally here.”
Janet turned to Benny, as she said, “I know honey. And I like how you take your time in other activities, as well.”
Benny teased, “We will work on those activities, later.”
Dutch chuckled at Janet and Benny's comments, for the next few seconds. She then softly commented, at a tone of voice, only the three of them would hear, “Still, remember the plan, and our cover story.”
Janet and Benny nodded in agreement.
Benny softly mentioned, “One thing about change that I am happy about, is Janet taught us how to get most, unsuspecting men, to eat out of our hands, by turned on some feminine charm.”
Janet quietly complimented, “You were both such good students.”
Benny softly replied, “Thank you.”
Dutch commented, “I appreciate that.”
As all three women made it to the front desk of the police station, the tall, male police officer, acting as receptionist, for that shift, silently looked down at them.
Janet calmly lied, in english, “Hello. We are detectives from America. We could use you assistance.”
The police officer thought, 'Why not? At least I know english. And it is always nice to help some hot women.' He said, in a calm tone of voice, “Sure. What can I help you with? We are kind of short staffed, right now. So, please bear with us.”
Janet answered, “We are investigating a J. D. Lee for possible criminal actions in the U.S., and we learned that he has a connection to your Police Chief. Please, understand we have no interest in embarrassing your Chief. Nor, your department. We are just looking into Lee's past.”
The police officer replied, “We appreciate the discretion on your part. Since that is your approach, what do you want to know?”
Janet asked, “How did Lee meet your Chief of Police?”
The police officer answered, “It all started with the Chief's brother. This is not widely known, and given that it has changed, I guess it is okay to tell you. The Chief's brother use to run the local mafia here. And even though they were on two sides of the law, they still kept in contact. From what I hear, they even shared the same tastes in anime, and crazy fiction on the web. The mob boss even sometimes joked this island city was like a Thailand island city from one of their favorite anime series.”
That caused all three women to raise an eyebrow in interest.
The police officer continued, “Then, one afternoon, for some reason the Chief's brother had Lee brought to him. Something about a wild chase the night before. Lee convinced him to the Devil's Hotel.”
“Something happen there. I do not know what. Maybe he met the devil. I don't know. The next day the Chief's brother dissolves his organization, gives away most of his wealth, leaves the island, and joins the priesthood. And most of his men left the island, as well. His brother even gave the Chief his beach house. And he gave his pink convertible to Lee.”
“The Chief wanted to know what happened to his brother, so he had Lee come in the next day. To be fair, Lee did willing come to the station, of his own free will.”
“They talked in private, in the Chief's office. Later that day, they went to the hotel he was staying at. When the Chief got back, he started acting very strangely. All he would say is that demons now lived in the Devil's Hotel. And that he, and Lee, were trying to keep the city in one piece. And the Chief gave us all order than under no circumstances were we to approach the women staying at that hotel, unless given direct orders by himself.”
Janet requested, “Can we speak to the Police Chief Del Soto?
The police officer answered, “I apologize. But, he is not here right now. And he likely won't returned for some time. He received a message from Lee. And he then suddenly left.”
Janet asked, “What was the message? And how did he react to it?”
The officer replied, “Lee's message was simple. Even I heard about it. Though, I don't understand what it meant. That message being, the maids are in town. When the Chief heard this, his face paled. He suddenly declared he was taking an immediate, long term leave, and he disappeared, along with half the police force.”
The three women looked at each other. Janet quickly looked back at the man, as she inquired, “What was the title of the anime series that Chief Del Soto, and his brother, liked so much, that they compared this city to it.”
The police officer responded, “Give me a moment to remember... It something, Lagoon. Ah yes, Black Lagoon. I have never seen it, but those two loved the series. The Chief said the mix of babes, and gun play, that series had, would have to be seen to be believed.”
Janet said, “Thank you for your time, officer.”
The officer replied, “You are welcome.”
The three women then turned, and briskly walked out of the station, the same way they had entered it.
A few minutes later, the three Lagoon members got into their car, with Benny sitting at the driver's seat, with Dutch on the front passengers side, and Janet sitting behind Dutch.
Benny compliment, “So, Lee is the writer. Good job, honey.”
Janet smiled, as she happily replied, “Thank you, dear.”
Dutch stated, “Hiding in plain sight. One of the oldest tricks in the book. And I got to give him credit. Given what he knows, what he has done, it take guts to be around Revy and the others, day in and day out. Especially, considering they are out for his blood. He is either crazy, or he wants something from us. Perhaps both.”
Janet requested, “Before we kill him, I want to know why he baited us all, and he didn't just run?”
As Benny drove their car out of the parking lot, and she headed for the hotel, Dutch coldly stated, “Oh. We are not going to just kill him. Death is too quick, and merciful, for that son of a bitch. And we will get our answers from him.”
The trio rode in their car, as they continued down the street, on their way back towards the Devil's Hotel.
Around that time, at the Devil's Hotel restaurant, River walked into the room. River was in his male form, wearing the same clothing that he had been wearing for most of the day. He did not have on his fake beard, which was in his right side pants pocket. But, he did have his long red hair in a ponytail.
River stood just inside the double-door entrance to the restaurant, as he looked around. He saw Revy, Rock, Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru, were sitting at their usual tables, by the stage. Though, none of the rest of their family and friends, were present.
