Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”
Chapter 15: “Gambling with Insanity: Part Two: All In The Cards.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
It was at ten AM, on the island city of De La Plata Podrido, Mexico. And the sun hid in the clouds, of the partly cloudy sky. The temperature was cool, but not cold, with a light breeze from the sea.
Inside Daiyu Palace Casino, on the main gaming floor, near the back of the room, Revy and Rock had just watched a good portion of the De La Plata Podrido police force walked right into the gaming area, with Chief Del Soto right up front.
Revy smiled wickedly, as she continued looking at the police force, while she commented, with a bit of excitement in her tone of voice, “Now, the cops have shown up. This is turning into a three ring circus, and we got front row seats.”
Rock shared her lovers smile, as she looked on at the police officers, while she agreed, “I know. And from what Lee just stated, I think he called them here.”
Revy stated, “Of course. You are not going to have a game like this, with the stakes like this, with the betting pools like this, without the cops showing up for their cut.”
Rock pointed out, “From what I understand, Chief Del Soto hate bribes.”
Revy shrugged, as she said, “That is a good point. Now, that I think about it, I do remember Melvin mentioning that to. In which case, Chang is going to have some serious explaining to do to them. Which make it all the more fun for us watch as this game unfolds.”
Rock suggested, “Speaking of which. Let's continue watching the game. I think this is just getting started, in so many ways.”
Revy replied, “I agree.”
Both women then turned around, to continue to watch the TV near them, as they listened to the conversation, in the poker room, that was broadcast to through the speakers, to the gaming floor, and casino restaurant.
Across the room, inside the restaurant, in the two window booths, the Dutch, Lotton, Benny, Janet, Eda, Yolanda, Sawyer, and Shenhua were dividing their attention between the screen in the poker room upstairs, and towards watching the cops walking onto the gaming floor.
Benny complained, “Who called the cops? This was just getting interesting. And now the cops are going to break it up.”
Yolanda stated, “I doubt that is the case. Look at the cops. They are not arresting anyone. They do not having their pistols out. I think they came here to bet on the game.”
Shenhua said, “I agree.”
Eda pointed out, “I see Chief Del Soto with them. He is right up front.”
Janet commented, “Then, that might be the case. We hope. But, still, who called them?”
Dutch calmly stated, “Lee called them.”
Janet inquired, “He did?”
Dutch pointed out, “Fuzz, is older english term for police. And given that word was in the quote Lee just mentioned, it is a good guess he called them.”
Benny stated, “And what was up with that quote. I have heard it before, but I cannot place it.”
Lotton commented, “It is from a British comedy action cop movie titled, Hot Fuzz. And Lee's right. It is a good movie too. The film is about a super-cop from London that does such a wonderful job, he makes the other police in London look bad. So, his superiors promote him, and use that promotion as justification to transfer him to a small town, in the middle of nowhere. The movie has good action, good mystery, great laughs, and one hell of a shootout towards the end of the film.”
Benny, replied, “Oh yea. I remember seeing it, now. I laughed my ass off watching it.”
Janet turned to Benny, as she stated, “You will have to show that movie to me, some time.”
Benny turned to Janet, as she said, “I will. And you will enjoy it. It is a good popcorn movie.”
Janet smiled, as she replied, “Then, I look forward to seeing it.” She thought, 'Though, after this poker game.'
Benny returned her wife's smile.
Lotton mentioned, “Still, it is interesting that Lee was quoting one of the head villains in that movie.”
Sawyer said, “I remember you showing Shenhua and I the movie, years ago. And it is a good movie. And Lee using that quote just shows that he has great taste in movie quotes.”
Shenhua commented, “I have to agree on this matter. Also, it is clear that Chief Del Soto, and Lee, are pulling something. But, we do not know what.”
Yolanda said, “Given Lee whispered something into Chang's ear, on the video-audio feed, I would guess that this was all part of Lee's plan to get Chang out of that room he and River are playing in.”
Eda pointed out, “But, that would mean that Lee was expecting Chang to be there in the first place.”
Dutch stated, “A professional gambler always thinks a few steps ahead. And that is what Lee is doing. He guessed Chang would be looking over his shoulder. That plus River, would be to much for him. So, he had the Police Chief act as a distraction, to lure Chang downstairs, and way from him.”
Yolanda agreed, “That is what I would do in Lee's position.”
Janet said, “This also proves that Chief Del Soto and Lee know each. And they would have to be friends for the chief of police to bring his officers with him, as he crashes this party.”
Dutch stated, “True. And we will have to find how those two men are connected. But, that will come later. When Lee, nor Chief Del Soto realize what is going on. But, for now, let's see how this poker game unfolds.”
Dutch, and many of those at their two booths, turned to look at the video screens, mounted on the back wall of the restaurant, behind the bar counter, as she listened in on what the TVs were saying.
At that moment, over thirty floors up, on the penthouse floor, at the top of the casino, in the poker room, at the table, Faye picked up the deck of cards in front of her, on the table. While River sat at the table, to her right side. And Lee sat at the table, to her left side. With the large tinted windows overlooking the city, behind in front of her.
As Faye began to shuffle the cards, she stated, “The rules are simple. This will be standard five card draw poker. No cards are wild. Three cards can be replace per hand. Each bet has to be at least ten thousand dollars in chips. And River will be receiving the first card. And she will be placing the first bet.”
River commented, “I am fine with that.”
Lee asked, “I agree. Ladies first. So, we are only playing with one deck of cards?”
Faye continued shuffling, as she answered, “Yes.”
Lee thought, 'That figures. It is easy for a genius to card count one deck of cards. I hope the cards are not marked, as well.'
River flatly stated, “They are not.”
Lee took River at her word, as he cleared his mind.
Faye then continued shuffling the cards, as she made sure the card were very well randomized on the first hand she dealt. Neither River, nor Lee, were able to complain about Faye's extended shuffling. For it gain them more time to get ready for the actual game itself.
Meanwhile, Chang had just reached the ground floor. As he exited his express elevator, into the elevator bay facing the gaming area, Chang saw Del Soto on the other side of the gaming floor, with his police officers.
Pedro was in his usual clothing, with his brown long coat. But, he was not wearing his sunglasses, nor hat. Many of his police officers were standing around Pedro. His officers were in armed and in their uniforms. Meaning Pedro was likely armed, as well.
In additional, while most of the police officers were men, there were a few within the group, whom were women.
Chang started walking towards Pedro, at a normal pace, as he thought, 'I need to talk to Chief Del Soto, and defuse the situation, before there is one. After the talent contest, I should have realized that Lee and Chief Del Soto are friends. The problem here is that Chief Del Soto does not like bribery, and he is badass. So, the standard bribery and intimidation tactics are not going to work on him.'
As Chang came closer to Pedro, Chang then noticed Pedro looking at him.
Chang continued his thoughts, 'Okay. He sees me. Now, to talk to him.' He then started walking towards Pedro.
At that moment, across the room, Pedro stood in place, as his police officers where standing around him.
Pedro has just seen Chang come out of the elevator bay. Pedro noticed Chang looked at him, as the casino owner started walking towards him.
Pedro thought, with mild astonishment, 'Damn. Lee's plan worked. When Lee is on the ball. He is on the ball. Now, to have some fun.' Pedro turned around to his subordinates, as he ordered, in spansih, “Boys, behave. I am will be right back, after I make arrangements for our entertainment.”
Pedro could see some of his personnel smile at his comment.
Pedro then turned back to look, as Chang approached him. He thought, 'As they say. Sometimes you have to meet people half way.' He then started walking towards Chang.
Several seconds later, the two man stopped and face each other, in the middle of the gaming floor. They were six feet apart from each other.
Chang inquired, in english, “So, Chief Del Soto, what brings you to my fine establishment?”
Pedro casually answered, in english, “We heard about the poker game with two million dollars on the line. That amount of money tends to attract the wrong kind of attention. I am surprised you did not call us, concerning this event, beforehand”
Chang responded, “I assured you that my security hand any problems that come up.”
Pedro thought, 'That would be an understatement. You likely have enough badasses and firepower to take on everything, short of a full on military assault.'
Pedro agreed, “I am sure they can. Still, my boys and I would like in on this action.”
Chang questioned, “And I thought you were against bribery?”
Pedro explained, “I am against, bribery, yes. Gambling, no. I view gambling like I do drinking alcohol. If you gamble responsibility, I have no problems. If not, you become my problem.”
Pedro continued, in a slightly sterner tone of voice, “And no one wants to become my problems.”
Pedro went onto say, in a calm tone of voice, “Over the years, I have had to deal with a number of loan sharks and gambling addicts in this town. Both are bad for this town.”
Chang thought, 'I wonder what you mean by deal? Though, you are subtly warning me not to be a loan shark. That is fine.'
Chang said, “I can admire that point of view. The more I learn from you Chief Del Soto, the more I realize that you are a very flexible man.”
Pedro stated, “You have to be in this world.”
Chang replied, “I do not doubt that. So, you, and your subordinates, wish to place bets on this game?”
Pedro answered, “Of course.”
Chang stated, “Then, I suggest you bet on the player known as River. I assure you she is better at this than Lee. And my money is literally riding on her.” He mentally added, 'Given River will likely win, I do not want these cops upset for losing, by betting on Lee.'
Pedro chuckled. He then said, “Nah. My boys can decide for themselves. But, I think I will bet on Lee. I prefer to bet on the underdogs, and wildcards. And Lee is both, in so many ways.”
Chang thought, 'The way he is acting. This is more than just a visit. Lee wanted him here. And I need to know what is going on. Even if I have to tip my hand.' He stated, “Let's cut the bullshit. I know, you know.”
Pedro thought, 'With the music and the game as a distraction, I doubt anyone, let alone the girls, will overheard our conversation. So, I can talk freely.' He said, “Yes. I know from the anime series, to those strange stories. And now I know, that you know, that I know...” He softly added, while he smirked, “Babe.”
Chang took a few quick steps closer to Pedro, to where they were nose to nose, with less than an inch between them, as he sternly stated, in a hushed tone of voice, which only Pedro could hear, “If we were not in a room full of people, including half your force, I would kill you where you stand for calling me that name.”
Pedro did not show any reaction to Chang's movement, nor threat, as he continued to smirk, while calmly pointed out, “You could try. Though, I know what you are capable of. While, you do not know what I am capable of.”
Pedro's smirk turned feral, as he continued, with a bit of eagerness in his tone of voice, “Either way, it would be one hell of a fight.”
Pedro then suddenly dropped his smile, as he went onto say, “By the way, lose the glasses. No one really does the glasses inside the building anymore. Unless it is for a special occasion. If you are going to live here, you need to get up to date with what is cool, and what is not.”
Chang was mildly surprised that he did not even get a reaction from Pedro, with this threat. He calmly thought, 'I guess intimidation really will not work on him. Though, I just confirmed that he knows who I, and the others are. Including, from the anime, to the stories. And he has a point about my sunglasses.”
Chang took a few steps back from Pedro. He then, took off his glasses, and put them in his coat pocket. Chang conceded, “Alright. And from what I have heard about you. You might be right. You would have to at least be a badass to clean up this city, and keep it together. And you are intelligent enough to avoid Revy, the others, and even this casino.”
Pedro commented, “As long as I can account for what River is. And avoid her. I do not mind coming here.”
Chang grinned. He was impressed with Pedro, as he thought, 'So, he really does know what is going on. Nice. I haven't has a challenge like this, since Balalaika and Hotel Moscow first came to Roanapur, all those years ago. Now, to dig for some more information.'
Chang commented, “You have a point there. Still, given what Lee said, and you being here, you seem to be friends with Lee.”
Pedro thought, 'Now, to get Chang off topic.' He said, “I make it a habit to get to know those that live in my fair city.”
Chang snorted, as he stated, “Fair city. That is a laugh.”
Pedro responded, “This city is a lot fairer than most.” He then lied, “Lee does not know what is going on. Though, with a million dollars, of a crazy woman's money, on the line, he did ask about River. He found out from Akira, and her two lovers, that River is a telepath and a genius. He then wisely called me for help, and I decided to come to his aid.”
Chang thought, 'A likely excuse. But, I do not believe that is even close to what really happened between you two. Though, this does confirm that Lee knows that River is a telepath and a genius. Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru, would at least tell Lee that. Out of simple human decency.'
