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Part Seven
Chapter Thirteen
Tink was just getting ready to go out and have some lunch with Craig when her mobile started ringing. She saw it was Paula’s number so she answered it. “I’m not going to start talking business with you today girlfriend.” Tink giggled down the phone.
“Tink I need your help now!” Paula’s voice said sounding scared.
“What’s wrong hon?” Tink said as she jumped up and grabbed her purse and got ready to leave the house.
“I’ve found a pink maid’s uniform in Stacey’s room and they also have wrist and leg cuffs with it, and a dog collar that says slave and had a large pink metal P hanging from it.” Paula sobbed down the phone in fear for her life. “They’re going to make me into a slave Tink.” She sobbed some more down the phone.
“Calm down Paula. Where are you now?” Tink asked.
“I’ve locked myself in my room.”
“Do they know that you’ve found the maid’s uniform yet?”
“No, I left it on Stacey’s bed though.” Paula said sounding worried.
“Right I need you to try and get to the maid’s uniform and take it back to your room so they don’t know you’ve found it. I’ll call Stan and Ron and get them to meet me at the house.” Tink explained her plan to Paula.
“I’m scared to leave the room Tink. What if they catch me while I’m doing it?” Paula asked with fear in her voice.
“I’m going to call Stan and Ron while you go and get the dress. I want you to call me as soon as you’re back in your room safe and sound.” Tink said in a calm voice, but she felt anything but calm right now.
“Why do I need to get the dress and the other stuff in the first place?” Paula asked, not liking the idea of having to leave her room.
“If you have it all in your room with you, then they can’t use it on you can they?” Tink pointed out. “They also won’t know you know about it either until it’s too late for them to do anything about it.” She added.
“Okay Tink, I’ll call you right away once I have it in here with me.” Paula said just before ending the call.
Tink scrolled down her list of numbers and hit the call button when she found Stan’s. She didn’t have to wait long for Stan to answer. “Hey Tink. Everything alright?” His voice asked on the other end of the phone.
“No Stan, Paula’s in trouble at the house.” Tink said. She then went on to quickly tell Stan what was going on.
“Ronald and I will meet you there shortly. Don’t try anything until we get there, okay?” Stan asked.
“I promise to wait for you and Ron, but you’ll need to do the same for me Stan!” Tink warned him. “Paula got me a set of keys cut and gave me permission to enter the house whenever I needed. So they won’t be able to call the police on us if I go in first using the front door key I have.” Tink said sounding smug about it.
“Nice thinking boss.” Stan chuckled.
“Thank you Stanley.” Tink said in a posh voice, teasing Stan over the boss comment. “I better go, I’m waiting for Paula to call me back and say she got the dress and other stuff back to her room and is safe again.”
“Okay Tink, but get to the house as fast as you can.” Stan said just before ending the call.
Tink had gone hands free and left her apartment and was in the car driving towards Paula when she heard her phone ringing again. “Answer call!” Tink shouted. “Paula? Are you alright?” Tink asked with worry in her voice.
“Yes Tink. I’ve got the dress and I’m locked in my room again now waiting for you.” Paula said in a shaky voice.
“That’s good Paula. Stan and Ron are on their way as we speak. I want you to stay on the line with me and keep calm.” Tink said as she tried to help her friend anyway she can.
“Thanks for coming to save me Tink.” Paula sobbed down the phone. “I can’t believe that Kim’s been leading me on all this time just so they could turn me into some freak of a maid.” She added through the sobs.
“I’m sorry hon; I really thought she loved you.” Tink said, hating that she wasn’t there to hold her best friend while she sobbed.
“Tink? Can I take you up on that offer to stop with you for a couple of weeks still?” Paula asked, sounding like a small child.
“You can stop with me as long as you want Paula.” Tink said with pride. She kept up a steady chat all the time she drove over to the house. Stan’s truck was parked outside the house when Tink pulled onto the street.
Tink started to giggle as she watched Stan pull his truck across the road so the back of it was facing the house, and then he reversed over the lawn right up to the house, so him and Ron could clear out Paula’s stuff and put it straight in the back of his truck. She told Paula what Stan had just done, and it even made her giggle.
“We’re coming in now, but keep the door locked until you hear me, Stan or Ron knock on it and tell you it’s safe to come out.” Tink warned before ending the call and getting out the car and running up to the front door with the key out ready to enter the house.

Kim, Karen, Casey, Rebecca and Stacey were all sat on the sofa talking when they heard the screeching of tyres on the road outside just before they saw a large truck back up to the house and only just stop before it hit.
All the girls jumped up, but before they could leave the living room to go and see what had happened, they all heard someone unlock the front door and then enter the house. The living room door burst open and two large men were stood there looking at them with anger written all over their faces.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Karen asked. “Who the hell do you think you are bursting in here like you own the place?” She screamed.
Kim knew who they were, she remembered them from the other week when they came to fit the locks on Paula’s bedroom door, but she had no idea why they were here now though.
Ron stood guard in the doorway while Stan went through the living room and into the kitchen where he made sure the door was locked, then he took the keys and went back to help Tink get Paula out the house.
“I want you all to take a seat and we’ll be done and out of here just as soon as we have Paula’s stuff in my truck.” Stan said as he slid past Ron, who was blocking the doorway. “If any of them try to leave the room Ron, feel free to start breaking bones.” Stan added as he left.
The girls all heard that and took a seat, none of them wanted to find out if they would hurt them or not. “I’m calling the police Karen said with fear in her eyes as she got her mobile and went to dial 999, but she stopped when Ron spoke to her.
“Please do my dear.” Ron said in a smooth calm voice. “I’m sure they’d love to hear about how you kidnapped someone and then kept them locked in the cellar for five months while you chemically castrated them while subjecting them to mental and physical torture.” Ron added as he watched the colour drain from all the girls faces.
The girls knew that he was right and they would all be in more trouble than the two men would be. They heard a woman’s voice calling out Paula’s name as she ran up the stairs. Kim knew the voice to belong to Tink, but she still had no idea what was going on.
“What’s going on Ron?” Kim asked looking worried. “Why have you come for Paula?” She added.
“Don’t try to look all innocent with me love. Paula worked out what you were all planning to do to her.” Ron said as he folded his arms across his chest looking angry.
Kim looked at the others to see if any of them could explain what Paula had found out, but they all looked to scared for their own lives to be worried about Paula and what had made her call them to come and get her. Kim did see that Stacey looked more nervous than worried at the minute though.
“What have you done Stace?” Kim growled at her.
Stacey jumped and looked at Kim with real fear in her eyes as she realised that Kim had worked out she had something to do with what was now going on. Kim also saw her look at Casey like she also knew what had caused all this to happen. Karen and Rebecca just looked scared to death as they hugged each other for protection.
“I don’t know what’s going on!” Stacey tried to bluff, but she wasn’t very good at it.
“Shut up and be quiet!” Ron snapped at them all. “You can argue all you want once we’ve gone, but until then can it!” Ron added as he looked at Kim like he wanted to really hurt her for her little part in all this.

Paula jumped and let out a little scream when she heard a knock on the bedroom door, but she was soon unlocking it when she heard Tink’s voice on the other side calling her name.
“Oh god Tink am I glad to see you.” Paula said as she threw herself at Tink in the hallway.
“Don’t worry hon, you’re safe now.” Tink said as she held a sobbing Paula in her arms. “We need to get all your stuff packed and out of here now.” Tink added as she broke the hug and led Paula back into the room so they could start packing.
Paula had already started stuffing all her clothes into some bags she had in the room, and Stan walked in and gave Paula a hug before he started packing up the stereo and other stuff.
“They really are just a bunch of weirdo’s.” Tink said as she looked at the maid’s uniform, cuffs and chains lying on the bed. “I’m tempted to make this Stacey wear all this and then drop her off in the city centre.” Tink growled.
“Sounds like a great idea to me.” Stan said with a grin.
“No! That would make us no better than them.” Paula said as she helped Tink pack her clothes. “I just want to pack up and leave.” Paula added sounding tired.
Tink and Stan could see Paula’s point, so they just carried on packing stuff and taking it down to Stan’s truck. They soon had it all loaded up and the only clothes left in the room was the maid’s uniform still lying on the bed.
“Come on hon; let’s get you out of this hell hole.” Tink said as she wrapped an arm around Paula and went to lead her out the room, but Paula stopped and went back to the bed and picked up the garment bag.
“I want to return this to Stacey and the others before I leave.” Paula said with anger in her voice.
Paula and Tink followed Stan down the hallway and then down the stairs. Ron looked over and gave Paula a sad smile before looking angrily at the garment bag in her hands. He stepped into the living room and waited for Paula to enter and say her piece before leaving for the last time.
