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6.1 The World
by Red MacDonald
Copyright © 2013 Red MacDonald
All Rights Reserved.
The Faithful, North African and Middle Eastern Islamic nations, are plotting to seize the oil resources of the Middle East. By controlling the earth's oil and its major trade routes, they plan to bring the world to its knees. Then, when the entire world is kneeling, the Faithful of Allah will read to them from the Koran, preaching the message of Islam, the True Faith. The Faithful will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. But how far will they go? And how many lives will it cost?
6. World War
6.1 The World
6.1.1 The Funeral
He had spent thirty years developing his reputation as a professional photo-journalist. He was not one of the paparazzi. Over the long, tough years, he had developed "the eye" which was necessary to see an event and capture its image and aura. Opportunities for a man of his skills were few and far between. He passed up the myriad of little jobs that would earn him a few euros, but which would lower his status. So, he either lived on easy street or on the edge of disaster.
His exemplary work had led him to fulfilling opportunities with the Italian armed forces. When they needed a story told in pictures, he generally got the assignment. When the Italian fleet went out on the important mission to serve with and protect the gigantic American Sixth Fleet, Admiral Robustelli personally asked him to go with the escorts and record history with his camera. It was quite an honor, and one that had been earned.
Commander Dominic Russi, the commanding officer of the Enrico Ghiarggio welcomed the journalist aboard, warmly. Of course, Admiral Robustelli's letter of recommendation had a lot to do with his welcome. He was told that his post was at the captain's side, to see how the Italian Navy operated, and so that everything could be explained to him as it happened.
The day they entered the Straits of Sicily, Commander Russi was nervous and excited. He even asked the photographer several times if he had plenty of film. Then, towards midday all hell broke loose! Rockets fired into the air. Surges of aircraft slipped through the skies leaving thunderous sonic booms in their wakes. Missiles counter-attacked, only to be countered in turn by the fleet's anti-aircraft missilery. It was incredible!
He filled ten memory cards in just twenty minutes. He had just loaded the eleventh cartridge and had started to film the anti-missile barrage, when an explosion occurred close to the horizon, near the carrier. He turned, focused and shot frame after frame as a ball of fire and flame engulfed the American warship.
Then, out of the haze and smoke, his eyes saw movement. At first, he couldn't focus on it. It was moving too fast. By the time he caught up with it, there was a fireball within the superstructure of the American frigate six to eight kilometers south of him.
His autofocus did a magnificent job. The high-speed memory card was ready just as he needed it. He deftly compensated for the roll and dip of the ship, and caught the dying warship time and again in its death throes. With the luck that comes to those who have put in their time, and upon whom the gods have finally smiled, he snapped just at the moment when the ball of molten, burning aluminum which had been its superstructure, penetrated the hull. A huge cloud erupted, and the ship was torn in half by a steam explosion.
He continued to shoot and shoot, until he filled that memory cartridge. He tore open another cartridge, flipped the expended one out, and jammed in a new one. In just the five or ten seconds it had taken, the ship was gone. The only shots left were of a steam cloud rapidly dissipating over the sea.
His magnificent work in recording the battle and the sinking of Hiram Jones was further rewarded when Admiral Robustelli sent him to record the military funeral on board Halsey. Unfortunately, the journalist could not see or film the flood of tears filling the American admiral's eyes. Instead, he sought out "his" commanding officer with his lens.
There, in the front row, stood Commander Dominic Russi, the hero who had sunk the Libyan submarine stalking the Sixth Fleet. That fine, brave officer stood before the entire assemblage of the Italian Fleet, sobbing like a child. Great tears rolled down his face, and his body was wracked with convulsions of grief.
The photographer approached discretely. He could just hear the word, "Bellisima," and the question, "Why did I say 'if we survive', not just 'later'?" The mystified journalist retreated, leaving the great hero alone in his grief.
With sudden clarity, he realized that he was sitting on the photo-journalist's story of the century! He had captured thirty-two images of the American ship as it burned, exploded, broke up and sank. Combined with the pictures of the grief-stricken Commander Russi, he had the story that would put him on easy street for the rest of his life!
6.1.2 Italy: NEWS!
He read the headlines in the special edition: "Battle in the Sicilian Straits." Not only had he sold his pictures, but also his copy. His was an enormous scoop. Best of all, it was an exclusive. It was his! He had been paid a huge amount, and was set for life.
