My Fathers Secret Part 04

 © March 2013

Chapter Seven: Working Girl

    Jonathon was up early the next morning and getting ready for another busy day at the office. He had never realised just how much work a woman went through to get ready for a day at work. He had to get all the padding in the right place, and then he had to do his makeup and sort out his wig and get that in place. He then sorted out an outfit to wear and a pair of shoes. By the time he was looking at Jessica again in the mirror, he didn’t have time to eat breakfast though, and was soon leaving the house and getting in Joan’s car.

     “Good morning sweetie.” Joan said sounding full of life as she gave Jessica a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

     “What’s so good about it?” Jessica grumbled. “I never realised just how much work there is in looking like this every morning.” She complained. “I never had time for a cup of coffee or a slice of toast.”

     “I’m sorry you missed out on your morning coffee, but we can fix that when we get to the office.” Joan promised as she pulled away from the curb and headed towards the city and their place of work. “It’s a lot different getting ready when you don’t have all the time in the world to do it, isn’t it?” Joan asked.

     “At least I know now, so I won’t get caught out tomorrow.” Jessica said, and even managed a smile this time. “How do you manage to get up and look so beautiful every morning?”

     “Years of practice.” Jean grinned. “And I don’t try to have breakfast before getting to work, just a cup of coffee. I can’t get started in the morning without a coffee.” Joan shuddered at the idea of doing such a thing.

    Joan was soon pulling into the car park outside the company building, and the two of them got out and entered the building. Jessica had to hide a grin when she saw the shocked look on Rebecca’s face as she and Joan walked past her. Jessica knew that Rebecca had seen the two of them arrive on one of the monitors built into the desk she sat at.

     “It must be killing her to not know what’s going on between the two of us.” Joan said once they were in the outer office of Joan’s part of the building.

     “Are you talking about Rebecca?” Debbie asked as she waddled out of the small kitchen. “She was trying to play nice with me when I came in, so she could find out all about my new little helper here.” Debbie grinned as she walked over to them and gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

     “And what did you tell her?” Jessica asked with a smirk.

     “Nothing, it was too much fun letting her play nice with me to give her anything so soon.” Debbie smirked back. “I’m sure I can milk this for at least a week before I give her anything, and even then it will be a lie.” She added with a giggle.

     “You can be so wicked Debbie.” Joan giggled. “I trust you’re already brewing the coffee?” Joan asked, but she could smell the aroma coming from the kitchen.

     “MMM, Coffee.” Jessica said with a happy sigh after taking in a deep breath to enjoy the smell even more.

     “The poor girl hasn’t had a single cup of coffee yet today.” Joan explained to a puzzled looking Debbie.

     “It will only be a couple of minutes, and I’ve bought us all a croissant to have with it.” Debbie grinned. “I thought you might not have time for breakfast, and get ready as well.”

     “I misjudged just how long it was going to take me to get ready.” Jessica admitted with a laugh. “It’s not like going to work as a man, it took me ages just working out which shoes to wear with this dress.” She added as she looked down past her cream coloured dress at the white sandals she had picked out. Jessica was also wearing nude pantyhose today, or that’s what it said on the packet.

     “You did a good job though.” Debbie agreed as she looked Jessica up and down.

     “Thanks, but I still feel like a fish out of water doing all this.” Jessica said as she looked down at herself. “I keep expecting someone to start screaming that I’m really a man.” She added with a nervous giggle.

     “I can’t see that happening Jessica.” Debbie laughed. “There is nothing manly about you.” She added.

     “Thanks, that makes me feel so much better.” Jessica said sarcastically.

     “I’m sorry Jess; I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” Debbie sounded worried. “With you doing this, that is a good thing is what I was getting at, and I think you make a really good looking woman, and I’m proud to have you working here with me.”

     “Debbie does have a point Jessica, and you have been having more fun this way, admit it.” Joan pushed.

     “I have, but part of me just feels like this is all wrong, and I shouldn’t be having as much fun as I am.” Jessica sighed.

     “I just think you’re over thinking all this, now let’s have a coffee and eat these croissants Debbie bought us.” Joan grinned as she wrapped an arm around Jessica’s waist.

     “I’ll go and get it all sorted out.” Debbie grinned as she made her way back into the kitchen.

     “Not on your own you won’t...!” Jessica said as she followed her.

    Joan just smiled as she carried on into her office to get started on planning out her day, and look to see who she was meeting first. She stopped when Debbie and Jessica entered the room. Debbie was opening the door, while Jessica entered with the tray of drinks and a plate of croissants.

    Jessica was soon sat enjoying a cup of coffee and nibbling on her croissant.

     “Is that better my dear?” Joan asked with a grin when she saw how much Jessica was enjoying her breakfast.

     “This is perfect, thank you Debbie for the croissant, and the coffee.” Jessica said in a dreamy voice just before she took another sip from her cup.

    Debbie was just about to speak when there was a knock on the office door and they all saw Rebecca enter the room without waiting for Joan to say she could enter. Joan would normally get mad for this, but she was too busy trying not to smirk when she saw the shocked look on Rebecca’s face as she saw that the three of them were all sat enjoying breakfast together and talking like old friends.

     “Well? What is it Rebecca?” Joan finally said when she saw that Rebecca wasn’t going to speak unless prompted to.

     “I’m sorry to bother you like this ma’am, but your nine o’clock appointment is here.” Rebecca started to explain “I did try calling it through, but I didn’t get an answer.” She added in a smug tone as she looked at Debbie and Jessica like she was glad they were in trouble.

     “I trust you can tell the time Rebecca.” Joan said in a stern tone, which made Rebecca jump.

     “Yes ma’am.” Rebecca answered looking a little nervous now.

     “And what time is it at this very minute?” Joan asked.

     “It’s twenty to nine, ma’am.” Rebecca answered.

     “Yes, it’s twenty to nine, which means I’m not due to see them for another twenty minutes, so go and make yourself useful and see if they want a drink while they wait.” Joan said in a scarily calm tone. “And I will send Jessica out to fetch them at nine.” Joan gave Rebecca a look that said she was done talking to her, and Rebecca left the room in a hurry.

     “She really is a bitch isn’t she...?” Jessica said.

     “Yes, and she wonders why I never offered her the job of taking Debbie’s place while she was away.” Joan agreed.

     “I’ll feel better knowing that Jess is going to be keeping an eye on you while I’m away.” Debbie smiled.

     “You make it sound like I can’t take care of myself.” Joan complained.

     “I don’t think you look after yourself as well as you should sometimes.” Debbie admitted. “I swear you wouldn’t eat at all some days if I wasn’t here to force you.” She added, sounding more like a parent than an assistant.

     “I feel sorry for those children, having you as a mother.” Joan smirked, so Debbie just stuck her tongue out at her.

    Jessica found herself giggling as she watched the two of them teasing each other. Debbie had warned her the day before about Joan not stopping for lunch and things like that, and Jessica knew to keep an eye on her new mother now she knew.

    The three of them finished their breakfast and Jessica and Debbie took the things back to the kitchen, and Jessica sorted out all the items to make Joan’s clients a drink once they were in Joan’s office. At just before nine, Jessica went to the front reception to get Joan’s clients.

     “Hello Rebecca, which are the clients to see Joan?” Jessica asked as she got to the desk where Rebecca was sat.

     “Those three gentlemen there are the ones here to see Mrs Green...” Rebecca said, using Joan’s proper name, like that’s what Jessica should have said.

