Amiss Again

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Amiss Again.

For Sephy who asked me so nicely, I had to write a follow up.

Pearce couldn’t believe it when Sophie phoned him the next day, which was Saturday. He had nothing planned, when you have few or no friends, you don’t need to plan very much. “Mum’s going off for the day sketching, she’ll be gone in an hour—d’ya wanna come over?”

“Are we gonna do the same things we did yesterday?”

“We might,” she chuckled coquettishly.

“I’d love to—look, I haven’t had time to wash the things you loaned me.”

“That’s okay, why don’t you wear them over?”

“Um—are you sure?” He felt a frisson of excitement fizz through him.

“Why—don’t you like my things?”

He imagined she was pouting at him. “I love your things,” he said back trying to change the hint of disappointment he thought he detected in her voice.

“Prove it then.”

“Okay, I will.”

He’d not long had his breakfast and to shower after it was unusual but he felt he had to be clean if he was making out with Sophie, not that he had much idea what making out was all about, but it was an expression he’d heard that boys and girls did with each other.

“I’m going up to shower, Mum, then I’m going out.”

She looked at her son in disbelief, “Going out?”

“Yeah, I’m going to see my girlfriend.”

She felt a sudden need to sit down. “You’ve got a girlfriend?”


“You haven’t mentioned her before.”

“So, I have now and I need to shower.” Before his mother could say anything else he turned to leave the room but she spoke at him.

“If you’re going out, I might as well go shopping, will you be back for lunch?”

“I dunno, do I?”

“There’s ham in the fridge make yourself a sandwich.”

“Yeah okay, I might just grab some chips—see ya,” he ran up to the bathroom before she could say anything else. Once in the bathroom, he took a relaxing shower washing and conditioning his nearly shoulder length, dark blond hair. Washing his body, he pinched some of his mother’s Dove shower gel and luxuriated in the creamy soap as he washed round his breasts. He was aware that they were very sensitive and when he touched the nipples which were standing out like pencil erasers—his legs almost buckled under him as his whole body reacted. He stood still, gasping for air while the warm water washed over him.

After towelling himself dry, he borrowed some of his mother’s body lotion and smoothed it into his chest—it smelt a little feminine—but hey, he was about to wear a bra, so did it matter? He took a squirt of her deodorant which claimed to be ‘spring flowers’, spraying it under hairless armpits and over his body. He waited for it to dry and quit the bathroom, slipping into his own room as quickly and surreptitiously as he could. Noises from beneath him suggested his mum was downstairs, which was confirmed minutes later as she called goodbye and then he heard the front door shut and the car start up. He sighed with relief then pulled on Sophie’s bra and pants and the rest of her things. His shoes were still a little damp, so he shoved his feet into his new trainers. Combing his hair in front of the mirror he knew he looked girlish, especially with her bra emphasising his breasts and her jeans his hips and bottom, but for once he didn’t care and almost felt pleased his nipples were showing through his top—well, Sophie’s top.

He pulled on his coat and making sure he had his key and his mobile, he slammed the door and set off towards Sophie’s house at which he arrived exactly one hour after she’d phoned him. It was with an excitement he could hardly control that he pressed the bell and waited impatiently for her to answer the door.

“Hi,” she said smirking as she let him in.

“Hi,” he blushed as he spotted some cleavage above the skimpy top she wore over her shorts and tights.

“Gotta do something with your hair,” she said, “follow me.” Like a lamb to the slaughter he did.

For the next twenty minutes, after disposing of his coat, she played around with mousses and gels and sprays, then a brush and the hair-drier before she decided she was finished. She made him sit facing away from the mirror and he complied with everything she said.

“I don’t even know your first name,” she remarked rubbing something into his face and neck.

“Nicholas—um Nick,” he tried to make his squeaky voice sound deeper.

“Well, Nicola or do you prefer Nicki?”

He felt his face glowing under her hands as he blushed like a stop light. He mumbled that he didn’t care and for her to choose.

“Nicki, it is then. Close your eyes a mo.” He continued to blush, he didn’t mind being a girl to have her touch his tits, but calling him by a girl’s name was a bit embarrassing. She continued doing things to his eyes, then his cheeks and finally his lips.

“Da-da,” she said waving her arm in the air like a magician, he turned round to look in the mirror.

“Oh my God,” he said as he saw his delicate features transformed into undeniably feminine ones. He wasn’t sure how he felt except his nipples were rock hard and pushing hard against his bra.

Sophie stood alongside him, smirking at him in the mirror. “Wotcha think then?”

“I dunno,” he said almost frightened by what he saw.

“C’mon,” she said grabbing his wrist, “We need to get you some proper bras.”

“What? I can’t go out like this.”

“Why not? I do it every day.”

“Yeah, but you’re a girl.”

“Look, Nicki, so are you–think you need to listen to your body a bit more.”

“What d’ya mean?”

“No boy has a body like yours–it’s a girl’s body.”

“I’m a boy,” he protested blushing like a fire tender.

“Sure, that’s why your nipples are poking through your bra is it?”

“But I thought we were goin’ to, you know...”

“Nicki, we need to get you some bras–here you can borrow my spare bag–c’mon, there’ll be time to play later.”

“But what if someone sees me?”

“So, just don’t flirt or we’ll never get rid of him.”


