Chapter 13
I picked up a bra and pantie set and was looking at the price when an a
ssistant asked if she could help. ‘What size are you looking for Madam. Can I help you.’
‘I had absolutely no idea.’
‘Oh thanks. I think I’m OK.’ I seemed to freeze for a moment, unable to speak, as if I was caught shoplifting. Why can’t a man buy womens clothing without feeling someone is waiting to pounce like this? After all women don’t have any hassle at all, or even guilt complex if they buy mens clothing. They can even buy mens shoes without anybody looking at them as if there was something wrong.
‘Er I was just looking for a gift really. It’s not for me.’ Oh no why did I say that?
‘Well if you’d like to look over here we have some special offers and reductions. Come and take a look and you might find something for yourself as well. She looked at me as if she could see straight through the clothes and the make-up and felt awkward and uncomfortable.
‘Now then what size did you say you were?’
‘It’s not for me, it’s for a friend.’
‘Oh well look here these are nice don’t you think?’
By now I was convinced that she knew I wasn’t who or what I appeared at first glance. I tried my best to smile and act confidently. L could see my reflection in a large mirror. I didn’t look like a freak. I looked OK I thought. At least I looked pretty average, not too big and since I was fairly slender I didn’t look any bigger than this over fussy assistant who was either trying to embarrass me or was keen to make a sale.
‘Well I don’t have much time and all I really want to buy a gift for my friend but I wasn’t sure about her size. I’m sure she’s about a 36.’
‘well you look to be 36 so is she similar to you?’
‘Yes we are about the same build, she might be a bit fuller than me.’
‘well if you want we can check in the dressing room.’
‘No need for that I’ll buy a 36C, I’m pretty sure that’s her size.’
‘OK but maybe treat yourself as well. What are you 36A or B? Here it’s 2 for 1 over here even though they are more expensive. Just feel the material and look at the pretty edging. Just two clasps and lots of lift to give you confidence if you want to flaunt a bit to your man.’
‘Yes he’ll like you in this one or perhaps this one in black. It comes as a set with matching briefs. Look’
I felt like I was in heaven looking at all the options. I wanted them all so I could try them and see the difference. Maybe with more uplift I’d be able to create a cleavage and wear something to feel even more feminine. What would Fran say? Moreso what would Helen say? I wanted to find out so I ended up buying 2 of each size. 2 36C’s for ‘my friend Fran’ and 2 36B’s for me. ’
I rummaged through my handbag for my wallet and decided to use Helens M&S chargecard. I was glad I carried it and also that I had a bank card with both our names. I could have fun with these if I did this again on my own. Beth was stirring now and I didn’t have long before I was due to meet Fran.
My new friend was happy to make the sale and as I left the counter she was whispering to the cashier and nodding in my direction. But I didn’t care by that time, I’d bought my own bras and two had matching briefs. The feeling was so exhilarating. I’d been me, the other me. The real Robyn, not the one who needed to act manly. The me who could just be me. I didn’t care if the assistants thought I was a man in womens clothes. I was a woman today whatever they thought. I was determined to improve my look and my reactions and to work on my voice and my mannerisms. I wanted to explore more and to experience more shopping days and see life through different eyes for a change.
I took beth upstairs to the coffee shop and as I sipped my latte I gave Beth a drink. She was ever so good today so maybe her new teeth were starting to come through at last. She bit on my finger just to prove it.
After a quick visit to the baby changing room we were ready to head back to the salon to find Fran.
As I reached the lift door who should come out but my friendly assistant from downstairs. She smiled, looked closely at my bust and then into my eyes and said ‘I was hoping to see you and to buy you a coffee. I do hope you like the bras we chose. Have you time?’
‘Well not really since we are meeting Beths mum. She’ll wonder where we’ve been.’
Oh I’m sorry you have to dash but do come back again. When you have more time we can see what type of bra fits you best.’
‘Oh thanks that’s very kind of you.’
‘Well Helen, it was a pleasure serving you because we get a lot of women coming in here who don’t know their sizes. You have a very nice figure and you should show it off more. It’s nice to get the right fitting and I’m sure I can help you.’
‘Oh thanks that’s very sweet of you.’ My God she’d assumed I was Helen from the chargecard.
‘My pleasure. I’m Amy by the way and I work most days. Just ask at the desk if you can’t see me on the floor in case I’m in the fitting room or the stock room.’
