Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”
Chapter 14: “Gambling With Insanity: Part One: A Stacked Deck.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
During the sunny, cool morning, after Pedro met with Chang, in the De La Plata Podrido police station, inside the Devil's Hotel restaurant, Lee was having breakfast, alone, at the bar counter, at the usual stool in sat in. Though, he missed not spending breakfast, beside his friend, Sam.
Though, during the previous evening, after Lee returned to the Devil's Hotel restaurant, to watch karaoke. He has the pleasant surprise of meeting Sam. Whom had told Lee that he would be busy that day.
Sam and Lee sat at a right front corner table, by the entrance, so they could talk, without anyone paying attention to them, they watched the women sing karaoke. The two men found that most of the women were actually very good singers. The rest were tolerable.
As the two men watched the performances, Sam had told Lee that he would be gone for today, and likely, tomorrow, as well.
Lee did not protest, and he commented that he hope to see Sam again, soon.
Sam was happy with Lee's response. And around nine thirty PM that evening, they said goodnight to each other, as they left the restaurant. They then parted ways, as Lee went to his suite, to get some sleep.
Presently, it was around nine thirty AM, and Lee was eating breakfast, at his usual place, at the bar counter, when his precognitive abilities alerted him with a sense of danger.
While Lee continued eat, and he did not show any outward signs of being in danger, he thought, 'I wonder why I am sensing danger right now. Ever since I used the time loop to develop my precognitive abilities, I know can now sense danger. Though, I am not always warned of danger by those abilities. That is why I am still on my guard most of the time. Though, the level of danger I sense right now is not serious... It is more of a, could be bad, if I am not careful, level.'
Just then, he heard a Revy's voice, from right behind him, say, “Lee, could we speak to you for a moment?”
Lee put down his fork, on his plate. He then quickly took a drink from his glass of orange juice, to wash down his food.
He set the glass down on the counter, and he turned around in his stool, to see that Revy and Rock were standing in front of him. With Revy to Lee's right side, and Rock to Lee's left side.
While they were dressed in their normal clothing, Lee noted that Revy did not have on her cutlasses, nor shoulder holsters.
Lee calmly said, “Sure Revy. What do you need?”
Revy said, “I have an idea for some quick cash. And I would like your help. Rock approved of the idea, so we wanted to talk to you about it.”
Lee maintained his poker mask of calmness, as he grimly thought, 'This is trouble. Revy's idea of quick cash, usually involves violence. Lots and lots of violence. Let's see if I can back out of this, before I learn enough to be considered an accomplice.'
Lee casually inquired, “And Revy, what can I do that you cannot?” He mentally lamented, 'And with a package of spring of drown man, you can even pee standing up, and have sex as a man. Likely better than I can, and with more stamina than I have. Not that I am going to tell you that.'
Rock stated, “Molly told us about the card trick you did around two weeks ago...”
Lee thought, 'Damn. You have a point, Rock. Actually, you saw it first hand. But, you cannot say that to me, because you were in your male form. And if you did mention you saw that, without tipping your hand to me.'
Rock continued, “And given that you have developed your precognitive abilities to that point, we think you are ready to play at a professional level.”
Lee thought, 'Oh no. I see the train wreck a mile away. And I have no way of avoid it. So, I might as well ask the big questions.' He asked, “What do you mean? Where would I play at?”
Revy answered, “Chang's casino. I want to make some money. And this is a wonderful way to do it. With you playing, it will be a sure bet.”
Lee's poker face broke as his eyes went wide.
Lee looked at both of them. They could see that Lee was clearly rattled at Revy's comment.
Lee flatly said, “No. And I mean, no. I have seen documentaries on those that cheat at casinos. It never ends well for them. I actually enjoy breathing, without broken hands, arms, and legs.”
Revy smirked, while speaking in sickeningly sweet tone of voice, “And if you wish to remain breathing, with none of your bones broken, you will come with us, to Chang's casino, after breakfast.”
By then, Lee was starting to regain his poker face. While he continued to look at Revy and Rock, Lee used his peripheral vision to see the women of Revy and Rock's group, sitting at the tables by the stage, laughing their asses off, at the situation Revy and Rock was putting Lee in.
Lee thought, 'With their enhancements in their senses, including hearing, over half of them likely overheard every word of this conversation.' He mentally grumbled, 'Damn them all.'
Rock stated, “Listen. We still have to run this by Chang. And there is a real chance he will say, no.”
Lee thought, 'No, Chang won't say, no. Chang loves playing games, and toying with people. And Chang saw that poker trick I did over a week ago, at the Rats Nest. This will be too tempting an opportunity to pass up. Also, this means I run a real chance of meeting River, in a more direct way, than at that talent show. When she was likely distracted. And Pedro, Melvin, and I, lucked out in that situation, by not getting caught by her.'
'And there is no way I can talk about such a poker game, if River will be there, without giving myself away to her, that I am the writer.'
'Still, I have no choice in the matter. These two women will make me do this. One way. Or, another. At least, this way, I will be doing it under my own power.'
Lee forced himself to calm down, as he let out a breath. He said, “Fine. I will come with you.”
Revy said, “Good. We will wait for you to finish your breakfast, and then we will head over there.”
Revy and Rock turned around, and walked over to rejoin their friends.
Meanwhile, Lee turned back in his stool, to face the bar counter. As he went back to finish his breakfast, he felt like a condemned man eating his last meal.'
Twenty minutes later, Rock was driving down the road, on the streets of the city of Plata Podrido, in her family's red GTO. Revy sat in the front right passenger side. And Lee was in the back seat, on the left side of the GTO, behind Rock.
Lee asked, “So, where are we meeting, Chang?”
Without turning around, Revy answered, “We will be meeting him in his office, on the top floor, of his casino, by his penthouse apartment.”
While keeping her eyes on the road in front of her, Rock said, “We already scheduled a meeting with him, in ten minutes. So, we will not be barging into him, while he is conducting business.”
Revy admitted, “Yea. He hates it when we do that.”
Lee thought, 'Who doesn't hate that? Still, we are going to the top floor, and into the office, by the place he lives. He probably shares his apartment with River. So, the chances of meeting River just keep increasing. Though, if I do meet her, I will just have to clear my mind, and hope I can pull off the situation, by playing by ear...'
'Though, I think at this point, Chang does not mind being a guy, or a girl. So, I might walk into Chang's office while Chang is a woman. That could cause problems, on so many levels, for me.'
'Though, I have officially seen Chang introduced as Daiyu, at the talent contest. So, I could play off the situation, by asking is Chang in her female form, is the Chang, in his male forms, sister.'
'Though, it is extremely risky for me to do that. Because, I already played the sisters question act, with Revy, when her two past counterparts shoes up. And Revy will likely remember me asking her that question. And she is sharp enough to realize I might be playing an angle, and realize that I know Daiyu is really Chang.'
'At which point, my cover will all but be blown. With my cover being blown, when they go get River to confirm that I am the writer.'
'As such, it is best to ask if Chang knows I am coming. So, Chang will more likely be in his male form.'
Lee inquired, “Revy, it is pretty clear that you are friends with this Chang. But, does he know I am coming with you two, to meet with him?”
Revy answered, “Yes. He doesn't know why we are having this meeting. But, he did state that he wanted to meet with you, in person.”
Lee thought, 'What it comes to Chang, that is never a good thing.'
Though, Lee could only simply reply, “Okay.”
Five minutes later, Rock parked her car in the parking lot in front, right side of Daiyu Palace Casino. The three adults then got out. After Rock got out, she pulled her chair forward, to let Lee out of the backseat.
Meanwhile, Revy opened her passenger door, got out, and shut the door behind her.
When Lee was out of the car, Rock leaned the seat back up, locked the door, and shut her driver's side door.
Lee then followed Rock and Revy towards the front entrance of the Casino.
As they walked to the front entrance doors to the casino, the sunny day allowed Lee to get a better look at the casino's exterior.
The casino was very tall and wide. With the casino being at least thirty stories high. Likely higher.
The entrance had a two way, two lane carport, for car to drive up to, and let people out, directly into the a casino, without the weather bothering them.
The entrance doors were tinted windows. The there two sets of double doors to the casino. The awning of the carport extended several feet in both direction, away from the entrance.
Opposite to the building, there were three large, round, concrete pillars, set in a row, as support for the large awning. There were steel supports inside the concrete pillars. And the pillars were set in a small, curved, rectangular concrete median. The pillars were far enough apart, for a full grown adults to walk between, without a problem. And the surfaces of the pillars were painted to match the outside wall of the casino building.
Metal benches were placed on each side of the entrance, covered by the awning, for those waiting for their group to arrive, or for those waiting to be picked up.
Right above the carport, on the building, was a large neon sign, stating, “Daiyu Palace Casino.”
Lee thought, 'Daiyu Palace Casino. As in Black Jade Palace Casino. Cool chinese name for a female villain, and a casino. That is why I gave Chang's female form the alias, Daiyu.'
As they came to the entrance, there were chinese female valets, in uniform, on the sidewalk, near the interior curb of the driveway, under the awning. The uniforms they wore were very conservative. With shoes, pants, shirt, and sleeveless vests.
As Revy, Rock, and Lee approached the front doors, one of the valet walked over to the doors, and she the door to the far right, for the three of the adults.
Revy went in first. Then Rock. And finally Lee.
As they walked inside, the valet closed the door behind them. She then went back to the curb, with the other valets.
Meanwhile, Lee continued to follow Revy and Rock, further into the casino.
While Lee did so, Lee looked around, and he saw, right inside the doors, the restrooms to his right, beside the restrooms was a check in desk, with two clerks on duty. And there were three teller booths to his left, where people exchanged money for playing chips, and vise versa.
As they walked through the casino, Lee saw a lot of young women employees, of different raced, in business suits, or other types of uniforms.
Lee thought, 'I do not recognize any of these women. Given most of the badasses Chang worked with are late sleepers, none of them are probably up right now. I may luck out, River might be among them.'
'Also, Pedro mentioned that Chang did not hire anyone locally. So, these people mostly Chang's men, turned women, and others. And it is likely that several of them are armed.'
Lee looked in front of them, to see the elevator bays about fifty yards away from them.
As they passed into the gaming floor, Lee noticed that the gaming floor extended to both sides of them.
Lee saw rows of slot machines, and tables for dealers of different card games
There were some tables for dice games. And even a few tables with roulette wheels on them.
Also, across the gaming floor, to Lee's right side, was the hotel restaurant. And to his left side, beside the elevator bay, was a large hotel hallway, that went deeper into the hotel building.
Lee also noticed that there were several customers gambling on the game floor.
Lee also noticed that dealers and staff also wear casino uniforms, which were shoes, pants, shirt, and sleeveless vests. And the uniforms where gender neutral, and looked okay on both women and men.
Lee thought, 'Well, at least Chang has enough respect for his help, not to make them wear something skimpy. I will give him that. And I should not be surprised with the number of people here. Chang always did have a flair for getting people to do what he wants. In such a case, advertisement is child's play to him.'
Lee then noticed what song was playing in the background of the room.
Revy commented, “Nice song.”
Rock said, “I agree.”
Lee remained silent, as he thought, 'Yes. It is a nice song.. The song is titled, Sound of Madness, by the band known as Shinedown. The lyrics really speak to me, in the situation that I am in.'
Less than a minute later, they made it to the elevator bays.
Unlike the elevator bays in the Devil's Hotel, which had only four elevators, two on each side, this bay had five elevators. Two chrome elevators on each side, and a gold plated elevators in front of them.
The gold plated elevator had two chinese women, in black business suits, guarding it.
Even the button for the elevator required a key to use.
Lee thought, 'That is probably the express elevator to the penthouse.'
As they reached the two women, Revy stated, “Don't worry. He is with us.”
One of the women looked over at Lee, as she stated, in english, “Sir, if you wish to proceed, we will first have to pat you down.”
Lee thought, 'This is likely why Revy did not bring her weapons with her. And they know, Rock and Revy. Which is why I am the only one being patted down.'
Lee held up his arms, upwards, with his hands right above the sides of his head, as he stated, “Go ahead.”
Both women walked over to Lee.
One of them patted Lee down, as the other stood there. The woman patting Lee down did a gentle, through thorough job. She started from the top, and worked her way down. As she found something, she handed it to the other woman.
The woman patting down Lee first found a deck of cards. Then, a lighter. Next, the woman found three different folds of cash.
Revy and Rock just watched, as this went on.
Revy commented, “Damn Lee. I didn't know you carried that much cash on you.”
Lee looked ahead of him, at the gold plated elevator doors, as he tried to ignore the sense of violation he was feeling, from being patted down. He flatly said, “I don't trust banks.”
Lee's comment got a few giggles out of all four women, whom were present.
A few seconds later, the woman patting him down, stood back up, she said, in english, “He is clean.”
Lee turned to the woman holding his belongings, as he politely requested, “Can I please have my items back.”
The other woman answered, in english, “Sure.”
The woman then handed Lee back his belongings, and folds of cash.
As Lee put his items back on his personal, as he originally had done, the woman that had patted him down, walked over to the gold plated elevator, she pulled out a key, and used it to summon the elevator to come down to the ground floor.