Kim was about to jump up and run to Paula when she saw her enter the room, but she stopped when she saw the look Ron gave her. She was soon distracted from that though when she saw that Paula was carrying something in her arms that she then dropped on the coffee table in the middle of the room. It went with a thud and a clank.
Karen, Rebecca and Kim all looked closely at the maid’s dress for a couple of minutes before they realised what it was, but Stacey and Casey already knew what was in the garment bag. They were all soon looking up at Paula though when she started to speak to them.
“I’m not sure how you planned to get me into that thing, but I would have killed myself before serving any of you again.” Paula growled as she looked at them all. “I thought the beating you all gave me with that stick was the worst pain I could ever feel, but you managed to make that seem like nothing Kim with what you’ve done to me.” Paula added with tears in her eyes.
“I didn...” Kim started to say, but was cut off when Paula stopped her.
“Don’t lie to me anymore Kim!” Paula shouted at her, making her jump. “I know this whole coming to my rescue thing was just part of a bigger plan to turn me into your pet maid/slave. I thought them four were a bunch of heartless bitches, but god you are the queen of them all.” Paula said as she pointed at Stacey, Karen, Rebecca and Casey, and then looked at Kim again.
Kim was in total shock at what Paula had just said to her, but she still went to get up and stop her leaving the room until Ron stepped in and pushed her back down onto the sofa, where she ended up sat on Karen and Rebecca.
Tink took Paula by the arm and turned to leave the room, but stopped and turned to look at them all one last time. “You said you did all this to get revenge for what you thought she did to you friend?” Tink asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. “Well you have done far worse to my friend.” Tink added with hatred in her eyes.
“To our friend!” Ron and Stan said together. This made Paula feel a little better hearing that.
“If I see any of you anywhere near Paula ever again, I will end you all!” Tink warned them in a tone Paula had never heard her use before and it scared her, so she had no idea what it was doing to the people it was aimed at.
Paula never looked back as she let Tink lead her out to where her car was parked on the road while Ron and Stan stood in the doorway to make sure they both got away okay. Then they got in Stan’s truck and drove off the lawn and down the road to catch up with Tink and Paula.
Tink drove to the club so Stan and Ron could drop off Paula’s stuff in her office. The apartment was still a mess, so this was the closest place to leave her stuff until she could move in. Tink said she could leave her stuff at her place, but Paula said it would be a pain to keep moving everything. Paula took her clothes with her to Tink’s though.
“Thanks for coming to save me you guys.” Paula said with a forced smile just before she broke down in sobs of tears again and had to be held up by Tink until Ron could pick her up and carry her out to Tink’s car again.
Ron and Stan followed Tink back to her apartment which wasn’t far from the club. Then Ron carried Paula into Tink’s place and put her on one of the sofas while Stan brought in some of Paula’s clothes and followed Tink into her spare room where Paula would be stopping for the next couple of weeks. Ron brought in the last of it and then they left so Tink could spend some time trying to help Paula get over the heart ache she must be feeling right now.
“We’ll call later and see how she’s doing Tink.” Stan said looking worried for Paula’s well being. “I still can’t believe what they were planning to do to her.” He added as he clenched his fist wanting to punch something.
“I think someone needs a good long session at the gym.” Ron said as he wrapped an arm around Stan and pulled him out the door.
“Thanks for the help today.” Tink said with a smile when she watched the two lovebirds walking back to Stan’s truck where Ron got behind the wheel after making Stan get in the passenger side. He waved to Tink and then got in and drove away to take Stan to the gym for a good long work out with some weights and a punch bag or two.
Tink went back into the living room and sat down next to Paula. Paula just curled up next to her and started sobbing again. Paula was soon lying down with her head on Tink’s knee as she cried herself to sleep. Tink grabbed her phone out her purse, which was luckily within arm’s reach on an end table. She needed to call Craig and tell him their date was off. She knew he’d understand once he heard the reason why.

Kim was sat on the sofa just looking at the hideous thing that had taken her one true love away from her, and left her looking like the ringleader behind it all. She could hear Karen and Rebecca shouting and having a go at Stacey and Casey, but none of it was going in. All Kim could see was the look Paula gave her, the very last look she would ever remember about her.
“What the hell were you thinking when you brought that thing?” Karen asked as she pointed at the garment bag on the coffee table still.
“Don’t get all high and mighty with me Karen!” Stacey snapped back. “Who was the one that decided to start him on hormones?” She asked with a smug look.
Stacey soon lost the smug look though when her head spun round after being punched in the side of the face by Kim. “Her name is Paula, and don’t you ever forget it, or call her a he again.” Kim growled as she knelt on the floor and lifted Stacey up by the top she was wearing to look her in the eyes. “Tell me what sick twisted idea you had for her and that thing on the coffee table?” Kim asked just before letting go of Stacey and watching her head slam into the floor again.
“Hey! Back off Kimmie. Stace is a friend.” Casey said as she went to help Stacey get up, but she was stopped by Karen and Rebecca.
“You stay there Case. I’d like to hear what Stacey had planned as well.” Rebecca said with a look over at Kim for her to carry on with her questioning.
“I’m waiting for you to start talking Stace.” Kim smiled, but for some reason Stacey didn’t find it a good thing as she saw Kim also raise her fist ready to hit her again. All the girls had thought Kim to be a sweet little thing not able to protect herself, but they were all seeing a new side to her, and Stacey was scared of it.
“Case and I ordered it just before you came back and told us Paula wasn’t the one that hurt you.” Stace said to stop Kim punching her again.
“Great, but it still doesn’t answer the question of what you planned to do once you had her dressed in all that stuff?” Kim asked with a little more anger in her voice.
“I thought we could train her to be our maid while she served out her sentence.” Stacey said when she saw that Kim was making a fist and getting ready to punch her again. Kim was so angry at hearing that, she punched her anyway.
Kim got up and grabbed the garment bag and ripped it open and pulled out the dress and underwear she found in there and threw it at Stacey who was still lying on the floor holding her cheek where Kim had just punched her for a second time.
“Get undressed and put it on.” Kim said in a cold heartless voice as she looked Stacey right in the eyes to let her know she wasn’t joking. “I don’t see any shoes here with all this stuff, are they still upstairs where Paula found this?” Kim asked.
Stacey thought about lying to her, but knew that she’d just go and look if she said no, so she just nodded her head up and down to say yes there were.
Kim looked at Karen. “I’ll go and find them for you Kim.” Karen said as she left the room and went upstairs. She came back five minutes later with a shoe box I her hands.
Kim watched as Karen put the box down and then slipped the lid open to reveal a pair of pink PVC high heeled pumps with a six inch heel on them and only a one inch soul making them sort of five inches in total.
“You were expecting Paula to be able to walk in then?” Kim asked with a sick sounding chuckle. “I hope you can walk in them Stace, because you’ll be wearing them with the dress.” Kim added as she looked at Stacey again.
“I won’t do it.” Stacey said as she pushed the dress away.
“PUT THE DRESS ON NOW!” Kim screamed at her as she balled up her hands into tight fists and looked about ready to beat her to death.
Stacey lost what little back bone she just found and was soon sat up and taking her clothes off and then her underwear until she was naked. Then she started to dress in the stuff she’d brought for Paula to wear. Kim stood over her until she was fully dressed in the underwear and pink maid’s uniform. Kim could tell that Stacey felt silly dressed in it, but Kim didn’t care about that.
“Now sit and put the shoes on.” Kim told her as she threw the box at her.
Stacy did as she was told and was soon sat with the shoes on her feet. Kim knelt down and used a couple of the padlocks she’d found in with all the bondage stuff that was in the garment bag with the dress.
“What have you done that for Kim?” Stacey asked with a shocked look.
“We don’t want you taking them off before we want you to. I’m sure you’d have done the same to Paula.” Kim said sarcastically.
Next Kim picked up the pink leather ankle cuffs and added them to Stacey’s ankles the locked them on as well. Then Kim picked up the wrist cuffs that matched the ankle cuffs and she put them on Stacey’s wrists and locked them in place as well.
Stacey was now bound in the very stuff that she’d hoped to get Paula into at some point, but Kim still had a couple of bits to add yet. Next Kim stood up and picked up the dog collar and walked over to Stacey and then wrapped it around her neck and locked that in place as well.
“Don’t worry Stace, nearly done now.” Kim said in a soothing way as she picked up a bright pink ball gag and let it dangle between a couple of her fingers as she started grinning at her.
“Please Kim, not that as well.” Stacey said in a shaky voice. “I let you dress me in all this other stuff.” She added as she lifted her wrists up to remind Kim of how she was dressed.
“You let me dress you?” Kim snapped at her. “You say that like I gave you a choice Stacey.” Kim laughed, but it had an evil edge to it. “What would you have done in my place, if it was Paula sat there begging not to have the ball gag put in her mouth?” Kim asked.