Then, River noticed, Lee was on stage, and he was singing and dancing to a song.
River knew that song from reading Lee's mind.
And River understood the subtext of the lyrics.
River thought, with surprise, and concern, for his friend, 'Is Lee trying to confess to the girls in the room, that he is the writer? With that song, I would say that answer is a, yes.'
'Though, he is so focused on the song, right now, I cannot read his mind for an answer.'
'Lee must be more desperate, or insane, than I thought, to pull a stunt like this. Still, I will wait for him to finish singing, and see how the women in the room, that are after him, react, before I talk to him.'
'Though, from the thoughts of Ranma, Akira, Natsuru, Rock, and Revy. None of them have figured out what Lee has been doing on stage. Which gives me time to figure a way to help Lee. And I wish I already had an answer for him. But, I don't. At least not, yet.'
River then noticed that Lee saw him.
River smiled back at him, as he thought, 'Good. He saw me. That means he will come talk to me, after he finishs his song. Which from the lyrics, will be within a minute. Now, to sit down in a usual place, that offers some privacy, where I can enjoy the rest of the performance. And he is good. In both singing, and dancing.'
River turned to his right, as he walked along the front wall, to the corner table, which was empty. He sat down in a chair, while still facing the stage.
Meanwhile, on staged, Lee had just noticed River walked into the room.
While not missing a beat, as he sang, and danced, Lee thought, 'Good. River, is here. And from the look on the faces of Revy, and her group that is here, they have not figured out what I am doing. Which is mildly disappointing. I have put a lot of effort into this confession. Still, River might have some solutions to my problem. I will just go over and talk to her, after I finish this song.'
As Lee continued to sing and dance, Lee watched as River walked over, and sat down at the front, right corner table, that both of them usual sat at, during the evenings karaoke entertainment at the restaurant.
A few seconds later, Lee wrapped up his song.
Right after he finished the song, everyone applauded his performance. Including Revy, Rock, Akira, Natsuru, Ranma, River, Melvin, and the rest of the audience, and staff, whom were present.
Lee bowed in responded, as he happily thought, 'I still got it. And now to talk to River.'
As he leaned back up. He turned to his right and he walked over to the karaoke machine. He placed the wireless microphone he had been using, back on to of the machine.
Lee then turned around, and casually walked off stage, on the left side of the stage. Then he made his way around the restaurant, and towards River, who was sitting at a corner table, across the room from him.
Meanwhile, another customer walked on stage, to being singing a song with the karaoke machine.
As Lee did so, he noticed that Rock, Revy, Ranma, Natsuru, nor Akira, had approached him, while he walked by.
Lee thought, 'At least I have a few more minutes to work with. And I will take every minute I can get.'
Less than a minute, Lee reached River's corner table.
River sat a chair, with his back to the corner of the wall. Lee walked around, to River's right side. And Lee sat in the chair next to River, to River's right side, by the corner of the room.
This allowed both River and Lee, to see the rest of the room. Including, the five badass women, by the stage,
After Lee got comfortable in his seat, River turned to Lee, as he questioned, “I know, I am not one to ask, but are you crazy to sing that song in front of them?”
Lee turned to River, as he calmly answered, “Let us just say that I thinking asian would be more merciful than latin american.”
River conceded, “You might be right.”
Lee inquired, “So, any ideas out of this mess?”
River said, “Nope. But, I can bring you back to the casino. That would buy you a little time.”
Lee countered, “That would be a bad idea. Because I would be bringing trouble to their doorstep.”
River complained, “Damn it, Lee. How can you be so damn good at pointing out the negatives, while still making sense?”
Lee sadly answered, “A lifetime of experience.”
River suggested, “Well, we do have a few minutes. Before you have to go. We might just sit and think. We might come up with a plan, in the meantime.”
Lee complimented, “Good idea.”
The two then sat there for a few minutes, as they thought.
It was then that Lee watched as Rock and River got up from their seats, and walked over to the bar counter, to pay Melvin for their meals and drinks.
Rock was standing to Revy's left.
Lee then saw Rock pulled out her reality device, from her left side pants pocket. She set the device beside her, as she pulled out the money, from the same pants pocket, to pay their bill with.
And Lee also noticed that Rock's reality device, was to her left side, opposite to where Revy was standing. And the two women's left sides faced the exit to the restaurant, allowing for a clear path of escape, with the reality device, if Lee could figure out how to effectively distract both Rock and Revy at the same time.
Lee mentally realized, 'The multiverse just handed me a golden opportunity. This is likely my last chance to escape. Thankfully, the women I wrote about in my stories don't use purses. So, it makes sense that neither does Rock. Now, how do I create a distraction?... That might work, and Sam... Err, River owes me a favor.'
River turned to Lee, as he softly asked, “Am I reading your mind correctly?”
Lee looked over at River, as he quietly said, “Yes. And if you want to save my life, I need you to do something that is going to hurt, a lot.”
River softly inquired, “What?”
Lee whispered, “I see that Rock has her device out. But, I need to distract them to get it. I need you to quickly walk up between Rock and Revy, and use each of your hands to cop a feel from one of their butt cheeks, at the same time. And I am no talking about just a simple pat. But, a full grab, and squeeze.”
River pointed out, “If I do that, they are going to kill me, afterward.”
