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Nathanial's life gets turned the wrong way when his new school goals don't go so well and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Things get worse when he encounters a woman with a 'special' gift that completely changes who he was, and is given something he is not prepared to live with. Now he must break the spell in order for things to go back the way they were, when he was a boy. And the only way to do so is to live and develop a life of a beautiful teenage girl, before time runs out.
Chapter one: Starting school
It's dark, warm, and I don't know where I am. All I can make out is laughter, laughter all around me, and the feeling of humiliation. Why? Why do I feel this way? The sound of laughter is coming from a group of girls, all of them laughing at me. Why are they laughing? What did I do to make them laugh at me that I feel so embarrassed for? I don't know what to think.
So I wake up.
The sound of my alarm goes off waking me up and jolting me out of my comforter. I sit there and try to piece together what I just dreamed. I don't remember too much about what that was all about. But I know it happened before, I just wish I didn't have to keep seeing it in my head.
I turn to face my alarm clock, 6:10. That’s a little early for me. I usually don't wake up till eight. Looking at the time, all of a sudden it hits me. Today's the first day of school.
A slight, tired moan comes out of me by the thought of it. But at the same time it’s also exciting. If today's the first day of school that means there's going to be new things to come my way.
I drag myself out of bed and think to myself about what’s to come this year.
I'm not one for school. If you ask me I kind of hate it. The teachers are always nagging, the rules are dumb and the work (while fun if you’re good at what you do) is a pain. But at the same time like I mentioned, if you're good at what you do then the work is ok.
Plus I get to hang with my friends who I hadn't had much time to see due to their summer jobs and family vacations. And one huge bonus is that I get to spend time with the best girlfriend you can ever ask for.
I start to think of her now.
She's smart, beautiful, and a great athlete. Even though she's dedicated to her school work in order to get into a good collage one day, she’s perfectly fit for any kind of sport. We also work great as a team.
Last year when I first met her she was in the same class and grade as me. The history teacher forced us to work in partners with one another to write and present a report on ancient Greek. I of course wanted to be partnered up with one of my friends, but I was instead assigned to Jen.
We introduced ourselves and talked for a bit to get to know each other like we were already friends, and discussed how we were going to work on the project. She knew exactly were to start off and how the both of us should present it. I did the writing and organizing and she did the book research. We were an outstanding team.
Both of us received 86%, a higher score than most of the students in class. But of course we were out scored by Joshua. I realized at the time I would have picked josh as my study partner, if he didn't request *kicking and screaming* to work by himself, As usual. I guess he always works better alone anyways.
A score of 100% clearly proves that.
We were both still happy and surprised to have achieved such a high score. We hugged each other as I picked Jen up and started spinning her around in my arms. After I'd put her down she looks at me in the eye. And I do the same. That’s when we felt sparks fly.
After school she catches me heading home and that's when she starts asking the very obvious question.
"Hey Nate, what are you doing this Saturday?" She asks.
"Not much. Why?" I ask.
"No reason. Just wondering if your doing anything this weekend."
I can tell that she wants me to ask her out. I immediately get that vibe from her. So I thought to myself that I should ask her out. Why not? If only I can think of the right words to say.
I know I won’t have her ask me out because it won't be really cool or romantic if it’s the girl asking the guy and not the other way around.
"You know, if you want to we can..." I'm drawing blank. I'm nervous.
I've never actually asked a girl out before. This can be my first chance!
She's waiting for me to speak. God she looked gorgeous, especially in her uniform. I remember she had her cute little ponytail fasten together that day too. Finally, I get the courage to say what we're both thinking.
"W-we can go get something to eat this Saturday, maybe, you and me."
She smiles "I would love that."
"Great!" I say with a huge relief off my shoulders. "I'll pick you up at ten thirty. We can find a nice place to eat at the mall or maybe a restaurant."
I hop on my bike and get ready to head home, but then,
"NATE, BREAKFAST!" My sister Vicky shouts from down stairs.
I'm immediately brought back to reality from her screams. I realize I'm still sitting on my bed. How dose she know I'm awake? Then again she's always trying to get me out of bed early. That would explain why my alarm went off at six instead of eight. She must of tried to set my alarm clock again. Mostly I would find out and fix it, but yesterday I was so tired that when I passed out and went to bed, she changed my alarm with out me noticing.
I guess I might as well just get out of bed and head down stairs....But, an extra hour of sleep wouldn't hurt me would it.
Any minute Vicky will march into my room and drag me out of bed. In till then I'm going to try and get back to bed and wake up at seven.
This ultimately fails when she walked in my room and pulled the covers off me.
"Come on Nate" Vicky says. By the way, my name is Nathanial. Everyone just calls me Nate for short.
"Come on get your ass out of bed."
"I don't want to. Just let me take one nap and I'll be down in an hour" I say trying hard to fall back asleep again.
"Oh no you need to get up early in the morning, so you can have plenty of time to get ready for school."
I just ignore her. Her reasoning's only give me more motivation to stay in bed.
"I don't want to" I say complaining. "Just let me have this moment of peace for at least ONE HOUR."
