I'm starting to doubt that in my lifetime lgbt equal rights will be a reality. With the stranglehold that conservatives have on the court system, recent Supreme Court decision striking down the voting rights act in defiance of the 15th amendment, a pro marriage equality ruling which is only a small step towards equal rights seems increasingly unlikely. The conservative stranglehold in congress means ENDA has no chance of passing the house, and that is only for employement. The future seems very bleak to me in light of this and I'm not seeing a light at the end of this seemingly infinite tunnel. Is there any hope left, I felt shame to be American today for the blatant money in politics and the corruption of government to for big money and not the people. I don't see my personal situation getting better in my life time and its depressiI'm starting to doubt that in my lifetime lgbt equal rights will be a reality. With the stranglehold that conservatives have on the court system, recent Supreme Court decision striking down the voting rights act in defiance of the 15th amendment, a pro marriage equality ruling which is only a small step towards equal rights. The conservative stranglehold in congress means ENDA has no chance of passing the house, and that is only for employement. The future seems very bleak to me in light of this and I'm not seeing a light at the end of this seemingly infinite tunnel. Is there any hope left, I felt shame to be American today for the blatant money in politics, judges and politicans especially and the corruption of government to for big money and not the people. I don't see my personal situation getting better in my life time and its depressing. One need only look at whats happening in Texas and the background check bill to see that only votes don't matter only money does.
I've lost my motivation to keep going
I feel things aren't ever going to get better
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Don't feel ashamed of your
Don't feel ashamed of your country. Not when it can produce a genius like George Carlin.
I'm starting to understand where
Second amendment remedies come from and they are starting to look more necessary but for a different reason than the wingnuts give. almost all politicians and judges these days are bought before they even get in office
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Nothing is ever what it seams.
The majority of the press in this country is owned by a few rich and hateful people who are running out of places to hide. Every day there are more people who see things our way that this is a civil right battle who's time has arrived. For now those who are discouraged need to rest and rejoin when they are more recovered. The Supreme court is only as stupid as the public allows them to be, and the wave of anger against these senseless actions is going unreported in the general press. We are at the beginning of the same process Russia went through when communism fell apart. Consumerism and conservatism will go the same way. And those Sinners will find there is no place for them to hide on judgement day.
Stay Sweet And Keep the Faith
We shall Overcome
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Just a suggestion
Read Ameritopia by Mark Levin. It might open your eyes to what's really going on.
Will not give someone like that my money it's depressing
Not going to buy ameritopia
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Everything goes in cycles
You might get a little perspective by looking up a book called "Generations" which came out about 25 years ago. It outlines the whole Generation theory and points how out how things go in cycles in this country. It started when some researchers started wondering why we have an economic meltdown about every 80 years and a spiritual revival about every 80 years (but not at the same time.) It's proven pretty accurate in predicting some broad trends. We're in a controlling down time right now, but things will get better--just not quickly.
They are holding back progress and its depressing
Waiting for ENDA is one of the things I'm tired of waiting for I've been waiting for 14 years and these people need to disappear. If I can use my life to better the rest of America second amendment remedies seems like a good idea
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Violence Is Not The Answer
This would be massively counterproductive.
Be patient, be peaceful. Work for change. Do not give up. There are no shortcuts. Hurting yourself or others is not the way to achieve change.
Only 14 years?
Arbitrarily using 18 as the starting point, with you saying you have been waiting 14 years, that means I've been waiting TWENTY-EIGHT years longer than you. In that time I've lost my partner in a traffic accident then had her parents as her next-of-kin (no equal marriage, remember?) come in with a court order and a deputy sheriff to restrain me while they gutted our home, taking everything they could. Especially ALL our photos, I don't have a single thing left of her except my memories. But I'm still fighting away. Yesterday's decision wasn't enough, by any means, but it is a step in the right direction. I'm a grouchy ol' bitch, ask anybody here. But I'm still plugging away at tearing down the walls.
