Mighty Oak Tree By Stanman63 Synopsis: When a lad is enchanted to become an oak tree, he finds love in the form of farmer whose son befriends the tree and in time, frees the tree and finds his love. |
Once upon a time there was a mighty Oak Tree in a grassy meadow. It was a part of a farm owned by a farmer that loved the land and cared for the Oak Tree.
One day, the farmer brought a bundle to the tree and said to the tree, "Oh Mighty Oak, here is my son that I love. He shall be taught to love you as I have loved you all of these years."
Then the Mighty Oak Tree formed a soft cradle to bed the bundle while the farmer tended the fields.
As the boy grew up, he began to tend the Mighty Oak and spent many an hour playing within its lofty branches. Mighty Oak was his Pirate Ship when he was a seafaring captain and his castle when he was a mighty King. When he invited his friends over to play, Mighty Oak was happy indeed for the tree loved children.
Then one day the boy came to the Mighty Oak and said," Oh Friend Tree, I love you with all of my heart and will never hurt thee, but I desire to have a house in a tree."
Then Mighty Oak said "My friend, I can grant the thy desire and it will not hurt me."
Then Mighty Oak formed its trunk into a tree house for the boy. Inside was a bed and a table and stool.
"Oh Mighty Oak Tree, how can I thank thee?"
"I grant thee three wishes, all I ask is that you use your third wish to set me free."
"Set you free? Are you under an enchantment Friend Tree?"
"Yes indeed, before I was a tree, I was a lad that was cutting down an oak tree, the tree's faerie enchanted me and I must stay a tree until a wish releases me."
"Oh Mighty Oak, I know not what to wish for me!!"
"Worry not my friend, I can wait for thee."
Then Summer passed into Winter and the boy became sick with a fever. The farmer placed his son in his bed within the Mighty Oak Tree Tree House for the son was weak and wanted to say goodbye to his friend the tree.
But in the morning, the boy was well for the Mighty Tree had healed his friend. Then getting up, the boy asked the Mighty Oak Tree, "Friend Tree, I thank thee for healing me, but I ask a boon of thee."
"What boon do you ask of me?"
"Many in the village are with fever, can you heal them as you have me?"
"Gather them under my leaves and set them upon my roots that are now beds and I will heal the village for thee, but I also ask a boon of thee."
"What boon do you ask of me Friend Tree."
"That you use a wish to heal the village for me."
"I wish oh Mighty Oak Tree that you would heal the village for me."
Then Mighty Oak sprouted forth green leaves and his roots formed into soft beds. The meadow under his leaves became as fresh as Spring. Then the villagers sick with fever were healed as they slept upon the beds under the leaves of the Mighty Oak Tree, but after the wish was granted Mighty Oak fell sick with fever.
"Oh Mighty Oak, what ails thee?"
"I granted the thy wish but now the fever has me."
"Then I shall care for thee and cause the fever to leave thee."
Then the boy tended the Mighty Oak and sent the fever from the tree. Soon the Mighty Tree was once again Mighty indeed.
Then one stormy Summer day, the boy came to Mighty Oak Tree," Oh Friend Tree, soon a storm will be, I seek shelter within thee."
"My friend, if the village gathers under my leaves the storm will not harm any under my leaves."
"You would do this boon for me?"
"Yes indeed, all I ask is that you use a wish to help me protect the village for thee."
"Oh Mighty Oak Tree, I wish that thee shield the village for me."
Then the village gathered under the leaves of Mighty Oak Tree and were saved from the storm that assaulted them and the Tree. Then lightning struck Mighty Oak Tree and split the trunk of the tree. As the storm abated, the son saw the harm done to the Tree.
"Oh Friend Tree, is this the end of thee?"
"Yes indeed my friend the storm was greater than Mighty Oak Tree."
Then Mighty Oak Tree formed into a petite green haired maiden wearing a red gown with hazel eyes. "Oh my friend you have freed me from my enchantment indeed."
"Will you marry me oh maiden that was Mighty Oak Tree?"
"Yes indeed I will marry thee."
They were soon wed and they had many sons and daughters and loved each other indeed.
Another cute story
With your imagination, you could be a good writer for children's books. You would need an artist to draw the pictures and a publisher.
Billie Sue
Billie Sue
Why Thank You Billie Sue. You Have Made My Day
I get my inspiration from stories that I have read and then my muse begins to speak to me. The short story The Tree started me upon penning these "tree" stories. I don't know how many more I have in me, but when they come, I will pen them.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
My story?
It makes me feel honored that someone could claim inspiration from something I wrote. It is a beautiful story, and thank you.
Melanie E
Beautiful Story
This is a really nice story.
oke tree
verry good and verry loveylike the old oke tree we need a lot of love so i say love to all and have a good one .hugs awalys
[email protected]
mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing
A minor nit
A nicely written story, in the classical form. But it is spoiled a little bit by a few typos and the misuse of "thee". "Thou" does things, while things happen to "thee". The easiest way to understand the difference is the couplet "I would marry thee, if thou wouldst marry me." It's pretty much the same as the difference between "us" and "we".
If you get really involved in the period speech, I can explain the difference between proper use of "you" vs "thee/thou", and the whole "would" vs "wouldst" thing. But for most stories, it's not all that necessary.