Lee stated, “I believe you will likely survive. Considering, at the moment, Revy is unarmed. Anyway, if you got a better idea. You got about ten seconds to come up with one, and ten seconds to implement it. Because we have twenty seconds at best. Due to the fact that is how long, at most, until Rock is likely going to put that device back into her pocket, when she pulls out the money she wants. The clock is ticking, and the window is closing.”
River looked over at Rock and Revy, as he relented. He replied, “Alright.”
Though, before River could get up, Lee turned to River. Lee said, “Hold on.” Lee grabbed something from his left pants pocket, and he hand it to River.
River took the item, and he saw that it was a set of keys on a key ring.
Lee stated, “These are the keys to my pink caddy. The gas tank is full. Either way this goes, I am not going to need the car anymore. So have fun. And live out your sexual fantasies with it.”
River smiled, as he put the keys into one of his pockets. He kept his smile, as he turned to Lee. He responded, “Thanks. Also, with this plan, I can safely say you are crazier than me. And that is a statement in of itself.”
Lee returned River's smile, as he said, “I will take that with a compliment. Though, you are the one that is about to carry out this plan. So, we are both pretty crazy.”
River stated, “Agreed. The fool, and the fool who follows.”
Lee continued to smile, as he replied, “Exactly.” He thought, with amusement, 'One more Star Wars joke for the road.'
River said, “Of course. You need the humor. And goodbye.”
Lee responded, “I appreciate that. And see you, later.”
River then got up, and walked around the table, to his left. Away from Lee. He then briskly walked to the bar counter, between Rock and Revy.
A second later, Lee got up from the table, and slowly approached Rock and Revy, as well.
As River approached Rock and Revy, he used his assassin training, to do so quickly. With him not making a sound with his steps.
River then came to a stop, to stake between Rock and Revy. She looked at Rock, then Revy, and back to Rock. River said, in an excited tone of voice, “Ladies.” He then used each of his hands to grasp and squeeze a butt cheek from both of them. His left hand went on Rock's right clothed butt cheek, and his right hand went on Revy's left clothed butt cheek.
River then let go of Rock and Revy.
A second after both of them felt River's rough groping, Rock and Revy immediately turned to looked at River, with fury in their eyes, as they started beating him to a pulp.
Meanwhile, Lee quickly walked by the three, and palmed the device, from the bar counter, and into his left side pants pocket.
No one had noticed what Lee had done, given they were all looking at the three other adults by him.
Lee thought, knowing River was reading his mind, 'Sorry about this River. I hope you make a full recovery, and get to feeling better. I truly consider you a good friend.'
On his way out of the bar, he walked over to Melvin, over the bill.
As Lee came to a stop, across the counter from Melvin, he saw Melvin looking at him.
Melvin quietly said, “I saw what you stole. So, you are the one they are after?”
Lee lightly nodded once. He said, “Live free. Die free.”
Melvin smiled, as he replied, “Good luck.”
Lee dropped a fifty dollar bill, on the bar counter, by the bartender. He said, “Keep the change. And see you around, russian.”
Melvin immediately realized, as he thought, 'Lee, figured out who I was, and he still knowingly helped me. Now, that is man who does not deserve what it coming for him.'
Melvin said, “Stay safe.”
Lee grinned, as he replied, “I should be, soon enough.”
Lee then turned to his left, and exited the bar.
Lee immediately headed for the front lobby, and the check in desk, to retrieve his gym bag, so he could finally escape, before the hammer came completely down upon him.
A few minutes before Lee left the hotel restaurant, with Rock's reality device, a few floors up, the eight teenager women that were part of the group after the writer, were in one of their four hotel suites.
At their request, and to keep things simple, their parents put them near each other. They slept in four, two bed suites. The rooms were beside, and across from each other.
Though, their parents were not ignorant of their relationships. And the bedding order was that in one suite, the redheads, Rebecca and Yukio shared a room. The sisters, Nodoka and Mikoto shared a room. Molly and Yurika shared a room. And Sarah and Kristina shared a room.
This did little to discourage them.
The suite the eight teenagers were currently occupying together, as they killed time, was Rebecca and Yukio's room, which had an out door balcony, along with Nodoka and Mikoto's room, which was beside their room. The other two rooms were interior suites.
The eight teenage women were dressed in their casual clothing.
The ceiling lights were on in the suite.
At the table, in the room, by the sliding glass door to the balcony, Molly looked up from her cards, so she could look around at her friends.
She, Sarah, Mikoto, and Yurika, were play five card draw poker, while sitting at the table. They were only betting with low amounts of U.S. dollars, from one to ten U.S. dollars, per bet. Which was pocket change, compared to the wealth their families had access to.
On the bed, nearest to Molly, were Yukio and Rebecca. The two redheaded sisters were looking at their laptop, while playing various pieces of music from its speakers. Since the music was good, no one said anything about it.
On the other bed was Nodoka and Kristina. They had been kissing, and were now talking about where they wanted to go tomorrow.
Molly thought, 'Fire and ice. It makes a lot of sense. Kristina is a slight pyromaniac, while Nodoka has ice, and water powers. But, Kristina informed me, a while back, that while Nodoka has ice powers, she is passionately hot in bed, as both, female, and male.'