Finally she pulls out the big guns. "I made your favorite French Toast Waffles-" She waves her spatula around.
Before she could step back I'm already on my feet. "OK" I say more enthusiastically. What can I say; I'm a sucker for some waffles!
I got dressed in my school uniform which is just a boring setup of black dress trousers, a white buttoned up sleeve shirt, and a navy blue jacket that buttons to my right. And last but not least, the red tie.
It’s already seven when I step down stairs after brushing my teeth and just devouring the waffles that are waiting for me on the table. Vicky just has a morning Caesar salad.
"You know if you tried this salad you mite like it more than you think." Once again she tries for the umpteenth time to get me to try what she’s always eating.
"For the last time, N O" I point to her motioning my finger to make upper case letters.
"Fine" she says. "One of these days though you will have to finally take my advise and give these things a chance. You never know what you might like until you try it."
"You’re sounding like mom again" I tell her, which is something I constantly remind her every time we have this sort of talk.
She gives me a look. You know; the look you get from someone when they think your being ridiculous.
Our mom is usually around for the most part. But when she’s needed at work, she's there a lot. She works as an architect so she’s always busy with her job.
A Couple of months ago she was offered to travel down to California to help out the company for a year. So from the past summer and so forth until mom gets home, it will just be me and my older sister Vicky living at the house.
Vicky's already done with school and is working her way to get into collage or possibly university. She works as a maid at a Maid Café that opened up last year when I first started high school. Vicky at the time, was looking for a job to work towards collage. When the Café opened she sent in her application and now works part time as one of their waitresses.
"Stop with that. If you would take my advice once in a while it will really make a difference in your life."
"I don't need a difference in my life. Everything is as I want it to be" I tell her.
"You say that now but when your faced with having to accept a big change in your life, you wont be fully prepared to live with it unless you learn to open up to the possibilities that surround you."
"Ya whatever, What I know right now is that I'm fully prepared for this school year."
"Is that so" Vicky says still giving me the look.
"Oh ya, I have it all planned out. I'm gonna try out for a sports team, maybe join a few clubs, you know just to keep myself busy."
"Right because you always have stuff to do now why not add more to your agenda."
"Ha; ha" I say sarcastically.
"I'm telling you sis, this year is going to be mine" I say. I'm in such a good mood nothing can ruin my day. "I'm gonna give it my all, no objections."
I finish up my waffle, put on my shoes, grab my school bag and head for the door.
"Have a good day, remember what I said-" Vicky tries to tell me but I'm already out the door. I get on my bike and roll down the side walk.
I cycle down the neighborhood until I take a left turn down a bike path that runs through the woods. The sun could not be anymore brighter or beautiful with the rays seeping through the tree branches then on this very day.
On my bike it would probably take me only thirty minutes to get to my school, But when I take my special short cut it takes me a good ten to fifteen minutes to get to school from my house. I'm so exited for this year. Who knows what could happen.
I see some students walking down the path, on there way to the same school as me. I know this because they're wearing the school's uniform. If I ever get lost (Which never happens) I can just follow them. It might take longer but at least they would know where they're going.
I make it to school. Boys and Girls all walking in toward the gates of Budiansky High School, ready to start a new year. The feeling of excitement I had earlier still stays but now the sense of nervousness dwells inside of me.
I get off my bike and park it in a rack. I take a deep sigh to let out all the excitement and nervous thoughts.
Then I make my way into the school building.
Surprisingly, A couple of student’s actually recognized me from last year. If I am honest with myself, I know I'm not the most popular guy at my school. in fact, I'm surprised I'm not, considering the stunt I pulled off last year. But that's something to talk about later.
I try to search my name on the wall to see which class I'm in until I hear someone call me. It was Craig.
Me and Craig have been friends ever since middle school. We were in the same classes and soon became fast friends. It was like we already knew each other.
"Hey Nate" Craig says.
"Craig, what’s up man?" We fist bump.
"Not too much. How was your summer?" he asks.
"Pretty good I guess" I reply.
"yea, sorry we couldn't hang much during the summer. I needed to focus on my summer job" Craig tells me.
"Yea? My sister wanted me to work as a bust boy at the Café she works at, but there was no way I was gonna go through with it" I tell him.
"Dude, you should have took the job. Have you SEEN the maids there? That's quite a lot you're passing off on" He says.
"Ya I have, but they're doing their job serving the costumers. I would have been stuck in the kitchen doing dishes and taking out trash and all that crap" I complain.
"Being a bust boy can't be all that bad" Craig replies.
"More then you or I would know" I say.
"Yo what’s up guys?" Devon comes up and high fives us both.
Devon is another friend I met in middle school. It was when we both met in detention that we became friends. He was in for being late for his first period class all the time. And I was in for sneaking into the girl’s locker room and getting away with out being noticed by the girls, until I got caught the second I stepped outside and the principal grabbed me by the ear and dragged me across the hall.
I still remember what she said to this day.
"Men like you ought to be taught a lesson for this kind of behavior! How do you think you would feel if you were being watched by a complete pervert with the minimum commonsense as to how they feel about your privacy?"