‘Thanks. I will’
‘Mmm maybe I would like to come back after all but it might be risky too. But what the heck it’s our money even if I sign as Helen.
She took my hand to shake it and with that I stepped into the lift with the buggy and smiled.
‘Wow Beth that was getting a bit scary. Wait till I tell your mum.’
As we arrived back at the salon Fran was looking out of the window. She smiled and waved and opened the door.
‘Oh Fran you look nice. You’ve changed your hairstyle.’
‘ Yes I feel 10 years younger, do you like it?’
She turned around tossing her head giggling away. What a change in her.
‘Oh fran you do look so nice. It just shows what a bit of your own Fran time can do for you. I so like the style.’
‘Well it’s your turn next and I hope you don’t mind but Patrick is going to look after you and I’ve told him all about you since he is a good friend.’
Before I could do anything Patrick was at her shoulder beckoning me to go inside.
‘Now then Robyn is this your first time?’
‘Errr, yes.’
‘Well come with me and by the time Fran comes back I think she’ll not recognise you.’
I sat in a chair and looked at him fussing with my hair and trying to decide about a style and the colour.
‘well I think I know what to do so will you leave everything to me and we’ll wash and highlight your hair the trim it a little bit and then the coupe de resistance. I understand Fran has also booked you for a manicure and a pedicure so it looks like 2 hours at least in my hands. Are you ready for that?’
‘Yes it sounds nice but I hope you don’t get too carried away.’
‘Of course I will. It’s my job to get carried away.’
So that was it, one giant step or run away.’
‘I’m all yours.’
First stop was to visit the sink for a hairwash and then Patrick got started. He mixed some sort of potion and applied it to my hair to create a lighter tone and some streaks and fussed around trimming bits here and there.
‘Now another rinse and we’ll blow dry and style it a bit and I’ve got just the thing we need.’
I was intrigued by now but he wouldn’t tell me.
‘Now your hair is much softer and I’d like to fit some hair extensions. How about it?’
‘No I can’t why not just a wig or a short style.’
‘Because we want a new look for you ready for when Helen comes home. So she can see the real you.’
‘I can’t Patrick please, I can’t. what will the neighbours say.’
‘Well I think Fran will be OK about it and Beth too. That’s two votes so how many more do you want?’
‘Well what about when I’m trying to get a job. I have to go for interviews.’
‘Excuses, excuses. How many interviews have you had? Did you succeed? Maybe when we’re done you will be able to walk into any job. What have you to lose.’
‘Only my marriage and any hope of holding my head high in this town again.’
‘ Well I think you have nothing to lose. Come on be a man. HaHa well be a woman.’
‘But I can’t, no I can’t. Please Patrick I can’t’
‘Oh be quiet and stop feigning a resistance or we won’t be finished when Fran comes back.’
Just then my mobile rang. It was Helen.
‘Hi Robs where are you I called home.’
‘Oh I’m out with Fran and I did some shopping. I’m just in a salon for a cut and blow. Would you mind if I re-styled a bit since Patrick wants to give me a new image.’
‘Who is Patrick?’
‘He works at the salon and he’s a friend of Frans.’
‘Oh yes I know him too. You’re in.the High Street then in ‘Hair Boutique’
‘Yes do you know it.’
‘Of course I do I introduced Fran silly.’
‘Just relax and enjoy yourself. Patrick won’t hurt you. Follow his ideas. I wish I was with you to watch.’
‘Are you sure you don’t mind?’
‘Of course I don’t mind. I’m happy as long as you are happy. Just lay back and think of England. HaHa.’
‘Oh OK then. I’ll call you later when I get home.’
‘I’ll call you. Enjoy!!’’
To be continued……..
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But I didn’t care by that time, I’d bought my own bras and two had matching briefs. The feeling was so exhilarating. I’d been me, the other me. The real Robyn, not the one who needed to act manly. The me who could just be me. I didn’t care if the assistants thought I was a man in womens clothes. I was a woman today whatever they thought.
What keeps appealing to me in the midst of this intriguing story is the person Robyn. Yes, there are interesting things going on in her life, but it's the way she reacts and like the above paragraph, the way she marvels just at being herself. Thank you, Julie dear!
Love, Andrea Lena
You've got a way with words
I didn't think Robyn had written this until I checked after your comment.
