Oh Brother, He's my Sister - Chapters 1-7



Lisbeth and Jack are estranged half siblings. Lisbeth is feeling lost and alone. Jack is grasping at straws, trying to regain control of his life. Can they both recover the sense of family lost so long ago, can they overcome the complications that ensue, leading to difficult decisions and life changing choices.


This is my first new story in a some time, I hope it came down from my head as well as I pictured it. So here's to biting the bullet!

Chapter 1 ● Chapter 2 ● Chapter 3 ● Chapter 4 ● Chapter 5 ● Chapter 6 ● Chapter 7

Chapter 1: Music Gets The Best of Me.

Saturday night, 11:00pm.

She could feel the pulse of the music, and it was everything, the beat was her lover, it was in her soul, and it held her in a strong embrace as she twirled and danced, her orange mini-dress bouncing and twirling with her. Lisbeth was lost in the music, the nightclub was thumping, the guys were hot, and for the first time in she didn't know how long. For this perfect moment in time she felt free of worries. The beat and the night went on, and then the beat made way for Tom, and then later Tony.

By that time she had got together Tony, an Italian man with muscles she could feel under is shirt, he could sure dance. By the time the club started to empty, there were only a handful of couples slow dancing. Tony held her tight as they danced slowly, some pop ballad or other was playing in the background. Lisbeth felt his muscles through his shirt and smiled up at him. His lips soon met hers. It was a nice feeling, though she knew it wouldn't last, they never did. But that was OK, it was good to forget for a night, to feel like everything was alright.

As the music stopped and the lights came on, she looked up at Tony, “want a bite to eat?” She said, and gave him another kiss and slipped out of the club with him following.

“So, where did you come from Lisbeth?” Tony asked, “I don't think I've seen you around here before.”

“Oh, I drove in.” She said as they got to a KFC. “But I could murder a chicken right now.”

Tony looked at Lisbeth curiously, her manner was so different to her attire, and from the sheer abandon he had seen in her at the club. It was like looking at a different person. She moved with a self-assurance and a strength he had seldom seen.

Lisbeth had ordered a small bucket meal, enough for two and went with Tony to a table and they sat down to eat, “Look Tony, I have to be straight with you, it's been a hell of a nice time tonight and I have really enjoyed your company, but I'm really not looking for a hook-up tonight. But I don't want you to think I've been leading you on. You're a great guy, great dance and a wonderful kisser, but I'm just not ready for anything more right now.” She said while munching.

“I had a feeling you were going to say that, but thanks for being honest. It has been fun though. And thanks for the food, I was starving.” Tony said, picking flesh off a chicken leg, “You are something else, you seem like a completely different person off the dance floor.”

“I know right. Sometimes I just have to cut loose. It feels good. Anyhow, I must fly,” she said, “It's time I got on the road.”

“What about the alcohol? Surely you're not fit to drive!” Tony said.

“Tony, that's sweet, but it can't happen.” She said gently, “besides, I don't drink when I am out like this.”, and she slipped out of the front door and was gone. Tony followed but didn't see where she had gone. He chuckled and went back in to finish the food. What the hell, it was free right?

On the way back to her car Lisbeth wondered if she should go with a guy for once, but she just couldn't be dealing with the ramifications of a partner right now.

Sunday morning, 3.00am

Driving along the quiet country lanes, Lisbeth's pulse gradually calmed down and she began to feel cooler. She was usually so reserved, not even slightly the party girl, but every once in a while she had to cut loose when she felt like she was losing it, when life felt it was getting on top of her. She'd let it out once the dance floor, and she'd feel free afterwards. For a time anyway. Soon she got home, a small village out of the way of anywhere important. She owned and ran a small but highly successful boutique there, called 'Heaven's Door’ that stocked expensive fashions - clothes, accessories and shoes. But people travelled far to buy from Heaven's Door, and she got a nice profit margin that kept her both afloat and with a good measure of surplus in her bank too. But it was very hard work, and she only had herself to rely on for the shop.

Pulling in behind the shop, she parked in her garage, locked up and checked the security around the shop, then went up to the apartment above the shop for some well needed sleep.

Sunday morning, 10.00am

The next morning she shuffled into the kitchen for some cereal, and flipped through the morning newspaper as she ate. Boring, boring, seen it, can't that slapper put some clothes on, god not her again, didn't they do that last week... and the festival of banality went on. She got a glass of juice and drained it as she switched the telly on for the live news as she got in the shower, she released her hair that was still tied up from the night before, it cascaded over her body in the heated water as it came free, she then showered away the grunge and sweat from the night before.

Leaving the bathroom with a towel tied around her hair, and another tied over her breasts and hanging down to her knees, she did a double take looking at the news and turned the volume up. There had been a break out up north at Strangeways prison, where her half-brother was serving time. “Fuck” she cursed under her breath, “I hope that idiot isn't caught up in that. That's the last thing I need.”

Lisbeth dried herself off and put on a white top with lace trim, and a tight pair of jeans, paired with a pair of low heeled court shoes. It was time to visit her father. She just hoped that he would remember her this time. It was becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

The drive was of a fair distance, but finally she arrived at the care home her father was living in. It was a far cry from the wealth he had enjoyed when he was in good health, but then his last wife had seen to that. The strumpet had upped sticks and left with a new boy toy as soon as her husband became afflicted with Alzheimer's and stole much of the old man's fortune in the process.

Lisbeth considered herself fortunate she inherited a modest sum from her mother, her dad's first wife, when she passed away. Money she had used to put herself through the necessary courses so she could set up her shop and business.

Reaching the door to the care home, Lisbeth was buzzed through, and after checking in went to see her father. She found him sitting in a chair, staring into the garden. Her heart broke every time she saw him like this, he used to be such a strong, caring man. But life had broken him on its rocks and this was all that remained.

“Oh, Lisbeth!” He cried out in delight, “Have you come to take me away from this awful place?”

“I'm sorry daddy, but you know you can't” she said quietly, “I wish I could, but... I just can't.”

”You really are pretty, just like my Delia” he sighed. “Say, I haven't seen your sister for a long time, how is she keeping?”

“I... don't have a sister.” Lisbeth said, nonplussed.

“Oh you know, pretty, half Japanese. Looked allot like her... mother.” He trailed off, lost in sadness.

“Oh, you mean my half-brother,” she said carefully, “He's by half-brother daddy, not sister.”

Her dad just stopped talking, his expression turned stubborn. His mind had then drifted off elsewhere, he stared listlessly and vacant into the garden once more. Lisbeth really hoped he was back in better times, maybe he was remembering his first wife, her mother Delia. She hoped that brought him some measure of comfort, the mess with his last wife, her step brothers' mother, caused him enough pain.

Wiping away some errant tears Lisbeth turned to see a nurse heading her way, “Is he often this bad? It seems like he's gotten worse, still, at least he recognized me today. For a while anyway.”

“Yes, he's been deteriorating recently. It's sad to watch a loved one drift away, but there's little we can do but give comfort and rest while we can.” She said, “He's been telling people all week that you and your sister were visiting. Was she not able to come?”

Lisbeth winced, “I... don't have a sister. I have a half-brother, he's the son of his last wife, who put him in here before running off with all that was left of his money.” She said bitterly. “But, I have no idea why he would think I had a sister.” She sighed, “My brother is another thing that causes my father pain I'm afraid, but that is a family matter. If he's not speaking of it, then I won't.”

“Understandable.” The nurse stated, “Do you want to stick around, he may become lucid enough eventually.”

“Thank you, I'll take a walk, I'll check in after I have stretched my legs and had lunch and see if he's improved any. If not then I'll head off.” Lisbeth said.

“Very well.” The nurse said, in an understanding voice, “Just buzz to get back in when you come back.”

Leaving the grounds of the home and walking into the village, Lisbeth came to the village pub and stopped in for some food and a glass of wine to steady her nerves. It had really shaken her to see her father that bad.

Ordering a ploughman's lunch and a glass of white wine, she sat down in a corner with a log fire on the go, she sank into the comfy chair and felt her muscles easing in the heat. There simply weren't enough pubs with real fires any more she mused as the wine and the heat did their work. After it arrived she was half way through when her fork and knife clattered to the table, she had dropped them in shock after seeing the mug shots on the muted television.

“Excuse me, and you put the volume on please?” She yelled over to the bartender, who picked up a remote and turned the sound on.

“..... jailbreak, the police now confirm the following criminals are confirmed to have escaped Her Majesty's Prison Manchester, also known as Strangeways. Please consider these individuals to be armed and dangerous, please, do not approach them if seen. Alert the authorities immediately if you have seen, or know anything about these men...” The announcer continued, his voice droning in the background as Lisbeth finished her lunch, feeling numb after seeing her half-brother’s mug shot among the felons What had the idiot got himself into this time. She didn’t believe for one moment he’d really be involved with the riot, but he was just the type to take advantage of the chaos.

Lisbeth was staring listlessly as she paid her bill and departed for the home, drawing a curious look from the barman, her life felt like it was being pulled down, brick by brick by some sadistic torturer. First her father, now this.

After stopping by the home, she found her father hadn't come around yet again, and in all likelihood wouldn't remember she'd come to visit, or maybe the memory would just file in with his daydreams and it would be lost to him anyway. She got in her car and went home, getting a bottle of wine on the way.

As the evening progressed, she knew it was a bad idea to drink the wine, but at that moment she just didn't care, and drank it anyway. Sat huddled up on her sofa, Lisbeth drifted off to sleep, tears flowing from quiet sobs. She felt alone in the world, she may be successful, but she was beginning to think her policy of personal isolation that helped her get that success was just not worth the cost.