'Though, given Lee knew this ahead of time. This shoes that Lee has more courage to show up here, this morning, than I gave him credit for. Still, I wonder...'
Chang inquired, “And what do you get out of all this?”
Pedro continued the lie he had come up with, in case he was confronted with this very situation. He stated, “Lee keeps tabs on Revy's group. After my brother left town, I did some digging, and I found out what was going on, with Revy's group being here. I also found out about Lee, at the same time. In exchange for me shielding him from the law. He is a wanted man in the states. He spies for me. It is a wonderful arrangement.”
Chang thought, 'Pedro pulled off getting a spy close to Revy, and the others, while I failed to do so... Not bad... And he provides for Lee, by being here, is to get me down here, away from him. I wonder who's plan all this is? Lee's? or Pedro's?.. I will find out later... For now...' He stated, “You are just a distraction for me.”
Pedro causally admitted, “Yes. I am. And with good reason.” He then continued, in a more direct tone of voice, “Chang, you have already stacked the deck against Lee. You and Revy forced him into a game, he told me, that he didn't want to play in the first place. You have him playing a telepathic genius. On top of this, you have Faye as a crooked dealer. Though, I doubt Revy and the others realize how crooked Faye can get with gambling games. Still, with all that set against him, you leaning over his shoulder is just overkill.”
Chang thought, 'He does have a point there. If I did stick around that game, and Lee loses, Revy might call me on all these actions.' He admitted, “You might be right.”
Pedro stated, “I know I am right. Also, I know your kind. You are likely making millions from those betting today. Both ways. I learned what the odds are, that you set up for this poker game. And the way you set up the odds, if you win in the game, you will break even. Or, you may even make a slight profit. But, if you lose your million in the game, you will likely come out more ahead, than River winning this game.”
Chang smirked, as he complimented, “It is so rare to meet someone with such a devious mind as I.”
Chang thought, with amusement, 'Chief Del Soto is right. If I lose, I will actually win more money, then if River wins. But, this is about more than just money. This is about the enjoyment of watching how a well laid out game can play out. If Lee is able to win, it will be very entertaining to see how he pulls it off. I will make a few extra million. And I will likely get to enjoy make up sex with River tonight, for her losing my million today.'
'Though, I will not be angry with her. But, I will enjoy the sex with her. Both ways.'
'And if River wins. It will still be a fun game to watch. I get a little profit out of this. I will likely enjoy seeing Revy pitch a tantrum like a little child. And I will still likely have sex with River tonight, with her having sex with me, as part of our celebration of her winning a million dollars.'
'Either way, I cannot lose. This is the embodiment of a Xanatos Gambit. And I am loving every minute of this.'
Meanwhile, Pedro could tell from Chang's body language and facial expression, that he was thinking about something.
Pedro thought, 'It is clear Chang is likely thinking how great he is, in that he planned and arranged this so he cannot lose today. Still, we need to get this conversation moving forwards.'
Pedro suggested, “I will take that as a compliment. Now, why don't you have a drink with your friends? I suggest you keep Rock and Revy company.” Pedro then used his right hand pointed at Rock, and Revy, whom were standing twenty feet away from them, watching the poker game about to start, on a nearby TV monitor.
Also, Pedro noticed there was no one around the two women.
Pedro saw Chang look in the direction he was pointed out.
Chang turned back to Pedro, as he commented, “That is not a bad idea.”
Pedro thought, 'It pays to keep an eye on one's surroundings.' He then dropped his right hand back to his side.
Pedro turned back to Chang, as he went onto say, “You three seem to have a platonic chemistry going on. When it comes to action, you are one of the few people that Revy respects, whom she immediately does not want to fight to the death. And when it comes to scheming, you and Rock seem to work on the same wavelength.”
Chang agreed, “You are right on all those points.”
Pedro requested, “Well, now to place bets for myself, and my friends. So, where do I go to do that?”
Chang admitted, “Honestly. I am not sure myself. I let my pit bosses, Spike, and Jet, handle where bets are placed, on this game floor.” He the used his right hand to point across the room, to a young, slender, green haired woman, in a blue leisure suit.
Chang then dropped his right hand back to his side, as he said, “There is Spike, right now. Just go over to her, and ask her where the bets for the poker game are being place? We are still holding them open for the next thirty minutes, or so.
Pedro responded, “That is a good selection on pit bosses. And thank you. Now, my boys, and I, will be placing our bets.”
Chang replied, “Have fun.”
Pedro thought, 'Now, to play this the same game Lee has been playing. On officially being known to know stuff.' He asked, “Does Spike have a clue on what's going on?
Chang answered, “Not really. All she knows is about our series, the stories that effect all of us, and that the writer is in town. You do know who we are talking about?”
Pedro commented, “It is my job to know such things.” He then lied, “Though, I do know not who exactly this person is.” He thought, 'That is a good excuse. And I stated I do not know who the writer is. Now, to screw with him.'
Pedro said, “So, that is why you are in town? You think the writer of those stories is here? Interesting. That does explained Revy, and the others, being here, as well.” He mentally added, 'By stating that, Chang will not think that I know the writer. And by extension, he will not think that Lee is the writer.'
Chang thought, 'Damn. I just let that out of the bag. Nothing I can do about it now.' He asked, “What are you going to do with that information?”
Pedro answered, “Nothing. All I ask is if you hunt and catch this person, you will do so discreetly.”
Chang thought, 'Interesting. He is giving us permission to go after the writer. But, he does not want trouble. That is nice balancing act he is maintaining. And he claims not to know who the writer is. Though, I do not know for sure if he is telling the truth, or lying. And going after a man in his position would be too risky. So, even if I want to find out who the writer is. Which I could honestly care less about. One will have to find the writer some other way, than to confront the police chief, here.'
Chang said, “I would hope that would be what happens, if he is caught.”
Pedro commented, “It sounds like you are not after this person?” He thought, 'I need to know this. One way, or another.'
Chang grinned, as he stated, “I have no intention of going after the man responsible for giving everything I ever wanted, and more. Though, Revy, and the others, have a different opinion on the matter.”
Pedro said, “I am glad one of you realizes this. By the way, as the police chief of this city, I have to know. Do the maids know about the stories, and the writer. I feel that my city would not survive if they found out.”
Chang stated, “No. They do not. We all agreed not to tell the Lovelace family.”
Pedro thought, with relief, 'Oh, thank you. That is a major relief. Sure, you, and your friends, are trouble, Chang. But, the maids are just too dangerous. Even for this city.'
Pedro commented, “Thank you for informing me. By the way, at the talent contest, due to the secrecy, I could not tell you then. But, you did a masterful job on that song. That is a hard song to sing, even if one's native language is english.”
Chang responded, “Yes. Billy Joel's song, We Didn't Start The Fire, is very difficult to sing correctly. And thank you for your compliment. Most people do not appreciate talent in other ways, besides destruction. But, I see you do, Chief Del Soto.”
Pedro said, “I like to look on the brighter side of life. Besides, if we are going to get to know each other this well, you might as well call me, Pedro.”
Chang replied, “Okay Pedro. And I do not mind you calling me, Chang. Everyone else seems to do so. Also, yours, and Lee's distraction were well played. Very well played.”
Pedro complimented, “What can I say? I was inspired by the presence of a master.”
Chang grinned, as he responded, “And don't you forget it.”
Pedro replied, “I won't.”
Chang said, “Have a pleasant time. If you need anything. Let me know.”
Pedro stated, “Perhaps, I will.”
Both men then walked away from each other.
As Chang walked towards Rock and Revy, he thought, 'I still haven't figured out how to fit Chief Del Soto... No, Pedro, into my plans. But, after this conversation, I just had with him, I am going to have too. The man is just too valuable not to do something with. Though, I will have to make sure none of the others accidentally kill him. We need him more than some would realize. Considering he is the one keeping this town in one piece.'
'Along that line of thought. I always wondered what Roanapur would have been like if a badass was in charge of the police force, instead of that lard ass, Watsup. Now, I think I have my answer, in the form of De La Plata Podrido, and Police Chief Pedro Del Soto.'
When Chang reached Rock and Revy, both women turned to him. Revy greeted, “Hi Chang. What are you doing down here?”
Chang lied, “I decided that it would be best if I keep you guys company.”
Rock said, “We are most than happy to watch the game with you.”
Revy commented, “Yea. You are always fun to have around.”
Chang replied, “Thank you.”
Chang then stood beside Revy, to Revy's left side. With Rock standing to Revy's right side. As the three adults turned their attention to the TV in front of them.
Meanwhile, as Pedro walked towards Spike, he got a closer look at the woman.
Pedro saw that Spike still had the same dark green hair afro as she had as a man.
Pedro thought, 'I will just play this cool, and I will be fine. There is no reason that Spike will not help me with finding out where to place the bets at, for the poker game upstairs.'
'Though, I just need to remember not to say her name to her. Still, I think I will place a thousand U.S. dollars on Lee. I can afford to lose that. And I will keep my boys from betting to heavily, as well. Though, I will let them bet on either player. Still, that way, there should be no serious hard feelings towards either player, if any of my boys lose their money in their bet.'
As Pedro reached Spike, he came to a stop, six feet from the women. There was no one else around them, dark green haired, asian woman turned to him.
Spike politely inquired, in english, “Can I help you, sir?”
Pedro said, “Yes. Where do I got to place my bet for the poker game upstairs?”
Spike answered, “Over there.” She then used her left hand to point at a nearby small table, with a woman in a card dealer's uniform in a chair, behind the table. There was an open lock on the table, in front of her. The woman also had a pen and paper, on the table in front of her.
Pedro looked in the direction Spike has pointed to, then back towards Spike. He said, “Thank you.”
Spike dropped her left hand back to her side, as she turned to Pedro. She calmly said, “You're welcome.”
Pedro then turned, and he headed in a different direction, than the small betting table. He walked towards the area of the gaming room, where his men and women were, so he could round them up, to place their bets, all at once. Before it was too late to do so.
On the penthouse level, in the poker room, Faye had just finished shuffling the cards, and she started handing out the cards, with River getting the first card.
Lee sarcastically thought, 'That took long enough.'
River snorted.
When Faye was finished, dealing five cards to each player, River picked up her five cards, and looked at them, in her hands. As she held her cards close to her body.
Meanwhile, Lee had yet to looked at his five cards.
Lee thought, as he looked over at River, 'Great. I got to deal with both a telepath, and a crooked dealer... Yea, I know you are reading my mind, River.'
River just smiled at him.
Lee turned Faye, as he thought, 'Faye said she is only using one deck of cards. Most casinos use multiple decks of cards, per table. Switching between them, after every hand, to help prevent card counting. But, Chang probably just wants to give you the option to card count, if your wanted to. On the other hand, I could never get the hang of card counting.'
Lee looked over at River, whom just shrugged towards him.
Lee then looked at his cards. Lee has a pair of eights. Which was worth betting on. While changing out the other three cards he had.
Faye stated, “As a reminder. River will place the first bet.”
River placed a single ten thousand dollar chip into the pot.
Lee matched the bet.
Both of the players then discarded a few of their cards. River discarded two. Lee discarded threes.
Faye replaced their cards.
As Lee and River looked at their new cards, Lee did not outwardly show it, but he now had three eights. Though, he tried to keep himself from focusing on his card hand, too much.
Lee thought, 'Now, for my plan.' He temporally broke his poker mask, and he smirked towards River.
On the gaming floor, Rock, Revy, and Chang were standing together, while watching the TV.
They continued to watch the game on the TV, as Revy inquired, “Why does that smile look so familiar?”
Chang answered, “Because you have probably seen Rock use that same type of smirk a dozen times over, when she has come up with an awesome plan.”
Rock questioned, “Really?”
Chang replied, “Yes.”
Revy stated, “I hope he lives up to the smirk, then.”
On the penthouse level, in the poker room, Lee continued to smirk, as he causally said, “River, since you are Chang's girlfriend, I have a question for you. Given the way Chang likes to act and walk around, he must be hung like an elephant, downstairs.”
Lee could barely as keep himself from laughing, as he saw both River and Faye look at him, with shocked expressions, while they went slack jawed over his comment.
Faye thought, 'This man has a death wish.'
On the casino floor, Chang jaw dropped, as everyone else laughed.
