

Chapter 33


And Donnie helped Yasmine out of the car and Jessie took a breath as they all locked eyes with her and she nodded even though she was shaking and they all sort of did one final check on things to make sure that they were safe and they headed inside the school and some of the other’s like Penn joined them and there was a whole sort of hush and then outraged yelling as they went inside and The Wholesomes and The Cammos and the Young Republican types seen Yasmine take off her jacket and under it the shirt she was wearing a yellow guy’s sized t-shirt and on it was the rattlesnake of The Gadsden Flag and the “Don’t tread on me” was written in Arabic.
Danny grinned as there were pissed off people headed in after them. “Tilt, tilt, tilt! Baby!" sort of like Austin Powers.
Honey picked it up and then Selina and it sort of became a thing as security came out and administration came out and then Jessie and Kenyon and Brian and everyone with them were saying it too….chanting.

*And Now…

There was an immediate uproar from The Wholesomes and The Young Republicans were all yelling and screaming at the group.

“Take it off!”
“Terrorist bitch!”
“Sharia slut!”
“You’re all fucking traitors”

Then Shaw Lawson and The Cammo kids came running hard and fast at them and up the steps behind the group and Brian said. “They’re coming behind us…”

He and Kenyon a couple of the other kids turned and raised up their book bags and backpacks and held them about chest height and the other teens trying to push and shove their way into them couldn’t get over the extra bulk and there was pushing and shoving and since they couldn’t grab they were trying to punch and kick and moments later there were teachers and the Vice Principal and the security guards all coming out and breaking things up.

The VP hollered. “What in blazes is going on here?”

Shaw Lawson… “That A-rab is defaming us.”

Jessie… “Who us?”

VP… “Mr. Stone!”

Jessie… “Yessir?”

VP… “That’ll be enough of that.”

Jessie… “What would that be sir?”

The VP gave him the stinkeye.

Shaw pointed at Yasmine. “She can’t be wearing that for fucks sakes she can’t wear it!”

Some of the staff looked at her there was a few of them narrowing their eyes even and the gym coach actually chuckled. “Son it says the same thing as yours does.”

Shaw purpled and turned on the gym coach. “Buuuull shit that’s haji writing and she’s got death to America on it.”

The VP looked at the gym coach. “You can read it?”

Jessie spoke up… “So can I.”

The VP turned and glared at him.

The gym coach nodded. “I did my tours over there it says ‘Don’t Tread On Me.” The coach looked towards Shaw like he was daring the young couch surfing Call of Duty patriot to call him out for knowing what it said or for not agreeing with him…

The VP made a face and it was mostly aimed at Jessie like there was this sort of accusing sort of blaming thing going one and he said to know one in particular. “I wasn’t aware that they sold those shirts with that written in Arabic.”

Yasmine spoke up… “They don’t so I made one.”

She looked people in the eyes as she said it…the VP, the gym coach and Shaw and then others too she made sure that she was looking at some of the other middle eastern kids that were watching this going on and she said.

“My first day here they took my hijab, the first day here they tried to make me ashamed of being Arabic and of being Muslima but they cannot and will not make me ashamed of being an American and this flag was every bit meant for people like me as much as it was for anyone that had someone looking to step on them.”

She stared at them all and she bit her lip and she looked like she was scared until Johnny took her hand and laced her fingers with Yasmine’s and Honey took the other hand.

Shaw looked absolutely flummoxed. He was changing colors and some of his crew that had charged in with him were backing off and trying to slip away before they got caught up in the backlash of things.

He looked at The VP. “I don’t care that ain’t right we got guys over there dying for us and for freedom and she’s disrespecting that by putting that language on it instead of putting English on there like god and the founding fathers wanted.”

Jessie… “I wasn’t aware that the first amendment was limited only to the English language.”

Another look from the VP.

A look from Shaw like he wanted to jump him and pound him there and then.

Yasmine locked eyes with Shaw… “My father served he was from Chicago and he was Christian and he was just as white as you… (Johnny supplies ‘Shaw’…you do not get to tell me what is right or not, what is American or not.”

Shaw stared at her, glared at her. “Yeah if your dad was a Christian then you’re a Christian.”

“No I’m a Muslim.”

“Then your father was a convert and a traitor.” He said it with a sneer.

The VP… “Mr. Lawson there’s no call for that there’s no call for any of this.”

“No, he wasn’t he was a Christian right up until the day he died.” Yasmine said back her jaw clenched.

