Chatting With Angels -05- Sasha

Chatting with Angels

Chapter Five ~ Sasha

Written by Jo Dora Webster

Who is Sasha and what does she have to do
with Monty's Dark Weekend?

Chapter Five ~ Sasha

Montine had discovered the Live Action Role-playing (LARP) game, Dark Confrontation at Dragon*Con. You would have thought that a nerdy looking guy like Monty would have been into D&D with his fruitful imagination. However his main outlet for activities was the singles group at his church and they frowned on that. It was more "tool of the devil" nonsense like his parent's view of rock music.

But he had played the hacker at the Dark*Confrontation convention game and had really enjoyed himself. He had felt a part of what was going on and he wanted to feel that way again. He liked making new friends so he hoped that spending the weekend playing a LARP would be something that he would really enjoy. He wanted to see what it was like to be able to submerge himself completely in the game without all the other things happening at the same time that he wanted to be part of too.

Monty enjoyed the trip out to A. H. Stephens Group Camp. He thought it was interesting that the camp was named for the Vice President of the Confederacy. The only really big display of the Confederate Battle Flag that he saw was on the way in through town at a business which sold flags and souvenirs outside the actual state park.

He went in to the cafeteria and kitchen where he was given his cabin assignment and game materials.. Each of the major races had one of the four lodges which were surrounded by cabins and a bath house. Monty was assigned a cabin along with the other four Goblin race players. He met for the first time Sean who was playing a tall lanky Holmium, Kevin who was playing short and stubby Larwined, and Kent who was playing a massive Glerwon. The three of them along with a few others had played Goblins in the first Midgaard weekend. Monty playing Staskas was the new person of the group.

The Goblin's had the third most remote location. The Humans were located in a lodge on the left from the Cafeteria. The Elves were located across a bridged creek behind the Cafeteria. The Goblins were located way in front of the Cafeteria, across a long open field and nestled in the woods with a cleared path cut through the wood. The Dwarves were located in the same woods as the Goblins but roughly across from the humans.

While another group's Lodge might be captured, since the actual sleeping cabins were out of bounds and the sleeping quarters were fixed for the weekend no matter what the game play indicated. Unlike summer camp type pranks and rivalries, all of the activity during the weekend would be within game play. Once things were opened to play Friday evening after supper, It would proceed 24/7 until Sunday Breakfast when there would be a wrap up.

Once Monty had his bed set up, and he had studied his game materials, it was time for the dinner so he made his way to the cafeteria. The other Goblins had preceded him, They were checking out the relative numbers of the competition. There were roughly 25 humans and 20 elves but the Dwarves had roughly the same number as the Goblins.

He thought that it was interesting that the Goblins were supposed to be Amazons and a matriarchy. In fact the only reason that Glerwon had held onto his leadership position is that all were males playing which meant that the female superiority in game was meaningless. However if a woman were to join the Goblins, and there were no others then she would become the Goblin Princess.

One of the attractions were that the pair of men who originated Dark Confrontation were joined by their wives and other volunteers who cooked wonderful meals and took care of all of the housekeeping details of our presence at the group camp. This allowed us to be pampered by not having to think about the necessities and concentrate on having a good time for the game. While one of the wives was required to oversee the kitchen almost constantly to manage the meal preparation, The other who played Hecate, a NPC, presenting herself as a gypsy woman was able to get away in the evenings. One of the men played Loki as his NPC while the other played the NPC, Bacchus.

Besides what ever mischief, the players could come up with, The originators of the weekend had a overall story in mind for the Midgaard campaign. Usually it involved a new twist on an old theme filled with the compassion and passion with which everything was conducted. Following a wonderful meal shared with Monty's goblin band at the table where they chatted about what they hoped to do. Everyone had come costumed as their characters. Monty had taken great care with his makeup which rendered him green as all the other goblins were. It was also a primer for Monty who literally was coming in on the middle of things about who the different characters.