Chapter 2: Tonight There's Gonna Be a Jailbreak.

Sunday, midnight.

180 miles north-west from the slow dancing Lisbeth, a figure huddled in the storm, a stolen coat wrapped around him, ran from street to street, staying out of the lights as much as possible and streaked out of the city and into the countryside, nothing but freedom on his mind and a desperate desire to put as much space as possible between it, and the trouble.... back there.

He hurried his way out into the countryside, by some miracle he had managed to pull out of the Jail while a major breakout and riot had the authorities busy. He used to be well built, but his years in prison had not been kind to him, he was a shadow of his old self and was slight enough that he was able to slip out in the chaos and make good his escape. As he ran, he avoided both towns and people where possible, fearing pursuit from all parties involved.

Jack had been stupid, monumentally stupid. And now he was out in a thunderstorm, no friends, family or allies he could rely on for assistance. In the last field he'd torn his clothes pushing through a thorny hedge, but he still had his stolen coat that provided a meagre amount of heat. Taking a moment to catch his breath, Jack checked the coat pockets and came up with a few meagre coins and a note. He weighed up his options as he came up to a tree, and stopped underneath for shelter from the driving rain. He had enough for some food and a drink at least, he was starving.

For too long at the prison his tormentors had been seeing to it that most, if not all of his food at lunch and dinner times got stolen or broken. Initially he had put forward a reasonable defence, but it was a war of attrition, it took off slow, but the more food he lost the more hungry and weak he felt. Eventually his body mass began wasting due to malnutrition, which had left him in the hospital-wing many times. But nothing was ever done, nothing got better and eventually Jack wasn't capable of putting up a defence and would just hide if he thought he'd become a target.

There was no one to call who either could, or even would help him out. He would be on his own until he could gain safe haven. He set off again, bracing himself against the weather as much as possible he made his way to his next destination, an overnight truck stop and cafe. Some hours later, creeping up to the edge of the truck stop, Jack was watching for the flashing lights of a police car, but there were none. He figured that it was still too soon after the breakout. They were probably still counting heads after quelling the riot that became the cover of it. Slipping into the cafe, he lingered a moment looking at the wall mounted TV and saw nothing of note on it. He ordered a fry up and a coffee, he was going to need all the energy he could get. 

As he ate and drank he savoured the hot greasy food and too sweet coffee, in terms of quality it was terrible, but to Jack right now it tasted like the nectar of the gods. He reflected on what had led him to his current state of affairs. He had been involved with some big time criminals, real dangerous types, but rather than making good in the organization, he became greedy. He'd stolen or conned money from his bosses and cronies alike, crossed them and set them up to get taken down by the police. In the process he'd crossed the police and stole confiscated contraband from them that he later sold on. 

He'd managed to get the money and profits stashed away, but they were now way out of reach of any realistic chance of retrieval. It had totally fallen apart after that, he'd been caught, stitched up and sewn up too after he'd foolishly resisted arrest, believing he could slip away. He had eventually been put away in the same nick as the criminals he set up, when they realised that he was in the same prison as them, his life became a sheer living hell. ”Jack, count yourself fortunate you got out of there with your hide, if not entirely intact, then at least in one working piece.” He muttered to himself over his steaming hot drink. It felt good, although he couldn't help flinching as a pair of truckers walked past his table chatting. He was so used to bigger guys pushing him around and stealing his food. It was like being back in school he thought bitterly, except there was no end in there.

Jack went up to the lady serving in the cafe and quietly asked if there were any truckers headed south, and was pointed to a man in the corner who looked like he weighed twice as much as him and ate four times as much. “The lady said you were headed south, any chance I could bum a ride?” 

The driver looked at him critically, “you look like you've seen better days. You on the run son?” 

Jack shook his head, “No. No, I got a seeing to by some rough types,” he said, technically this was true but he wasn't going to say where, “I just need to get away from this accursed place before they decide I am worth chasing after.” 

“Well, you don't look like much of a threat. You're skinny and look half starved. But yeah, I'll take you. I'm travelling down to London after my break here, it will be good to have some company. Not supposed to of course, but what the boss doesn't know won't hurt him.” He averred, “Names Mac. “

Jack hesitated a moment, “John.” He lied, “thanks for your help.”

“No problem... John.” Mac said, exaggerating the name, indicating he knew very well his name wasn't John. But he let it go, it looked like the young man was in serious trouble, and didn't have the fight in him to be any. Half an hour later they left.

Sunday morning, 3.00am

Jack was huddled in his coat within Mac's cab, staring numbly at the storm outside, it showed no signs of abating any time soon.

Finally drifting off to sleep, Jack was jolted awake a short time later with a shock as the lights flashing by outside and booming of thunder gave rise to a nightmarish memory of one sadistic guard who would rattle his flashlight on Jack's cell at night sometimes, and drag him out for a beating. The guard was no longer around, one night I picked on the wrong cell and bit off more than he could chew, but the memory remained. Jack looked around fearfully for a moment until he remembered where he was and relaxed.

“You look half scared to death John.” Mac said with concern, “Here.”

Jack took a bottle of water from Mac and drained some, “Thanks Mac. Bad memories, they just never seem to fade.” Jack shuddered in recollection and passed the bottle back.

“Where are you headed after we get to London?” Mac asked.

“A couple of stops, try and find some family. I doubt they will help, I gave away any right to expect that long ago. But I have to hope at least. They are my last option.”

“Good luck with that son, but if you take my advice, don't press them. If they need space to decide, you give it to them.” Mac said kindly.

Jack fell back asleep and barring the odd twitch and jerk, remained asleep the rest of the journey, between the physical exertion of the night and the constant fear, he was all out of energy and could not stay awake if he tried. His fevered dreams were filled with the vestiges of his past mistakes, and cruel twisted images of loved ones past whom he had wronged, bending over him, jostling him around.

Sunday morning, 10.00am

Jack nearly screamed in terror as he woke to Mac shaking him awake, “Easy John, we're here. We are just outside of Watford. I can't take you any further now, so I'll have to let you off.” Mac said, helping jack ease out of the cab and stretch.

“Look son, I know you are in some kind of trouble, but I kind of like you. I won't tell anyone I've seen you if they ask. Here, take this twenty. I probably shouldn't, but it feels the right thing to do right now. Get yourself some breakfast and you can work out what to do next.” Mac said and shook Jack's hand and clapped his other hand on his shoulder, “if I don't see you again, best of luck with your family man.”

Jack took the money and thanked Mac, and then stretched and made his way to find some food and something with lots of sugar and caffeine. As he relaxed in the cafe, feeling like he had time to breathe and think now. As he listened to the radio in the background he heard the news presenter talking about a jailbreak up in Manchester, there were 8 identified felons on the loose, and they gave names, the last person was currently unidentified and the police were looking for anyone with information to come forward.

Hoping we was well away from it now, Jack walked down the high street for a walk around, to try and think of what his next course of action should be. Jack thought of his father, he knew the old man wouldn't want to see him, but he had to check that he was OK, so he decided to head to his father's home in Hatfield. Getting to the central bus station, he checked the timetables and found a bus headed there, and after checking the fares found he had just enough left over for a bottle of water.

Making a stop to get the water, he got back to the bus in time for boarding and he was on the move once more, the bus took the long way as expected. The weather was shaping up to be good this day, which was allot better than the last night. He drew a few glances from other passengers on the bus, but no one gave any indication they recognized him from the mug shots undoubtedly being fed to the media right now. 'I guess they think I'm a tramp or something' he thought, sniffed his clothes and wrinkled his nose, 'Damn, I smell like one, and probably do look like one in my ragged clothes.' he thought bitterly. 'I have nothing, nothing at all.' was the melancholy thought that entered his head next, a limp in his throat. Everything seemed without hope.

Eventually the bus got to Hatfield and Jack got off, “Thanks man” he said, waving to the driver, and walked for some time, into the outskirts. Working his way to his father's house, he found a vantage point he knew well from his misspent youth, sneaking into the house after curfew. It afforded him a good view of the living area and the kitchen, but was obscured enough to not show himself to the residents, unless they knew exactly where they were looking. After an uncomfortable wait, he saw an Indian woman come into the kitchen and start to cook, Jack's stomach rumbled in complaint.

“Has dad remarried again?” He talked to himself in a hushed whisper, as a pair of arms wrapped around the woman from behind, and an Indian man kissed the woman's neck from behind. Looking to the garden Jack saw kids playing, and like the man and woman, they were also Indian “No, he doesn't live here anymore” Jack muttered, and made an unobtrusive exit. He was beginning to feel lost at sea, and his anchor had just broken off, washed away.

Slowly walking back into the centre, Jack headed to somewhere he could access the Internet. He scraped just enough of his remaining money to pay for half an hour, and he'd had to beg for that as the place only sold time in one hour blocks. He had one possible port left in the storm of his life that seemed to have mentally followed him after leaving the real storm behind. He looked for his father first, and found no trace online. Reluctantly he looked for his half-sister’s name until finding an address in a small village outside of the town of Ware.

Jack left the cyber cafe, and started trudging to the last place on earth he wanted to go to, other than back up north. It was going to be a long walk, he had over 25 miles to go and not a penny left to his name.

Chapter 3: Knockin' on Heaven's Door.