My memories of what she said was a little hazel, But that's basically what she had lectured to me.
I really didn't care what she was talking about. All I was thinking at the time was how hot the chicks looked, and the pain of the principal yanking on my ear of course.
But that's basically how I met Devon in detention. I was surprised I didn't get suspended for what I did. Of course I was forced to make a forward apology to all the girls that were in the locker room. My mom and Vicky also weren't too happy with me about what I did either. But at school I was a hero to all the boys, who dreamed to witness what I got the chance to see.
"Hay Dev good to see ya!" says Craig.
"Man it’s been too long whatcha guys been up to?" Devon asks.
"Well I don't know about you but I've been working my ass off this whole summer" Says Craig.
"I know whatcha mean man, been working hard this summer to ya know?"
Craig and Devon knew each other for sometime even before I meet them both in middle school. They get along really well almost like if they were real brothers.
Devon then talks to me
"How bout you Nate, your summer been good too?"
"Totally" I say too him.
"That’s good man that's good. Hey, you told me you wanted to try out some of the sports teams’ right?"
"Ya defiantly, I’ve wanted to do it last year, but I had so much work that I didn't finish for some of my classes. And if I didn't get them done I would have been stuck in summer school.”
“Plus I wanted to be with Jen so ya" I said quickly.
"Aw, how adorable" Craig teases me. Then Devon joins in by making kissing faces and pretending to make smooching noises.
"Alright that's enough Dev look now your making him blush" Much to my discomfort, we all laugh it off anyways.
"So you still want to try out?" Devon asks me.
"Absolutely" I respond.
"Cool meet me after school in the gym, we'll try out basket ball today first."
"You got it" I say.
"Great, I'll catch up with you all later" Devon says as he leaves for his homeroom class.
"You really want to try out for sports?" Craig asks.
"Why not, you don’t want me to?"
"No; no. It’s just that, for as long as I've known you, you never really seemed like the kind of guy who tries out for sports" He says.
"Well this year I'm giving it a shot. I'm confident I will at least make it into one of the sports teams."
"Hm. And what happens when you don't?" Craig says questioning my ability a little.
I respond. A little put off by his question.
"There's always next semester, or maybe even a year. What ever it takes I know I'll make it!" I say to him with the most confidence I've had in a long time.
Craig just shrugs to my response. Then the bell rings. Craig gets his books settled and walks off.
"Well got to go, see ya Nate."
"See ya Craig" I say. I look through the list of names on the wall to find which class I'm in. Class 208 is where I have to go.
"Better hurry and not be late" I tell myself out loud.
I make it to class on time. My homeroom for this year will be science, which is ok. I walk in the room and see that Devon is in the same class as me, which is awesome.
But then I see Jennifer sitting at her desk talking with her friends, which is even better! Devon noticed me and offers me a seat next to him. I gestated that I was going to talk to Jen first, this makes Devon make the same kissy face he made this morning to tease me.
He lets me go though and I make my way to Jen still talking to her friends.
"Hey Jen" I say to her.
"Oh, Hey Nate" Jen say happily.
"We’ll talk at lunch k Jen."
"K Brit" Jen says.
Her friends say their goodbyes and then made their way out of the classroom. While leaving one of her friend’s turns back to face Jen with a expression that looks like she's reminding her to do something.
"So anyways how’s it been?" I say.
She gets out of her seat "It’s been good. How about you?"
"Well, I know I missed seeing you a lot during this summer."
"Me too" She says. I lean in to hug her and she does the same.
"Ya it’s a shame we couldn't see each other that much during the summer. I would have really liked it more if we were together and all" I say.
"Ya Well, We'll be seeing each other a lot more in school now at least" she says.
"Ya right! I mean how great is this year turning out? I have it all planned out for this semester" Before I can explain my plans she stops me.
"Nate, do you mind if we could meet after school today?" she asks in an almost distant tone.
"Well that’s what I was going mention, Sorta. I'm going to try out for the basket ball team today with Devon."
"Yea you know it!" Devon shouts across from his seat.
"Well, do you think we can talk after the tryouts?" Jen asks.
"Sure I guess."
"Good. There's something I need to tell you."
I feel really exited when I hear her say that.
"Totally! Meet us in the gym. We're gonna be there at four till around six or seven depending on how long it will take."
"K. I'll be there" She says.
"Please take your seats. Class will begin in five minutes use that time to get your things together and then will start assigning seats"
Everyone in the room moans because knowing Mr. Kagoko, He'll split friends apart so there's no distractions.
Lucky for me, I work very well with my friends. Jen already has one of her friends sitting next to her so I sat next to Devon. Even though we're probably going to end up in another desk, there's a good chance me and Jen could end up sitting next to each other.
Could I have ever been more right for once in my life before or what? Mr. Kagoko Ended up moving Devon were Jen was and moved her were Devon use to sit next to me.
In the end Jen sits next to me in science. I couldn’t believe how well this year was even going so far. All I have to do is try out for different sports and make one of the teams. Then I will declare this school year to be the best year of my life!
After a couple of classes later of having to deal with the same teachers from last year, as well as getting to meet new ones. Its time for me to go to my first tryout of the year,
Basket Ball!