Rock and Revy were beside Chang, as they laughed.
Between laughs, Revy commented, “Lee has a death wish.”
As Rock forced herself to breath, between laughs, she countered, “No. He is just playing the only angle he can. Humor. And it is an awesome plan. He might still win this game.”
Nearby, Pedro had just finished making his bet for Lee. With his men and women still placing their bets.
Presently, Pedro was still trying to find a seat, as he saw and heard the spectacle on the very TVs around the casino. Pedro chuckled, as he thought, 'Oh my god. Lee, you were right. Your plan is a six, or seven, on the crazy meter. At least.'
In the poker room, River and Faye has finally composed themselves.
River regained her own poker face, as she calmly stated, “That would be a matter of opinion. I will raise you thirty thousand.”
River placed three more chips into the pot. She then inquired, “Also, what about Revy, in that outfit she likes to wear?”
Lee thought, 'Oh. You want to play this game, too. Nice.'
River smiled towards Lee.
Lee then could not help answered River's bait, “To be honest. And I know she is kill me after I say this. Yet, it might still be worth saying this. With those blue denim cut-offs and crop top, she looks like Daisy Dukes's asian cousin, from Dukes of Hazard.”
Lee thought, 'That is even what those style of shorts are sometimes called.'
River replied, “Interesting.”
On the casino floor, laughter erupted again.
Chang and Rock laughed, as Revy barely contained her anger.
Chang said, “Looks like the shoe is on the other foot, Revy.”
Revy grumbled, “He is right. I am going to kill him.”
Rock replied, “No, you won't.”
Chang stated, “Besides, I am sure that you already knew that those cut-offs, that you wear, are occasionally called, Daisy Dukes.”
Revy looked down, at the floor, as she forced herself to calm down. She quietly conceded, “Yea. I did.” She then look back at the TV near them.
Back in the poker room, Lee threw out three chips, as he stated, “Call.”
Both played showed their hands. River has a pair of jacks. Lee's three eights beat her two pair.
Lee collected his forty thousand in winnings, as Faye collected the cards, and began to reshuffle the cards.
A Faye shuffled the cards, River asked, “So, what about Revy's girlfriend, Rock?”
Lee shrugged, as he casually replied, “I don't want to know what it is about her, but her body language screams, office girl.”
On the gaming floor, the punchline of the third joke, roars of laughter erupted again.
It was Chang and Revy's turn to laugh.
Chang then stated, “Rock, it is looks like you have been demoted from salary man to office girl.”
Rock replied, with slight annoyance to her voice, “I will give him that one. And I think he is just getting started.”
Chang thought, 'Rock was right. Lee just used humor to when the first hand. And he just won forty thousand. Not bad. Not bad at all.'
In the poker room, This time, it only took Faye around thirty seconds to shuffle the cards, before she handed out another five cards.
Lee thought, 'Well, at least she was quicker, with shuffling the cards, this time.'
River let out a little giggle escape her lips.
Both Lee and River then looked at their cards. Lee saw he had nothing. Still, it was his turn to bet, and he felt a strong start was good for a hand where he had nothing.
Lee remembered what Sam had taught him that.
Though, while in the presence, of the telepathic River, Lee kept himself from thinking to much about his poker lessons from Sam.
Lee held his cards in his right hand, as he used his left hand to toss two chips into the center of the table. He stated, “I will start with twenty thousand.”
River toss two chips, as she asked, “I will see that. And what about Aeryn?”
Both players replaced three of their cards.
Lee answered, “When I looked into her eyes, I see a very sane individual, whom could easily snap me like a twig, if she wanted to.”
On the gaming floor, Aeryn, Violin, Akira, Ranma, Natsuru, and Annie stood together, as they were still finding a place to sit down, to watch the poker game from.
Aeryn was beside her spouse, as she complimented, “He is a very perceptive man.”
In the poker room, Lee looked at his cards. He still had nothing. He said, “I fold.”
Both players turned their cards over to Faye.
As Faye reshuffled, River collected her winnings, with her becoming twenty thousand dollars richer.
River inquired, “And what about Violin?”
Lee happily commented, “She is such an asian redneck that I would be tempted to breakout the Jeff Foxworthy jokes, for her. But, this is just not the time, nor place for such humor. No matter how tempting it is.”
On the gaming floor, Violin and Akira snickered for a few seconds.
Violin then said, “He's got me there.”
Akira replied, “I know.”
In the poker room, Faye handed out another five cards to each player.
Lee looked at his cards, he had three of a kind of sixes.
River threw five chips into the pot, as she stated, “I will start with fifty thousand.”
Lee tossed in five chips, as he stated, “I will see that fifty thousand.”
Lee discards two cards, while River discarded three cards.
River commented, “Still... About the asian redneck comment? Isn't that an oxymoron?”
Lee said, “Nope. There are asian rednecks. And I know a few of them, personally. They are crazier than the white rednecks.”
River inquired, “Interesting. And what about Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru?”
Lee commented, “Except for the threesome angle, they seem to be the most normal, sane, and well adjusted members of their group.”
On the gaming floor, in one group, Akira, Ranma, Natsuru, Annie, Aeryn, and Violin almost doubled over laughing.
Not far from the group of women, a woman, whom worked for the casino, saw them. She wore black jeans, a white t-shirt, a red leather jacket, and black leather boots.
The women recognized the five women, as she turned, and walked up to them.
Nearby, the group of five women, it took all of Pedro's will power not to burst out laughing, as well.
Pedro thought, 'If I laugh. I risk blowing my cover, on how much I know about them.'
Elsewhere, on the gaming floor, Rock, Revy, and Chang were sharing a good laugh.
While Chang laughed, he thought, with delight, 'When this is over. I might hire Lee as a comedic stand up act. The guy has talent in delivering jokes.'
In the casino restaurant, while sitting at their booths, Yolanda, Eda, Janet, Benny, Lotton, Dutch, Sawyer, and Shenhua were all laughing at Lee's latest joke.
Benny commented, “This guy would be great at a roast.”
Eda pointed out, “If you haven't figured it out by now, both of them are roasting us. And doing a marvelous job at it.”
Janet commented, “And the fact that River is the straight man, in this two person act, just makes it even more funny.”
Dutch said, “Yea. The irony does make it funnier.”
The eight women then laughed even harder.
In the game room, Lee looked at his two new cards, and he found that he had a full house, of three sixes and two twos.
River looked at her cards. She tossed in six chips, as she stated, “I will raise you sixty thousand.”
Lee tossed in six chips, as he said, “I call.”
River had nothing, and Lee won the hand.
Faye collected the cards, and she reshuffled the deck.
As Lee collected his winnings, he thought, 'A hundred and ten thousand is not bad for one hand.'
River calmly asked, “Now, what about Eda?”
Lee's poker face dropped, for a second, has he looked up at River. He calmly stated, “I have nothing to say, but that she is a wonderful woman?” He mentally added, 'Eda, is a topic that we will not be discussing.'
River simply nodded once, as she agreed, “I can see why you would say that.”
By then, Faye finished shuffling, and dealt the two players their next hand.
In the hotel restaurant, Janet looked over at Eda, as she said, “I think he still has the hots for you.”
Eda looked at Janet, as she replied, “Nah. He is just being a gentleman.”
In the poker room, as the next few hands played out, River won two hands, and Lee won one hand.
None of the hands were big bets, and they pretty much were breaking even after every other hand.
With the next hand, both players looked at their cards.
Lee saw that he had a straight, of a seven, eight nine, ten, and jack.
And it was River's turn to place the first bet.
River placed three chips, as she said, “I will start with thirty thousand.”
Lee threw five chips into the pot, as he stated, “I will see that. And raise you twenty thousand.”
River then discards one card, she commented, “For a very nice suit, you picked a lousy tie to wear with it.”
Lee smirked, as he joked, “It is called power clashing. They teach such lessons at technical colleges, during the business courses. Where wearing a professional business suit to class is requirement.”
River giggled at his joke. She then looked at the card Faye had given her, to replace the card she discarded.
On the casino gaming floor, Chang looked around, as he noticed there were a few snickers, and some light laughs, except for Pedro. Pedro was laughing very hard.
Chang thought, 'I think the only person in this room whom got Lee's joke was Pedro. That figures. Still, even though I know about you, Pedro. None of the others do. And that is clearly the way you want to keep it. I will respect that. But Pedro, if you keep reacting to Lee's comment like this, my friends will notice you.'
Chang then turned his attention back to the TV near him, Revy, and Rock.
Chang then noticed his two friends were staring intensely at the TV. He thought, 'Something is going on here. But, I am not sure what.'
Rock wondered out loud, “Why does that tie look familiar?”
Chang looked at the camera showing the front of Lee's clothing. He realized, as he answer her question, “Because you use to wear a teal tie as well, with your old suit.”
Revy spoke up, “Probably coincidence.”
Chang thought, 'Maybe... Maybe not...'
As Pedro Del Soto sat at a non-gambling table, with a few of his subordinates, as they watch the game upstairs from a nearby TV, with the speakers allowing them to listen to the conversation upstairs, over the music playing in the room.
At the moment, Pedro was laughed hard at Lee's latest joke.
As Pedro started to calm down, he thought, 'Only you, Lee, you would make a Thirty Rock, Jack joke, at a time like this?... Wait a minute, that tie... Teal... Lee you are absolutely insane to wear a tie like that to a place like this. Around these people. If you get caught, you are on your own... Wait a minute. A Thirty Rock verbal joke, dealing with a visible joke about Rock, whom use to wear a teal tie, like that... A double Rock joke... Oh, I get it... A joke on the Rocks...'
Pedro chuckled a little more, as he continued his thoughts, 'Lee, you're not just insane. You might be the craziest person in the building... And that is saying something.'
'Either way, you still are the most imaginative. You still got that creative talent for humor. You are definitely showing it with your jokes. And it appears you plan to keep River happy is working. Because she is clearly getting in on the jokes.'
'Lee, you might actually pull your plan off.'
Pedro took a moment to look around the room. As he did so, one of the young women in the gaming room caught his eye.
The woman was standing with Aeryn, Violin, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru. All of them were talking to each other, as they occasionally turned their head to watch the TV monitor near them, of the poker game.
The women was a pretty fair skin woman with long brown hair, that went down to hair shoulder-blades. Her hair was held in a ponytail, that was tied back with a brown scrunchy. She has an athletic physical build, and she was slightly over average height for a woman of her ethnicity.
The brown haired woman wore black jeans, a white t-shirt, a red leather jacket, and black leather boots. But, it was the metal cylinder strapped to the right side of her belt that tipped Pedro off to who she was.
Pedro kept himself from showing any outward expression, as he mentally screamed in terror, 'Oh crap. That is Annie. AKA, gender bent Anakin Skywalker. AKA gender bent Darth Vader. What is she doing here!? Last I read, she hates Chang! I mean, sure dealing with villains like Chang and Revy are one thing. For them. Being evil is a career option. But, for a Sith Lord, being evil is a religious experience.'
'Why did Lee have to write about, Annie? Because he is a fool. And why am I helping Lee? Because I am a fool, as well. Indeed. Who is more the foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?... Oh man, I am doing the Star Wars jokes, now. And the situation fits that joke, so well.'
'The only good news is that last time I read about Annie, she was a gray force user, and she really wasn't evil anymore.'
'Yet. In baseball terms, she is in a badass league beyond anything I could hope to counter. I am talking galactic scale. Meanwhile, Chang and Revy are more like in the majors. With myself being in the minors.'
'When it comes to Chang, Revy, and the other badasses at their level, if my back was to the wall, I could probably bridge the gap, and hold my own against them.'
'On the other hand, Annie is like River, she is to powerful for me.'
'With Annie around, this situation is getting a little too hot for me.'
'I came here today was as a favor for Lee. But, if he gets caught, he will likely talk, to try to save his own skin. That is just his nature. And I don't blame him for it. Still, if he talks, we both will be screwed. I hope River didn't read to much of his mind. Speaking of River, the only reason I would set foot in this casino was that I knew River would be too busy today to meet with me. She is like Annie. She is to much for me to handle. How Chang is still breathing, I don't know.'
'Though, either way, I have to stick around, to make sure Lee either makes it out of this casino on his own. Or, if he is caught, I will have about a window of a minute or two, to figure out if I want to dry to have my boys and I, make a run for it. Or, I would cut a deal with Chang.'