The following morning Lisbeth woke up early, at some point in the night she had stretched out on the couch, but she still felt like very muscle ached. Her head pounding from the hangover she now suffered, she muttered to herself and got into the shower and was soon relaxing under the piping hot water. It was hotter than she usually liked it, but the heat was permeating her every aching muscle and soothed her weary heart. After an hour luxuriating in the heat, she washed herself and patted herself dry once out of the shower.

Sitting at her dressing table and mirror Lisbeth started moisturizing and then carefully applying her makeup before styling her hair. Her boutique relied on her being stylish and well presented, her clientele would expect no less of her, and she had stayed ahead in the business by being sharp and on the ball. She put her jewellery on, she smiled sadly in the mirror looking at the necklace and earrings. She had inherited them from her late mother, and after the night she had had, it made her feel closer to her mum somehow. Lisbeth got up and padded to her drawers as she did some reflexive stretches to push out the last of her aches and pains, then picked out her lingerie for the day and put on her favourite green silk blouse and a knee length black skirt, finishing with a smart pair of green court shoes that matched her blouse.

Setting out of her apartment she arrived at the store downstairs... She opened the back door and disarmed the security system and turned the lights on. She did her usual routine when opening up, checking all the windows and the front door, but left the shutters locked. Picking up the mail she walked back to the counter and went through them, mostly bills, but there was a posh looking envelope among them. Picking open the seam of the letter, she found inside an invitation to a ball being hosted by one of her best customers, her customer of course would not take no for an answer and would expect Lisbeth to attend, and a plus one if she wanted. At least she would not be stuck for something to wear, and for a moment idly considered tracking down Tony. But no, that would not be a great idea she thought.

* * * * *

Jack was burning up, he'd had to spend a night in a copse to sleep, but the night had turned cold and wet, then frosty. The trees had been little protection against the weather, he felt a fever beginning, he felt damned lucky he didn't freeze to death. He was getting closer to his destination, he was now on the outskirts of the village of High Cross. It had been a hellishly long walk. If he had been fit and in shape, such a walk wouldn't have taken more than 7 or 8 hours. But Jack was nowhere near in good shape, but he had built up a dogged determination to see this through. Alas that had entirely taken him thus far, and he had to try and find somewhere he could sleep.

He drew quite a sight as he worked his way into the village, a thin figure stumbling along. His hair was lank and caked with dirt, his clothes were now far more torn than during that first flight from the prison, and the stolen coat had fared little better, but at least it was warmer still. Well, warmish. As he made his way through the village, he saw a natural spring and headed down to the water, nearly stumbling and falling into the water. He squatted by the water's edge and dipped his head into the cold morning water, flicking his hair back and feeling the water trickle down his spine. He knew he was sick and shouldn't get wet, but it felt so good. Jack returned to the water and drank from the spring, the cool water refreshing his parched throat. He cleaned himself up as best he could, which wasn't very well at all when he considered the end result in his reflection. It would just have to do.

Setting off again, he felt a little steadier on his feet, but that was not going to last. He stumbled by street after street, until he saw in the distance the best sight of his life. He tried to run, but effected a kind of shambling gait that had him looking like some zombie out of a budget horror flick. But the light was on in the shop.

* * * * *

Lisbeth was just filing the mail away when there was a loud banging on the shutters that went on for a few more moments, and died away as the silhouette on the other side began to sag against the shutters. Rather than run out and around the shop to see what was going on, she opted to activate the motor that would call down the shutters, giving her a look at who was outside and keeping her safe inside. As the shutters went up, a ragged shape finally collapsed in a heap on the ground and stopped moving.

Lisbeth ran to the doorway and quickly opened it, then checked the pulse on the crumpled person and noted the weak pulse. She couldn't bring the person into the shop, but she decided to bring the stranger upstairs where she could do some good. She had no real fear of attack, she kept herself in shape and had done self-defence classes, enough to keep her relatively safe anyway.

With one arm under an arm of the stranger, she struggled and man handled them upstairs and lay the person on the sofa, only then noting the person was in fact a man. She took some water and poured some down the man's throat, and went to get some soapy water and a sponge to try and clean him up a bit. Starting with the face, she thought he looked rather familiar. After she had cleaned the man's face she gazed in shock. The face was kind of like hers in shape, the eyes were definitely the same shade as her eyes and he was nearly 3 inches taller than her.

“Hi sis” croaked her brother as he passed out on her couch.

Lisbeth sat in emotional shock, when she was feeling at her most vulnerable a train wreck had come in the shape of her seemingly half dead half-brother. She stared at him through a vale of tears, she tried to hate him for all his past crimes and betrayals, the lies upon lies he had told her and their father over the years, but her heart had just broken again and she could not bear it. “Jaaaaack!” She wailed, shaking the unconscious man, trying to will him awake. She had as good as lost her father, but she didn't want to lose Jack too. No matter what she thought of him, he was family. And right now that was all that mattered to her. She carefully managed to carry him to the guest bedroom, after getting him out of his all too smelly coat, he proved to be very light to carry. She got him out of the torn and ragged clothing, washing him as she went with the damp sponge, and towelling him dry as she went.

Lisbeth spent the better part of the next hour or two carefully tending her brother. She went over her thoughts and feelings towards him his reappearance had caused a chaotic tumult within her. She’d had to face the fact that her anger towards her brother wasn’t entirely to do with him.

She couldn't see how he could wear the tattered clothes anymore and binned them and the smelly coat. She left his underwear in place as she looked at him critically, he seemed close to her size now. Going back to her room she got an old pair of plain black pants in a hipster style, and a plain but fitted white T-shirt she rarely wore any more. They were the closest thing to male clothes in the place, they would have to do. Before she went away, she pulled the bed covers over her brother and left him to slumber.

Sitting in her kitchen, Lisbeth didn't know what to do. She couldn't call a doctor, her brother was an escaped criminal. For now she opted to leave some sandwiches, a jug of water and a glass on the table near the bed. He seemed to be stable for now and looked like he would sleep forever. She wrote a note to her brother to say that she'd be in the shop below, and slipped it under the water jug for him to find.

Returning to the shop Lisbeth tidied up the entry and properly opened. Then she went to the counter and reached to the hidden computer screen, usually it showed her different angles from her store security cameras, but she flicked it to another channel, one she had set up with hidden cameras in her apartment. She had set them up a few years ago after someone had broken in up there and ransacked the place. She flicked to the guest room so she could keep an eye on her brother.

'It's not that I don't trust him,” Lisbeth thought, 'it was just that.... I don't”, she finally thought with a mental sigh. 'Yet, anyway.'

As the morning went on a few customers browsed the store and left without buying. Seeing a friend passing the shop she hurried out to catch her, “Katherine, do you have a moment?”

Katherine turned to see her friend, “Beth, what's wrong?” She asked, seeing Lisbeth's face.

“I need to ask you a favour, a friend has come in from out of two and... She's really ill.” Lisbeth modified the truth, Katherine knew she had no real male friends and right now she couldn’t reveal the truth to anyone, not even her most trusted friend. “Can you pop to the chemist and get me some pain killers, flu medicine and I think, some plasters and bandages. She's in a real state.”

Katherine looked shocked, “Men?” She asked quietly.

“Most likely.” Lisbeth said, as Katherine hurried off. She felt rotten lying to her friend as she returned to the shop, but couldn't tell her the truth, not yet anyway.

Half an hour later Katherine returned with a bag of supplies and Lisbeth gave her the money for them. “How is she?”

“She seems stable for now. I think I'm going to close up early, my heart isn't in this today.” Lisbeth said.

“Do you need any help?” Katherine asked gently.

“No, not right now. But thanks for getting these for me.”

“Not a problem.” Katherine said, and gave Lisbeth a hug before departing.

Closing and locking up the shop, she went back up to the apartment. Her brother was still sound asleep. She made a cup of the flu drink and brought it into the guest room, gently waking her brother up, she sat by his bed and helped him rise up on some pillows and helped him drink. She then checked for injuries, there were a few, and plastered and bandaged them. Jack weakly took one of her hands and squeezed, he put it to Lisbeth's cheek, looking at her and smiled. He then passed out again and the cup fell from his hand and clattered to the floor.

Stifling another cry, Lisbeth carefully lowered her brother down and stroked his hair as she sat there talking to him as if he were awake. She now properly looked at him, he was so much skinnier than he used to be, and he used to take so much pride in his build, his muscles. But now he was a slender ghost of his former self. It was no wonder her clothes fit him.

She spent the remainder of the week alternately tending her brother and her shop, she couldn't help one without the income of the other. Through brief moments of lucidity Lisbeth pieced together her brother's plight, and flight. How he had fled the prison in a desperate bid to survive, the good fortune of meeting Mac and the drive to Watford, then his search for their father that had led him to her door. She still hadn't had the heart to tell him of their father’s current state.

Eventually Jack was well enough to be up and around the apartment. Lisbeth sat Jack at the kitchen table and looked at him levelly, “Jack, I know we've had out trouble in the past. I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted over the years,” She said with a sigh, “But I must admit, it does my heart good to see you, and to see you on the mend. But you can't stay here, you are an escaped criminal. They will come here looking for you eventually.”

Jack looked seriously panicked for a moment, “No, please don't turn me out. I won't make it out there!” He cried, “Lis, You are my last hope. I don't have anywhere else to turn.”

Lisbeth was shocked, her brother was always bold and headstrong, he had no fears that he would admit to. But here he was cringing and scared to death at the thought of being out on his own once more. Lisbeth's voice wobbled and she took his hands across the table, “What happened to you Jack, I know everything that happened between you and dad, but what happened to land you in jail this time, and Strangeways at that! What the hell happened?” She asked quietly. He grasped her hands back, feeling comforted by his sister’s concern.