    Jessica just turned and walked over to the sofa where three men were sat looking nervous without saying another word to Rebecca. “Are you all here to see Mrs Green?” Jessica asked with a smile.

     “Yes we are.” All three men said at the same time as they rose to their feet.

    Jessica was a little shocked to see that all three men were over six feet tall and towered over her, even in three inch heels like she was wearing today.

     “Please follow me this way.” Jessica said as she started making her way back towards Joan’s office. She could feel all three men looking at her backside as she walked, but she remained professional and kept walking. “Mrs Green, here are your nine o’clock appointment.” Jessica informed Joan as she entered her office.

     “Good morning gentlemen.” Joan smiled as she rose to shake all three men’s hands before asking them to take a seat. “Can I interest you in another drink before we get started?” Joan asked.

     “That would be nice, as we never got the first one.” One of the men joked.

    Jessica could see that Joan didn’t find it very funny though, and she wouldn’t want to be in Rebecca’s shoes later.

     “I’m sorry to hear that gentlemen.” Joan said, trying to keep a calm tone to her voice.

    Jessica quickly went to the kitchen and finished sorting out the drinks, so as not to keep them waiting any longer than needed.

     “Is everything alright?” Debbie asked as she entered the kitchen, already sensing that something was wrong.

     “Rebecca asked the three men if they wanted a drink, and then she never got it for them.” Jessica started to explain. “Joan just asked if they wanted another drink, and they informed her that they never got the first one, and now she looks ready to kill Rebecca.” Jessica added with a worried look.

     “This isn’t the first time Rebecca’s screwed up like this, but it could be her last.” Debbie sighed.

     “Do you really think Joan would fire her over this?” Jessica sounded a little shocked as she asked.

     “Joan won’t fire her, but she will get moved to a department that doesn’t require her to have contact with the public.” Debbie explained. “I can’t see Rebecca stopping here if that happens though, it would be too much for her ego to deal with.” Debbie added with a roll of her eyes.

    Jessica could understand what Debbie was getting at, and she couldn’t see Rebecca stopping here at the company if she was demoted to just being an office girl after being on the main reception desk.

     “You better get those drinks in there before you find yourself looking for a new job.” Debbie teased.

     “I’ll just blame the pregnant girl that works with me.” Jessica grinned as she picked up the tray and made her way back to the office.

    Jessica soon had the three men smiling as they all sipped from their cups, and she had even found some biscuits to serve them as well. Joan had already started explaining things to the three men before Jessica left the office, but Joan did wink at Jessica to let her know she had done a good job. Feeling proud of herself, Jessica was soon helping Debbie sort out for Joan’s next client.

    The three men looked happy when they left Joan’s office, and they even thanked Jessica for a lovely cup of coffee, and some really nice custard cream biscuits. One of the then was even carrying the tray out with him, to save Jessica a trip.

    Jessica was just finishing up in the kitchen when she saw Joan walk in. “Did I do okay serving them?” Jessica asked nervously when she saw the look on Joan’s face.

     “You performed perfectly Jessica, and the biscuits were a nice touch as well.” Joan said, and even smiled. “I’m just so angry with Rebecca for making me look like a fool in there.” Joan growled.

     “I’m sorry about that.” Jessica said, not knowing what else to say.

     “It’s not your fault my dear.” Joan said as she stepped over and gave Jessica a hug. “The three of them all said I should have more like you working for me.” Joan added with a grin. “One of them even asked if you were single.”

     “What did you tell him?” Jessica asked looking worried again now.

     “I said you were already taken, but I can give you his details if you wish?” Joan teased.

     “No I don’t want his details...!” Jessica shouted as she slapped Joan on the arm after breaking the hug with her. “I may look like a girl, but I also still like girls, and only girls.” Jessica added before Joan could tease her anymore.


    Jessica found she really enjoyed her new job, and she loved spending time with Debbie. They became quick friends and Jessica was happy to let Debbie show her how to do things both to do with work and to do with her dress sense. Debbie would bring in magazines and she even brought a couple of dresses in that she thought Jessica would look amazing in, and she was right.

    Rebecca didn’t lose her job, or get demoted, but she did leave Joan’s office later that day with her tail between her legs. Rebecca also stepped up her game and made sure all the visiting clients had a drink while they were waiting to be seen.

    It took a couple of weeks for Jonathon to get his driving licence and log book for his car back with his parent’s address on them, but it did mean he’d be able to drive to work now, or Jessica would. Jonathon was only around now in the evenings when he went to bed, all the other time he was Jessica, and even in the evenings he would relax with a glass of wine while still being dressed as her.

    It took another couple of weeks to hear back from the bank about his credit and debit cards, but the news was good in the form of all new cards with the name Jessica Phipps on them. He still had his male cards, but Jonathon knew they wouldn’t be getting much use now he had the ones with Jessica’s name on.

    Joan got a shock one lunchtime when Jessica returned from the shops sporting two studs in each ear. “You’ve got your ears pierced.” Joan said as she took a closer look.

     “Yes, I’m sick of looking at Donna’s ear ring collection and not being able to wear any of them.” Jessica pouted.

     “You do realise that it will be some time before you can take those studs out and wear any of them.” Joan warned her.

     “I know that, but at least I’ll be able to now at some point.” Jessica grinned back which made Joan and Debbie giggle at her.


    Joan and Jessica were having dinner in Tony’s restaurant one Monday evening when Joan informed Jessica that she had booked them into the Wayne Towers hotel for the upcoming weekend, and they would be leaving on the Friday morning, and not returning until the Monday afternoon. Joan had been waiting for Jessicas new cards to arrive before she sorted out the booking, so now Jessica had them; the little holiday was on again.

     “It’s a little bit of a dead bet now don’t you think?” Jessica asked as she looked down at herself dressed in a black pleated skirt and cream coloured blouse, and her own much longer purple fingernails. Jonathon had let them grow out since he first started dressing, and he had gotten them shaped so he could paint them whenever he was Jessica, which was all the time except when he went to bed, and even then he wore female silk pyjamas.

     “I don’t care about any of that Jessica.” Joan smiled proudly. “I just want to have some fun with my daughter.” She added.

    Jessica found herself getting more and more excited as the week went on. She was really looking forward to getting away and seeing what this special club was like Joan had told her all about.


Chapter Eight: Jessica’s first holiday

    Joan had gone over to Jessica’s on the Thursday evening for dinner, and to help Jessica pack for their weekend away. Joan had told Jessica she wouldn’t need a lot of clothing due to the package holiday she’d paid for.

     “Package holiday...?” Jessica had asked. “Do you mean like all inclusive?”

     “Yes, we get a spa treatment, chauffeured around everywhere with a guide, who knows all the friendly places to visit for special girls like you, not that you need to worry about passing.” Joan grinned as she looked at Jessica in a pair of black leggings pink t-shirt and denim skirt. She had a pair of pink ballet flats on her feet to finish off the look. Joan thought the look made Jessica look more like a teenager than a woman in her twenties.

     “What about a dress to wear when we go to this club ‘The Closet’?” Jessica asked as she started looking for a dress that would look alright in a night club.

     “They will provide that as well.” Joan said in a calming voice. “All we need to take are some normal street clothes to cover for a couple of days away.”