The teachers actually stepped further in and between the Squires and the Cammo kids and things started to break up and they were being told to go to their classes.

The VP looked at Jessie and Shaw and Yasmine… “This is over with right?”

Shaw… “But she can’t wear that shirt!”

VP… “She can though I am not fond of that much of a statement.”

Jessie… “No more than any other student wearing the Gadsden flag or some of those confederate ones that I’ve seen Shaw and his friends wearing.”

VP… “Enough Stone your point’s been made.”

Jessie nodded… “Well we should get to our homerooms for registration.”

VP… “Please do.”

They started to move and the Squires not really breaking ranks any more than loosely and Brian commented as they started down the hall. “Gee so we get rushed and insulted and things get all aggressive and the local militia tykes don’t get into trouble for any of that?”

He got some looks from the staffers and Shaw looked ready to say something and Brian gave him this hard stare like… ‘Go ahead I’m not one of your usual victims.’ And the VP moved even between the looks.

Kenyon said. “Trouble? Detention? That’s not violence it’s freedom.”

Danny… “From this day forth! We shall never be slack in our right to be ignorant! And we shall fight and bully when some will get in our way and hamper our efforts to tread all over the downtrodden and the oppressed! By conservative Jesus (Yasmine says Praise be unto him.) we will never give up! We shall keep our mullets and we shall keep our electrolytes! And while they can stand in the way of us being complete buttheads they’ll never take our Freedom!”

Of course all of this while still sorting his blue hair and saying it in his best imitation of Mel Gibson.

And Donnie tosses in his version of Danny Glover. “Man I’m too old for this shit.”

There was a few more kids walking with then and some of them talking to Yasmine…and some of the other Middle Eastern kids that were looking on in the crowds and there was some Arabic being spoken too and Yasmine went with some of those other middle eastern girls and Johnny and Honey into the girls bathroom closest to their home room.

*Yasmine, Johnny and Honey…………

There was some looks at first and it was sort of quiet as some of the other girls looked at Yasmine and then at her shirt and at each other nervously.

One of the girls said. “What are you doing you’re going to get us all into trouble!?”

Honey and Johnny both stayed close to her and Yasmine said. “Why? Why should we be the one’s getting into trouble?”

“They hate us you heard what they were calling you!”

Another girl says. “They’ll treat us like terrorists.”

Honey said. “Aren’t they already?”

Johnny nodded. “Like every time that you don’t do what they say?”

There were some clenched fists and bitten lips.

Yasmine looked at them. “I’m an American and I’m just as American as they are.”

The first girl says. “Well lucky you but my family immigrated here.”

Yasmine looked at her. “Are you legal?”

She looked startled. “Yes…but…”

“They you’re as American as I am.”

Johnny added. “Or as American as I am.”

Honey nodded. “Or me.”

The second girl says. “They won’t let us; they’ll…the last time I wore anything that…they took it.”

Yasmine nodded. “Me too but I got it back and I still am wearing it, and I’m proud to.”

“But what if they take it from us again.”

Johnny grins. “Then like Costner said By God we’ll take it back.”

There were some looks and even some angry faces and a few sniffles and Yasmine reached out to the first girl that she was speaking with and held her shoulder and her eyes….

Then she smiled and reached into her book bag and pulled out some cloth.

“I brought extras.”

Others began leaving too heading to their classes and not leaving alone but in groups of not just the Squires group but some of the LGBTQAI+ kids and others that were allied as they talked so no one was going to be going to any of their classes with less than three people.

Everyone who was volunteering having their schedules set up for this buddy system by Nick who sat down and he plugged his phone into his laptop and started to put this last encounter with people and the administration on the site for bullying in West Chicago High.

When the girls came out they were still talking but two of the Middle Eastern girls that she had been talking to with the american hair and clothes still wore the clothes but now two of them had donned hijabs and were wearing them like an act of defiance.

And it was defiance, defiance of a thing that was being shamed and made to make them feel like they weren’t allowed to be who they were because of what had happened and the way that being the least bit traditional was looked at since 9-11.

That certainly created a buzz with the students even more and not just with the ones that were already angry but with a lot of those other students that followed the status quo and just “went with it”.

*The Alphas…………

Lee Davis leaned against his locker watching all of these things going on and he was frowning while doing it and Bradley Tower drifted over and stood in the hallway and people just seemed to flow out of his way as he glanced now and then at the goings on while texting on his phone.