I'm so nervous, but at the same time if I don't make this team there are plenty of other opportunities for this semester and possibly the year.
If not I'll just try and try again until I make at least one team.
I get my gym clothes and head down to the gym, making my way to the boy's change room.
The sound of the players dribbling basket balls echoes through the gym while making those squeaking noises with their shoes through out the court. Devon's already sitting in the bleachers waiting for his turn. I get changed and take my seat next to him as we watch the other players dribble the ball around.
"You ready for this?" Ask Devon.
"Oh yea I got this. Even if I don't make this team I'll try again, or tryout for another sports team."
"Alright that’s what I like to hear. We tryout and we ether make it or not but we can try again next semester. We so got this!" Devon says trying to pump us up, which works really well whenever I talk to him. He always has a great way of getting me in a good spirit.
Then I noticed Jen entering the gym and taking a seat on one of the bleachers. I try and wave to her but she doesn't notice. Maybe she doesn't know I'm here.
“Alright!” The Coach then blows his whistle.“Nathanial, Devon on the court!"
We played a couple rounds of basket ball and practiced different defense moves and different kind’s of dribbles, as well as a couple of lessons and tips from the coach on good teamwork.
If Jen didn't know I was here she probably knows now. Through out practice I tried my best to make myself look good in front of both her, and the coach. I have to prove that I'm a good team player to the coach. But mainly I'm doing all of this mostly impress Jen. I even tried to get her attention a couple times. Jen noticed me and waved when I tried to get her attention attempting to do a slam dunk or whatever they called it.
All in all I feel like this was the best try out so far. I had a friend to help tryout with me, I did the best I could to make myself stand out in front of the coach and preformed some sick moves I didn't even know I could do, and my girlfriend came to support me and my goals. I swear its almost scary how well things are looking up for me.
"Good tryout boys. We'll do the same routine next week on Monday after school, same time" Says the coach.
We were all exhausted and dripping with sweat by the end of the tryouts. After taking a nice needed shower in the change room, we packed up our gym clothes and everyone started leaving to head home.
Devon and I both knew that we did our best today no matter how hard it was.
"You did good man." Devon says supporting me. Me and Him where both out of breath.
"Are you kidding? You were the bomb out there. I didn't know you were that good at this game" I say.
"Ya well *Panting* what can I say, I played all my life ya know."
Where Devon is from he'd play basketball with his brothers all the time. He told me that he was the Basket ball captain at his old school and that he could win any game he played if he wanted to.
After Devon left I head to where Jen was sitting.
"Hey babe, ya saw my sick moves out there?" I say trying to sound cool but instead I sounded silly.
"Hey Nate" she says. I lean in to get a hug but instead she gets up and puts her hands on my shoulders. I still stand there expecting a hug from her when she opens her mouth.
"You ready to talk now?" She asks.
"Ya sure" I say. I can tell something’s wrong in her voice, something that just screams bad news. But whatever it is I hope it ends quickly.
"Good. Can we go outside first?" She asks.
"Ok?" I say.
We head out and now we're standing in the parking lot under a street light. Everyone has already started heading home or is already gone and it’s just me and Jen.
Right now feels like something’s going to happen that has a very freighting outcome. I keep expecting Jen to tell me something wonderful that will make my year even more special than it already is.
What could she possibly want to say that's so important that she needs a response to right now?
"Nate." She says searching for the right way to bring it up. She's still looking good in her uniform.
"I love you very much. You are the greatest, caring, intelligible, and smartest guy I have ever met." I like the sound of that.
"Remember when we met last year in history class and were pared together to make that Greek history report? We did such a good job putting so much effort into that project that we got the second highest score in class behind Joshua. I was so happy. I didn't expect anyone like you to turn out to be such a smart and supporting partner.
When we looked into each others eyes, I thought that maybe we were meant to be, that we can be more than just class partners. We could have been very close friends, maybe even more than friends. We could be a cute couple, two people that would be together forever."
Now I don't know were she's going with all this. Of course I remember that day. Its the first thing that comes to mind when I think of her, The day I first met her and how happy I was when we accomplished something that we worked our best on.
I was never knowledgeable when it came to Greek mythology but with Jennifer's knowledge and my good organization skills, we were able to get a good score.
"But during the summer I thought, maybe we rushed in to quickly." Now I get what’s going on.
"What are you trying to say?" I ask with my heart pounding.
"I don't know" she says trying to hold back tears.
"There was just so much going on at the time and when we went out on our first date it just seemed to make scenes."
I can't believe what I'm hearing. Now I'm beginning to hold back my tears.
She continues
"Even when I didn't know what I was doing at the time, those were the best days I have ever spent with someone in a long time."
"But I need to take a break.
I need to take a few steps back and find out where I am in this world and where I need to be if I want a better future."
"Bu-But" I'm stuttering. I can't believe what’s happening. My Girlfriend Is Breaking Up With Me!
"Bu-Butt we were doing so well! This was all so perfect! I was gonna try out for sports and make it but if I failed I would try again and again and again. I know this year was going to have some difficulties but I knew that what ever happened I would have m-my girlfriend and my friends to support me." My sorrowfulness starts to turn to anger.
