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Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 3
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.


Image Credit: anime couple

Jessie drove and took directions from Johnny to her place and they ended up in a neighborhood he wasn’t too familiar with. Not really the suburbs but not a bad place either it was a jumble of prefab split level homes, simple lawns with nice looking fences separating the reasonably decent sized yards.

Johnny’s house was actually very decent here with a attached garage and a mini-barn for a yard shed. They got out and went inside. A man looked at them down the few steps from the top section. “Good you’re home…oh dammit what happened? And who are they?”

Johnny blushed a bit. “These are my friends dad, this is Jessie and this is Dan.”

“Friends? I..Uhm come in.”

The boys nodded. “Thank you sir.” They said and Jessie took off his sneakers before going any further and Dan looked and followed suit.

“You guys look the worse for wear what happened?”

“Jessie had some issues being the new kid with one of the jocks.”

“Three of the jocks.” Dan added.

“Three of the jock crowd and he stood up for me when Britney Lucas was being…”

“You tell the teachers?”

“No dad.”

“You have to tell the faculty Johnny, they need to know to do their jobs.”

“Dad, they don’t care…”

“Still, you have to give them a chance to do their jobs.”

“They aren’t dad, and if I go and start naming names they’ll make me regret it.”

He sighs and sets down a first aid kit from on top of the fridge where it looks like they keep it really handy and then got some ice. Johnny looked into a pot on the stove making a face and took it over to the trash and scraped out a white green lump.

Dan looked mortified. “What was that?”

Johnny sniffed. “Dad’s attempt at supper.”

Her dad took several wash cloths and Zip-lock bags and made ice packs and applied them to Jessie’s bruises. “You took quite a beating.”

“I’ve had worse.”

“Kids shouldn’t have worse.”

Jessie shrugged. “Compared to other sir this is nothing.” They looked into each others eyes and Johnny’s dad looked away first. “Would you two like to stay for supper?”

Dan looked surprised. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

Her father smiled. “You two are her first friends to come home with Johnny in three years, it’s not any trouble at all.”

Johnny nodded. “If it’s okay with you guys?”

Jessie nodded. “I have to check in first but I would be love to stay.”

He took out his phone and texted home with Dan doing the same.

[Hey Mom?]

[Jessie are you okay?]

[Yes why?]

[You’re not home and it was the first day and you know with your issues.]

[Oh, no police?]

[Police! What’d you do!]

[Stood up to some bullies.]

[Oh lord are you in trouble?]

[Like I asked are the cops there?]


[Then likely not.]

[You should come home.]

[I’m at a friends house with friends had an invite for supper.]

[With friends? You made friends?]

[Yes, I made friends. One was a girl being bullied.]

[You stepped in?]

[Yes, are you mad?]

[No, never but just be careful.]

[I will. We’ll talk later.]

Jessie put his phone away and thanked Johnny’s dad for he ice packs and applied them in turns here and there to the bruises. Some of them really hurt but nothing was broken or cracked he was sure.

Johnny came over. “I’ve some stuff you can wear, I can wash our stuff and try to get the blood and stuff out of it.”

“That’d be nice.” He winced getting up and he went with her down the hall to her bedroom.

He didn’t know what to expect from a transgirls bedroom. He supposed frilly and over girly was the first thing but it wasn’t. The room was a dusty yellow with lots of posters some are of movies. Mr.& Mrs. Smith, Kill-Bill, Across the Universe, and some of these pop-stars like Miley Cyrus and even some with girls in pretty skimpy clothes to bathing suits. She did have a large poster of the Korean star Rain shirtless hair wet in the rain in a black and white eye candy poster.

Her bed was a four poster style without a canopy but all white painted with a matching tall dresser and a wide long dresser and a vanity able with a big mirror all painted to match and the dressing table with all the bottles and make-up shouted girl.

Well the room did but there were nice things that broke some of the stereotypes that made Jess smile. Like the books. Johnny had lots of books, some hardcover’s but mostly novels. He scanned the titles and a few he knew but there were a host of authors he never heard of before.

