Runway | Chapter 41:

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Chapter 41

by Arecee

The next morning Melissa walked into the office and saw what a wreck Brenda was. Her hair was mussed and she was wearing no makeup, the tears saw to that.

“Brenda, what happened? You look like hell,” she said.

“I broke up with my boyfriend,” Brenda replied, the tears returning.

“Well you can’t go through the day like this. Come into my office and I’ll make you feel better,” Melissa said.

Melissa brought Brenda into her office and put some cocaine on a piece of glass and drew lines with a razorblade. She handed Brenda a straw and said, “Take this, it will make you feel better.”

“I really shouldn’t Melissa. I’ll get over this, it just takes time,” Brenda said.

“Honey, you don’t have time. You have people to see and you can’t like this so go ahead, my treat,” Melissa said.

Brenda knew she had to do what Melissa requested or her cover might be blown, so she took the straw and sucked the powder up her nose.

“Do more, sweetheart. It’s times like these that require more medication,” Melissa giggled.

Use as much as you like you dumb whore, Melissa thought, until you can’t stop using it and then you’re mine. Melissa was all heart.

Brenda took two more lines and then the drug hit her like a train, she no longer thought about Mario, she thought of how great she felt at this moment.

“Thank you Melissa, I do feel better. You were right; it was the right thing to take to make me feel better.”

“Let me give you some more for later and when you feel down take a little, it will make a difference,” Melissa said.

“You’re so kind Melissa, I don’t know how to thank you,” Brenda gushed

“Don’t even think about it sweetie, Aunty Melissa will think of something,” Melissa said.

Brenda took the bag of cocaine and put it in her purse and returned to her desk.

Mario entered next pushing his delivery cart.

“Hi,” Brenda said, coldly.

“Hi,” Mario said, “Sign here,” he said and handed her the signboard. He turned and walked out the door without another word.

Mid afternoon came and Melissa asked Brenda to come to her office.

“Brenda, you look much better, how do you feel?” Melissa asked.

“Much better,” Brenda answered.

“Good, I have a big favor to ask. One of the other girls can’t handle her date tonight and I’d like you to take her place as a favor to me?”

“I guess I could, but I have nothing to wear, as you can see. I didn’t dress too nicely this morning,” Brenda said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything dear, and thank you. Your clothes will be delivered by four,” Melissa said.

“Thank you Melissa, “ Brenda said.

“Don’t give it another thought, and remember if you feel at all sad, take more of your candy,” Melissa said.

“You can count on it Melissa,” Brenda said.

The clothing was delivered, just as Melissa said it would be. Brenda had called Ashley to have her hair done because she didn’t have the time or materials to do a nice job. Ashley changed her style and Brenda looked even sexier than before, if that was possible.

Brenda returned to her office and changed into her new clothes. It was slut wear again. Brenda wondered if Melissa was able to buy anything but this style. She put on her nude panty hose, removed her bra and lowered the dress down over her head. It fell to three inches above mid-thigh and it appeared as though the tailor ran out of fabric when they reached her breasts. The dress barely covered her nipples. Her heels were the last thing Brenda put on and she wondered if the maker thought women liked walking on five inch heels. There ought to be height restrictions, she giggled, buildings have them, why not shoes?

She looked in the mirror and saw herself, and knew there would be no doubt as to what she was and wondered if Mario would like the way she looked? Fuck him she thought, he had his chance and felt her chin quiver. I can’t cry now, and took a line of coke up her nose.

Brenda’s date picked her up at the office and she did what she was supposed to do, look pretty, or slutty, it was her date’s choice, and the second one usually won out. He wanted to fuck her and she explained that she was on her period so she would only do one thing, so she sucked him off. The man wasn’t pleased, but put up with the only choice he had.

The next day Melissa called Brenda into her office.

“Brenda, your date last night wasn’t pleased, he wanted to screw you not have you give him head. My partner and I have been talking and we think you should be doing more now, if you get the idea,” Melissa said.

“Melissa, I’m not going to let some guy slip his thing in me, I’m sorry, I’ll quit before that happens,” Brenda said.

“It was just a suggestion dear, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but you will make a lot more money,” Melissa said.

“Melissa, I feel guilty enough already about what I do. I really don’t want to do that.”

“If you take some coke and then do it, you’ll love it. Find a guy you like and try, you’ll see,” Melissa said.

“I’m sorry, I can’t.”

Brenda took the remaining coke and put it away, she liked the high way too much and knew why a person could get hooked on this stuff. She would just store it and ask Melissa for more every few days so she would appear to be addicted to the drug.

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Brenda Is Getting In Way Too Deep

One of the dates will not take "NO" for an answer, then poor Brenda will be hurt. Brenda needs he Knight to show up and rescue her now! Will Mario be there for her? Me, I hope that Brenda and Tiffany survive.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Perhaps over the edge?

I was thinking along the same lines, but I'm wondering if Brenda's already taken the fall and doesn't know it. I doubt that what she's slipped into her purse is going to just stay there, and she doesn't seem to have even thought of contacting Tiffany. I was wondering if Mario was going to be her knight, but that seems doubtful.... looks like things are not going to end so fairy tale...she may have to save herself....

He conquers who endures. ~ Persius

Brenda has stepped WAY OVER

Brenda has stepped WAY OVER the line as an undercover agent. She should have refused the coke and also the "job" that Melissa wanted her to do for her "as a favor". Brenda just might find herself being fired as an FBI agent and being arrested for being part of the "gang" if she doesn't straighten up. J-Lynn

Four more...

Can Brenda survive four more episodes... We can only hope...

I'm glad she had enough brain left to be able to say no...


I agree

it has me wondering also, will she indeed survive 4 more episodes? And how? Will she, and the bureau, eventually catch the crime ring, and will she see a foul screaming and cursing Melissa to her rightful place. Jail. Maybe more importantly, will she and Mario be able to console and reconcile? And only 4 chapters to go.. My a lot will happen.