Less than a minute later, the gold plated elevator doors opened, with Revy, Rock, and Lee walking into the elevator. Lee walked between Rock and Revy. So, when they around, Lee was in back, with Rock and Revy in front of him.
Which out punching any of the buttons on the panel, the doors automatically closed, and the elevator automatically starting going up to the top floor.
Several seconds later, the elevator doors opened, with Revy and Rock getting out first, with Lee following behind them.
Lee silently followed Revy and Rock down the hallway. And after a few turns, Rock and Revy came to a stop, with a closed door to their right side.
Lee immediately stopped behind Rock and Revy.
Rock and Revy turned to the closed door. Then, Lee turned to the door as well.
Lee thought, 'This must be the door to Chang's office... I hope.'
Revy knocked on the door, from inside, a male voice stated, in english, “Who is it?”
Revy stated, “Chang, it's us.”
Chang stated, through the door, “Come in.”
Revy opened the door inwardly, as she walked inside. Rock followed inside. Then, Lee walked into the room, as he gently closed the door behind him.
All three adults came to a stop, just inside the room.
Lee looked in front of him. He saw that Chang kept a very nice office. With Chang sitting in a nice, plush, black leather, cushioned office armchair, behind his black wooden desk.
Chang was in his usual black suit clothing, with his browline sunglasses on, to hide his eyes, from other people.
There was a large closed curtain window behind Chang. With white curtains that let sunlight in, allowed everyone to clearly see the inside of the room, while also offered privacy for those within the room, from the outside.
Lee thought, 'From the light coming in, that is likely one single, large window. And with Chang's resources, that window is likely bulletproof, if not rocket proof.'
Lee then saw noticed were two smaller cushioned armchairs in front of Chang's desk.
Lee thought, 'I will be the odd man out in this sitting arrangement. It is polite, and I am sure that Chang will notice. And I had best keep on his good side. Also, I do not see River here, so I should be fine.'
Chang smiled, as he looked at the three adults. He offered, in a kind tone of voice, “Come sit down. Ah, Revy, Rock... And I believe, Lee. Come sit down. So, we can talk.”
Lee thought, 'Chang's tone of voice is so smooth that I not tell if he was being sincere, or insincere. Though, I will just follow Rock and Revy, and see what happens.'
Revy and Rock walked forward, with Lee a few steps behind them.
Revy took the chair to Lee's left. And Rock too the chair to Lee's right. With Lee silently remained standing, behind, and between, the two of women.
Lee thought, 'Looks like we are playing the same game with each other.' He looked at Chang, as Chang looked back at him.
Lee calmly stated, “That is correct. You must be, Chang.”
Chang said, “Yes. I believe we have met before.”
While showing no outward reaction, Lee mentally cursed, 'Damn you, Chang.'
Rock turned around in her seat, to her right, and Revy turned to her left, turned around to look at Lee.
Lee looked at Rock and Revy, and the unspoken question on their faces.
Lee thought, 'Fortunately, I have already come up with just the excuse for this situation.'
Lee looked at all three adults in front of him, as he partly lied, “As a favor to Chief Del Soto, for judging the talent contest, I had to chauffeur him to his beach house, in my Cadillac, a few times.”
“One of those times, he wanted to head his beach house in style, because he was selling the place. And he wanted to make a good first impression. I believe Chang here was the one that bought the beach house. Since he was the one I saw Pedro shake hands with.”
Rock and Revy both giggled. Both women then turned back in their seats, to look at Chang.
Chang complimented, “Yes. And you both did an admirable job. I am quite pleased with my new beach home. Please, let the Police Chief Del Soto know that.”
Lee lied, “I will try to do so. Unfortunately, I am only an acquaintance of Chief Del Soto. But, if I do see him, I will let him know.”
Chang asked, “That will be fine.” He then turned to Revy, as he inquired, “So Revy, why did you want to arrange this meeting?”
Revy smiled, as she said, “I want to arrange a high stakes poker game with you.”
Chang stated, “I am listening.”
Rock took over where her lover left off, as she commented, “Standard five card draw poker.”
Lee inwardly smiled, as he thought, 'Thank you, Rock. For paying attention to the type of poker game I am good at.'
Chang responded, “Okay. But, I pick the dealer.”
Lee maintained his poker face, as he thought, with trepidation, 'I hope Chang picks and honest dealer from his employee pool. Though, I doubt he will.'
Revy replied, “Of course.”
Chang inquired, “So, how much is the bet?
Revy stated, “A million, U.S. cash in cash, in this poker game. Winner take all.”
Lee thought, 'That is a lot of money. Well, at least to me.'
Chang said, “Fine. Minimum bid is ten thousand.”
Revy shrugged, as she replied, “Works for me.”
Chang guessed, “And you plan to have Lee here, to play for you?”
Revy replied, “Of course. He is our proxy.”
Lee stated, “I want you to know this is not my idea. I did not want to come here.”
Chang turned to Lee, as he casually said, “I don't doubt that.”
Lee thought, 'Now, to see if I can still back out, by being honest.' He pointed out, “If you have asked around town, about me. It is known I have precognitive abilities. And, as such, I really do not feel that it is a good idea for me to gamble in your establishment.”
Chang crack a grin, as he commented, “Actually, I like the idea of pre-cog playing a high stakes poker game.'
Outwardly, Lee appeared calm, as he mentally cursed, 'I made this big to do about not wanting to cheat at cards, with Rock and Chang present. And because Rock was a guy at the time, and Chang a woman. With their genders reversed, right now. I cannot mention it to them! Damn! Damn! Damn!'
For a brief few seconds, Lee thought he could hear a woman laughing, coming through the wall, from a room nearby, to his right side. Though, given the situation, he ignored the possible sounds of laughter, as he focused on the three adults in front of him.
Lee looked at Chang, as he stated, “Listen, I prefer to be honest. And I don't like using my precognitive abilities in poker. Especially, in a professional environment such at this.”
Chang smirked, as he questioned, “You're afraid that I am going to break your legs?”
Lee thought, 'You one time had a man castrated. Though, you did give him a warning, beforehand.' He said, “If I am lucky.”
Chang, Revy, and Rock, lightly laughed, at Lee's serious comment, for a few seconds.
As the three adults calmed down, Chang admitted, “Well Lee, I won't lie to you. You do have some reason to worry. Still, I want you to play.” His voice turned a bit ominous, as he continued, “And if you do not play, I will be upset with you.”
Lee thought, 'There is no way I am getting out of this situation. I might as well just go with it.' He said, “Okay. But, it is your million to lose. When do you want to play me?”
Chang continued to smirk, as he stated, “Well, once I heard that you were coming with Rock and Revy. I knew this was going to be about a possible poker game. With bets between myself, and Rock and Revy. I just was not sure of the amounts.”
Lee thought, 'I see you are as sharp as ever.'
Chang smirk curled into a wicked grin, as he commented, “Also, I will not be the one playing you?”
Lee maintained his mask of calmness, as he thought, 'Who would Chang have me play?... Oh no... No. No. No.'
At that moment, Lee heard the door to the office opened behind him.
Lee turned to around, to his right. Rock and Revy turned around in their Chairs, and Chang just looked forward, in his seat, as he continued to wickedly grin.
Lee, Revy, Rock, and Chang all looked towards the door to see who was standing at the threshold of the door, facing them. They saw the person was River.
River was dressing in a blue jeans, and a red t-shirt, and red tennis shoes. Her long red hair was loose, as it fell down her back.
Upon seeing River, Lee immediately cleared his mind.
While Lee has his back turned to Chang, Chang casually said, “You will be playing my girlfriend, River.”
Revy and Rock both burst out laughing.
Lee forced himself not to react, nor think, at what was going on around him, as he kept his mind clear.
As the two women calmed down, Revy stated, “Now, this is going to be a game to remember.”
Lee turned back around to face Chang, Rock, and Revy. While, Lee did not want to think about the situation in front of the telepathic River, Lee flatly inquired, “Fine. Where?”
Chang stated, “In a room, here on the penthouse floor.”
Lee directly asked, “When?”
Chang questioned, “Tomorrow at ten AM, okay with you?”
By then, Rock and Revy, turned back around in their seats, to look at Chang.
Rock commented, “That is plenty of time to get some breakfast, and get ready. And I am sure the girls will love to attend this game, in the casino.”
Revy responded, “I agree. I cannot wait to tell everyone at the hotel. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun.”
Lee calmly said, “Yes. I will be there.” He turned to look at Rock and Revy, whom had their backs turned to him. He flatly stated, “Rock, Revy, I will meet you out front, under the awning.”
Lee then turned, as he calmly walked passed River, to River's right side, and out the door, towards the elevator bay.
After Lee walked out of the room, there was silence in the room for a few seconds.
Chang then looked over at River, as he asked, “What is he thinking about?”
River turned to focus on Chang, as she calmly answered, with only a hint of annoyance in her tone of voice, “He is wondering how his life has taken such strange turns.”
The Revy, Rock, and Chang, just laughed, while River frowned.
As they stopped laughing, River stated, “While you three catch up, I'll be in the penthouse living room.”
River mentally reflected, 'Wondering how good a precognitive Lee really is. And if he knows better than to knowingly try to use such abilities on a telepath? Or, not? Probably the former...'
'Though, there is a question I have for them. But, from reading Chang's mind, he will likely answer the question soon. And with me not here, Revy and Rock will likely be more open with their answers.'
While River turned around, and she stated walked down the hallway, towards the door to the apartment living room. She left Chang's office door open. And as she walked away, she overheard Chang asked, “So, how goes your search for the writer?”
River smiled, as she mentally reflected, 'Good. He already asked the question, before I was fully out of earshot.'
Revy answered, “The search has gone nowhere for the moment. But, I am sure that we will catch him, eventually.”
River continued walking, as she rolled her eyes for a few seconds. She thought, 'Revy can be so foolish, sometimes.'
River then looked in front of her, as she continued towards the penthouse apartment she shared with Chang.
Chang inquired, “So, how savvy is this guy?”
Revy stated, “Not much. Aeryn and Violin said that he did not even know about anime.”
Chang replied, “Mores the pity.”
By then, River was no longer within earshot of the three adults. A few seconds later, she found the door to the living room. Which she left unlocked. She then opened the door, and walked inside.
Meanwhile, inside Chang's office, Chang, Revy, and Rock, continued their conversation for some time.
A minute later, Lee made his way to an elevator. Unlike the bottom floor button, this one did not require a key. And there was only one button. A down arrow, that lead to the ground floor.
Lee pushed the button, and the elevator doors immediately opened.
Lee thought, 'These elevators must default to stay at the penthouse level. As both a security measure, and for safety reasons. In case someone needed to quickly escape the top floor.'
Lee walked into the elevator. He turned around, to face the entrance, just as the doors closed. Less than a minute later, the elevator opened on the ground floor, and he exited the door.
With River on the top floor of the very, thirty plus story building, and Lee being on the ground floor, Lee finally allowed himself to think.
Lee walked out of the elevator, and came to a stop, in the elevator bay, as he thought, 'If this is not far enough to avoid River's telepath. Then, I have already screwed myself at the talent contest. When Pedro, Melvin, Sam, and I, were in the front lobby of the Devil's Hotel, right after the contest, with River in the Devil's Hotel restaurant.'
'As such, I might as well hope this is far enough to avoid her telepathy, and not worry about it.'
'Now, onto other related matters. With such foolishness by Revy. I am starting to wonder if actually has now really lost her mind. And no matter what happens, there will be fallout for me, in the aftermath of this poker game. I am going to have to think on this for a little while, before I will be able to formulate a plan for me to get out of this mess.'
The elevator doors closed behind Lee, as he walked out of the elevator bay.
As Lee exited the alcove, he noticed that he was about teen feet into a large rectangular hallway, that was perpendicular to the entrance to the elevator bay, and he was not on gaming floor.
The lighting from the hallway were soft florescent ceiling lights, that provided plenty of light for Lee to see with.
Lee then turned around and he noticed there were no guards by the entrance to the express elevator. He thought, 'Maybe the guards are partly for show. Most people would not take the back way. Though, I am sure there are cameras monitoring almost every inch of this ground floor.'
'But, since I was leaving Chang's office and penthouse, with me already being invited there. As long as I stay in the open, non-secure areas, security could careless what I do. Besides, I really just want to exit the front of this casino. As I wait for Revy and Rock.'
'Along those thoughts. I guess I was so mentally wrapped up in clearing my mind around River, that it did not occur to me that there were at least two express elevators leading down from the top floor, to the ground. Though, from safety and security standpoints, it makes sense for them to have at least two ways off of top floor. That is not any emergency reality devices they have on hand, on the top floor.'
'But, given who is in the casino, with River and Chang being at the top of the list. Even I am not crazy enough to try to get up to the penthouse, and look for those reality devices.'
Still, I might as well look around, as I get my bearings.'
Lee stood in place, as he looked back around to see a large, clear plastic wall in front of him. Behind the wall was what looked to be a large garden. Nearby, there was an open door, nearby that lead into the room.
Lee thought, 'Yes. I must have gotten turned around. Now, that I think about it. I believe I may have turned the wrong direction, when I came out of Chang's office. Still, this is no problem. If I cannot find my way, I can ask for directions. The employees are likely more than happy to point me in the direction of the gaming area. That is where their customers foolishly gamble what they have, away to the casino.'