Stacey went to say she’d not put it in, but she already knew that Kim wouldn’t believe that because she would have put the ball gag in Paula’s mouth no matter how much begging she did. “I would still put the gag in Paula’s mouth.” Stacey said as she hung her head in shame.
“Open wide then Stace.” Kim said as she held up the ball gag and pushed it into Stacey’s mouth, and then she went behind her head and did up the straps to hold it in place. “Okay then Stace, stand-up for me please,” Kim said as she helped Stacey to stand in the really high heels she now had locked on her feet.
Stacey had no idea how hard it was to stand on such high heels, and she hadn’t even tried to walk in them yet. “I can’t do this Kim!” She tried to say, but all that Kim heard was a lot of mumbles.
“I know you love your new look Stace.” Kim smiled. “I think you look very cute, but I see that we have some chains left over. Did I do something wrong?” Kim asked as she picked up the remaining chain and saw it formed a cross. Kim soon worked out that one part wrapped around the waist while the other part was locked to the middle of the ankle and wrist chain. Kim set to work and soon had Stacey all locked up in her new outfit for the day.
“The two of you planned to make Paula dress this way for us?” Rebecca asked feeling sick at the thought of making Paula wear the stuff Stacey was now stuck in until Kim let her out of it.
“Bec’s asked you a question slave!” Kim snapped at Stacey. Stacey looked scared as she started nodding her head up and down.
“And you knew all about this Case?” Rebecca asked Casey as she looked down at where she was still sat on the sofa looking very worried.
“Yes. Stacey and I talked about it and thought it would be cool to have a maid, and we thought it fitting for it to be a sissy maid at that.” Casey said, but soon realised that she’d said the wrong thing when Kim whipped past Bec’s and was slapping Casey across the face.
Rebecca let Kim get in a couple of good slaps before she stepped in and pulled Kim back and sat her in another chair. “Calm down Kim, we’ll find some way to fix this mess.” Rebecca said, but not really believing it for a second. The fact that Stacey had the uniform in her wardrobe upstairs and Paula found it made anything they said seem like a lie.
“Paula will never speak to me again after all this.” Kim said as she pointed at Stacey still stood in her new uniform and other little bits. “How do you move on when you lose your soul mate Bec’s?” Kim asked as a tear ran down her cheek.
“Why in hell didn’t you just cancel the stupid order when we found out the truth?” Karen asked as she looked at first Stacey and then Casey when she realised that if Stacey did try to answer her, Karen wouldn’t be able to understand her.
“I thought she had cancelled it until Paula asked if Stacey got her parcel yesterday, and she gave me that dirty look.” Casey said in her own defence.
I’m going to lie down for a bit.” Kim said as she got up and went to leave the room.
“What about Stacey?” Bec’s asked.
“She thought we needed a maid, now she has one.” Kim said as she picked up the keys to all the padlocks and left the room. “Find her some housework to do. She can sort out the mess that Paula would have left behind when she left.” Kim added with a harsh edge to her voice.
“You heard what Kim said slave, go and start cleaning.” Rebecca said as she looked at Stacey. “You can go and help her as well Case.” She added with a serious look at Casey.
“She’s the one that’s dressed like a maid.” Casey whined.
“Unless you want to be the one dressed like that tomorrow, go and help her!” Rebecca snapped.
Casey knew better than to cross Rebecca, because she had a real bad temper and never made an idle threat. Casey got up and helped Stacey make her way out to the stairs and then to get up them.
Kim went and crashed out on her bed thinking about the night at the hotel, and how much fun she’d had. Paula had seemed like the other half of her, and now Paula was gone, she only felt like half the person she use to be. Kim fell asleep sobbing her eyes out.

Kim woke some time later and lay on her bed trying to work out what to do now. The trouble with Paula had kind of made her mind up on another matter though. Kim, Stacey and Rebecca had found out on Friday that they were being laid off, so they weren’t needed in at work on Monday. Kim decided to call her mum and dad and ask if she could move back home for now, and then she could look at what she wanted to do after that. The one thing Kim couldn’t do any more was live with Stacey and Casey not after what they wanted to do to Paula.
Karen, Casey, Rebecca and Stacey were all sat in the living room when Kim got back down stairs. Stacey was still dressed as a maid and gagged. The others were all sat with cups of coffee, but Stacey wasn’t able to drink anything until Kim gave them the keys to the locks.
“I’ve called my parents and I’m moving back home tomorrow.” Kim said as she plonked down in an armchair and looked at the others. “I thought I could deal with what you all did to Paula for those five months, but seeing what you were willing to do to her. I just can’t live here with you anymore.” Kim added with tears in her eyes for what she’d lost with Paula, not for letting the others down.
Kim dropped a small pile of twisted metal on the coffee table, which took a couple of seconds for the others to work out what it was, but when they realised that it used to be the keys to the locks holding Stacey prisoner, they all looked at Kim in horror. Kim had found a couple of pairs of pliers in her bedroom, and she’d taken out some of her anger on the keys to the items now holding Stacey trapped in the maids uniform.
“What did you do Kim?” Karen asked as she picked up a key and couldn’t believe how twisted out of shape it now was. “How the hell do we get Stacey out of all this stuff?” Karen asked.
“I’m sure her three friends will think of a way to get her free. Paula was trapped for five months before she finally found her freedom.” Kim went back to her room and started packing her stuff up ready for when her dad arrived in the morning.
Karen and Rebecca cooked them all one final meal together and they all looked at Kim as she picked at her dinner while she kept looking at the empty seat where Paula had sat when she’d joined them for a meal.
The girls had to use a sharp knife to cut through the leather on the cuffs and gag in the end. Kim smiled as she saw it all in a pile on the coffee table. None of it could ever be used again. Stacey and Casey ate their meals in silence, not wanting to upset Kim anymore than they already had.
Kim went to bed early and left the house the next day when her dad arrived. She didn’t give a reason for her moving home other than her being laid off from her job, and not being able to afford to stop in the house with the others. Her parents had no idea that she was a lesbian, and Kim wasn’t in the mood to come clean and tell them that she’d found her soul mate in the form of a transgendered woman called Paula.

Chapter Fourteen
Tink had sat with Paula’s head resting on her knee for just over an hour before she needed to use the bathroom, so she slipped out from under Paula’s head and then used a couple of cushions to prop Paula’s head on to the same height as her knee.
Craig had been really understanding and said he’d give them some time to deal with it all, but he’d come over at dinner time and bring some food and wine over for them to enjoy. Tink was looking forward to seeing Craig, she was hoping that Paula might feel better seeing yet another friend turn up to keep her company for a couple of hours.
Paula was having a dream where she was dressed as a maid and all the girls were teasing her and calling her names, and then she woke up screaming when she saw Kim walk up to her with a cane in her hand and an evil grin on her face. “NO! Don’t let her near me!” Paula shouted as she sat up on the sofa looking scared as she looked around trying to work out where she was.
Tink ran over to her and pulled her into a hug. “Calm down Paula, you’re safe at my place.”
“Sorry Tink, but I was having a bad dream.” Paula said as she let Tink hug her. Paula soon looked over at the kitchen area when she heard a male voice speak to her.
“Hello Paula. Sorry to hear what happened to you, can I do anything to help you try to get over it?” Craig asked as he walked over and sat on the other side of her.
“Thanks Craig, but I think it’s just going to take some time.” She said with a weak smile. “I’m sorry for spoiling your lunch date.” Paula added when she remembered that Tink and Craig had plans for lunch.
“Are you joking Paula!” Craig said with a grin. “Lunch with one beautiful woman, or dinner with two? That’s a no brainer from the start.” He chuckled.
Even with everything that had happened to her today, Paula still found herself smiling and giggling at Craig and his take on things. “Who’s the second beautiful woman joining us then Craig?” Paula asked as she looked around for someone else in the room for a couple of seconds before she started giggling again.
“That would be you silly.” Craig said as he pulled Paula into a hug with him. Paula suddenly found herself sobbing again on his shoulder. “Things may seem dark right now Paula, but you have friends to help you get through it all, and you will be stronger for it in the end.” Craig said as he rocked her back and forth.
Tink sat smiling as she watched Craig work his magic on her best friend and his new friend. Craig had been at home with his family when Tink called him to cancel their lunch date, so his family had heard what happened to Paula. He’d told her that he had to talk his Aunt Chrissy and Amy from coming over to make sure she was alright. Craig had managed to stop them, but only after promising to take Tink and Paula over to the shop for some retail therapy.
“Craig brought us some dinner over hon; do you feel like trying to eat something?” Tink asked with worry in her voice.
“It would be rude of me to refuse, but I don’t feel very hungry at the minute.” Paula warned them both.
“Just eat what you can Paula.” Craig said as he helped her get up off the sofa and then he walked her over to the dining area where he helped her take a seat before he went to help Tink get it all dished up.