His copy extolled the role of the Italian fleet. The sinking of the Libyan submarine by Enrico Ghiarggio was a great victory for Italian arms. The significant contributions of Garibaldi were emphasized, including her downing of over twenty enemy aircraft and missiles, her damage, and the death of one of her crew at the hands of the Arabs. He told of the damage to Bunker Hill, and how Garibaldi, in spite of her own damage, was towing the mighty American warship to Naples. He spoke glowingly of the Italian Air Force and their enormous contribution to the victory.
Above all he told the story of heroism and death. Interwoven throughout was the tale of the star-crossed lovers: hero and heroine going off to battle the foe, with only one of them returning. The twist, the ultimate irony, was that it was she, not he, who had died.
His pictures told the entire tale. There was the broken and burning American frigate side-by-side with the weeping Italian hero, calling out for his "Bellisima". Nothing could have been more poignant, for nothing strikes the emotions as hard as seeing a man cry. His pictures touched the great heart of the Italian people. They, too, felt the hero's grief at the death of his heroic lady, his true love.
The television services went wild clamoring for him, as the only eye-witness. The Americans at CNN paid the most and got his exclusive. They interviewed him for almost an hour. They asked him to appear for five minutes every half-hour for the next day and a half.
Although the Americans were interested in the Italian contributions, they wanted to know about their own fleet, their own Navy, and their own losses. Like the Italians, they hungered for the story of the American and Italian officers linked together by fate. It was through CNN that the full story of Muriel MacDonald's fateful prophesy gained prominence.
From CNN and the Italian news services, the story spread throughout the world. Newspapers, radio and television spread the news of the battle and the great allied victory. In every case, the story revolved around Muriel MacDonald.
Within hours, Muriel MacDonald became an international hero. Her quote was garbled in the retelling and shortened of the sake of headlines and sound bites. But the words, "I would gladly give up my life to defend my country!" rang true. CNN showed and reshowed the pictures of the Jones, Lieutenant Commander MacDonald, and Commander Russi.
The hero's quote rang out across the nation. It was shouted to the Capitol Dome and echoed throughout the White House. Each member of Congress, the President and every politician throughout the country was besieged by calls, letters, telegrams and delegations of citizens demanding action for the unprovoked, sneak-attack upon the American fleet on the high seas.
For the first time in almost a century, America was fighting mad!
6.1.3 Tunisia: NEWS!
The headlines in the special edition read, "Victory in the Sicilian Straits". The story told how the united fleets of The Faithful had attacked the Infidels. Great stories of heroism unfolded, including the victory of the Admiral ben Ahmeed over the Americans and their misguided Italian allies. The paper told of the destruction of the mighty battleship, Bunker Hill, the Italian heavy cruiser, Garibaldi, and an American destroyer. It told of the accurate and deadly missile barrage loosed by the Tunisian Navy, which had severely damaged the American aircraft carrier Halsey, forcing it to retire from the battle.
It was a great victory. It was a vindication of the rule of The Faithful. Allah had smiled upon them, giving them victory over the heathens and infidels. Allah be praised!
Ahab Dingjatha read the headlines and the story, smiling wickedly. As the Minister of the Interior, he controlled all forms of communications throughout the country. The text of the story had been carefully prepared days before, awaiting the events to catch up with the "news". The Imams needed a victory, so he had given it to them.
Only he knew the reality of the battle. The entire Algerian fleet had been sunk. Only Admiral ben Ahmeed had survived from the Tunisian fleet. One Libyan destroyer and one frigate had limped back to port. All the rest had been destroyed.
The losses of aircraft were equally staggering. Both the Algerian and Tunisian Air Forces were devastated. The Libyans had survived much better thanks to their early-warning aircraft and their jammers. They had used their bombers well, and they had hurt the Americans. But they had not stopped the American fleet. The Americans controlled the seas, and there was little that could be done to interfere with them.
At the same time, this was an opportunity of epic proportions for Ahab Dingjatha. For decades, he had sat quietly, accepting the Imams' snubs and ignoring their scarcely concealed contempt. He had helped them gain power. Yet, their arrogance in their own strength and their disdain towards him had only grown.
He had created them. He would destroy them. But first, he had to build them up. He had to make them appear to be everything they dreamed they were. Then, and only then, when the true magnitude of their failures became known could he bring them crashing down. But, to do this, he had to manufacture an even greater disaster, a defeat of such immensity that The Faithful would be revealed for what they truly were: despots masquerading in the robes of the True Believer.