“I really messed up bad Lis.” Jack said crying, and he told her everything, from when their father disowned him and cast him out into the world, totally cut off. She heard how he fell into a gang, how the gang got taken over by bigger crime figures. His screwing them and the cops over in a greedy bid for riches and trying to leave them in the crossfire to take each other down. Being caught, being locked up in the same jail as the crew he screwed over. And his torment and deterioration within the jail that led him to his current state.

“So, why does that mean you can't go your own way?” Lisbeth finally asked.

“They know I escaped at the same time. The crew. Both they and the police are hunting me. If the police catch me, then the crew knows where I will be, they have contacts within the police. They can get to me if I am arrested. I'd be dead. And I'll be just as dead if the crew finds me on their own.” He said, “You've always been the brains Mouse, you have to think of something.

Lisbeth chuckled smiling, “Mouse. No one has called me that since we were children.” She went to her brother and they hugged for a long time, both gaining some measure of comfort in the embrace. “OK, I am making no promises, but I'll see what I can think of to keep you hidden, but give you some degree of freedom.”

“Thank you so much Lis...” Jack started.

“But,” Lisbeth interrupted, “as much as I love you brother, I don't yet trust you. I am sure you can understand that.” She continued, “So, if I help you. It's on my terms, Everything I have I worked my ass off to build and I will not have it torn down.”

She took a deep breath, “Whatever I decide is the best course of action that will keep you safe and hidden, and give you the freedom to move around, you have to stick to it. See it through. If what you say is true, nothing less than 100% here will see you safe.”

Jack sighed, “Whatever?”

“Whatever.” Lisbeth said firmly. “Whatever we do with you, it has to fool the police, and this crew of yours. It needs to be solid, believable, and not what they expect at all. Until then, you will have to stay in here, no one around the village knows you, and they know I have no male friends in the area, they would get nosy.”

Jack asked finally, “Lis, why am I wearing your clothes?”

“Yours were shredded, and stank. That's the least girlie I could find in the circumstances.” Lisbeth explained.

Chapter 4: Comin' Back To Me.

The next day Lisbeth kept an eye on Jack while she tended the shop, he was getting better, but was still spending much time in bed. She was beginning to believe that it wasn't only the physical illness and fatigue that was getting to him. He was deathly afraid of who may come after him, he wouldn't even go to the windows. That was no way for him to live. As the day went on Heaven's Door received a number of customers, some of whom went away with purchases.

Closing up shop at the end of the day, Lisbeth went back up to her apartment and checked on Jack, then started making dinner. It seemed strange to her, making food for two. Soon the aromas started flooding the flat and Jack made his appearance, dressed again in Lisbeth's old pants and T-shirt.

“Gods that smells so good” he said, his stomach gurgling in hunger.

“You look better.” She said, “Look, there are some things you have to know, I'll tell you during dinner.”

“OK...” Said Jack, looking uncertain. “Not sure I like the sound of that.”

“It's going to be hard on you, you've been cut off from the family for so long you don't know what's happened of late.” Lisbeth started.

“Dad,” Jack said quietly, “I went by the old family home before I came here, he was gone. Another family is living there now.”

“After what your mother did, I had to sell the house. Dads in a care home Jack. He's got Alzheimer's, it's getting into advanced stages. He has good days and bad, it's hard to deal with.” Lisbeth said, tears welling up in her eyes, “And you've not been here, it's just been me. Just me.” And she put her head in her hands and quietly cried. She looked up, tears making her makeup run, “Why weren't you here Jack, why did you have to ruin everything Jack.” She virtually spat, but soon devolved into sobs. Lisbeth tried to pull back as jack hugged her, but he held fast until she reined herself in. “I'm sorry. You've paid for that, and then some. This is just hard you know.”

Jack looked sad and remorseful, “Look, Lis. I am truly sorry for everything I did, but I am here now.” And held her close. “What about my mother?” He asked quietly, “what did she do?”

Lisbeth's face softened a little and sighed, “When it was found out that dad had Alzheimer's, and that it was going to degenerate steadily, she said she wasn't going to be his carer. She stole all the savings and ran off with a toy boy she was fucking on the side. Dad was left with virtually nothing. You may have hurt dad, but your mother destroyed him. He's just not been the same since.”

“Gods,” Jack muttered, “This apple didn’t fall far from the tree did it.”

“At least you are showing remorse Jack.” Lisbeth sighed, then changed the topic, “I’ve been harbouring anger towards you and your mother for so long I think I lost track of where one began and the other ends. But I think I… we can work through it. Dad once told me family is the most important thing in the world, I think he’s right.”

“As you're here, I have something I have been putting off. I just couldn't face it alone.” Lisbeth said quietly, and went into a storage cupboard and pulled out a chest and took it over to the sofa and gestured Jack to join her. “I think this will be good for us both.”

“What's this?” He asked.

“Memories.” Lisbeth murmured, and opened the lid to reveal photo albums, documents and keepsakes. I found this tucked away in his house, I don't think your mother ever knew about it. They spent some time going through the contents, and old photos.

“Look,” Said Jack, “Your mother? I never saw photos of her, she's beautiful. You look just like her.”

Lisbeth smiled, “Dad told me that last time I saw him. I know your mum had problems dealing with mum's legacy in the home, but no matter what happened in the end, she did make dad happy for a time.”

“Look, their wedding certificate.” Jack said, pulling out a framed document.

“He kept it.” Lisbeth said quietly, “Oh dad...” She said through tears.

As they went through subsequent albums they got to more recent times, “Oh look, it's that time your mom took you to Japan on holiday.” Lisbeth said, as they went through the holiday pictures.

Jack had a wistful look on his face, “Happier times.”

Just then, a frayed and tattered photo fell out during a page turn and Lisbeth bent down and picked it up. It was Jack's mother that could be no doubt, sitting on a picnic blanket with a smiling little girl. “Sister.....” She quietly spoke under her breath, “You have a sister? How? When?”

Jack's face turned red as beet-root, “That's not...” He swallowed, “my sister.”

“Cousin?” Lisbeth spoke to herself, “No.” Then she squinted and looked closer, the girl had a familiar face. Her jaw line, her smile.

“Oh my god, that's you!” Lisbeth gasped, and looked at Jack. “That little girl, it's you.”

Jack blushed, “Yeah, when we were away or alone she used to dress me up sometimes.” He took the photo and stared at it, “It may seem strange, but I liked it. She was often so distant, but in those times I felt close to her. I didn't think dad knew.” He had a rummage and came up a smaller album that was titled in his mother’s hand that had more photos of him as a girl, in age order. He found and empty space and put the loose photo back where it should be. “I’m amazed dad didn’t throw these out. Once he found out, it was a huge bone of contention between him and my mother.”

“Gods, where did it start going wrong Lis, when did I start turning my life into one great big car wreck waiting to happen?” He sighed, sitting back on the sofa and craning his head back to look upwards.

“Well, little brother, you know what happens after the car crash?” Lisbeth said, “You get better and you make sure that it doesn't happen again.”

“Thanks sis.” Jack said, and got up, “I'm going to have a shower, shave and a clean-up. I need some time to think.”

“Disposable razors are in the basket!” Lisbeth was shouted at the bathroom. She picked up the photo again in wonder, Jack looked just like any other girl in the photo, pretty smile beaming out at the camera. “Sister.” Lisbeth mused, “I wonder.”

When Jack got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. He saw Lisbeth standing there with a funny look in her eye, looking at him critically. “Yes, it could work.” She mumbled, picking up a soft tape measure, she went around Jack taking measurements.

“Lis.....” Jack said uncertainly, getting nervous about the mischievous glint in her eyes. “What are you thinking?”

“Oh, nothing yet.” She said, pulled out a small compact camera and took a photo of his face, and also head to toe. “Nothing just yet.”

As the evening wore on they watched a movie on TV together, Jack was aware that every now and then Lisbeth subtly glanced in his direction, a strange smile on her face.

* * * * *

The following morning, Lisbeth was in the boutique sitting at the counter, she'd printed out the pictures she'd taken of Jack and was doodling on them idly, noting down measurements. On his face she was outlining and highlighting areas. Using tippex and a dark pen, she had thinned Jack's eyebrows and arched them, his lips had been coloured red, a thinner dark pen gave him eyeliner, his eyelids a smoky grey colour. After a few more tweaks she held up the printed face, the usually slender features of Jack's face had suddenly become softer, and dare she say it, a little cute. “I think this may just work, if he can learn to pull it off. If I can convince him to do it. But, I'm not sure we can do this alone, we may need assistance.”

Going onto the internet, Lisbeth placed some orders for next day delivery. If nothing else, this could be fun she mused. She picked up the phone and called Katharine, “Hey Kath, I think you may be able to help after all. But I need to tell you a few things first....”

Katherine gasped audibly over the phone, “You're kidding, your little brother?” And then, “He's what... oh shit, that's bad. Well, he's your brother, if you say it's the right thing to help him, then that's good enough for me.”

“Just one thing Kath, this has to be confidential, we cannot let this get out, there can be no trail leading to him. Wait until I speak to him about this.” Lisbeth said seriously. “Now, I need to ask you one more huge favour, and possibly asking you to commit a felony in the process.”

“Ok,” said Kath, I can't give you promises, but I'll hear you out. And If I can't help you never spoke to me about this, ok?” Kath said. Even though they were fast friends, there were some limits to how far a person could go.