Paula could smell the food and she suddenly realised that she was feeling hungry. Craig put a plate down on the table in front of her and it looked really good, but didn’t look like any take out she’d ever had before. It was a pasta bake of some sort and she was soon tasting it. It tasted amazing and she found herself clearing the plate.
“That was fantastic Craig. Where did you get it from?” Paula asked, hoping that it was close enough for her to call in and buy some again sometime.
“Home.” Craig said with a smile. “Aunty Chrissy was at home with me when Tink called and told me what had happened, so she wanted to make sure you had something to eat.” Craig started to chuckle at a memory of his Aunty Chrissy dragging him to the kitchen so he could help her, and keep his mind off is lost lunch date with Tink.
“Your Aunt Chrissy cooked this? But why would she want to do that for me?” Paula asked with a tear in her eye.
“Because I wouldn’t let her come over and see you.” Craig chuckled some more.
“Are all the members of your family as kind as you and your Aunties?” Paula asked with a smile.
“Yes we are Paula, but Aunt Chrissy is by far the best of us all.” Craig said with pride for his Aunt.
“I wouldn’t let your mum hear you say that Craig.” Paula giggled.
“Mum would be the first to say the same thing; she’d probably give me a slap upside the head if I said otherwise.” He chuckled again.
“You’re lucky to have such a loving family Craig. I couldn’t wait to get away from mine, well my mother. I don’t have any other family.” Paula said with a sad sigh. “Please thank your Aunt for me; the food was very very nice.” She added with a grin.
“But the meal isn’t over yet Paula.” Craig said with a shocked look. “We still have desert to have yet.” He added with a grin as he got up from the table and helped Tink take the dirty plates away.
Paula was lost in thought thinking about what Kim and the others had done to her, and were planning to do next, when Craig put a plate down in front of her with a large piece of apple pie with two scoops of ice cream next to it.
“Nana’s apple pie, best on the planet.” Craig grinned as he sat down and started eating his.
Paula wasn’t a big desert fan, but she thought she’d play along and just lie to make Craig feel better. It turned out that she wouldn’t be lying as it really was the best pie she’d ever let her taste buds at. “MMMM this is heaven.” Paula said after swallowing her second mouthful. “Why aren’t you fat?” Paula asked before she realised what she was saying. She slapped her hand over her mouth looking worried, but soon relaxed again when Craig started laughing.
“You really need to come to the club one night while Aunt Chrissy, Aunt Amy and Aunt Amber are there.” Craig said with a frown. “Those three can dance anyone under the table.” He added looking worried.
“I’d love to Craig, but I have to help Tink run our own little club remember.” Paula said with a pout. “But I would love to see your Aunt’s out having a good time; it sounds like it could be fun.” Paula giggled.
“They all act like a bunch of teenagers when they get out on the dance floor.” Craig chuckled. “You wouldn’t think that all three of them are in their forties now.” He added.
“Are we talking about the same Aunties I saw the other day at Mystiques?” Paula asked with a shocked look on her face. “I would have guessed at early thirties, but never the big four zero.” She added.
“If they didn’t already love you Paula, they would after I tell them that.” Craig grinned. “As for coming to the club, I’m sure you can let the staff look after the place for one night while you and Tink come and shake your thing on the dance floor.” He asked with that trade mark smile he had.
“Sounds like fun to me!” Tink answered for the two of them. She wanted to get Paula out having some fun before she fell into a pit of depression over Kim and what the other bitches had done and tried to do to her.
“But what about the club Tink?” Paula asked looking worried.
“It’s just a club, and I’m sure Stan and the others can hold the fort for one night.” Tink said as she playfully slapped Paula on the arm. “I want a night out with my BFF.” Tink giggled.
“You’re wrong about something as well Paula.” Craig said with a smile after watching Tink and her playing around and giggling at each other. “You do have a family still. You have a sister and she’s sat right there.” Craig added as he looked at Tink. “Family to me are your friends that stand by you through the bad times as well as the good, and I think Tink’s had her trial by fire with you today.” Craig reached out and took hold of Tink’s hand looking proud of her.
“Would that mean you’re my adopted brother then?” Paula giggled as she tried to make light of what Craig had just said. She soon stopped giggling though when Craig spoke again.
“Yes it does Paula, but I must warn you I come with a lot of baggage.”
“What kind of baggage?” Paula ended up asking as her mind was still trying to get round the whole brother thing.
Craig went on to list all of his family and how close they all were, and how they kept adding to it all the time by finding new members just like he’d found her. Paula had asked about Tink, and was told that Tink had been a member of the family for some time, due to her dad being a good friend of his dad.
“Must get expensive around Christmas time.” Paula giggled when he’d finished listing all the family.
“It can, but the greatest gift we all give each other is the fact we’re all together.” Craig smiled.
“Do you all ever just get together through the year?” Paula asked.
“Yes all the time. Birthdays and family barbecues all through the year. “Craig told her. “In fact we’re having one in a couple of weeks and I think you and Tink should come, so you can meet the family.” Craig said looking excited about it.
“What day is it?” Paula asked looking a little worried about meeting his whole family.
“It’s a Sunday, so don’t worry about having to run off and open the club.” Craig explained.
Paula could see that having Craig as a friend/brother was going to keep her life from getting dull, but at the same time she’d also forget about all the stuff with Kim as well. They finished their desert and Paula went to help with washing the dishes, but Tink and Craig stopped her. They wanted her to get some more rest after the shock of the day. All Paula wanted was to keep busy so she didn’t have time to stop and think too much about Kim.
“Okay then, I’ll just go and get settled into my new bedroom then.” Paula said as she went to her new room and left Tink and Craig to have some alone time.
Paula never left her room again that night, but she did get all her clothes hung up in the wardrobe, and then she got ready for bed. Paula loved the fact that her new room had its own bathroom, so she didn’t have to share it with four other girls. Karen had been the only one with a bedroom with its own private bathroom. Karen owned the house though, so it was only fair she had the best room.
Looking at the large tub in her new bathroom, Paula decided to take a hot bubble bath and just relax for a bit, so she did. Once she’d done in the bath she got ready for bed and fell asleep.

Craig tried to sneak out of Tink’s bedroom the next morning, but stopped and looked a little sheepish when he saw Paula sat in the dining area with a spoon full of cereal stuck out her mouth looking at him with a puzzled look on her face.
“Morning Paula. It’s not what it looks like.” He said as he walked over and took a seat at the table.
“And what does it look like Craig?” She asked after removing the spoon and swallowing the mouth full of cereal.
“That I was sneaking off after a night of love making with your best friend.” Craig said with a nervous smile when he realised that Paula was going to make him explain why it looked like that.
“So what was it you were doing then?” Paula asked with a smile.
“I was sneaking out after a night of love making, but it was only because I was worried about how you would feel about me and Tink being together.” He explained.
“I’ll learn to deal with it Craig. I can’t expect the whole world to stop making love just because my love life crashed and burned on its maiden flight.” Paula shrugged before putting another spoon of cereal in her mouth. “Besides, I like seeing you and Tink together. It gives me hope that I might find that special someone out there one day.” She added with a sigh.
Craig just looked at Paula and could see that she’d already found that someone and lost her again. He thought they looked so perfect together in the hotel that night and then again at breakfast the next morning. Craig was having trouble believing that Kim was that good an actress as to be able to look so much in love and then turn around and be such a bitch, as Tink had so nicely put it the day before.
Tink poked her head out her bedroom and giggled when she saw Craig and Paula sat at the dining table talking. “So the sneaking out didn’t work then baby?” She asked as she came over and kissed Craig on the cheek just before she was pulled down onto his knee for a proper kiss. “Cool it tiger!” Tink said looking worried when they broke the kiss.
“Don’t worry Tink. I’m acting under orders from Paula to let her know that love isn’t dead in the world.” Craig smiled just before kissing Tink again, but with Tink being a willing party to it this time.
“Get a room you two.” Paula said in a mock groan. “Some of us are trying to eat here.” She giggled.
“We just came from the room.” Tink said with a grin when they stopped kissing again.
“Looks like you left to soon.” Paula grinned back with a raised eyebrow.
“Well as much as I’d love to take you back in there and make sure the job was finished, sadly I need to go and get a suit on and then get to a meeting.” Craig said with a sigh. He helped Tink get up so he could get up, then he gave Paula a hug and a kiss on the cheek before letting Tink walk him to the door. Craig wanted to talk to Tink about Kim and Paula, but he was going to wait until they were truly alone.
“How you feeling today hon?” Tink asked when she returned to the dining table and sat down next to her friend.
“I’ve felt better, but also feel better knowing I’m away from the crazy bitches.” Paula smiled, but Tink could see that Kim being part of it all had really hurt Paula to the core.
“How do you like your new room?” Tink asked as she tried to change the subject to something lighter.
“I love it Tink, thanks for letting me stop here for the next couple of weeks.” Paula smiled again, but this time it looked like a real smile.