    They finally had a small case packed which Joan thought was over filled, where as Jessica didn’t think she was taking enough, but Jessica finally caved and agreed with Joan. They enjoyed a nice meal and talked about some of the things they would like to see while in London, but neither was sure they would see any of it.

    Joan left just before nine that evening, saying that she’d see Jessica the next morning bright and early. Joan was going to get a taxi over to Jessica’s, and then they would both go in the same taxi to the train station, where Joan had booked them first class rail tickets to London. A car from the hotel will then pick them up from the train station and take them to the hotel, so the two of them can spend the afternoon being pampered in the spa.


    Jessica was almost sat on the doorstep the next morning when Joan pulled up in a taxi, or more to the point a private hire car, which just so happened to be a big black BMW with cream leather interior with a leathery new car smell to it. The driver had jumped out and opened the back door on the car, so Jessica could join Joan in the back, then the man picked up Jessica’s case and placed it in the trunk of the car before getting behind the wheel again and taking them to the train station.

     “This doesn’t look much like a taxi to me mother.” Jessica said as she looked around the inside of the posh looking car.

     “It’s a form of taxi, just a more expensive one.” Joan argued. “I wanted this to be a special trip from the start.” Joan admitted with a grin.

    Jessica smiled and reached over to hold Joan’s hand to let her know that it already was extra special to her. Joan squeezed Jessica’s hand back to let her know she was glad to have a daughter to spoil, even if she knew that her daughter was really a man under the skirt and top she was wearing.

    The driver soon had them at the train station, and he helped Joan and Jessica to get out of the car before he went to the trunk and got their bags out. Jessica went to take her bag off the driver, but he stopped her.

     “I’m sorry Miss, but I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I let you carry your bags.” He then picked up both their cases and started walking into the train station.

    Jessica was glad he’d parked his car in the short stay car park, because he waited for Joan to find out what platform they needed, and then he went with them to the platform and waited with them for the train to arrive. The driver then placed the cases in a special area where they would be safe once on the train.

     “Thank you for a wonderful service James.” Joan said as she slipped him a tip for doing a good job.

     “Thank you ma’am.” He smiled back, not even bothering to look down and see how much she’d just given him. “You have my number, so please call me when you expect to be back on Monday, and I’ll be waiting for you.” He added just before he stepped back off the train.

     “Thank you James...!” Jessica shouted.

     “Miss...” James replied with a smile and a small nod of his head.

    They went back to their seats and relaxed as the train pulled out of the station on its way to London. Jessica had been on a lot of trains as Jonathon, but never in a first class carriage. It wasn’t super posh, but she had a lot more room than she would in a normal carriage, and a man came by with a trolley not long after they left the station. Joan had a cup of tea, but Jessica was too excited and nervous to have anything hot, so she just asked for a bottle of water, which she got as well as a fancy looking plastic cup that looked like a glass, and even some ice in it.

     “You’re looking as lovely as ever Jessica.” Joan said once the person serving the drinks had left them to serve someone else.

     “Thank you mother.” Jessica smiled. “Not as lovely as you though.” She replied.

    Jessica had opted for a pale blue tennis skirt and a white blouse. She was wearing a pair of nude pantyhose and a pair of white sandals. She had even managed to find a pale blue jacket to match the skirt, so it looked very smart, but comfortable at the same time.

    Joan was wearing a trouser suit which was tight enough in all the right places to make her look curvy and sexy still. Jessica was always amazed at how good Joan looked, but never seemed to do any exercise to keep looking that way.


    The train arrived in London and they departed with their cases, luckily they had wheels on them, so they didn’t need to carry them very far. Jessica was just about to ask Joan how they would know the person meeting them from the hotel when she saw a tall man holding up a piece of card with the name of the hotel at the top, and Joan’s name just underneath.

     “I’m Mrs Green, and this is my daughter.” Joan said once she was stood in front of the tall man.

     “It’s nice to meet you Mrs Green, Miss Green.” The man smiled with a nod of his head. “My name is David, and I’ll be taking you over to the hotel.” He added as he took their cases off them and started walking towards what Joan and Jessica thought to be the parking area.

     “Please call me Joan, and this is Jessica.” Joan said as they followed David through the station.

     “It’s nice to meet you Joan, Jessica.” David said as he looked over his shoulder at them walking just behind. David was clearing a path for them, which Joan and Jessica was glad of. Neither of them were used to seeing this many people all in one place.

    Jessica and Joan were soon stood by the side of a large black Mercedes with David opening the doors for the two of them to get in. He then placed their cases in the trunk before getting behind the wheel.

     “I trust you had a pleasant trip down here?” David asked once they were on the road and heading for the hotel.

    Joan made small talk with David about the trip down, and what she did for a living, while Jessica was happy to just look out the car window at all the people going about their business. Jessica was left with her mouth hanging open when David pulled up outside a large very posh looking building with the name ‘Wayne Towers’ above the entrance. Jessica and Joan were soon being helped out the car by a couple of door men, while a third took their cases out the trunk of David’s car.

     “Please follow me ladies.” David said as he led them into the hotel and over to reception. “This is Mrs Green and her daughter Miss Green.” David informed the woman behind the counter.

     “Good morning Mrs Green, we’ve been expecting you.” The woman smiled as she typed something into her computer.

     “Mrs Green...!” Another woman said as she stepped over with another woman at her side. “I’m so glad you decided to make use of your Platinum membership.” The woman added as she stepped around the reception to shake Joan’s hand.

     “Please call me Joan, and this is my daughter Jessica.” Joan said as she shook the woman’s hand.

     “I’m Jayden the manager, so if you have any problems, then please come and find me, or ask at the reception here, and they will track me down.” The woman smiled warmly “And this bombshell is my husband Callum, or as you can see he’s Kara at the minute, and also the person that runs the changing service here at the hotel.

     “Hello Jayden, Kara.” Joan said as she looked Kara up and down. “You look amazing Kara.” Joan added

     “It wouldn’t be a very good advert for the changing service if I didn’t.” Kara giggled, sounding just like a woman.

     “That is true.” Joan giggled. “We’re both looking forward to having a makeover.” Joan added as she wrapped an arm around Jessica and pulled her closer. Jessica was to nervous now, and she just looked Kara up and down, amazed at how good she looked.

     “Cathy and her team won’t be happy.” Kara frowned as he looked at the two of them.

     “Why ever not?” Joan asked looking worried that something was wrong.

     “Cathy never sees any challenge in working on real girls, but she’ll still have you both looking fantastic by the time she’s done.” Kara giggled.

     “Jessica’s not a real girl though Kara, she’s a close friend’s son that has only recently started dressing.” Joan explained in a whisper.

     “Really...?” Kara asked looking shocked that she wasn’t able to see through Jessica’s image to the boy underneath. “You were wasted as a boy, that’s all I can say sweetie.” Kara added.

     “I think Cathy is going to have a lot of fun with you then now.” Jayden smiled. “Don’t look so worried though Jessica, I mean that in a good way.” Jayden added when she saw the worried look on Jessica’s face.

    Jessica gave a weak smile, but she was still worried about what lay ahead for her, and what she would look like by the time this Cathy and her team were done. Jessica and Joan were soon being taken up to their room. Jayden went with the two of them and the bellboy carrying their bags for them.

     “You just need to place your key card in this slot, and the elevator will take you to your suite.” Jayden explained as she handed Joan and Jessica a credit card style key each, which Jessica thought was all a bit posh, but didn’t want to ask too many questions.