Molly giggled to herself, 'When Dutch, Ranma, and Natsuru, learned their kids were dating, that caused quite an uproar. All five of them met, and Dutch warned Nodoka if she got her daughter pregnant, she would kill her. Ranma countered by pulling a packet of instant of spring of drown man from Kristina's back pocket, and she showed it to Dutch. Dutch was not happy. With Natsuru working to keep the peace between everyone. Afterward, those five had a very long talk about responsibility, and avoiding teenage pregnancy.'
'But, none of us are ones to talk. Those three sisters, or brothers, depending on their moods, have had a few one night stands with each of the five of us.'
'At least, we were careful, and did not get pregnant. Condoms are a wonderful things.'
'And that is only the tip of the iceberg, on how interesting those three are.'
'Due to all three being a parent to Natsuru. With Natsuru being the mother of Mikoto, and the father to Nodoka and Yurika. The three siblings inherited Natsuru's Kampfer abilities. They can change genders at will, and each of them have an elemental ability. Also, they will remain young, much like the longevity, and health, the five of us inherited from our parents.'
'Though, due to Mikoto and Yurika being the children of Akira, those two also change gender with a sneeze. All the genetic testing done on them show they will age very slowly in both their gender forms, and they will not lock in either gender, like two of their parents will do, eventually. With Natsuru and Akira becoming full time women. But, all three their parents have gotten to the point they spend most of their time as women anyway. So, that is no great loss.'
'Yurika and Yukio use to date, but they found that they were not compatible for an intimate relationship. But, they are still good friends. Reflecting on that, is good that all eight of us are good friends.'
'Ah, Yukio. I still find it slightly annoying to call her that name, given that was my name in my previous life. But, considering she was named after me. Which I found touching by Aunt Rock, I let the issue side. And I call her, Yukio, as well.'
'Of course, when it come to wrecks, my love-life is probably one of the worst. I am in love with my sister, and she is in love with me. And it is exactly as it sounds. This is due to us being people that loved each other in a previous life, but died tragically, before we could do anything about it.'
'After seeing the series that showed our lives, we were able to remember, and piece together most of our previous lives. And over time, I realized that Sarah took the situation worse than me. Given in the previous life she was far older that I was, when she was killed, and she was a man at the time. But, except for our relationship, we wisely put our past lives behind us. And Sarah is okay with being a woman.'
'Though, our parents were not happy when the found out about our relationship. Sarah and I could not blame them for being upset.'
'Sarah and I both have talked about this several times. We know it is wrong, on several levels. But, right on a few others. Considering we crossed through death itself to be together.'
'At a conscious level, we both knew it was wrong due to us being sisters, but we cannot stop ourselves, either. And we have tried more than once to break our relationship off. We have even dated other people. But, we just cannot stop what our hearts feel for each other. But, we at least have the decency to show our affection for each other only in private, and away from our parents. Out of sight is out of mind for our parents.'
'And we only do it girl on girl. And we both agree not use any instant spring of drown man, on the off chance one of us got pregnant. So, we do not have to worry about pregnancy. If that happened, it would complete this Greek tragedy.'
'Why the hell did that writer have to make us sisters? Sarah and I hate the fact we are blood related, because we do love each other more than blood ties should. If we were not sisters, we would have married each other by now. That is how much we love each other.'
'If we ever catch the writer, Sarah, and I, are going to have a long talk with him.'
Suddenly, Molly heard a familiar piece of piano music that broke her train of thought.
Molly turned and she saw that the music came from Yukio and Rebecca' laptop computer.
Molly put down her playing cards, as she got up, and walked over to the two redheaded teenage girls.
Molly kindly asked, her two sisters, “Where did you get that piece of music from?”
The two redheads looked up form their laptop. Rebecca answered, “It is the Botcon Ninety-Seven version of the Vince Dicola music track, Training Montage, with the piano lead in. It is a rare track.”
Molly had a seeking suspicious of where the conversation was going to lead to, as she inquired, “How rare?”
Yukio answered, for her sister, “Very rare. You have to even know it exists to look for it. Rebecca and I were just reviewing what we know of the writer. We were playing music he mentioned, or hinted at, in his stories, in the hopes of finding a clue to his identity.”
Molly complimented the two redheaded sisters, in an excited tone of voice, “Good work, you two! I know who the writer is!”
The other seven teenagers immediately stopped what they were doing, and looked over at Molly, as they heard Molly say she knew who the writer was.
Molly looked around, at her family and friends, as she stated, “I heard Lee play that exact piece of music, on a piano, yesterday. Lee is the writer.”
The eight girls looked at each other. They then rushed put the hallway door of the suite they were in. And to the front elevator bay, in the hopes of getting to the front lobby, to both inform their parents, and friends, of what they learned. Along with catching Lee.
When they reached the elevator bay, they pressed the down arrow, on one of the panel, between on of the two sets of elevators.
A few second later, they heard a ding, and they saw one of the elevators with the lighted down arrow above it. The eight women walked to the specific elevator. They faced the elevator doors.
As the eight women walked the doors opened, they saw the doors reveal Aeryn and Violin were inside the elevator. With the two women inside looking back at the eight women.
Violin stated, “Let me guess. You figured out Lee is the writer, and your are heading downstairs, to tell everyone, while catching Lee.”
