Deaf Genie By Stanman63 Synopsis: When two friends meet after one has had her surgery, she finds that her friend has a bit of a problem with magic. |
One Day, there were two friends sitting down to eat in a local cafe. When Dinner was ordered, they began to talk.
"Well Tommy, it looks like your operation went well."
"Thanks Saul, My surgery was a success, Gender Works was able to turn me from a woman into a man."
"Good for you my friend, I know that you are happy now. By the way, your job at my company is waiting for you."
"Thanks, you are such a good friend to me. Thanks for being there."
"Anytime my friend, anytime."
Then a call came from the smoking section for a lighter. Tommy quickly pulled out a very large Bic lighter and handed it over to the waitress and told her they could keep it.
Tommy, where did you get that monster lighter from? Saul asked in wonder.
"Oh, I got it from my Genie."
"Aw, come on now Tommy, there are no such things as Genies."
"I'll prove it by letting him grant you a wish. But I must caution you that he is hard of hearing."
"Okay my friend, prove it."
Then Tommy pulled out a lamp and rubbed it until a small Genie appeared. "Yes oh Master, how may your humble servant meet your needs?"
"Genie, I ask you to grant my friend Saul a wish."
"Yes My Master, your Wish is my Command," said the Genie, turning too Saul, he asked, "What is your Wish oh Master?"
"I want a million bucks," said a stunned Saul.
"Your Wish is granted," said the Genie, then he clapped his hands and vanished. All of a sudden, the cafe was filled to overflowing with ducks of all kind.
"I said bucks, NOT ducks," complained Saul.
"Yeah, I told you, he was hard of hearing. Do you think I asked for the world's largest Bic?"
tis good
good joke
why did the transsexual chicken cross the road?
You mean all this time I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with stories,
when I could've just dressed up old jokes as t.g. fiction & submitted them?
What a dope I've been!
How many intersexed people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Waiter! Waiter! There's a gender dysphoric fly in my soup!
A white transvestite horse fell in the mud...
Take my she-male wife. Please!
(I got a million of 'em!)
But it is a classic.
Nothing wrong with wanting to give folks a laugh...
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.
Good joke