Lee was then heard a loud cat growl to his left side.
Lee turned to see some people transporting a tiger in a cage. He could see that the tiger was not happy.
Lee thought, 'I see Chang is taking a page from Scarface. It just shows that he has taste. I guess he truly believes to push it to the limit. Not that I blame him. If I was in his, or her, position, in creating this casino, I would likely do the same as he, or she, has done.'
A second later, one of the wheels to the cage snapped, causing the cage to tip over, and the latch to the cage came undone, allowing the tiger to jump free of her cage.
As Lee watched as the tiger approach him, he thought, 'And this day just keep on getting more interesting. Let's see. If I want survive this, I must remember to have no fear. Show no fear. Have no fear.'
'Also, from what I have learned, tigers do not like to strike their prey directly, when they are looking at the faces of their prey. They like to pounce from behind. That is why some tiger hunters in India, wearing human looking face masks, on the back of their heads, when they hunt tigers. As such, I must move very slowly, as needed, while I do not take my eyes off this tiger.'
'Though, there is a chance, as a big predator, the tiger might take me looking it in the eyes, as a challenge, and it will still attack me. Though, I have nothing else to use on it. So, this is the only thing I got.'
Meanwhile, the workers transporting the tiger, ran down the hallway.
Lee did not both to look at the workers, as he forced himself to be calm, and have no fear, while looking the tiger directly in her eyes.
Because of Lee doing this, the tiger became slightly confuse. Instead of just pouncing on Lee, the tiger slowly circled around Lee, in a clockwise direction.
Lee slowly turned to his right, with the tiger. As Lee did so, he never took his eyes off of the tiger's eyes.
After several seconds, the tiger came to a stop, and they just looked at each other, for several more seconds.
By then, the tiger's head was two feet from Lee' stomach.
Lee then cocked his head slightly, and the tiger imitated him.
Lee very slowly reached up with his right hand, and he scratched the back of the tiger's left ear.
After a few seconds, the tiger back to purr. After a few more seconds, Lee stopped scratching the tiger's ear, and instead likely ran his right hand down the back of the tigers neck a few times.
The tiger continued to purr.
A second later, Lee stopped brushing the tiger's hair on her back, and slowly move his hand away from her head.
Lee then calmly, yet slowly, turned, and walked towards the door to the enclosure.
The tiger followed right behind him.
When Lee reached the door, Lee stood near it. He slowly turned around, and he slowly lifted his right hand, for the tiger to see, as he motioned with it for the tiger to go through the door.
A second later, the tiger went through the door.
Lee then slowly closed the door behind her, and locked the lock on the outside of the door, that faced the hallway.
Just then, Lee saw Zoe, and a couple of asian women in black business suits, run up the hallway, with the clear enclosure wall being to the group's right side. All of them were carrying guns.
When they stopped near Lee, they turned, and saw, the tiger was already in the enclosure.
None of the women were pointing their weapons at Lee, as Zoe turned to Lee. She asked, in english, “What happened?”
Lee thought, 'It figures that all of Chang's badass friends, that Zoe would be up at this time in the morning. Still, given the situation, I think it is best if I be honest.' He answered, in english, “She is just tired and alone. Feed her and she will feel better.”
Zoe inquired, “How did you know the tiger is a she? I doubt you got a good look on that end of her.”
Lee explained, “Male tigers smell of urine, because they are constantly marking their territory. I smelled no urine from her.”
Zoe replied, “Okay.”
One of the asian women flatly inquired, “Now, why are you not dead?”
Lee thought, 'Because predators prefer not to eat the sick, and the dying. Along with that, dogs and cats can tell when someone has cancer, by their sense of smell. Though, it is best I do not mention this... Especially, since it is none of their business...'
'And to be honest, it is best, for everyone here, that this entire incident was swept under the rug. Besides, I cannot tell the truth about how I did this, without mentioning that I am dying.'
Lee responded, “I have experience with cats. This entire indecent is an embarrassment for everyone involved. If you are willing to pretend this never happened. I will do the same.”
Zoe replied, “Agreed.”
Lee said, “Thank you. Now, which way is it to the gaming floor?”
Zoe stated, “Just turn around, and in the opposite direction from which we came from.”
Lee replied, “I appreciate that. And thank you, again.”
Lee then turned, and walked away from them, with the intent on exiting the casino, and finding a place to comfortably wait for Rock and Revy to get finished with their meeting with Chang.
While Zoe watched the man walk away, she thought, 'I wonder what his story is?' She then turned to her women, as she stated, “Okay. Someone get a clean up crew to get rid of this cage. And make sure this door to the pen is secure. I do not want that cat to get loose, again.”
Meanwhile, Lee walked from the large hallway. After a few turns, he made his way into the back section of gaming floor, he saw the elevator bay to his left side. And he immediately knew where he was.
While Lee passed through the gaming floor, he noticed the music playing was another song he know. The song that was playing was, Been To Hell, by Hollywood Undead.
Lee recognized the song, as he thought, 'Talk about a meaningful title and song for my situation. I wonder if this speaker system here is just as strange as the one in the Devil's Hotel... I doubt it. Someone just has interesting taste in music.'
Lee soon made it out the front doors. He used the door to his far left, to exit out of the building. After he was outside, and under the awning, he sat by a bench, that was right outside the door he use, to his left.
As Lee sat on the bench, he patiently waited for Rock and Revy to get through with the meeting with Chang.
An hour later, according to Lee's digital wrist watch, that he had been sitting on the bench, outside of the casino.
A few seconds later, Lee watched as Rock and Revy exited the front entrance of the casino.
Lee stood up, as he turned to the two women. He said, “Over here, Revy and Rock.”
Both women looked over at him. Then, they turn back to looking in front, as they walked to their car.
Lee thought, 'At least they turned to look at me. To acknowledge my presence. Now, to figure out how to subtly get some answers from these two, without them realizing it.'
Lee silently followed the two women, a few steps behind them.
As they reached the red GTO car, with neither woman speaking to Lee, Lee thought, 'It is clear that they did not hear about the tiger getting loose. Or, they would have said something. Good. I caught a break on that.'
When the three adults got to the car, Lee followed Rock to the driver's side of the car.
Without saying a word, Rock pulled out her keys, and unlocked the driver's side door. She then opened the door, unlocked the other door for Revy, with the electronic door lock switch in the driver's side door. She then lower the driver's seat forward, so Lee could get into the backseat, behind Rock.
While Lee got into the backseat, Revy open the passenger door, and got into the front passenger seat.
As soon as Lee was inside the backseat, Rock raised the driver's seat, and got into the driver's side of the car. She shut the door behind her. She the used her car key to start the ignition to the car.
A few seconds later, Rock pulled out of her parking place, and heading onto the main road, back to the Devil's Hotel.
A few minutes later, as Rock was driving down the road, back to the Devil's Hotel, something occurred to her. She thought, 'Why was Lee slightly upset, and quiet, at meeting River?... Could he know who she is?' While continuing to look forward, she asked, “Hey, Lee. Why did you go quiet when River showed up?”
Revy did not look behind her, to her left, between the seats, at Lee, as she complimented, “Good question.”
Lee maintained his mask of calmness, as he thought, 'Damn. I forgot to give a reason for my actions. The problem was with River there, if I tried to think of a plan, she would have read my mind, and the game would have been over right then and there, for me. Still, I have two good excuses to use.”
Lee flatly answered, “Because the one thing worse than cheating a casino owner, is cheating the casino owner’s girlfriend. And I did not want to dig myself into a deeper hole. Especially, if it is my possible grave. So, I left.”
Lee saw Revy just shrug her left shoulder, in response to his comment.
Rock agreed, “That is a good reason.” She mentally added, 'That is a very good reason for shutting up. Lee already knows how dangerous we are. He knows from Revy that Chang and River are our friends. He saw River do that fire dance, and he can only guess how dangerous Chang is. Lee is not an idiot. He knows when to keep his mouth shut.'
Lee thought, 'Good. They bought my excuse. Now, for the joke.' Lee joked, “I take that back. There is one worse thing. Cheating with the casino owner's girlfriend.”
Rock and Revy laughed, for a few seconds.
Rock thought, 'Still, he also knows how to tell a joke.'
Revy said, “You would have to have a death wish to do that. Especially, to Chang, with River.”
Lee agreed, “No arguments there.”
Revy stated, “Still, I would be more worried that River does try to cheat at cards with you.”
Lee thought, 'Thank you, Revy. For bringing up the perfect excuse to ask about River's abilities.” Lee casually inquired, “What do you mean, Revy?”
Revy and Rock then started laughing again, without answering Lee's question.
Lee outwardly remained calm, as he inwardly grimace, while he thought, 'It figures that I going to have to find another way to officially find out about River's genius and telepathy. But, that should not be too difficult a problem. I just need to think about how to do this.'
'Though, once this problem is solved, I will start getting ready for the game tomorrow, and then meet with Pedro, tonight.'
'I am already coming up with a plan to beat River. And it might work. The question is, do I have the talent and skills to pull this off.'
Meanwhile, Rock continued driving them down the road, towards the Devil's Hotel.
Twenty minutes later, the three adults returned to the Devil's Hotel.
Rock parked the car near the front section of the parking lot of the Devil's Hotel, close to the front door.
Then, with all three of the adults inside, got out. Then, locked and shut the doors behind them.
When the three adults reached the lobby entryway doors, Lee opened the door for Rock and Revy, as he said, “See you at the game tomorrow.”
As the two women walked inside, passed Lee, Revy came to a stop, in front of Lee. With Rock stopping behind her.
Revy turned to Lee, as she warned, “Don't miss this game, or I will come for you.”
Rock turned to Lee, as she said, “Good luck.”
Both women then turned and walked inside the entryway.
Lee then followed behind them.
When the reached the doors to the lobby, they opened the doors, and they walked through the threshold, into the lobby.
Once, they were in the lobby, they split up, Lee walked to his right, to sit in a lobby chair and think, while Revy and Rock headed for the hotel restaurant.
The lobby was half full of various people. Including, two clerks, in hotel uniform, standing behind the check in desk, which was across the room from the outside entrance door.
As Lee sat in the white cushioned armchair, which faced the front doors to the hotel lobby, he looked at his digital watch. It stated, eleven two AM.
Lee looked around himself, without straining his neck, as he thought, 'Given it is around eleven AM, Melvin now on duty at the bar. And Revy and Rock are headed for the hotel restaurant, to each get a beer, before they had lunch with their friends and family in the restaurant.'
'Still, that doesn't held me one bit, with my current problems, which Revy, Rock, and Chang, have gotten me into.'
Lee looked in front of himself, as he maintained his poker mask. Though, he continued his thoughts, with worry, 'What am I going to do now? I am thoroughly screwed to the wall. There is no way I can get out of this situation. I am going to have to confront River, a telepath, in a poker game, that will likely be several hours long.'
'Being that long in close quarters with a telepath, the question is not if she will learn I am the writer? But, what she is going to do when she does learn that truth about me?.'
'And that is a big fucking question mark.'
'That is on top of River being a top level genius, and a badass nearly on par with Roberta. After Roberta's upgrades.'
'Though, between what happened in the Serenity movie, and what I wrote, at least River is somewhat sane. So, the situation is still somewhat manageable. She has always been playful, and she likes keeping secrets.'
'River prefers not to be mean, or violent, unless she has to. Someone sent a subliminal command to her. Or, her mental illness got the better of her.'
'And given River is saner, and no one here knows those commands. And I have no intention of provoking her. I do not have to worry about her being violent with me.'
'Unless, she is pissed off at me, for being the writer. Though, I doubt that for several reasons. And I cannot control that. One way, or the other . So, I might as well not worry about that.'
'And taking all this into account. As long as I stay in her good graces, she will likely not immediately spill the beans on my identity. That will give me a little breathing room, even after this casino poker game is over. But, not much. So, after this, things are going to have to start moving forward more quickly. And I have to be ready for that.'
'Though, I first have to make it through the game with my hide intact, and my cover not being blown. So, I will worry about the aftermath, until after the game.'
'Now, the problem is how do I stay in her good graces, and Revy's good graces, at the same time? If I don't win that game for Revy, even if she doesn't even learn I am the writer, Revy is literally going to skin me alive. But, if I beat River, that may upset River... Unless, I defeat her in a manner where she had a good time... That might work. And doing so falls in with the plan I am working on.'
'Yet. If I implement this plan, there is an off chance the girls might kill me after this. Still, it is my only shot.'
'Either way, I still need to review the rules in dealing with a telepath. Never deal with telepaths, if you have secret you need to hide, because they will eventually find out those secrets. Usually sooner, rather than later.'
'Never lie to a telepath, because the can tell when someone is lying.'
'And never cheat a telepath, because they can tell when you are cheating them.'
'And Revy still thinks I can win by cheating with my precognition. She actually hasn't figured out that I cannot win that way, even if I wanted to, because River will immediately know I am using my precognition on her.'
'On the other hand, Chang is likely laughing his ass off at the easy million he is about win, with my ass being the one that is kicked by Revy, when she loses her million dollars.
'The only good news out of this situation is that I set up Revy's family to be very rich. A million will not break the bank, for them. Especially, given the inflation the U.S. dollar is suffering against the value of gold in this world.'