     The suite turned out to be a penthouse suite at the very top of the hotel. Jessica was shocked to find a large pool out on the patio area, but the thing that really took her breath away was the view they had.

     “No matter how many times I see this view, it still amazes me.” Jayden said as she joined Jessica at the edge of the patio looking out over the city.

     “It is beautiful” Jessica smiled as she turned to looked at Jayden, and then she saw Joan walking out onto the patio after tipping the bellboy for bringing the bags up.

     “Do you like to swim Jessica?” Jayden asked when she saw her looking at the pool.

     “I use to, but I won’t be swimming this weekend though.” Jessica sighed.

     “Why ever not?” Jayden asked looking shocked to hear this.

     “I’d have to stop being Jessica to go swimming, and I like being dressed like this.” Jessica admitted as she looked down at herself.

     “This is a private suite, so you won’t be seen in the pool by anyone else.” Jayden pointed out. “And we do cater for girls like you when it comes to wearing a swimming costume.” Jayden added as she led Jessica around the pool to a small changing room.

    Jessica watched as Jayden pulled out a couple of swim suits in different colour schemes and showed her the special design.

     “ As you can see the suits have a small skirt built in to hide any bumps you’d rather people not see, and the top of the costume comes up higher at the front and sides to hide the fact you don’t have real breast’s” Jayden explained. “The swim suits even have special pouches for your breast forms to sit in.” She added with a grin.

     “That is really cool.” Jessica said as she took a closer look at the swim suit. “So I could take a quick swim now then?” Jessica asked.

     “You could, but Joan has the two of you booked in for a spa session before you go to see Cathy in the makeover rooms.” Jayden explained their afternoon schedule. “You will have plenty of time to try out the pool later in the weekend, so don’t look so sad.” Jayden promised.

     “Do they know my secret in the spa room?” Jessica asked sounding nervous again at the thought of upsetting someone when they find out she’s not a real woman.

     “Yes they know your secret, and that is what we cater for here at the hotel, so relax and start enjoying yourself sweetie.” Jayden smiled, which seemed to help Jessica relax.

    Jayden left them to get settled in and she told the two of them to come down to the spa rooms as soon as they were ready.

    Joan found Jessica out on the patio again when she got back from walking Jayden to the elevator. “What do you think to the suite?” Joan asked with a grin as she stood next to Jessica while she took in the view.

     “How much has this little get away cost you?” Jessica asked.

     “I don’t want you to worry about the cost, I’m just happy to finally be using it...” Joan trailed off looking a little sad.

     “What aren’t you telling me about this little get away?” Jessica asked when she sensed Joan wasn’t telling her something.

     “I paid for all this a couple of years back as an anniversary present for Jenny, but she passed away before we could use it.” Joan admitted with a tear in her eye. “I never thought I’d use it until I saw you dressed like this that night, and I made that bet with you.” Joan giggled.

     “I’m not quite sure what I’ve let myself in for, but thank you for letting me come with you mother.” Jessica said as she gave Joan a hug.

     “I guarantee that you will have the time of your life this weekend.” Joan grinned as she hugged Jessica back.

    Not wanting to waste any time, Joan soon had Jessica getting ready to go down to the spa, so they could start their little weekend getaway. Joan was also eager to see what the makeover team could do with Jessica, to make her look even more stunning than she did already.


    The two of them had found Jayden in the spa rooms like she said, and they were soon being pampered like never before. Jessica agreed to another waxing, but only if Joan had one as well, so they were both nice and hairless by the time they left the spa treatment rooms.

     “What’s next on the list?” Jessica asked as she stood next to Joan wearing nothing but a towelling bathrobe and slippers.

     “Now I hand you over to Cathy and the team in the makeover room.” Jayden grinned as she led them out of one room and down a hallway to another room that looked like a beauty shop with chairs and makeup set out everywhere. “I’ve got your next two victims, I mean clients.” Jayden giggled as she walked over to a woman just setting up some items on a trolley.

     “You make it sound like I’m about to torture them.” The woman said as she slapped Jayden on the arm. “Hello, I’m Cathy.” The woman smiled as she turned to look at Joan and Jessica. “You must be Joan and Jessica?” She asked.

     “Yes, I’m Joan, and this is Jessica.” Joan smiled back as she held out her hand to shake Cathy’s.

    Jessica just waved nervously because she didn’t feel much like Jessica at the minute, due to the fact she had no wig, makeup, or padding of any sort. So basically she was a he again at the minute.

     “It’s nice to meet you both.” Cathy grinned, excited to work her magic. “Shall we make a start on you Jessica? So we can get you feeling more like the woman you were born to be.” Cathy didn’t wait for an answer as she took Jessica by the arm and led her over to a room with an examine table in the middle of it.

    Jessica looked even more nervous when she saw the table, but she was soon being handed a pair of panties to put on.

     “That’s called a gaff, and I need you to pop behind the screen over there and put it on for me.” Cathy said as she pushed Jessica in the direction of a screened off area where Jessica could get undressed in private.

    Jessica thought the panties were a little strange, but they did a good job of keeping everything hidden down below. Cathy was setting something up on a tray next to the exam table when Jessica stepped out from behind the screen wearing her bathrobe again.

     “I need you to lose the robe and jump up on the table for me now sweetie. “Cathy said as she patted the table.

    Jessica did as she was told, even though it left her feeling more than naked.

     “Did you use to have a lot of trouble over the way you look when in guy mode?” Cathy asked as she wiped Jessica’s chest down with something cold. Cathy could still see Jessica, even though Jonathon didn’t have a wig or makeup on. She thought he was just to pretty to be a boy with looks like that.

     “Yes, and I would try to act more macho to prove I was as much of a man as they were.” Jessica admitted.

     “And how does it feel to become Jessica then, and not have to worry about all that macho stuff?” Cathy grinned, already knowing the answer.

     “I find I feel much calmer as Jessica, and I don’t feel that I need to prove anything to anyone anymore because of her.” Jessica added with pride.

     “Are you ready to find out what you look like with breasts then?” Cathy asked with a big cheeky grin plastered across her face.

     “I don’t want a real set of breast.” Jessica said as she tried to get off the table.

     “Relax.” Cathy giggled as she pushed Jessica back down again. “I’m just going to be sticking them to your chest and using some special makeup to blend in the edges, to give you the look of having real breasts.” Cathy explained.

     “You can do that?” Jessica sounded more interested now than worried. “Will I be able to move around in them without a bra?” She asked with excitement in her voice.

     “Yes, if you really want to.” Cathy replied looking a little puzzled as to why Jessica would want to start running around braless. “You don’t grab me as the exhibitionist type.” Cathy said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

     “I’m not...!” Jessica said looking shocked at the thought of her running around flashing her new fake breasts at everyone. “I’d just like to see what I looked like topless with breasts without being worried they will fall off my chest again.” Jessica explained.

     “Sweetie, you will look like a woman from head to toe by the time I’m done with you, well all apart from what’s between your legs, but I do know a doctor that could even help you out there if you really wanted to get a look at the whole picture.” Cathy was more thinking out loud as she said this, rather than actually telling Jessica.

     “I’m not looking to have a sex change.” Jessica said, not understanding what Cathy was actually trying to say to her.

     “I wasn’t talking about a sex change.” Cathy giggled. “It’s just a little cosmetic thing where they take what you have and tuck it away and then use a little glue and some stitches to make it look like you have female bits down there.” Cathy explained.

