Catburglar 3: Foxy Catburglar

Foxy Catburglar
By Paul Calhoun

I was going to do the discovery, but I like to give my characters a vacation every so often, so here's some gratuitous fursuiting and romance. As if there's such a thing.

I've had this idea kicking around ever since I read a most excellent story about a girlfriend pranking her boyfriend by feigning injury and when he runs out to the car, she does a quick change into a werewolf costume and chases him around. Go read it, it's great:

Autumn turned to winter and Kelly’s life with Reg fell into a pattern. They went on dates, spent evenings together and became yet more comfortable with each other. After Halloween, Kelly had let up a little on the odd requests and behavior, though she was interested on the rare occasions Reg asked for the extra Kelly suit and they went out as sisters rather than as a couple. He was an only child and that was part of her cover story, so both of them were interested in the experience of having a sibling. Once, she asked him to ‘cover for her’ and contrived to have Reg’s family and Ned meet her at a local diner. That had gone so well that she’d given him a key to the house so that he could come in early while she was getting ready for a date or meet her if she was ‘running a bit late.’ Ned had never trusted anyone enough to give them that kind of access, but Kelly trusted Reg. He was special to her.

As Kelly has predicted, she loved every moment she had with Reg and felt warm and loved in his embrace, but she couldn’t go without excitement in life, so she continued to take contracts. The Starling was shifting ever more from larceny to providing a ‘breaking and loving’ service, but she drew the line at being called out just to show a man a good time. She wasn’t that kind of a call girl and it felt like betraying Reg. Any job that lacked risk was a pointless waste of her time anyway. There wasn’t any fun in it if there was no chance that an angry wife, guard or husband was going to catch her doing something she shouldn’t. Meanwhile, her notoriety in the news was such that security at museums, private collections and galleries had quadrupled. The Starling was becoming a one woman stimulus to the industry and for that matter a boon to the few jobs Ned did himself. Though he was living more than half the time as Kelly now, occasionally she’d see an opening while attending a ball posing in her ‘rich debutante’ disguise or on a tour with Reg. Then Ned would put on a janitorial uniform or that of a mover and discreetly liberate a piece. As their paranoia over being robbed by a sexy chick in a high heeled catsuit increased, their worries over some guy off the street pulling something off the wall and sticking it in his bag decreased. Kelly continued to pull her weight as a distraction.

All this was on Kelly’s mind and she held the kiss with the guard she was romancing a little longer than normal as it percolated through her mind. Unfortunately, a pair of the very heterosexual female security guards that had become popular since she’d started burst into the CCTV room at that point. Kelly’s entire body was momentarily flooded with endorphins at the sight of her path being blocked before adrenaline kicked in. She jabbed the man underneath her with a sedative and slipped another pair of needles out of pouches in her gloves and went for her two assailants. One got out of the way, but the other went down, leaving Kelly with only one opponent up. An opponent who had secured one of her wrists with a handcuff and had gotten a decent hold on her to put on the other. The Starling was not so easily captured and with a jerk of one arm and a sliding motion, she escaped, her fitness regimen making it easy to evade further pursuit even in her high heeled boots. She scooped up the pectoral ankh she’d had her eye on and was out the door before the remaining guard realized that she’d overridden the automatic door closing software. That was why she’d been having her way with the CCTV guard, after all. His office also contained the door mechanism.

The museum had sprung for some expensive equipment and the cuff had a cryptolock that Ned had never seen before. It was definitely beyond picking and wouldn’t take any kind of key he’d ever seen. It was evening and he had yet to find a solution, so Kelly had to cancel her night in with Reg. She feigned a cough over the phone, held in the glove that was maddeningly still stuck to her arm. “Sorry, sweetheart, but I’m a little under the weather tonight. No, that’s why I want to rest. I wouldn’t miss our trip to the zoo tomorrow for anything. Bye, honey.” She put down the receiver. No, she wouldn’t miss that for anything. She always loved walking with Reg because he never stopped holding her close and besides, maybe she’d work out how to steal a panda!

Kelly was glad of the cold the next day, since she could put on a pair of wollen gloves that covered the single leather one stuck to her by the cuff. She could have cut it off, but she was still not keen on the idea. The cuff itself could be hidden by sticking it up the sleeve of a very puffy winter jacket. Kelly was always careful to cling to her boyfriend with the uncuffed arm and point very carefully so that it didn’t fly out of her sleeve. “Isn’t that one cute!” She said, pointing to a leopard cat enclosure.

“They’re like a cage full of kittens,” he agreed.

“Look at those, though,” he said at a different exhibit. “They’re so sleek even when they’re fluffed out like that and those pointed faces are almost as adorable as you.” He was looking down at a family of arctic foxes.

“They’re really cute.” She said.

“I love foxes. They’re like fluffy weasels. I wish I could have one as a pet. I really wish the red pandas weren’t so hard to see.”

Kelly kissed his cheek and pulled him along. “Let’s go check the red pandas again. Maybe I’ll be able to help you find one.” She was thinking about a contract she’d turned down. The pay was good and it came with a gift that she’d thought was interesting but not worth going out to what boiled down to a fantasy fulfillment with no danger at all. It was beneath her, but hearing her boyfriend talk, she wanted to negotiate with the man. Maybe he’d change the terms to something that would make Reg want to cuddle her forever.

