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7.5 America
by Red MacDonald
Copyright © 2013 Red MacDonald
All Rights Reserved.
The Faithful, North African and Middle Eastern Islamic nations, are plotting to seize the oil resources of the Middle East. By controlling the earth's oil and its major trade routes, they plan to bring the world to its knees. Then, when the entire world is kneeling, the Faithful of Allah will read to them from the Koran, preaching the message of Islam, the True Faith. The Faithful will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. But how far will they go? And how many lives will it cost?
7. Battle in the Streets
7.5 America
7.5.1 Defeat at Marsa Matrun
The landing at Marsa Matrun and the build-up that followed had gone smoothly. Harriers from both Captain MacBean's Ajax and from Guido Guadelfono's Hornet had coordinated perfectly to provide CAP over the Marines. By the end of the first day, Marsa Matrun was as well defended as one Marine battalion and its supporting fleet could make it.
The Marine landing at Marsa Matrun stung the Egyptian high command. They had been expecting the British and Americans to disembark a token force at Alexandria and wage a defensive battle. When the Americans took up the advanced position, the Egyptian High Command ordered both their First Armored and First Infantry Divisions to move out with all possible speed. Within an hour, the Egyptian First Armored Division was on the road, while the First Infantry Division embarked on trains headed west.
Early on the following morning, Captain MacBean reported that the covering fleet had sighted two North African destroyers and sunk them. Although the sinking of enemy ships was good news, it could also mean that the North Africans had been alerted to the Americans ashore.
Several hours later, a Sea Harrier was shot down by a missile ship. Admiral Ellingstone sent three Harriers after it. One Harrier was shot down and one was damaged, but they severely damaged a destroyer, leaving it burning and dead in the water. Ellingstone reported to Breckenridge that there was no doubt in his mind that the North Africans knew the Marines had landed.
Two hours later, Blacky's Marine scouts reported a large column of enemy infantry twelve miles to the west. There was nothing his Marines could do but get ready to defend their position.
Admiral Ellingstone ordered two of his destroyers to move inshore to provide support with their five-inchers. He and Captain MacBean coordinated their air defense with Blacky. Twelve Super Harriers, armed with cluster bombs and rockets circled behind the defensive lines ready to attack enemy ground forces. A dozen more, armed with AAMRAMs and Sidewinders flew high CAP. The Marines and the fleet were as prepared as humanly possible.
The enemy approached to within ten thousand yards before the Marines opened fire. The MTAV crews were in their glory, pumping out forty-seven pound ordnance at a rate of one shot every five seconds. The two destroyers blasted away with their five-inch guns. The ground attack Harriers swarmed the enemy infantry. But, they came on undeterred
Within half an hour, Blacky knew he was in trouble. He was facing a huge force. They were pushing hard right up the road in the face of a withering Marine and Naval barrage. He was about to order his Abrams tanks forward when a call came in from his southern flank. The enemy was coming at his lines from two separate axes.
Blacky ordered his reserves to move to his left flank and called for his two batteries of self-propelled, 200-mm howitzers to support them. Then the Tunisian MiGs struck, blowing two gaping holes in his lines. He rushed his last platoon of reserves into the gaps. The enemy's southern force struck his lines, and everything began falling apart. He'd have to make a run for it!
Blacky called Ellingstone hurriedly. "It's Rhino! I'm pulling out now. I've got at least three divisions on me right now, and there's more behind them. Give me all the cover you've got!"
"Negative, Blacky," Ellingstone responded, "Hold on for five minutes. I've got important info coming in." Breckenridge watched as Elly talked on another VisiPhone. Elly spoke a few words, which Blacky couldn't catch. Then, the admiral turned back to him, "Blacky, hold your position. The Egyptian First Armored Division is less than a mile away. They can see the battle and are forming up right now. It'll take less than hour for them to go from column to front, but the cavalry is on the way. Hold your position, Blacky."
It was terrible! At least three divisions were on them like ducks on a bug. MTAVs fought and died. All four Abrams tanks were destroyed. The battalion fell back into a tiny huddle as even more enemy tanks arrived from the southeast.
Blacky's heart sank. He knew that the Egyptians had been defeated. They weren't coming. This was the end of the Second Battalion, Third Marines. At least he would die fighting like a Zulu warrior and a United States Marine should.
A Tunisian T-92 exploded! A second blew and then a third! A phalanx of German Tigers and American Abrams tanks, all with Egyptian markings, raced over the eastern horizon blasting everything in their paths. The enemy retreated!
Blacky withdrew his forces towards the Egyptians. Only nine of his MTAVs had survived and less than three hundred of his troops. But, he and the fighting Second Marines had stopped four enemy divisions dead in their tracks. The Marines had held until their allies could arrive and win the day.
