The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix - Part 13 - Chapter 18

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?

Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.

We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you.

Chapter 18

Rob and Sally's relationship evolved rapidly over the following days. It seemed as if they were making up for lost time, they acted like a cross between love-struck teens and long-lost lovers. As much as Rob's inner slut wanted to tear the clothes off both their bodies and have Sally ravish him, he managed to keep that side of himself locked under control. But that control was also a delicate thing that was easily lost. They discovered how strong the Diana side of Rob's personality was during a couple of their make out sessions.

They had been kissing and petting one evening and the kiss that Rob gave Sally was more like exploratory surgery on her tonsils. Neither of them had enjoyed a kiss like that before and it was only because of Sally's self-control that they hadn't ended up in a bout of wild sex right there on the living room floor. As it was, Sally had to wear scarves for a week to hide the hickies on her neck. Rob on the other hand wore his as a badge of honor.

The second time had been during another session that took place while they were watching a movie on the couch. An arm across the shoulder turned into a back rub and then into a full body massage. Rob's delicate touch was enough to light Sally's fire and she threw away any attempt at restraint. Rob ended up with his crotch was positioned near her face as he worked on her back. On reflection, Sally could see that was intentional on his part. It was only Sophie's timely entrance that preserved Rob's virginity.

Sally had been reaching to free his manhood when the door unexpectedly opened... Sally's scramble to close Robs' fly caught the material of his panties and refused to go further. They weren't immediately aware of the smidgen of pink cloth protruding from his pants until they realized that Sophie was not looking either of them in the eye. Sally jumped up to pick up her bra and close her blouse. Sophie could only say, "I have a bra just like that."

As much as Sally had wanted to continue in the privacy of her bedroom, she knew that Rob was still fighting for control of his mind and this could very well push him over the edge. They had discussed the possibility that Doctor Winters might be able help him, but Rob was afraid to let them manipulate his mind even more. The two of them had bid a hasty and embarrassed good night to Sophie before retreating to their separate bedrooms. Rob was confused, he felt trapped, having the body of a stripper, the mind and desires of a man and the emotions of a wanton whore.

For her part, Sophie had been spending a great deal of time with Pete; there were some evenings when she would come in very late. This evening, she sat alone in the living room after Sally and Rob had left it, recalling the action she had witnessed and feeling a bit sorry for herself. The intensity of their passion had succeeded in getting her a bit hot and bothered as well and made her wonder if something like that combination of sex, love and lust would be part of her life again.

She was happy that Pete seemed to be able to accept her the way she was. Pete was such a sweet guy. Sophie was developing strong feelings for Pete, he just wasn't sure what they were, friendship or could they be love. 'Nonsense,' reasoned Sophie, 'I can't love another man, I'm not gay.'

To help her with the trauma of her forced transformation and captivity, Pete had arranged for Sophie to begin therapy sessions with a psychiatrist who had a good reputation. Sophie had only had a couple of sessions so far, but the doctor was quite certain Sophie would benefit from being able to talk through the events she had experienced. Sophie was reluctant to open up completely with the doctor. He wanted to keep some of his experiences and feeling private. He did hope that the doctor would be able to help him/her come to terms with life.

The mental conditioning Sophie, as Steven, had been subjected to had been more ruthless. It had been weeks of conditioned behavior, coupled with physical abuse. Steven had been forced to think of himself as Sophie, a sissy and a woman. Now that she was physically free, Sophie could have thrown off that conditioning, especially with her therapist's help. The question was 'Why?'. Sophie would have returned to being Steven in a feminine-appearing body, a body that was becoming a walking wet dream.

He thought back to Sunday school and the Serenity Prayer, where as he remembered it went:
'God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can.
And wisdom to know the difference.'

So he had made the decision to stop fighting the inevitable and resolved to let Steven go and become become the best Sophie he could be.

She had found that Pete was willing to accept her as she was now and she counted herself lucky that the Olsen's had been raised as the decent, open-minded people that they were. The fact Pete was cute didn't hurt either and those thoughts were becoming less foreign to her. She had to force herself from wondering what his male package was like. Thoughts like that were confusing. Perhaps the kind of relationship that Sally and Rob enjoyed wouldn't necessarily be denied to her.

Now that they had finished giving their rather long statements to the police regarding their kidnapping and subsequent incarceration at the club and how they had come to be in the physical condition in which they had been found, Rob and Sophie found themselves to be largely ignored by both the police and the criminal elements that had been looking for them. Everyone knew that Rob and Sophie would not be used in court and that any information they could provide was minor at best. As other members of the mob were run to ground, the value that was placed on Rob and Sophie faded to zero.

Sadly, justice for their transformations appeared to be impossible to achieve as there was no way to prove that they had not agreed to it in the first place. Medical release forms authorizing their feminization had been discovered in files at the clinic following a police raid. They were allegedly signed by their wives who claimed to have medical power of attorney. Sophie's (Steven's) wife had been outraged at the accusations that she had caused her husband to be mutilated and feminized. Sophie strongly suspected that he might not have heard the end of Maria and her father though; he had discussions with the FBI and the police about his in-law's accounting practices and the diversion of funds.

Everyone employed at the clinic was under some kind of government protection and could not be charged with anything. Jim had been able to share with Rob and Sally that the mob had put a mole into the ranks of the clinic's employees and that was how the mob had kept control of Doctor Winters. Sadly, that one person had escaped and the police were still looking for her.

Rob really felt no real ill will toward the doctor; he had been forced to put Rob through hell to save his own family. That is something that Rob would have done himself, even if he hated himself for it. But he didn't think that he would be sending the doctor a Christmas card for many years to come.

Because they were in no longer in imminent danger, Rob and Sophie were not forced to remain in the apartment under an unseen guard. The police still kept close tabs on them from a respectable distance when they left the apartment, but they did not need to contend with a uniformed escort now.

It only took a week of house arrest for Rob and Sophie to become completely bored out of their minds. Before, their lives had been filled with preparing the nightclub to open for the night and with practicing their acts. Sophie did not miss the dancing and the need to lip-synch, but Rob had been caught more than once himself humming one of the songs that Diana had performed to.

After a tentative conversation or two, Sally and Sophie had formed a type of sisterly relationship, based on their strong feelings for Rob. Where Rob resisted feminine behavior, Sophie had found it best to embrace it as it fitted her new form. They would enjoy a chat some evenings between the time Sue got home from work and Pete's arrival to take Sophie off for dinner and a night at a show or museum. One of the things that they discussed was Rob's behavior. It concerned them both that Rob would unconsciously slip into behavior that was decidedly feminine in nature. One moment he would be walking down the hall totally in control as Rob and the next his ass would be swaying enticingly. He never seemed to notice these kinds of things either.

Where Sophie could not carry a tune in a basket and had resorted to lip-synching during performances, Rob/Diana had been lucky enough to develop a lovely singing voice that ached to be let loose. Sophie had even caught Rob swaying back and forth in time to the tune he was humming. Rob found his feminine singing voice to be one of the few things that he was happy with as a result of the work that had been done on him.

Sophie had shared her observations of Rob's behavior with Sally who had cautiously approached Rob about it. With Sally working to make Rob more comfortable with his feminine side and who was inside him, Sally and Sophie had been treated to the occasional impromptu concert. Sally had suggested the Rob consider seeing a therapist as well, but he pooh-poohed the idea. He explained that everything had happened to him so gradually that he hadn't experienced any kind of trauma. Besides, he was dealing with everything just fine.

Sally's concern about Rob and the fact that he steadfastly refused to consider some therapy had been shared with Jim as well. He had acted as a liaison between Sally and Dr. Winters to provide anonymity for the doctor, but still give Sally a place where she could get some guidance when dealing with Rob's multiple personalities As this was still new territory for him, Winters was not able to help her much though.

* * * * *

Sally had stayed with Rob and Sophie for the first couple of days after the rescue, but she was forced to return to a regular work schedule after that. Being in charge of an investment firm meant that she needed to be there to help run things, even if she wasn't able to make investment recommendations.

As she sat at her big executive desk, which she still thought of as Rob's, she wished again that Rob was here to be in charge instead of her. She hated the stress of feeling like she always had to be right when she signed off on someone else's decisions. She had really hoped that she could turn over everything when they had found Rob, but he was dealing with a crisis of self-confidence and probably would be doing so for a long time.

She reclined back, looking at nothing, as a wild thought came to her. Why not have Rob come back to work as her assistant? It would let her draw on his investment and business acumen and his abilities. Plus it had the added advantage of helping him rebuild his self-worth. She turned the concept over in her mind to look at it from different angles and naively she could not see that there would be a problem.

Deciding to put her plan into action, she stepped out to her administrative assistant's desk to give her instructions. It took no time at all to arrange to have a second desk, computer, and phone to be installed in a corner of Sally's office.

Wanda was a bit miffed at hearing that Sally was arranging to fill a position that she felt she should be entitled to and was only slightly satisfied when Sally told her that it was not a permanent position, only a training job to help a good friend.

Once she was satisfied that everything was organized, Sally checked her schedule and left for the day. She knew that Rob would be a bit apprehensive at the prospect of returning to the office, but he wasn't going to be coming back as Rob, the CEO, but as Diana, the lowly assistant. She thought that this would serve two purposes. One, it would help Rob get comfortable being at work again and, two, the fact that he would be at the bottom of the food chain might make him break out of the shell he had pulled in around himself. Maybe the old Rob would come charging back, even if it was as the new Rob masquerading as a sexy secretary. Sally giggled to herself as she imagined her old boss bringing her coffee and taking dictation...she decided then and there she would insist he always wear tight short skirts in addition to his mandatory high heels.)

* * * * *

Sally was sure that Rob would be home from his daily grocery shopping. Because he had found nothing else to do around the apartment and Rob was a pretty good cook, he had taken on the chore of preparing dinner each night. So…Rob was constantly replenishing supplies in the kitchen. It was just another aspect of Rob's training as Diana the Maid that had come to the fore. He did insist on having help with cleanup though, so everyone who ate also helped clear the table and clean the kitchen. Sally thought that was a pretty smart division of labor, plus she loved seeing Rob in his lace apron and high heels. She got the distinct impression that Rob liked it as well.

Sally debated on whether to call ahead to let Rob know that she had plans to take them out to dinner, but decided against it. It would probably be just the two of them and he would not have started his preparations as yet. It would be just as easy to sweep him out the door and off to Gino's. She wanted Rob to be a bit off-balance, but still comfortable for the plan she was going to propose to him. The word 'propose' sent a tingle through her tummy. The company had no rules regarding nepotism. Could she work alongside Rob as his spouse, could he take orders from her? The thoughts intrigued her and kept a smile on her face all the way home.

Rob met her at the door and it was apparent that his control over the 'Ms. Hyde' portion of his personality had slipped. He was dressed, barely, in a tight blouse that displayed his ample charms and a short skirt that ended well above the knee. His ever present high heels completed the look and showcased his shapely legs. Rob posed in front of her, inviting comments. He leaned against the wall, with one hand on his hip, his feet crossed at the ankles. His other hand played with a lock of hair.

She looked at her girl / boyfriend appreciatively. The body before her was right out of her dreams and she knew that the mind inside was no slouch either. She suspected that Rob's feelings were incapable of being hurt at the moment, but she did not want to encourage behavior that Rob might be ashamed of later. So she did not give out the approximation of a wolf whistle as she was sorely tempted to do.

No matter how hard she tried she couldn't keep the desire from her eyes. She felt the stirrings of lust and envy. He looked just as good, if not better, than she did and he was a guy. She felt sad for Rob at that fact he was a man fighting against being a woman, because he might very well look like this for the rest of his life. A woman that seemed to be right out of some of Sally's own late night fantasies.

As much as she hated Geri for what she had done to Rob, she probably owed her some thanks. Of course, that gratitude wouldn't save her life if Sally ever got hold of her. Her dreams at night were a kaleidoscope of emotions, jumping from an orgy with Rob to a torture scene in a donjon with Geri on the rack. Sally wasn't sure which she enjoyed the most. Oh well both would have to wait, but all in good time.

His look was definitely not suited for a night out at a restaurant and she elected to tread carefully with him, but she couldn't help by indulge herself at the same time. She stepped up to him and hugged him as she complemented him on his appearance. At the risk of ruining their lipstick, she gave him a passionate kiss. In response, he rubbed his breasts against hers in an obvious dance of seduction as their lips were locked.

When she let him up for air, Rob asked, "So…What do you think?" His attitude was more provocative and take-me-to-bed, than what Sally customarily saw from Rob. Yes, Diana's personality had definitely bubbled to the surface and threatened to boil over. Not for the first time, Sally was sorely tempted to take Rob to bed and ravish him. But she realized that she would be taking advantage of him and tamped those feelings back down. Instead, she pulled back far enough to meet his eyes and mischievously ran her tongue up the bridge of his nose.

"I think that you look wonderful and good enough to eat. I would love to drag you off to my bed and sample your wares."

The troubled expression that flitted across Rob's face did not go unnoticed, even if had only been there for a moment. Sally just assumed that Rob was feeling down about his appearance and that was nothing she could help with, other than to be supportive. Her reaction to his fading masculinity would probably have made things worse at this point, so it was fortunate that the subject did not arise.

"I thought that we would go the Gino's for dinner tonight. Would you mind changing into something a little more modest while I get into something appropriate for a dinner date? Just make sure that you don't wear the same thing I am." Her smile got him to respond in kind and defused the entire erotically charged situation.

Rob went into his room while Sally took care of changing out of her business attire and refreshed her makeup. She found it funny that she had finished and was ready to leave while Rob was still preparing. For all of his statements to the contrary, Rob was starting to act even more feminine. He was the only one who couldn't see it and everyone else was too sensitive to his feelings to point it out.

She knocked on his door and asked if he was ready yet.

"I can't decide what to wear," was his rather plaintive response.

While it might have been amusing coming from a teenaged girl, Sally knew that Rob's difficulty was due to indecision caused by his desire for modesty and Diana's drive to be as sexy as possible. It had resulted in Rob's mind hitting a vapor-lock and he ended up frustrated.

"Okay, let me help." Sally opened the door to find Rob standing before the open closet, clad only in a bra, panties, and heels. He turned as she came in and she was struck by the fact that the man she had come to love looked like a woman, from the front or the back. The bulge that would give a lie to that fact was practically non-existent these days. Sadly, their kiss earlier hadn't managed to get a rise out of little Rob at all.

Sally again wished that Rob would consent to see a mental health counselor like Sophie was…it would make it easier to know what he needed and to help him come to terms with what he had become.

Sally looked through the closet that had become increasingly more full of Rob's feminine apparel. She selected a simple cotton blouse that enhanced Rob's assets without putting them on display and a skirt that ended just above the knee. When they were done, Rob was still dressed attractively, but no longer looked like a street walker. Rod looked into the mirror and saw he was attractive but not as sexy as he wanted, after all he had a date.

Sally said, "Well, what do you think?"

"I look like a schoolmarm," he mumbled. "In all honesty Mister Dillon, I'd rather look like Miss Kitty."

Sally laughed and said, "Sorry this ain't Dodge City and Saloon girls are not allowed where we are going." She stood back to admire her handiwork while Rob gave a half-twirl to show off. "You know Rob you make a beautiful girl."

She immediately regretted her statement as she saw the brief shadow that crossed Rob's face as he recalled what he had lost in terms of the ability to be intimate. It seemed that the feminization of his body had accelerated somewhat and he was finding it increasingly difficult to even feel like a man. This was one of the reasons that Rob avoided being intimate with Sally: He didn't want to subject himself to the ridicule that went with being less of a man or worse, the pity she would have for him when it was revealed that he was no longer able to perform as a man. The last thing the Rob side of him wanted to be was 'beautiful' while, paradoxically, the Diana side glowed at the compliment. The internal tug of war was starting to wear on him.

She tried to distract him from his thoughts as she captured his arm in hers and escorted him out to her car. She opened and held the door for him so that he could seat himself in the car properly. He had enough practice now that he automatically seated himself first and then swung his legs into the car before him. Sally made sure she was positioned to screen Rob's legs anyway as she never knew when his Diana personality would show itself. She knew that he was wearing panties; but she didn't want him showing off his undergarments to the neighbors. Neither of them noticed that Sally had subconsciously taken the masculine role just now.

They chatted about general things while Sally drove, discussing traffic, the mild weather, how busy the store had been while Rob had been grocery shopping that day. Sally managed to deflect any questions Rob posed about work, saying that she didn't want to talk about it just now.

She felt a bit guilty about the games she seemed to be playing, but she wanted to be able to convince Rob to come back to work and she was afraid of the effort that might be required.

When they pulled up to Gino's, Rob smiled. He had enjoyed eating here many times in the past. Usually with Geri on a night out, but Sally had joined them several times. When Rob actually thought about it, Sally had always been their guest because he had insisted upon it; Geri never seemed to want her around.

Inside they were greeted by someone who looked old enough to be their grandfather. "Ah…Miss Olsen! I never forget a pretty face especially one on such a nice person." Gino exclaimed.

It had been quite some time since Sally has been in and it had always been with the Tanners. The fact that the owner remembered her at all was testament to how good a host Gino actually was.

"It's good to see you again!" he said. Gino's warm welcome made it clear that they were his family tonight. Never mind that he tried to treat all of his guests that way though. "And who is your beautiful friend?"

Sally hesitated for a moment, not sure how to introduce Rob, but Rob jumped and said smoothly, "How do you do. My name is Diana Tanner." Rob was half-afraid that Gino might actually recognize him; the older man was no slouch.

Gino studied Rob's new face for a moment, obviously committing it and the name that went with it to memory. Rob knew that he would now always be known as Diana to Gino.

"You look a bit like Mr. Tanner, Miss Olsen's friend," Gino said, obviously searching for what his relationship was.

Thinking fast, Rob said, "I'm his cousin. My dad is Rob's half-brother."

Rob was both happy and saddened by the fact that he still bore some resemblance to himself. Most people would miss it though. It was just another sign that Geri and Evan had done away with Robert Tanner. Rob would have been completely mortified though if Gino had actually recognized him. There was no way he wanted to explain to anyone how he had come to look like this.

The followed their host to a quiet corner of the dining room and took their seats as Gino held a chair for each them. Rob watched Gino seat Sally first and then followed her lead flawlessly, placing his purse on the floor just as he had been taught.

They avoided the wine that the server offered them and helped themselves to plates of the Athenian salad when it appeared. They maintained their light conversation through their dinner. Once they were both full and had declined a desert of baklava, Sally decided that it was time to tell Rob her plans.

"Rob, I know you and Sophie have been going stir crazy lately," she began. He agreed with a slow nod, she had his full attention now that she appeared to be getting to the reason they were out and about this evening.

"I've been having some frustrations at work," she said and paused.

"What kind of problems?" He was fully engaged in problem-solving mode and his ears would have been pointed forward if he had been a cat.

"Well…I have concerns that some of our investment recommendations might be off. I'm also not sure if we're reading the markets correctly."

"You just have to have confidence in yourself and the team, Sally," Rob said encouragingly. "You'll do fine."

Sally waited while the server cleared their table so that they could relax with coffee. "Rob, I was only supposed to run the place until you came back. I may know how things work and I'm a good administrator, but I'm worried that things could collapse before too long." Sally leaned in close to purposely invaded Rob's personal space and went on, "I just don't have your instincts or insights into the financial world. One small misstep on my part could ruin hundreds of people. I need help and advice on a daily bases." Thus firmly planting the seed.

Rob sat back in his chair. His fear of the company shutting down and everyone losing their jobs was one of the reasons he had ended up this way in the first place. It almost felt the same way again.

"Sally, there's nothing that I can do," he said, almost seeming to whine. Sally took a hold of both of his hands and said, "There is one thing you could do. Come back to work."

Rob acted like he had been hit with a cattle prod, "Who would believe that I'm really Rob Tanner now? Even worse, imagine what the publicity would do. The client list would be empty before lunch."

This was what Sally felt would be the easy part. Rob needed to see that he was necessary to keep the company from falling apart. It wouldn't be hard to get him back to work after that…hopefully.

"Rob…You're right, looking like you do now, you could never come back as Rob Tanner. However you're the one who developed the tracking software and you know best how to interpret the market trends. That's why you're so good at what you do, never mind that you can communicate with the clients so well. Maxwell and Dennings are doing the best that they can, but the early reports on profits and returns are telling me that we won't meet the targets that we quoted at the beginning of the year. After that, it's a short stop to having to shut down the company."

Everything she was telling him was the truth. She had left out the fact that most of their problems were being caused by the government employment reports and that the bad news was expected to reverse itself within the month. It was more important to get Rob back to work again.

"Sally, I can't come back and run the company," he repeated. "Most of our clients are old-guard chauvinists. Who would even take me seriously?"

Sally sat back in her chair as if lost in thought then she seemed to have an Ah hah moment, "Rob, I have an idea to get us through to the end of the year and we could be working to sell the company. That way, we can save everyone's jobs and our client's investments."

"Okay. I'm listening."

"It won't take a minute to arrange for a desk, workstation, and phone at work. I need you to come to work tomorrow and help me bring everything back under control."

"Sally! I've already told you that I can't come back as the boss." Rob was starting to get annoyed with how the conversation was going.

Sally cut him off as she said, "No, not as the boss you can't. You're going to come to work as my executive assessment and work at a desk in my office."

Rob nodded as he acknowledged he understood what she was proposing but didn't look convinced.

"I don't know, Sally. I really don't think that it's a good idea for me to go into the office at all. What if someone recognizes me? I'd lose everyone's respect, I would be the laughing stock of the company. I'm still trying to manage my inner Diana. I think that it would be better for me to not do this." He shook his head as he rejected her plan.

She had expected this reaction, so Sally shifted to Plan B.

She had discovered, quite by accident, that Rob couldn't help but obey her when she gave him an instruction and let him know that she expected him to do what he had been told. It had been after an especially good meal that Rob had prepared one night and all four of them had been sitting at the table. When it came time to leave the table and clean up, Pete and Sophie had started the process. Rob couldn't help it. Out of his conditioned reflex he started carrying plates and glasses to the kitchen as well. Sally had told him that the other two had it taken care of, but Rob had continued to help. Sally had raised her voice and firmly told Rob to let it be and to come into the living room with her. When he hesitated she said, "Do it! And do it now, I won't stand for this insubordination!" It had been like she had been a lion tamer and she had just cracked her whip. Rob had set the pans down that were in his hands and had meekly followed her into the living room. Neither of them said anything about it, but Sally had thoughtfully filed the incident away.

Now, it was time to see if Rob was really as obedient to her desires as he seemed. In this case, she reasoned that it was better for him to be out and around other people, using his mind, instead of sitting at home vegetating. She straightened in her chair, looked at Rob in a no-nonsense manner and sharpened her voice as she said, "Rob, you are going to come with me to work tomorrow. Do you understand? I need your help and you need to be with people again. I won't take no for an answer!"

Rob looked at her like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck. He was terrified at subjecting himself to the potential embarrassment of being found out at work. These were people he had worked with for a long time and he just knew that they would recognize him. Then he would be subjected to the sympathy from those who might care about him and revulsion and from those who would not stomach what had been done to him.

Sally could see that her demand upon Rob absolutely terrified him. Rob's emotions scrolled across his face like weather reported on the bottom of a TV screen. She knew that he would do what she instructed, but he did not want to either. She certainly didn't want to be enforcing her will upon him just to hurt him. This was for his own good. Of that she was convinced.

With all the love and affection she could muster she went on, "Rob, it will be okay. I know that you're scared. I can see it in your eyes and on your face. I'll be with the all of the time and I promise that I won't let you get hurt. You have to trust me."

He looked across at her and quietly said, "Look what happened to me, the last time I trusted a woman."

His comment stung to lump her together with Geri, but he was right and he was speaking from fear. She reached across the table and took hold of his clenched hands. They were practically vibrating from the force with which each hand gripped the other. She met his eyes and as she said, "Please, trust me, I am not Geri. I would die before I let anyone hurt you. I don't want to challenge your masculinity but take a look around this room. You are more feminine and attractive than anyone here, myself excluded of course. Your company needs, I need you, and I think that you need this too."

Rob's expression threatened to break as he replied, "You don't understand Sally. I'm not only afraid of being recognized as a man in dag; but more so I'm terrified of what might happen if I lose control and Diana surfaces."

She never looked away as she repeated in a steady voice, "I promise. Everything will be okay."

He disengaged his hands as he brushed at a couple of tears in his eyes as he looked down at the table.

"I wish that I had never met Geri. Then Evan would never have been involved and I wouldn't have been turned into this!" He waved at his curvy body. "The only things that aren't a woman are between my legs and in my head. I wish that I could make them suffer as much they've made me suffer.

Sally smiled as she recalled her dreams of torturing Sally and listened as Rob rambled on.

"I think that I would take away their looks and make them slaves to their hormones and emotions, just like they did to me. They wanted to turn me into a she-male whore Sally! All so that they could steal some money, ruin our reputation, and put all of the blame on me! Money truly is the root of all evil."

Rob was in danger of breaking down completely and his voice was rising. Both of which Sally knew would draw attention to them in their corner and embarrass Rob even more. Never mind that it would look like one woman having an emotional moment with another. She wanted to spare Rob from being the center of attention though.

She grabbed Rob's hands again and shook them gently.

"Hey! Look at me! I'm your friend and I love you. We'll get through this, I promise you."

A shocked Rob said, "Excuse me. Did you say you love me?"

"Of course silly, I have loved you almost from the very first time we meet." Looking at him, she wasn't sure whether he was completely stable enough for what she had planned tomorrow. She would keep an eye on him, like she promised, and get him home if he broke down. She really wished that he would agree to see the therapist that Pete had found for Sophie.

At the word 'love', Rob's body language changed. It seemed to put rejuvenate him. He went from despondent to hopeful. He was willing to put up with all of this female crap if it meant a lifetime of sharing with this wonderful woman who has promised to take care of him.

Once Rob had regained his composure, Sally took him home, got him into a long silk nightgown, and put him to bed with a chaste peck on the forehead. Despite his worries about the coming day, Rob was asleep quickly enough, a smile on his face and a warm glow in his heart.

* * * * *

They were up early the next morning so that Sally could make sure that they were ready for work and in the office ahead of everyone else. She wanted Rob established in his office, well…her office for the moment, so that he would not have to feel like he was being paraded before everyone.

Sally had thought ahead and had selected a modest skirt and blouse for Rob's first day as her assistant. She felt that it was better than having to send Rob back to the closet to remove what Diana wanted to wear to work. Sally felt that a form-fitting pencil skirt and blouse wouldn't work well. Even though Rob wanted to appear professional, Sally quietly made sure that the panties and bra that she had laid out were being worn. The panties she selected were intentionally a size to small to help control his man parts and keep them tucked safely away. She did throw Diana a bone though; Sally had included a silk slip to be worn under the skirt. She knew that the feel of the silk sliding across his legs and ass would be a delicious sensation; it was something that she enjoyed anyway.

Sally also checked to make sure that Rob's makeup wasn't too overstated. Not that she really needed to worry as Rob had never felt the need to apply his makeup so heavily that he looked like a lady of the evening, except when he was performing on stage. When they walked out the door, Rob looked exactly like what he was, or at least what everyone would think, and that was a sophisticated young woman prepared to work in an office.