“You’re welcome to stop longer if you want to.” Tink grinned, looking hopeful, but knew that Paula was looking forward to getting into her own place above the club.
“Thanks for the offer Tink, but I’m really looking forward to finally moving into the apartment above the club.” Paula said with a grin.
“I thought that’s what you’d say.” Tink giggled. “Not that I blame you. The apartment is looking really good.” Tink added as she thought about how it looked the other day when she and Paula were looking around after the builders had left for the day.
The new floor was down and finished. All the damp patches had been sorted out, and Ron had them rip out the old kitchen and fit a new one as a house warming gift from him and Stan. Paula had given them both lots of hugs and kisses on the cheeks for that.
Tink got some breakfast and then Paula helped Tink clean up her apartment before they got ready to go out and do some shopping before heading over to the club and see if any bands had called about playing at their rock version of an open mike night.
“Tink? Can we call in at Mystiques on our way into the city?” Paula asked as they drove out the car parking area under Tink’s apartment.
“Sure hon, you after some new bra’s and stuff already?” Tink asked with a grin.
“A girl can never have too many of them, but no I wanted to call in and thank Chrissy for the dinner she sent Craig over with last night.” Paula said with a grin.
Tink thought it was a nice idea, so she pointed the car in that direction and made her way over to Mystiques. She had to park down the road a little ways, but it was a nice day and the two of them did some window shopping as they walked back up to where Mystiques was. They entered the shop and Paula smiled when she saw Chrissy behind the counter, but the smile faded when she realised that it was another blonde woman that just looked like Chrissy.
“Hi Mandy! Is Chrissy around? My friend wants to thank her for the dinner last night.” Tink said to the blonde woman.
“Hello Tink.” The woman Tink called Mandy said as she came from behind the counter and walked down the shop to get a hug from her. “So you’re the famous Paula I keep hearing about?” Mandy asked as she gave her a hug after hugging Tink.
“No ma’am that must be another Paula you’ve heard about.” Paula blushed after hugging her back.
“Please call me Mandy, and I’m pretty sure that you’re the same Paula that I’ve heard so much about from my son Craig.” Mandy smiled
“You’re Craig’s mum? You don’t look old enough to have a son his age.” Paula said as she looked at the blonde with the killer figure and looks to match. She could see that she was Chrissy’s sister.
“I like this one Tink.” Mandy grinned. “Chrissy should be back out in a minute, she’d just finishing up some orders for the hotel changing service.” Mandy said as she led Tink and Paula over to the counter were she was busy double checking some orders against a list she had on a clipboard.
Paula and Tink both jumped when they heard a woman scream their names, then a second woman also scream as the two of them ran down the shop and hugged the pair of them.
“We heard what happened to you Paula, and we think you’re so brave.” Chrissy said as she hugged Paula again.
Paula had to giggle when she remembered what Tink had said. “Death by hugging.” She could see what Tink was getting at now. “It’s all in the past now, and I have Tink to help keep me safe.” Paula grinned as she wrapped an arm around Tink’s waist and pulled her a little closer.
“Craig was telling us how you burst in and saved her from that hell they had her living in.” Amy said as she pulled Tink and Paula into a hug with her.
“It wasn’t that bad Amy.” Tink giggled. I never saw Paula while they had her locked in the cellar though. I’d be up on murder charges if I had.” Tink added looking angry.
“We’d have got you the best lawyers to defend you Tink.” Mandy said in a matter of fact way. “We know some very good ones, and what size underwear they like to wear.” Mandy added with a wink.
Tink and Paula soon caught on that Mandy was talking about some top lawyers liking the softer side of life. They both started giggling at the thought of Mandy and her family getting away with all sorts of things.
Amy ran off to put the kettle on, and she made them all a cup of tea while Paula told them about some of the things the girls put her through down in the cellar. They all had a cry and hugs when Paula finished. Paula was soon grinning though by the time Chrissy had redone her makeup for her. Paula had no idea she could look so good, but she remembered what Prue had said about Chrissy being a whiz with a makeup brush.
“So what happened yesterday then Paula?” Chrissy asked her while she finished off her makeup. “Craig said they were trying to make you some sort of sissy maid or something like that.”
Paula explained what happened and how she’d found the pink maid’s dress and all the bondage stuff with it. She also told her about them teasing her about becoming a maid for them and how she’d be really good at it.
“How did you know that this girl Kim was involved in any of it though?” Chrissy asked more in passing than wanting to know, or that’s how she wanted it to seem. Chrissy had been asked by Craig to try and find out a little more about what actually happened.
Paula said that Kim had been a little cold towards her the past couple of days, and had also stopped coming to her room after Paula had got home from the club. Finding the maid’s stuff was the last straw. Paula felt hollow inside where her heart should be when she thought about Kim again.
“You really loved her didn’t you?” Chrissy asked as she gave Paula a hug.
“Yes I did; hell I still do for some silly reason.” Paula giggled, even though she didn’t feel like it. “I’d never been in love before Kim told me she was in love with me. I thought it would be forever.” Paula said with a heavy sigh.
“I know what you mean Paula.” Chrissy smiled. “I felt the same way when I fell in love with my wife Becky.” Chrissy smiled as she thought about her beautiful wife.
“Yes, but Becky really loves you, and you’ve been together all these years. Kim was just playing me while they planned to turn me into a slave.” Paula moaned.
“Did Kim tell you this Paula? Did anyone tell you that this is what Kim was doing? Playing you for a fool?” Chrissy asked.
“No, but it’s not hard to see that she was part of it.” Paula argued.
“Take it from someone who’s made more than her fair share of mistakes in the past Paula. Make sure you have all the details before you act, or give up on something special” Chrissy warned.
Paula just smiled, not really understanding what Chrissy was trying to say. Paula could see that Mandy and Amy seemed to understand as they seemed to be thinking about something that must have happened in Chrissy’s past. Paula suddenly remembered the reason for her and Tink coming to the shop in the first place just then.
“Oh, I came here to thank you for that wonderful dinner you sent over with Craig last night Chrissy. It’s some of the best food I’ve ever tasted, and the apple pie was to die for as well.” Paula added with a dreamy look as she thought about how good it tasted with the ice cream Craig had brought with him.
“I’m glad you liked it Paula.” Chrissy smiled, partly at the complement, but also partly at the subtle way Paula changed the subject away from this girl called Kim that had broken her heart.
Paula and Tink were soon giving the three women a hug and leaving them to get on with running their shop, but only after Paula promised to attend the barbecue Craig had told her about. Paula thought about saying she’d go, and then not bother, but for some reason she didn’t want to disappoint Chrissy.
“Let’s go and have some retail therapy then shall we?” Tink said with a grin as she drove them into the city centre so they could get parked up at the hotel before getting a car from the hotel to drop them off at the first of many shopping centres they would be going to through the day.
Craig had given Tink a special credit card that allowed her to get into a private part of the underground car park at the hotel that was set aside for friends and family. He also told Tink to head up into the hotel and get a driver to take them where ever they wanted to go.
They were soon walking around the shops in a part of the city that catered to the more alternative style of clothing that Tink and Paula liked to wear, mainly at the club, but they both still liked to look rock and gothic while out in the daytime every now and then.
Paula wasn’t dressing as shocking anymore; she’d settled into a normal mode of dress any woman would wear through the day. To start with after she’d started going out places with Kim, Paula had been trying to over play the female gothic, but now she still liked to wear black, purple, blue and red, but she wore more simple makeup and looked a lot cuter now Tink thought.
They had a fun day shopping and brought some nice, cool, sexy. And very risky clothing, shoes and boots by the time they headed back to Tink’s place so they could have some dinner before getting ready for another busy night at the club.

Life went on for the next couple of weeks just fine with Tink and Paula having fun as roommates. Paula kept checking on the progress of her new apartment above the club, and it was getting closer and closer to being done. Tink noticed how Paula would find a reason to disappear when Craig came around to see her. Tink and Craig tried to get her to join them on a Sunday when they were going out, but Paula would just say she needed to sort out some stuff for her new apartment.
Paula wasn’t lying to them; she did need to sort out a new bed for herself and some furniture for her large living room area. Paula was worried about dipping into all the money she’d saved for her life after the surgery, but she was already working in a great job that would still be there for her after it was all done and she was finally all woman. Too many years of living on a tight budget were hard to break, but she did have fun walking into a bed shop and looking around before seeing the perfect bed. It was a large brass four poster that she just fell in love with right away. Half an hour later she was walking out the shop with a big grin on her face and her bank account a little lighter. The bed was due to be delivered in a couple of days.
Next on Paula’s shopping list was a sofa, so she went looking in some of the larger department stores and soon found a red leather suite she liked. It had two sofas that would seat three and two armchairs. Paula thought it would fill up the living room area nicely and stop it looking so empty. She found some pine bedroom furniture she liked as well, so also brought that and arranged to have that delivered on the same day as her bed was going to be dropped off.