"How could this all fall apart with you breaking up with me on the day were I thought this was gonna be the beginning of a great year, were it takes a different turn for me with so many GOD DAMN possibilities! (Remembering what my sister said to me this morning.)
And on the first day of school too, I mean Jesus!"
"Please Nate!" Jen says full of tears. "Don't make this harder than it already is. And stop making this about yourself for Christ sake!
I know you have plans and I would have been there to fully support you all the way. And I'll still be there for you but just as a Friend!" She says engulfed in more tears.
"How could you do this to me?" I say with the cold hearted tone in me.
"You could have done this any other day but today seemed like the 'perfect night' to screw me over!"
She obviously notices the tone that came out.
"How could I, How could I!?! Ya know what? Maybe I am making the right decision. Maybe it is a good thing I'm breaking up with you! You never care about what’s going on in my life because it’s not what your doing or what you want to do! Why don't you come support me at my cheerleading tryouts? Why don't you come over to my house and have dinner with my family?"
I though she was going to end it off with something until she brought out the bomb.
"Not to mention that you also have the most disrespectful attitude towards me."
"What the hell are you frigging talking about?!" I say now angrier then before.
"I've seen the way you look at me, How you only look at my body then my actually face! Do I look sexy enough in my uniform Nate?" she says in a sexy pose.
"You-" I'm completely speechless.
"I was hoping you would understand my reasons and support them like a good friend, but now I can see that all you care about is yourself" Now SHE'S using the cold tone.
I'm so angry and devastated that I don't know what else to say that doesn't make me sound like a total maniac.
"So that's it? Your just gonna walk out on me?" I say accusingly.
"I knew you wouldn't like hearing this. I WAS hoping to convince you that we can still be friends and still support each other, but you don't even care about me as a friend to want that. And it’s because of that that I don't even want to be friends with you in anyway!!"
Ok. That hurts. She walks away to the bus stop furiously before turning back to say one last thing to me before she's gone.
"Goodbye Nathanial. I hope you learn to care for others before thinking about yourself first."
And with that she is out of sight, leaving me under the bright light of the street lamp in the school parking lot.
Just standing there dumbfounded as to what she said. To make this situation worse, it starts to rain. I run to my bike and peddled as fast as I could through the rain. Luckily I made it back home in time. I tried to avoid Vicky as I entered the house trying to keep the tears backed up.
"Hey champ how was school?" She asks.
I can tell she’s making dinner due to the smell of steak coming from the kitchen. But I just ignore her and continue to head upstairs to my room.
I enter my room, shut the door closed and threw myself on my bed. I know I'm soaking wet from the rain but I don't care. I just lay there ready to let out all the tears.
I start to think about the conversation me and my Ex-girlfriend just had. That’s right; she’s my ex-girlfriend now. I get up and start pacing back and forth in my room thinking about what she said.
"I hope you learn to care for others before thinking about yourself first." those are the last words she said to me before she left my life.
Why is this all happening? She says I don't care about her as a friend or a girlfriend. How could she say that? Why dose she think I don't care about her? I was going to give her all my time all year just so I can be with her.
But then again, she also stated that I have no respect for her as a woman, that’s bullshit! I'm completely in love with her; it’s not about my blind sexual attraction towards her. It’s not about her good looks or her features....Is it?
"Do I look sexy enough in my uniform Nate?"
It’s like she was reading my mind from the very beginning. Oh god. That’s what it is isn't it? She thinks I'm only attracted to her body rather than the actual person who's in it.
Again, Bullshit!
I mean I know that I've been told to never disrespect any women directly, even thought I've done it with out anyone knowing but my friends. I would never intentionally abuse her sexuality in anyway. Even though as a guy that comes to mind, but I easily repress it altogether. I'm a good guy.
It’s her fault. She just doesn't care about me anymore so she had to make up all that stupid shit about me being a sexiest and an uncaring friend.
I knew this was all her fault and yet she tried to blame it on me to avoid making herself look bad.
That cleaver son of a bitch.
Maybe I am overreacting in some ways, but she screwed up my perfect year by picking one of the worst days to ever break up with me, that being on the first day of school too! This was supposed to be my year but she took it all away the second she walked away from be back at the school parking lot.
Now I'm just laying down on my bed again thinking about what she's done to me. The pain, the betrayal, the lies, it’s unforgivable. Then I hear my door knocking
"Hey, Nate” It’s Vicky, “You alright?” I don't want to talk to her, so I just ignore her.
"I made dinner if your hungry." Waiting for her to leave anytime now.
"Are you feeling ok?"
"I'm fine" I finally say, hoping she’ll go away.
"Do you want to talk about anything? How were the tryouts?"
"I don't want to talk about the tryouts or my day at school or my whole day in general" I say, wanting her to leave.
Its silent at first but she finally gave in.
"...Ok." Vicky says quietly. And with that she closes the door and leaves me in the dark room, Alone.
What Jennifer has done to me today was unforgettable, But at the same time.
What if she's right?