Johnny opened a closet with John stenciled over it and Jess looked at it. “Your old things?”

“Yeah, actually I just can’t drop all of this stuff.”

“Why, if it’s okay to ask?”

“Some of it’s because I want to head out sometimes as John.”


“Yeah, I’m not sure who I am. It’s really why I never femme named. But I just don’t feel right living as just John. John’s skin and his life never feels real to me.”

“So why not change all the way?”

“I’m thinking about it, really, really thinking about it but there’s just times where being John lets me walk away from all of this as a sort of a mental break.”

Dan sits on a chest at the foot of Johnny’s bed. “I get that, I don’t feel like me sometimes. And the whole gender thing’s got to be really, really thought out if you’re not sure.”

“Or if why you’re not sure is because you’re somewhere in between.” Jessie said.

Johnny looked surprised. “I never thought I was there, like in between maybe…my therapist never brought it up.”

Jess looked at her. “I had an a doctor that brought this up with me instead of a therapist. Not that they’re wrong, the therapists I mean but even with gender stuff they’re still in that one way or another thinking sometimes, is your therapist a gender specialist?”

Johnny nods absently opening the smaller closet and moves through the racks getting a pair of sweat pants out and a green cammo t-shirt. She shook her head. “No she’s a trauma specialist, I’m still dealing with what happened at my last school.”

Dan looked at her. “What happened at you last school?”

Johnny went over to her bookshelf and pulled out a black binder. “Here.” She passed it to them and hugged herself.

The boys looked inside and there were pictures take of her likely from the hospital from the look and the hospital gown of Johnny, in girl mode but she was bloody, and beaten to hell. She was barely recognizable as who was in front of them. There was more than the one picture too.

“Holy Hell.” Dan said staring.

“Are you pressing charges, or suing the school board?” Jess asked.
“We tried both.” Johnny shook and both boys pulled her over into a hug which made her gasp in surprise and shake harder. “We..we..tried but there were no “witnesses” willing to come forward…it..it was all over the internet! (Sniffle-sob.) hu..how w.. where there no fucking witnesses!?”

She started to cry and the guys hug on to her as she sobbed again even moving to her bed and laying down with her holding Johnny with her in the middle. Not her parents, not her therapist but just two kids her own age being there opened those barely shut floodgates.

It took maybe forty minutes for them to be just laying there. Jess kissed her forehead. “My first sleepover, I heard things get intense at these things.”

Johnny sniffle laughed and hugged him with one arm and reached back to hug Dan with the other. “You guys rock.”

“Naturally.” Dan said. “Thank you for noticing, not everyone does.”

“Most people don’t look that far down Dan.” Jess said jokingly.

Dan sat up and looked at them. “I know right? I mean I am pretty awesome but they don’t thing so because I’m short and small and different but I ask you. You look down and see a kitten doesn’t part of you just say Awesome!?” He had his hands out wide but still used his fingers to point at himself.

Both of them laughed and laughed some more as he did a cute sort of imitation of Dan the kitten.

Jess sat up as Johnny passed him her old clothes. “You can use my bathroom to change Jess.”

He was gingerly getting out of them already. “No…(Wince.)…I’m okay.” The bruises were really taking hold and showing and so was his bra. Dan went. “Whoa, you’re a girl?”

“No….but would it matter if I was?” Jess asked.

“No…but yeah I mean Cap’s cool and all but Wonder Woman is smoking.”

“I’m not tying you up Dan.”

“Dammit, am I that obvious?”

“Yes!” Both Johnny and Jessie said at the same time.

“So are you like Johnny?”

“No, I’m not even close to being that beautiful.”

Johnny blushed. “Jess…..ie.”

“Then what’s with the breasts?” The way he said it though it had been brain filtered from boobs.

“Gynocomastia.” Jess said.

“Oh…wait Gynoco what?”

“It’s genetic or glandular in most cases but anyway my body is getting told that these are female parts and I’m growing them accordingly.”

“Dude can they do anything?”

“There’s hormones they wanted to try and there was surgery but since I’m not fully developed yet they want to wait on that I think.”

“And you’re okay with that?” Dan tilted his head still staring but passed Jess the t-shirt.

“I have to be but that’s really not why I’m okay with this. I lived in South Africa for a few years when they were starting to sprout and when I went further north on a water consult with dad I met some native girls. They talked me through some stuff.”

“How would they talk a guy through having breasts?” Johnny asked with Dan nodding.

“Most of the planet is obsessed with breasts but to them they’re just breasts no more sexual than any other part of the fact they’re a woman. They went topless all the time I was there and their breasts had nothing to do with the way anyone else treated them. With them I started to get they’re just breasts, they really don’t define me as much as I though and I figured out I wasn’t going to let them define me through others.”

Johnny looked at him. “Wow…that’s brave Jess.”

“Not really it was that or let the local assholes win back in Cape town.”

“Local assholes?” Both asked.

Jess picked up Johnny’s binder. “I know exactly what this feels like Johnny, I was in the hospital a long time because of this.”

“Really?” She asked.

“Really, life support and the whole nine yards. Afterwards my parents pulled me from schools and had me home schooled until we came here and I still would have been if I hadn’t put my foot down.”

“They were scared for you.” Dan said.

Jessie nodded. “But sooner or later I’d have to actually join the rest of society, I want to go to school and make friends and have a relationship with someone and all the regular teen stuff. So they finally caved in and here I am.”

Dan nodded. “Well you’ve got nice boobs for a guy.”

Johnny sighed looking too. “I really, really want my own breasts too.”

Jess asked. “You’re not in transition?”

She shook her head. “No, I’m on hormone blockers and I’m sort of in my RLT.”

“RLT?” Both asked.

“Real Life Test, usually that’s the big step between getting the surgery go ahead but my therapist wants to see how I’m dealing with being me as a girl on my hormone blockers first before she starts giving me the hormones.”

Jess nodded. “Unusual but not too bad where you still sort of said you’re sitting on the fence.”

Johnny nodded absently as Jess took off the pants revealing boxer briefs that clung to him. She was staring as much as Dan was but at a different spot.

Dan whistled. “Dude…was it the African food that did that? If so can we stop by a market on the way home?”

That made Jessie blush. “Guys stop…it’s family related okay…and one of the reasons hey went after me…”

Dan nodded. “Because it fucked with their head you were getting boobs and were part elephant.”

Johnny giggled, blushed and covered her face.

Jess fastened the jeans blushing. “Actually yes, pretty much they even tried to cut it off.”


“I wasn’t really conscious for that, I sort of remember the machete then the pops of gunfire.”


“Some son of one of dad’s friends was in a gang and they drove past and saw what was going on and opened up I guess. It was an honor thing, they’re a bad bunch I guess but they got me to the hospital in time to save my life.”

“Shit…” Dan looked at Jessie who shrugged.

“It’s not the first time we seen gunfire over there.”

“It’s not?”

“Southern Africa is big with the whole gang deal but you go north or more central and things get a lot more rough. Dad had a jeep fire bombed because the local despot owned or was camped around the local watering hole and wanted no wells dug for the area.”

Johnny looked at Jessie. “That’s why you’re not scared?”

Jess shrugged. “Live in fear and you stop living.”

Both nodded.

They headed out of Johnny’s room and she took his things to get washed before heading back to the kitchen and started supper. Johnny’s father did a couple of takes at the small bumps in Jessie’s shirt but never said anything.

Johnny made a good supper. Dan wasn’t used to it fish at his house was a Sunday thing for the most part and neither he or Jessie had bluegill before. Johnny fried the fish in an electric skillets just rolled in egg wash and flour with salt and pepper and some cornmeal in it. The rest was hash left over from cold potatoes and some canned vegetables.

Johnny’s dad mentioned they were lucky in having his brother in law living out in the country. “I’m sorry it’s not pizza or something kids, but with the way things are going it’s been a rough go of it. We’ve got lots to eat as long as you don’t mind fish or venison.”

Dan shrugged. “I’ll eat most anything sir I was raised not to be fussy and my family puts a lot of preserves down.”

Jessie nodded. “Me too, I’ve eaten a lot of everything sir and thing is really good. Thank you Johnny for cooking supper.”

They all thanked her at that point and Johnny’s dad got a Tupperware dish together and headed out to take supper to his wife’s work.

The boys helped with the dishes and hung out until Jess’s clothes where ready before driving Dan home. Jess never went inside because it was getting late but Dan lived in a nice house with the whole built in the 50’s boom style to it. Green paint, two stories with an attic, long and sort of rectangular with the covered front porch with the two pillar styled posts and the heavy wooden double doors with the colored glass round windows.

“Pick you up tomorrow Dan?”

“Hell yeah, beats the bus! Laters.”

“Yeah Laters! He shouted back.”

Jessie drove home and his mom was up waiting with his dad having a coffee when he got inside.

“Oh thank god you’re okay.” She went over and looked him over.

Rather than fighting the interrogation by his mother Jessie went through a play by play of the day as it had happened and his mom was very expressive over the things. Jessie’s dad just nodded and listened like one of those guys that’s seen things and was calm about most stuff.

“I’m calling the school, there’s no need of there being jack booted thugs like this roaming the halls and bullying everyone they can.” She was angry and walking towards the phone.


“No, this is America dammit! You’re supposed to be dating, making friends and going to dances not fighting bullies and getting into trouble.” She was mad and had the cordless phone in her hand.



“Mom, it’s the real world…even here, even here in the states.”

“I know that Jess but why? Why you?”

“Because I’m me mom, I’m not going to shut up or stand aside or back down. I’m going to be who I am Mom. I’m who you raised y’know. You taught me all this when You home schooled me.”

“I know but does it have to be you getting into all these fights?” She wasn’t yelling anymore but just spent and worried sounding.

“It’s just me Mom, I tilt when I should yield.”

She sniffled. “I never should have rented that damned movie.”

Jessie kissed her on the forehead. “I would’ve seen it anyway.”

His dad got up and slapped him on the shoulder. “Come on we’ll talk and shoot some stick.”

Jessie gave his mom a hug then followed hid dad down into the basement. That’s where they ended up talking the rest of the evening until Jessie’s mother called down. “Marc! I’m going to bed you coming?”

He went upstairs with his dad and to his room and turned on some music as he took a shower washing the day off and soaking the bruises and washing his hair enjoying the feeling of getting clean as much as the body warming heat of the steam.

Jessie looked in the mirror and checked out his reflection again. The bruises would take awhile to fade, they actually looked worse post shower and took a couple of Advil to hopefully dull the aches and pains and took some muscle gel and gingerly rubbed some into his bruises before falling asleep.

The Next Morning.


Hunched her shoulders as she took her books out of her locker. They were whispering about her again. Those girls, they…the just never stopped. She was “blessed.” with 48 DD’s really huge breasts.

They never got that you were always self conscious, that you were always embarrassed.

They didn’t get how it felt to get singled out and hated on because of something you had no control over.

She was trying so hard not to cry as the stench of soured milk was coming out of her locker and the pretty and popular girls were standing together giggling and talking in their own little secret code and she was sure that they were talking about her.

She took her books and another bag full of wrecker papers and things including some of her favorite novels now wrecked to the garbage and there was more giggling…and there were.


Honey couldn’t help it but threw the wrecked things in the trash and bolted away crying. But even before she was out of there, the giggles turned to exploding laughter and more.


“Fucking cow!”

And they, weren’t the only ones because there were always people staring, judging, laughing.

Eyes full of tears and unable to see clearly she tripped and fell on the pavement as something big and blurry coming at her fast and she screamed as the sound of braking tires fought with the oncoming shape’s attempt to stop.

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some people

I remember when my sister seemed to jump a couple of cup sizes over night and had way more attention than she wanted. envy from some lust from others. I see more tilting to come.
great chapter, thanks

Yes and feeling self conscious already and

you get a near perfect target for the ones that like to hurt and harass others like they can smell the pain. But there's some people that aren't like that thankfully:)
*Hugs and Howls*

Bailey Summers

I really wish

that they would have had a guy like this in my old school.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

Jessie definitely done the same in that school too.

He just believes there's stuff that you just don't take....because when you do, you tell others how you want them to treat you but if you do nothing it's condoning the shitty behavior of others.
*Great Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Tilting at windmills

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

There are two things I love most about this story. The first is that it's not just trans focused but also dealing with bullying in general for those who are 'different' or 'non-conformist' in some way. The second is that as someone who was bullied at school (nothing as drastic as this of course) it's kinda nice to see people stepping in and helping. I don't think most people aren't bad but collectively there is a herd tendency for people to follow the path of least resistance - i.e. not getting involved with others problems. I can't help but think the world would be a better place if more people were prepared to tilt at windmills now and then and get involved like Jessie and Dan.

Thank you for another chapter in this story.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Thanks so much Jemima:)

I agree there's a strong bullying bent on this story. I wasn't really bullied in school but labeled yes, over and over for sins of my family and yeah things I had done earlier in life. I want there to be some of everything that people might get from their own experiences from the transgender experience, to dealing with their sexuality, to bullying and the whole herd mentality and dealing with the old cliques and stereotypes.

It's a very different school then it was at the end of Tilting.
*Great Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Thanks Taarpa:)

Sometimes it's those moments of openess and sharing that really start to cement a friendship.
*Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers


Extravagance's picture

This story is a real hoot! = ) I don't think there's a hoot-er story on the whole site! :D

Those "popular girls" are blatantly oozing jealousy out of orifices that aren't even theirs! XD
I must admit, I'd have trouble controlling myself after rescuing the stacked girl from being run over...

Whether they reside on the chest of a girl or a boy, the power of boobs must never be underestimated. = )

*HuggleSnuggleLickyourface* ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Yes there's a good deal of jealousy directed at Honey.

And they don't really care who she is, or her RL issues they just get their hate into that one main issue and invent or exaggerate the rest.
*Great Big Huggles and Cuddles.*

Bailey Summers

Tolerating Bullies has become

Tolerating Bullies has become a planetary epidemic. In so many first world nations the government it's self has become the prime contributor to this out of control fire storm. It has become almost universal that police and the legal systems punish the defenders and reward the attackers by feeding them more victims. Non of this makes any sense because it will some day soon unravel the fabric of civilization allowing the beast in even good people to rampage out of control. Then there is no wall high enough to keep the mass from pulling down even the most highly placed members of society. It is like EA Poe Mask of the Red Death, no wall could keep the illness out.

But this is a symptom not the disease why not stand up to these cowards before this preventable disaster occur. The right of every peaceful person to live with out fear would make a society unbreakable and unbeatable. That scares the psychotic 2 to 3% who want to run the world, we need to remember The Brain and Pinky are quite insane you would need to be to want to run the world. That is the real infection returning them to their respective institutions would go a long way in solving 80 to 90 % of the world problems.

IN MY HUMBLE OPINION. The bullies that beat up our selves and our friends regardless of the victims perceived faults can be stopped by all of us standing up and becoming victors not victims, life is not always avoiding the punch, you sometimes need to take it and continue to fight back. Even if you loose the battle you can win the war. We need a world wide Stone Wall movement to stand up to the man. So we can push civilization up over this hump. If we don't it is a very long cheese grader slide to the bottom.

Stands With Fist
Michele Whitewolf

With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


It's too much being too PC about the rights of others.

And I'm all for human rights and everything but when one person infringes in a hurtful way on the rights of others there needs to be accountability not excuses. Like that poor girl out in B.C. that took her life. There needs to be actual justice done and charges laid instead of the coddling they get these days.

What happened to that girl is exactly what Jessie can't sit by and watch happen to others.
If just one person stands up, even just one time for someone else.
The bullies get mad, upset and lose some fun maybe a little more.
But the person you stood up for?
You might be the one thing that's happened to keep them together.

