healing my inner child?

Well, I had an interesting experience after the church service today.

My pastor's wife had listened to me talk about my rapes and its continuing effect on me, and suggested she do a healing-energy session.

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I agreed, so she had me lay down on a couch and she prayed over me while touching my head and stomach. At some point, I fell asleep, and when I awoke, she had a bit of a story to tell me.

She said that while she was praying, she entered a vision-like state, and there she "met" a little girl squeezed into a crack in a rock. She helped the little girl build a better environment, one with sunshine, and flowers, and animals, and other kids, but upon request she helped surround all this with mirrors so no one could see the little girl from the outside.

I then told her about a vision I had at church a couple of years ago after I had prayed to find out if God could love me as his daughter - where this little-girl-me was running in a grassy field into the arms of a man (Who I believe represented God) who picked the girl up and swung her around happily.

So either the vision she had is a coincidence, or my inner child likes the idea of living in the opening sequence for the show "Little house on the Prairie" ...

Make of this what you will.

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