'In such a situation, I am not sure which option I would take.'
Pedro then realized, as he continued his thoughts, 'Oh crap! Force users can sense when someone nearby is expressing strong emotions about them. And if Annie catches me, then Lee and I are still both screwed to the wall. Fortunately, it can take the a few minutes to localized the person. And she has not moved her head yet, in my direction. I need to immediately calm down, and put my focus back on the poker game.'
Pedro forced himself to calm down, as he turned his head back to the nearby TV monitor showing the poker game between Lee and River. With Pedro making himself think solely about the poker game.
Nearby, Annie has been talking to Violin, Aeryn, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru. As they caught up, would sometimes see what was going on with the poker game, between River, and Lee, in the penthouse level.
Annie then felt someone focus on her. She turned her head to look around the room.
'I just sensed someone feel intense fear towards me. Someone here, local, recognizes me. But, the fear was immediately cut off before I even realized what I was sensing. It has been a while sense I felt fear towards myself. Which is good.'
'Still, I checked. Star Wars exists in this reality as a fictional series. If the person recognized me, then he, or she, likely also has a basic understanding of how force senses work. And that person immediately reigned in their emotions, and focused on something else, before I could find that person... I am not likely going to spot this person. I might as well go back to talking with my friends. While occasionally watching River beat this humorous fool.'
Natsuru noticed Annie looking around. She asked, “What is it?”
Annie turned to face Natsuru, as she answered, “It is nothing.”
Ranma said, “I find it hard to believe that Lee was mister dance...” She turned to Annie, as she continued, “Annie, just so you know, Lee is the one playing River.”
Annie turned to Ranma, as she replied, “Okay. And who is this, Lee?”
Natsuru commented, “He is just a guy we know, at the Devil's Hotel. Though, the man clearly likes to hide things. And his jokes have been amazing. But, given who we are, we should not be ones to judge.”
Ranma agreed, “You got that right. And the man just wants to have a good time with a beautiful woman. And he likely doesn't want us to bother him about it, afterward. Though, I am starting to understand why Eda slept with him.”
Annie inquired, “Eda, slept with that guy?”
Akira answered, “Yea. From what we understand, Eda was the one that asked him out. And he went all out on their date. And they had a one night stand that night.”
Annie said, “Lucky guy.” She mentally added, 'Some people realize an opportunity when they see it. And it sounds like this, Lee, is one such person.'
While watching the monitor, Violin inquired, “Annie, I have a question.”
Annie asked, “Sure. What is it?”
Violin continued to look at the TV, as she stated, “I know you can force grip through line of sight, even via a teleconference. But, can you tell one's emotional state that way, as well? Like Deanna Troi from Star Trek? I mean, the jokes are funny. But, I want to know what is ticking inside River and Lee's minds.”
Annie answered, “Yes. I can do that. But, I considered it rude to do so.”
Aeryn commented, “Still, it would be wise to know what their emotional state is. Just in case we need to stop something from happen, and help, Lee.”
Aeryn thought, 'Anyone that would publicly compliment me. And also help me understand by husband, in a way no one has tried to, does not deserve to be seriously hurt, or die, because someone forced them into a situation. John and I have been in those situations. So, we can sympathize with Lee, on this matter.'
Akira said, “Thank you, Aeryn.” She thought, 'Maybe she is warming up to Lee.'
Aeryn turned to Akira, as she calmly replied, “You're welcome.”
Annie conceded, “Alright, you made your point. I will do it.”
Annie turned her attention back to the TV monitor near her, as she used the force to sense the emotion states of River and Lee.
A few seconds later, while staring at the monitor, Annie stated, “Well, River is annoyed at being put into the situation she finds herself in.”
Aeryn commented, “So, she does not want to play this game. Intriguing.”
Annie responded, “I would guess that would be the case. Or, she is just annoyed by the entire situation, for some reason.”
Akira asked, “What about, Lee?”
Annie stated, “Well... Lee, is just concerned at the situation he is in.”
Violin said, “That is completely reasonable.”
Suddenly, both River and Lee turned to stare at the camera that was piping the feed into the TVs on the gaming floor.
Akira immediately quit sensing the two people, upstairs, as she commented, “I think they both just sensed you.”
Annie replied, “I agree.”
With Annie no long trying to sense River and Lee, a few seconds later, both players turned back to look at their cards.
Annie stated, “I can understand River sensing me. But, how could a normal person like Lee, sense me?”
Natsuru explained, “Lee is not normal... Well, he is more normal than us. But, he has precognitive abilities. Very sharp precognitive abilities.”
Annie turned to Natsuru, as she inquired, “How sharp?”
Natsuru answered, “From what Rock and Revy tell me, he is as good with his precognitive abilities, in dealing with cards, as you are with your lightsaber.”
Annie smiled, as she said, “That is sharp. This should be an interesting game.”
Ranma pointed out, “Nah. Lee knows that River is a telepath and a genius. We personally told him that. And he believed us. Lee will not use his precognition on her.”
Annie complimented, “Smart man.”
Ranma agreed, “Quite.”
Violin said, “Well ladies, let's see what happens next.”
The women turned back to look at the nearby TV, showing the poker game.
Nearby, as Chang, Revy, and Rock, started at the TV, they had seen River and Lee look into the camera.
While none of them commented on it. Chang thought, 'I wonder why River and Lee stared into the camera at the same time?... Well, it doesn't matter.'
At the moment, in game room, both River and Lee look back at their cards.
Faye noticed that both her players had suddenly turned to look at the same camera, at the same time. With them turning back to their cards, at the same time.
Faye asked, “What was with the staring at the camera?”
River did not look up from her cards, as she said, “Someone was sensing us.”
Lee looked at his cards, as he inquired, “Ever heard the concept of knowing when someone is staring at you?”
With River present, Lee forced himself to not think about who it could be.
Faye replied, “Yes.”
Lee said, “Same concept.”
Faye commented, “Oh. Well, let us continued with this game. Shall we?”
River saw Lee's five chip raise, as she placed eight chips. She said, “I will see your raise, and raise you thirty thousand.”
Lee tossed eight chips, as he said, “Call.”
River and Lee showed their cards.
And River beat Lee's straight, with her flush of hearts, which was five cards of all the same type.
Faye collected the cards, as River collected her winnings.
Lee thought, 'Ouch. By losing a hundred and thirty thousand in that hand, I just lost all my gains, and went into the hole. Still, this is a good time to talk to, River.'
As Faye shuffled the cards, Lee looked over at River. A second later, their eyes met.
Lee thought, 'River. I know you are a telepath. And I know you are reading my mind. So, I figured, let's talk in private, for a minute. Given everyone is watching, and listening, to this is a poker game, if we make any body movements, facial expressions, or even blinking, about this situation, it will cause those viewing us to wonder what is going on. But, I figure eye movement will not be noticed. So, I need to ask you some questions. If you want, please use your eyes to answer yes or no. Does this work for you?'
River moved her eyes up and down in a, yes, answer.
Lee thought, 'Good. First, thank you for clearly not using her telepathic abilities to cheat. And you have a good poker face.'
River smiled.
Lee thought, 'I will take that smile as meaning, both you're welcome. And thank you. Now, my first question is, did you want to play me in this poker game?'
River moved her eyes side to side, in a, no, answer.
Lee thought, 'So, Chang put you up to this?'
River used her eyes to move up and down, in a, yes, answer.
Lee thought, 'Well, I am in a similar boat. Revy, and Chang, both put me up to this, as well.'
River rolled her eyes. She then looked back at Lee.
Lee thought, 'Yea. Exactly. And to think we do not even get anything from this, while everyone else profits from our efforts. Even if it is just for entertainment. Though, I would guess a lot of people are betting on us, downstairs.'
River raised her eyes, up and down, in a, yes, nod.
Lee thought, 'River, I have an offer for you. You likely already have found out I am precognitive. Though, I am trying not to use my abilities in this game. And you are telepath. How about we both do our best not use our abilities for the rest of the game? And no card counting. Because I really want to see how good a poker player you really are. Sound fair to you?'
River grinned.
Lee returned River's smile, as he thought, 'I will take that as a, yes. May the best person win.'
Lee saw that River's smile widened ever so slightly, by his polite gesture.
By then, Faye has started handing them their cards.
A few minutes later, Lee won the current hand of cards.
For the next two hours, River and Lee played cards. With both of them matching each other in wins, and losses.
Both of them kept their promises, not to use their more interesting abilities in their poker game against each other.
Though, neither were betting large amounts of chips in their game. With only a few raises in the betting pool. Both players knew better than than to risk more than they had to. And they realized it was a game of patience.
Fortunately, during those few hours, Lee was able to win back the chips he had lost, and both of them were pretty even in chips, by the time lunch rolled around, at twelve noon.
Around fifteen minutes earlier, at eleven forty-five AM, according to Lee's digital wrist watch, both of them, along with Faye, gave their meal orders, from a waitress that came by,
While both players continued to drink lemonade, River ordered grilled chicken alfredo pasta, and Lee had a chicken caesar salad.
Lee found the salad was good, but not great.
On the other hand, Faye had a glass of soda, with a hamburger and fries.
After the three adults finished eating, they continued their game, at exactly twelve thirty PM.
And as the hours passed, the two players continued their game. Their fortunes went up and down, with the chips going back and forth between each other. With neither player giving any headway to the other.
During the second ten minute break, after lunch, Lee went in the large men's restroom in the floor. And he was the only one in the room.
Lee looked at his wrist watch, which he rarely did during the game.
Lee thought, 'It is three forty-seven PM.'
After using one of the urinals to relieve himself. He zipped up his pants. He then washed hands in a sink, using some liquid soap, from a nearby liquid soap dispenser, on the wall. Next, he dried his hands with some paper towels, from a paper towel dispenser on the wall, near the door to the room.
When Lee's hands were dry, he wadded up the paper towels in his hands, and he dropped them into an open waste paper trash can, with plastic bag liner. The trash can was on the floor, right below the paper towel dispenser.
Lee walked back to the sink. He stood in front of the sink he was used, as he stared at his own face, with his hat and shades on, in the large wall mirror above the sinks.
He was deep in thought at how he got into this situation.
Lee though, 'I am breaking even at the moment. But, for how long? I am an amateur playing a professional game with a genius, and a dealer with a questionable background. Still, when it comes to using psychic abilities, and card counting, River had clearly kept her end of the deal. And so have I. Though, I have got to also keep an eye on Faye, while not appearing to be card counting.'
'Even though I do not know how to card count. In a situation such as this, the appearance of impropriety can be as risky as committing the very impropriety one is accused of committing.'
Suddenly the door open to the restroom opens, and he heard a vaguely familiar voice say, in english, “Two minutes till the game restarts.”
Lee turned to his left, to look over at saw that two men had entered the washroom. The two men were Malcolm Reynolds and Jayne Cobb. Both men were wearing black business suits. And Lee could tell that they also had pistols in shoulder holsters.
Lee did not even bad an eye, as he looked back at the mirror.
Mal noticed this, as he asked, in english, “Is there are problem?”
Lee continued to look at his reflected in the mirror, as he coyly answered, “I am just asking myself how I got here.”
Mal commented, “I ask myself that question everyday, and the answer is never good.”
Lee thought, 'Mal, as the writer, I am sure you probably blame me for a number of your problems. And you would be right. Still, I gave you, and your friends, a complete fresh start in another reality, after every place you knew was literally destroyed in your reality.'
'Why do I have to deal with so many ungrateful bastards and bitches?... Well, that is not fair to them. I did toy with there lives And there is that whole gender bending, and longevity, issues. Still, it is best that I talk to them. Before they grow concerned with me.'
Lee looked over at them, as he said, “You are not the only one that asks that question every day. And I didn't want to be here, in the first place.”
Jayne commented, in english, “If you did not, then why are you here?”
Lee stated, “I got dragged into this by a crazy redhead, and if you work here, your boss.”
Mal smiled, as he commented, “Been there. Done that. I can sympathize.”
Lee guessed, “Let me guess. The redhead I am playing against?”
Mal said, “Yep. Though, she had brown hair, to being with.”
