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10.7 Iran
by Red MacDonald
Copyright© 2013 Red MacDonald
All Rights Reserved.
The Faithful, North African and Middle Eastern Islamic nations, are plotting to seize the oil resources of the Middle East. By controlling the earth's oil and its major trade routes, they plan to bring the world to its knees. Then, when the entire world is kneeling, the Faithful of Allah will read to them from the Koran, preaching the message of Islam, the True Faith. The Faithful will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. But how far will they go? And how many lives will it cost?
I have been having great difficulties getting into the BC/TS site and maintaining that connection. Hopefully, Erin and her fantastic crew of trouble shooters have resolved many of the problems, and I will be able to post this.
To all my readers, I appreciate your patience.
Bye 4 now,
10 Finale
10.7 Iran
10.7.1 Revolutionary Council
Ayatollah Rafsanadi Rashamani was livid with rage. He screamed, "You have brought them down upon us!
"You said that the Americans were as children and women and so easily frightened. This is not fright. This is vengeance! This is obliteration!
"You said that Allah would protect us, and that He would not allow the Faithful to be destroyed. Tabriz and Esfahan are no more! Allah did not protect us.
"Why did He not protect us?" He faced Ayatollah Hammedyanni, pointing in accusation. "He allowed this because of you!"
"You, whose heart is filled with hatred and malice, have led us to this. Allah has turned His Back upon us because you lead us.
"You are a false Ayatollah! You dress in the robes, and you speak the words, and you act the role of the pious, but Allah sees into your heart, and it is black.
"Go! Leave us! Leave this Council and this land. Take your whelps with you so that we can cleanse this land of you and those who would be like you.
"Tabriz and Esfahan shall become perpetual memorials. We shall always remember the ways of the false prophets. The death zones you created will be our everlasting reminder."
The elder of the two independent Ayatollahs arose to speak. "Our learned friend, Ayatollah Rafsanadi Rashamani, has spoken well and truly. Allah's will is now known. He who brought us to this end and those who stand with him have been shown to be false. The Party of the Elders and those who stand with them has been shown to be false. They are to be banished from these lands.
"Ayatollah Rafsanadi Rashamani has shown himself to be attuned to Allah's will. He shall lead us in the difficult times ahead. We will be occupied by the Unbelievers for our transgressions, and our way of life, perhaps even our Islamic Faith, will change. We have brought Allah's anger down upon ourselves.
"Ayatollah Rashamani, will you make the arrangements to formally surrender to the Americans while we still live?"
Sixteen hours later, the United States was officially informed that the Islamic Republic of Iran had fully and unconditionally surrendered. Eighteen hours later, Mohammed Hammedyanni, his son, ex-General Benhamin Hammedyanni, and their families arrived in Pakistan, the only Moslem country which would accept them.
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Short to the Point
chapter Red. I am sure that would have led to this in the end but I am sure there would have been some severe in fighting upfront about the change in leadership
Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be
Is that it?
There are a lot of loose ends hanging out, a marine sargeant with a new female recruit, some Israels who are a long way from home who helped out a former enemy, a transgendered boy who helped to save his uncle's business, and several others who are left hanging. What happened to them?
Much Love,
Valerie R
End for the Iranian
However, we have not seen the decisions of the other "Faithful". In otherwords, the Tunesians and the Libyans.
One unanswered question,,, well several
WHY did Pakistan take the vile war mongers?
Taking one for the team as it were to prevent deaths?
The nukes were Iranian if I recall but as Pakistan has long had the bomb might they be subject to US or Allied attack?
I forget was Pakistan active in the attack on the oil fields and Allied warships did they sit this one out?
AND what will winning side demand of the aggressors?
reparations in WWI led to WWII it can be argued.
So what will happen now. Will there be demands to try the deposed as war criminals? Or will their own kill them?
BTW I have read the next several chapters and the idea for Jerusalem and those Saudi medals brought a smile.
Sad to say it might just take a *limited* nuclear war in the Middle east to put an end to the strife of millennia...
in the real world. If even then.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa