Well, I just had an interesting conversation with my mom. She told me that even before I was in kindergarten she worried about the fact I didn't act like a boy at all. So even if I hadn't been raped, hadn't lost my dad, I was still destined to be trans. Nice to have it confirmed by someone who knows me, someone who was there ...
"My little Todd doesn't act like a boy at all..."
Make sure she informs your brother of that, if he still thinks you're trans as a response to the abuse. It might help him accept it easier.
yes, but
She thought the problem was my dad was gone so much, that what I needed was a male role model
Not that cliche again. Now I
Not that cliche again. Now I think it's important that children of either sex both have a male and female role model around. However, the whole stereotypical catching a football, playing with action figures, etc. doesn't set the tone and will never set it. I would even go further and argue few children, male or female, have all these experiences. They may have one or none.
The best way to raise your kid would honestly see you looking at what they want to do and obliging accordingly.
Explain to both mum and brother ...
that you were most probably (indeed almost certainly) born trans and not turned by circumstances. Being trans is nature not nurture!
If they seem to have any guilt about your condition this may at least ease any guilt they might have. They might however still feel guilty about your treatment at the family's hands but at least the trans equation can be address in some large part by your reassuring them about your nature and gender.
Good luck Dot.
Oh jeez that argument
I had a perfectly healthy macho daddy, a tomboy mommy, and two brothers who both are pretty masculine at times and I turned out to be the girliest girl of the entire family. It doesn't matter at all what your parents are xD It matters who are you in your soul mew ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Ummm it double posted x.x
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Dorothy -
you do not need to accept any excuses for your feminine gender. You are a female soul & you can't prove by me - but I just accept that your body (as you tell me) does not yet match your soul. If your brother and sister-in-law don't have enough sense to ask your mother for her opinion - I don't think that they are very bright. Who knows you better than your own mother??
Maybe you should stick with the butterflies!!
May the sun always shine on your parade