And you are tired of waiting? Gimme a f******* break and grow up. Nobody is going to give this to you, you have to fight for every step you take.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Look To Tomorrow
At 10:00 AM EDT the Perry and DOMA decisions will be released by the Supreme Court. DOMA, I think, is finished, and that will be a massively important step forward for LGBT rights in the U.S. Immense! Same-sex couples will be able to be married in 12 states and D.C. and have their marriages recognized for all purposes in Federal Law. States that don't recognize same-sex marriage will be on very loose legal ground after that. The only way they could avoid having their own restrictions on recognizing marriages from other states reversed, would be to pass a Federal Constitutional Amendment, and there are no longer enough states to do that. So, effectively, after the legal dust settles in a few years, married gay couples could be recognized in every state. You might have to fly to another state to marry, but it would count everywhere.
Perry is going to be side-stepped by the Court. This is not terrible news. The couples who sued will be issued marriage licenses, and California will be left a little in limbo, but voters are likely to remove the Prop 8 language from their constitution next year.
So, do not despair. Hang in there. It generally gets better. Maybe one step back, but then three steps forward!
Do you really think
That the current court would follow the law they just spit on the 15th amendment
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Please Try To Calm Down
First of all, it was the 14th Amendment, and the Voting Rights Act, not the 15th Amendment.
Second of all, they did not void the Voting Rights Act. They merely pointed out that when Congress renewed the act in 2006, they never bothered to update the data, and were still using data from the 1960's. The Court left the most important parts of the Act in place. It is still illegal to deny people the right to vote on racial grounds. What the Court did was toss out section 4, which provides the formula for enforcement of section 5. Section 5 is the part about states and counties having to get pre-clearance for changes. Section 2 allows voters and groups representing them to go to court to fix problems after they're implemented, so the law isn't totally dead. On the law, though, which is all they deal with, the Court is right. Section 4 was wrong the way it was and Congress has to fix it. As we all know, though, Congress is seriously broken right now, and we can all be a bit dubious that they'll fix anything, but that doesn't make the Court's decision wrong.
Don't read so much into it. It is not within the Court's power to fix Congress. We'll be doing that ourselves next year when we go and vote. So, don't be so ready to off yourself. Go get registered to vote, so you can be part of the remediation process, and get your like-minded friends registered, too. Votes, not bullets.
Votes won't count as much though
And the data was pretty accurate still all those that had to be precleared were upset because their argument was they should be able to discriminate and look at texas and a bunch of Red states. They can effectively rig the elections next year so it doesn't matter. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/06/25/2212281/two-hour...
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
"And the data was pretty
"And the data was pretty accurate still all those that had to be precleared were upset because their argument was they should be able to discriminate"
I'll ask for any actual evidence of that and raise you the Democrats requirement that they be able to conduct massive vote fraud as required to win close elections. And the data was over 50 years old.
"and look at texas and a bunch of Red states. They can effectively rig the elections next year so it doesn't matter."
How exactly does requiring a voter to meet an easily available and already commonly required and anticipatible standard of proof of identity constitute rigging an election, especially when a provisional ballot can always be used?
And the immediately prior time I heard an LGBT person whinging about their "rights", they were talking about their "right" to other people's money to fund their surgery. No such thing as having a right to be a thief.
It makes me so proud!
Ahem. You were
You were saying?
[smiley we don't have][/smiley]
There are some
Judges, representatives and quite a few in the Legal profession working hard to make equality happen for every American. The process is slow as it always is, even after women got the right to vote we still have places where we are treated as second class.
So stay the course and share your love and light. Treat those that are intolerant with tolerance, show them you are the better person. We are here for you and our Love is with you.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
All things change in time
As the bigoted older generations pass along to the next adventure the younger people that accept change in the acceptance of the LBGT community gain power and influence.
I just spent a week taking care of my grand parents and boy was that a wake-up call to how bigeted people used to be. I live in Texas so country boys like my Grandad have there set views.