You have a gift to dig out such things and you made me think of a song by Alison Kraus:
'It doesn't matter if I cry
Don't matter if I bleed
Feel the sting of tears
Fallin' on this face you've loved for years'
A Change in Lifestyle chapter 13
Where are any male friends for Robyn? Seems to me that a male friend could help him feel more manly without offending him
May Your Light Forever Shine
Just re-read this chapter...
...perhaps you can help me understand. Where at all in any of this story is there any indication that Robyn needs to feel more manly? Why even worry in the midst of what looks to be yet another superb narrative by Julie about discovering the feminine side of self about male friends?
Love, Andrea Lena
I didn't understand the comment but I'm happy that you re-read a chapter and enjoyed the story. I need to catch up and move on with a few stories I think.
A wonderful chapter...
Robyn is even starting to discover herself: "The feeling was so exhilarating. I’d been me, the other me. The real Robyn, not the one who needed to act manly. The me who could just be me." It's a place we want to go and where we want her to go.
Please finish this story! You owe it to Robyn, You owe it to your readers and you owe it to yourself as an author. Where ever the story goes from here I know we'll all love it.
You're wonderful.
Don't leave us hanging here.
Pretty Please?
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
I got distracted a few times.My desire to tell the whole story is as strong as ever.
A year later and ...
... no new chapters. I hope you haven't given up on this one!
BE a lady!
I'm sorry
I missed your comment and I don't know how that happened unless it just showed up. Thanks. I was tending to worry that there were too many episodes at the time and moderate popularity.
you know my love....
... of how hair changes the vision of any girl!! Just lovely..... I'm looking forward to Helen's reaction! Love Ginger xx
Go on, go on, you're so "there"
Darling, I'm at chapter 13 and it ends... just when Helen is about to come home and see the transformed girl I've come to identify with...... please, please continue this lovely tale..... Let us know how the encounter enriches the relationship! Let's hear the fun they have!!!! I miss you - but I do know how writings can dry up (heaven knows mine have at times!).. but you need to know your readers need you!! Big hugs, Ginger xx
Only the encouragement
is needed. The kudos had dipped and I guess I shouldn't be so sensitive. I think a few more stories also got in the way of finishing this one. Plus a bit of life and it's distraction.
I'll do my best and see if the story still pleases you.
please finish
My first comment. Jules - a very good story that hits close to home. I'm hopeful for what awaits our good wife Robyn. She has lots of potential suitors. Thanks for all your postings. Please don't let negative comments get to you.
Thanks for the Encouragement
I should go back and pick up some of my stories like this one. Hugs
Think of England!! yeahhhh!... but
...I wish it was Tracey doing the colour and style... :) (just personal preference....!)
Preference, by L'Oreal... because you're worth it... oops... we're worth it! :) xx
Oh, no!! Don't tell me, it can't STILL end at ch 13....
.... JULIE please please, finish what you began... You must be out there NOW; you posted yesterday!! Please go back to the salon and finish the job. tell us where Helen and Fran take this lucky man! xxxxxx
Great Story
This was a really enjoyable story. Poor Robyn she seems so confused although she appears to be loving being a woman she feel so guilty. I just love the support and encouragement she is getting from everyone. Here is hoping we might see more? Please.
Is this the end?
Oh i was so getting into this story. There are so many unanswered questions and so many plot holes yet to fill. Will Robyn find true acceptance by Helen, or is she messing around with the personnel trainer or is the neighbors husband somehow involved. Is the teacher involved in a group conspiracy to wake up Robyn. I have so many Ideas where this should have gone.
And there we were
left hanging in the air, all the road gone.
Julie we have to know! Were our doubts about Helen justified? What were the "ginseng" tablets, and will Robyn finally fly?
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
This is so...
... fucking frustrating. It really sucks OUT LOUD.
Such an awesome story and to never get to an end. Really REALLY sad...
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
I do tend to write chapters and post them without setting out a conclusion from the outset. Responses often inspire me into adjusting a story line and then I follow a new path that opens up more options. I did also get distracted because new stories pop up based on things I've seen. The large number of kudos for this story shows I made a big mistake not to go back and add more chapters. For a while I tried to focus on Solo stories to avoid this frustration. I never considered this to be one of my better story lines but we live and learn. Nearly 7000 hits for this episode. So Sorry.