Rob had put on the clothes that Sally had laid out for him. He knew that she was concerned about the possibility that he might somehow slip into the loose behavior that he had exhibited on occasion. His loss of control was why he had been afraid to go along with Sally's plan to have him join her at work.

A random thought reminded of the days when parents would bring their son or daughter to work for the day. He doubted that Sally would appreciate the humor if he called her mommy at work today.

He wasn't concerned about losing control himself. He was sure that he had established a sort of détente between his conscious mind and the mental conditioning that had been instilled into him by the doctor. He was able to draw on the confidence that seemed to be part of Diana without letting anything else through.

Sally had come in to help him get ready for work, but she wasn't fooling him. She was making sure that he was wearing the underwear and hosiery that she wanted him to wear. He found that amusing because he really needed to wear a bra these days to support his boobies. He would have been happier if he could wear one of his G-strings, but he knew that Sally wouldn't go for that. He liked the feel of his skirt brushing against his bare buttocks, it made him feel so sexy.

When he realized that he was thinking like Diana, Rob shook his head slightly to clear it. He knew that if he told Sally what was going on, he wouldn't have to go with her to the office, but she would renew her push to get him back to see Doctor Winters. He wanted to avoid that if he could, the last thing he wanted was someone making him relive the horrors of that time. They still filled his nights with terror.

* * * * *

The commute was uneventful. Rob had a moment of panic when the security guard asked for his badge. Sally merely smiled and said, "It's in your purse Diana, I saw it there this morning." With trembling hands Rod got the clasp open and found a badge with his feminine picture and the name Diana Turner on it. The guard swiped it and handed it to Rob with a cheery "Have a good day ladies." Rob responded by batting his mascaraed eyelashes at the young man. As they walked towards the bank of elevators Sally noticed Rob was putting a bit more wiggle in his waggle. Sally said nothing, she simply enjoyed the show.

Sally and Rob were in their office sipping coffee when Wanda got to her desk. The glass walls gave Sally a good view of the rest of the offices and she waved good morning to Wanda before beckoning her in. Rob turned from his workstation in the corner and stood up as Wanda came in. He had been the one to hire her a couple of years back and she had been a backup for Sally on many occasions. If Wanda didn't recognize him, Rob would probably be okay with everyone else.

"Wanda…I'd like you to meet Diana Tanner," Sally said. "Diana is Rob's cousin. She is learning what it means to be an executive assistant and a bit about what our business does. It's part of an internship for her degree."

Rob smiled as he walked over to meet Wanda again. He prayed that Wanda only saw the cute co-ed exterior, but he was scared nonetheless. Sally noticed, with some concern, the sway in Rob's hips the wiggle from this morning was back.

"How do you do Wanda?" Rob chirped in his best valley girl voice.

Wanda stared hard at Rob. Rod fragile self-confidence was about to break when she went on and said "Yes, I can definitely see the family resemblance."

Rob sighed in relief and said, "For a second there I thought I had lipstick on my teeth or something."

His behavior was fine. Once he had passed the scrutiny of Wanda Sally could see that the nervousness Rob had been exhibiting had seemed to melt away and he became more relaxed and outgoing. Wanda watch as rob retreated to his desk, broke out his compact and checked his makeup. This was a big difference from how he had been acting just a few minutes ago. There was nothing specific that she could put her finger on, but she hoped that she wouldn't be sorry about this.

Seeing that Diana was not the competition that she had feared, Wanda immediately categorized Diana as an airhead secretary wannabe and gave Diana a welcoming smile and they exchanged pleasantries.

Sally exhaled and relaxed as she smiled as well. She had been concerned about Wanda's frustration at apparently being passed over for a promotion. At this point, Rob could use all of the friends and help that he could get. Of course, she didn't plan on having Rob spend time on his own for quite some time. Especially now, when it looked like he might be acting a bit out of the norm.

Wanda offered to show Diana around the office and to introduce her to everyone. Sally saw Rob's eyes widen at the invitation and knew that he was worried about being outed. He visibly relaxed when Sally thanked Wanda and said that she planned on doing the introductions at the morning's staff meeting. She did ask her to show Diana where to find the ladies toilet and the break room. She also requested that she show Diana how she liked her coffee as that would be one of Diana's responsibilities.

That got a dirty look from Rob as he mouthed the word 'Really.' To which she responded with a mock grin of 'what-did-I-say?' She felt better about that too. It meant that Rob was still trying to hold things together. Sally decided that she would wait and see if she needed to do something or not. She would keep a close eye on him and pull the plug on this adventure if it looked like trouble.

"Wanda, Diana will be doing some of the things that you have been doing for the next few days. One of the real reasons she is here though is to learn how an office works."

This was the story that Rob and Sally had settled upon. Diana's resemblance to Rob could be explained away by the family relationship and no one would realize that 'Diana' was actually doing the trend analysis instead of learning it.

Once introductions were over, Wanda returned to her desk to begin the day. Sally and Rob sat down at his workstation to review the masses of data that had been collected over the months of Rob's absence. Fortunately, Rob's software had the ability to provide summaries and the appropriate information had been captured and fed in during that time. Rob could see that the analysts they had on staff had made pretty good decisions and he could only point out a few course corrections for some accounts. Sally visibly relaxed as Rob's assessment meant that she had not inadvertently run the company into the ground.