     “They can do that?” Jessica found herself wondering what it would be like to look in the mirror while naked and see a woman stood there looking back. “Can it be undone again?” She asked.

     “Yes, but it’s not the sort of thing you can have done for a weekend if that’s what you’re thinking.” Cathy warned. “And you have to take some medication to stop you getting excited down there, or it could get very painful.”

    Jessica could understand that, the last thing she’d want to do is start to get an erection while having everything tucked away and glued like Cathy had just said, but she was still thinking about giving it a go, just to see what it would be like to live as a woman full time and actually look like one, even while being naked.

     “Do you think you could get me some details on having that done?” Jessica asked nervously.

     “Sure, I’ll give you the number of the doctor that can do it, and she’s the best around.” Cathy said with pride in her voice. “Dr Walker does a lot for the transgendered, and I’d trust her with my life.”

     “You’d trust her with your life?” Jessica asked, not missing the fact Cathy had just said this doctor worked with transgendered people and Cathy would trust her with her life.

     “Yes, I’m a transgendered woman.” Cathy said with pride. “I was like you once, but I came to realise that I was a better woman than I ever was a man, so now I’m all woman.” Cathy grinned.

     “So you like men now then?” Jessica asked.

     “No...!” Cathy frowned. “Well not in a sexual way, but I have a lot of male friends.” She explained. “I’m actually married to a wonderful woman called Sara.” Cathy grinned.

     “So you’ve had a sex change, and you’re now a lesbian?” Jessica asked as she lay on the table looking up at Cathy with confusion in her eyes.

     “Yes, I am, and I have some close friends that are the same.” Cathy admitted. “They too are happily married to other woman, but were born with male parts.” Cathy said, but refusing to say that her friends were ever male.

     “I just thought that because I wasn’t interested in guys, I couldn’t want to be a woman full time.” Jessica sounded shocked to find out that she could want to be a woman, but still only like girls.

     “I think you need to talk to someone about all this, and let them help you realise just what you’re looking for out of life.” Cathy said with a sad smile, like she knew just how Jessica was feeling. “The world is full of crazy mixed up people, and I’m proud to be one of them.” Cathy added with a goofy grin which actually made Jessica giggle. “Let’s get you looking more like a Jessica then shall we?” Cathy asked, but was already picking up a breast off the trolley she was stood next to.

    Jessica watched as Cathy went to work placing a couple of different breasts on her chest before she smiled, having found the right one in the same skin tone as Jessica, and just the right size. Jessica watched in amazement as Cathy glued the breasts to her chest and then she started to use some makeup to blend in the edges. By the time Cathy said she was done, Jessica was left looking down at a beautiful set of breasts, her breasts.

     “You can get up again now sweetie.” Cathy said as she gave Jessica a hand to sit up on the table and swing her legs over the edge.

    Jessica’s first reaction was to grab her new breast like they would fall to the floor if she didn’t, but all that happened was she felt a tugging on her chest like they were really her own, so she slowly let go of them and looked down as they stayed attached, and looked very real.

     “It feels like I really have breasts now.” Jessica said as she jiggled her chest, making the breasts bounce around. “How long will they stay on?” She asked while still looking down at them as she made them dance around.

     “The glue and makeup will last around a month, but we recommend you take them off and reapply every couple of weeks to give your skin a chance to breath, and so you can wash the area underneath.” Cathy said in a matter of fact way.

     “A month...?” Jessica asked looking shocked. “What do I do about bathing?” She asked.

     “You can do everything you would as if you didn’t have them puppies attached to your chest.” Cathy shrugged. “The glue and makeup I used is waterproof.”

     “So you weren’t joking when you said I could live as a woman if I wanted to?” Jessica was grinning as she thought about being able to sleep as Jessica, and wake in the morning to the feeling of having breasts.

     “Honey, I never joke about being a woman.” Cathy said with a hand on her hip, but she was soon grinning again, which set Jessica off with another giggling fit. This just made her new breasts bounce around even more.

    Cathy picked up a silk robe and helped Jessica put it on and then Jessica let Cathy wrap it around her and tie it off. Jessica loved the way her new breasts made the silk robe tent out over her chest now, and the semi erect nipples could be seen through the fabric. It actually looked like she had real breasts under it.

     “Now let’s see what I can do with this pretty little face of yours.” Cathy said as she stood looking Jessica in the eyes.

    Jessica had a chance to get a good look at Cathy now, and she was amazed at just how feminine she looked. She was soon distracted though as Cathy took hold of her hand and led her back out into the main room where she’d left Joan and the other women that working in the makeover department.

    Joan was already sat in a chair being worked on, but she did look over at Jessica and smile when she saw her wearing a silk robe now, and what looked like real breast underneath. Jessica just grinned back as she looked down at her own breasts, or as close as she would get to having her own breasts without surgery or pills.

    Cathy sat Jessica in a seat and started to study her hair and face. “How much time do you spend as Jessica?” She asked.

     “All the time, I work for Joan as Jessica, so I dress all the time apart from when I’m asleep.” Jessica admitted.

     “And do you cover these things up every day?” Cathy asked as she tugged on some of Jessica’s eyebrow hairs.

     “Ouch...! Yes.” Jessica said as she started rubbing the spot where Cathy had just tried to rip out the hairs.

     “Do you trust me girlfriend?” Cathy asked with a grin.

     “I did.” Jessica frowned as she was still rubbing the eyebrow Cathy had just been tugging on.

     “I think it’s time you let Jessica out to have some real fun.” Cathy grinned even more.

     “What do you have in mind?” A nervous looking Jessica asked.

     “I think you should stop fooling yourself and let me thin these out, so you can stop pretending to be a boy and accept who you were born to be.”

     Jessica looked nervous still as she thought about letting Cathy thin out her eyebrows. Jessica hadn’t left the house as Jonathon in weeks now, and the thought of wearing male clothes was depressing, so she made her mind up to let Cathy work her magic. “Alright then, do what you will with me.” Jessica said trying to sound brave, but feeling anything but.

     “You won’t be disappointed girlfriend.” Cathy giggled as she set to work with a pair of tweezers, but realised she’d be there all day, so she ran off and returned with some waxing strips.

    Jessica was soon wincing and wished she’d not told Cathy to work her magic, but by the time Cathy gave her a hand held mirror to look in, Jessica was glad she had, because even without any makeup on, Jonathon looked more like Jessica than Jonathon now.

     “What do you think?” Cathy asked, but could see by the grin on Jessica’s face that she liked what she saw. “Do you mind if I style your own hair instead of using a wig?” Cathy asked as she played around with Jessica’s hair while she looked in the hand held mirror still.

    Jonathon had let his hair grow since he started dressing as Jessica, and it was getting quite long now. He didn’t like wearing the wigs because they made his head hot, and he was hoping to just style his own hair one day anyway.

     “Do you think you can do anything with it?” Jessica asked looking hopeful.

     “I have just the woman to do it.” Cathy smiled. “Jane...? Do you have some time to see what you can do with this pretty little things hair?” Cathy shouted to a woman on the other side of the room tidying up her area after finished with another client.

    Jessica watched as a woman came skipping over to where she was and started looking over her hair. “Which monster did this to you sweetie?” Jane asked in horror.

     “I’ve never had it styled before, but I have been letting it grow out so I could have something done with it.” Jessica explained nervously as Jane looked at her from all angles.