The eight teenager girls just nodded their heads.
Violin said, “Then, get inside.”
The eight teenagers then entered the elevator, with the two other adults, as all ten women headed down to the lobby floor.
Fortunately, given how slender and small the women were. They were nowhere near exceeding the weight limit of the elevator they were on, as the doors closed, and took them down to the ground floor.
Two minutes before Lee stole Rock's reality device.
A few floors above where the eight teenage women were staying, Aeryn and Violin were inside the hotel suite they shared.
The only light in the room, was the lamp light, by the single, large bed they slept together on.
The spouses were currently working on getting in the mood, to become intimate with each other. Though, they were still dressed in their usual clothing.
As Violin approached her wife, she noticed something was troubling Aeryn.
Violin asked, “What is it, honey?”
Aeryn answered, “It is just something about poker game between River and Lee. Something about it is bothering me. I just cannot place what it is.”
Violin said, “We will worry about it tomorrow.” She then started to lightly kiss the right side of Aeryn's neck, slowly leading up to her face.
It was then that Aeryn suddenly realized, “The first dealer.”
Violin stopped kissing Aeryn, as she leaned up straight. She looked at Aeryn, in her eyes, with Aeryn looking back at her.
Violin thought, 'From the expression on her face, I believe she just figured out something.' She asked, “What about the first dealer?”
Aeryn stated, “The first dealer was Faye Valentine. She even introduced herself, by her name. That name. She is same Faye Valentine from the Cowboy Bebop series. You remember when we tested Lee with the Bubblegum Crisis episodes. You mentioned the series Cowboy Bebop, and Lee let slip he knew the series, and he even mentioned Faye Valentine by name.”
Violin's eyes widened, as she understood what Aeryn was pointing out. Violin responded, “I see where you are going with this.”
Aeryn went onto say, “Yes. When Lee saw Faye, he didn't react at all. He is not that blind to the obvious. The fact he has survived around us, for months on end, proves that. Instead, he is always caution and one guard. As such, the only reason Lee would not react to seeing Faye in person, is that he already knew to expect the possibility of meeting a fictional character in real life... Lee is the writer.”
Violin suggested, “Then, let us go get him.”
Aeryn smiled, as she said, “Yes. Let's do that.”
Both of them then headed out of their suite, and towards the front elevator bay.
A minute before Lee stole Rock's reality device, in the hotel restaurant, at their usual table, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru sat next to each other, as they were having some bottles of beers to drink.
They had just enjoyed watching Lee sing, and dance, a wonderfully strange rock song.
Akira commented, “Damn. What a performance. I knew that Lee was a good dancer, but he can sing, as well.”
Natsuru said, “It must have taken him years to master that singing ability.”
Ranma stated, “Speaking from experience. You got that right.”
Akira sipped her beer, as she watched as some idiot decided to cop a feel of both Rock and Revy, at the bar counter.
Akira thought, 'What an idiot.'
It then Akira noticed who is was.
Akira thought, 'I recognize that red hair, and ponytail, anywhere. That is Sam. Lee's good friend. And he shaved his beard. And he looks good without his beard. Actually, he looks great. But, why would he do something that stupid, towards Rock and Revy? Does he have a death wish?”
Suddenly, Akira noticed that Ranma and Natsuru were giggling at something.
Akira turned to her two lovers, as she asked, “What is so funny?”
Ranma said, “After, seeing Sam get get his ass kicked by Revy and Rock, reminded me that about something I was talking with Nodoka about, earlier. And she had an interesting story she heard from Kristina, about the night the Lagoon girls and Revy met Lee and Sam. That Lee told a joke that saved, Sam and his lives, from them.”
Akira questioned, “What exactly was the joke?”
Ranma answered, “That only a fool would wear a suit and tie in a town like this. And doing so would just be asking for trouble.”
Akira suddenly realized the hidden meaning of the joke, as she inquired, “Let me guess, right after Lee told the joke, the girls mentioned Rock, or Rokuro, to Revy, and the girls then laughed hard at that joke.”
Ranma replied, “Yea.”
Akira said, “That bastard. Only a person who as seen the Black Lagoon series, or lived it, could come up with a joke to get that kind of reaction.”
Natsuru immediately understood what her blond lover mean, as she asked, “You don't mean?”
Akira stated, “Yes. Lee is the writer.”
Suddenly, Natsuru realized what the song lyrics, to the song Lee had just sung. And what the lyrics meant. She mentioned, “And Lee just sang us a song that was practically a confession to us.”
Ranma replied, “Oh hell.”
All three turned to look at Rock, Sam, and Revy.
Revy had just kicked Sam in the balls, when Akira noticed look on Rock's face.
Rock and Akira looked at each other, and they both realized what the other was thinking, as they turned at looked at where Lee usual sat, in the corner table, with Sam. During the evening. And they saw that Lee was gone.
Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru all got up from their seats, as all five women immediately left for the restaurant exit.
Thirty seconds ago, across the restaurant, at the bar counter, Rock and Revy had just felt someone cop a feel on each their butt cheeks.
Rock was rarely a violent person, but this was one of the few times she instinctively became violent, as she and Revy turned to look at the person between them. She and Revy then began beating the man senseless, as Rock thought, 'What kinda idiot would do this? Especially, to us.'