Finally they were advised to all of the game mechanics and rules. Objects in their world were represented by cards . In order to decide any action directed at another, other than talking, reality was paused while things were decided by flipping hands full of coins. While there were set locations to play while actions were suspended, there were no safe havens for the weekend. The only exception was that there was a 15 minute delay to allow the people to scatter following the meeting before actions were allowed to occur.

Instead of "Free Fire Zones" there were "Displacement Zones" which would displace anything in safety hazard areas to more safe places before the conflict was settled. Likewise at the climax on Saturday night, only limited actions were permitted so that the climax could occur rather than one big conflict involving everyone there. There was a hint that in the area around the amphitheater by the lake something new was occurring. We all went out in character when the meeting ended as Monty joined the Goblins as they went to their lodge which now had become the Goblin's Keep.

Staskas, knowing that his strength more than equaled Glerwon one on one, also knew that unless he won over one or more of the other Goblins he would be defeated in a grab for power. It made sense with his superior intelligence to see what developed. One way that he could prove his worth was to beat the other groups in solving the mystery which would provide the weekend's climax. Gerwon set up a schedule for a watch on the Goblin Keep. (The game rules provided that as long as one goblin was inside that the Keep was held. Physical force to break in was prohibited. ) Gerwon had taken the first watch and he busied himself setting up a banner in a stand that he had made with the symbol of the Goblins displayed upon it. We left him to gather in our camp outside the keep. We saw Hecate who was disguised as a gypsy woman come into our camp.

She told us, "Truthful answers I will give if you can provide to me the token I seek. The token required is green and spherical."

Lariwined / Kevin whispered, "Objects in our LARP are represented by cards that indicate the object's properties. Should we go on a scavenger hunt to find green balls?"

Monty / Staskas whispered back to both of them, " I can't help myself to think outside the box. I have an idea. I will invoke an action that will involve our disguised Hecate. Larwined, please stand far enough away from her so you can all escape the action In the first round. Hobulm please heal me if Hecate does not and otherwise escape. If this works Hecate will have the token she seeks. "

The other Goblins nodded and I took my place next to the gypsy, "I desire a boon in order to provide the token you seek, m'lady."

She said simply, "Proceed."

Staskas invoked the action, " Hold & Confront!" The action was paused and we arrived at the planned order of action, Staskas, Hecate, Larwined and Hobulm, Staskas acted to use the game card of the knife he had to make a virtual incision and give figuratively to Hecate, as the gypsy, the result of the virtual castration.

Glenda stepping outside her role as the gypsy started giggling and when she finally stopped told us, "I'm going to act as game judge if you all will permit me."

The Goblins all nodded. "I am going to rule that my character has as a result of Staskas's action two of the tokens that my character requested, I can't wait to tell my hubby about this. I feel like this idea may lead to a game mechanic to create items. Let me have your character card, Monty"

Monty gave her the character card and she produced a pen from somewhere and made some alterations to Andy's stats. Andy looked at the new stat distribution and felt like the new pattern was significant but could not recall the context. Those stat changes are permanent for the weekend in order to produce the tokens. My ruling is complete so I'll return to the action and it is my turn."

As the gypsy she directed her five free words to Staskas, "I accept. You won't die!" She used her superior healing powers to counter the dire consequences that Staskas's action might evoke. Not only was the incision healed but her spell took away the shock and restored Staskas to normal functioning except what was missing remained missing. As was agreed both of the other goblins escaped leaving only the Gypsy and healed Staskas left to act. Both declined further action so reality resumed."

The Gypsy declared, "I accept two of the tokens I requested from Staskas who has two questions to ask. What is the first?"

Staskas decided to apply his observation of the NPC playing an Avatar who quickly headed toward the amphitheater presumably to guard it when the meeting ended. "What could be so powerful a formation that it requires an avatar to guard it?"

"The avatar guards a doorway phasing into existence into a realm which promises an abundance of power, wealth and untold pleasures which awaits those who unlock the portal. What is your second question?"