Maybe all that she's said to me might be true. All I know right now is how much of a jerk I feel. I completely missed the point she was trying to tell me. Maybe we can be friends. And in time we can be a couple again. But first things first though, I have to talk to her.
Chapter two: Betrayal and Revenge
A few weeks later pass by and I'm still hurt. I was intentionally going to talk to her the day after the break up, but I thought to myself how stupid of a move that would be after our big argument. I thought that maybe I can give her as well myself some time to really take a break from each other. And believe me; it was difficult, especially when you have the same classes together.
After a couple long weeks of thinking and healing, I think I'm ready to talk to her again. And I know Jen is ready to talk as well.
I’ve been ignoring her ever since the break up so she knows that I really am thinking about what she said. During lunch I'm going to meet up with her and fix this whole mess.
I'm eating with Craig and Devon in the cafeteria. While they're talking amongst themselves I'm figuring out a good way to get Jen to listen to me.
"Isn't that right Nate?" Devon asks. Not knowing what they're talking about, I just nod.
"Man you even listing?" Devon asks.
"Sorry I'm..." Concentrated, Distracted, Determined, Hopeful. That’s what I'm felling right now, about getting back together with Jennifer not as a couple, but as a friend. Being a couple again won't happen now. Not yet.
"Still upset about Jennifer?" Craig asks.
"No. Not anymore" I say.
"You sure?" Craig asks again.
"Yea man you been moaning about her all month. I mean who would break up with someone after their first basketball tryouts on the first day of school. That's kinda messed man" Devon Mentions.
"Look, Guys. I'm done being frigging miserable about Jen breaking up with me. It was bad enough I didn't make the basketball team, but now Jennifer says she doesn't want to talk to me anymore because she thinks I don't care about her and that I'm a frigging sexist womanizer."
"So what makes you think she'll talk to you now Mr. Sexist womanizer?" Craig asks.
Ignoring what Craig called me
"I've given some thought on what she said about just being friends. And now that I have my confidences back I think I'm ready to accept it as it is."
"Well that doesn't sound the Nathanial I know" says Craig Jokingly.
"Well, I plan to change, As much As I don't want to. But this is for Jen. Once we're friends we can slowly start to become a couple again."
"There you go, Nate's back" Says Devon.
"Joke all you want but I’m seriously determined to get her back. I mean Come on, let’s face it, she can't resist me. That’s why she wanted me to ask her out in the first place."
"And now you’re a complete stranger to me" Says Devon joking again while chuckling to himself.
"Well she's heading out with her friends. It’s now or never dude" Says Craig.
My friends clearly aren't taking me seriously today.
I inhale deeply.
"All right, I’ll catch up with you guys later. Wish me luck!" I get up, throw away my left over’s and chase after Jen.
"Hey Nate, let us know the whole story in full detail when your done" Devon says still joking around.
I catch up with Jen outside the cafeteria. She's talking to her friends. Now is the time. I have to fix this now or never, remembering what Craig said earlier. Here goes nothing.
I take a deep breath and walk up to her. She's still talking to her friends.
"Hey, Jen" Jen and her friends stop talking and face me.
"Listen um...I don't know how to begin but."
"Yes Nathanial?" Jen says with a distant tone.
"Could we talk for a sec? I've been thinking a lot about what you said the night when we…ya know. I was also wandering if we can talk about it privately too." gesturing towards her friends.
"Girls, Can you give me and Nathanial a 'sec' to talk."
"Oh no I want to hear every word this jerk has to plead in order for you to take him back, which she um, is NOT!" Amber Says.
Amber is pretty much what you would expect from a typical queen bee. She's a selfish, Bratty, mean, manipulative, narcissist. And apparently in her world, she gets "all the boys with her beauty."
I never talk to her for all those reasons. Her type makes me sick. Oh and she's blond to, which says a lot about her intelligence. No offense.
"Amber Please" Says Jen trying to reason with her. I don't even know why Jen is hanging out with Amber.
From what she's told me she thinks that Amber is as selfish and self-centered as I've always known her to be. So why are these two even seen together?
"I don't know why you’re even giving this Q-hole a chance to speak when he clearly, doesn't deserve it" Amber says coldly.
Don't ask what Q-hole means. It’s best to just think of it as dickhead.
"Why are you even hanging around with to her?" I ask.
"Um, Because I CAN!" says Amber.
"I wasn't talking to YOU. I was talking to Jen" I say back to her
"Who I hang out with isn't your concern Nathaniel." Why dose she keep talking to me like I'm a complete stranger to her.
"I just want to talk. About what happened and what you said the night before. I-I've been thinking-"
"That you should stop staring at her tits when you’re sitting next to each other in class" interrupts Amber.
"How about you shut it and let me say what I want to say!" I bark.
"Nate. I'm not sure now's the time to talk ok. If you really have been thinking about what I said that’s great and all. But I need you to leave, now."
"What? But I'm trying to tell you-"
"That’s Enough Nate! Look I don't want to have this talk with you right now ok. Can you understand and think about that maybe?! I don't care what you've been thinking about for the past month, so I don't want to know or hear it from you ok?" Jen says not taking any shit.