It was then that Rock started to recognize the man they were beating.
The reason why Sam, or more aptly, River, knew if he fought back, it would give himself, and Lee, away.
As River allowed himself beaten, he made sure to slightly move his body out of the way of any possibly debilitating blows, without Rock and Revy realizing it. he thought, 'They longer they are focused on me. The longer, they are no focused on Lee. And I saw him already leave the room, with the reality device, a few seconds ago. Though, I am a bit annoyed that he stopped to talk to Melvin. But, Melvin noticed him. So, he had to. As such, I understand.'
Rock stopped hitting him, as she ordered, “Hold it, Revy. Something isn't right here. That is Sam.”
Revy stopped hitting River. She used her right hand to grab the scruff of River's shirt. She hauled him down by his shirt, to look at her and Rock, more closing in the fast.
Revy demanded, “Sam, you look good without a beard. Now, tell me why you would knowingly do something this stupid, before I really hurt you?”
River thought, 'I might as well be mostly honest.' He casually responded, “Would you believe I did it on a dare?”
Revy did not buy River's explanation. She let go of River's shirt, as she kneed him in the balls, while allowed him to dropped to the floor, in pain.
The blow caught River off guard, as he collapsed to the floor.
River grabbed his groin with both hands, as he stated, in a slightly higher pitch octave, than his normal male voice, “I freely admit that I deserved that.”
Revy looked down at River, as she stated, “Then, consider us even.”
River replied, “Good.” He then muttered, “Damn it. I never knew being hit there hurt this much.”
Meanwhile, Rock looked around the room, as she thought, 'Why would Sam really do this? Wait a minute, that song Lee was singing.” She remember the lyrics, and she suddenly realized what the lyrics meant.
Rock then looked over at Akira, sitting across the room, and their eyes met. Both of them then turned to look at where Lee usually sat, and she saw that he was long gone.
Rock turned to Revy, as she stated, “Lee is the writer.”
Revy looked over at Rock. She then looked down at River, whom was laying on the floor, in a sitting position, between Rock and herself. She looked back over at Rock, as she responded, “Crap.”
Both Rock and Revy started for the door, as they were joined by Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru. All five women rushed out of the room, without realizing what they had overlooked something, in their haste to leave the room.
The five women then left the restaurant, for the front lobby, where Lee usually was, when not in the restaurant, or his suite, during that time of night.
Though, as they walked out of the restaurant, Rock felt like she had forgotten something. But, give the situation, she felt that it was not important, as she went with her friends to finally catch the writer. The man none as Lee.
At that exact moment, in the lobby, Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton were sitting beside each other, one some couches, on the right wall of the lobby. Which was a change of pace, given the three usual sat in the couches on the left side of the lobby.
They women were in casual clothing. Even Lotton. Given, over time, during their stay at the Devil's Hotel, Sawyer and Shenhua agreed that Lotton's maid uniform, was attracting to much attention from the hotel staff, and other guests. Including, a few of their own friends.
The three adults women had finished their diner ten minutes ago, and they came out to hotel restaurant, and to the front lobby, for the quiet and peace. As they relaxed after having a pleasant dinner.
The couch the three sat on allowed them a view both the entrance to the bar, the check in desk, and the lobby entrance doors.
Lotton watched as Lee when to the check in desk, and retrieved his gym bag. She saw that Lee slung the strap of the gym bag over his right shoulder, as he turned around as started walking towards the front doors of the lobby, to the outside parking lot.
And with it being dark outside, the parking lot was lit with yellow lamps, placed throughout the parking lot. Along with the lights place along the walls of the hotel.
It was then that Lotton noticed that Lee's stride had changed. He seemed to walk with more confidence.
Lotton mentally reflected, 'Is Lee leaving the hotel?'
Suddenly, Lotton heard Sawyer say, beside her, “Did you hear? The Rats Nest got blown up? Though, the bartender is fine.”
Shenhua commented, “I heard. I was there when you talked to that guest, that came in a few minutes ago. The one whom had just drove by the Rats Nest. From the outfits he told us about, of those that walked out of the front of the bar, while it was burning, I think it was the maids. I wonder who told them? I thought we were in agreement not to let the Lovelace family learn about the stories?”
While Lotton paid attention to the conversation by her. She continued to watch Lee walk closer to the front door. She stated, “We did agree on that.”
Sawyer admitted, “I told them. During our Hell Saber days, Roberta and I became good friends. And I decided to keep in touch with her. I sent her a copy of the stories. I figured it would not cause any harm.”
As Lotton heard all this, she watched as Lee passed through the front doors, and into the entryway.
As Lee walked through the entryway, Lotton saw Lee throw down his blue baseball cap, to his right, and large glasses, to his left, onto the ground. He then used his right hand to pull out his sunglasses, from the left inside coat pocket. After which, he put his shades on over his eyes.
Lee then unzipped his bag, and pulled out his short rimmed, gray fedora hat, he also wore at Daiyu's Palace Casino. He was careful not to pull out his black fedora hat on his head. He continued walking straight out into the parking lot, as he zipped his bag back up.
By then, Lotton saw Lee exit the exterior doors that took him outside, and into the night.
It was then that Lotton heard Sawyer finish speaking, about why and how she had informed the maids of what was going on.