Dingjatha's fertile mind whirled with scraps of ideas as his thoughts slowly coalesced. Allah would show him the way. All he had to do was wait.
6.1.4 America: War!
The American government acted quickly and decisively for the first time since December 8, 1941. The President of the United States called for a Joint Session of the Congress to be broadcast live to the world.
The entire government was gathered in the chamber of the House of Representatives. Every Senator and every Congressman was in attendance, as were the Justices of the Supreme Court and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The gallery was packed with the most important and influential people in the entire country. The Vice President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives sat high above the floor, presiding over the meeting.
At the appointed time, the Master-at-Arms rushed forward, calling out, "Mr. Chairman! Mr. Chairman! The President of the United States!" Everyone stood, and the boisterous applause began.
The President entered. Unlike at other events, such as the annual State of the Union address, he was grim faced. Tonight, he was no smiling politician, glad-handing and kissing babies. On this night, he was the most powerful individual in the world, about to do something which hadn't been done in almost a century.
He greeted many and shook hands or nodded to many more, but at no time did even the hint a smile cross his face. The Congress, the Court, and the Military observed his demeanor, and the entire body responded accordingly.
Yet, the Joint Session was pandemonium. War fever had overcome all reason. As the President stood before them on the high dais, the rhythmic foot-stomping and hand clapping continued for minute after minute.
The President stood at the podium, taking it all in, but without the slightest hint of joy or satisfaction. Finally, the uproar subsided, and the President began to speak.
"Mr. Chairman, Mr. Speaker, members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, honored guests, my fellow Americans, I come before you tonight with a heavy heart and bearing an enormous burden. Yesterday, elements of the United States Sixth Fleet and the Italian Fleet were treacherously attacked upon the high seas by the naval fleets and air forces of Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.
"Two hundred and thirty years ago, President Thomas Jefferson faced a similar dilemma. At that time, these same powers, called then the Barbary Pirates, had attacked American ships, impressed American sailors, and demanded tribute from the United States to cease their attacks upon us. President Jefferson echoed the declaration, 'Not one cent for tribute, but a million for defense!' The Barbary Pirates answered by declaring war upon us. It took us many years, many fleets, and much treasure before we defeated them. But, on the shores of Tripoli we did.
"We had thought that we had taught them a lesson and have conducted ourselves accordingly for over two centuries. Yesterday, we learned that they have forgotten that lesson.
"Yesterday, those same Barbary Pirates attacked our fleet and those of our allies, without warning of any kind. Yesterday, they sank one of our frigates, badly damaged one of our cruisers, and even damaged the aircraft carrier USS Halsey. Hundreds of Americans died and many more hundreds were injured. Our courageous Italian allies also suffered many dead and wounded in this infamous attack.
"How shall we respond to the Barbary Pirates' latest transgression of international law?
"I shall not give you the reply, for it has been said far better by the fallen American hero, Lieutenant Commander Muriel MacDonald, who died in the attack upon the USS Hiram Jones: 'I would gladly give up my life, my crew, and my ship to protect this fleet and the United States of America.'
"My fellow Americans, can we ask more of our heroes or less of ourselves than to follow such words and actions?
"No! We cannot! Such egregious transgressions of international law, such terrorism, such piracy on the high seas cannot be tolerated, when heroes such as Muriel MacDonald have led the way, sacrificing themselves for us and our country! The path is laid before us to follow.
"Therefore, as the President and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States of America, I come before this Joint Session of the Congress to ask ... No! To demand! ... a declaration that a state of war exists between the United States of America and the governments of the countries of Algeria, Tunisia and Libya!
"And, may God have mercy on their souls, because I will not!"
The President stepped back from the microphone. Briskly, he stepped down from the dais and descended to the floor of the House of Representatives. He arrived at the first row before anyone realized that this historic speech was over, and that the call to arms had already been delivered!
The Joint Chiefs were the first to realize what had happened. They leapt to their feet, applauding wildly. The Congress finally realized what had occurred, and they stood cheering their lungs out. Celebrating throngs of Congressmen and Senators mobbed the President, and his progress ceased, as they surrounded him. Each of them assumed the same grim visage in his presence and assured him of their complete support. But, when he had passed, they cheered, laughed, and pounded each other on the back.