He still thinks you have to have a screw loose to be gay, I may not be LBGT but I support the community these days where I can because I have remembered the fact that that every LBGT person I have known just wanted to be treated equaly and have a fair chance. And in my view there is nothing wrong with asking for that in fact they should demand it since it is supposed to be the american way that is stood fore in law but alas the laws have to catch up with the times and the old gaurd does not like that. When the new Guard takes over though things can change as long as they were not to tainted by the old guard.
"Cortana is watching you!"
They are going to go kicking and screaming
And they are going to drag it out for another twenty or thirty years and I'm not willing to wait that long. If u look at the list here you see the majority of the decent people live in blue or purple states. http://patrioticmillionaires.org/. And even when I start my hormones I couldn't get any changes to birth certificate because I live in one of 3 states where you can't do anything about it. I should be able to start without fear of losing my job and I've just about reached the end of my tolerance for bigotry, racism, homo and transphobia
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
And they aren't going away
The religious right is brainwashing younger people with intolerance too. Depending on the ruling tomorrow i don't know what I'm going to do. I'm just so tired of it all, for people that say they are Christian what ever happened to love thy neighbor as yourself
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I think that you are probably correct in your views. I probably worked for civil rights causes and anti-war causes for longer than you've been alive.
At some point I realized that to be elected in this country to anything more elevated than dogcatcher you have to sell your soul to the highest bidder. Virtually all the politicians have been bought and paid for. To believe otherwise is simply self delusion. Certain politicians have caused some change for the better, if only to appear to actually be progressive, which of course they are not. Otherwise, not much has changed. We're fighting in the umpteenth undeclared war since world war two, and the supreme court is busy rolling back the gains of the last 50 years
In the 65 years of my life, I have seen much, and eventually gave up activism and organizing for trying to make changes on a one to one basis. I patiently explain what I believe to people who ask, without challenging their beliefs . Imagine, if you will, what it would mean to get to know a transphobe, appreciating what good qualities they do posses. Then when they learn that you are reasonable and honorable person, reveal, carefully, that your are a transgender person. There will be a reaction, but eventually they will come to realize that you are not the spawn of satan, and they might have to change some of their views, slowly.
In my experience, this is how real change happens! It's not fast and it's not certain, but it does work, Before you deny the possibilities, let me tell you that I have used such techniques to reconcile a Klan member with the idea that a left winger can be a reasonable person, and worth befriending. Small changes you say, but that Klan member is less likely to vote for a politician who vilifies such people.
Yes the pace of change is glacial, but the change is less likely to be reversed, because that Klan member will tell his buddies that left wingers aren't so bad, and he will raise his kids to be more tolerant. I remember how hard it was to be young, and impatient with all the people that couldn't see how right my cause was. I remember thinking that assassinating a politician or two might be a reasonable way to "spend" my life. It didn't take long to realize that there are always more of them to take their place.
I can only tell you that change takes time. Your tolerance for the ills of the world might have to expand, for your own good and self-preservation. It would be a wonderful thing to eventually be the woman that you are inside. It might be a good idea to move to a State that allows you to change your birth certificate. One of the few things that I have learned in this life is that it is essential to pick your fights, because you can't win them all, and saving your energy for the really important ones is essential if you are to survive.
My heart goes out to you!
Even if I move it changes nothing
I still could not get my birth certificate changed
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
But, There Are Places...
...where it doesn't matter so much. Here in New York City, where I live, the law is very strict about non-discrimination towards Transgender people. Besides, once you have your driver's license (or State "non-driver's license") and social security card fixed, nobody really wants to see your birth certificate. And, I'm pretty sure you can get all that changed here, even without a birth certificate showing a name or gender change. I'm not Trans, but I can't even remember the last time I had to show my birth certificate to anyone for anything, and I'm, shall we say, mature. Maybe when I applied for my passport? Seriously can't remember...
In any state or locality that treats Trans people well, the markings on your birth certificate aren't so important, so stop despairing already!