Lotton stated, “I love you both. But, Sawyer, do you realize what you have unleashed? All three of us have seen how dangerous Roberta is up close and personal. And Fabiola is nearly as dangerous as Robert. Given the writer cursed Garcia to change genders, both maids are going to be out for his blood. If he is lucky...”
Suddenly, everything clicked into place for her, as she thought, 'Why did Lee go to Akira about Chang and River? Because they have the least connection to Chang and River, and therefore they are the most none bias on talking about those two. He knew that beforehand.'
'Lee also knew H.P. Lovecraft would scare the hell out of anyone in my position. And he has always tried to get the troublemakers to steer clear of us... The night we five got drunk at the Rats Nest. The moves Lee did on the man who was clearly interested in us. They were the exact same moves Akira used on those two guys, the first night we three saw him at the Yellowflag.'
'Lee played us! And that is why he is leaving this hotel, with his bag packed. He must have run into the maids at the Rats Nest, or some other part of the city. Maybe he just saw them, as he drove by, in his pink Cadillac. And seeing those two badasses would make anyone want to run... For what good it will do him...'
Lotton did not take her eyes off of Lee. Whom she saw through the outside windows beside her. She calmly admitted, “Girls. I was wrong. Lee is the writer. And I think he saw the maids at the Rats Nest, right before the bar was destroyed. Or, somewhere else. And that is why he is leaving, with his bag packed.”
Sawyer and Shenhua just looked at her. It was then that Lotton look over at both Sawyer, and Shenhua.
A second later, all three of them got up, and they headed for the lobby front doors.
Though, at that moment, the three adults saw the ten adult women, they knew, come towards them from the front elevator bay, across the room from them.
At the same time, they saw Rock, Revy, Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru come towards them, from the hotel restaurant.
By then, they had all met up, in the middle of the lobby, between the front doors and the check in desk, on the back wall.
As they all met up, Lotton looked around the group. She said, “I see you all figured out Lee is the writer, as well.”
Molly stated, “We figured it out from the fact that Lee played a rare music piece yesterday, that we found out was mentioned in his stories.”
Aeryn stated, “Really. Well, we figured out it was Lee by the fact he knew about the Cowboy Bebop series, but didn't blink an eye when he met Faye at Chang's casino, as his card dealer.”
Rock commented, “We figured it out after I thought about the lyrics he sang. The song was titled, Twilight Zone.”
Violin asked, “By the band, Golden Earring?”
Natsuru said, “Yes.”
Violin questioned, “He actually sung that song in front of you, and you all did not realize what the song meant, at the time?”
Rock conceded, “I admit that it was not one of our brighter moments.”
Sarah asked, “But, why would he do something that stupid?”
Sawyer stated, “The maids are in the city, and we think Lee saw them.”
Natsuru said, “Well, that does explain a few things. And if he saw the maids. Then, I believe that, given the lyrics of that song, Lee was trying to confess to us, and no one took him up on his offer. So, now he is just trying to outright escape.”
Yurika stated, “Between us and Roberta. I would take us any day of the week.”
Mikoto said, “That completely understandable on Lee's part.”
Aeryn asked, “So, how did the rest of you figure it out?”
Lotton stated, as she turned to look at Akira, “Well, many things came together. But, the one item that stood out was that I remembered that night we went drinking at the Rats Nest, we had forced Lee to be our designated driver. Even though I was drunk at the time, I now recall how he took down a guy that pulled a gun on him. Lee kicked the guy in the balls, forcing the man to drop his gun, and he then slammed his head onto the counter. It was all done in a similar fashion as what you did, Akira, against those two guys, the first night we saw you at the Yellowflag.”
Akira raised an eyebrow, as she stated, “Really. Well, besides the song, we figured it out when we were informed at the joke Lee told you Lagoon girls, the first night you met him and Sam, at the Rats Nest. I cannot believe you did not realize how Lee phrased the context of that joke. Only someone who has seen the Black Lagoon series, or lived it, would get that joke.”
Molly responded, with disbelief evident in her tone of voice, “He blinded up with humor.”
Shenhua sternly commented, “If you all had taken my suggestion, and just taken him out back, and beaten him some, we would have saved us all a lot of time and trouble.”
Violin quipped, “Where is the fun in that?”
In response, all the women, laughed at Violin's joke. Even Shenhua could help, but laugh at Violin's comeback to what she said.
As the calmed down, Shenhua smiled, as she conceded, “Good point.”
Kristina inquired, “So, where is Lee now?”
Lotton used her right hand to point at the lobby entrance, and out the windows of the doors, as she answered, “He just went outside.” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.
Though, the front lobby windows, and door windows, everyone could see Lee walking away down the parking lot, directly away from them.
They saw Lee was about twenty feet from the outside entryway doors, passed the sidewalk, and on the black pavement, as he continued to walk away from them.
Revy smirked, “Well, let us not keep him waiting.”
They all started walking towards Lee, as a group of eighteen women.
As they opened the entryway doors, from the lobby side, Sawyer pointed out, “The only question is, do we start torturing him before, or after we get some sleep?”
Shenhua suggested, “We can rotate shifts.”
Revy complimented, “That is a great idea.”
A few seconds later, as they exited the hotel, to the outside, though the exterior doors to the entryway.