     “Jessica’s been living in secret as a boy, but now she’s going to let Jessica out to play.” Cathy giggled.

     “And you’re going to let me play with your hair?” Jane asked, sounding more like a little girl than a grown woman.

    Jessica found herself liking Jane, and was soon giggling as she watched her run around getting things together before she ran back to Jessica and pulled her out of the chair she’d been sat in and took her over to her little corner of the room.

     “You won’t make me look silly will you?” Jessica asked nervously as Jane tilted her head back into a sink and started to wash her hair for her.

     “I doubt I could make you look any sillier than you already did.” Jane grinned. “Did you actually go out looking like that?” She asked.

     “Not as Jessica, but I did as Jonathon.” She admitted.

     “So is Jonathon gone for good then now?” Jane asked.

     “I’ve been Jessica for the last couple of months, but I’ve been wearing wigs while I let my hair grow.”

     “I don’t know how you coped for so long, I hated wearing wigs when I first started dressing.” Jane said with a shudder.

     “You’re like me...?” Jessica asked, shocked again to find out another girl in this place was not what she appeared to be.

     “I use to be, but I’m in transition.” Jane smiled. “I was adopted by a wonderful family who are helping me to become the woman I should have been all my life.” Jane added with pride in her voice.

     “Do you still like girls though?” Jessica asked.

     “I do like girls, but not in an ‘I love them way’ I have a boyfriend though.” Jane said in a matter of fact way. “Cathy, Chrissy and Amy all married girls they fell in love with.”

     “I don’t think I’ve met this Chrissy or Amy. Do they work here at the hotel?” Jessica asked.

     “No they run a boutique called Mystiques.” Jane smiled. “I’m sure Kara will take you there tomorrow.” Jane added.

    Jessica relaxed and found it nice to let Jane play around with her hair. Jane had turned Jessica around so she couldn’t see what she was doing, but Jessica found she trusted Jane, so was happy to let her play around.

    Jane asked Jessica how she first started dressing, and earned a hug when Jessica told her about her father’s death and how she had found out her father had a secret side called Donna. Jessica then explained about her job working for Joan and how she was just giving it a try, but had fallen in love with the idea of working as Jessica, and that’s why she was now letting Jane style her hair for her.

     “I’ve done what I can with it.” Jane finally said with a sigh as she stepped back after spinning the chair around so Jessica could see herself in the mirror.

     “Wow Jane, I look amazing, if I do say so myself.” Jessica said as she looked at what Jane had managed to do with her hair. Jessica later found out it was called a shaggy bob, which was easy to maintain for a first real hairstyle.

     “You like...?” Jane asked with a grin.

     “I love...” Jessica grinned back as she turned her head from side to side looking at herself. Even without makeup on, all Jessica saw looking back at her was a woman now she had the hair and her eyebrows were a thin arch of hair above each eye.

     “Wait until Cathy’s finished doing your makeup, then you will look truly amazing.” Jane promised as she helped Jessica out of the chair and led her back over to where Cathy was working on Joan.

     “Wow Jessica, you look fantastic.” Joan said when she saw Jessica stood with another woman, both of them grinning. “Is that your own hair?” She asked.

     “Yes it is mother.” Jessica giggled. “I don’t think you’ll be seeing Jonathon again for some time.” She admitted.

     “I think this suits you much better anyway.” Joan said proudly. “Are you happy with how you look now?” Joan asked.

     “Yes, and Cathy and Jane have given me so much to think about as well.” Jessica said as she looked first at Cathy and then Jane, who took that as an invite to give her a hug.

    Joan looked a little puzzled, but didn’t want to ask Jessica any more questions while in the room with all the other people milling around.

     “I’m going to be a little longer working on Joan, Jane, so can you sort out Jessica’s nails for me?” Cathy asked.

    Jessica took the excited giggle and the clapping of hands by Jane to mean she was happy to, and she was soon being taken to another seat in Jane’s little corner of the room where Jane set to work on Jessica’s nails.

     “Did you go to college to learn all this stuff?” Jessica asked as she watched Jane working on her fingernails.

     “Nope, I just kind of picked things up as I went along.” Jane shrugged. “Cathy says I’m a quick study, and she and Chrissy are teaching me how to do makeup. It was Chrissy that got Cathy her job here, not that Chrissy would ever admit to that.” Jane giggled at a private joke they all had.

     “You can practice on me if you want.” Jessica offered.

     “Really...?” Jane asked looking even more excited than before, which Jessica didn’t think possible.

     “Yes really.” Jessica giggled. “You’ve done a wonderful job with my hair, and my nails are looking pretty fantastic, so you may as well finish it off by doing my makeup as well.”

     “Hey sis...!” Jane suddenly shouted as she looked over to where Cathy was just cleaning up her area after finished with Joan. “Jessica says I can have a go at doing her makeup, is that okay with you?”

     “Sure, but I will be keeping an eye on you and pointed things out, so as long as you’re okay with that, then carry on.” Cathy said, sounding more like a mother than a sister.

     “Are you really sister’s?” Jessica asked.

     “No, but we all call each other that to make us seem more like family, and I’m proud to have them call me their sister.” Jane smiled. “It’s like you calling Joan your mother when I know she’s not really your mother, or Jonathon’s mother.” Jane added.

     “I do think of her as being Jessica’s mother though.” Jessica said looking thoughtful.

     “Don’t you find it nice to have people around you just radiating love and understanding?” Jane grinned.

    Jessica couldn’t argue with that, she had come to love Joan as much as she’d loved her real mother while being Jonathon.

    Jane finished working on Jessica’s nails and then set to work on her makeup with Cathy talking her through it. Jessica closed her eyes when told to and she found it very relaxing to let Jane’s hands dance across her face as she first added foundation and then she worked on her eyes before adding some long sexy looking false lashes, and finally Jane did Jessica’s lips for her. Jessica was facing away from the mirror again, so she had no idea what Jane had done, but she took the excited grin on Jane’s face to mean she liked what she saw.

     “Can I see what I look like?” Jessica asked as she looked at Jane and Cathy stood side by side looking back at her.

     “I’m not sure you really want to.” Cathy teased.

     “Please....!” Jessica whined like an impatient child.

     “You’re just as bad as this one.” Cathy said with a roll of her eyes just before she started giggling as she first looked at Jane stood next to her, and then stepped forward and spun the chair around so Jessica could see herself in the mirror.

    Jessica’s mouth fell open in shock when she saw just how good she now looked. She’d never been able to make herself look like this before, and it all looked so natural, almost like she was hardly wearing any makeup at all.

     “Is that really me...?” Jessica said as she leaned forward in the chair to get a closer look at herself. “Wow Jane, you are a miracle worker.” She added, still in shock at just how beautiful she now looked. Jessica thought she could fall in love with a girl like that, if it wasn’t herself she was sat looking at.

     “Thank you for letting me practice on you.” Jane grinned as she gave Jessica another hug. “Do you mind if I take some photos to add to my collection?” Jane asked excitedly.

     “Why don’t you wait and I can ask Paula to let you have a set of the finished result, once we have her dressed and in the studio.” Cathy said as she tried to calm an overly excited Jane down.

     “What photos are you talking about?” Jessica asked.

     “A photo session in our studio is part of the package Joan paid for.” Cathy explained. “And after seeing how good you looked after Jane did your hair, she wants you to have something to remember the weekend, and she also wants some photos of her daughter to place around her home.” Cathy added the last part in a whisper.