With all that sorted out Paula made her way back to Tink’s place and found her and Craig sat waiting for her when she walked in. “Hi guy’s, everything okay?” Paula asked as she put her purse down and took a seat on the free sofa in the room and looked at the two of them on the one facing her.
“Hi Paula, yes we’re fine, but we’ve been waiting for you to get home so you can get ready and join us for some dinner.” Craig said, or more told her.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve already eaten while I was out.” Paula lied. She would have got away with it if her stomach hadn’t picked that very moment to make a noise to let them all know she was lying.
Paula blushed as Tink and Craig both sat their smirking at her as they looked her in the eyes and then at her belly before looking her back in the eyes.
“I think someone’s telling porkies.” Tink frowned. “Go and get ready, we’re all going out for dinner.” Tink told Paula.
Paula just got up from the sofa and went to her room and got dressed in a simple looking cocktail dress and light makeup, well light makeup for her most the time. She slipped on a pair of purple suede pumps with a three inch heel that matched the colour of the dress and underwear she had on. Paula had realised that she loved the colour purple over the last month or so. Even though Paula didn’t plan on anyone but maybe Tink seeing her in her underwear, it still made Paula feel that little bit sexier knowing she was colour coded under the dress. With a dab of perfume, she was ready to go, looking like the third wheel on Tink and Craig’s dinner date.
Craig led them to a private seating area in the bar at the hotel before he said he’d be back shortly, he just needed to go and change into something a little smarter. Paula thought he looked just fine, but shrugged it off as she sat talking to Tink about the furniture she’d brought for her new place.
Paula was so engrossed with telling Tink about the beautiful bed she’d found that she never noticed a group of women enter the bar and make their way over to where they were sat. The first Paula noticed of them was when one of them sat down next to her and smiled at her.
“Hello Paula. Nice to see you out and about. I love that dress, purple is really your colour.” Chrissy said with a smile.
“Chrissy?” Paula said as she suddenly looked at the other women that had sat down with them. She saw that Amy and Mandy were also with her, but she also saw three other women she didn’t know. “What are you doing here?” Paula asked.
“Joining you for a spot of dinner.” Chrissy smiled. “Tink’s been worried about the lack of girl time she’s been having with you away from the club you both run, so we came up with this little get together.” Chrissy giggled as she looked around the seating area where they were all sat. “I’d like you to meet Becky my wife. Amber who is Amy’s wife, and also I’d like you to meet Carla, Craig’s father.” Chrissy pointed to each new person as she spoke, but Chrissy whispered the last bit.
Paula found herself sat with her mouth open as she realised that she had seen this last woman before, when Craig showed her a photo of him dressed as Diamond and his mum stood with a third woman. Paula didn’t think the photo did her any justice.
“You all look so beautiful.” Paula finally said when she managed to get her mouth to open and close properly again. She was also nervously playing with her dress with one hand while lifting the other one to the rats nest she called her hair.
“You’re not looking to bad yourself honey.” Carla said in a perfect female voice as she sat cuddled up to Mandy on a sofa facing her and Tink.
Paula was having trouble trying to work out where to start with all the questions she had for this woman sat facing her that was really a man, but just looked so natural as a woman. She wondered if he was now a woman full time, or if he could really look like this and still be a normal male when he wanted to be. The questions must have been clear to see on her face, because Carla seemed to answer them all in one short sentence.
“It’s all window dressing Paula.” Carla smiled. “Most the time I look just like Craig does, I just like to let my hair down once in a while.” She added with a giggle as she cuddled up to Mandy a little more.
“You look amazing Carla.” Paula said as she swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat from being so nervous around all these beautiful women.
“I like you, are you looking for a new job by any chance?” Carla asked with a grin.
“Hey! Back off she’s working with me.” Tink pouted as she wrapped her arms around Paula in a possessive fashion.
They all started giggling when they saw Tink do this. Paula noticed that Tink had said works with her, and not for her. Paula liked that Tink didn’t just see her as an employee at the club, but an equal. “I’m quite happy where I am thank you Carla.” Paula said with a smile.
“I’m sorry we’ve scared you Paula, but we thought it would help you feel more relaxed next Sunday at the barbecue if you knew a few more of us before you turned up at the house.” Chrissy said as she cuddled up to her wife Becky.
Paula was soon made to feel part of the group as they all started talking about things they had done in the past, and they all let Paula tell them bits about herself. She found out they all knew about the trouble she’d had, but none of them dwelled on it, so Paula put it to the back of her mind and started to have a good time with them all.
They all stopped talking when an elegantly dressed woman came over and told them their table was ready. They all got up and followed the woman into the restaurant and then over to a large table in a far corner miles away from all the other tables. Paula was worried about Craig not being back yet; he’d been gone a long time.
“Will Craig be back anytime soon Tink?” Paula asked as she turned to look at Tink and the elegant woman helping her take her seat.
“I’m sorry Paula, but Craig won’t be able to make it this evening. He didn’t think it would look right to have him sat at a table full of beautiful woman, so he asked if I’d take his place.” The woman said in a breathy female voice that wouldn’t sound out of place on one of the sex lines she heard other people go on about. “My name’s Diamond by the way.” She added as she held out her hand to shake Paula’s.
Paula took the woman’s hand and shook it to start with, but then her brain caught up with what the woman just called herself and Paula realised that Diamond was the name Craig said he used when he was dressed as a woman.
“Craig?” Paula asked with her mouth hanging open in shock again.
“Where? I don’t see him! He told me he couldn’t make it the dumb Ox.” Diamond said as she looked over her shoulder thinking that was where Paula was looking, when really she was looking right at her. “Men! Totally useless creatures most the time.” She added as she looked back at Paula with a smirk on her face while she rolled her eyes over her comment.
Paula fell down into the seat that Carla had managed to get behind her. She was in total shock at how different Diamond looked to how she was use to seeing Craig. Diamond had what looked like real breasts, and a figure that most models, and even she would be more than happy to kill for.
“Hi Diamond, you look so, so pretty.” Paula finally got out after she got her mouth shut and her brain to focus on making words come out of it again.
“Just pretty? I was hoping for at least Beautiful, or stunning.” Diamond said as she sat down next to Tink with a pout.
“Just give me a couple of minutes to take it all in and I will get back to you Cra... I mean Diamond. I’m not even sure I’m still awake or not.” Paula said as she looked at the dining table and saw a fork sat there just begging to be picked up and plunged into her leg to find out if she was awake or not.
Paula reached out and picked up the fork and was just about to poke it into her leg when Mandy stopped her. “Take our word for it Paula, this is all real and not a dream.” Mandy smiled at her as she put the fork back on the table and then sat holding her hand while Chrissy did the same from the other side.
“You doing okay Paula?” Tink asked looking worried as she sat next to Craig or Diamond as he called himself when dressed like a glamorous woman.
Paula was still looking at Diamond and Tink sat together, and then she realised that Tink looked perfectly okay with all this. “Why aren’t you even a little freaked with all this Tink?”
“I’ve seen Craig become Diamond a couple of times now, and I’ve even sat and had dinner with Mandy and Carla as well, so it’s just another dinner date for me now.” Tink smiled as she held Diamonds hand. “Sorry for the big surprise, but I’m worried about all the time you’re spending cooped up in the apartment while I’m out with Craig, or Diamond as it is now,” Tink giggled as she looked at the woman sat next to her smiling back at her with the perfectly made up face.
Tink had been worrying about Paula and the fact that all she seemed to do now is work, eat and sleep. She’d gone shopping with Tink a number of times, but Tink could see that Paula had lost some of her spark. She hoped this meal would kick start it again, if the shock didn’t kill her first.
“I’m sorry about worrying you Tink, but I’ve not felt like going out and having fun since...” Paula just let out a sigh, not able to even say Kim’s name and what they had wanted to turn her into.
“We change that tonight then.” Chrissy giggled as she called over a waiter and orders cocktails all round.
Paula soon found herself learning more about Chrissy, and the others, and how much trouble Chrissy had been when she was Paula’s age. Paula was shocked to find out that Chrissy and Mandy weren’t real sisters, but had become so after Mandy helped Chrissy with her transition with a lot of help from her mum Prue.
“But you both look so much alike.” Paula said as she looked at them both one at a time as she kept turning her head from one side to the other. She soon had to stop because she’d had nearly four cocktails now, and she was beginning to see two of each.
“I think it’s a form of imprinting some transgendered do when they realise they’re on the right path.” Chrissy explained her thoughts about it. “I see it happening to you and Tink. You could ask anyone in this room if they think you two are sisters, and they would all say yes or at least related to each other.” Chrissy added with a grin.