Lee thought, 'Thanks Mal, for telling me that. Now, I don't have to worry about slipping up on that. But, let us confirm the dye job.' He asked, “Let me guess. She dyes it?”
Mal answered, “Yes.”
Lee replied, “That figures.”
Mal commented, “No kidding.”
Jayne smirked, as he stated, “You know? You are lucky you are doing this well, so far.”
Lee inquired, “Why is that? I have held my own, so far.”
Jayne said, “If she wasn't playing with you, it would be over, by now?”
Lee thought, 'I hate to admit it. But, Jayne is right. And both Mal and Jayne are very sharp. It is best I do not say things as hard facts.' He inquired, “Are you talking about the rumor that the girls at the other hotel told me? That River was a genius and a telepath?”
Jayne chuckled. He said, “That is no rumor. It is a fact. And that is the least interesting thing about her.”
Lee commented, “Well, I don't doubt she is a genius. And I am open to the possibility of telepathy existing.”
Mal said, “I am sure. I heard you are precognitive.”
Lee defended himself, “Yes. And before you ask. I would never cheat with the stakes so high. Especially, given that you say she is a telepath. I have been playing it straight because I believe in winning honestly.”
Mel responded, “That is respectable.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Jayne commented, “Still, when River starts getting serious, you are screwed.”
Lee realized, as he replied, “Yea. If what you are saying is true, then I am probably screwed.”
Lee started chuckling, as he started to realize something, while he thought, 'I am screwed. It doesn't matter if they learn I am the writer, or not. I am likely not going to walk out of the casino alive.'
Jayne said, with concern in his tone of voice, “You sound like a man laughing at his own execution. That is not a good sign for you continued sanity.”
Lee explained, “That is because I am. The money I am gambling with is this crazy redhead's money. Her name is Revy. If I lose, she is going to kill me. If I win, Chang, on principle, is going to kill me. That is not counting the others that may lose money, depending on if I win, or lose. Including the police. No matter if I win or lose, I am not walking out of this casino alive.”
Jayne pointed out, “I heard you were the one to called in the police?”
Lee admitted, “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Mal stated, in a firm tone of voice, “Mister Lee. I am the chief of security here. If you play the rest of this game honestly, I promise that you will make it out of this building alive. Though, beyond this building is not my concern.”
Lee inwardly smiled, as Mal and Jayne continued talking to him.
Though, Lee was to caught in his own thoughts, to listen to them. As Lee just stared blankly towards the two men, Lee thought, 'Malcolm only promises something when he means it. And having them be security makes sense in how Chang fit the Mal and his friends fit into the employment chain here. Well, at least Mal, Jayne, and Zoe. I am sure Zoe is also a lieutenant in Mal's security force. Chang probably placed the others in jobs they would be fine with.'
'It is academic to guess that Simon is the casino's doctor. His set up here is likely better than at the local hospital.'
'Kaylee likely is the person responsible for maintenance on the local automobiles, electrical and computer systems in this building. She probably enjoys working on classic cars and such. That engineering woman also did appreciate the classics of anything mechanical in nature. From starships to intimate equipment. I cannot say that about many people.'
'And I checked with the girls. This place has a spa area. It is likely that Inara is the manager of the spa area. And she is also probably the chief masseuse for the casino. That would be good use of her companion skills, in profession that Inara, Mal, Chang could agree would be fine with all of them.'
'On a similar matter. When it comes to call girls, I would not be surprised, with Rowan being here. I am not sure either way. But, if Rowan is here, Chang would have Rowan handle that end of the equation.'
'And with if Chang was to create a whorehouse, it would be elsewhere on the island, away from the casino, and unwanted attention. Though, with Chang's creativeness, he is probably going to supply instant packets from Jusenkyo, for clients and employees to choose genders, per job, at their whorehouse.'
'With Chang, and perhaps Rowan. If Rowan is here. Likely charging a small fortune for their customers. Thus bringing very interesting, rich, and risk taking people to this island. The type of people that casinos make their fortunes from. So, once they are through at the whorehouse, the call girls will entice their customers to check out Chang's casino.'
'Oh my, Chang is as much a genius, in his own way, as River. They make a better couple than I realized. And I wrote them to be a couple.'
'And speaking of River. I don't know how she fits into the casino. Though, I doubt she works in the criminal area of Chang's employment. She never wanted to be an assassin. She just likes to do her own thing. And occasionally she is brought in when they need to know if someone is telling the truth.'
'On that thought. If Faye is here. It is a good bet that Spike and Jet are here. And I am sure that Faye is likely dealer on the game floor.'
'Though, I wonder how Spike and Jet fit in this place. They are likely the pit bosses for this casino. Or, at least two of them. And I am sure Julia is around here, somewhere. Also, there could be others here. So, this place is likely just full of surprises. Surprises that it would be best for myself to leave alone.'
Lee's attention was brought back to reality, as Jayne mentioned, “And you do have a car. We will even help give you a five minute head start.”
Lee thought, 'They must be talking about a possible escape plan, from the casino. If I need it. Even though I did not hear most of it. I should thank them, anyway.'
Lee smiled, as he extended his right hand towards the two men.
Mal took a few steps forward, closer to Lee. While Jayne stayed where he was.
Lee noticed this. He looked Mal in his eyes, as he said, “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
Mal shook Lee's hand with his own right hand.
Both men had a firm grip in their handshake.
Lee thought, 'This is a good sign. And it means he is serious.'
At the same time, Mal thought, 'This man has a good handshake. He is on the level... Though, something is not right with his hand...' Mal looked closer at Lee's face, as he continued his thoughts, 'And his face...'
A second later, Mal lightly gripped Lee's right wrist with his left hand.
Lee did not show it on the outside, though he thought, with concern, 'What the?...'
A few seconds later, Mal let go of Lee's right wrist, and right hand.
Lee though, with relief, 'He let go. So, it does not matter. Now, for me to officially get to know them.' He said, “I think we haven't been formally introduced. I am J. D. Lee.”
Mal answered, “I am Security Chief Malcolm Reynolds, and this is one of my lieutenants, Jayne Cobb.”
Lee thought, 'So, Jayne is not at the bottom of the food chain in the security of this casino. I am glad to hear that.' He greeted them, “It is nice to meet you, Mister Reynolds, and Mister Cobb.”
Jayne joked, “What does J.D. stand for? John Doe?”
Lee did not even react, as he lied, “Actually, my full name is Jefferson Davis Lee.” The two gave him confused looked. Lee continued, “Trust me. It is better if I just use my last name, Lee. Anyway, thank you for clearing up a few things.” He mentally added, 'Jayne, you really are sharper than most people give you credit for. I am glad I noticed that when I wrote about all of you.'
Mal responded, “You are welcome. And for the record, from the way River has been looking at you. I think she likes you.”
Lee lightly chuckled. He then stated, “Honestly. I saw River at that talent contest, at the Devil's Hotel. She did a wonderful fire dance, and in doing so, showed she was dangerous. And on a daily basis, I have to deal with too many dangerous women as is. I have no interest in adding a redhead, who happens to be the local casino owner's girlfriend, to that list.”
Mal let out a small laugh. He smiled, as he said, “I fully believe you.”
Jayne commented, “You are preaching to the choir.”
Lee thought, 'Now, to exit the conversation.' He commented, “Thanks for the talk, but I better get back to the game.”
Lee left the room.
After the door closed behind Lee, Jayne turned to Mal, as he stated, “He doesn't look like much, captain. Or, should I start calling you, chief?”
Mal turned to Jayne, as he explained, “Either way is fine. Though, the reason Lee doesn't look like much is because Lee is physically ill. When I gripped his hand, and arm, just now, there was less tissue than should have been there. Also, his cheek bones are slightly more exposed on his face than they should be. Also, the way his clothes hang off of him shows that his pelvic bones are slightly exposed. He is very sick. He maybe dying. And I think he knows it.”
Jayne commented, “It sounds like Lee has no luck at all.”
Mal said, “I agree.”
The two men then turned around, left the men's restroom, and head down the hallway, to carry out their duties, as members of the security team for the casino.
A minute later, Lee returned to the game room, and sat down in his chair.
River and Faye were already there, in their seats. Lee noticed that someone had already refilled their glasses. With River and his lemonade, and Faye's soda.
For the next half an hour, three adults only focused on the game, with Lee gaining about a hundred thousand in chips, putting him currently at a million, seventy thousand.
Lee had just won the last hand.
Then, as Faye shuffled the deck of cards, to give River and Lee their next hand, River spoke in chinese, “I have a question for you, Lee.”
Lee thought, 'Oh damn. River has just changed the game. And I am going to have to play along, and reveal my talents, to keep her happy.” He then saw River grin. Lee mentally added, 'Yea. River, I know you are reading my thoughts.'
Lee calmly inquired, in chinese. “What is your question?”
River answered, “I was wondering what your opinion was of the communist, Mao Tse-tung, was?”
Lee stated, “He was a brutal tyrant. Why do you ask?”
River commented, “Interesting. I was taught that Mao brought meaningful reforms to China that made it an economic power in the world.”
Lee explained, “Actually, it is more of the reverse. Mao only allowed those chinese, whom were totally loyal to him, to have food, and eat. He is responsible for overseeing the deaths of tens of millions of people. The reforms you are talking about happened after his death.”
“These reforms including instituting the concept of the, iron rice bowl. Cradle to grave policies on jobs and services. This was later changed in the mid to late nineteen nineties.'
“These reforms ran counter to Mao's personal beliefs. Though, as those reforms bore fruit, given the cult of personality the party leaders surrounded Mao with, the party leaders created propaganda that falsely claimed that the reforms were from Mao's teachings.”
River responded, “Thank you. That also answers some other questions I have.”
Lee stated, in english, “You're welcome. Though, Mao was correct in one statement. All power does flow through the barrel of a gun.”
River shrugged, as she replied, “Perhaps.”
In the casino restaurant, among the customers, eight women in the two window booths were watching as the poker game, as it took a strange turn.
Shenhua was translating for them.
Benny asked, “Where did Lee learn Chinese?”
Janet commented, “I don't know. But, at this point, I think there is obvious that there is more to him, than he lets on. He may not be the writer. But, he is not the idiot that he pretends to me.”
Eda said, “Yea. He would make one hell of a spy.”
Yolanda stated, “Yes. He does know how to keep a secret.” She thought, 'Or, secrets.'
Dutch said, “Given all that has happened today, I am not surprised that he knows chinese.” She mentally added, 'And Lee has a firm grasp of Mao.'
Shenhua complimented, “And his grasp of my native language is pretty good.”
Dutch thought, 'Yes. And for once, I am glad you are here, Shenhua. I know Chinese, but I would rather those outside my family did not know that. It would raise too many questions.'
Janet suggested, “It would be a wise idea to find out where he learned to speak that language, and what other secrets he has.”
Shenhua agreed, “Yes. It would be a good idea to learn where he gained such a wonderful skill.” She thought, 'And I want to know why he is speaking my own Taiwanese dialectic of my own language. Also, he seems to share my people's dislike for communism.'
Lotton commented, “That is easier said, than done. If he loses, Revy might kill him. Either he will disappear, or be in traction. If he wins, it would be belligerent for us to ask him questions, given he just won a million dollars for our friends, in a game he did not want to play in the first place.”
Sawyer cracked a grin, as she said, “Well... When you put it that way. We will be gentle.”
All eight women then began laughing, for a few seconds.
In the gaming floor, Revy, Rock, and Chang were sitting at a table, on the gaming floor, as they watch poker game.
The three adults sat beside each other. Rock sat in the middle. Chang sat to Rock's left side. And Revy sat to Rock's right side.
Each of them had a bottle of beer sitting in front of them, at their table.
Chang was translating what River and Lee were saying.
While Chang did so, he thought, 'Lee's dialect is very similar to Shenhua's. I need to find out why this is the case. Later on. When the game is over. And I have more time to look into Lee's background, and history. Also, it would likely help to review his time in my casinos. And not just at this poker game. I have a feeling he has more important secrets, than humor and language skills.'
As Chang took a quick break in his translation, Revy commented, “Thank you, Chang. And Lee is right. All power does flow through the barrel of a gun.”
Rock said, “That depends on how you define what power is.”
Revy replied, “It figures you would say that.”
Chang grin, as watching to two loves debate with each other. But, Chang did not feel like an argument. So, Chang commented, “You are both right. And let us leave it at that.”
Rock replied, “I agree.”
Revy said, “I can go along with that.”
Nearby, at the penny slot machines, another group of women were having fun. Aeryn, Violin, Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma were sitting at individual slot machines, playing them, as they drink bottles of beer.
Meanwhile Annie was on duty, so she just stood by them, instead of joining on her friends' fun.
Though, all six women were having a great time as they also watch the poker game, thanks to the translator microbes in her brain, Aeryn translated what the two players said, into english. A language that Aeryn learned the old fashioned way, decades ago.
Ranma commented, “Lee is full of surprises...” Ranma then realized what she said. She turned to Annie, as she commented, “Sorry, Annie. I am not trying to make a joke.”
Annie turned to Ranma, as she shrugged. She responded, “I know. And you are right. Lee is clearly more the foolhardy, than the fool... I might want to meet him, sometime. But, not today. Playing River, at such high stakes against him, is more than enough stress for anyone.”
Ranma said, “I fully agree.”
In the poker room, River said, in spanish, “I have another question?
Lee said, in spanish, “And what are you interested in, this time?”
River inquired, “What is you opinion of Che Guevara?”
Lee answered, “I do not have much to say about him, other than, unlike others, it is report that he faced death with courage and humility, that was lacking in many of his contemporaries. In the end, he stated that those whom were about to kill him, that they were only killing a man.”
River commented, “That is an interesting statement to make when one faces death.”
Lee agreed, “That it is.”
On the gaming floor, Chang and Rock both used their limited knowledge of spanish to partly translate what the two are talking about, for each other, and Revy.
Nearby, at the penny slot machines, Aeryn translates for her group.
Meanwhile, in the restaurant, Sawyer and Dutch translated the spanish, into english, for their group.
Benny asked, “Where did you two learn spanish from?”
Dutch answered, “I took a course, while back on her island. I figured it won't hurt.”
Sawyer stated, “I grew up in Texas. And a mexican family I know, that I was friends with, taught me.”
Benny commented, “Learn something new, every day.”
Back in the poker room, River said, in japanese, “I also would like to talk to you about Japan.”
Lee complained, in english, “This game is getting old. And we should to go back to playing poker.” He mentally added, 'I have a good idea that you will want to talk about communism dealing with Japan, in japanese. And we are not going to talk about that group, and that old enemy of the state man, in public, with an audience.'
River shrugged, as she said, in english, “I see your point.”
Lee and River then picked up their cards, and looked at them.
Lee saw that he had a pair of fives.
Since Lee won the last hand, he place the first bet, for the current hand. He threw in two chips, as he stated, in english, “Let's start simple. With twenty thousand.”
River tossed in two chips, as she said, “I will see you bet.”
The two then continued their game.
In the end, Lee won that hand. But, River won the next two hands.
In the restaurant, Benny and Janet translated the japanese to english.
Yolanda inquired, “Where did you to learn japanese?”
Benny answered, “Rock taught us.”
Janet finished for her spouse, “We need something to pass the time, on our island. Also, Rock taught Dutch, Revy, and the girls how to speak, read, and write japanese.”
Yolanda verbally mused, “Interesting.” Yolanda then thought about the implications of Benny, Janet, and Dutch's comments. And on the possibilities of what else they and their family learned while on their tropical island.
Near the slot machines, on the gaming floor, Akira, Natsuru, Ranma, and Violin, all knew japanese. Aeryn's translator microbes translated for her. And Annie had to force to use to understand what River was asking.
Violin said, “I guess Lee got tired of this game.”
Aeryn stated, “Yes. He clearly wants to focus on the game instead.”
Akira pointed out, “The only likely reason Lee would play this language game was to keep River happy.”
Natsuru commented, “That is a good reason to play along.”
Ranma said, “Though, I think it is a good guess that River knew Lee's language skills from reading his mind. Though, she is clearly not taking advantage of using her telepathy to win the game. I do not know how she can be so selective in what she reads in a persons mind.
Annie explained, “For telepaths, being in a room with people, it like listening to conversations in the background. A telepath can tune out most of it. But, not all of it. And these thoughts are usually only surface thoughts. Still, it is clear that River is not using her abilities to cheat at play cards. I admired her for developing a sense of honor and fair play.”
Ranma agreed, “Yes. She is clearly being honorable in the game.”
Aeryn stated, “That is a good trait to have.”
Akira commented, “And given what we told Lee, I am sure he realizes that River is playing fair.”
Natsuru agreed, “True. And Lee always preferred to play fair, as well.”
Violin commented, “Then, this game is more interesting than we thought it would be.”
At their table, Chang was pleasantly surprised that, instead of Rock, Revy was the one translating the japanese for him.
As soon as Revy finished, Chang complimented, “Nice job, Revy. I take it that Rock taught you.”
Revy smiled, as she said, “Yea. Rock is a good teacher.”
Rock grinned as well, while she shrugged. She turned to Revy, as she commented, “You were a surprisingly patient student.”
Revy turned to Rock, as she happily replied, “Thank you, Rock.”
Chang commented, “Yes. I have found Revy here to be an excellent student. I learned this when I taught her how to fight with two pistols.” He mentally added, 'Revy can be very patient when she wants to be. Like, when she wanted me to teach her the proper ways to use guns, and fight. She just prefers to be impatient in her day to day life.'
Revy stated, “I have always found that it easy to learn, when I am interesting in something. It is unfortunate, that those around me, when I was kid, thought it would be better, if I suffered.”
Chang said, “Mores the pity.”
Elsewhere, on the game floor, Pedro was sitting at his table, with some of his officers, as he had heard the entire multilingual conversation. He grimly thought, 'I may not know chinese. But, I do know spanish. And I know a little japanese. Now, why would Lee hide the fact that he knows spanish from me, and other people?...'
'Of course. Because everyone when everyone here meets him. They would just assume he is a dumb american. Though, I have long since learned that he is anything but that. And those people would speak spanish in front of him, thinking he would not understand them. And in doing so, that would give him an edge.'
'I might have done the same thing in his position. Still, where did he learn those languages from? And so quickly? I am fairly sure he did not know those languages when he first got here. So, where, and when, did he learn them? And how did he do it so quickly? To be that fluent in in each of those languages requires several months, to years, of learning and experience. Where did he find the time to do all this?'
'I will have to find out the answers to my questions, at our next evening meeting. And I get a feeling that he will have one hell of answer.'
Over the next forty five minutes, in the penthouse poker room, River and Lee played normally, at their game of poker room.
Currently, there was already fifty thousand in the pot, from Lee's chips. And another fifty thousand, from River's chips.
River then pushed over half her chips, as she stated, “I will raise you five hundred thousand.”
Without batting an eye, Lee lowered his cards onto the table, face down, as he calmly stated, “I fold.”
Lee's actions took River by surprise. River asked, in a slightly stunned tone of voice, “Huh?”
Lee looked at River, as he explained, “River, this isn't a movie. If you want your want this money, you are going to have to work at it.”
From the corner of his right eye, Lee saw Faye snicker.
Lee thought, 'Yea, Faye. You would find this funny. Considering you understand the gambling mentality. Still, it is better to lose fifty thousand in one hand, than risk losing five hundred thousand. I can regain that in the next half hour, without a problem.'
River shrugged, as she casually replied, “Fine.” She handed Faye her cards. After which, she collected her winnings.
Faye also picked up Lee's cards, as she then began to reshuffle the deck, for the next hand.
In the casino restaurant, Dutch stated, “That man is no fool.”
The other seven women, with her, nodded, or shrugged, in agreement.
At the slot machines, the six women group all snickered.
Akira complimented, “I will say this. Lee knows better than to be cliche.”
Annie said, “And River should know better than to take such a stupid risk.”
Aeryn pointed out, “It is only a risk, if she was bluffing.”
Natsuru agreed, “That is a good point.”
At a nearby table, Pedro was impressed with Lee folding his hand, as such a large bet. Though, Pedro thought, with concern, 'Smart play, Lee. River is too intelligent to call that large a bluff. Because, she might not be bluffing. And that would be a major hit to you reserves. We both know the stakes are to high for you, to roll the dice on you life, like that. If River loses, she has nothing really to fear. But, if you lose, you likely lose your life. If you are lucky.'
At another table, Chang commented, “Lee is smarter than he looks.”
Revy stated, “I don't understand this. All Lee has been doing is placing small bets. He hasn't gone for the big bets. The fun bets.”
Chang explained, “The reason being, Revy, is that Lee probably feels your proverbial vices, that you call your hands, around his balls. And he knows if he screws up, you are going to squeeze, hard”
Revy conceded, “You have a point there.”
Rock said, “Lee is clearly playing the long game. He knows what he is doing. He plans to win his victory by inches. Instead of risking a jump, and falling on his face. Considering it is our money he is gambling with, we should be happy he is winning this way.”
Revy agreed, “You are right about that. Though, I thought Lee would be a bit more of a risk taker.”
Chang smirked, “Well, let us be honest. He was pressed into playing a poker game by a violent woman, and a casino owner. Us. Against someone he knows is a telepathic genius, with money that is not his own. A lot of money. He knows he is already being forced to take a big risk, he is not going to push his luck.”
Rock asked, “Perhaps. Still, I was wondering. How experienced is River with poker?”
Chang answered, “Not as much as I apparently thought she was. I admit this was an oversight on my part. Though, now that I think about it, not many people would play poker with her. Except for Annie, Arcee, Ed, and myself.”
Rock replied, “That must have made for an interesting game.”
Chang stated, “Oh yea. Especially, when they cheated. Three of them can count cards for up to eight decks at once. And Annie used the force. I just shuffled, and dealt the cards, while having a front row seat to the entertainment.”
Rock requested, “You will have to tell us about it sometime.”
Revy commented, with interest in her tone of voice, “Oh yes. I would like to hear about that, as well.”
Chang said, “I will. But, not today.”
Revy inquired, “Okay. So, is that how you got Annie to work for you?”
Chang explained, “Partly. After those bikini parties, and what happened in that final story, Annie, River, and Ed, became good friends. And all three have a decent relationship with Arcee. It is more of a technological genius club for those four. So, having River help with convincing Annie to take my job offer got my foot in the door. The rest is the sizable, monthly salary I am paying her. And it is in gold and treasure. She insisted on it not being cash.”
Rock complimented, “Annie was also smart.”
Revy said, “I agree.”
Chang stated, “I know. And I don't blame her either for that.” He thought, 'Considering that I pay my staff in similar ways, either once, or twice, a month. Though, not at the amounts I am paying Annie, every month.'
Revy commented, “Still, those must be sizable payments.”
Chang answered, “They are. But, they are worth it.” He smirked, towards Rock and Revy, as he continued, “How many people in the multiverse can claim to have gray force using master on retainer?”
Revy let out a small chuckle. She then stated, “Good point. Still, if River was using her telepathy, this game would be over.”
Chang mentioned, “River like challenges. She may not be using her telepathy because she honestly wants to know which one of them is the better player... And there is also the fact that she did not want to play this game in the first place.”
Rock inquired, with interest in her tone of voice, “That is interesting. So, how did you get her to do it?”
Chang stated, “I told her that either she, or Annie, would be playing, Lee.”
Revy commented, “Siccing Vader on Lee. Even I'd say that would be mean.”
Rock said, “You know. If it was Annie, and Lee found out that she was once Vader. And he was being forced to face her, for an extended period of time. He might try to make a run for it.”
Revy said, “It that case. I wouldn't hold it against him. In his place, I would likely do that say.”
Chang conceded, “Neither would I. Though, I would have him brought back to play. I would like to see what two precognitive psychics, playing against each, other would be like.”
Rock commented, “Actually, that might backfire. It would get to the point that both players would start folding before the first bet is even placed.”
Chang thought about what Rock said for a few seconds. He then agreed, “That is a good point.”
All three of them then turned back to watching the nearby TV, in front of them, that showed the video and audio feeds of the poker game.
The poker game continued normally, for a few more hours, until it was six PM, and time for dinner.
By then, River was up by a hundred of fifty thousand, making her total being on million, one hundred and ten thousand in chips.
Just like before, a waitress came and took their orders, fifteen minutes beforehand, a
While Lee and River continued to have some lemonade, Faye drank her soda.