*Great Big Angel Hugs*

Bailey Summers

The Culture of Bullying

Elsbeth's picture

The right of the individual should not be valued more than the happiness of others. Its this lack of civility permeating our society from the top down. How can one expect a child to be civil to others when their parents are screaming at the top of their lungs because someone get a better parking place. In the work force we have overly aggressive managers, turning it into a toxic atmosphere.

Someone wisely wrote bullying is now considered an institutional problem, as opposed to a community one. We have created a culture of sarcasm, selfishness, mocking, and intolerance for difference.

Sadly enough, we live in a world were empathy and kindness is often considered a weakness.


Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.

Broken Irish is better than clever English.

Sad, very sad but true Elsbeth.

Somehow, as we've progressed we've regressed too. How can we advance civil rights and treat each other better when we don't actually treat each other better? We have these legal rights coming out of everywhere but socially we're getting worse and the kids are getting worse.

It takes a huge effort to turn things around today even in small pockets.
But we do have to try right?
If we believe in this we have to try.
*Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

I see another tilt coming too...

Love this. Shared pain is halved, they say, and these are turning into the kind of friends who can carry any load.


We've all have hard battles, We've all have pain.

It's just far too much of the time the way society seems to be going it's like it promotes isolating people and the same time mob rule. Jessie doesn't see the least bit of good in that.

What's the point of going through your own slice of hell if you don't use it to help others with theirs?

*Great Big Angel Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Paradigm Shift

Now there's n interestin shift in perspective have never considered breastism before there's some interestin relationships startin to playout here Bailey across both generations x k-jo

I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me

Breastism...now there's one for the Lexicon.

But there is a definite expected social pros and cons with having large breasts. It makes you a target for teasing as much as being flat chested does. It really doesn't make a lot of sense but bullying rarely does.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Tittle Tattle

Well I can see how a young schoolgirl might wanna lose her mammary in such circumstances but personally I'd be delighted to trade up my 38Bs for 40 something in a double D x k-jo

I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me


Andrea Lena's picture
Two dimes 4-9-05_0.jpg2006-teen-choice-awarbds-388x580_0.jpg


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Undecided or rather not made your mind up yet. Keep your options open until you have fully tested the plan. It's nice to see a story that allows for someone to test both sides of the road.

There are a lot of us who never transitioned but like to experience and enjoy both modes, just not at the same time. I live my life as male but enjoy forays into the feminine side on occaision. It allows me to enjoy the best parts of both sides. I do wish I had a switch or pill that would allow a full, total but temporary transformation sometimes.

Thanks for the interesting story that takes transgendered kids through their deciding, relationships and experiences.

Please continue on this wonderful story.


Much Love,

Valerie R

Breasts or not...

Ole Ulfson's picture

Jessie's a real man, umm PERSON! However he presents, he doesn't take any guff from anyone. And he helps and defends others. Not an easy thing for a kid with Gynecomastia.

I had it in 6th and 7th grade. I filled, Well, overfilled, my mother's 36B bras, though I never wore them to school. I'd have loved to. Remarkably, no one made a fuss about it. I remember one or two kids saying, "putting on a little weight aren't you, Ole. But it wasn't really mean spirited. Don't really know why I wasn't bullied, but I wasn't. And I was dating girls with smaller boobs than mine: They had to feel them when we slow danced, but none of them said a word...


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!

Core friends

Jamie Lee's picture

These three have begun a core which consists of not only shared experiences but of friendship too. They are not just offering lip service to treating others as you want to be treated, but are putting it into action.

They have shown the entire school there is nothing wrong, or infectious, in befriending those who don't meet the lopsided dogs' idea of what is right and wrong.

They have started a revolt by standing up to the morons of school. The same ones that real life is going to chew up and spit out once they get out on their own. Especially petty bitchy girl, Britney.

Now if the morons will let the brushes heal before pulling something else.

Others have feelings too.