'Still, the first step out of this mess, is for me to figure out how to get one of these badass women to tell me straight out that River is a telepathic genius. So, I can then explain to Revy and Rock why I cannot beat River in this upcoming poker game, tomorrow.'
Lee then noticed Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru, walked by him, from his back left side, with them having exited the elevator bay, from Lee's back right side.
Lee saw the three women heading for the front door.
Lee thought, 'Of all of Revy and Rock's group, those three are my best chance to pull this off. But, I have to play this angle just right,'
Lee got up from his seat, and briskly walked towards the three gender bending women.
As Lee approached them, the three women noticed him. They stopped walking and turned to towards his directly.
When Lee came to a stop a six feet from the three women, Ranma asked, “What is it Lee?”
Lee inquired, “Hi ladies. I have had an interesting morning.”
Akira snorted. She said, “I bet. We heard about the plan Revy has roped you into. So, how was your, Revy, and Rock's meeting with Chang?”
Lee honestly answered, “Interesting. That is the reason I want to talk to you three. You three seem to be the most... Reasonable of Revy and Rock's group.”
Ranma commented, “You got that right.”
Natsuru said, “I appreciate the compliment.”
Akira replied, “Thank you.”
Lee went onto say, “Well, I have a small request for you three. What can you tell me about Chang's girlfriend, River?”
Natsuru questioned, “Why do you ask?” Her facial expression turned grim, as she said, “Oh no... That is who Chang is having you play?”
Lee saw Ranma and Akira's expressions also darkened a little.
Lee stated, in a very casual tone of voice, “Yes. Is there something about River that I need to know?”
Akira answered, “A lot actually. But, we can only give you the cliff notes.”
Lee requested, “Such as?”
Natsuru flatly answered, “She is a telepath.”
Lee said, “That could be a problem.”
Akira then realized, as she inquired, “Why are you taking our claim that River is a telepath at face value?”
Lee answered, “I am a precognitive. A telepath is not that far fetched from my own abilities.”
Akira conceded, “True. And that is a good point. Also, she is a genius. Still, we need to talk to Revy and Rock about this. And Lee, you had better come with us?”
Ranma inquired, “Where is Rock and Revy?”
Lee answered, “I think they are in the hotel restaurant.”
Akira stated, “Then, let's go talk to them.”
All four of them then turned, and headed for the indoor hotel restaurant.
A minute later, in the hotel restaurant, behind the bar counter, Melvin watched at Ranma, Natsuru, Akira, and Lee walk into the room.
And while Lee appeared calm, the three women with him appeared unhappy.
Melvin saw them heading for Rock and Revy, whom were sitting at their usual table.
Melvin thought, 'From the look on their faces. This could get ugly. I am glad I am the only one here, besides Revy and Rock. Still, I don't want to know. I don't need to know. I know better than to need to know.'
He then grabbed a white rag from under the counter. Next, he turned his back to them, as he began wiping down the dust on the alcoholic bottles in the shelves, on the wall, behind the bar counter.
Meanwhile, in the back of the room, Rock and Revy were sitting beside each other, at that usual table, by the stage. Their backs were to the stage, with them facing the front of the room, as they quiet enjoyed each others company, while each had a bottle of beer to drink.
Rock look up to see who was approaching them.
Across the table, several feet away, was Ranma, Natsuru, Akira, walking towards them, with Lee following a few feet behind them.
And as Rock saw the unhappy looks on the three women's faces, Rock said, “Trouble.”
Revy looked up to see the four adults approaching them. She agreed, “Yep. And they do not look happy.”
When the four adults reached Revy and Rock's table, Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma stood across the table, from Revy and Rock. With Lee standing to the left side of the three member group of women.
Akira looked down at Rock and Revy, with a stern expression on her face. She stated, with slight anger evident in her tone of voice, “Revy, Rock, are you two, idiots? Having Lee here face River in a poker game is like sending a lamb to slaughter.”
Revy and Rock looked over at Lee.
Lee answered their unspoken question, in an innocent tone of voice, “All I did was ask about River. With such high stakes in this game, I prefer to know who I am going play.”
Rock thought, 'I need to know how much of Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru have told Lee, about River, before I comment further. I do not want native in this reality to know about reality travel. All that does is bring trouble... We should know. We are that trouble.'
Rock asked, “What did they tell you, Lee?”
Lee responded, “These three ladies told me that River is both a telepath, and a genius. And from that fire dance, I can guess she is as dangerous as any in your group.”
Rock thought, 'Okay. I can work with that.' She commented, “That about sums it up.”
Revy casually admitted, “Okay. Perhaps we should have told you about River, on the way back here.”
Lee inwardly smiled, as he thought, 'Good. Now, I officially know what River is capable of. Stage one, complete. Now, onto stage two.'
Lee pointed out, “River's abilities could present real problems in this poker game.”
Revy inquired, “How so? All you got to do is use your pre-cog abilities, and you will win me some money.”
Ranma jumped into the conversation, by saying, “You still haven't figured it out, Revy.”
Natsuru finished for her redheaded lover, “Since River is a telepath, Lee cannot use his precognitive abilities, without River calling him on it. He will be accused of cheating. And I don't want to think about what Chang and his friends at the casino will do to them.”
Revy replied, “Okay. At least River won't be able to use here telepathy either.”
Lee explained, “Don't be so sure. As the old saying goes. The house makes the rules. River will likely be able to use her telepathy, and genius. But, I will not be able to use my abilities to counter her. I am at a distinct disadvantage here. Besides not wanting to be accused of cheating, another reason I don't like gambling professionally is because the house always rigs to rules so they will ultimately win.”
“It is just a matter of percentages and time, as to how long it takes the house to win.”
Ranma commented, “What Lee is politely trying to tell you two is that you just made sucker's bet with Chang.”
It took a few seconds for what Ranma to mentally sink in for Rock and Revy.
When the information did, Rock remained calm, while Revy's eyes went wide at the screw up they just did.
Revy put her right palm in her face, as she looked upwards. She said, in a clearly upset state of mind, “I cannot back out on a bet with Chang. And Dutch, Benny, Janet, and the others are never going to let me live this down.” She then dropped her right hand down, as she tilted her head to look at Lee, while she stated, “You should have said something, Lee.”
Lee looked at Revy, with an innocent expression on his face. His expression then suddenly changed into a grimace, as he responded, in a forceful, though even tone of voice, “Me?... I should have said something? Even before I knew what River was capable of, I kept trying to back out of this mess... Face it, sweetie. This is your rodeo. And you roped me into this. Not the other way around.”
Ranma came to Lee's defense, by stating, “Lee is right. This is not his fault. This is your fault, Revy. Your greed has finally come back to bite you in the ass.”
Revy was silent for a few seconds. She then frowned, as she admitted defeat on the issue of blame, “Okay. I screwed up.”
Akira inquired, “So, how much did you bet?”
Rock viably winched, as she answered for her lover, “A million, U.S. cash'
Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru all winced, as Akira said, “Ouch.”
Rock thought, 'I have to attempt to salvage the situation, before Revy loses her temper. Though, given we met with Chang. And we have not yet been to our suite. At least, she doesn't have her weapons on her.'
Rock looked over at Lee, as she inquired, in a polite tone of voice, “Lee, even with what you now know, is there still a chance you can beat River?”
Lee thought, 'I am honestly not sure. But, I do realize there is a possibility. And I guess I need to explain how I still have this chance.'
Lee calmly answered, “That is depends on how honest she is. Also, dealing with a mind reader is not that much different than dealing with normal poker players. It just that people playing poker can read a person's face for their tails. If she has a lousy poker face, I could possibly beat her. Also, I am pretty good at play poker, in general. But, even without the telepathy, if River is a genius, and she starts counting cards, just holding my own against her could a problem.”
“Though, if she does not count cards. I have a chance. Due to her telepathy, I will not be able to bluff, I will have trust the skills I have learned, and not think to much about the cards. Also, I will have to rely more on the raw luck of the card draws, and beat her the long way. In theory, it is doable. Though, this way is a lot harder to do so.”
Revy rolled her eyes, as she questioned, “So, we are not completely screwed?” She then looked back at Lee.
Lee replied, “No. There is still a real chance I could win. But, it is a small chance.”
Revy continued to look at Lee, as she sternly warned, “Then, you will still play. And you had better win.”
Lee forced himself to remain calm, as he said, “I will try. But remember, you were the one that dragged me into this. Now, I have to know, for the poker game. How patient is River?”
Lee mentally wondered, 'I honestly do not know the answer to that question. I never wrote it in my story, and the Firefly series and movie was never that straightforward with River's personality. And I do need that question answered.'
Rock answered, “She is very patient.”
Lee stated, “Good. That means she will be less likely to cheat. Even though I will be forced draw out the game with her.”
Rock inquired, “How long are you looking at playing her?”
Lee answered, “At least all day. I doubt she has experience in playing poker all day long. While, I do. I have spent many times playing poker with Sam, all day long.”
Ranma questioned, “Speaking of Sam. Where is he? Sometimes I think you two are tied at the hip.”
Lee turned to Ranma, as he thought, 'I have no clue. But, I am not going to tell you that.' He answered, “He has personal business to attend too.”
Ranma shrugged, as she replied, “Okay.”
Revy thought, 'So, he can read a person's face. That is a nice trick... Hold it...' She looked at Lee, as she inquired, in an annoyed tone of voice, “Wait a minute. Have you been using your poker skills on us?”
Lee looked directly at Revy, as he thought, 'No point in denying that now. And it is one more card I can no longer play against them.' Lee smirked, as he admitted, in a casual manner, “Of course, I have, Revy. It is how I stay on your good side.”
While Revy slightly frowned, Rock, Ranma. Natsuru, and Akira burst out laughing, for a few seconds.
Lee continued to look at Revy, as he thought, 'Good. At least four of them took my comment the way I was hoping they would. If they laugh over the matter, they will not think to much of the negative sides of what I just admitted to doing to them.'
As the four laughing women calmed down, Lee continued to look at Revy. He stated, “Look Revy. Please, don't get upset. Reading someones face is just learning their general mood at the moment. Which comes down to whether it is safe to talk to someone, or not. And given I have personally seen how violent some of those in your group can be, first hand. I am justified in using my facial reading skills to keep from getting hurt, and starting trouble, with any of you.”
Revy was silent for a few seconds, as she thought about Lee's commented. She then shrugged, as she conceded, “You're right about that, Lee. And since you haven't used your skills to take advantage of us...”
Lee inwardly smiled, as he thought, 'As far as you know.'
Revy went onto say, “I am going to let this slide.”
Lee thought, 'Good. That is the response that I was hoping to get from you.'
Lee said, “Thank you, Revy. Anyway, have a good lunch. I have things I have to do to prepare for the game, tomorrow.”
Lee turned around, and he began to walked out of the room
As Lee made his way near the exit to the room, he overheard Akira state, “Well guys. We do have something to cheer you up. There were some movies we recently saw, that were pretty good. The movies star the actor, Robert Downey Junior...”
Lee did not bother hearing the rest, as he quickly exited the room, turned to his right, and headed down the hallway, for the front lobby.
Lee walked, as he thought, 'It is best I not stay for the conversation, because I am sure those three with mention that it was me that showed them those movies. And it will just get me sucked into another risky conversation with them. Besides, I have really do have things to do today, and talking about movies is not one of them.'
When Lee reached the front lobby, he soon exited out the front doors, and into the parking lot.
A minute later, he was in his pink car, as he began to run a few errands, and then get some lunch.
Ten minutes later, Lee drove his car down one of the side roads of De La Plata Podrido, towards his first destination.
Lee had the roof and windows up on his convertible.
As Lee safely drove, he thought, 'If I am going to do this. I will have to present myself in as professional manner as possible. Right now, everyone sees me as just some slacker, nobody, with a talent for playing cards. And that is the way I want everyone to see me. But, if I walk into the casino tomorrow, presenting myself as a professional gentleman gambler, it might throw all of them both off their game. Including, River and Chang.'
'I have done it before, at the dance, at the Devil's Hotel, during the last day of the time loop, that happened on the Day of the Dead. And no one recognized me, as whom they called, mister dance. And the Rats Nest bartender has since graciously kept quiet on my identity. Especially, from Revy, Rock, and their group. Much to their continued annoyance.'
'And this is mainly because the bartender had a great time on our date that day, and the dance that evening...'
'Though, back to the matter at hand. The problem is, that the women will realize I was the one at the dance, and that will cause them to eventually ask questions about that event. But, I don't have a choice. I have to give up something, so I have the tools to not just play this coming game, but win it.'
Lee looked at his fuel gauge to see that his car tank was half full. He thought, 'Good. That means I don't have to refill it. If Chang's women see me at a gas station, they might get the wrong idea that I am planning to skip to town, and that will only cause more problems for myself. Though, Chang probably has the bridge out of town staked out, as well. That is what I would do in his position.'
Half a minute later, Lee reached his first destination, a local car washing business that the clerks a the check in desk stated was very well liked, and did a good job, at a good price.
Lee thought, 'Here we are.'
Lee found that there was no line near the group of employees near the building.
Lee soon turned in.
As he came to a stop near the men in uniform.
A few seconds later, one of the employees walked over to Lee driver's side window.