River had a cobb salad, with ranch dressing.
Faye had a steak and potato.
Lee had a club sandwich and potato chips, which he found to be tasty.
When dinner came, by a food car, pushed by a female bellhop, in uniform. Some of Chang's security members. Women in black suits. Came into the poker room.
They turned on the yellow ceiling lights. And they set the lighting to a comfortable setting.
Also, the women pulls the rope, from the sides of the outer wall of windows, to pull the red velvet curtains, from both sides of the room, closed. To where the curtains met each other, in the center of the outer wall, with them overlapping by around six inches, to prevent any gaps through the curtains.
By closing the curtains, this allowed the occupants in the room to have some privacy, from the outside, before night fully overtook the island.
When the black suited women was finished, they left the room, just as the female bellhop served River, Faye, and Lee, their plates of food, and drinks.
The bellhop then joined the other women, as she turned around, and pushed her cart out of the room, and down the hallway, to the back elevator.
After River, Faye, and Lee, finished their dinner, another bellhop with a cart, collected their plates, and left. With the three occupants resuming their poker game, at six thirty PM.
Though, things started to take a turn for the worse for Lee, as he kept losing hand after hand.
While Lee kept the bets small. They slowly added up over time.
An hour and a half after dinner was over, at Eight PM, the first ten minute break was called, by a black suited security guard stopping by to inform them. With all three adults heading out of the room.
Lee headed for the men's restroom.
Five minutes later, at eight five PM, Lee finished in using the restroom, and he had just washed and dried his hands.
He then look at himself, again, in the large men's restroom mirror, above the sinks.
Lee held his hands on the top sides of the sink he was standing over, as he leaned towards the mirror. Though, he did not touch the mirror.
Lee thought, 'The cards just have no been with me, for the last few hours. I am down to just over two hundred thousand, and I do not know why? I have been doing everything right. But, something is off.'
'Is Faye helping River. Possible, but I am not seeing anything. Though, I have no been looking that closely at Faye's hands.'
'Also, why did River choose to talk to me in those three other languages?... Does she know about the time loop?... That could cause me trouble for me down the line. But, there is nothing I can do about it.'
'Still, I did have to cut her off, when she started using japanese. If Revy and the other women knew that I am fluent in japanese, they would quickly put two and two together, that I am the writer.'
'Yet. How could River know this? I believe her telepathy is passive, and deals with mostly surface scans. I know I have not thought about my language skills, nor the time loop, even once in her presence... Wait a minute... The woman's laugh behind the wall of Chang's office, yesterday. River was reading my mind... Is that possible... Yes. She powers work on proximity, not line of sight.'
'What was I think about, then?... Damn my memory is not perfect... That is why I write stuff down!... Though, I cannot risk doing that in this situation I am in, since coming to the island. Someone could my break into my room, search my stuff, and find anything that I may have written down.'
'Though, not that I think about what I was doing and thinking yesterday, in Chang's office. River likely knows that I know that Rock use to be a man. And that Chang can turn into a woman.'
'But, I did not think about the time loop, nor my language skills, nor that I am the writer that everyone is looking for. Though, she probably knows about all three, by now. Yet, I already planned for that. I just keep her happy, and there should not be any problems with her.'
'She likes to keep secrets, there is no reason she will not keep my secrets as long as I amuse her. Which, is what I have been doing. And my plan seems to be working.'
'Still, that does not answer the question of how she learned all this in the first place? Has she been able to become a skilled deep level telepath, to the point I could not tell her looking into my mind?... No... Everything I read about telepathy states that a deep level scan, like that, would be felt by the person having their mind scanned.'
'It is possible she could have been tailing me yesterday. Still, I did not think about my language skills, then.... Something here does not add up... But, given this is River I am thinking about, that is par for course with her...'
'Though, none of this matters, right now. What matters is winning the game, while keeping River happy. I have to clear my mind of all other things, or River will likely learn about those things, as well.'
'And I have to take a deep breath, let it out, and get back to the poker room, before I am late.'
Lee took a slow deep breath. He then slowly let it out, as he cleared his mind. After which, Lee leaned back up straight, and let go of the sink, with both his hands. He then turned, to his left, from the mirror, and exited the restroom, thought the hallway door.
As Lee made it into the hallway, he turned, and started walking down the hallway, towards the poker. Though, a few seconds later, Lee saw one of the asian female women, in a black business suit approach him, from in front of him, down the hallway.
The woman was holding out a cellphone.
As the woman came to within ten feet of Lee. Lee came to a stop. With the women stopping a few feet from him.
The two adults then looked at each other, as the woman calmly said, in english, “You have a phone call.” She then held out her right hand, she has been holding an open cellphone with.
Lee took the cellphone, while being careful not to close, it nor, press any of the button on it. When he has the cellphone in his right hand, he looked up at the women. He politely replied, “Thank you.”
The woman did not response. She just turned walked away.
While Lee watched the woman walk away, and turned the corner, he thought, T'hat was rude. Though, I do not have time to worry about the small stuff. Though, I must remember that this woman, and the other chinese women here, have been given the vat process, and the super-soldier serum. And they have enhanced senses, such as hearing, like Revy, and her group has. So, I must watch was I say.'
Lee then placed the phone to his ear, as he greeted, “Hello.”
Lee then heard a familiar male voice, on the other end of the wireless communications, say said, “Hey buddy. Long time, no see.”
Lee inquired, “Where have you been, Sam?”
Sam answered, “Busy. But, I got back just in time to watch you in your million dollar poker game.”
Lee questioned, “Good. So, how did you get them to contact me?”
Sam commented, “Cash goes a long way.”
Lee replied, “True. Where are you now, Sam?”
Sam stated, in a firm tone of voice, “Downstairs, at the bar, having a drink, while I watch you make a fool of yourself.”
Lee defended himself, “I think I have shown myself well in this game.”
Sam responded, with concern in his tone of voice, “For anyone else. Sure. But, from playing you for so long, I can tell that you are scared out your mind. What is it about that redheaded woman that terrifies you?”
Lee answered, “Too long a list to get into. But, the short version is that she is smarter, crazier, and more dangerous than Revy.”
Sam admitted, “Okay. That is scary. But, ask yourself this question. Right after the talent contest, you told me that you were dying of cancer. What could this woman do to you that is a worse death than that?”
Lee thought about Sam's comments for a few seconds. He then conceded, “You may have a point there.”
Sam stated, “Exactly. Show some courage. You have nothing to lose by doing so. And good luck man. Also, I don't think anyone else had caught on yet, but take a closer look at the way the dealer is dealing the cards. If you do, you will see what I mean.”
Lee replied, “Thanks. And I will.”
Lee closed the cellphone, and he set cellphone on a nearby table in the hallway, as he walked towards the game room.
Five minutes later, all three adults had returned to the poker room. After they sat at their places, Faye shuffled the deck, and dealt a new hand of cards, as Lee and River resumed their game.
When Faye finished dealing the cards, both players looked at their cards.
Lee maintained his poker mask, as he saw that again, he had nothing.
Since River won the last round, before they took their break, it was River's turn to place the bet.
River threw in one chip, as she said, “I will start the ten thousand.”
Lee threw a chip in, as he replied, “I will see that ten thousand.”
Both players traded in three cards.
Lee watched as Faye handed him his three cards first, from the top of the deck. Lee quickly looked at them, as he saw that he still had nothing.
Lee then looked back down, to his right side, as he watched Faye dealt out River's next three cards. And he saw Faye pull the first card, from the bottom of the deck.
Lee thought, 'Damn! Sam was right. Faye is cheating! Considering that was a casino phone, with the line likely being monitored, he could not tell me outright. But, his warning was close enough.'
Lee then became very angry, with him barely able to maintain his poker face, as he continued his thoughts, 'That bitch! How does she toy with my life with so little disregard to my safety. Even Revy, and Chang were discreet in their threats against me. On the other hand, this woman is doing this on camera, and in public.'
As Faye tossed River her third card, suddenly, the card was nailed to the table by another card, which was standing on its edge. The top card had been embedded into both the red cloth, and the wooden table, under the other card.
From the angle of the card, to Faye's position at the table, Faye saw that the card that was standing on its side was the Jack of Diamonds.
Faye looked over at Lee, and she saw he had only four cards in his hand, where five cards should be.
Faye thought, 'Lee actually threw his card line a knife, into the table. I thought that card tricks like that were a myth.'
On the gaming floor, everyone was surprised and shocked at what Lee had just done.
Revy and Rock watched in disbelief, at what they had just seen on the video screen.
Meanwhile, Chang was impressed with what Lee has just done with his card. He grinned, as he thought, 'Now, that takes talent.'
Revy turned to Rock, as she asked, in slight disbelief, “Rock, when did Lee become a badass?”
Rock looked at Revy, as she responded, “I don't know. But, where the hell did Lee learn to do that?”
Chang complimented, “Well, wherever he learned to do that, it is one hell of card trick.” He mentally added, 'Yesterday, after Lee was patted down. After he, Revy and Rock, were in the elevator. The guards there called me. They informed me that Lee had a deck of cards with him. A deck he had when I met him. No wonder he didn't complain about the pat down. He knew that my guards would not think of a deck of cards as a weapon. I will have to inform them otherwise, later.'
At that moment, in the poker room, Faye continued to look at Lee. She then noticed Lee lips had curled into a feral, unhinged smile.
And at the distance Faye was at, with her enhanced sight, she could see Lee's eyes, though his shade. And those eyes promised murder for her.
Then, for a couple of seconds, Lee let out a very audible growl, that while the microphones in the room did not pick up, Faye's enhanced hearing did.
Faye thought, 'Oh crap. He caught me cheating, and he is pissed.'
Lee demanded, in a dangerous, low tone of voice, “I want a new dealer, and a new deck of cards. And I want it, now.”
River turned to Faye, as she stated, “I agree with Lee. We need a new deck, and a new dealer.”
Lee looked over at River, as he realized she had just read his mind. Lee also realized, that given the situation he was in, he was more upset, than he could afford himself to be. So, he immediately forced himself to come down.
On the gaming floor, Chang had heard both Lee and River's requests. He pulled out his cellphone, and he dialed a number. A second later, after the other end picked up, he said, to his subordinate on the other end, “Make it happen. Give them a new dealer, and a new deck. And kill the video-audio feed, until the change over happens.'
Chang then hung up. As he put away his cellphone, he thought, 'We need to keep this game moving. Before this delay causing problems on the gaming floor. Though, I am lucky that both Lee and River are professional enough to not openly accused Faye of cheating. Which I had Faye do. If they did, I would have to deal with a lot of angry customers.'
Chang turned to look at Revy, whom was still looking at the TV, with Rock. Chang continued his thoughts, 'With Revy in the front of the line. And even without her cutlasses, she can still be a very dangerous would to deal with.'
A few seconds later, the video and audio feed going from the TVs in the casino gaming floor, were cut off. With the TVs left on, showing silent, blank screens.
Inside the poker room, Lee heard a female voice from behind him, near the door, say, in english, “The cameras, and microphones, are turned off for the moment. And Chang stated that he wanted you, and the card deck, replaced.”
Faye looked over at the woman by the door, as she nodded. She then turned to the two players, as she said, “Well, see you two, later.” She the got up want walked towards the door.
Lee turned to looked at Faye, and the chinese woman in a business suit, as he barked, “No. This is not just going to be a trade out, without so much as an apology. This is low. Having a crooked dealer. It is not like I have enough problems to deal with. If I go down because of this dealer, I will not go down alone. I will make damn sure that Revy knows why, and who to blame. Remember, this is her money. Not mine.”
Faye turned to looked at Lee, as she thought, 'Oh crap. He is right.'
Lee continued, “You would have to be borderline suicidal to want do so open a con like that, against a violent lunatic, like Revy.”
Meanwhile, River had been paying attention to the conversation. She turned to Faye, as she stated, “Lee is right. It was unwise.”
Lee turned to River, as he stated, “How could you not say anything?”
River looked over at Lee, as she answered, “How would I do so without risking a riot downstairs?”
Lee was silent for a few seconds. He then conceded, “Good point. You are right. You are just lucky that my friend caught this on camera.”
River smiled, “I agree. It is fortunate for all of us.”
Lee then turned back around to see the other two women were gone. He mentally cursed, 'Cowards.'