“You’re going to have your hands full Lee with that Stone character.”

“You mean the freak that got into it with Keith?”

“I mean the guy with breasts that’s rallying the otherwise odd and weirdos yes, and who’s apparently going to change everything.”

“What do you mean everything?”

“He’s held a couple of parties already. He did that gay-day thing and his boyfriend is going to likely make the basketball team and well Brian’s dating the tranny instead of your girlfriend…you’re in a bad way really with Brian choosing the tranny over Britney and the gay kids all loving them and stuff…It looks like the school’s going to seriously have a new King and Queen and the whole court even after heather and I graduate.”

Lee frowned. “Not happening Brad, no way…yeah they’re going to flex their muscles and stuff and holler and everything but popular’s popular.”

Bradley was texting not even looking up and said. “People change Lee, you have to give them what they want and then tell them that they want it without them knowing that you’re doing that.”

Lee looked at him. “How and like why bother?”

“Well how’s doing something for them, you have to do things for the little people in the school so they know that for one you can and two you will do things for them. I won the karate trophies and that proved that I was a winner and two that I kicked ass and three that I brought back that for the school and I raise money for things especially in the other sports that I was in and I made sure that the boosters for our sports did stuff too.”


“No Lee, look you’re big man on the school baseball team, you’re going to get a scholarship out of it so what you’ll have to do is keep winning and because you’re a winner the boosters will pay for things for the team, they’ll raise cash but you have to look at things like the drama club…the artsy stuff and talk to the boosters about going to these things and selling tickets.”


“Because it shows that you have the power, that you have the grease to get things done Because…You are You and that’s why you’re at the top of the food chain.”

“I still don’t get why I should give a shit?”

“Because the people that think you’re great here will think you’re great out of school. Winners dude, we win and we keep winning because people want to hire a winner and a go getter and when we see people years later they still know that, we get the better jobs and go to better schools and we keep it together.”


“Cheer, they need us and we need them we always look better with the best looking girls with us…we look great if we help them do things and people love that about us and those girls will talk us up years later too…for some of them we’re the dream, we’ll be their glory days….and it’s helping the other teams too, Hockey and Basketball and things to help them keep their part of it and we carry that to outside of school like Paul Reed, he’s on the hockey team and his dad runs a hardware store and we’ll need stuff in our lives from him and stuff so we buy from him, we tell our friends to buy from him and we get our parents to buy from him and because our folks are the popular ones from way back all the people that want to be like them follow along and The Reed’s are rolling in it because of that and we carry that to others…people respond to power Lee.”

Lee nodded… “Okay but what do we do about the freaks?”

“We fight the good fight. Your dad’s coming to the meeting he’s a lawyer so we don’t attack the oddballs we attack stuff like them wanting cameras and being able to use camera phones we go after the big brother stuff and how we deserve our privacy and that camera phones and videos can be altered and posted and hurt people with all sorts of false shit and that once it’s out there it’ll be out there on the net forever.”

“Oh… okay… I think I get it.”

“Good and you can start actually by going and spending time with Brit and tell her how worried you are about her safety and stuff with guys being allowed in the girls bathrooms and use Stone as part of that.”


“He’s got breasts, so what if he decides that suddenly he’s a girl? He’s already been in some fights with Keith so we know he’s violent…”

Bradley looked at Lee letting it sink in.

Lee slowly smiled. “And I say this with her loud enough for some of the feminazis to hear it and I’m a good Joe for being worried and it’ll ruffle up their tail feathers.”

“Now you’re learning.”

Bradley walked away heading for Heather and Lee went looking for Britney and Bradley finished his text to Johnathan Porter who was the sort of ringleader for the straight arrow kids that were part of The Wholesomes and The Young Republicans.

[That shirt’s upsetting isn’t it? I mean yeah she’s using it to the letter of the school’s dress codes and stuff but now she’s got more people getting to have special treatment and wearing their hijabs? This, this is exactly what is going to happen here like it is happening in other countries where they use our laws to protect themselves while they fence off the lives of those around them into wanting to have us respect their cultures while they take over our school and neighborhoods….We’re going to end up like Deerborne up in Michigan.]

Bradley slipped into homeroom and shook some hands and talked to a few people before heading over to Rachel Cook the head of the drama club. “Rachel when you get some time we should get together and we should actually talk about a project this year for the school.”