Ok, Now I'm pissed. Jen rejects and ridicules me in front of her friends, And Amber not making it easy for me to say what I want.
I gave her time for me and her to cool down and think about our break up and what was said on that day. And she still doesn't what anything to do with me. Unbelievable!
Was I the only one thinking about what we both heard on that day? What Jen said about me that night? I thought she was just bullshitting at first but then I thought that maybe she could be right. We can still be friends and still support each other. But now she doesn't want that either. She just doesn't want anything to do with me.
What the hell?
It takes me a second to get over the stupid 'you just got told' look from Amber to say what’s really on my mind now.
"Oh. Ok so now is not a good time for you to even talk. But breaking up with me after my tryouts on the first day of school WAS a good time for you?"
"What? I thought you broke up with him during the summer" Says one of Jens friends.
And now my look turns into disbelief. Amazed at what I had just heard.
"So what else have you been telling them huh?" I say with the most disgraced most voice in me.
"You know you are so inconsiderate" Before she can continue.
"I'M inconsiderate? I'm not the one who accused my ex of being a selfish, sexist, womanizing prick who went around telling my friends half the story about what really went on that night!"
"Loser, You just got caned on the first day of school" Amber says in a high pitched voice, trying to make it sound like it was an ownage on Jens part.
“Oh and she didn’t accuse you of anything, She told the truth straight up and you couldn't handle it" She adds.
"Amber-" before Jen could finish,
"Would you just SHUT UP!" I say full of rage.
"Nate, knock it off!" Says Jen trying to calm me down but it’s useless.
I've have had enough of this bullshit. I tried to fix this wreck, but now I'm going to end it.
"You know what I'm so sick of you and what you've done to me. And I've had enough of the rest of your kind.
All I wanted was to fix what I though I broke and start over again. But all you’re doing is trying to make it worse for me to be honest with myself and make me look like I'm the bad guy!" I say raising my voice a little.
"Nate! You don't need my help making yourself look like the bad guy!"
That’s when I look around and almost everyone in the hallway is looking at us, more specifically at the guy yelling at the group of girls.
"And what exactly do you mean by 'Our kind'?" Jen says mimicking my voice.
"I mean you Girls! All of you Girls! You like to stick together like your some kind of stupid posse that goes around making other guys as miserable as I am! You think your smarter than us, you think you can do anything better than guys.
You think we're nothing but sexist pigs, helpless womanizers who would do anything for the 'Prettiest girls in school ever' just for your beauty, which you like to manipulate on us.
You're so determined to make us feel and look stupid every chance you get, whenever there is a perfect time to screw with us. That is just cruel."
Did I just say that out loud? I even mimicked Amber while mentioning that men would do anything for the prettiest girls in school, just because their sexy.
Jennifer, Amber and her friends are completely speechless.
By this time Jens friends were already gone to avoid any further drama but Amber and her two minions stayed to watch the melt down.
Do those two even know how to talk, or are they there to just make Amber look prettier?
"*Scoffs* Jerk" Amber says and walks away with her two friends behind her. Jen just stares at me in disbelief.
"What happened Nate?" Jen asks. "What happened to you?" I myself am speechless over what I said.
I have never spoken about any girl like that before. When I was just talking now about how much worse girls are then guys, why did I feel like I got something off my chest. Like I've been holding back something I kept to myself for so long all this time and never knew about it. I mean I never had a huge problem with girls. All the things I mentioned in my little rant were facts I learned in middle and high school. Could that be what set me off? No. But I still used those examples against them. And now I feel even more like a ass.
But it had to be said. I tried to fix me and Jens relationship but she dumped me harder than the night we broke up.
I guess I just couldn't take it anymore and flipped out on them with out thinking.
Nothing else left to be said. Jennifer quickly walks away with no further questions or remarks, leaving me once again feeling like a total idiot.
I start to walk off after some of the students started looking at me weirdly.
I meet Craig and Devon in a hall way near the first floor and explained what had happen in full detail like Devon wanted me to.
"Told you" Devon says as Craig hands him a 20. Screw these guys, they both bet on how the argument would end. But they’re the only people I have to talk to right now so I just ignore the bet they made.
"I guess I should have known it would turn out like this" I say sounding defeated.
"Not to mention what you said about the girls" Craig says. "If amber was there when you said it odds are she's going to tell every girl in school and their all going to gang up on you." The thought never occurred to me.
Like the bee queen she is; Amber can practically convince anybody to start a riot if she wanted one, which I know she could have considering that one time when she made the school system bow down to their knees when she demanded that students be taken out of a class they didn't want to be in.
In other words she didn't like doing gym so she wanted out, by gathering followers and convincing the school to let students choose a class they wanted to be in if they're disapproving the class they were assigned to attend.
In a way it did seem somewhat strangely noble of her to promote freedom of speech, if the whole thing weren't for her own selfish reasons I mean.
In the end she had no victory.
Kind of sucks but whatever, all I know was that she had the power to control anyone during her rain of terror. The girl was one nuclear bomb away from becoming a dictator.