Just the process of looking over the data analysis and reports allowed Rob to relax. He had almost lost it again because he had been so nervous. When Wanda had come in, he had drawn on Diana again and allowed her to help him. On the way to the break room, he had found himself starting an inappropriate conversation about underwear preferences. When he had commented that he loved thongs, he had realized that he had gone too far and had laughed it off as a joke. He had managed to bring Diana back under control before they returned with coffee refills for everyone and before Sally noticed his errant behavior.

* * * * *

When the time came for the staff meeting, she and Rob were the last ones into the conference room. Sally walked in first followed by Diana. Everyone stared at the stranger with Sally. It meant that she was the center of attention. There was a whirlwind of whispered conversation as Diana stood off to the side, his hands demurely crossed in front of him, his eyes downcast trying not to make eye contact with anyone in the room who Rob knew were sure to identify him as a fraud. He waited for instructions, he awkwardly shifted from one foot to the other. Sally formally introduced Diana, and provided their agreed upon story of Diana being a cousin hired as an unpaid intern as a favor to the boss.

It was better than making Rob say hello to everyone as they entered the room. There were about a dozen people around the table and Rob knew most of them. He was sure that they all would know who he was and point it out to the rest. There were a few others in the room that he did not know, but they looked vaguely familiar for some reason.

Sally had prepared a short presentation for the meeting and she asked Rob to get coffee for those who were interested. She knew that it was a task way below him, but it would keep his mind occupied

Rob asked for a show of hands to see how many of them wanted coffee. When he started counting them up, a shock of fright went through him when he realized that he was struggling to count much above five. He covered for himself and went to where the coffee service has been set up in the corner. He was sure that he needed more than five, so he poured one more than that and started passing them out. Once he had taken care of the five people he was sure about, he asked again. He paid attention this time to who still wanted a cup and he poured the coffee by matching a full cup to each person that he remembered.

A couple of the guys did look at Diana as if they were undressing him. He shuddered slightly as he recalled those looks from the club but he was turned on at the same time. Then he noticed that a couple of the women were looking at him the same way. It was a bit unnerving to have people he knew and had managed at one time looking at him in that way.

Then it dawned on a few of them that Diana was familiar, but no one was willing to admit where they knew her from. Not as Rob, but as Diana. It was either because they had either seen him perform in the club or they had seen that damned newspaper picture. A couple of the guys in the back of the room were whispering and he heard one of them say, "It is her, I tell you! I was there!"

The more stressed he became, the more he thought about what could happen if he were recognized as Diana Phoenix. And here he had been worried being recognized as Rob Tanner. That was probably why he seemed to be such a ditz; he was too distracted to keep control of himself. His apprehension created the perfect conditions for osmosis as it drew the Diana personality to the forefront.

More trouble raised its head when Sally realized that she had forgotten a file folder. "Diana, would you get the financial Cash Flow projections from my desk please? Diana stood there with a puzzled look on her face. Sally added "It's the red folder from my desk." When Diana still didn't move immediately Sally added, "It says April on it."

Wanda smiled inside as she thought her initial evaluation of Diana was confirmed, she was truly an airheaded bimbo. No threat to her career aspirations; but she would have to keep her away from Tom, in accounting. She had him picked out for her.

She and Rob needed to discuss how to handle this kind of thing after the meeting. Because Diana was here as her assistant, Sally had to ask Rob / Diana to do these kinds of chores for her. But it felt wrong to Sally to make Rob do her scut work.

Rob just nodded to her in response and actually acted relieved to be able to leave the room. He was back a few moments later, holding the folder. "Did you mean this chartreuse folder, Miss Olsen?"

Sally looked and said, "Yes, that one. But it's red, like your bra." She knew that she shouldn't have said it immediately after the words came out of her mouth. The raised eyebrows in the room spoke volumes. How would she explain she knew what underwear Diana was wearing?

Sally said, "Diana is staying in my spare bedroom until she can find a place of her own." It was meant to be said in jest, but she saw Rob's eyes widen a bit. Either in upset or shock, Sally wasn't sure which. Rob did not react further, he just minced over to her and handed off the folder.

For some reason, Rob had felt both aroused and afraid when Sally had made her joke about his bra. He knew that he needed the bra and that no one could tell that he was anything but what he seemed, but there was still that fear inside. The arousal seemed to come from the fact that every male eye locked on to his chest the minute Sally had made her comment. It reminded him of when he had been the center of attention at the club and he loved it. He stood up tall and arched his back accentuating his twin assets. of the younger analysts, he didn't recognize him, had to speak up. "You wear a red bra Diana?"

Rob made a note somewhere in the back of his mind that this would be due for a sexual harassment counseling session, but his visible reaction was totally different. "Uh-huh. Do you want to see?" He answered, his tone slipping into naughty girl mode. He reached up to unbutton his blouse.

Sally shut Rob down immediately as she said, "Not here Diana. This is an office." She turned back to her preparations, but not before looking daggers at the instigator of the whole exchange.

Rob was feeling pretty frazzled and he might have been able to pull himself together except that the projection system chose that moment to finish its warm-up cycle and the light hit Rob fully in the eyes. In his agitated state, Rob immediately succumbed to a flashback. Suddenly, Diana was onstage again, in front of the blinding spotlights. In her mind, Diana could hear Gypsy Rose Lee singing her signature song.

Fortunately for both Rob and Sally, a couple of the members in Diana's captive audience got Sally's attention as she was preparing to begin speaking. She hadn't turned to look at the screen behind her as yet, but she realized what had to be happening when a couple of the women said, "Sally!" rather loudly.

Sally spun around to find Diana, not Rob, swaying seductively, with a cute, playful smile on her face, a smile that was happy and seductive at the same time. It didn't help things that her blouse was completely undone and her hands and arms were twined together above her head. Sally knew that the next step would be for the blouse to slither down to the floor if she did not take steps to stop the show.