Besides, in 10 years, as demographics shift and different people come into power, you might very well be able to get your birth certificate changed. By then, though, you won't even care. You'll already be well-along, living the life you want in a place that makes it possible.
do you believe in something?
I was one of those people that did not believe in the LBGT way at fist and would have voted against it beuase that is they way I was taught rowing up, but then I had an appiffany.
I as going to high school with poeple who were gay and seeing them in the community and I realized they did not have some problem they were just people that were different than me that thought different and lived their lives different, that was it. They were not a threat to me or my way of life no matter what my folks may have said or thought. They were OK. So I befriended them and got to know them and I changed my way of thinking, because how I used to think was wrong. So Change may be slow but it will come as fast as we can change people one person at a time.
"Cortana is watching you!"
The problem still is
There currently is no ENDA and someone could look it up, also birth certificate is required for a passport
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Scotus is stupid
Texas was on of the ones flagged and it took 2 hours to for them to go after minority voters, new data needed is code for them admitting they are racist
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Go after them how? Requiring
Go after them how? Requiring state issued photo ID for anyone--not minorities--to vote a regular ballot?
That's no disparate burden at all, firstly because photo ID is available free throughout the country, and secondly because a provisional ballot can always be used. It harder to use that one for vote fraud, though, which was what this was really about. There's a certain party in the United States dependent on vote fraud and the threat of it for it's relevance, and I read evidence of that proposition just about every week, for example just this week the Dem party apparatchik sent to the pen for forging signatures to get Obama on the ballot in 2008.
Yes, But...
...with a court-ordered change of name and gender, I'm pretty sure they'd issue you the passport you want. The birth certificate is just proof of citizenship. I'm no lawyer, but as long as there's an evidentiary chain of who (and what) you are, I'm betting you can get your passport issued to match your identity and gender. You probably just need to be living somewhere in the civilized world, where the law supports you and the local courts are accommodative. (e.g. NOT Texas.)
ENDA seeks to implement on a national level what's already available in a few states and several cities. You can either wait and wither where you are for ENDA, or move to a place that has something mostly like it and get on with your life already.
Call up Lambda Legal, or one of the LGBT hotlines and get some advice. There's no need to be all alone, there's help out there.
I don't make enough so moving is not an option
And I haven't finished my degree because I got depressed, and my parent wont foot the bill for school so moving right now is not an option, I would get a student loan if congress could gets its act together but that's not going to happen
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Passport Info
You should read this: http://travel.state.gov/passport/get/first/first_5100.html
I heard somewhere that
If u got your law degree in a certain field the government would pay for out but I don't remember anything else
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Various Programs
There have been various programs over the years.
Try this page for a few of the current ones:
Texas has nothing to do with
Texas has nothing to do with it, and you need proof of identity with provenance to your birth in any jurisdiction on the planet to get a passport. Except for the places where enough greased palms can get you anything.
Is that last sentence the kind of world you want to live in?
Your Animus & Misinformation
Your animus and misinformation is not contributing anything to this discussion. Okay, you don't like gay people. We get that. That's your right. And, if you want to tell lies, you're allowed to do that as long as you're not under oath. But don't expect that no one is going to call you a liar or a so-and-so for doing so.
To get a passport, you need a birth certificate as evidence of citizenship. But that birth certificate doesn't have to show a sex change or name change for a Trans person to get a passport in their new name and gender. I posted the link somewhere above. Read it or don't, but stop spreading lies and character assassination. No one born in the U.S. needs to bribe anyone to get a legal passport in their new name and gender.
My passport still says male
My passport still says male though I'm post op and have been living full time as a woman for nearly 10 years. Sometimes, it causes me problems, and at times I feel angry, but it does not prevent me from living a full life on a daily basis. I live in a predominantly Catholic country that has rather backwards laws. At least, in the US, you have some states that allow you to change documentation. In my case, there is absolutely no such law anywhere considering our unitary, centralized government. It is a pain, yes, when traveling or applying for certain documents, but it doesn't mean that I am not able to be happy in other areas.