“Here, wear this,” she passed him her old coat and he pulled it on, shoved his money and his phone in the bag and reluctantly followed her out of the house. While standing at the bus stop she teased him, asking him what he thought about boys who were walking past, one or two who were on the verge of speaking to them. Nicki nearly died of shame.

On the way to Marks & Spencer, she hustled him into a shop and ten minutes later he came out with little sterling silver ear studs in his newly pierced ears. “Why’d ya do that?”

“My present to you, okay?”

“Thank you, but why?”

“Everyone our age has pierced ears.”

“All the girls do,” he replied.

“Exactly,” she said decisively ending the conversation.

Getting measured for a bra was almost mortifying, especially as his nipples erected as the woman in M&S was measuring him. She took no notice, “Thirty B,” she announced as Nicki’s bra size.

“Same as me,” said Sophie, “thought you were.” She helped him choose three bras, all with slight padding and lace on them, one white, one black and one blue and white one. Then she helped him pick three pairs of matching panties.

In the shoes they tried on several pairs and he ended up buying a pair of girl’s loafers and a pair of girl’s jeans. They then chose two tops, one in pale blue with three quarter sleeves and the other had short sleeves and was blue and white horizontal stripes with a collar that opened into a vee neck.

They went into the disabled toilet in the supermarket and she made him change into his new clothes, putting her ones into the carrier bags. Coming out of the toilet, he felt reasonably comfortable apart from having spent most of his holiday money when he nearly died. Not ten yards away was his mother looking in a shop window.

He wanted to run away in the opposite direction but Sophie insisted she wouldn’t recognise him, and to prove it dragged him to look in the same shop window. His mother glanced at him then walked away clueless as to who he was.

“See, if she doesn’t recognise you–no one else will. I told you, you’re a girl, get used to it.”

“So you keep saying,” he wasn’t as convinced but it did seem the evidence was piling up about his impersonation as being convincing.

They caught the bus home and she painted his finger nails pink to match his lip gloss Then after a sandwich each, they went up to her room. “Hadn’t I better take all this off?”

“In a minute,” she said.

“But, if your mum comes home...”

“All she’ll see is two girls trying on clothes. I told her I had a friend coming round.”

“A boy friend?”

“You’re my girlfriend, okay?”

“Okay,” he shrugged, he almost understood what she was on about.

“And, Nicki...” she called and as he turned back to her she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. The shock nearly paralysed him, but he’d have died happy. His nipples poked out longer than ever and she felt them rub against her. “Does my little girl like kisses?” she teased and he indicated he did.

In a little while they both got very hot and bothered playing with each other’s nipples and kissing. Nicki had another of her multiple orgasms and nearly passed out, squealing gently and almost forgetting to breathe, so intense was it.

“You must be a girl,” insisted Sophie, “boys can’t do it like that, and look, nothing’s happening in your panties.”

“Why? What’s supposed to happen?” Nicki asked her.

“If you were a boy, it would be this thing which got hard, not your nipples and it would be squirting stuff everywhere.”

“Ugh, how messy,” Nicki pulled a face and shook her pretty head.

“You need to see a doctor–I’ll bet you’ve got girl bits not boy ones.”

“My mum doesn’t like doctors–not since Dad died. They were always at the doctors or hospitals–then he, like, died.” Nicki felt tears fill her eyes.

“Hey, it’s okay to feel sad.” Sophie hugged her.

“I’m sorry,” she sniffed.

“Nicki, it’s okay, alright?”

Nicki nodded and blew her nose and both of them laughed breaking the tension.

“So get your mum to take you to the doctor.”

“I’ll see.”

“C’mon, get dressed.”

“Why, is your mum coming?”

“No–we’re going to see yours and make her see sense.”

“No way. She’ll kill me.”

“Don’t be silly, you’re her only daughter–course she won’t.”

“Can’t we do this another day?”

“Nicki, you’re going home wearing girl’s clothes and makeup–she’s not blind and she needs to know. C’mon.”

Some twenty minutes later, Nicki led her girlfriend into her house. “Is that you, Nick?” called her mother.

“Sort of,” she said back quietly and opened the door into the living room.

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I noticed...

What is it with these cliffs? One of these days, one of us will not be able to catch ourselves at the edge and will fall right over.


Thank you so much Angharad!!!!!

wooO! A super story from Angharad! And its being continued some!

I loved this chapter to pieces!!!! ^^

I have no clue how Nicki's mom is going to react, but I can pray for the best!

okay Nicki, get ready!


“Sort of,”

giggle. hope the conversation with mom goes well.


I Think We Have A Serial In The Making

This sequel ends with much more of a cliffhanger than the original story. I'm not sure Angharad can resist resolving her own cliffhangers, so I predict there's at least one more of these in the offing!

If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.

i think

Maddy Bell's picture

it's more of a continental breakfast with Nicki as the filling in the roll!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I would like to see this

I would like to see this story developed further. Please!


LOL! I love Nicki's

answer to her Mum. :)

May Your Light Forever Shine

Thank you! <3

For continuing this story.
It's ok if it doesn't go further, but I love the interaction between Sophie and Nick(i).


Lucky, lucky Nicki,

She's an extremely lucky girl to find a friend like Sophia. Wonder how her mum will take it. We can but dream and this was a lovely dream Ang.