Lee rolled down his window, as he stated, in spanish, “I would like my car washed, and have a good waxing.” He then pulled out a hundred dollar bill, and handed it to the employee, while he said, “This should cover the charge, plus a tip for all over you.”
Lee thought, 'That hundred is around ten time the combined total, for a car wash, waxing, and tip. So, they should do a good job.'
The employee looked at the hundred dollar bill, as he smiled. He turned to Lee, as he happily responded, in spanish, “When we are finished, you will be able to see your reflection in the paint job.”
Lee returned the employee’s smile, as he said, “That is what I wanted to hear you say.”
Lee rolled up his window, as the men at the car wash began to wash, and then wax his car.
Thirty minutes later, the car wash employees finished washing and waxing the outside of Lee's car, by hand.
Lee said, in spanish, “Thank you.”
Lee then turned on his car, and drove away.
As Lee entered the nearby street, he thought, 'I need to get some lunch now. I don't want to go get a burger from Eda and Yolanda. They are likely going to find out about the game. And them talking to me about the game will only complicate the matters for myself.'
'So, I think I will either get cuban, or italian... I could still use a sandwich. So, I will go cuban. Then, I will go to the beach and think.'
An hour later, Lee had finished his lunch, paid the bill, left the tip, and used the restroom, in the restaurant. Lee then drove his car to a secluded part of the beach on the eastern island, facing the sea.
Lee parked his car facing the beach, by about seventy feet away from the shore. He then lowered his car roof and windows, so he could enjoy the breeze, on the presently partly cloudy, cool day.
Lee came there to think, plan, and reflect on his life. With the only sound being the crashing of the waves.
And a nobody knew where he was.
After ten minutes of thinking, Lee noticed a gray, four door car drive by him, and park parallel to Lee's own pink car, to the left driver's side of Lee's own car, about thirty feet away from him.
Like Lee's car, this gray car was a left side driver car, like most cars in Mexico.
Lee watched as the man got out of, from the opposite side of car, that Lee was facing. As the man stood up, Lee saw over the hood of the gray car, to see that it was Sam. Whom looked over at Lee, while he shut his car door.
As the two men looked at each other, Sam walked around the front of his car, and over to Lee.
Lee saw that Sam was wearing his usual style of casual clothing, and his black cowboy boots.
Lee smiled, as he he said, “Hi Sam. You are quite probably the only person on the planet right now that I would be happy to see. Please, come sit down in my car, so we can talk.” He then used the electronic door lock on the driver's side door to unlock the both his door, and the passenger door to his car.
Sam returned Lee's smile, as he responded, “I would be more than happy to.”
A few seconds later, Sam opened the passenger door, got into the passenger side of the car, and shut the door.
Sam then settled into the white leather seating, by Lee, to Lee's right side.
Lee turned to Sam, as he inquired, “How did you find me? Let alone. I thought you didn't know how to drive? Let alone have a car?”
Sam turned to Lee, as he answered, in a sober tone of voice, “I called in a favor for use of the car, for today. And I lied about not being about to not knowing how to drive. I just did not want to chaperon those crazy women. And someone had too. And I thought you could handled the job.”
Lee did not even think, as he calmly responded, “I forgive you. I don't even blame you. I fully understand. You have been too good a friend to get upset over something so trivia.” He thought, 'Especially, compared to whom I am about to face.'
Sam stated, “Thank you... So... I heard about the poker game.”
Lee groaned, “You heard about that game?”
Sam answered, “I would guess that half the island would have heard by now. I believe the man's name is, Chang. Who has been putting out the word of a big poker million dollar poker game, and he is taking bets on who will win. It is his girlfriend, versus an anonymous player. I also learned from a friend that Revy forced you into this poker game. So, I am guessing that anonymous player is you?”
Lee sadly commented, “Yes. That about sums it up. That game is just going to be trouble, in so many ways.”
Sam joked, “Sometimes, I think you are the most troublesome person in that hotel.”
Lee could not help but smile. He let out a brief chuckled, as he admitted, “You might be right. Still, I don't want to talk about it... Though, I would like to now what my current odds are, for the game?”
Sam replied, “Two to one against.”
Lee honestly said, “That is very generous of, Chang.”
Sam commented, “Given how successful his casino has become, within a few weeks, that man clearly knows how to work a crowd.”
Lee requested, “That is likely very true. So, you want to join me tomorrow? I could use the back up.”
Sam answered, in a disappointed tone of voice, “I would love, too. But, I am likely going to be busy tomorrow. Though, I will try to drop by, sometime during the day, to watch some of your poker game, at the casino.”
Lee out a deep breath, that he had not realized that he was holding in. Lee then replied, “Thanks. Also, watch yourself at that casino. They are Revy's friends. So, you can guess they are likely as dangerous as her group”
Sam agreed, “I would not be surprised. But, I promise I will be careful.”
Lee inquired, “So, how did you find me here?”
Sam answered, “I was driving around myself, thinking about a few things, and I saw your car parked here.”
Lee requested, in a tone of voice that was barely above begging, “So, can you stay with me, for right now?”
Sam stated, “Sure. I can stay for the afternoon.”
Lee quietly said, “Thank you. I just want some company, as we enjoy the quiet peacefulness of our surroundings.”
Sam softly agreed, “I sometimes feel that exact same way.”
Both men then turned to look in front of them, as they leaned back in their conformable seat. While they did so, they silently watched the waves crash against the shore, as they just quietly enjoyed the company of the other. With both of them contemplating their own thoughts.
Several hours later, it was around six o'clock PM, and the sun was beginning to set, when Sam turned to Lee. Sam broke the silence, as he stated, “Well partner, I have to go.”
Lee turned to Sam, as he said, “Thanks for the company. I really needed it.”
Sam commented, “I know. Everybody needs to know that at least one person cares for them. And you really needed the company, and I was happy to provide it.”
Lee agreed, “You are so right, Sam. And I hope you have a pleasant night.”
Sam said, “You too, Lee.”
Sam then got out of Lee's car, closed the door behind him, walked around Lee's pink car, and to his own car.
Lee then watched as Sam got into the gray car, started the ignition, and drove away.
Lee pulled out his keys for his car, and he started the ignition.
Lee back up, to where he where he was facing the road.
As Lee put his car in drive, he thought, 'I think I will go to the Last Resort Diner early, and get some supper there, as I wait for Pedro to show up. This will give me time to check to see if I need to lose a tail. Though, I have no seen one since I left the city itself, for this beach. Also, when I get to the diner, I will roll up my windows, and pull up the roof of my car.'
Lee then drove back onto the road, away from the beach, and towards the Last Resort Diner.
It was seven PM sharp, as Lee watched Pedro enter the Last Resort Diner, from the corner, back booth the two men sat at, when they met at the diner.
And given the situation Lee was in, Lee ignored that it was Pedro turn that night to have his back to the wall. And instead, Lee sat with his back to the wall, as he faced the front of the diner.
Lee had already finished his supper, and paid for it, while tipping the redheaded waitress, Mary, for her service. And now, he was just sipping his cup of coffee. While he also had a glass of ice water by him.
As Pedro sat across from Lee, Mary walked by.
Pedro turned to her, as he ordered, in english, “Mary, I will have my usual cup of coffee.”
Mary replied, “Coming right up, Pedro.” She then turned, and went to get Pedro a cup of coffee.
Pedro then turned to Lee. Pedro calmly said, “I had an interesting day, today. The most interesting part being that word reached me that tomorrow morning, Chang is having his girlfriend, River, play some nobody, with the stakes being a million U.S. dollars…” Pedro continued, in a sarcastic tone of voice, “You won't happen to know the identity of the person that River is playing?”
Lee looked away from Pedro.
Pedro flatly accused, “As I thought. You are the one that Chang is shooting his mouth off, whom is playing his telepathic girlfriend?”
Just then, Mary came by with Pedro's cup of coffee. She set the cup of coffee in front of Pedro, then she left, to see to her other customers.
Lee looked back at Pedro, as he calmly admitted, “Yes. I am.”
Pedro picked up his cup of coffee. He took a sip, and then set the cup back down on the table, between them.
Pedro inquired, with more curiosity, than annoyance, in his tone of voice, “How did you get into this mess? I would think being in that casino, playing a poker game, against her, of all people, would be that last thing you would want to do?”
Lee agreed, “You are completely right. Still, this little piece of insanity was started by Revy. Whom thought she could make a quick buck with my precognitive abilities.”
Pedro raised an eyebrow, as he inquired, “You're a pre-cog?”
Lee thought, 'Ah crap. I never told Pedro I was a pre-cog. Well, too late now.' He replied, “Yes.”
Pedro inquired, with a hint of sternness in his tone of voice, “And why did you not tell me, until now?”
Lee gave the weak excuse, as he said, “Because, the subject never came up.”
Pedro stated, “Or, you just wanted to hold that card, in case I ever turned on you. You would at least have some early warning of me doing so.”
Lee flatly admitted, “Yes. Alright. I was intentionally holding that back from you. This is because it is one of the few abilities that gives me a slight edge in a given situation. The problem is Revy already learned of my abilities, when she first came here, during the Rats Nest massacre.”
Lee went onto say, in a sarcastic tone of voice, “You remember that little slice of fun? Don't you?”
Lee saw recognition show on Pedro's face.
Lee continued, in a direct tone of voice, “Well, me showing my abilities, and impressing her and her daughters, was the only reason Sam and I got out of that bar alive, that night. Also, Revy told her family and friends. So, they all know I am precognitive.”
“Unfortunately, Revy did not realize that Chang would have River play, and River's telepathy would tell her when I used my precognition. And she was not happy when I arranged for some of her slightly saner friends to explain the situation to her.”
“So, as you can see. I am screwed. Revy is screwed. And the whole fucking situation is screwed.”
Pedro thought, 'Okay. You usually remain calm in a given situation. But, you are clearly stressed out about what you have been forced into doing, tomorrow. And you have every reason to be stress. So, I might as well not add to that.'
Pedro said, “Okay. You made your point. And I am not going to hold that secret against you. You have a full plate, as is. On top of this poker game.”
“Still, on the matter of the upcoming game. Revy's greed has been known to make her shortsighted before. So, what are you going to do? I doubt running is going to help. And River is going to find out you are the writer. If you win, River will likely tell Chang about you, as a way to placate him, for her loss. And if you lose, Revy is going to kill you. I agree, you are screwed.”
Lee shrugged, as he countered, “Well, not necessarily...”
Pedro thought, 'Good. He has a plan. Like always. That means he has a chance for him to come up with a way to get himself out of this mess, without me stepping in. And risking my neck.'
Lee continued, “River likes to keep secrets The simple reason is if she didn't, people would not trust her with their secrets. She would alienate herself from those that know her. So, she won't immediately tell anyone that I am the writer, as long as I keep her happy.”
Pedro thought, 'That is not really a plan. But, it is a good approach, to start a plan from.' He asked, “So, how are you going to keep River happy, while winning a million dollars in chips from her?”
Lee flatly answered, “I have a plan.”
Pedro thought, 'And I wonder how crazy your plan is. Considering, you basically gambling with insanity, in several ways.' He inquired, “How insane is this plan going to be? From a, one, being your standard Indy ploy. To a, ten, being crazy awesome. Emphasis on the, crazy, part. How would you rank your plan for tomorrow?”
Lee shrugged, as he replied, “Hmm... I would say a six. Maybe a seven. Depending on how you look at it.”
Pedro thought, 'That is the high level crazy for a plan. But, he is likely going to need to be that insane to pull it off. And I can guess that I will fit into his plan... Oh well. That talent contest was fun, and no one got hurt. So, I will trust him one more time, concerning his plans.'
Pedro guessed, “And this plan involves me, in some way?”
Lee responded, “Yes. But, I am not sure how. I will call you in the morning, for the details. That game is at ten, so I will try to call between eight thirty to nine thirty.”
Pedro said, “Okay. I will look for your phone call in the morning. But, if you leave me holding the bag, I will be very upset with you.”
Lee calmly stated, “Pedro, I promise, should I find a way to escape, I will notify you before I leave. Thus, giving you time to implement your escape plan, as well. Which I am sure you already have on hand. Ready to use.”
Pedro said, “Thank you. And I do have such a plan.”
Lee replied, “Good. And you are welcome.”
The two men then continued talking about a few things, for about half an hour. After which, they decided it was time to leave.
They paid for their cups of coffee, and left tips for Mary, right before they left the diner, for their cars.
When Lee got back to the Devil Hotel, he immediately went when from the lobby, to the front elevator back. And when he reached the third floor of the hotel, he went to his hotel suite.
Fortunately, at that time of night, Revy's group was in the hotel restaurant, enjoying drinks, and karaoke.
Lee soon unlocked the door to his room. He removed the key, pocketed it, and shut the door behind him. He then locked the deadbolt lock of the door, above the knob lock.
Next, Lee turned around. And in the dark, he walked over and turned on the lamp light by his bed.
He walked over to his chest of drawers and he pulled out his black dress shoes, a white rag, brush, and some black shoe polish.
Lee spent the next twenty minutes polishing his black dress shoes.
When he was finished with his shoes. He discarded his rag and he put away his polish, brush, and dress shoes.
Lee then set his alarm clock for six AM.
With Lee finished with what he had planned to do that evening, he got ready for bed, early, for that night. And when he was ready for bed, he laid on his bed, and he reached over to turn off the lamp light.
And in the darkness, Lee went fast to sleep.
The first thing that Lee became aware of, as he woke up, on his bed, in the darkness, before sunrise, was the song, Blaze of Glory, by Jon Bon Jovi, playing on his alarm clock, at a conformable volume.
Lee opened eyes, and reached over to turn off the clock, which stated it was six AM.
A few seconds later, as Lee fully woke up, and his memories fully returned to him, he thought, with mild amusement, 'What a meaningful song to wake up too. Given the situation I am. And not just today. But, every day of my life, now, it seems.'
Lee then leaned up, and turned on the lamp light, on the nightstand, by the alarm clock.
After doing so, he stretch his arms, as he mentally reflected, 'Well, today is going to be interesting... To make it through today, I am going to have to beat a badass, genius telepath in a poker game, and then escape the casino before her boyfriend, the casino owner, and likely owner, decides that I don't deserve to win. With him taking me out back, away from the attention and cameras, to do horrible things to me.'
'At the same time, I will not be able to hide my identity for long from a telepath. Especially, a super-genius like River. So instead, I have to both be careful not to reveal that I am the writer to anyone else, while keeping the telepath happy, as I win the poker game. So, she does not tell anyone that I am the writer...'
'And given the showman that Chang likes to be. And he was already like that, before I wrote about him. As all this goes on, the cameras will rolling, and the microphone will open, for the rest of the casino to watch and listen to us. So, I have to keep from slipping up, to directly reveal I am the writer. Or, I am screwed, anyway.'
'And the worst part is I cannot think of anyone I know in fiction that was able to handle a situation like this, and successfully get out of it, alive, and in one piece.'
'I am walking a tight rope without a net... Well, if worse comes to worse, at least I know I tried. Now, I had better get ready to face the day.'
Lee the got up from his bed, as he headed for his bathroom, to get a cleaned up, shower, dried, dressed, and a few other things, so he could face the morning.
Lee then got dressed in his usual clothing, as he thought, 'I will come back before nine to get dressed for the poker game. I have other things I need to do first. Given I don't want to rest seeing one of the girls this morning. And that the diner is open, right now. I will get something to eat there, instead of the hotel restaurant.'
Lee turned off the lights in his suite. He unlocked the deadbolt. He opened his door to the hallway. He walk into the hallway. And he gently shut the door to his suite, behind him.
After which, Lee walked down the hallway, to the elevator bay.
A couple of minutes later, Lee walked out of an elevator, onto the ground floor.
As Lee passed through the lobby, he saw a two young men behind the check in desk. There was no one else in the lobby.
Lee then noticed the song that was playing was, Dangerous, by Roxette.
While continuing to walk through the lobby, Lee wondered, in thought, 'Maybe the reality itself is trying to tell me that this situation is not that bad. That song is about a woman that is slightly dangerous, but not too dangerous. That kind of describes River, to a 't'.'
Lee then made his way to outside of the hotel. As he looked around, he saw that it was around less than an hour before dawn fully came. Twilight already showed from the eastern side of the hotel.
Though, Lee used the lamp lights in the parking lot to see, as he soon found his car. He got into his car, started it up, and drove away from the Devil's Hotel, towards the Last Resort Diner.
Seven minutes later, Lee walked into the Last Resort Diner.
Lee looked around, and he saw that breakfast rush has not hit yet. Also, all of the other customers were already served their meals, and drinks.
Lee decided to sit at a booth by the door, with his front facing the entrance, and the window to the front facing his left side.
At the cash register, on the left side of the counter, when facing the back wall of the room, with the counter being in the center of the diner, Lori had just finished ringing up a customer.
Lee was wearing her waitress uniform, as she heard the door open. She looked up, at the front door, and she saw Lee enter the diner.
As Lori watched Lee sit down in a booth, near the entrance, that was not his usual place to sit, at a time he rarely came in at, she thought, 'What is Lee doing here so earlier? That that is not usually where he sits.'
Lori could tell that Lee's body language was off.
She thought, with worry, 'From the way he looks, I can tell that something is wrong.'
Lori walked over to Lee.
As Lori reached his table, Lee looked up at Lori, as he said, “Good morning, Lori.”
Lori replied, “Morning, Lee. You are up early. And not in your usual place.”
Lee shrugged, as he replied, “Just one of those days.”
Lori thought, 'There is more to this, than that.'
Lori sat down across in the seat, across the table, from the seat Lee was in.
Lori looked Lee in the eyes, as she directly asked him, “What's wrong?”
Lee deflated, as he admitted, “I have one hell of a day ahead of me. And I felt some food close to my native country might help me think.”
Lori inquired, with concern in her tone of voice, “How bad is it?”
Lee answered, “You know that poker game that starts at ten AM, today?”
Lori replied, “Yes.”
Lee stated, “I am the one playing the woman, over a bet of a million dollars in poker chips.”
Lori was silent for a few seconds. She then said, “How come I have the feeling that you are not the one betting the million dollars?”
Lee stated, “If I had a million dollars, I would likely not be in this town. No. The money belongs to some crazy redhead whom goes by the name of, Revy. She roped me into this mess.”
Lori commented, “Redheads can be dangerous if you are not nice to them.”
Lee agreed, “Oh. I have been nothing but nice to this woman. It is just that she really is crazy.”
Lori giggled for a few seconds. She then said, “That maybe true.” She then got up from the booth, as she continued, “Well Lee, good luck with your game. We, here at the diner, will be praying for you.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lori inquired, “So, what can I get you for breakfast?”
Lee ordered, “I will have two scrambled eggs, toast and grits, with glass of orange juice to drink.”
Lori pulled out her pen and notepad. She wrote the order down. She commented, “Coming right up.”
Lori then turned, and walked over to give Lee's order to George, the cook.
Ten minutes later, Lee had his drink and meal brought to him.
Lee then spent over an hour an a half, slowly eating his meal, while he worked out the final parts of his plan, for what he had to do that day.
By the time he was finished with his breakfast, the local barber he went to was open. After paying for his meal, leaving a nice tip for Lori, and thanking Lori for showing her concern towards him, he left the diner. He then got into his car, and drove to the local barber he used.
While Lee drove to the salon, where the barber was located, he noticed that he had a tail, in the rearview mirrors. He thought, 'I guess Chang thinks I might skip town. Well, I am not going to. If I am going down. I am going down like, the James Cagney character, in the film, White Heat. Top of the World!'
When Lee got there barber, he had the barber give him a professional shave on his face. Lee did not need his hair died, because he had his hair cut, and dyed black, at the same time, several days ago. During a day Lee was sure the Revy, Rock, and their crew, were busy that day. When the women went to the grand opening of the Daiyu Palace casino. And his hair roots were not yet showing.
The barber was so good, that while it was a very close shave, Lee did not have one nick on his face. He then pained for the shave. And he tipped the barber well, for doing a good job.
After Lee was finished with the barber, he saw on his watch, that it was eight thirty-two AM.
Lee then headed back to the Devil's Hotel, in his clean, nicely wax, pink Cadillac. While Lee drove north, on the main north-south highway of the island, he passed by a red GTO, and four other cars, by the median, on his left side. With the vehicles heading south. Lee saw that the GTO was driven by Rock, with Revy in the front passenger seat. The other cars had women from Revy and Rock's group, as well.
Lee thought, 'I guess, after they had some breakfast, they are heading over to the casino early. That works for me. It means I will not bump into them, as I go to get ready. Nor, when I head back out.'
Lee soon made it to the parking lot of the Devil's Hotel. After parking his car, he walked briskly into the hotel, passed through the hotel lobby, and to the front elevator bay.
A few minutes later, on the third floor, as Lee entered his suite, he switched on the ceiling light.
He looked over at the clock to see that it was Eight forty-three AM.
Lee thought, 'Good. I still have plenty of time.'
Lee then stripped down to his underwear, ring necklace, the digital wrist watch, on his right wrist. He then when to his chest of draws, he pulled out a white t-shirt, and put it on, which his ring necklace, under his shirt. Next, Lee walked into the bathroom, and he used some styling gel, and a comb to do a thorough job on pairing his hair. After he made sure a hair was not out of place on his head, he returned to his bedroom.
Lee then walked over to his chest of drawers and he pulled out a few items. Next, he went to his metal coat rod to the right of the chest of drawers, beside the hallway door.
From the metal rod, Lee pulled out his gray suit, which was hanging on a hanger, by his black suit.
Lee then gently laid the suit on his bed.
First, Lee put on his gray socks. Next, he put on his white, long sleeved button up shirt, and his gray pants. He then looped his black leather belt, around the waist loops of his gray pants, and he buckled his black leather belt.
Afterward, Lee put on his polished, black dress shoes.
Next, he when to the bedroom mirror, and he tied a teal tie around his neck, before folding down the collar of his shirt, over the tie.
After which, he put on his gray coat, his cool shades, and his gray hat over his head.
And Lee pulled out his money and other items, from the clothing he had taken off, and he put the money and other items into his gray pants and interior coat pockets. Among other things, these items included the keys to his car, the keys to his hotel suite, nailed clippers, a folded handkerchief, and one of his deck of cards, in its box.
Lee thought, 'I did notice the style of cards the use at the casino. And this is a different background pattern. So, there is no problem with me having these cards on me. Besides, these are my weapons of choice, if I get into trouble. It is just that no one else knows that... Except, well likely River, after this game. But, there is nothing I can do about that. So, I might as well see what I look like, in the bathroom mirror, where the lighting is best in my room.'
Lee walked into the bathroom to check himself over in the mirror. Because the bathroom offered better lighting than his bedroom, and the mirror in his bedroom.
As Lee looked at himself in the mirror, he thought, 'I look good. Now that I look the part. It is time to head for battle. But, first I need to call, Pedro.'
Lee walked back into the bedroom. He saw that it was nine twenty-one AM. He headed for the phone, and dialed the number for the local police station.
As soon as the other end picked up, Lee stated, in english, “This is Lee. I need to speak to Chief Del Soto. He should be expecting my call.”
A second later, the phone click, as it was switched to Pedro's extension. After a single ring, Pedro picked the phone, as he said, in spanish, “Hello.”
Lee stated, “Pedro. It is me, Lee.”
Pedro said, in english, “Hey Lee. Well, today is the big day. I take it you finalized your plans?”
Lee answered, “Yes. I figured out my plans for you. I think you are going to love this.”
Lee then stated his plans.
When Lee finished, Pedro responded, “You are right. You plan is brash, ballsy, and stylish. I do love it. I will be there, with company. At the time you are requesting.”
Lee thought, 'Yes. Timing is key for my plan to work. Timing for several things. And not just what I have planned for you, and your subordinates, Pedro.'
Lee said, “Glad to hear it. Also, if asked, I heard that River is a genius telepath from Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru. And that is the truth. So, use that as your cover.”
Pedro replied, “I will. And good luck.”
Lee said, “Thanks. You too.”
Lee hung up the phone, as he thought, 'That when as well as I could have hoped. Now, I had better get to the casino, as soon as possible. I do not want to be late.'
Lee turned off all the lights in his suite, and he exited his suite, with the door automatically locking, behind him. He then headed for the elevator bay.
A few minutes later, Lee was on the road, in his pink Cadallic, as he headed for Daiyu Palace Casino.
Lee had the roof of his car up, along with his windows up, as he drove towards his destination.
Several minutes later, as Lee drove up, by the front doors of Daiyu Palace Casino, under the car port part of the large casino awning. Lee came to a stop, by the curb, with his right passenger side facing the front door to the casino.
Lee put his car in park. He then checked his digital wrist watch.
His watch stated it was exactly nine forty-five AM, sharp.
Lee thought, 'I am taking not chances at being late. I best head for the elevator bays. I am sure the guards there will inform me of where I need to go. Still, I need to make this look good.'
Lee turned off the ignition to his car. He then got out of his car. He closed the driver's side door, but he did not lock the door. After which, he walked around the front of his car, and onto the sidewalk, where he was met by a female valet, in a casino uniform.
Lee silently handed her his keys to his car, to the valet, which was not attached to his key to his hotel. In return, the valet gave him a ticket stub for his car. Lee silently pocketed the stub, as he headed for front doors.
When Lee approached the front doors, another valet opened one of the doors for him, near the middle section of the doors.
As Lee walked inside the casino, he thought, 'I did not get this treatment, yesterday. I guess with this suit and car, they think I am a high roller... Well, actually I am. So, I guess I am going to get some special treatment. Though, it would be best not to let this go to my head. Still, I need to make this look good.'
Lee then walked though the casino, towards the gaming area, and the elevators, like he owned the place.
When Lee entered the casino gaming floor, he noted that the song playing from the speakers changed. With the new song begin to play being, Separate Ways, by the band, Journey.
Lee thought, 'What an interesting song for this situation.”
Lee soon made it to the front elevator bay. The two guards on duty took one looked at him. And they used their express elevator key to let Lee use the express elevator to the penthouse.
Meanwhile, one minute before Lee walked into the front casino elevator bay, inside the Daiyu Palace Casino restaurant and bar, to Lee's right, of the gaming area, a group of women sat in two table booths.