     “Can I have a copy of them as well?” Jane asked in a pleading tone.

     “I’d be honoured if you did Jane.” Jessica smiled.

    Jane skipped off cheering herself for making a new friend and adding some more photos to her portfolio. Jessica couldn’t help giggling as she watched the grown woman acting like a small child.

     “You really made Jane’s day letting her do your makeup.” Cathy smiled. “Most our clients are a little stand offish with her because she’s very energetic.” Cathy added with a giggle as they watched her dancing around with one of the other girls that worked in the room with them.

     “I like her for that reason.” Jessica giggled. “She makes me want to act more like a child and just have fun.”

     “Wait until you see her with Chrissy, Amy and Amber then at the club tomorrow night.” Cathy frowned. “If they ask you to dance with them, run away as fast as you can.” Cathy warned.

     “Will you be at the club as well?” Jessica asked.

     “Yes and my wife will as well.” Cathy grinned. “You’ll get to meet a large number of the family there. We all go on a Saturday night, but you’ll get to meet Chrissy, Amy and Mandy at their shop tomorrow when Kara takes you over there to do some shopping.” Cathy grinned when she said the word ‘shopping’.

    Jessica found herself getting excited about meeting this Chrissy and Amy, and also seeing what they had in their shop.

     “Where’s Joan?” Jessica suddenly asked when she saw that her mother wasn’t in the room with them.

     “She’s in the changing room putting her dress on, which is where I need you to be right now, or you’ll be late for you dinner.” Cathy said as she looked at her watch and saw the time.

    Jessica was soon being whisked up and led over to another room where she found a garment bag hanging on the wall. Cathy entered with her and closed the door to give them some privacy. Cathy then helped Jessica out of the silk robe and started handing her things to put on, the first of which was a corset.

     “I’ve never worn a corset before.” Jessica said as she looked at the alien looking object.

     “This will pull in your waist, so you won’t need to wear a padded girdle, which will make using the restroom much easier later in the evening.” Cathy explained as she helped Jessica wrap it around her waist and start closing it up the front.

    Once the corset was on and Cathy had the laces tightened up and tied off, she helped Jessica into a pair of stockings that Cathy then fastened off to some garter straps hanging from the corset. Jessica had never worn stocking before, but she liked the way they felt on her legs, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last time she wore them.

     “I thought I’d have trouble breathing in this thing, but it’s not that bad.” Jessica admitted.

     “I’ve not done tightening the laces yet.” Cathy informed her. “I’m letting you get use to it a little at a time.”

     “Wonderful...” Jessica said sarcastically. “So I won’t be able to breathe soon then?” She asked with a giggle

     “It won’t be that bad, but it will take a little time to get used to the way it grips you, but you will love the results at the same time, which is well worth all the suffering.” Cathy promised.

    Cathy was right about the corset making Jessica’s waist look amazing, and she did love the result once Cathy had it tied off for the final time and took the dress out that Jessica would be wearing for the evening.

    The dress was in a vibrant blue that shimmered as Cathy moved it around in the light. It was a cocktail dress with a short flared skirt and no straps to look at, but it did have a black see through lace vest style top piece that started just above the breast section of the dress.

     “I wanted you to be able to show off your new cleavage, but also keep a little bit of mystery about you at the same time.” Cathy said as she let Jessica look at the dress.

    Jessica found herself wanting to feel the dress against her body, and Cathy could see that in her eyes as well, so she undid the small buttons down the lace section, and then she pulled down the zip that was below that and she helped Jessica step into it before pulling it up and letting Jessica slip her arms through the holes for the lace. Cathy then pulled up the zip and started closing all the buttons.

     “This feels so beautiful.” Jessica said as she ran her hands over the fabric while she looked down at her own heaving breasts through the black lace that covered her upper chest. Jessica wanted to see what she looked like, but there was no mirror in the room, so she knew she would have to wait until she went back out into the main room.

    Cathy picked up a box and removed the lid to reveal a pair of shoes in the same blue as the dress with a three to four inch heel on them. Jessica touched the shoes and smiled at Cathy as she watched her kneel down and place first the left foot in one and then she made sure Jessica was steady on that foot before lifting her right foot and placing that shoe on her foot. Jessica felt a lot taller with the new shoes on, but she also felt very comfortable in them at the same time. Jessica knew that these weren’t a cheap pair of shoes she was now wearing.

     “Are you ready to go and show Joan the new you?” Cathy asked with a grin once she was stood again.

    Jessica grinned back excitedly and nodded her head up and down.


    Joan was stood talking to Jane about the club and the changing service when she saw Jane looking at something behind them that stopped her speaking. Joan turned around to see what it was, and she too was left speechless when she saw Jessica walking back into the room with Cathy at her side.

     “Jessica...?” Joan said it more as a question than stating a fact. “Is that really you?” She asked.

     “Hello mother, do I look alright?” Jessica asked with a grin as she did a twirl for Joan to get a look at the whole outfit.

     “You look breath taking.” Joan said as she stepped closer and saw that Jessica had real cleavage showing under the black lace top of the dress she had on.

     “Are the two of you ready for your photo shoot?” Cathy asked.

     “I’m not sure I want to be seen with this little beauty here.” Joan pouted. “I’ll just look like the ugly stepsister.” She added.

     “You look even more beautiful than me mother.” Jessica argued.

     “I think you both look beautiful, so let’s go and take some pictures.” Cathy said as she led them from the room with Jane following.

    Jessica and Joan were soon in another room that had different scenes set up around it, and a couple of women were busy on a computer system in one corner.

     “Hey Paula...! Sorry we’re running a little late, but you know what we artists are like when we get carried away with our work.” Cathy giggled as she led them all over to where the two women were.

     “No probs Cathy, It gave me time to catch up on some computer work that needed doing.” The woman sat at the computer said as she spun around in the chair and jumped to her feet.

     “This is Joan and Jessica.” Cathy said as she pointed at each one in turn as she said their names.

     “Wow... Are you both GG?” Paula asked as she looked Joan and Jessica up and down.

     “Joan is GG, but Jessica is just T.” Cathy said, making it sound like a weird code they were talking in.

     “What are they saying to each other?” Jessica asked Joan.

     “Paula was asking if you were both genuine girls, but Cathy said that Joan is, put you’re Trans.” Jane explained.

     “She’s Trans?” Paula asked looking shocked as she looked at Jessica. “You’ve outdone yourself this time Cathy.” Paula admitted.

     “Actually Jane did most the work on this little firecracker.” Cathy said with pride.

     “You can’t put one foot in front of the other while carrying a tray of drinks, but give you some lippy and a pair of scissors, and you can do this?” Paula said with a shake of her head like she didn’t believe it.

     “So it took me some time to find something I was good at.” Jane pouted.

     “I’m just glad you finally found it honey.” Paula said as she stepped up to Jane and gave her a hug. “You make all my photos look 100% better.” Paula added with a grin.

     “Jessica and Joan said I can have a set of their photos to add to my portfolio when you’ve taken them.” Jane informed Paula.

    Paula agreed and then she started setting up for the first set of photos. She did a couple of test sets, so Joan and Jessica got used to the flashing and the directions Paula was giving them. Soon Paul was taking the real photos of Joan on her own and then Jessica on her own before she took some of them both together. Jane was soon being pulled into the photos, so she would have a couple of her and Jessica together. Jane tried to argue that she looked a mess, but she caved after Paula said she looked just fine.