"How shall I find the key to the portal?" Staskas asked without thinking. Hecate giggled and thrust an object into his hand which enchanted him to be the only person to be able to read the magic scroll within the unlootable magic bag and also prevented him from revealing the contents to others. The object did not prevent Staskas from explaining that he could read the scroll but could not reveal the contents to them and it would require him having the freedom of action to retrieve it alone.

Distracted the goblins failed to see Hecate vanish in a puff of theatrical smoke. The goblins presumed that the Gypsy would be appearing in the other camps with them trying to find what Staskas already possessed. The goblins, once Staskas shared what he could, agreed that allowing Staskas to act alone was the best way to proceed. Decoding the clues led Staskas to realize that the key's path would not be available till 4 am so Staskas elected to go ahead and get some sleep, setting an alarm to allow him to proceed with it when he was able.

.At 4 AM Staskas quickly silenced the alarm and left on his mission to follow the clues to the key. Upon securing the key, Staskas, placed it for safe keeping in the unlootable bag. After discovering the key, the scroll still had a last clues indicating that he should seek out Bacchus for something important. However that would have to wait until after breakfast so Staskas returned to sneak back into the cabin and into bed until the rest of the group awoke.

Glerwon had decided to substitute a goal of his own for the one that he hoped the game judges would excuse them from. He hoped that the Goblins would be able to defeat the Dwarves and capture the wealth of their mines. Staskas indicated that he had one errand to complete before breakfast and they correctly assumed it involved the object Hecate had given him. Glerwon urged Staskas to return quickly so he wouldn't be late for the siege of the keep. Obviously Staskas represented their numerical advantage in the assault so they would not leave without him.

Staskas saw Bacchus leave the dining room of the "Inn" and he exited quickly to secretly tell him the code phrase that he had figured out from the clue. Bacchus smiled and gave Staskas another scroll which was readable but would have to be decoded with a key provided in the original scroll. Staskas did not have time to decode it because he had promised to return for the attack as soon as he could. Staskas was able to catch up with the Goblins as they lightheartedly went back to the keep hoping not to give away what they had planned.

The Goblins expected to overwhelm the Dwarves with their superior hand to hand combat skills. Before beginning combat, Staskas drew out his sword and shield and placed the remainder of his belongings in the unlootable bag. The Goblins drew lots for the order of march since they would have to march single file over the bridge over the creek that separated the Dwarves' camp from the Goblin's. Staskas went first followed by Glerwon, Larwined and their caster, Hobulm bringing up the rear.

Staskas elected to go across quickly and silently to sneak up on one of the Dwarves that had his back turned to him, smoking in the front of the keep while the other two in back of the Keep were distracted, intent on the chess game they were playing.

Staskas called confidently and quietly so only the one Dwarf could hear, "Hold and confront" Using the game mechanics Staskas took a swing with his sword at the Dwarf. However, Staskas and the other goblins had failed to consider the effects that the reduced stats would have on his combat. It was now too much sword for him to handle so he had a critical failure. The Dwarf at point blank range surprised all of them by shooting Staskas and instantly killing him with a musket. Glerwon directed the Goblins to retreat since if all the Dwarves had similar weapons which they had not had at the last game then it would have been the Goblins who were wiped out and defeated.

The Dwarves were frustrated only being able to loot Staskas's sword and shield. Finally the game mechanic kicked in so that Staskas's body was not enchanted into a zombie so his spirit was able to leave to go to the graveyard. After spending an hour in the graveyard, Staskas would be resurrected and returned to life. Loki observed Staskas as he started serving his time in the graveyard and left quickly to go towards the Inn.

Out of game, Monty recognized Mary in costume coming toward him in the graveyard. Somehow Mary had been cut loose from the Kitchen and was playing an NPC.

She addressed Staskas, "I am the Goddess Venus, It is time Staskas for you to reap the consequences of your actions. You have been found worthy of a great honor . Be thou resurrected in a new form! ... Hold & Confront!"

She continued, "Hi, I'm Mary. We'll drop the mumbo jumbo. When Glenda told the rest of us what you had done last night, I had a giggle fit and Glenda and I agreed on what would happen if you died in game. Have you figured out the significance of the stats that Glenda gave you after your performance last night?"