“You work in the central records office these days don't you?” Lisbeth asked.

“Yeeeees” Katharine said, with a feeling she knew where this was going.

“Would you be able to get Jack a new set of identification? Birth certificate, national insurance number. If he's to disappear as Jack, he needs a new ID to use.” Lisbeth explained, “We need to make a sister for Jack.”

“But there would be no history, no photos, and no school or college records.”

“Simple.” Lisbeth said, “While 'she' was born in the UK to her mum and my dad, her mum decided to have her schooled in Japan, we can fake school records that won't be easy to follow up. She returned to the UK just a few years ago, but she fell on hard time and came to me for help getting back on her feet as we are family. Trust me, family history won't be an issue. It will become clear later.”

Katherine mulled it over for a while, “Yes, I think I can do this. It's not uncommon for me to deal with immigration records. I think I can get the relevant documents sorted out by the end of the week.”

“But, what exactly will you be doing with Jack, you're hardly going to be telling him to pretend to be a woman and then tell him to go make his way in the world.” Katharine responded.

“No, I can't do that.” She agreed, “Jack will stay here for the foreseeable future. I'll need to keep an eye on him, we need to train him. He can't just become a woman like that, he'll need to learn what we spent a lifetime learning. If he's just portraying a woman outside the house he will slip up. With a situation as serious as this, he has to 100% live as a woman. He can't afford any slip ups at all.

“OK, but I'll need a new name for him.” Katherine said.

“I'll bring that to you either later, or in the morning at the latest.” Lisbeth said, and they set to work out every detail they could think of. Jack's back story would have to be flawless.

The evening was quiet again, “Out of curiosity Jack, what did your mother call you when you were her little girl?” Lisbeth asked.

“Amaya.” He said, a smile on his lips as he remembered the happy times. He did not see Lisbeth unobtrusively texting on her mobile. “What a pretty name.”

Chapter 5: A Change Would Do You Good.

It was actually three days later that Katherine came through, she brought round a folder of documents for Jack. Inside were a national insurance card and birth certificate in the name of Amaya Campbell. Katherine had also created a realistic looking set of college records, based on Jack's own educational experience, just in a different area of the world. “Wow Kath, you do good work.”

“Yup,” she said a little smugly, “I've set things up for a passport and driver’s license, but we need photos for that.”

“OK. It's the moment of truth. If you wait here in the back of the shop, I'll use the intercom when I am ready for you to join us.” Lisbeth said, and picked up the package that had arrived the previous day, then went upstairs.

“Jack,” she called out. Jack came into the living area, he was still skinny and not eating well, though Lisbeth figured it was just as well now. “Jack, I, we have your Hail Mary. A way to get you some life back and stay hidden too. But you may not want to do it, but from the way I see it, it may be your best option.”

“From this moment, Jack is gone, elsewhere. He certainly never arrived here.” She said, he nodded. “You need a new identity.”

“I could do that,” he said, “I could be cousin Bob from Devon” he said, putting on a mock West Country accent.

Lisbeth chuckled, “No silly,” she said, then seriously, “if you are going to stay here, there can't be the slightest suspicion. If a strange man suddenly comes to stay with me so soon after the break, it will first set off warning bells with the authorities, and then your old friends will find out and they will be down here sniffing around. It wouldn't take either side long to find out about you then,”

“Ok Lis, you are making me worried now.” Jack said, “Are you saying I can't stay.”

Lisbeth looked at him evenly, “I'm sorry, but Jack can't be seen around here. At least for now.”

Jack sighed, and turned to leave when Lisbeth softly grabbed his arm and turned him back to her, “I was saying, Jack can't be here. But his sister Amaya can.”

Jack took a moment to take it in, “But I don't have a.....” He started, “Now wait a minute, you want me to pretend to be a girl outside the apartment?”

“No, that would be doomed to failure, you'd slip up, and it would be inevitable.” Lisbeth said, “I am saying, that if you want to stay safe, you must learn how to be a woman. Full time, 24/7. You will have to leave your male life behind you. Likewise, if you are to live under this roof with me, it will be on my terms. My place, my rules.” She said.

“That's allot to accept.” Jack said quietly. “Besides, I'll get into trouble when I need ID for something.”

“Yes, that's the other thing.” Lisbeth said. “I had to bring a friend in on this. But don't worry,” she continued at seeing his face, “She can be trusted.”

Lisbeth pressed the intercom and asked Katherine to come up, a few moments after she came in. “Kath, this is Jack. Jack, this is Kath.”

Katherine looked him up and down, “Damn Beth, I think you may be right!” She then extended her hand, “Nice to meet you.”

Jack shook her hand and returned the greeting, then turned to Lisbeth again, “You still haven't answered, what about ID?”

“I took care of that for you.” Katherine said, and handed him the envelope. “Birth certificate, national insurance number, and your new personal history. You will have to familiarize yourself with it as we go.”

Jack looked at the two women, the stern looks on their faces. “You're not going to take no for an answer are you?”

“Jack, you said yourself that you made a mess of things. You wanted my help to get out of it. This is the price, until it's safe, Jack has to go away. You know all the other reasons.” Lisbeth said at length, “If you can't accept this resolution, then I will give you some money to see you through for a little while, but you would have to leave. It would not be safe for you or me here. But if you can, if you accept, from that moment forth Jack is gone and we will only refer to you in the feminine pronoun, you will have to be Amaya. There can be no trace of any maleness here.”

Lisbeth let this sink in before continuing, “Myself and Katherine will train you, teach you how to not just look like, but how to be a woman. As much as that is possible. You never know, you may even have fun at the same time.” She said, “I bet your mum taught you a little about how to be a girl eh.”

Jack blushed, “Just give me a little while to think, this will be a big choice.” And he wandered off to his room to think.

“Do you think he'll go for it?” Kath whispered.

“Hard to say, I think he could pull it off, and he doesn't have much of his pride left.” She said, “but I'd put a wager on yes.”

Jack came out of his room a few minutes later, “There will be no permanent or physical changes? You aren't trying to trick me?”

“Absolutely not.” Lisbeth said, “Like I said, we will teach you everything the normal way, you will have to achieve the look of being female with the application of corsetry, prosthetics and so on. Unless you decide at some point you want to make some physical changes. That is entirely up to you.”

“Well, against my better judgement,” he said, “I will be Amaya.”

Lisbeth smiled and embraced her new 'sister', and Katherine decided to join in too, on general principal.

“One last thing Amaya, you won't be having a free ride during this, you must get a job.” Lisbeth said.

“Ok, that might be scary, going out dressed. But I guess I can manage.” Amaya said softly.

Lisbeth sighed, “You jumped the gun again, I was going to add, My business is taking off, I'm being asked to attend some fashion shows, and this will help to elevate Heaven's Door's profile in the industry.” She said, with a touch of pride, “But I can't do that if I have to tend the store all the time. So, once we think you are ready, you will start work in my shop. Initially you will start on the counter, and when and where needed, the stock room. You will learn the business, so you can best help it while you are here.”

“I know you excelled at maths in school and college, I could really use someone to do the books eventually, But that can't happen until you know the business, and I am sure I can trust you.” Lisbeth continued, “I will pay you for your work, minus rent and bills. We can establish new bank accounts for you in the next day or two. You will also have to set aside money from your wages for other things you'll be needing if you are to live a female life, not least of which are makeup and clothes. This is a relatively well known shop, my customers expect to be served by a well and fashionably dressed person. You must learn that too.

Amaya gulped, daunted at the tasks ahead, and nodded, “Thank you, I won't disappoint you Lis.”

“Ok Amaya, first things first, take this tube into the shower. And cover yourself in it, head to toe, but leave your hair and eyebrows uncovered.” Lisbeth said. “Follow the instructions on the bottle.”

“But, I washed already.” The newly rechristened Amaya asked puzzled.

“It's not for washing silly.” Katherine chuckled, “it's to remove all your body hair. Don't forget to moisturize after.”

Amaya gulped, and walked into the bathroom, wondering what he had got himself into. He covered himself head to toe in the cream as instructed, after a while it began to burn. He turned on the shower ad stood under the hot water. It felt strange after the hair washed away, running over his now hairless, but kind of pinkish body. Finding the moisturizer, he worked it in where the cream had been and his skin began to go back to its natural colour and began to feel cooler.

He exited the bathroom and went back to Lisbeth and Katherine. “Ok, what next.”

Katherine reached out with snake like speed and pulled the towel away from his waist. Smiling she reached him a paper wrapped package. “Push... yourself back between your legs, your balls should pop up into a cavity there, then Put this on. It's kind of like a gaff, but give the illusion of skin down there. You will have to get used to wearing it, it will keep everything lady smooth down there.” Katherine said.

Red with embarrassment, he did as instructed. It was too late to back out now. Soon the skin like garment was in place and he looked smooth and lump free down there. “Very nice.” Katherine said, then reached into a box and pulled out two quivering fleshy mounds that matched Amaya's skin tones perfectly. “Lisbeth, could you apply the adhesive please?”

“Adhesive?” Amaya asked, looking at his sister in worry. Lisbeth's back was to him, and she moved out of the way as Katherine came up close to him, he could smell her perfume, as he gazed into her eyes he felt a cold feeling on his chest but he paid it no mind. He thought for a moment that Katherine was running her finger over his chest, what she was really doing was smoothing around the edges of the breast forms she's just glued to his chest, blending them in.

“There,” Katherine said, perfect. Now it's just us girls here right?