“I was thinking of making an online video for the school that showcases the school and maybe get more people interested in supporting the school and the different departments and everything we’ll need Matt Darin from the AV club and stuff to help too but it could be a great project for the year and stuff and we could do some things with the school’s web page too like actually have some of the games and the plays and performances online for people to watch too.”

She looked interested and she looked like she really wanted this too.

That’s all that he needed, he’d have to pass the torch on to Lee soon or maybe Greg White who was captain of the Hockey team they were the up and comers of who should be the next kings of the school and both had families with cash and businesses.

He smiled as Heather came in and she sat next to him and they kissed.
She smiled and sat down. “Interesting morning.”

He grinned. “It was, Lee was having a moment.”

“You think he’s leadership material?”

“Not at all but he’ll do whatever I’ll tell him that he needs to do to step up. Greg’s already starting to campaign.”

“Oh and what’s that going to be?”

“Right now he’s going to be the hard push just to see what Stone and company are going to do.”

“Are we really going to bother Brad I mean sure they’re… (She makes a bad taste face.)… who they are and all but they’re not really a threat.”

He looked at her. “Well we could let it slide but where will that leave us coming back in the summers if us and ours we leave behind aren’t on top? What if this place goes all otherwise and odd and we see all those queer kids and the hipsters freaks and things and our jobs that should be good paying jobs because they’re hiring us become two or three casual jobs because they hired these people.”

“Really you’re worried about jobs?”

“No…I’m worried about tone hon, and they start getting their way and the tone will change and it’ll change while we’re gone and I for one have plans when I get back her from college and I just want everything to stay as it should be.”

She kissed him and raised an eyebrow. “I can’t wait to see this.”

*Morning Break…………

As the kids came out of their second class after the bell rang The Squire’s kids gathered together drifting in little groups and they couldn’t help notice…everyone that was aware that something was coming to ahead today was noticing all of the security staff was out in the halls as well as the janitors and some of the teaching staff.

Jessie met up with Kenyon and he could feel the dirty looks being sent in the way of their general group and he slid into Kenyon’s embrace in a side to side warm close hug and they leaned on each other in a couplely way.

Danny moved to join the others with Nick and Sam in tow and he dodged an errant book bag being slung over a shoulder suspiciously fast by one of the lettermen and the three of them gave Paul Reed a look and then they went towards the rest of the group joining up as they headed to the cafeteria and talking in ASL between the three of them.

Okay Danny was still mostly fingerspelling but he still was doing it and he still looked at the Tammy, Shelly and Suzanne the “Milk Maids” and the ones that were bullying Honey and laughed, and Sam laughed too and the three headed off towards Alphaville looking pissed off.

Brian met up with Johnny and he took her books and they walked to the cafeteria together and staked a claim to one of the long bench tables and there were some of The Wholesomes there waiting in line for some of the morning break baked things and Travis Barrow stared at the two of them the entire time and especially at Johnny with this look like he wanted to do something.

VP McClellan was in the cafeteria walking around almost like a guard dog on patrol and he spoke into the radio as more kids came in and some of the groups gathered including The Squires and The Alphas.

Britany was joining with the Alpha crowd with her little entourage of followers and she made her way to Lee and she kissed him and then she stared at Brian and Johnny who watched them and just moved from where they were at holding the table for the other kids and they headed over to the line for the kitchen arm in arm instead of hand in hand.

Lindsey went with them as well as Penn and both took lunch trays and held them tight almost like they were ready to use them.

Brian looked at Johnny. “This is freaky tense.”

She nodded. “I hate to say it but I’m actually used to this in a way.”

“Yeah people weren’t too decent to you here last year.”

“Last year was only part of a year Brian and it wasn’t that bad…not compared to the year before.”

He looked at her and there was still this…there was still something that was hurting still in there.

“Johnny it still had to suck like crazy with everyone ignoring you and everything.”

“I’ll take lonely to being beat up Brian.”

He tightened his grip around her side in a hug and she leaned into it with this little sigh sound coming out of her.

“I kind of liked that.” He said.

She reached out and she started piling cookies and brownies on the tray and she smiled. “Liked what?’

“That you liked the hug.”

She did a little half turn to look at him and he actually saw this look of concern in her eyes there. “What kind of relationship were you in?”

Then she leaned back to look passed his back at Britany with a questioning look.

“I’m not sure that I was in one.”

She moved to look back at him again. “Want one?”