All of a sudden, it made sense to Andy, "They are for a female goblin."

"Exactly and now that is exactly what you are, a female goblin and your name is now Sasha." She reached out for his character card and when it was returned it was corrected, gave it back to him.

"Was this what Glenda was giggling about when I sprang it on her?"

"Exactly, We were not going to let you escape the change in stats by becoming resurrected whole. You see we had made the goblins a Matriarchy and we felt cheated that only men requested to be goblins. There wasn't a goblin princess to enter into the plot. We created a game mechanic to counter your ingenuity. Since your changed stats were for a female goblin, it was planned that when we brought you back as a live character, it was to be as a female goblin named Sasha."

"What's next?"

"Follow me quickly! I would like to transform you as best I can into a goblin princess. I even have some green makeup which will do better for you as a princess." And Monty followed her to her cabin.

"You'll have to drop off some mundane clothes by here so that we can reverse the process after game play is over tonight. Go into the bathroom and use the razor in their to remove all your body hair and bathe and dry off. You'll see some surgical adhesive, some breast forms and some instructions on how to take care of your private area to get things out of the way. "

"Will do, thank you Mary for all your help." Monty shaved and bathed and patted dry. While Monty was carrying out the other instructions, he asked Mary through the door, "Did you anticipate some one else dressing as a woman?"

"Before this chance, one of the guys were going to have to play Venus for the end game. I consented to be displaced from my domain in the Kitchen to play Venus instead this evening. I don't want to miss anything tonight. My hubby has been wanting me to get in the spirit of things and help, so he's pleased too."

Monti finished up in bra and panties and came out. Mary appraised Monti and told her, "You have a rather pretty bottom so we wont need any more padding. I'll put the corset on you and you will have a beautiful figure." Pulling the laces tight on the corset never would be a picnic but Andi sailed through that. Mary sat her down and did her makeup and hair and helped her on with the gown. "I'm going to nickname you, Tina for the duration, OK?"


Both Mary and Tina admired the result that Princess Sasha of the Goblins was looking back at them.

"We have to hurry, Sweetie." A knock was heard at the door which Mary opened.

The Midgaard Princess was dressed in her finest and told them, "Are you ready for me?"

Venus smiled at her and told her, "Right on time! Sandy meet Tina." Mary handed a large wooden box to Sandy, "Here, Sandy! Lets go in procession, traveling quickly but royally."

Sandy led followed by Tina and Mary. Even though the high heeled boots were unfamiliar to Tina and she had to manage her skirt, she did well on the journey and her walk matched the other two women."

Upon arriving at the camp, The Midgaard Princess, Sasha and Venus processed into the Keep. The Goblins gathered inside wondering what was at hand. They knew that the woman was a new Goblin but they had no idea who might be playing her.

Venus began, "I am the Goddess Venus and I send my blessing upon the Goblins in the form of this woman. She is of the matriarchal line and the Midgaard Princess and I are here to witness her take her rightful place and crowned as your Princess."

The Midgaard Princess sat the wooden box on a table and opened it, "On behalf of my father the Emperor, I take great pleasure in returning to the Goblins these relics recovered by a deed of great valor." She hands the crown to Venus from the box.

"I crown thee Princess Sasha of the Goblins!" and placed the crown on Sasha's head

The Midgaard Princess handed the scepter to Venus. "I give thee, thy scepter of power." and she handed the scepter to Sasha.

The Midgaard Princess handed a beautiful necklace to Venus. "I give thee my blessing and sign in this necklace." Venus fastened the necklace about Sasha' head and she lifted her hair to let the necklace settle and beautifully accent her décolletage.

Finally the Midgaard Princess removed a book bound in rich leather from the box and handed it to Venus.

"I give thee this Law and History of the Goblins!" and she handed the book to Sasha and she cradled it like she had the scepter.

"Long Live Princess Sasha of the Goblins! Render due reverence to your ruler!" All the goblins bowed before their new princess.