Amaya stared in the full length mirror in shock, they had only just begun, but he was in shock. With just tucking his penis away and the application of a pair of very realistic breast forms Amaya was already looking to be very much a she, not a he. She gulped.

Amaya was then given another paper wrapped parcel and opened it to find a matching set of pink and white lingerie. She slipped them on, the panties sitting snugly in place and the bra nestled her new breasts perfectly. It was odd she thought, the snug fit of the bra's felt comfortable, comforting even. “No no no no, it's not supposed to be this easy. I'm supposed to look stupid in this stuff, why don't I”

“Now, if you will come this way miss, we will commence your makeover.” Lisbeth said, motioning to a computer chair that took in a wheeled swivel base, and a sheet covering it. Lisbeth's heart ached a little at the conflict raging across Amaya's face, remnants of jack's machismo, little jack who lets his mummy dress him as a pretty girl, and who knows what else.

Feeling a little numb, Amaya sat down and let the two women then set to work on her. Her hair was sprayed and put in rollers, her eyebrows tweezed into a feminine shape, Katherine set to work on Amaya's nails while Lisbeth worked on her makeup. Amaya had a small smile on her face, at feeling pampered like that, and found herself drifting asleep.

Amaya felt a gentle nudging and woke up, “Wakey Wakey sleepy head.” Lisbeth said in good nature, “I think you enjoyed that a little more than you might admit.” She helped Amaya onto her feet and to the mirror again.

Amaya was shocked, “I'm... I'm... I'm pretty.” She stammered. Aside from the lack of any discernible figure, Amaya not looked just like any other female. “How can it be possible to make me so pretty?”

“Looks like the beauty inside you was ready to come out Amaya.” Katherine said approvingly. “But, you can't stand around in your undies like this, lefts find you a pretty dress and some shoes. While you were sleeping we booked in at a restaurant. We want to show off our work.”

“Nnnnnn no I can't go out like this” Amaya panicked, “people will see me, they will think I'm a...” She began.

Lisbeth gently took Amaya by the hand and led her to her own bedroom, “Remember, for all intents and purposes, you are as good as female now. As far as the outer world is concerned anyway. This is who you must be, to survive.”

Lisbeth went through her wardrobe and checked various outfits against Amaya and settled on a dark plum chiffon dress with a short hemline and white belt with a bow design on the front, she paired it off with wedge heeled sandals, a matching flower necklace, headband and bangle. She then finished off by handing Amaya a handbag with makeup used in her makeover.

“Wow Amaya,” Katherine said, “You look better than cute, I'd say you were hot.

“Damn,” Lisbeth muttered in good humour, “You look better in this outfit than I do.”

Amaya blushed, “You better try walking in those heels before we go out, you really don't want to fall over in them, talk about embarrassment,” Lisbeth said.

Not used to the heels, Amaya teetered back and forth in small steps, gaining in confidence until she was a little steadier on her feet.

“I guess that's enough practice cutie, we need to get to the restaurant.” Katherine said, “Think you can manage it?”

Amaya nodded, and the three left in Lisbeth's car for the restaurant. When Amaya tried to turn around due to nerves, Katherine and Lisbeth just lifted her by the arms and carried her to the car and got her inside. “Don't worry sis, you'll knock EM dead!” Lisbeth said warmly and gave Amaya a hug through the open doorway.

Chapter 6: Walk on the Wild Side.

On the drive to the restaurant, Amaya calmed down somewhat. “Is this really happening, I must be having a fever or something. I'm delirious.” Amaya muttered softly. “Guys just don't go overnight from being a guy to being a girl.”

Katherine reached back to Amaya, rubbing a leg in comfort, “Don't worry. This is just day one, it will get easier I am sure. You won't be alone. I know what has happened with and to you. I'm going to be here for you, just as Lisbeth is.” She said softly.

Amaya smiled, but was starting to worry all the more. How had he... She let herself be talked into this. It was sure to fail, and not only would he be found out, but he would be killed dressed like this along with his sister and her friend. She looked down at herself, past her purple shrouded breasts, slender shaven legs, then looked in the window at her oh so pretty eyes reflecting back at her. The makeup seemed to make them look larger, more expressive and more feminine that she had ever seen before. 'Maybe it will work' she thought, 'I don't know if I want it to work or not. This is so damned confusing.'

Pulling into the car park outside the restaurant Lisbeth turned back to Amaya, “Ok, just take a deep breath and try to relax. You should be just fine. Me and Kath will help you out, give you pointers as we go along. Don't walk with long strides as you usually do, don't forget to smooth down your dress underneath you as you sit down, Legs together.” She said, “Just follow our lead.”

Getting out of the car, Amaya teetered unsteadily on the still unfamiliar heels as Katherine took one of her hands to help her steady. “Easy there, there's no hurry. Take your time.”

Amaya took a moment to calm herself down, tugged a little at the unfamiliar clothes until they were comfortable once more and smoothed the skirt of her dress. “Ok, I think I am ready.” She said in a quiet, nervous voice.

Katherine and Lisbeth walked on either side of Amaya, just in case she fell again, and went into the restaurant. “Good evening ladies,” said the man at the podium by the door, “do you have a booking?”

“Yes, a table for three, under the name Campbell.” Lisbeth replied, and they were led to a table in the corner. He pulled the table out a bit, then seated the three. He pulled out a chair and gestured to Amaya, “miss?”

As they were left to consider the menu Amaya let out a long drawn sigh. “I can't believe I've just done that.”

“You did all right,” Lisbeth said, and then giggled. “He couldn't take his eyes off you, I think you have a fan.”

“No way. Not going to happen” Amaya said quickly.

“We are just having a bit of fun with you Amaya, relax.” Lisbeth said gently and put her hands over Amaya's trembling hands on the table. “We're here for you, you know, we won't see you wrong.”

Katherine added her hands to the pile, “I've only known you for a short time, and even given what I've heard about what you have done in the past, if Beth thinks you deserve another chance then I will be here for you too.”

Amaya smiled, tears beginning to swell, “here, dab your eyes with this. You don't want to ruin your makeup.” Katherine said, handing a tissue to Amaya.

As Amaya composed herself they began to work out their orders, for starters they ordered a platter of cold meats to pick from and share between them.   The choice of main course came down to grilled sea bass for Katherine, chicken chasseur for Lisbeth and Amaya settled on an old favourite she had not had for many years, a medium-rare steak. They also ordered a bottle of red wine.

  Lisbeth spoke, “Right,” she said to Amaya, “It's Saturday tomorrow, so we'll start your training then. You have made a good start sis, but there is much work to be done before you are good enough. You've been speaking very quietly since this really kicked off, so it's not been so noticeable, but we need to work on your voice. I think I can find some voice coaching discs or software that will help you there. I'll be teaching you the how's and why's of makeup, teaching you how to style your hair. Katherine will be working with you on your mannerisms, gestures, walking and so on.”

Amaya gulped, “That much?”

“More, this is just the start.” Lisbeth said, “But we will walk you through it all and be watching your progress.”

“Are you sure there is no way around this?” Amaya asked imploringly, “There has to be a better way.”

“Amaya, you said it yourself, you made allot of very dangerous enemies.” Lisbeth said, “If you go it alone you'll have to fall back into old ways and sooner or later they'll get you. But if you stay here, and do this, and well, there's a better than good chance they won't recognize you if and when they show up.” 

As the wine arrived Amaya sighed in a not too convincing show of defeat, “I suppose you're right. I know this is pretty much the best option, I was just hoping you'd talk me out of it. I don't want to lose myself in this.” 

“Amaya, I don't know if this is the right thing to say, but you seem a natural, with some training you'll be fantastic. Maybe this is the right thing for you at this time. You seem to like it, I see that little smile of yours when you think we aren't looking.” Katherine tried to encourage as she poured out three glasses of wine. “Hell, 50% of the population manage to live like this just fine. I’m sure you will too.”

“OK, I'll give it a shot, it can't hurt right?” Amaya said, “Right?” 

Lisbeth smiled as she sipped her wine, “You won't go through any more than the rest of us girls” 

Amaya blushed again at being included as one of the girls, but then, glancing in a mirror what else is could she be than a girl. And a good looking one too. 

The starter arrived, and Amaya's mouth started to water at the sight of it. Lisbeth stopped her with a gentle hand before she could dig in, “Remember, you have to learn a whole new set of mannerisms.” She said, “See how other women and girls eat, take a cue from them and change the way you do things. You will have to remember to do these things eventually, you may have to constantly remind yourself, but eventually it will become second nature to you and you won't even think about it anymore. “

Amaya thought about this, then picked sparingly from the platter just as Lisbeth and Katherine did. In the process she began to savour the wonderful taste, “this tastes wonderful.” She said, “I've not tasted anything so good in years.” 

“I guess not.” Lisbeth said with a grin. 

“You're enjoying this aren't you?” Amaya asked pointedly. As she scooped up the last of the meats and devoured it with relish. 

“Maybe a little.” Lisbeth said, “Can you blame me for taking some enjoyment out of this?”

“I guess not, given what I...” Amaya began, and Lisbeth coughed, “… what Jack did, I could have expected worse”. It felt so odd to refer to the person she had been just yesterday as a different person. 

A waitress came and swept away the empty platter away as they began to make small talk for a while. They brought Amaya into the conversation to keep her from feeling neglected. There seemed to be so many social rules as a woman she mused, it boggled the mind. Amaya tried to make an effort to be a part of the conversation, but when it got onto the topic of the current fashions, and what was selling well in Lisbeth’s shop and what wasn’t, Amaya started to get lost, this was yet another mysterious world she would have to learn all about.