“Now you’re just being silly. Tink is way prettier than I am.” Paula argued. “She’s smarter than me, has cool friends, and someone to cuddle up to on cold nights to make her feel loved.” Paula added with a sad tone to her voice.
“But you have all that as well Paula.” Chrissy said. “We can be cool, and we’re all your friends.” She added with a pout.
“You’re all Tink’s friends that just put up with me hanging around.” Paula said as she looked down at her lap. “Who’d ever want to love me?” She asked as a tear dripped from her eye and landed in her lap. Paula found herself being pulled into a hug with Chrissy as she started sobbing on Chrissy shoulder.
“You couldn’t be more wrong there Paula. We love you just as much as we do Tink. You can call us any time day or night and we will come running to help you just as we would Tink or any other member of the family.” Chrissy said in such a serious voice that Paula had no choice but to believe her. “I know you’ve been hurt and felt alone for so long honey, but it ends now. We will help you find your way back onto the right path again.” Chrissy added as she stroked the back of Paula’s head while she sobbed.
Paula felt much better when she finally stopped crying, and even started to giggle as Chrissy pulled her out the chair and off to the bathroom, so she could help her fix her makeup. Once again Paula was left stunned as she looked in the mirror and saw how beautiful Chrissy had made her look. You’d have never known she’d been crying in the first place.
Everyone was laughing and joking when they got back, and Paula was soon joining in feeling like a huge weight had been lifted and she was just having fun with her friends and family. What Chrissy had said about her and Tink being like sisters made her realise that she did think of Tink that way, just like Chrissy had done all them years ago when she found Mandy, and then Amy a little later.
Paula was sad to see the night finally come to an end, but she was never more than a text or phone call away from any of them. Paula would text Chrissy and Amy the most after that night because they knew the way Paula was feeling the most, but Mandy, Becky and Amber were also good people to chat with as well. Paula and Tink found Becky to be a mine of information about running a night club because she ran all the night clubs for Carl. Her base of operation was The Closet where she first started work as a hostess just after meeting Chrissy over twenty years ago.
Ron’s team finished the apartment for Paula a couple of days later and she was sat in waiting for the bed, sofa and other stuff to turn up when she heard the buzzer, so she let them in thinking it was going to be either of them, but was shocked when two men struggled into the room with the largest TV she’d ever seen.
“I think there’s been a mistake.” Paula said. “I’ve not ordered a TV and not one that big!” She added as she watched the two men put it down and then head back down stairs as another couple of men came in carrying boxes of Hi-Fi and other electronic stuff. “Which one of you is in charge?” Paula finally asked as the last of the men entered the room and looked at one man that looked like he was the boss.
“I was told to give you this letter to read, and then ask where you want it all putting. So we can get to work setting it up for you.” The man said as he handed Paula an envelope.
Paula ripped open the envelope and then pulled out a posh looking piece of paper.
Dear Paula
I hope you don’t mind the shock, but I and the rest of the family wanted to get you a little house warming gift. You told us the other night that you’d already sorted out a bed and sofa, so we thought you may like a TV and music system to watch and listen to while relaxing on the new sofa.
Lots of love
Chrissy and Co
PS: We paid them a lot of money so they wouldn’t take any of the stuff back, so just tell them where to put it and step back so they can do their job.
Paula just closed up the letter and then pointed to the wall where she was going to put her little TV later when she found something to stand it on. The new TV was going to be wall mounted with all the other stuff in a custom built unit that they had already started putting together.
“We’ll be as quick as we can Miss.” The man said just before he started barking orders at his team of men.
Paula was soon letting the delivery men in with her bed, but because she hadn’t paid for it to be put together, they just left it lying in her bedroom in bits.
“I don’t believe some people.” Paula grumbled to herself as she walked back towards her bedroom after letting the delivery men back out again.
“Is everything alright Miss?” The guy in charge of her new TV and stereo asked as she wandered past to see if she could put it together herself.
“I’ve brought a new bed, and I thought it would either be together when it came, or they would put it together, but it’s just a pile of bits sat in my bedroom, and now I’ve got to find someone to help me put it all together.” Paula said with a sigh.
“Greg, Tom! See what you can do with this young ladies bed in the other room will you? Those miserable gits just dumped it and left again.” The man said as he looked at a couple of the other guys stood looking like they were surplus to demand.
“You got it boss!” The men said eager to be doing something.
Paula led them into the bedroom and they were soon looking at the instructions and then they set to work putting it together. Paula asked if they wanted a drink, and then went out and asked the others, They all said yes, and she was soon handing out mugs of coffee to them all, and passing around a large tin of cookies.
The door buzzer was soon going again and Paula smiled when she saw her sofas and armchairs arrive. She told them where to put them for now, as the other men were still busy sorting out all the electrical stuff for her. She saw the two men walk out her bedroom and thought they were having trouble putting the bed together, but it turned out they had finished.
Paula tried to give them all a tip when it was all done, but none of them would take it, saying that they had already been taken care of. She did manage to give them all passes so they could have a free night out in the club whenever they wanted. That seemed to go over well with most of them because they were rockers. Paula found this out when a couple of them asked for a CD to check out her new stereo and she handed them a Nightwish CD, An old Gothic band she liked, and they started cheering that this girl has taste.
The entertainment centre sounded amazing and Paula couldn’t wait to relax with a glass of wine and listen to some of her favourite music. The men all left and Paula looked at the time and realised that Tink would be down in the club soon, and Paula still needed to take a shower and get ready for work yet.

Tink helped Paula move her stuff over to the new apartment, and then she helped her take the rest of her stuff up to the apartment from her office. Stan and Ron helped to move the heavy stuff, so Tink and Paula just had to move the clothes.
Ron and Stan fell in love with the entertainment system she had, and were jealous when Paula told them it was a house warming gift from some friends. Tink wasn’t shocked to see it all, Craig had said what his Aunt Chrissy and the others were doing for her. Tink and Craig had turned up the night before with a gift certificate for £500 pounds to spend in HMV a major music and video store.
Paula was excited to finally be in her new place that she had gone out and got stuff in to cook them all a meal before the club opened. They all sat around Paula’s new dining table and enjoyed a pasta salad dinner with grilled chicken.
Tink was sad to be losing her roommate, but happy that Paula now had her own space again. The two girls still slept over at each other’s places, but Tink had to wait to sleep at Paula’s place until she’d gone out and brought a second bed for her spare room.
Paula was nervous on the following Sunday when Tink drove them both over to Craig’s house, or the house where the family lived, as it wasn’t just Craig that lived there. Paula sat in the car with her mouth open as she looked out at the massive house they all lived in. She was even more impressed as Craig let them in and then gave them a quick tour of the downstairs before leading them out into the garden where the rest of the family were all sat around talking while a couple of men cooked meat on the barbecue.
Everyone greeted Paula and Tink like old friends and they were soon made to feel like part of the family. Paula got hugs from them all as they told her their names, but Paula knew she didn’t stand a chance of remembering all these people and names.
Paula thanked Chrissy for the house warming gift, and also told her off for spending so much money, but looking at the house, Paula thought money wasn’t a problem for any of these people. They all had a great time, and Paula was sad to be leaving at the end of the day. Craig drove Tink’s car as Paula and Tink had both been drinking, and Paula couldn’t drive even if she hadn’t. Craig dropped Paula at home, but wouldn’t take Tink home until he’d seen Paula up to her apartment.

Paula spent the next couple of weeks sorting out her new apartment and getting it just like she wanted it between sorting things out down in the club.
Tink was spending a lot of time with Craig in her spare time, but they did keep asking Paula if she wanted to go with them? Paula would always give a reason for not going though. Tink and Craig had just finished having a meal at the hotel one Sunday lunchtime when they saw Karen, Casey, Rebecca and Stacey all stood in the lobby waiting for them.
“What the hell do you four want?” Tink asked with venom in her voice as she looked to see if Kim was around anywhere.
“We need to talk to you about Paula.” Karen said looking scared of Tink and the man she was stood with.
“You keep away from Paula, or there will be trouble.” Tink warned. “You’ve spent enough time screwing up my friend’s life.” She added.
“We’ve not come to hurt her, we just want to try and fix things between her and Kim.” Karen tried to explain. “Kim had nothing to do with anything that happened to Paula, and she had no idea what Stacey and Casey had planned for Paula before we found out we had the wrong person.” Karen added with some pleading in her voice. She handed Tink a folder as she finished speaking.
Tink took the folder and opened it to find four separate stacks of paper; each stack was stapled together so Tink could pull them out and look at them individually. Tink started reading one while Craig picked up one of the others and read that one.
“Do the four of you have any idea what would happen to you if the police saw any of these?” Craig asked as he realised that a lawyer had drafted them up. Each girl had done a signed confession stating what they all did to Paula before and during her stay with them down in the cellar and when she had her own room.