"The Midgaard Princess and I take our leave of you as we have pressing business elsewhere. However before we go, we would be remiss if we did not reveal that the mourning for your fallen Goblin can end because Princess Sasha of the Goblins has been reincarnated from your comrade. Fare thee well!" Venus and the Midgaard Princess left quickly

Sasha told them, "You may rise!"

Glerwon asked, "Is it really you?"

Sasha replied, "Indeed it is!"

By way of proof Sasha drew out the unlootable bag from her cleavage where she had tucked it away.

"I have the answer here, Everything is well in hand."

Hobulm stated the obvious, "Then we win!"

"We've just met our race's challenge with our new princess and the Goblin relics recovered." Larwined observed, "And when Sasha meets the challenge tonight then that will be the tie breaker that will grant us victory!"

Glerwon stated, "By your leave, your highness."

"Of course Glerwon, proceed!"

"Since we have it, I feel we should flaunt it. Larwined can march in front carrying the banner then Hobulm and I will escort the princess as we process in to the assembly" All of the Goblins agreed.

Princess Sasha brought out the second scroll and translated it and so she knew what she would have to do with the key. When she was through she tucked the bag back for safe keeping.

When the time came the Goblins processed in just as Glerwon had suggested. The Amphitheater had been divided into areas for each of the four races, On the left side the Dwarves sat up front with the Humans behind them and on the right side space was left for the Goblins in the front and the Elves sat behind them. The procession passed the Gods with the Avatar carrying their banner and lined up behind them Loki, Hecate, Venus and Jupiter waited to process in once we were seated. Sasha smiled at Venus who gave her a big smile as they passed.

Finally as all made reverence the Gods came in behind the Avatar who placed the God's banner in the holder and took his place, acting as Herald.

"The Gods bid thee be seated."

Everyone was seated and the Avatar resumed, "The Gods call before them, the bearer of the Key to the Gates which are now fully formed and await your pleasure."

Hobulm shouted, "I speak as Herald to Sasha, Princess of the Goblins, for she holds the key!"

The Avatar responded, "The Gods call before them, Sasha and Sasha alone, Princess of the Goblins!"

Sasha rose from her chair and Glerwon escorted her to the aisle and down to the base of the stage where he bowed and she curtsied. She alone ascended the stairs and curtsied again and then bowed before them, having in her hand the key.

Loki spoke, "Rise before us my dear! You are free to unlock the gates and reap the rewards therein!

Hecate spoke, "You will be rewarded with an abundance of power, wealth and untold pleasures that await within when the way is opened."

Sasha rose and declared, "Happiness does not come with power, wealth and pleasure. Happiness only comes from faith, hope and love. I perceive that opening that gate would unleash on this place as great a disaster as Pandora sent upon the world when she opened the box."

"My Lord Jupiter, I give the key into your care and beg you to seal this gate so that the inhabitants within do not break out and spoil this place." She placed the key into Jupiter's hand.

Jupiter answered her, "Daughter, I will do as you ask. This key will be gone and I shall remove the gates from this place." Both the key and the gates disappeared.

Venus answered her, "Sasha, you have chosen well! The tumult that Loki would have seen unloosed on this place will not be. You are blessed with both beauty and wisdom from the Gods! All you people of Midgaard, Rejoice! You have been found worthy in the eyes of the Gods. Let the blessings of peace and happiness abide with you!"

There was a flash and a pillar of smoke rising as the Gods and the avatar disappeared from before them leaving only the Goblin Princess Sasha who shouted, "Let the festival begin!"

Music and food was plenteous as the festival continued into the night. The Goblins found each of them were honored but most of all everyone bowed or curtsied before Princess Sasha. The Gods had come back to be among them as revelers. Sasha slipped away and found Venus as both women hugged.

"You did wonderful tonight, girl! I am so proud of you!"

"Thank you! Is it okay if I turn into a pumpkin now?"

"Of course dear! You've had a long day!"

Princess Sasha followed Venus back to Mary's cabin, where a set of Andy's mundane clothes were waiting for them. Regretfully Monti removed the gown and returned it to its hanger and protective cover and gave it to Mary to put up.