Yet, as he soon discovered, the day just wasn't going to be won. The enemy lines just kept stretching further and further to the south. At least five divisions faced the Egyptian First Armored and the decimated Second Marine Battalion. American and British jump-jets screamed in low pounding the enemy. Surface ships dumped arty all over the attackers. Still, they came on relentlessly pushing the Egyptians back. The attacks finally subsided after nightfall. The allies had been driven back more than six miles.
That night, Egyptian commander sought Blacky out and energetically shook his hand. In superb English, which Blacky thought he should teach to the Brits off shore, the Egyptian congratulated the two-star general on his defense of Marsa Matrun. "You held off the entire Tunisian army for almost five hours with one battalion! Your bravery and courage is an example to all of us. Tonight, my First Infantry Division will join us, and tomorrow, Second Infantry. We will have a full corps facing their Operational Maneuver Group.
"If it weren't for your audacious plan to hold this forward position, my country would still be cowering, and our army would still be hiding in the cities. We have tasted both war and victory, and learned the lesson of haste and audacity.
"Now, we have much to attend to, General Breckenridge. My field hospital has been established, and we are transporting your wounded to it as we speak. You and I will visit our wounded soldiers first, and ensure that our troops are well fed, rested, and ready for tomorrow. Then, we will retire to my headquarters for a meal worthy of a gallant soldier such as yourself.
"I know that you are an Unbeliever, General Breckenridge, but I also know that Allah sent you to us in this our hour of need. We will not forget this; not until the pyramids return to the sand!"
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I like the fact.
That the action taking place has the feel of a real battle not like so many other tales where the Americans take token casualties. This is a battle between very determined adversaries. Our marines are better than most other special forces or top shelf brigades of that theaters nations. But facing such overwhelming forces there are going to be a lot of brave Marine blood lost in any action.
I like your writing style it reminders me of Alistair MacLean short to the point and well written. Thank you for all your detailed work.
Misha Nova
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
US vs Soviet
In this battle, the US forces were attacked by an enemy that vastly out-numbered them. In this case it was one re-enforced combined arms Marine BN against 3 Soviet-doctrine Motorized Rifle Divisions (MRD) and one Soviet-doctrine Tank Division. While they were forced from their positions they did however only got pushed back 6 miles until relieved by an Egyptian Armored Division that is organized by U.S. doctrine. Now to give some comparisons. A Soviet-doctrine Division is about the same size as a U.S. re-enforced Brigade or an Armored Calvary Regiment. So, in essence, the Marines actually delt a tactical defeat to the equivalent of one and a half U.S. divisions.
US v Soviet
Hello Payter,
Great to hear from you again. Thanks for writing, and for your comments.
As far as the battle is concerned, it was actually 5 Sov-style divisions: 3 MRDs, one grenadiers and one tank divisions. I put the total at roughly 30,000, or two US-style divisions. Regardless, the Marine BN was hopelessly outnumbered and should have been swept aside. easily. A well-trained Russian army such as this would have done so.
My thoughts were two-fold. First, this was a fully supported and reinrforced US Marine Amphibious Unit. There is no military force better at the land-sea-air battle as is the US Marines. Then, add a whole bunch of carrier-borne aircraft, and you have a substantial force to overcome. When we add the firepower of US 5" and British 4.5" cannons firing down the length of the battlefield, you have a considerable force multiplier.
On the other hand, the Tunisian forces have neither the caliber of personnel, training or weapons. They have neither the naval nor air power needed to support this invasion. It is evident that General Kamsanni is a skilled and capable commanding officer. Further, to pull off that tricky re-alignment, he has an excellent officer corps. However, the grunts just aren't up to the same level of skills and training as Western troops. It is doubtful that they could carry off the powerful and organized attack needed by their officers to carry out their ambitious attack.
Of course, numbers will ultimately carry the day ... and did. Still, the fact that the Marines, even after taking a terrible beating, were able to retreat in good order is a testimony to their high level of skills, training and esprit de corps.
Then, as in any good story, the cavalry arrives in a nick of time! With US and British naval and air support, a US-style armored division would slow them down. And with a US-style Infantry division arriving to support them, they will have more than enough force to stop the Tunisians.
However, had you noticed that the Libyans have conveniently departed the narrative? ;-D
Again, thanks for the comments.
Red MacDonald
Lack of Libyans
Yes, I noticed the singular lack of Libyans on the offensive. I would imagine that the Tunisian forces are the better trained of the two Arab forces. As this is taking place in the future I imagine that the real life Arab Spring also took place in this fictional account. And if this is true, then the results would be that we know that the Tunisian armed forces remained intact while the Libyan armed forces were torn apart during the Spring. So, for this account, the Tunisian Army is a continuation of our version of Tunisia but the Libyan's would have seen a Balkanization of their military and are still quite Tribal in their make-up in this narration.