The television networks played and replayed the short speech. It was easy to recap less than four hundred and fifty words. The commentators were stunned at its Lincolnesque brevity, and harped on two important clauses. The first, of course, was the epitaph of the great American hero, Muriel MacDonald. In their eyes, she was right up there with John Paul Jones, Admiral Perry, Admiral Farragut, and General MacArthur.
The other important point they made to the American public and the world was the President's declaration that he would have no pity upon his enemies. The old timers, the gray-headed men and women of the press, knew what this meant, and told the American public.
This was war. This was the real thing. There would be no half-way, Viet Nam types of measures. The United States fought declared wars to one and only one conclusion: absolute and unconditional surrender. The only question in the commentators' minds, and that of the rest of the world, was whether the United States, the only nation in history ever to use nuclear weapons, would use them again.
The House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States met separately the next morning. By eleven o'clock, the United States of America was at war. America wasn't going to take this lying down.
6.1.5 Tunisia: War!
"How dare they, those Infidel Dogs!" Abdul Khalil Kamsanni thundered. "Don't they know they have lost already? Don't they see the wonders of Allah before them? Do they think that they can deny Allah his Kingdom?" The Ruling Council of the Faithful nodded sagely in agreement. "The only recourse," he continued, "is to declare war against them!" Once again, the entire council nodded its approval.
'It is the time,' thought Ahab Dingjatha. 'They are in the mood to say yes to anything.' He faced the Council. "Excuse me, Imam Kamsanni, but I have a thought in my mind which the Council of The Faithful may wish to consider."
The elder clerics looked up from their musings at the small, dapper foreigner. He had been of use. Let him proceed.
"Thank you." It was time to choose his words carefully. "The Infidels have felt the stroke of Allah's blade, but they have not recognized its keenness nor His intent. Instead, in their arrogance and hatred, they have lashed out like children when scolded by their father. Allah will show to them the error of their ways.
"But, are we not Allah's implement? Is it not our duty to Him to bring those who have strayed from His teachings back to the path of His righteousness? I speak of two, namely our Islamic brethren in Morocco and in Egypt.
"If we look to each of these, our misguided brethren, which is more in need of Allah's guidance? Morocco has failed the test of manhood. Instead of striking the Infidels, they allowed them to pass. This is an error of omission.
"Let us instead speak of our kindred in Egypt. They have allied themselves with the devil Jews and have licked the boots of the British, French and Americans in the name of Babel. They have forsaken all and prostituted themselves before the Infidels. It is about them that I speak.
"They have not only forsaken their honor and Islam, they have nurtured and aided the Infidels. They gather gold, while entering into pacts with the devils. It is they who protect the Suez Canal, allowing all who would enter the Holy Waters of Mecca to defile it.
"We must return them to the True Faith. We must deny this strategic waterway to the enemies of Allah. In this way, we will kill the golden calf! In this way, we shall strike into the economic heart of our enemy. When we control both the oil and the canal, we shall dictate to them all the word of Allah, and they will be forced to hear His Words and obey!"
The foreigner's plan was stupendous in concept, and bold in the extreme. Yet, Allah had blessed their arms in battle. Allah had smitten their enemies, and victory had been seized. Perhaps this little one was right.
They did declare war. They declared war in the name of Allah against all who would defy Him. They also declared war on Egypt.
6.1.6 America: More Declarations
"They've done what?" the President sputtered, incredulously. "They've declared against Egypt? Those stupid bastards! Haven't they learned, yet?
"OK, get on the horn, and tell the Egyptians that we're with them. We'll defend them to the last American, but they've got to declare war themselves and fight like Dervishes!
"No, damn it, don't insult them! Jesus Christ, you know what I mean. The goddamn Sixth Fleet will cover their asses, and I'm sure both the Brits and French will do the same ... as will the Israelis, if they'll have 'em."
6.1.7 Iran: War!
Ayatollah Mohammed Hammedyanni listened carefully as his son, General Benhamin Hammedyanni, the Army Chief of Staff, explained the latest intelligence to the Revolutionary Council.
"Father, Members of the Revolutionary Council. We, along with our Assyrian allies, have broken through the shell protecting the southern and central regions of Saudi Arabia. We are rapidly advancing upon the coastal cities of Al-Jubayl, El-Qatif, Ad-Dammam and Az-Zahran.