She entered the restroom where she removed her makeup. Next, Andy removed all of the borrowed foundations and placed them in the bag Mary had provided for them. Finally, Monti used the solvent to remove the breast forms and cleaned them and returned them to the the box.

While the woman appeared gone, the sweet girl, Monti, had returned with her sweet little A cup breasts. She bathed and cleansed her body and enjoyed the sensuous bath oil and candles that Mary had provided for a treat.

Regretfully, she exited the bath and patted herself dry. Andy had to return by way of camouflaging who she really was in the binder, male undergarments and clothes. Andy destroyed Mary's hair styling work on the long luxurious hair by oiling it down as Monty had to do to complete the illusion that he was male.

Monty brought the bag of the things that Mary had provided along with the box with the breast forms adhesive and remover and gave them back to her with his thanks. Mary gave Monty a hug and sent him back by way of the Kitchen to let the rest of Mary's cabin mates that the privacy that she had requested for Monty's transformation was no longer required and they could come to bed when they were ready.

Monty's cabin mates were relieved to see that Princess Sasha had turned back into Monty. Even though they were all accepting, the new situation had made some of them uneasy. Even Kent had to admit Andy's superior game play in Kent's ouster from the group's leadership. Monty in observing that the cabin was already dark and at least one of their number was in his bed asleep. He quietly got ready for bed and went to sleep quickly after the eventful day.

At the follow-up meeting after breakfast, the final results of the weekend were revealed. The Human's were able to fulfill their goal of having one of the races join with them as partners. They had made a deal with the Dwarves, to give them a free haven with the Humans in exchange for their help in securing their mines by all means both physical and magical. Their deal fulfilled the Dwarves goal as well. Mundanely, the Dwarves were glad to give up their far flung keep and camp more comfortably with the humans.

However, the Princess, the Emperor's daughter upon not submitting to a marriage that would bind the Humans to another race in an alliance was recalled back to her father's palace in the far off homeland. (The player would be playing another character in the next weekend in the Spring)

The Elves also fulfilled their goal by providing safe haven to all magical users to promote the use of magic for the good of all.

The Goblin's goal was to find our lost heritage. This was the goal that Glerwon had written off, since he suspected it would require magically transforming a woman from another race to be a Goblin and he would have to step aside as leader. He reasoned that anyone who might agree to that would only lead them into a trap to be conquered by her original race.

In fact when Venus had transformed Staskas into Princess Sasha of the Goblins, she gave to Sasha her crown and scepter along with written legacy and laws of the Goblin nation which accomplished the Goblin goal. In addition for Sasha solving of the mystery and successful resolution, added to the Goblin goal being met, gave the Goblins the overall success for this weekend.

Before letting Monty go all four of the game's creators and spouses met with him. They presented a printed character card of Monty as Princess Sasha of the Goblins, to replace the one where the handwritten changes to my character had been made. They admired Monty's ability to think outside the box both for the way he had inspired an item creation mechanic that they promised to put in place for the next weekend. Also for inclusion into the rules for a gender change mechanic. Monty had made things a richer universe and added to the enjoyment of the other players. There were smiles and whispers among the creators and spouses as they were weaving plans for Princess Sasha in the next game.

The ladies withdrew while Mary whispered, "Be gentle!" to her husband. They started out by making it very clear that they wanted Princess Sasha to return for the next game. While Mary had done an amazing job of transforming me into Princess Sasha on the spur of the moment, they made it clear that they expected Monty to have an even more convincing presentation as Princess Sasha in character for the game as well as be mundanely my female alter ego while not in character for the game. They reasoned that in order to not be a distraction for the rest of the players, nothing should detract from the perception of Sasha and Monti as female. Just like any other player character, Monti would provide her own transformation into character. If Monty came to the camp in male persona, then Princess Sasha would not be played that weekend and another male character would be provided for play instead. Monty thanked them and promised to be the best Monti and Princess Sasha that she could be for the next weekend game in the spring Monty intended to keep that promise because he did not want the surprise of playing what ever character that the very creative creators might decide in a comic twist that Monty would have to portray.