“None of this explains the reason for Kim being such a bitch to Paula on the last couple of days before she found the maid’s uniform?” Tink asked as she held up the folder.
“We’d just found out that we were being laid off and Kim was worried about not being able to find a new job, and having to move back in with her parents. She was scared of losing Paula if she did, but when Paula found the stupid maid’s dress and other stuff Stacey had brought while Paula was still down in the basement, Kim lost Paula anyway.” Karen said looking angry with Stacey and Casey still.
“If you had the maid’s dress all that time, why didn’t you just come clean with Paula, instead of letting her find it while cleaning up after you all?” Tink grilled them.
“I ordered it while we had Paula chained up in the cellar, but it only just turned up a couple of days before Paula found it.” Stacey said as she looked down at the floor, too scared to make eye contact with Tink or Craig. I was going to get rid of it, but hadn’t had the time to do so before Paula found it. Please help us show Paula that Kim’s done nothing wrong.” Stacey added with tears running down her cheeks as she finally looked Tink in the eyes.
“We all want to give Paula the power to turn us in to the police if she wants, but more importantly, the power to see that we love Kim and want her to be happy, and she was for the short time they were together.” Rebecca said with tears in her eyes. “I know Paula must be hurting the same way Kim is, but they are hurting for no reason at all. Please Tink; help us get them back together.” Rebecca pleaded.
Tink’s armour was beginning to crack now. She’d already had a long talk with Craig about whether or not Paula had been right when she thought they were all in on turning her into a maid, and now they had all handed over their lives just to prove Kim had nothing to do with any of what happened, or they thought was about to happen.
“Okay we’ll help you get the two of them in a room and talking to each other, but I’m keeping these so Kim and Paula can decide what to do with them once they get everything sorted out.”Tink said as she held up the folder. “That’s if they can get things sorted out.” Tink warned them.

To Be Concluded Next Friday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you.
Note to reader: Chrissy, Amy, Craig. Prue and Kim are characters from my ‘You Have it all Wrong’ series, so if you want to find out their stories, and more about their family, you will need to read them, but you don’t need to too understand this story.
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It about time that Kim cleared of all charges, sort of speak. The girls are willing to go to jail for Kim and Paula's love then what else are they willing to give up. Their lives will be in the balance for a little while I think until they get together again. I love what Kim did to Stacey and the keys. It made them take what they did and did it to them, the ones that desevered it. Hope things get better before it is not able to be fixed. I think that Chrissy and Amy will be helpful to getting them together again.
Joshlyn Amanda
Was waiting
The suspense from last Friday's chapter has been appeased. Glad to see she is in a situation where she can start to heal. I really do hope that Kim and her get back together.
Paula's reaction to the
slave outfit is understandable, but sadly, Kim is paying the price for the others crime. Will she seek to make them pay the price for her abuse? will she open up her broken heart to Kim?
May Your Light Forever Shine
So why the sudden change of heart?
Those harpies had yet to treat Paula properly at the time she left. If anything they should have been waiting on her hand and foot for what they had done but instead Paula still wound up doing more than her share of the housework. Paula would not have wanted them to do that for her of course as she is not that way but even the attempt would have helped to bridge the bitterness that had happened.
As for that stupid maids dress, that should have been just stay packed up and returned to sender without it even seeing the light of day so what was Stacey thinking? To say the place from which they were thinking is weird.
Oh and for the written confessions, it is actually not as significant as they think as Kim is witness and she would at this stage would have testified in a heartbeat if it would have helped to get Paula back to her.
Well, we'll find out next week.
Death by hugging.
I so love Death by hugging, well did see the layoffs coming but was pretty sure Kim had nothing to do with the insanity. Hopefully the two will get back together.
I agree, for four people who inflicted such harm on Paula they didnt do a lot to make it up to her. As for the outfit, really, show's how thoughtless Stacys really by not throwing it out as soon as the box arrived. But we already knew that.
PS Nightwish, she has very good taste :)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
A misunderstanding and some progress but too little too late?
They are NOT actually willing to confess to the police and going to jail, losing professional licenses, being made to pay punitive restitution.
This gesture is essentially window-dressing. They possibly mean well but know damn well Kim will not turn the papers in nor will Paula. They didn't do it the when Paula was first freed and the Kim learned what unforgivable things they had done to Paul. And they have had lots of time to remove the evidence. Hell, Kim cared so much for Paula she NEVER took him to a doctor or hospital. She worried only that her mistaken *friends* would not suffer for this tiny boo-boo.
IF they are truly sorry at this LATE date they would have sent her a letter via the DA while they were in jail awaiting trial after voluntarily coming in and confessing.
Other than losing Paula their cheap maid and a Kim as their friend they have YET to pay any REAL price for their sadistic abuse.
And Kim, for all her professions of tanks for Paul saving her live and her love for Paula NEVER went to the police or took Paul/Paula to a doctor. She was more concerned for her friends than for their victim. I realize I am repeating myself but this seem an important point to me.
They made a mistake but then took it waaaay to far and NEVER made amends, did not show any true remorse.
What is to say they won't do it AGIN?
If you are *in* to eye-for-an-eye justice , given what Paul suffered they should all be beaten severely so they have permanent scars all over their asses. Then be chained up in a basement while being force fed estrogen blockers -- tamoxifen is one, used for breast cancer patients -- and high, possibly dangerous amounts of testosterone. At the same time be put on a starvation diet while being threatened daily.
This carried on for at least five months until sterility and masculinization of their bodies is irreversible. THEN when they are freed, they are persuaded NOT to go to a doctor, hospital or god forbid the police AND they are treated as something of an outsider and a part-time maid. THEN they would know what it was like to be Paula. Except even THAT would not be the same as they would know it was NOT a mistake they were being punished, it was not unexpected/out of the blue and they knew at five months they would be more or less free.
They need to pay. Kim needs to turn them in and confess she hid the crimes after the fact.
They need to make restitution.
These so called confessions are likely not even admissible as where is the proof they were voluntary?
This long after the fact is there any physical evidence of what happened other than Paula herself?
As I said earlier , too little, too late.
So sad but unlike what Chrissie said this is not a minor misunderstanding. This is not between her and her future wife the mother of her children. This is a misunderstanding ONTOP of the failure to choose.
The failure of Kim to put Paula's rights and needs ahead of those who in error wronged her but in their righteous indignation went far above what even the real rapist deserved.
We don't, or at least are not supposed to torture people in prison nor drug them nor do them permanent physical harm.
Sadly the Fourth Amendment against cruel and unusual punishments has been abused in the past. I assume England has similar laws that would apply in this story's *world.
You make us care for your people.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I think MAYBE there is hope for Paula and Kim but only if and when both the four women who hurt Paula and Kim have made penance via the law. Actions speak louder than words is very true.
Anything less is window-dressing
John in Wauwatosa
As a Fan
of Nightwish I was glad to see them get a mention in this story and also their music liked by Paula and the workers but I don't think Tuomas and the band would like been called an old Gothic band tut tut.
Anyway to the story itself. How many more people are to be implemented into what happened to Paula by these 4 ????
before anyone goes to the police.Now its been put into the hands of Tink & Craig to make a decision if they can't get Paula & Kim back together .But the question is if they do what do they do with the signed confessions ??
Just a question why hasn't Craig introduced Paula to his adopted sister Danielle & her wife his cousin Lianna who has also been through the MTF change , and is more in the same age group as Paula.
Time Line
The comment in the story "old gothic band" makes a bit more sense if you have read all the 'You have it all wrong' stories, YHIAW 1-3 is set in present day, YHIAW 4 'The kids story' is set 10-12 years in the future and this story is set 10 or so years after that, so if Nightwish are a current band, in 20 years they would be an "old gothic band".
I hope that clears things up a little.
P.S. I haven't heard of Nightwish so I had no idea they was a real band when I edited and posted the story for Sara.
Wish all the best for Paula n Kim.
It seem like Paula will be Tink's sister after her transition, just like Mandy n Chrissy.
So happy to hear some bits about Chrissy though.
I hope Tink n Craig can save the love between Paula n Kim.
Kudos.. n hugs...
Paula and Kim, together again...
It's a good start and of course a romantic like me wants to see that, first, and more than anything else. But part of me cries out that Justice be dealt to the 4 kidnapers and torturers! There's not a pit in Hell deep enough for them. But I'd like to see quicker retribution!
And this will be controversial, I'm still disturbed by Kim's actions, or, more correctly, by her lack of action in simply ignoring what these... women... did to someone who saved her life and whom she professes to love. Did she get Paula away from them? Did she get Paula to a doctor? did she find Paula a therapist? Did she turn them in to pay for their crimes? NO! she left Paula where she was in danger and terrified, with good reason, and tried to smooth the waters and protect her unworthy friends.
I want to see Paula happy but Kim disappoints me...
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
If you'd like to hear some music by Nightwish click to