Shortly later their main courses arrived, Amaya breathed in the aroma deeply. She swore she had not smelled anything so wonderful in a lifetime. The steak smelled divine and just as she was about to dig in, forgetting what her sister had said a moment before.

Lisbeth stopped her with a gentle hand, “Slower, smaller bites. Remember you have to be a woman now, not a man.” Lisbeth said, “Just like the way you move, sit and talk. The way you eat could give you away as well.”

Amaya nodded, and ate in much smaller bites. ‘It was just as well,’ she thought ‘I don’t think I could manage bigger bites, it’s been so long since I have had a good solid meal.’

“There seem to be so many rules for clothing,” Amaya broached the dreaded topic at last, “I just seems to… big. What to wear with what, what not to wear, body shapes, colours, cuts… it must take a lifetime to learn all this.”

“Oh, it does honey,” Katherine said, “but we will be giving you a condensed course. Good enough to get you started anyway. You’ll get the hang of it.”

Soon they were finished in the restaurant and made their way back to Lisbeth’s apartment. After relaxing for a little while, Lisbeth looked at Amaya, “You know, I have allot more in my wardrobe that I really need. We can probably get your own clothing collection off to a good start is we have a rummage and see what else looks good on you.”

“Oh yes,” said Katherine with a grin, “Lets.” And she produced two bottles of wine from her bag, “I got two bottles to go while you two were sorting yourselves out. We may as well make an enjoyable night of this!”

The two women and their trainee went into Lisbeth’s room and threw open the wardrobe doors, “Gods woman, you are a major clothes horse!” Katherine exclaimed.

“What can I say, I get given clothes by suppliers as promos.” Lisbeth chuckled, “So, let us go to town.”

Amaya was initially embarrassed as Lisbeth and Katherine would root through the racks and draws, holding clothes up to her and then either throwing them on the bed or putting them back.   Though soon Amaya found herself drawn into the experience, saying what she thought looked nice and what she didn’t like. Though she was of course overruled on a number of occasions.   Before long there was a mounting pile of clothes, shoes and jewellery mounting on Lisbeth’s bed.

“I think we have enough to be going on. It’s a good job we are roughly the same size Amaya, despite the fact you are taller than me. I never realised your feet were so small either.” Lisbeth said. “Ok, Kath, if you can go pour some wine and put some music on and we can have a bit of fun with this.” She looked at Amaya, “Let's see how this stuff looks and fits on you.”

Shortly later Amaya emerged in a pink lace skater dress that was paired with a pair of matching flats, she was unadorned by any jewellery but still looked fantastic.

“Wow,” Katherine said as she passed Amaya a glass, and another to Lisbeth as she came into the living room, “Beth, your sister is quite the looker already!”

“I know,” Lisbeth smiled, as she gestured to Amaya to give a bit of a twirl, “Quite a turn up for the books eh.”

As she sipped her wine, Amaya virtually glowed from the compliments as she twirled as requested. “Do I really look that good, or are you just being nice?” Lisbeth and Katherine both nodded, “Oh yeah, on both accounts.” Katherine said. “If I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t guess that you are a boy under all that. You must have done this before, you seem far too at home.”

Lisbeth looked at Amaya, and she nodded with a smile. She went to the box of keepsakes and photos and gestured for Katherine and Amaya to join her on the sofa, one sitting each side of Amaya. “Here we go, this is Amaya and her mother. I told you family history of Amaya wouldn’t be hard to establish.” She said, and produced the small photo album with the pictures of Amaya within.

As they sat and leafed through the album Katherine was amazed, “This is you, growing up?” She asked Amaya.

“Yes,” My mother always liked dressing me as a girl when she could get away with it. “This one,” she said, pointing to the picture of a teenage Japanese girl with wavy hair, dressed in in a short plaid skirt that was paired with a pink blouse with black bow and a pair of white heels “was the last time I dressed for mom. She and dad had some blazing rows about the dressing by the end. After that was when I started acting out and rebelling, and well, you know what happened after that. I Guess I.. he, needed to prove he was strong, a typical guy. Not a… not like me.”

“You knew?” Katherine asked Lisbeth.

“Not initially no,” she said, “Not until the other night. The crafty minx kept it hidden well.” Lisbeth smiled and playfully poked Amaya in the side. “I guess your mom’s lessons on how to be a girl didn’t entirely fade.”

Amaya nodded, “It’s so confusing even now.” Tears were starting to flow down Amaya’s cheeks now, Lisbeth and Katherine both hugged her tight.

Amaya had never felt anything like this before. The kindness, love and support from her sister and her friend were overwhelming. Amaya sobbed into her sister’s shoulder as they held her, years of repressed emotion coming out.   As she pulled herself together she withdrew and smiled at them, “Thank you so much Lis, I love you so much sis. Thank you for your support too Kath, you’ve been amazing.”

“You’re quite welcome Amaya,” Katherine said as Lisbeth was dabbing her own eyes dry, “It’s been an experience. I think this might be the beginning of a great friendship!”

“I truly hope so.” Said Amaya, “Ok, let's try another outfit.” She smiled, and took Lisbeth’s hand and went back to her room for another outfit. The night progressed, more alcohol ensued and outfits tried on. By the time Amaya rolled into bed she was feeling like she was brimming over with happiness. After taking Lisbeth showed her how to take her makeup off, she put away all her new clothes, shoes and jewellery were put away and she was snuggled up in a nightdress that Lisbeth had also given her that was so far unused. It felt like everything was going to be ok from that moment onwards.

Chapter 7: Walk This Way

Amaya woke up as the light flooded through a crack in the bedroom curtains. Her head was groggy, but she felt a new feeling of belonging that warmed her heart that was unfamiliar to her.   As she looked in the full length mirror she was momentarily stunned to see a thoroughly dishevelled young woman in a nightdress looking back. It took a few moments for the recent events to catch up with her. "Oh yeah."   She said to herself, “New me.”

She put some slippers and a pink satin dressing gown and left her on, and left the bedroom, tying the gown round her as she went.

Katherine was nursing a cup of black coffee "Good morning." she smiled at Amaya, "Fresh coffee's in the pot. That was some night.”

“Yeah.” Amaya said, smiling sweetly.   “Fun too.” And got herself a mug, and leaned against the kitchen counter sipping and enjoying the aroma. “That was a crazy night.”

As Lisbeth emerged she rubbed her face in weariness ten minutes later, "Morning girls, sleep well?”

“Hey Beth, not bad, your couch is surprisingly comfortable.” Katherine said, running her hand through her hair.

“Like a baby.” Amaya said, “I’ve not slept that good for a long, long time.”

“Good, we have a busy day. After we have eaten and come around it’s time for you to start learning how to be a woman.” Lisbeth said, “The sooner we get started the better.”

“So, what’s to be first?” Amaya asked.

“First?” Lisbeth said with a smile, “Breakfast. Worry about the rest later.” And she set about cooking scrambled eggs, “I guess as it looks like you will be around some time you can call that room your own Amaya.” She said over her shoulder.

“Thanks sis, it feels great to belong somewhere.” Amaya said happily.

Lisbeth watched them happily as she ate, it felt real good to have people here with her. “So, your first think this morning Amaya will be to have a clean-up and a shave, though with three of us that may take some time. You go first this time, Kath and I will go after. I left some supplied in a green wicker basket for you, there’s a few disposable razors, shaving gel, moisturizer, makeup removing pads. Most of what you need to get started. Hand me downs I am afraid, but we’ll get you your own stuff before long. There’s also a tube of cream there I got for you, It’s a facial hair retardant cream, it’s effects aren’t permanent, but semi-regular application will help you keep shaving your pretty face to a minimum. Supply it every three days or so and you should see a difference.”

Amaya nodded and went into the bathroom, as she disrobed she found there wasn’t a huge amount to do she found. Her body was still hairless thanks to the hair removal cream the previous day, so she set about carefully removing the light stubble on her face, washed, moisturized and applied the beard cream to her jaw, working it into her neckline, across her upper lip and towards her ears. Removing the gaff she had been wearing since the previous morning, she washed it and the areas it had been, dried both and fit herself back into place, nice and smooth again. Then noticing a can of anti-persperant in her basket she sprayed, noting the flowery scent. She put her nightdress and dressing gown back on and left the bathroom as Lisbeth entered.

As she lingered in the hallway, Amaya found herself staring at Katherine while she was occupied elsewhere, but when Katherine turned and saw her she blushed and pretended she hadn’t been staring and went to sit down at the table. “Has no one told you it’s rude to stare?” Katherine said playfully, and poked Amaya in a ticklish spot on the side, eliciting a very girlish giggle. “You are something else Amaya, you’re taking to this like…” she began.

“A duck to water?” Amaya finished.

“No, I was going to say, a teenage girl to make up” Katherine giggled. Then they chatted as they waited for Lisbeth to come out, so Katherine could clean up.  

Soon Lisbeth came out and Katherine went into the bathroom, as she went Amaya’s gaze lingered on Katherine again and smiled a little. Seeing this Lisbeth playfully swatted her new sister on the head, “No time for that sis, it’s time for your first lesson in makeup. Let's go to your room, there will be less distractions.” She said good naturedly.

Lisbeth had Amaya sit at her dressing table, an array of make-up now set out on it, as well as removal pads. “This is everything we used on you yesterday, plus some extra on top. Like your clothes, it’s a start. But you’ll have to buy more as you go along. Now, here are the basics….” She said, and explained what makeup was for what, demonstrated different applications and effects on Amaya’s face. As she went along, she had Amaya wipe the makeup off that she had applied and try to reproduce the effects herself.   Due to a shaky hand, Amaya did a messy job initially. But after a little practice she began to get the hang of each technique at a basic level, that her sister showed her.