Brian nodded. “Yeah actually I kind of really do.”

They leaned in and had an almost kiss if it wasn’t for the VP passing by with a loud and gruff cough and they both just smiled deeply into each other’s faces.

Brian paid for the treats and headed over to where the others were and sat and things were being passed out.

Danny grinned taking a cookie. “Join the Rebel alliance, we’re pretty, so pretty and we have cookies.”

Yasmine coughed on her coffee but looked at Danny. “Big damned heroes sir.”

Danny blinked and grinned from ear to ear.

“That’s Jessie I nominate him for Captain tight-pants.”

Jessie actually blushed and Kenyon did that lean back on the bench for the table and pointedly stared at Jessie’s butt.

“Yup…no power in the verse can stop it.” He grinned and he and Jessie shared looks and Jessie blushed again actually the most that anyone in the group had seen before and they all laughed and ate.

There was more tension as the bell went off for classes to get back underway and The Squires waited until most of the other kids had filed out but then again so had Shaw Lawson and his Cammo boy buddies and some of The Wholesomes and the faculty was there too and the VP walked between the groups with some of the faculty as dirty looks and scowls were being sent the way of Jessie and friends along with a few mutters that weren’t quite clear but had glares headed Shaw’s way from the VP.

Things settled but didn’t going back to classes too.

Geography and History became talks about colonialism and with some people talking about… “Why are we getting blamed for what happened hundreds of years ago? White society had concept of ownership and laws. We made this country what it is today and that’s getting destroyed.”

And Donnie coughed. “Some of us know more about the ins and outs of ownership that others.”

Vince Moore one of The Wholesomes stared at him from across the history classroom. “Immigration back in those days was more akin to natural selection, and if some of the laws protecting those that showed up now from places that want to mooch off of hardworking americans weren’t in place it’s be a whole different story.”

Donnie nodded. “Yeah it’d likely be a Hague testimonial.”

“They’re here to drain resources we don’t have to share…if they want a better life then they should stay the heck out of our country and make a better country in their own!”

“And the same thing should have maybe be said to our ancestors….wait some of us didn’t have that choice.”

“Africans sold other Africans.”

“No one forced anyone to buy them though.”

The classroom went pretty quiet for a few minutes and the teacher raised her voice distractingly loud and continued on with her lesson plan.

It wasn’t much better in English class as Lee Davis spoke up when they were talking about the change in language and how it changed with politics and they didn’t get too far into it before he said.

“Free speech should be like covered in English class and not like Poli Sci.”

The teacher looked at him and he gestured with his hand to keep going.

“There’s too many people around here that don’t get what free speech really is and where it like came from and what the spirit of it is.”

Jessie couldn’t help but to cough and ask. “So what’s the spirit of free speech?”

Lee looked at him kind of smugly. “It was supposed to reflect like what the founding fathers believed in.”

“That we hold these truths to be self-evident?”

“Yeah but what was true then isn’t what they remotely thought of.”

“What? I think all men are created equal.”

Lee smirked and he stared at Jessie’s chest. “Equal…sure…”

There were some glares at Lee from some of the girls but some snickers from some of the Alpha’s and alpha-wannabee’s. He leaned back in his desk and he grinned. “I’m just saying that half of the stuff that we’ve got going on these days isn’t american like you’re little Hamas-hugging friend and that stunt that she did with her shirt, like you all wanting to play despot-liberal and have the school all big brothered.”

“People deserve to be free Lee, people deserve to be safe Lee and this school isn’t safe.”

“Take that up with the people in charge, hire more security.”

“We’re taking it up with them tonight actually.”

“I know I’m gonna be there.”

“Well that’ll be something.”

“And so will be my dad and like lawyers.”

“Good I hope we pack the place.”

“Well you’d know all about packing now wouldn’t you.”

“Lee!” The teacher hollered and glared at them both. “Enough both of you we’re not doing this here.”

He glared at both of them. “Any more of this and I’ll call security to have you both taken to the office.”


It was like a magnified version of morning break only with a lot more going on with the different factions that were looking like they were out for The new kids and not only were there faculty out and around trying to patrol things and much as they could but the VP and the lady from the guidance office as well as all of their security officers and the custodial staff…everyone was looking for something and Jessie go more than a few frowning looks from them even before the looks from the Alpha’s and the other haters.

Dan quipped as they went into the cafeteria and then waited for the others. “It seems that you’re officially labeled as a shit disturber.”

“You have to tilt, nothing changed really by asking begging your pardon.”

“Are we going to have a riot?”

“Not right now?”

Dan looked at Jessie. “Are you serious? Not right now?”

Jessie quirked a smile. “It’s early yet.”

Dan nodded. “You think it’s going to get wild?”

“Yeah, we’re threatening the way of life for the popular kids and their families…they have this whole shebang going on of like how much better they are than the rest of us and their fam-damnlies are just as guilty of reveling in that whole entitled bully culture.”

“So wow it’s like their folks are going to get all bent out of it because what is going to happen will prove that they suck as parents for raising nasty entitled a-holes?’

“Pretty much, I highly suspect that they don’t want people looking at their kids or them really.”

Selina came over. “Bradley’s holding court.”

Dan turned and so did Jessie. “Who?”

Johnny caught up saying. “Bradley Tower The Prom King and Heather Sweet the Mega-Britney.”

Dan asked. “So what’s he play?”

Selina said. “Karate and not as like a school team.”

Dan winced. “Ouch…he bad?”

Selina and Johnny shrugged. “Never seen him in a fight.”

Jessie looked him over to find himself looking into Bradley’s eye over the distance. “And he’s watching us…how popular is he?”

“He fundraises really well for the jocks.” Selina said. “He’s always been good at that.”

Jessie looked around “Where’s Yasmine?”

Johnny smiled. “She’s okay Donnie and Kenyon are watching out for them while they pray with some of the other girls in the ladies bathroom.”

He nodded. “Good I don’t trust Shaw and his friends they were pretty close to throwing down this morning.”

Brian showed up with Nick and Sam. “Not right now, there’s too much to lose but after class we should look out.”

There was a ruckus as security went running outside and one could be heard saying “Call the police.”

Brian looked out the window. “Fuck…yeah they’re ours.”

Jessie nodded and once the others got there he sat at the table and took things out for lunch and Kenyon looked angry and pissed and Brian looked kind of like he had his game face on and some of the other kids there looked upset for them.

Lindsey was simmering. “Why are we just sitting here?’

Brian said around a slice of the cafeteria’s cardboard like pizza. “They’re going to come here and tell us and everything.”

Jessie said. “We don’t leave here even for that except together, if we went out there to deal with our cars then that’d be maybe a distraction for them to do worse.”


Jessie shrugged. “Honestly I don’t want to find out.”

The police came in with the security guards and VP McClellan and went over to their table and the conversation about their cars being vandalized started and the police were taking notes.

There were a lot of people asking if they had seen anything and why didn’t they come out to see what had happened.

That was one of the guards.

Brian looked at him. “What you wanted us out there when something happened?”

“It’s just odd that you weren’t.”

Jessie says. “No it was on purpose.”

The cop and the guard asked at the same time. “On purpose?”

Kenyon nodded. “We knew that they’d go for the cars because we had stuff in them.”

The cop said. “The protest stuff in the back seats?”

Kenyon nodded.

Jessie looked at the security officer. “Did you get it on tape?”

“We’ll have to look at the footage.”

Jessie nodded. “Well you might want to check that West Chicago High’s web page that people are upset about because who knows maybe despite there being a ban on taking peoples pictures without their permission they might have had it caught and posted by some like bystander.”

The security fellow looked non-plusses and the officer looked confused but he wrote it down. “What’s the e-mail address?”

Several of the kids there answered at once.

The VP came over. “Jessie, Brian, and Kenyon the windows were broken out of your car doors. What do you three want to do?”

Brian said. “We should get in contact with our insurance companies and the schools.”

The VP nodded but didn’t look pleased.

The officer looked at the boys then at the VP. “Well need to see the video footage from outside and to talk about pressing charges.”

The VP didn’t say anything right there but nodded. “If you’ll come to the office officer and boys you should come and file the complaints too with the school.”

Jessie nodded and looked at the guys and then looked at Dan who gave him a thumbs up. “We got this.”

The boys got up and headed to the office and jessie looked over to the Alpha’s and at the young man who was sitting at the middle of the table behind what he thought was the popular table and he seemed to be talking to a bunch of non alphas and not The Cammo kids or The Wholesomes but a few others that really didn’t look like they travelled in the same circles as the Alpha’s did.

There was a momentary look between the two of them again and this Bradley smiled a little and then let his girlfriend this Heather feed him some fries.

He took a breath. “Just a little while longer.”

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