In an attempt to make light of the situation and pass it off as a gag, Sally looked at her and put her hands on her hips. "Diana, put your blouse on properly. Who dressed you this morning? Monkeys?"

That got a laugh from the group, like she hoped, but she saw that Diana was not responding. Concerned, she stepped up into Diana's face to snap her fingers. Diana did not react and just kept on with her act, moving her arms down in preparation to shuck her blouse. Sally was glad that Diana had not started singing as yet, but that was a distinct possibility. She needed to get her lover out of here and into the privacy of her office.

Instructing everyone to wait for her, she said "I'm sorry about this. Diana has been under a lot of stress lately, what with the disappearance of her uncle." She took Diana by the arm and pulled her out of the room and into her office, followed by Wanda. She stationed Wanda with Diana and closed the blinds to the hallway. Then she returned to the conference room in an attempt to salvage the fiasco.

"Diana is dealing with some traumatic events in her life that I did not realize were quite so serious. I'm going to have to see if I can get her some professional help, so we will have to postpone this meeting until tomorrow."

As everyone began to pack up their notebooks and computers, Sally continued. "As I said, Diana has had some stressful experiences recently, so I would appreciate it if you would respect her privacy."

She paused as she looked around the room, catching the eyes of a few of them. "If a video of this were to find its way onto YouTube, I would be rather unhappy. Believe me, I can find out how it got there too. Imagine yourself being chased down the street by me." At least a couple of the guys had the decency to look ashamed of the fact that their phones had been out the whole time.

Everyone acknowledged her veiled threat with a nod and filed out of the room. They really were all decent people, so Sally was not too concerned about any kind of difficulty. It was something she had reason to reflect on later however.

Back in her office, Sally found Wanda sitting beside Diana, holding her tightly. It was apparent that Rob had regained control of himself again as he was fully dressed and he was crying, great black streaks of mascara running down his cheeks. It was understandable that he would be upset about this kind of episode and Sally felt like crying herself at seeing him broken up over it. She should never have tried to bring him in here.

She backed out of the room without disturbing them and sat down at Wanda's desk. She brushed some errant tears away as she hung her head. She hadn't realized that Rob's hold on himself was so fragile.

As Sally sat there Wanda came out with her arm around Diana's waist, she was still fighting the sniffles but seemed better composed.

Wanda looked at Sally and said, "I'm taking Diana to the powder room to help her freshen up. We'll be back in a minute."

Sally nodded in acknowledgment. Sally hoped so; the thought of what Diana might do alone in the ladies room was disturbing. She made a mental note, if they weren't back in a few minutes she would have to check on them.

Taking her phone from her purse, she punched Jim's speed-dial code and waited for him to answer. Once he was on the line, she gave him a quick recap of what she had done and what the results had been. They both rang off quickly, with Jim promising to make a couple of calls and to call her back.

She didn't have to wait long before Jim was calling back. He had contacted the source of all of Rob's problems, the clinic and Dr. Winters. They wanted to see Rob. The doctor's message to Sally was that it was vital to Rob's sanity that he be brought in.

Sally had heard the entire story from Rob and she knew that the clinic was directly responsible for Rob's girly appearance, voice, and mental difficulties. If she had another option open to her, she would not take Rob there for any amount of money. Reluctantly, she agreed and made plans for Jim to help her with transporting Rob, knowing that if Rob was told of their destination, he might become violent.

When Sally looked up she saw the two women heading for Sally's office, Wanda still had her arm around Diana, while Diana had her hand firmly attached to Wanda's left buttock. It appeared that Diana had returned. Wanda looked up at Sally, confused and a bit distressed. "She was okay and then she started acting strange again. I don't understand."

Sally sat down on Rob's other side and put her arms around him. "Diana has been through a lot in the past few months and it's really screwed her up. It's hard to explain and I really can't tell you without her permission. I promise that I'll explain what I can when I get back."

Wanda nodded her acceptance of Sally's explanation and Sally continued, "I have a friend coming and we're going to take her over to see a doctor. Hopefully, they can help her."

Jim was outside within half an hour. It appeared that Rob had suffered some sort of breakdown as a very sexy Diana kept propositioning both Sally and Wanda in just that short time. She would invite one or the other and the both to go over in the corner and 'have some fun'. She almost threw herself at Jim as he entered Sally's office.

"Oh boy! Now we can have some real fun!" Diana exclaimed. It was apparent that they might have difficulty even driving the distance to reach Doctor Winters with Diana behaving this way. Diana was not responding to Rob's name at all and there appeared to be no sign of his personality in Diana's behavior. Seeing Rob in this state, even after having been warned about it had Sally fighting back tears at the thought that Rob might be lost forever because she had pushed him too far.

Not wanting to cause Rob any more embarrassment than he had already exposed himself to, Jim and Sally convinced Diana to behave properly until they were out in the car. Then they could have fun without being seen. Diana eagerly agreed and the three of them rode the elevator down to the lobby, Diana blew the security guard a kiss as they passed through the check point and walked out to the car as if there was nothing wrong.

That doesn't mean that Diana wasn't leaning on one or the other at some point during the short trip to the car. The more Sally thought about it, she wondered if Diana's behavior might not be fed by what Rob thought that Diana should act like. If that were the case, that meant that she could hope that Rob was still present in some form and he was just following the programming that had been forced upon him. She wanted more than anything now to reach the doctor who had done this to Rob. If he could undo this, she wouldn't be so willing to do to him what he had done to her friend.

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