By then, Lee was fifty feet from the entrance to the hotel lobby, with him walking down a two car lane, that lead to the far side of the parking lot, opposite to the Devil's Hotel, itself.
It was then that they noticed Lee pulling out a something, from a jacket pocket, along with him pulling out his lighter.
Revy inquired, “Is he doing what I think he is doing?”
Akira answered, “It appears so. I remember seeing that scene, in that movie. And it was a great movie. And it fits this situation, perfectly.”
Revy grinned, as she commented, “He's got guts to do that. And besides us, I also admire his taste in other fiction. Also girls, let us at least leave him sane enough to answer some questions, before we fully break him. I would like to know where he got some of his ideas from, on what he wrote about us.”
Rock lips curled into a wick grin, as well. She stated, “I second that motion.”
The women then continued to quietly approach Lee, from behind.
Thirty seconds ago, Lee exited the hotel from the front lobby doors, he saw that it was a night outside, with the outside building lights, along with the parking lot lights, illuminating the area.
The air outside was cooler that earlier that day. Also, there was a nice breeze blowing on him, from the sea.
Lee continued walking with confidence, straight out from the hotel entrance, and into the parking lot.
Lee thought, 'I need put a little distance between me, and those woman, before I use my new reality device. Still, the hard part has now been accomplish. I can now implement the next part of my escape plan, without a moment to lose. And I know the perfect way to celebrate this monumental achievement.'
Lee then used his left hand to pull out a cigarette from an interior jacket pocket, that Revy had given him months earlier.
Next, he put the cigarette in his right hand. And he used his left hand to also pulled out his lighter, from his left pants pocket. The same pocket he had his reality device in.
As Lee pulled out his lighter, he was careful not to accidentally hit the reality device's buttons.
Given the sea breeze, Lee had to use his lips to help himself light his cigarette.
Lee put the filter end of the cigarette, to his lips. He then bought both of his hands up to mouth.
Lee used his right hand to cup his lighter from the wind, while he used his left hand to hold, the lighter, as his left thumb ignited the lighter.
Lee next brought the lit flame to the end of his cigarette, as he sat the smoke from the paper signal to him that it was lit.
Lee dropped his right hand to his side, against his gym bag, as he used his left hand to put his lighter back into his left pants pocket, beside the reality device.
With the lit cigarette between his lips, Lee thought, with a bit a gallows humor, 'It is not like these things are going to kill me. The cancer I already have will kill me long before these will. And to think, I never smoked, nor serious drank, nor did any illegal drugs, before I came to Mexico. And I still got cancer... Talk about the term, clean living, being a load of crap.'
Lee then slowly inhaled the smoke. He was surprised to find out that he able to do so without choking on the smoke.
As Lee continued walking, he heard Rock's voice behind, say, “Nice Keyser Soze attempt. But, it is over, Lee. Or, should I say, Paul?”
Lee immediately stopped walking forward. Though, he did not instantly turn around. Instead, he took a slow drag on the cigarette. He then dropped his cigarette with his right hand, and he used his right foot to put it out, on the pavement floor, beneath him.
Next, Lee calmly turned around, to his right, and he saw the assemblage of the Badasses of the Multiverse, thirty feet from him. With Rock and Revy standing in the front of the group.
The look of sadistic happiness on their faces promised much pain and misery for Lee.
But, as Lee stood in place, facing the assemblage of badass women, Lee remained as calm as ever, while he slowly blew out the smoke from his lungs, and out his mouth. As he did so, he used his left hand to pull out the reality device from his left pocket. He had a firm grip on the device, with him left palm set against the back of the device, so he would not accidentally touch the buttons on the face of the device.
Lee then held up the device, with his left hand, for the women to see.
Suddenly, as everyone recognized what Lee had in his left hand. They immediately dropped their smug grins. Rock quickly checked her pockets, as she realized Lee had stolen her reality device.
Lee continued to look at the women, while his lips curled into a wicked grin, with his shades masking the wild look to his eyes. Then, just as Lee had wrote it, Lee thought of where, when, and what reality, he wanted to go, and he held that thought, as he used his left thumb to press the middle red button in the center of the face of the device, and with his gym bag hanging off himself, he instantly disappeared into the multiverse.
The only sound heard after Lee's disappearance, was half the party of badass women screaming, in unison, “NOOOOOOOOOOO!”
The end of Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: “The Gambling Man”: Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”
To be continued in Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: “The Gambling Man”: Volume 2: “Total Badass.”
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Lee now is gone and the girls are pissed
Stunning, absolutely stunning
I figured out Bao out a while back, but Sam and River complete shock! The maids! All of the badasses involved, except we learn at the end, one, were determined they would not be told, yet they arrive. It may have been one day too late, but there was still10 seconds left for Lee. I was completely fooled, I thought sure that Chang and River would protect him, hire him and get his cancer cured. I was wrong, and that hurts my ego. But the stunning end was great. This whole chapter was marvelously timed. We also find that there is some positive thinking about Lee/Paul among some of the victims, wonder how that will work. Now we can look forward to a much more detailed search for cure than we got with Bob. So many more multiverses to look forward to. Maybe the Lowe family will help him out, or maybe Scorpy will be there. Don't know, but am waiting, impatiently, to find out. Great ending to Volume 1, can't wait for Volume 2 to start. Thanks again for the series.