“Very good sis,” Lisbeth encouraged, “Now, if you can put the whole look together, we can get started on your hair.” Amaya made several attempts, frowning in annoyance a little when she went wrong or messed it up, but eventually she came up with a passable effort.

“Excellent. Remember you’ll have to practice this.” Lisbeth said, and gave her sister a hug, “Now, for your hair. Let's go simple today, I’ll get my curling irons and we can put a nice wave in your hair for now. It will help give it body and will make it look prettier.”

Amaya was quietly stunned, she was into this just a couple of days and already it was hard to see the boy in her. “Ok.” She finally said, and took the curling irons off Lisbeth. She followed her sister’s instructions, carefully rolling her hair in the iron, and gradually pulling it through, leaving it curled behind somewhat tight curls, but Lisbeth teased out the curls and they fell longer and looser now, framing Amaya’s made up face.

“Awwww, my baby sister’s all grown up.” Lisbeth said with a twinkle in her eye. “Come on, it’s your choice of outfits from now, though I will of course help guide you in what matches and what doesn’t.”

Amaya blushed again, as seemed to be becoming her default reaction to any compliment on her growing girlishness. She went to a sparse draw with only a few sets of lingerie in, currently, and picked out a black lacy bra with matching short knickers, to Lisbeth’s approval. She stepped into the knickers and pulled them up her slender legs until they were snug and in place, then she struggled a little getting the bra on. Aside from the fact that it was still an unfamiliar garment to her, she still had the breast forms glued to her chest and so had to manoeuvre around them too. Eventually the bra was on and everything snugly held in place. In an unguarded moment Amaya found herself staring at herself in the mirror and smiling wistfully.

“Enough time to admire yourself another time sis,” Lisbeth laughed, “Tights’ next, then I have a surprise for you.”

Amaya sat on the bed, and ran a pair of nude tights up her legs, and into place. She had not worn any yesterday, and it felt electric, rolling them up her hairless legs. The feeling gave her a bit of a thrill.

“OK, close your eyes, hands on the wall.” Lisbeth said, and guided Amaya into place.   Amaya felt something going around her waist and could feel it being hooked in front. Lisbeth tugged it a little this way and that. Then Lisbeth braced against the small of Amaya’s back, and pulled. Amaya’s breath fled her body in surprise and a little pain.

“What the hell” she muttered, opening her eyes to see in the mirror, Lisbeth tying off a waist clincher that had left Amaya with curves. “Wow, but you could have warned me.” She winced.

“You’ll get used to it. You’ll have to wear that often, or a corset when we get you one. Depending on the outfit.” Lisbeth explained, “You don’t have the natural figure so you need help for certain garments. It will help for your posture and the training that Katherine has in store for you.”

Amaya had now gotten her breath back and approached the wardrobe, half expecting her sister to spring some other dread device on her, but nothing else came. She picked out a knee length black chiffon mini-dress and with a little virtual prodding from Lisbeth, picked out a black and white headband that she slid into place, then a matching bracelet that she put on her right wrist.

Amaya was about to pick out a pair of flat shoes when Lisbeth stopped her, “Katherine will be helping you with your walk and mannerisms while I am down in the shop, she had some shoes out there for you already. It’s past time I opened up, so I’ll leave you in her capable hands.”

Amaya padded after Lisbeth out into the living area, Katherine was herself already dressed and made up. Seeing Amaya she let off a cheeky wolf whistle. “My, don’t we look pretty this afternoon.” She said with a small smile. And it was getting into the afternoon, she and her sister had been at her lesson for the better part of the morning.

“Stop it,” Lisbeth said with a playful punch, “And hands off my sister, any more than is necessary for training purposes anyway.” She said with mock seriousness. “She’s sweet and innocent you know.”

Lisbeth and Katherine split into laughter, Amaya stated at them, saw their faces and couldn’t help laughing herself. It felt good.

When Lisbeth went down to open shop, Katherine got up and went to Amaya, “Ok, I think our task this morning will be your walk, and to get you somewhat used to heels.” Katherine took her hand and led Amaya to an area she had cleared in front of the sofas and chairs, “Let's work here, if you are going to fall, at least you can get to a soft landing.   Ok, let’s start low and work our way up, can you put on the one inch courts please, and have a walk around.”

Katherine gently coached Amaya on how to walk in her heels, walking her through to two inches with little trouble. “Ok, now I want you to wear the three inch heels, you will notice that walking will get different and maybe a little tricky from now. When you walk, you want the heel coming down first, then the toe. Not together.” Amaya tried, going slowly, “Ok, keep your torso upright, not leaning forward. Remember, heel to toe, heel to toe.”

Gradually Amaya was gaining confidence as she went and was slowly beginning to walk better in the heels. “This is tricky.” She said as she went, “But I think I have...” She started again as she twisted to face Katherine, and totally lost her balance and went over.

Katherine caught her on the way down. She had caught Amaya in such a way that they were directly facing each other, Amaya held at an angle in Katherine’s arms. “Now, that wasn’t very ladylike.” She teased gently. Amaya and Katherine’s breathing got a little heavier for a moment as they made eye contact. After a moment Katherine remembered she was supposed to be getting Amaya back on her feet. “Ok, let’s try that again.” She said, and got Amaya moving on her heels once again.

Amaya was moving much better now, walking in heels seemed to be giving her a bit of a sway as she walked. “Very good. Let's see how you fare with four inches, though they may be a bit high for you right now.” She said, as Amaya got out of the three inch heels and went to four. Amaya stood there, teetering a little, “Ok, see if you can stand in on tiptoes in those shoes, see if you can lift yourself out by an inch.”

Amaya tried to do as asked, but wasn’t getting much clearance, “No, I don’t think I can manage that. Is that bad?”

“Not in the least. As you are not used to heels you need to get used to them, it just means that if you were to start wearing four inches right now, you would eventually be in for a world of soreness and pain getting used to them. Let's keep you with three inch max for now. I’m going to keep you in three inch heels until we are done here, though it may be better if you go get some three inch wedge heels from your room for this. It will give you better support for now.” Katherine said.

Amaya gratefully got out of the four inch heels and went to her room for a pair of three inch wedges.   “Ok, what next?”

“Let me decide, I’d like you to walk up and down for a little while, while I decide, remember how I said to walk.” Katherine said, and settled down to watch Amaya walk back and forth, she’d started to hold the hem of her dress as she carefully concentrated on walking back and forth.

“Ok, I think you have it.” Katherine said. “Ok, let’s take five for a drink and relax. Could you make us coffee please?” She asked.

“Sure,” Amaya said, and went to the kitchen on the side of the open plan living area. “I think I remember where everything is.”

Katherine watched her move to the kitchen, as she got used to moving in the heels her movements seemed to be getting more graceful, the sway in her hips was almost mesmerizing. Feeling a flush come to her face, Katherine made herself look away, “Stop it Kath, this is your best friend’s kid sister… brother... whatever.” She muttered softly to herself. “She wouldn’t be interested anyway, she has too much to deal with right now.”

While Amaya was waiting for the kettle to boil, she idly fidgeted in her dress, it felt so foreign to her, and yet like an old friend returning to comfort her. She found herself gazing at Katherine again, just after she had turned away. She sighed, ‘No chance there. No way would she be interested in a guy who lives his life as a woman.” Then Amaya poured the coffee, added milk and sugar and went back to the sofas.

“Before you put them down,” Katherine said, “Bend your knees and lower yourself to put the mugs down, you only bend over if you want to flash someone what you are wearing under your pretty dress.”

Amaya blushed bright red, then lowered herself and set the mugs down.   She remembered to smooth out the skirt of her dress as she sat next to Katherine. “Very good.” She said, and swivelled to face Amaya, Amaya copied and mirrored Katherine’s actions. “So, how are you finding it?”

Amaya gave a small smile, “It’s confusing. I find myself liking… enjoying it. I like the way I look and it confuses the hell out of me. After the rows between my mom and dad, I guess I got it into my head that it was a shameful or dirty thing to do. I thought that for so long, rebelled against feeling the way I had when my mom dressed me.” She sighed heavily.

“I take it your mom used to teach you more about being a girl than just dressing the part.” Katherine asked.

“Yes,” Amaya smiled, “Those times she dressed me away from home, well, and it was more like I was living as her daughter till we headed home. And dad wondered why I sulked so much after such trips.”

Katherine gave Amaya a big hug, “How can it be shameful or dirty to look so beautiful Amaya.” She said as she hugged, “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!”

Parting, Amaya brushed away a happy tear, “Thanks Kath. Now, was there more you were going to teach me other than walking, getting coffee and inflating my ego?” She said playfully laughing.

“Indeed there is,” Katherine laughed, got up and took Amaya’s outstretched arms and pulled her to her feet, pushing down the urge to pull Amaya into her arms.

Katherine spent some time going over more with Amaya, sitting, mannerisms, and manners. Whatever she could think of that would help steer Amaya away from masculine behaviour and traits.

Down in the shop, Lisbeth watched all that was going on in the monitor. She sighed, “Gods, those two can’t even see what’s in front of them.” She chuckled, “I know it’s too soon after everything that has happened, but this is going to get awkward and embarrassing fast. But I guess I’ll have to do something sooner or later, for my own sanity if nothing else.”

To be continued….

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