    Kara was waiting for them when they finished the photo shoot, and Paula said they would have the photos before they went home on Monday.

     “I bet the two of you are ready for something to eat by now?” Kara asked as Joan and Jessica walked over to where Kara was stood waiting. “And I must say you both look stunning.” Kara added with a smile.

     “Thank you Kara; yes we are both famished.” Joan said as she and Jessica followed Kara out the studio and down a hallway that led to the hotel restaurant.

    Kara took them into the restaurant and then over to a table that had a reserved sign on it. Kara helped first Joan and then Jessica to take their seat.

     “Thank you Kara.” Jessica smiled up at her.

     “Glad I could help princess.” Kara smiled back just before she waved over a waiter to take their drinks order. “I’ll leave the two of you to dine in peace, and I’ll be waiting out in the reception area ready to take you into the west end to see a show.” Kara explained just before she left them to order their drinks from the waiter that had come over.

     “We’re going to see a show?” Jessica asked once the waiter had gone again.

     “Yes,” Joan said absent minded as she looked at Jessica. “What’s gotten into you?” Joan asked in a whisper.

     “Nothing, I’m just having a good time like you told me too.” Jessica grinned.

     “I can see that, but you’ve had some things done that won’t be easy to hide if you want to become Jonathon again.” Joan asked looking worried now.

     “I don’t want to be Jonathon again, well not for the time being.” Jessica shrugged. “I like being Jessica, and I have real friends in Debbie and some of the other girls at the office now.”

     “What brought all this on?” Joan asked, as she smiled at the fact Jessica truly looked happy.

     “I love being Jessica, but I’ve been having trouble with the fact I still don’t have any feelings for men, and it was making me feel like a bit of a freak, but Cathy explained that she’s had the surgery and is now a woman, but she’s still married to a woman, and she’s got a couple of close friends that are also married to women, even though they are now women as well.” Jessica explained.

     “Are you saying you want to become a woman, as in have the surgery down there?” Joan asked looking a little shocked, but also happy for some reason.

     “I’ve not worked all that out yet, but Cathy was telling me that she knows a doctor that can do some cosmetic surgery to make me look more like a woman down there, but none of it is permanent, so I could see how I cope with being a woman before I have any surgery done.” Jessica said, making it sound simpler than it was.

     “I’ll support whatever you want to do with your life, but just please don’t go rushing into anything that you might regret later.” Joan said with a pleading in her voice.

     “I will mother, and thank you for being so supportive of me.” Jessica smiled.

    They finally ordered their meal and enjoyed it before they went to find Kara. They found her in the lobby talking to Jayden, so Joan and Jessica walked over to where they were stood.

     “Look at you all smiles.” Jayden grinned when she saw how much happier Jessica looked and how different her whole body language was. “I hear you let Jane practice on you?”

     “Yes I did, and I’m glad I did.” Jessica grinned.

     “Have you both been enjoying yourself since you arrived?” Jayden asked.

     “Everything has been perfect.” Joan said. “It’s been even better than I expected.” She added as she looked at how beautiful Jessica looked in her cocktail dress.

     “I’m so pleased to hear that.” Jayden beamed. “I’ll let Kara take you to see a show then, and I hope you enjoy your evening.” Jayden said as she stepped forward and gave each of them a hug before she gave Kara a longer hug and a kiss. “I’ll see you later baby.” Jayden purred.

     “Count on it.” Kara grinned.

    Kara took the lead and took them out to a waiting car, which left Jessica with her mouth hanging open because it was a limo.

     “We’re going out in this...?” Jessica asked once she got her mouth working again.

     “Yep, it’s all part of the Platinum service.” Kara said as she helped Jessica and Joan get in the limo before she got in herself.

    The driver shut the door and then got in the front before pulling away. Jessica and Joan were both sat grinning as they looked around the inside of the limo. Jessica was soon looking out the windows though at all the bright lights as they slowly made their way into the west end of London where all the theatres were.

    They finally made it to the theatre and Jessica felt like a movie star as the limo pulled out outside a large posh looking theatre and a man opened the door and then helped all three of them to get out. Joan and Jessica thought they must know Kara here, because they cleared a path for the three of them to enter the theatre, even though there was a long line of people waiting to get in to watch the show. Joan and Jessica soon found themselves in a private balcony booth that overlooked the stage.

     “Please remain here when the show ends, and someone will come and collect you, so you can go back stage and meet the cast before you’re taken to a restaurant for a spot of supper.” Kara explained once they were seated.

     “Are you not stopping with us?” Jessica asked.

     “As much as I would like that, it’s been a long day, and I just want to go home and spend some time with my wife.” Kara smiled. “If you have any problems later in the evening, please just call the number on the back of your platinum card, and someone will sort it out.” Kara explained.

     “I will, and thank you for everything you’ve done for us Kara.” Joan said as she stood up and gave her a hug.

     “You’re most welcome, and I hope you enjoy the show, and the rest of your evening.” Kara said as she hugged Joan back, and then hugged Jessica when she stood up to thank her.

    The show started and they both enjoyed it a lot. Just as Kara had said, a woman arrived at the end of the show and took them back stage to a small after show party where they got to meet the stars of the show. Jessica was hit on by some of the male cast, but she just pretended to be shy, and was glad when they finally left to go to the restaurant Kara said they would be going to for some supper.

    As much as Jessica loved the dress and heels she was wearing, she was still glad to be in the elevator and heading up to their penthouse suite at the end of the evening. Jessica had gotten use to the corset, but she was still glad to have Joan help her out of it though so she could finally take a proper breath again.

     “I can’t get over how real those things look.” Joan said when Jessica was down to just her panties. “You just look like a normal woman sat there.” She added as she looked at Jessica sat at the dressing table getting ready to remove her makeup.

     “Do you think I’ll look like Jonathon once I’ve removed all this makeup?” Jessica asked as she looked at herself in the mirror.

     “With that hair and what Cathy did with your eyebrows, I don’t think you’ll be seeing Jonathon much at all.” Joan said as she looked at Jessica in the mirror just before she gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t stop up to late looking at yourself in the mirror.” Joan added with a giggled just before she gave Jessica a hug and then left to go get ready for bed herself.

    Jessica got her cell phone out and took some pictures of her face for later reference before she finally removed all the makeup and then she brushed her teeth and got ready for bed. She did giggle when she was stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom brushing her teeth and watched her breasts juggling around all over the place like they had a mind of their own. She noticed the box on the bed when she walked back into her bedroom, so she stepped over and opened it to find the silkiest soft black nightgown she’d ever felt. It felt like liquid in her hands, and she was soon slipping it on and sighing over the way it felt as it slid over her freshly waxed body. She finally got into bed after dancing around her bedroom enjoying the feel of the nightgown for ten minutes, while the weight of her new breasts bounced up and down. Jessica soon found sleep and was dreaming about her day, and what tomorrow might bring.



To Be Continued Next Tuesday  GRIN


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

    Authors Note: Cathy, Jane and all the others that Jessica and Joan meet while down in London, are all characters I wrote about in my; You Have it all Wrong series. Even thought you don’t hear about Jane’s story until book four ‘You have it all Wrong Four, the Kids Story’ the time line for this story is set between book three and book four. So to find out more about Chrissy, Amy and Cathy, and how they all became the women they are in this story, you will need to go back and read them.



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