The booths, with tables, were set against the clear windows overlooking gaming floor. Two women sat beside each other, in each of the four cushioned couches, of the two booths. At one booth, on the left side, when facing the front of the restaurant, sat Shenhua, Sawyer, Lotton, and Dutch. With Janet, Benny, Yolanda, and Eda, sitting in the booth beside the other four women, with their booth being closer to the entrance, located in the center of the restaurant.
Lotton was by Dutch. Shenhua was by Sawyer. Eda was by Yolanda. And Janet was by Benny.
They were all wearing casual clothing. Even Lotton was not in her maid outfit, and she wore casual women's pants, shirt, and shoes, among other clothing items.
And with their enhanced hearing, the women in both booths could hold a conversation with each other, without speaking loudly.
The floor of the restaurant itself was set about three feet above the gaming floor, with steps, and gold plated side railings, leading up to the entrance to the restaurant. With the entrance being two open, windowed, double-doors.
On the other side of the restaurant, was the bar counter. Above the bar counter were thin, widescreen TVs mounted from the ceiling, and pointed towards the bar counter, and booth tables.
Usually, the TVs showed sports and horse racing. Though, today, the TVs and speakers in the restaurant, except for the speakers playing the music on the game floor, were tied to the game room several floors above, for River and Lee's million dollar poker game.
Currently, the video just showed an empty room, with a poker table set, with poker chips already divided and place beside the cushioned, armless chairs. With the third chair set opposite to the large window in the room, by the take.
Given how early in the day it was, the group was having either coffee, or juice to drink.
Eda inquired, “So, where is Rock and Revy?”
Benny answered, “Right now, I think they wanted to talk to Chang upstairs. And they will be back down in a little while. Still, they wanted to watch elsewhere... Basically, given how greedy Revy can be, we finally let her play the quarter slot machines, if she wanted too. Rock is making sure she doesn't do anything it more stupid. Than, blowing the million she already did.”
Janet commented, “Yes. Not that I will say it to Revy's face, but that million dollar sucker's bet is very stupid on her part.”
Dutch said, “Honestly. Given this was Chang, whom she was dealing with, we should have seen this coming.”
Benny stated, “Well, Rock did say that Lee has a chance. Which is better than nothing.”
Janet said, “Well, Lee better win, for his own sake.”
Dutch joked, “Nothing will light a fire under a man's ass quicker than a pissed of woman after him.”
The other women laughed at Dutch's joke, for a few seconds.
As they calmed down, Lotton inquired, “So, where is everyone else at?”
Benny answered, “The kids, both ours, and Akira's, are on their own today. They want just do not have the patience to enjoy a good poker game. As for Akira, Natsuru, Ranma, Violin, and Annie, they are somewhere around here, talking with Annie. Also, Akira mentioned they are planning something, if Lee loses. Considering they don't want Revy to kill Lee. Nor, let her seriously harm him. Since it is not his fault that he is in this mess.'
Dutch said, “Considering Lee did not have a choice in the matter, even I will say that Revy has no right to him. Let alone kill him. Even if he loses. And ultimately, it is our gold she bet in this mess.”
Janet replied, “True.”
Shenhua commented, “Yes. I agree. Lee has always been respectful towards us. I just wish more men were like that.”
Benny said, “Yea. Lee is getting raw deal from this. If he wins, he gets nothing, but being spared Revy wrath, at the risk of invoking Chang's wrath.”
Lotton stated, “Nah. Chang loves good sportsmanship. As long as Lee is on the level, and does not cheat. Lee will be fine. Even if he wins. Actually, if, by some miracle, Lee wins, Chang might make more money, from those betting out here. Those bets will more than recoup the cost of losing his million.”
Dutch commented, “That is a good point.”
Benny mentioned, “On the matter of Lee, Revy claimed that Lee said he was southern gentleman. And though he does not dress like it. He does ask like it.”
Eda stated, “Actually, Lee can be a gentleman when he wants too. And he can look the part.”
Janet rolled her eyes for a few seconds, as she commented, “You would know.” She then looked back at the table she was sitting at.
Sawyer changed the topic, as she inquired, “So, Annie is here? Considering, Annie hates Chang, that is interesting to hear.”
Lotton explained, “Actually, I talked to Chang about her. Chang stated that he is paying Annie quiet a bit of gold, and other types of treasure, to work for him.”
Shenhua commented, “I guess everyone needs to eat. Though, I am surprised that Annie is not on the warpath for the writer.”
Lotton stated, “Actually, from what I understand, Annie does not hate the writer, just Chang.”
Shenhua said, “That does not make sense.”
Dutch stated, “Actually, it does. Someone people just rub a person that wrong way.”
Janet commented, “Well, either way. Do not her tell I said this, but this would not be the first time that Annie worked for someone she hated.”
The other women got a good laugh at Janet;s comment.
As the women calmed down, Benny said, “Annie is never going to escape those jokes. Is she? And it is not really the writer's. Even I will admit the jokes write themselves.”
Dutch agreed, “Yep. Some things are fated.”
Shenhua inquired, “So, who else is here?”
Lotton answered, “Arcee is also here. Somewhere.”
Shenhua replied, “It would be nice to talk to her.”
Lotton agreed, “Yes. And Arcee and Chang are still on great terms. I think Arcee took your old job, Shenhua.”
Shenhua shrugged, as she said, “She can have it.”
Lotton said, “Also, the Serenity crew is here, working here as security. And the Bebop Crew is here... Well, except for Ed and Ein. For obvious reasons.”
Janet asked, “So, is Julia around here?”
Lotton answered, “Yes. Somewhere around here. I think that the Bebop crew is taking turns looking after her.”
Yolanda inquired, “So, what are the Spike, Jet, and Faye's jobs here?”
Lotton stated, “I am not sure. But, from what I understand, Spike and Jet are taking turns being the pit bosses for the gaming floor. With a few others Chang trusts, subbing on the shifts that those two are not doing.”
Yolanda complimented, “That is a good idea. Both of them are fairly honest, and have a sharp eye.”
Benny commented, “And the pay is probably good too.”
Eda pointed out, “With everyone here, I am surprised that the Lowe family has not turned up.”
Sawyer said, “I did not know you knew them... Well, outside of the writer's stories.”
Eda stated, “Anyone that can get Revy's goat like that on a regular basis is a friend in my book. And surprisingly, Bob and Ed are great conversationalists.”
Janet agreed, “That is true.”
Eda mentioned, “Plus, I will give the writer credit. He was able to point out, with Ed, that a woman could be a crazy redheaded chick, without being bitch. That must have really pissed Revy off.”
Dutch flatly said, “You have no idea.”
It was at that moment that Lotton took a look out the window, by her, and towards the gaming floor. She noticed someone in the distance, walking across from the them, through the center of the gaming floor, towards the front elevator bay. And she recognized that gray suit, and hat.
Lotton said, “Mister Dance is here, strutting across the game floor.”
Dutch asked, “Who is Mister Dance?”
Sawyer answered, “It was night before you arrived. During night of the Latin American holiday, Day of the Dead. The Devil's Hotel had a dance party that evening in the hotel restaurant. During the party this guy in a gray suit, came in with the bartender from the Rats Nest, and they immediately monopolized the dance floor for around a half an hour, as they did the nearly nonstop tango. Without missing a beat, nor a step.”
Benny said, “That must have been some tango.”
Sawyer said, “It was like something out of the movie. Only longer and better. And both of them were good at dancing.”
Shenhua stated, “Anyway, at the end of their dance, they left. We never did figure out who mister dance was. And the bartender refused to tell us. And it wasn't worth threatening her, given we like to go to her, bar sometimes. When we feel like getting more wild, than Melvin will allow at the hotel bar.”
Janet turned her head, and looked across the gaming floor, as she used her enhanced sight to look at the man in the gray suit. Janet then used her critical eye for detail, that had long since been developed, from years of experience in counterfeiting, took a good look at the man. She immediately realized who it was, as she flatly stated, “That man is, Lee.”
Lotton, Shenhua, and Sawyer, said, in unison, “What?”
Eda looked more closely at the man, across the room. She stated, “Yea. That is Lee. He wore the same outfit for our date.”
Yolanda looked out the window as well, to see Lee. She calmly complimented, “Yes. That man does know how to dress for the occasion.”
Benny looked more closely at Lee as well, as she commented, “Now, that is how a southern gentleman dresses.” She turned to Eda, as she asked, “Why didn't you say anything about Lee's dancing at that party, Eda?”
Eda turned to Benny, as she said, “I wasn't at the party. I didn't see him. And Revy never did give a description of the male dancer, when I talked to her about it. All she said was that the man was good dancer.”
By then, the rest of the women in their group were looking at Lee, across the room.
Sawyer commented, “So, Lee knows how do dance. And dance well. I may have to dance with him sometime.”
Dutch turned to look at those around her table, as she stated, “I get the feeling that Lee knows a lot more than that... Or else, this is going to be a very short game.”
Lee then left their sight, as he made it to the other side of the gaming floor, where the elevator bay was located. And the women started to turn and look back at each other.
Lotton inquired, “Anyone placed any bets?”
Eda said, “I am placing a hundred on Lee.”
Yolanda stated, “I have placed the same bet for Lee. Eda is right. He is a gentleman. And it would be nice to give him our support.”
Sawyer said, “I agree. I place two hundred for Lee. From what I have seen, and heard, the man can clearly keep cool in the most insane of situations. And, from what I understand, yesterday, Akira and the others told Lee that River is a genius telepath, and from the fire dance, he knows she is a badass, and he still showed up for the game. That takes courage.”
Shenhua mentioned, “I put down fifty for Lee for those same reasons. Lee knows we are dangerous, and yet he has been able to remain calm around us. He has the same type of reserved courage that Garcia has. If he can keep it together, this should be an entertaining game.”
Janet stated, “Or, he is just foolhardy. I put a hundred for River. No one can beat a telepathic genius.”
Benny pointed out, “While I also bet a hundred for River. I will admit there is always the chances she may play fair.”
Dutch commented, “I have always believed that it is wise to bet with the house. So, I placed a hundred on River.” She turned to Lotton, as she inquired, “How about yourself, Lotton?”
Lotton turned to Dutch, as she said, “Nah. I am not betting. I have come to realize that River is still too unpredictable. And Lee is like that quiet one that goes crazy when you least expect it. This could end up a draw. Still, I did talk to Chang, and he said he will give us a fifty percent discount on food and drink here, during the game.”
Dutch complimented, “That is what I like about you Lotton. You always plan ahead.”
Lotton smiled, as she replied, “Thanks.”
A minute later, on the top floor of the casino, Lee exited the gold plated express elevator at the top floor, he thought, 'At least the guards didn't pat me down this time. Also, they gave me directions to the room where the poker game is being held at. It should not be that hard find that room.'
After Lee exit the elevator, he took a left, as he was instructed to do. He soon turned the corner and he saw Revy and Rock walking towards him. Both women were wearing their usual clothing, those Revy did not have her weapons on her.
Lee thought, 'This would be a very bad time for them to talk to me about the dance...' He then continued his thoughts, in mild amusements, 'Let's see if they recognize, as I pulled off the stern gentleman, to the hilt. And I loved this, when I did it during the time loops. Though, it is best that I not think about that part of my life, while I am playing a telepath, in a few minutes.'
Lee changed his facial expression, and body language a little. As he made his way down the hallway, he stood his back a little ridged, but not too much, for it to him to move his back occasionally, like more body language allows for. Lee also walked more confidently, and he expression looked like it was chiseled in stone.
As Lee walked up to Revy and Rock, the two women stood in his way, as all three of them came to a stop, with Lee three feet from them.
Revy asked, “Who are you?”
Lee ignored her question, as he looked down at Revy and Rock, without showing any signs that he recognized them. He spoke in in a stern, direct manner, without a hint of his southern accent, “Please, move out of the way. I have business to attend to.”
Rock then realized where she has seen this man before. She asked, “Are you the one that danced at the Devil's Hotel party?”
Lee sternly said, “I am a man that has much to do, and little time to do it. Now, please move out of the way.”
Revy thought, 'Whomever this guy is, he means business. And I do not want to cause problems for Chang. Especially, right before the fun is about to start.' She said, “Rock. Let him pass.”
Rock replied, “Okay.” She thought, 'Still, this man look familiar. Though, I cannot place him.'
Revy and Rock, moved out of the way, allowing Lee to pass between them.
As Lee continued walking away from them, he overheard them.
Revy asked, “Still, I wonder what is his problem is?”
Rock calmly said, “Not a clue. But, let's get back down to the gaming floor, before the game starts... Though, given we haven't seen Lee. This game might not happen.”
Revy snorted, as she stated, “Oh. It will happen. Or, I will skin Lee alive.”
While Lee continued down the hallway, Rock and Revy started walking in the opposite direction from Lee, as the two women headed for the elevator.
A few seconds later, Rock and Revy turned a corner, away from Lee's presence.
As Lee walked away further away from the two women, he thought, 'You got to catch me, first. Now, to find the poker room, before it is too late. Still, I should have over ten minutes early. That is enough time to find my way around. Even if I had to knock every door in this hallway. Though, I believe I know which door to go too. So, I am good.'
Lee then relaxed his body, and face, as he made his way down the hallway.