Montine returned to Kathy's trailer from a fall trip out to the group camp A.H. Stephens near Crawfordville, GA. It had been three months since Kathy had met Della and the other shoe had not dropped yet. Kathy had decided to enjoy being with Monty while she could. It was nice to have Monty around. Monty was as devoted as any of her girlfriends yet had the strength and ability of a strong man.

Upon hearing a delicate knock at the door, Kathy suspected that it was Monty. Kathy wondered how can Monty's knock be so delicate? He's strong enough to knock the door down! Kathy opened the door to her trailer to reveal of course, Monty, with a very mischievous look that Kathy knew so well. She invited Monty in the door, wondering what was in store for her computer this time and what mischief that Monty had gotten himself into.

Kathy and Monty had gone through many computer repair adventures together. Fortunately today's fix worked the first time. Her hard drive had failed and Monty arrived fresh from his trip playing a LARP toting a small box of hard drive parts. Fortunately for the 2 of them, it was only her hard drive cable that had failed. Andy's skill was sufficient to correct the problem and left the pair of them plenty of time to chat. Kathy knew enough about Monty by now to know that she had not yet heard what had brought that mischievous look to his face.

Monty began to describe the exploits of the LARP that he had been participating in all weekend long. The LARP weekend that he described sounded very similar to the goings on at SCA events that Kathy had attended with her former boyfriend "Toad". "Toad" had managed to defraud her of all of the profits from the merchant business that he had convinced her to join. When she managed to kick "Toad' out of her life, she also put an end to her participation in the SCA. Monty had told Kathy about the plot which was very much like "Lord of the Rings", where Monty had been placed in game as one of the race called Goblins.

"Monty, You've left out the most important part. What did your character, Staskas, do in the game?" Beyond the mischievous look, Monty's face showed a joy that was more intense than any that she had seen him express before.

"I'll make a long story short. I managed to do something in the game that turned my character female after I was resurrected on Saturday. The end game played out and everyone enjoyed it as they usually do. The game designers told me that if I chose to return next spring as Sasha, the Goblin Princess, then I had better come prepared to play the part or else I would find myself with a pot luck character of their choosing." Relief swept across Monty's face as he began to relax.

"Monty!" Kathy smiled widely and giggled. "What are you going to do?" Kathy mused that of course, Monti would want to be the princess!

"I want to stay Princess Sasha and become prepared to play the part correctly. I have no idea where to begin! Will you help me, please, Kathy?" Andy was hopeful that Kathy, who seemed very amused, might play along.

Kathy smiled her mischievous smile. She thought that she would let Monti pretend ignorance for now but she would help her.

She was having entirely too much fun anticipating what turning Monty into Princess Sasha of the Goblin Race for Monty's performance in six months would involve.

"We have a lot to do to turn you into a passable princess. Do you have a costume picked out to wear?" Kathy planned to help Monti by sewing some garb to be the costume.

"I was hoping that you could help me with that too, please.", Monty pleaded. While Monty might not have had a chance to learn to sew, Kathy imagined that before this was over she would get proficient at it.

"I'll help you with your costume. We'll have to decide what kind of gown will look good on you made up as a goblin."

"Thank you so much, Kathy! I really am glad that you have decided to help me with this." Monty was glad that it appeared that this would be fun for both of them.

"Monty, I'm going to help you become a very realistic Princess Sasha! I'd like for you to gather some things that we can use for you, before we can start. Also I am going to have to do some research to select a dress pattern for me to use to make your gown. I'll email you a list of the things that you will need to get before we get together to start your princess practice, your Highness." Monty reasoned that she would have to see if she could find her SCA references to search for appropriate garb for Princess Monti.

"Kathy, thanks for everything that you are going to do to help me. I've enjoyed my visit with you, and I'll be looking forward to your email with the things that I'll need." Monty realized it was time to go! He recognized that Kathy had a wild look in her eyes that he'd never seen before.