"Enemy opposition is fierce, even though the American forces we are facing were supposed to be inferior troops designed for mobility rather than strength. We believe that they have positioned large amounts of heavy equipment and supplies within Saudi Arabia and were preparing for an attack against us. By attacking when we did, by Allah's grace, we defeated their plans. Yet, this means that we must overcome their force of arms in the east if we are to draw off a large enough number of the enemy for our encirclement to succeed."
The general flipped to a new page in his notes. "A great battle was fought in the Straits of Sicily. Our Islamic brothers in North Africa declared a great victory over the American Navy. Today, we have confirmed the sinking of an American cruiser, the crippling of both an American aircraft carrier and a battleship as well as severe damage to an Italian cruiser, just as our brothers claimed.
"Allah has blessed our arms, those of our allies and those of our brothers. Is it not time for all of Islam to unite and throw off the yoke of our oppressors? If we can aid our brothers in their fight against the Infidels, especially in the light of their victory, should we not do so? We are well advanced into Saudi lands. Should we not continue this advance to the Suez Canal, and, once there, clasp the arms of our brothers across its narrow confines?
"We shall control the oil and the Suez Canal. We will bring our enemies to their knees. And, while they are kneeling, we shall read to them from the Koran, and they will be enlightened!"
The son of the Ayatollah had spoken clearly and eloquently. It was indeed time for the two parties to agree. War was declared against the United States and all other countries which had already declared war against the North African Islamic States. Almost as an afterthought, they declared war against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Israel.
6.1.8 World War
The declarations of war by the Barbary Pirates had been expected, but the declaration of hostilities by Iran, Iraq and Syria were not. The declarations against Israel and Egypt were the topping on the cake. Within two days, all the powers which had previously declared war against the North African States reaffirmed their positions by declaring against the Iran, Iraq and Syria.
Bolstered by this world-wide support, Egypt declared war against its Islamic neighbors.
Israel, not to be outdone, not only declared war against the Islamic Confederacy, but guaranteed the borders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. It was a grandstand play for a tiny country fighting a pitched battle before the gates of Damascus, but it was also applauded by all the other powers.
In quick order, all the powers of the Western Hemisphere, Europe and even eastern countries such as India, Japan and Korea joined the diplomatic game of one-upsmansh
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Barbary States
The parallel between the Barbary States and what just happened in this story are very similar. It actually did take a young nation to tame the Barbary Pirates. Not even the British or the French had the balls to fight them instead of just paying tribute.
It would also appear that the "Faithful" in the new Barbary States are going to be getting blind-sided. It is also typical of the loosing side to upgrade their so-called victories. Such as calling a Frigate a Cruiser and a Cruiser a Battleship. Especially when the loosers don't have a history of naval warfare. It would also appear that the "Faithful" are all going to learn the lesson that the Japanese learned between Dec 7 1941 and their capitulation in 1945.
The line has been drawn
The line has been drawn in the sand, in places very deep sand. All the potential players have declared which side they are on. Both sides are rattling their swords. It's a good way to start a war.
The faithful are doing like all disadvantaged combatants, they misquote reality. They lost almost all their fleet and aircraft and caused some damage. They must have won. Yeah, right.
Be careful when you awaken the sleeping giant.
Well written story, Red.
Much Love,
Valerie R
So far, this is an unknown here. In present-day Turkey they have a Secular government as per their Constitution however, the ruling party is an Islamic political party. The question here is have the Turk's managed to retain their Secular Constitution in the time-line of the events portrayed here. If they do indeed still are secular instead of radicallized by the Islamic parties then as a member nation of NATO they will be obligated by their treaties to join in with the rest of the Western world against the "Faithful". If this is so, then the Syrians, Iraqi's and Iranians now have a huge unsecured flank with a very effective and well-trained military in position to do serious damage to them.
Imperial Leanings
Whatever happens there will be a big redrawing of the map of the Middle East.
Whether or not the Turks are secular or religious there is something that would make them want to join the US and their allies "OIL" Turkey has very little domestic oil in production and in the ground and this would be an apt occasion for them to annex parts of Iraq and Iran. There's a good sized field in Iran close to the Iranian, Turkish and Armenian border and a smaller field close to it in Iraq. Both those fields could be annexed by the Turks and I doubt the allies would bat an eye.
It seems as if the Israelis and the Egyptians would also come out ahead as a successful participation in defense of Saudi Arabia by either or both these states should get them a huge windfall as a token of Saudi gratitude.