A few seconds later, Lee came up to a door that he noted the door that was slightly open. He thought, 'That should be the door. But, I best to play it safe.'
Lee approached the door. As Lee came to a stop, in front of the door, he used his right hand to he gently knock twice on it. He then lowered his right hand back to his side.
From inside the room, Lee heard a male voice said, “Yes.”
Lee stated, in his normal tone of voice, “It is Lee. I am here for the poker game.”
A few seconds later, the door fully open, from the inside. And Lee saw that it was Chang whom opened the door for him. With the door staying open, without Chang holding it.
Lee noticed that Chang was male, and he wearing his usual black suit, with black long coat, complete with his sunglasses wore over his eyes.
Chang was smiling, as he looked at Lee. Chang said, “Good to see you, Lee. Come in.” He then looked at Lee, up a down, as he complimented, “And I must say. I admire that you dressed for the part.”
Lee looked at Chang's face, as he replied, “Thank you. You look good, as well.” He thought, 'Now, let's see what type of character, you truly are.'
Lee then offered his right hand in a handshake.
Chang shook his hand, with both mean having a firm, but not tight, grip in their hold.
Lee thought, 'Well, at least Chang has a firm handshake. That is something.'
Chang thought, 'A good way to tell whether someone is showing foolish bravado, or courage, is by their handshake. And with a handshake like this, Lee is clearly not intimidated by me. That is interesting. I will have to watch him even more closely that I planned to.'
A second later, both men broken their handshake, and Lee walked inside the poker room.
As Lee took a looked around the room, he found that unlike the gaming floor, this room was eerily silent.
Lee saw that the poker room was around fifty feet wide, thirty feet deep, and eight feet high. The room had carpet and panel walls of the room were the same color of red. With the ceiling painted white. The wall facing the outside, across from the hallway door, was just several large paned, tinted windows.
The door was to the far left of the room, when coming in from the hallway.
Given they were around thirty stories up, and the direction of the windows, which faced that side of the building, allowed for those in the room to look out into the cityscape of the island.
Also, there were red curtains, on the sides of the window, that were pulled back to the corners of the outer sides of the wall.
The only lights in the room were a yellow lighting from the ceiling. Though, those lights were turned off. And there was plenty of light coming from the tinted windows.
Just as on the gaming floor, Lee did not see any clocks.
Lee thought, 'I am glad have my wrist watch. Though, I will only look at it sparingly. Doing so is unprofessional.'
Lee noted that there were professional video cameras and microphones set around the walls corners, and centers, of the walls, close the ceiling. All of the cameras and microphone were barely noticeable.
Lee thought, 'There must be a video tech crew manning the audio and video, in a control room, somewhere else in the building.'
Lee then looked at the table set near the window. On the other side of the room, from the door.
The table was a round table, with a diameter of six feet. The table had four legs. And given the legs were black stained wood, Lee guessed the table top was stained black wood, as well. Lee was not sure, given the table was draped with a red cloth that match the carpet and walls.
Lee then turned to looked at were three chairs at the table. They were black stained, wooden chairs. The chairs were cushioned, and had armrests. There were cushions on the seats, and arm rests. With the cushioning being covered by red leather.
Two of the chairs face each other, and were parallel with the windows. The third chair faced the windows.
There two to sets of poker chips on the table. The two sets of chips were in front of the two chairs which faced each other. There was a single deck of cards, on the table, in front of the third chair, which faced the window.
And sitting in the chair, on the far side of table, to Lee's right side, was River. She was wearing a red evening gown that matched her dyed red long hair. River had her hair loose, and draped down her back. Lee saw that she was looking out the window, at the cityscape of the island below.
Lee looked out, passed the windows, as well, at the cityscape, in the partly cloudy morning daylight, which was blunted from the tint on the windows. He thought, 'I am glad I got over my fear of heights.'
From the corner of his eye, Lee noticed River crack a smile.
Lee mentally added, 'This is going to be a long day.' He then saw River's smile widen ever slightly.
Lee turned to look at River.
Lee saw River turned to him. Lee then saw the woman let out a laugh.
Lee sarcastically thought, 'A red room. A red table. Red chairs. Playing against a redhead. Nice motif Chang is going for here.'
Lee mentally reflected, 'I must be mindful, of my mind.'
River giggled, as she continued to smile.
Chang walked a few feet to his right, further into the room. He then came to a stop, as he looked over at Lee. He said, “I am glad you did not get cold feet, Lee.” He mentally added, 'And that you came early. I do admire punctuality.'
Lee thought, 'More like I didn't want to deal with hot lead.' Lee saw River's smile become even wider. He turned back to face Chang, as he inquired, “How will this game be conducted? We will be able to have something to drink while doing this game? And will there breaks be?”
Lee thought, 'This is not a movie. Nor, tv series. People do need to occasionally use the restroom. It is just a biological necessity of life.'
Lee heard River giggle, a little.
Chang stated, “Every hour and a half, we will have a ten minute break, for restroom visits, and to stretch one's legs. In a few hours, we will have a break for a half hour, for lunch. And you will be able to order drinks in a minute.”
Lee stated, “That is fine with me. I will have a lemonade.”
River turned to Chang, as she said, in english, “So will I.”
Chang stated, “I will see to it, immediately.” He then pulled out a cellphone, and dial a number.
Meanwhile, Lee turned and walked over to his seat. He then pulled out his chair, sat down. And moved his seat to be comfortably closer to the table, as got comfortable in his seat.
Lee was seated with his left side facing the window, and Chang to his right side, across the room from River, and himself. With the door being to Lee's back right side.
Lee looked down, and stared at the chips in front of him. There were ten stacks of green poker chips. Each stack at had ten chips. Lee picked up one of the chips, and he looked at both sides of it.
The chip was green. And in the center, of both sides, the chip had the stamp of, '10K'. Around the, '10K', was the name in a circle, 'Daiyu Palace Casino', in small lettering.
Lee then set chip back down on the stack it has been on.
Lee thought, 'Okay, the minimum bid is ten thousand. So, hundred times twenty is a thousand. So, these chips represent a total of a million U.S. dollars... A million...'
River looked over at Lee, as she asked, “What are you looking at?”
Lee looked up at River, as he honestly answered, “It is surprising how small a number of chips can present such a large amount of money. And these chips represent more money than I have ever personally seen in my entire life. And with the minimum bid being ten thousand, each bet I am placing will be more money than most people, back where I live, make in six months.”
From the corner of his right eye, Lee saw Chang crack a grin, while on he was on his cellphone.
Lee thought, 'Chang must have overheard me.'
River shrugged, as she stated, “Then, I suggest you bid wisely.”
Lee complimented, “That is a good idea. So, any idea when the dealer is going to show up?”
River said, “She will likely be here in a few minutes.”
The two players then waited for their dealer to appear.
A couple of minutes later, a waitress, in a hotel uniform, walked into the room, and delivered Lee and River each a glass lemonade, in front of them, by their poker chips.
The waitress then turned and left the room.
About a minute later, Lee heard a female voice say, from behind him, near the door said, in english, “I hope I am not late.”
Lee then heard Chang state, “No, my dear. You are right on time.”
Lee turned to his right, looked at who is was. And while Lee was still able to maintain his poker face, his mental train of thought came to a halt, as he immediately recognized her.
Lee sarcastically thought, 'This is our dealer?' He then immediately cleared his mind, so as to not reveal to River how much he knew of the situation.
Walking toward them, with Chang beside her, was Faye Valentine, of the Cowboy Bebop reality. And given she looked to be in her mid-twenties, with her as youthful and slender as ever, Lee could guess that she undergone the vat process. Including, the super-soldier serum treatment.
Lee saw that Faye was wearing a black evening gown, with her short purple hair in a black headband. But otherwise, Faye had the same hair style she usually had her hair in.
Lee never took his eyes off Faye, as she walked up to the table.
Chang pulled back the dealer's chair between River and Lee. And Faye sat down in the chair Chang was holding for her.
Chang the help Faye push her chair a little closer to the table, as she got comfortable in her seat.
After which, Chang move around to stand to Faye's left side, right behind the purple haired woman. With Chang now literally standing over Lee. And Lee noticed this, but he did not say anything.
Lee thought, 'I got a feeling our dealer is the type of woman whom just loves to upstage everyone else.'
From the corner of his left eye, he saw River just nodded once in agreement.
Faye looked up at Chang, as she asked, “Which camera do you want me to look into?”
Chang looked down at the purple haired woman, as he answered, “None. Just talk normally, and focus on your job.”
Faye smiled, as she replied, “No problem.” She then looked over at River and Lee.
Chang then stated, to someone outside the room, “Okay guys. Switch over. The game is about to start.”
At that moment, the people in the control room, elsewhere in the building, immediately switched all the TV monitors on the gaming floor, and nearby indoor casino restaurant, to the poker room, with the volume of the music in the gaming floor decrease, so people could hear the discussion on the poker room.
Inside the poker room, Faye looked at Lee and River, as she calmly stated, “For those joining in. The players are the redheaded genius, River, and the mysterious, Lee. I am Faye Valentine. I will be your dealer for this game. This game will be for a million dollars in chips. And this game will not end until one player, or the other, has busted. Each chip is worth ten thousand dollars. And the minimum bet is ten ten thousand dollars.”
On the gaming floor, Rock and Revy had just made it down, and were waking for the a TV screen mounted on the ceiling, hanging down against the wall.
They heard Faye introduce the players. Revy then stated, with surprise in her tone of voice, “So, mister dance is, Lee? And I did not even recognize him, while we were upstairs.”
Rock responded, “Neither did I.” She mentally added, 'And that worries me'
It was at that moment that they heard several food steps coming their way, from behind them, and across the room, from the main entrance of the casino.
Both women, along with several other, people, turned to see Chief Del Soto, with twenty of his police officers, marching into the gaming room, from the front doors.
Chief Del Soto wore his white button up shirt, brown pants, brown leather belt, black boots, and his brown long coat. But, Pedro was not wearing his hat, nor sunglasses.
On the other hand, Pedro's police officers were all in uniform. Most of them were men, but there were a few women mixed in the group, as well.
Revy smirked, as she commented, “This day is just just keeps getting more interesting by the minute.”
At the moment, on the top floor, in the poker room, from the corner of his eye, Lee saw Chang pulled out his cellphone and answer it.
Lee thought, 'His cellphone didn't ring, so it likely set to vibrate. That is very professional of him. And I think I know what that call is about.
Lee overheard Chang say, in chinese, “I will be there in a minute.” He then hung up his phone, and put it away.
Chang then looked down at Lee, and as he frowned towards Lee.
From his seat, Lee was looked up at Chang. He grinned, as he casually said, in english, “My. My. Here come the fuzz.”
Chang stated, in english, “I know that line.”
Lee's smile turned into a smirk, as he said, “The line is from a great movie. A modern comedic classic.”
Chang realized, as he thought, 'As I expected.' He accused Lee, “You called them here.”
Lee continued smiling, as he motioned with his right index and middle fingers, for Chang to lean over, towards Lee's head.
Chang did so. Lee then whispered, “Given the party your throwing, Chang. I would consider it an insult not to invite my friend, Pedro, and he employees. And allow them to get in on the action, and have some fun, as we play.”
Chang leaned up.
Lee then saw Chang let out a laugh. Which made Lee to feel relief, even though Lee did not show it on the outside.
Meanwhile, the two women by the two men watched what had just taken place. With Faye wondering what was going on. And River trying her best not to laugh.
While not outwardly expressing his feelings, Chang happily thought, 'Oh. This guy is smooth. I like it when someone knows how to pull something with style. And Lee knows with cameras here, if I hurt him, Chief Del Soto will not be happy.'
'Lee just took this poker game to a whole new level of entertainment for me. Well, I guess I have to deal with Chief Del Soto, now. And here I thought, I had Lee over a barrel. It seems that he has a few cards up his sleeve that I didn't know about... It is days like this, that make life worth living.'
Chang just turned and walked out the room, through the open door.
As Chang entered, and turned to his right, down the hallway, he left the door to the room open.
After Chang exited the room, Faye turned to Lee, as she pointed out, “You just pissed him off.”
Lee looked over at Faye, as he said, in a casual tone of voice, “Not really. His is the type of person that clearly likes it when things are done with style.”
River could not help but giggle a little at Lee's comment.
Lee continued, “Still, if he is focused elsewhere, he is not focused here.”
Faye agreed, “I see your point. Though, it is not wise to anger that man.”
Lee flatly quipped, “What part of this god damned situation is wise? Now, deal the cards, lady. The only lady I feel that I will have any chance with today is lady luck.”
To be continued.
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Quite a build-up
There you go, building us up, adding all those other multiverse people and then stopping at the top. I must admit that the build-up was great. Throwing Lee into a million dollar poker game against a genius mind-reader puts him in quite a spot. I am very curious to see how Lee can come out of this with his hide intact. I have faith for I am writing to the writer of the writer and he must be smart. The trick with the tiger also brings up Lee's vulnerability. I know he come out of this, maybe when he sneaks out in the guise of a young woman, by having some of the drowned woman potion, then maybe not. I am impatiently waiting for the end of the game. Great story, great build-up and great way to keep us on the edge of our seats. Thanks again.