"Monty, I've enjoyed your visit too. I'll be in touch soon." Kathy planned that when Monti leaves, she'd call Bernie and try to sort this out.

"Thanks Kathy, Bye Bye!" Monty picked up his box of hard drive parts and left through the door and Sarah closed it behind him.

Kathy realized that helping Monti would be a big job because it would be the first time for her feminine expression in public. Kathy wondered, "Heaven help me! I wonder how this fits in with the prophecy! Time will tell!"


Kathy went right to her favorite chair and sat down and donned her telephone headset. She dialed Bernadette's number and waited for Bernie to pick up.

"Hi Kathy, How are you?" Bernie had recognized Kathy's number from the caller ID.

"Hi Bernie, I've got news for you and I would like for you to help me sort things out." Kathy hoped that Bernie could help her.

"Is it about Monty?" Bernie mused that if its about Monti already, that would be interesting.

"Yes but before I tell you, I realized that there was part of the prophecy that I hadn't shared with you yet that is relevant."

"What else did the prophecy say?" Bernie wondered if there were a loophole where Monty won't become Monti.

"It said that Monty would ask me if we could date and within a year after that Monty would go through the crisis and reveal everything to me and that she was ready to begin her real life test. I was also encouraged to keep things platonic between us. I plan to tell him that if he still felt that he wanted to date me after a year had passed then I would let him then." Kathy reasoned that she could handle Monty asking her to start dating the easiest since she knew exactly what she's supposed to do.

"Wow! so you were given a sign to let you know when the crisis would happen in Monty's life. Has the clock started? Did Monty ask you to start dating?" Bernie thought perhaps Monti might come out without first asking Kathy about dating in fulfillment of the prophecy.

"No, he didn't ask me yet. Monty manipulated things to get the LARP to make his character female and he asked me to help him prepare for being female at the next LARP in six months." Kathy thought that this can't be the real crisis time since the sign hasn't been fulfilled.

"Well its obviously important to handle right even if it doesn't look like the prophecy is coming true right now." Bernie wondered why the prophecy didn't contain this contingency.

"At the very least I can show Monty that I'm accepting and help give Monti some skills that she will need later." Kathy mused that she could have lots of fun in the process. She was entitled since Monti will be having her fun too.

"Well if Monty comes out to the rest of us about playing a female character in the LARP, I'll be supportive too." Bernie planed to find out how much help Monti accepts as part of her preparations.

"I know that you will be, Bernie, Thanks. While I've got a chance I'm going to enjoy the experience, shades of things to come." Kathy was curious to see what effect it will be on her well being having Andi around for a while.

"So is Monty pretending that this is the first time he's ever done something like this?" Bernie thought that If he doesn't come clean then that would be one more indication that this isn't the time that was in the prophecy.

"Of course! It will give me a chance to see how much she knows and give us a head start for later. And if I misinterpreted things she could be starting her new life now. Only time will tell!" Kathy hoped that she would have more time with Andy but in the end what is best is for her to be Monti.

"What part will Monti be playing?" Bernie wondered how deep is Monti in this and if she got a high profile part?

"Monti will be playing Princess Sasha, Matriarch of the Goblins." Kathy hoped that she enjoys being the center of attention but she asked for it.

"I never expected Monty to be a princess. You've got a lot of work ahead of you to help her." Bernie thought as well that she would have a lot of fun knowing Kathy.

"I'm glad that we've got six months to prepare. While she is in character, I'm going to treat her as a woman, pronouns and everything and that is going to take some getting used to for me." Kathy realized she would count it her dress rehearsal for when her friend was Monti permanently.

"Well it looks like you have things sorted for now. Please let me know if there are any other developments." Bernie decided this didn't look like the fulfillment of the prophecy, but you never know till things play out.

"Bye for now! I'll talk to you later, Bernie." Kathy was glad she called Bernie. She felt much better about this.

"Bye Kathy! Bernie left the phone to tend to her 'baby'.

Kathy hung up the phone and removed the headset. She got up and went into her bedroom to prepare for bed.

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