The thought of every girl in school coming after me has me worried. In another way though, "Every Girl in school coming after me" would have been a guys dream come true if not for the purpose of girls coming after them for revenge.
"What are you going to do now?" Craig asks.
"I don't know. After getting back together with Jennifer failed, I don't know what to do now."
For the first time in my life, I really don't.
The bell rings; Time for second period.
"Don't worry Nate, everything’s going to be alright" Craig tells me.
"Yea don't worry. Whateva happens, we got ya back" Devon says as they both walk off making their way to class. I'm left alone again. Time to head to class, don't want to be late.
Devon shouts back at me
"Oh right, hey Nate, you still want me to come with you for your hockey tryouts?"
"I won't be going." I shout back to him. The crowd of student then slit us apart.
What’s the point of even going to the hockey tryouts? I thought this was going to be my year, but so far this year has been nothing but difficult to cope with.
My girlfriend breaks up with me, I failed my basket ball tryouts, even though I've told myself over and over that If I didn't make the team I would try again or search for a different sport. But Jennifer breaking up with me also broke my confidence and my plans for this school semester. So I'm not even going to tryout for any of the team's anymore.
Craig was right; I'm not the kind of guy who would tryout for sports. I was only doing it to impress Jennifer, but now that she's not with me anymore, what’s the point.
This really is all her fault. For ruining my year, for accusing me of sexual harassment (Not physically thank god), for making me look stupid in front of the whole school.
I bet the reason she was with Amber was because she knew I would never be seen in the same room as her. This Is All Jennifer’s Fault, and I want to make her pay, I wish I could make all the girls pay.
All day I got nothing but dirty looks from the other girls in class and while walking through the hallways. Amber’s words seem to spread pretty quickly in this damn school.
"Enjoying the attention Nate?" Amber says as her and her minions walk by laughing in their stupid girly voice. God I just want to smack that girl sometimes. Continuing to get dirty looks while walking through the hallway, I hear someone’s voice whisper out to me.
"Psst. Psst, Hey Nate over here."
The voice is coming from the janitor’s closet. Now normally I would find this weird and just walk away forgetting about it later on in the day, but my curiosity wants to know what he wants this time.
I step into the janitors closet crouched on the floor where he explains his new plans.
"Hey words going around that you ticked off every girl in school including yours."
"Thanks for reminding me. And Jennifer's not my girlfriend anymore, we broke up." I say to him. If you’re confused (Which I figure you are)
Randy must have another devious scheme up his sleeve that he just can't wait to share with me
Randy was a kid I actually met last year during grade nine. If you've been to school then you should know what kind of person randy is. He's sort of your mix between high school delinquent and class clown, dangerous but humorously funny.
Most of the times when I get in trouble are mainly because I hang out with him and volunteer with his crazy Shenanigans.
"Sorry to hear see. It’s tough being broken up, especially with a nice, sexy cat like her" he says with a smirk. I don't know if he's actually smirking due to the darkness of the Janitor's closet, but I bet he is.
He's always had a lust for Jennifer; and every other girl in school in fact, including Amber.
"Are you gonna cut to the chase or do you want to keep talking about my Ex. You know she's available now right?"
I figured a good revenge would be to have randy throw himself after Jen, making her see the dilemma of being a single girl.
"Yes but unfortunately, for a while she's been turning me down. The poor girl doesn’t know what she's missing out on" Randy says.
"Believe me If I'd I know."
Normally I'd be creeped out by Randy’s affection for other girls and how he describes their physical features and how he wishes he could have them.
I don't have a girlfriend anymore so why should I care what he thinks?
"So what’s up?" I ask in order for him to get to the point.
"Amber has spread the word around about what you said about girls using their sexuality on lustful men, like myself. To bring only misery in men instead of bringing joy like they give to me."
"So you’re like upset about that or what?" I ask.
"Of course I'm upset!" He says in a low but aggressive voice.
"How could you mock the very meaning of beauty that is, women?" Scratch that, he is nor delinquent or class clown, he's just a straight up creep.
"Is that why you have me here, to complain about what I said?" I imagine he’s looking straight at me.
"Yes and no. I bet you want to get back at Jen don't you? You want to teach all the ladies a lesson about questioning a men in what he see's in a woman, don't you?"
I don't know why but when I talk to Randy, I often feel like I'm talking to heath ledgers Joker from the dark knight. Only this one is bent on the insanity of obsessing over women where as the joker is bent on the insanity of chaos.
Finally I answer him "I do. But your not gonna let me right?"
"No. I want to help you. You want to teach these women a lesson, let’s educate the hell out of em!" He says.
Now he's more like Jervis Tetch the mad hatter. He wants to kidnap one of the girls, dress them up as Alice and pretend to have a frigging tea party with them.
I don't know what he has in that crazy little mind of his, and something tells me I'm probably going to get in huge trouble for doing this.
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this could be an interesting year for him ...
Without more info, ...
... I would have to agree with Nate. Jen is a cruel bitch. He seemed like he knew he'd screwed up the last year and was all set to try and make changes for the better, and she, with no warning, dumps him on the first day of school. Maybe she's under some kind of spell from Amber.
BE a lady!