River firmly stated, “That, they might be. But, I am not. Do you want divide up our chips, back to even numbers?”
Lee turned to face River. He sighed. He then firmly answered, “No. It will cause too many questions to be asked. And don't you dare let me win. That would be even worse. We will just play as is.”
River complimented, “You are better person than you admit to yourself.”
Lee said, “Thank you.”
A minute later, Lee heard a female voice, from behind him say, in english, “I hope I did not take too long. Getting up here, from the gaming floor, takes a few minutes.”
Lee turned around, to see a pretty, athletic, twenty something, pale skinned woman, with a full head of black hair, which was cut short, close to the neckline. She wore a sharp, black business suit, and black dress shoes.
As the woman walked towards them, Lee saw she was also slightly above average height for a woman.
Lee kept his eyes on her the entire time, as she walked up to the table, and she sat down in Faye chair.
The woman requested, “Can I please have your cards?”
River and Lee handed the woman their cards.
The woman said, “Thank you.”
The woman then neatly stacked the cards together, and set the stack of cards, to her far right side, on the table.
Next, she pulled out a deck of cards from an interior coat pocket. She opened the cardboard box the cards were in, and she set that deck onto the table, face down. With her pocketing the box, back where she has been carrying her cards, in interior coat pocket.
Lee saw that the back of the cards were a different pattern than the cards Faye had.
Lee thought, 'Good. There is no chance the two stacks of cards can be mixed up.'
River commented, “I agree.”
The looked between Lee and River. The woman said, in a kind tone of voice, “I am, Jetta Black. And I will be your dealer now. The cameras with be back on, any second.”
Lee did not even blink an eye in response. Though, inwardly, he was shocked, as he thought, 'Jet?! As in Faye friend? The big guy? When did this happen?!... I guess he took Spike up on her offer.'
Lee then noticed that Jetta was completely human, as he continued his thoughts, 'She no longer has her cybernetic left arm, nor implant under her right eye.'
Lee turned to River. River was looking at him. She said, “Long story.”
Lee thought, 'Then, it is a question for another time.'
River just nodded once in agreement.
As Jetta began to shuffle her deck of cards, she stated, “Since the last hand was interrupted. And with only two chips on the table. We will just divided those to chips, and carry on as if the previous hand never happened.”
Lee and River both took a chip from the pot.
Jetta then finished shuffling her cards.
While dealing five cards to each player, Jetta asked, “Now, which one of you will place the first bet.”
Lee looked over at River, as he stated, “Ladies first.”
River smiled at Lee, in response.
Jetta said, “Then, River it is. And I so do admire keeping company with a gentleman.”
Lee turned to Jetta, as he responded, “Thank you.”
Jetta slightly nodded, as she replied, “You're welcome.”
Lee then turned to his cards, as he picked them up. He saw that he has the beginnings of a straight.
Lee thought, 'This is not much. But, I can work with it.'
River looked at her cards. She bet three chips.
Lee quickly matched River's three chips.
On the gaming floor, at their table, Change, Rock, and Revy watched the TV and speakers come back, to show the poker room, on the penthouse level, just before Jetta introduced herself.
Revy asked, “What just happened?”
Chang stated, “One of my employees became a little too ambitious, in her attempts to impress me.” He mentally added, 'I will leave out the fact that I will not punishe her. She was only following my orders. And instead, I will reward her loyalty.'
Revy turned to Chang, as she accused, “She helped River win all those chips. How dare you, Chang?”
Chang looked over at Revy and Rock, as he thought, 'Oh well. It looks like Revy caught me. Though, there is not much she can do at this point.' He shrugged, as he said, “I could not help myself.”
By then, Rock had turned to look at Chang, as well. Though, Rock did not say anything.
Revy stated, “Just be happy that even I can tell this game is not over. Or, I would be very unhappy with you, right now.”
Rock said, “Yes. The game is not over, yet. But, no more tricks, Chang.”
Chang replied, “There won't be.”
Revy said, “Good.”
In the poker room, with Lee no longer having to deal with crooked dealer, he started slowing gaining back his holdings.
Out of the next twenty hands, over the next hour, he won fifteen of those hands.
They were all small bets, of less than a hundred thousand. But, he was back up to nine hundred thousand, in no time.
Over the next two and a half hours, Lee's fortunes took a turned for the better, as he continued to climb in his winning.
And it was not because of any large bets. Lee was just playing the hands he was dealt better than River was doing.
As time went on, while Lee was just slowly gaining in chips, Lee noticed a flaw in River playing style. A flaw he was able to clear his mind about, while still using the flaw to his advantage.
That flaw being, when River folded, she usually did so, after the cards were replaced, with some of her money already in the pot. Meanwhile, Lee usually folded, at the beginning of the hand, before he putting money into the pot.
Due to this glaring error, and Lee's frugal nature in betting, Lee was inching his way to victory.
Until finally, River was left with only four chips.
Jetta reshuffled the cards, and dealt both of them their hands.
Since Lee won the last hand, it was his turned. He looked at River, as he thought, 'River, I know you are reading my mind. I could out bid you in the betting pool, and finally beat you that way. But, I want to win this in a fair, polite manner. So, let us play this hand out.'
Lee saw River just nod her eyes, in response.
Both player looked at their cards.
Lee saw he had three aces. He tossed one chip in, as he said, “I will start this hand with ten thousand.”
River tossed in her fourth to last chip, as she replied, “I will see that ten thousand.”
River discarded three cards, Lee discarded two cards.
After Jetta replaced all discards cards, Lee looked at his two knew cards. He saw that he now had four aces.
Lee tossed in three chips, as he stated, “I raise you thirty thousand.”
River tossed in her last three remaining chips, as she said, “I call.”
Both player revealed their cards.
River had a full house, of two queens, and three kings. But, Lee's four aces beat River's full house.
Jetta looked between at the two sets of cards, on the table. She turned turned to Lee, as she casually stated, “And with that, Lee is the winner.”
Lee did not reach for the chips in the pot. Instead, he slumped in his chair, as he let out a deep breath in relief. He thought, with relief, 'I am going to live.'
River giggled at little, from Lee's thoughts.
Lee looked over at River, as he reached into one of his pants pockets. He pulled out a single U.S. one dollar bill, and placed the dollar passed the betting pot, and on River's side of the table.
Lee stated, “I was taught to never leave a person completely busted at the poker table.”
River looked at Lee, as she smiled at him. She took the dollar, and pocketed. She then got up, and walked to her right, around the table, opposite to Jetta.
River came to a stop beside Lee, to Lee's left side. She leaned down, and whispered into Lee's left ear, “Thank you. And I will be seeing you later, Paul.”
Lee forced himself to not show any reaction to that name.
Lee then looked up, as he watched River leaned back up, casually walk behind him, and out of the room.
After River was gone, Jetta inquired, “What was that all about?”
Lee turned to the black haired woman, as he thought, 'Good. Jetta did not hear us.' He answered, “That girl loves her secrets.”
Jetta agreed, “Isn't that the truth.”
Lee inquired, “Do you have a cellphone on you?”
Jetta answered, “Yes.”
Lee requested, “Please, inform the valet service downstairs, to have my pink Cadillac ready at the front entrance. I will be down there in a minute.”
Jetta replied, “Sure.”
Lee complimented, “Thank you. I will see you, later. Also, you are a good dealer. I appreciate honesty, Jetta.”
Jetta replied, “Thank you. And have a pleasant night, Lee.”
Lee said, “You too.” He mentally added, 'I best get out of here, while the getting is good.'
Lee then got up. And he he briskly walked out of the room.
At the same time, Jetta pulled out her cellphone, as she dial the building extension number to the valet service.
As Lee entered the hallway, he did not see River anywhere.
Lee then realized, as he thought, 'Of course. Chang's apartment is up here. And she likely lives here. She probably ducked in home, because she did not want to have to deal with Revy's gloat. And I want to get out of here, for the same reasons.'
Lee then turned, and he started swiftly walking towards the door. As Lee walked, he glanced as his watch, to see that it was eleven forty seven PM.
Lee looked in front of him, while continuing to walk, as he thought, 'Nearly fourteen hours since this game started. And I am starting to feel it. I best get back to the Devil's Hotel, and get some sleep, before I am too tired to drive. I will celebrate tomorrow. Because, right now, I am to tired to celebrate my survival today.'
Just then, in front of him, Lee came up to a corner, and he watched as Revy and Rock turned the corner, and head right for him.
Lee did not react to them, as he continued walking toward them, and the nearby express elevator to the gaming floor.
Meanwhile, Revy was so ecstatic, and she ignored Lee, as she headed for passed him, towards the poker room. Rock followed behind.
As Lee passed by Rock, with neither of them stopping, Rock said, “Good job.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome. Enjoy your winnings.”
Lee then turned the corner, and he was out of sight of the two women.
A few seconds later, Lee made it to the elevator. He pressed the down arrow button. The doors opened. He walked inside. And the doors close. With the express elevator then heading down to the ground floor.
While Lee rode the elevator down, Revy, walked into the poker game room, with Rock right behind her.
Rock then watched as Revy rushes to the table. When she reached the table, she leaned over the table, and she hugged her chips. With a few chips splatting around her, along the table, and to the floor.
By then, Jetta had gotten up from her seat. She and Rock silently watched this happen.
Meanwhile, as Lee rode down the elevator, Lee realized he had never felt more satisfied in his life, than this very moment.
He came. He saw. He conquered the impossible. Now, it was time to leave.
As the doors to the elevator open to the ground floor, he walked passed the two guards, without even given them a glance.
When Lee came to the threshold between the elevator bay, and the gaming floor, he stopped and took stop of the situation in front of him.
Lee saw people going about their business gambling and having fun.
Lee then noticed the music that had just started playing, and he recognized the song as one of his all time favorite anime songs.
Due to his mental weariness, Lee let slip one word from his lips, in a soft tone of voice, “Velveteen.”
Lee then started walking through the gaming floor, towards the front entrance, with confidence in his steps.
No one bothered him, nor approach him, as he continued walking.
As Lee did so, Lee found that he felt as if he was in a movie. After a major success, and he was taking victory lap, in front of the crowd.
Lee then heard his name loudly chanted, over an over again, to his left side, “Lee! Lee! Lee!”
Lee continued walking, as he turned head, to his left. Lee saw it was a group of police officers, whom were chanting his name.
As Lee continued walking, he waved at them with his right hand.
In response, the officers cheered even louder.
Lee smirked, as he thought, 'Given the good will I have obviously built up right now, with the police here. I could probably kill someone and get away with it. Not that I am going to. Still, those happy cops are likely the only reason Chang does not approach me right now. Because, if he did, it would piss them off. So, my plan to call Pedro worked for both the front end of the situation, and the bad end... Nice... Now, to make my fashionable exit.'
Lee continued walking, as he dropped his right arm back to his side, while he turned his had back to face his front.
Lee soon made it to the front doors. When he noticed one of the female valets open the door for him, which he was heading for.
As Lee passed through the door, he saw that his pink car was waiting there for him, under the carport, with the car roof and windows up. Just like he had left his car.
The female valet by the car even had the driver's side door facing him, as the woman held it open for him.
As Lee walked up to the valet holding the door for him, he pulled out his ticket stub, and he handed it to the valet.
The valet looked at the stub, and then handed him the keys to his car.
Lee then got into the driver's side of his car, with the valet shutting the door behind him.
Next, Lee inserted the car key into the ignition, and started the car. After which, Lee set the car into drive. And finally, he drove out from under the large awning, away from the casino, and into the night, towards his home, at the Devil's Hotel. The rest he had so richly earned on his bed, in his suite.
Walk away.
To be continued.
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Almost a Rags to Riches story
Wow, you can keep a story going! I don't know where to stat. Practically all the multiverse badasses were present to watch the poker game and you did them proud! The start with the jokes was ultimate crazy, yes it kept River happy and apparently off the game mind-reading, but could have been fatal to Lee if he didn't win. The card sharking got kind of out of hand, thanks Sam. The hostile card trick was another great moment. The interplay among the multiverse badasses was very enlightening. With River and Annie there, the only super badass left was Scorpy, but she would have been for Lee (also). This went quick, you have a great knack for telling unbelievable stories, unbelievable in that there is so much in each one. Thanks again. I need to rest now.