Kelly refused to take her gloves off in the food court and Reg took her protestations that her hands were cold at face value. In fact they were uncomfortably warm, but she could hardly let Reg catch her leather handed! For that same reason, she had to keep her coat on and was glad to get outside again after lunch. She was disappointed that there seemed no way to liberate a panda or a lion, but was contented with having Reg with her and as enthusiastic about the animals as she was. She told him she was still a little sick that night and left him at the doorstep with a drawn out kiss to keep him warm for the rest of the night. By morning, she finally had the cuff off and had drawn up a counteroffer for that … very odd request she’d decided to reconsider.

Her client had accepted the alterations, seeming happy that she was taking an interest in his desire. When the item he’d asked her to wear and was giving her as part of the payment arrived, however, she’d been a little disappointed and her doubts about taking the job resurfaced. The fur on the pelt was silky, soft and she’d buried her face in it as soon as she’d laid the whole thing out on her bed. That was fine. What didn’t look quite right to her was the black-brown stripe along the back which extended down the legs to the paws and over the head, curving down over the cheeks and muzzle and making a little raccoon mask around the ice blue eyes. The tail was almost entirely that color, making the cream and white sections the minority, although she did like how it artfully accentuated her curves along the chest and belly. The costume was heavily padded, though in proportion to the size so that her legs appeared slender in their digitigrade padding and high heeled paw boots. When she pulled it up over her shoulders and had her hands in the white and brown paw gloves, she hunched up, rubbing the parts of her body left bare by the undone zipper with those soft furry paws and also running her cheek against the inviting bulk of her padded shoulders. If nothing else, she was a very cuddly fox.

This was only a test fitting and she wasn’t going anywhere in it, but she needed to know if the costume would work so she zipped it up and pulled the fox mask with its slender pointed muzzle, that raccoon mask and the brown pointed ears over her head. Her first movement shifted something in the back near her butt, which seemed to grab on and stick in a little. It was uncomfortable, but as she flexed and wiggled to try to dislodge it, she noticed that her enormous, two foot long fluffy fox tail which had previously been dragging on the floor had stood up to attention and was wagging and twitching behind her. She only had enough time for a couple of turns in front of the mirror to see how the costume replicated the ‘sleek but fluffy’ appearance of Reg’s favorite animal before she became very hot inside. Air was flowing through the muzzle, but Ned kept his house warm in the winter and now he was covered in a breathable human disguise and a much thicker and warmer fox costume.

She took the rest of her experimenting out to the back yard. Reg was at school, so she wasn’t worried about being caught early. She noticed how the click of claws attached to her foot paws sounded very much like that of a large dog and wondered how Reg would react to her asking him to take her out for a walk. The cold climate only made her comfortable inside the fur which had been made to copy that of a tundra dweller. To her delight, the brown patches faded, lightening to a creamy color and finally to white with creamy undertones. The tip of her tail remained a slightly darker off white and she saw in the reflection in the back door that her ears were still edged in black. She ran around to see how the paw heels handled, then spent half an hour getting her tail to move as she wanted it to. Feeling very pleased with herself, she went back inside, taking the head off almost immediately and the rest languidly, enjoying the fur on her bare skin and finally turning it over and lying on top of it before she put it away.

Now she was creeping along an open field, only her black nose, the edges of her ears and her blue eyes visible against the fresh snowfall. Her creamy tail flicked and flowed out behind her, but appeared to be nothing more than a passing shadow as she kept low and approached the country manor from behind. She kept even lower, her chest almost touching the snow as she entered the semicircle of light being shed by a window. Peeking in, she saw a tall wing-backed arm chair facing a fireplace. The fire had been laid and was the only thing providing light in the entire room. The window itself, however, had been left wide open — a fact which was both helpful to the Arctic Starling and understandable given that the occupant of the chair was partly visible from the black tipped red ears sticking up and the white tipped russet tail draped over one arm.

The room itself was heavily carpeted, which was even better. Kelly hadn’t expected the extra bulk of the costume to be so clumsy and almost got stuck before wiggling and twisting until she fell with an almost inaudible thump and rustle of thick fur. The fox in the chair seemed not to have heard her. The heat from the fire restored Fox Kelly’s bandit mask as well as some of the darker color of her back, paws and tail. She padded over to the chair. From her vantage point, she could see that unlike her, the red fox had found clothing to fit his bulk — augmented as hers was so that he was even bigger than she — and was in a dressing gown. Hanging from his pocket was a gold chain, no doubt attached to a watch. That was Kelly’s motivation in this tableau.

At first, she thought the man in the costume was asleep or unable to see her because she hooked the chain on a claw and had drawn it almost all the way out when his tail twitched and his paw grasped her wrist. “What have we here?” He rumbled. “A common thief? “ He rose and turned. When he saw Kelly, he bowed low. “Quite uncommon. Tell me, madam, what brings you to burgle my humble person?” To Kelly’s surprise, his mouth opened and closed with the words.

The client had told Kelly what the scenario was going to be but wanted it more authentic so he’d only told her what his first line was going to be. He tail thrashed for a moment as she acted as if she were annoyed at being caught, then the tossed her head and quelled the movement of her rear appendage. She’d thought over what she wanted her line to be and replied smoothly, “Your wealth is well known in the area. Almost as known as your fine taste in females.” Inside the mask, Kelly was going a little cross-eyed trying to see her own muzzle open and close.

The fox looked her up and down again. “You are quite the specimen of womanhood,” he said. “Though perhaps you would care to retire to a more salubrious locale? It is quite warm in here.”
Kelly was relieved that he wasn’t going to make her continue the tryst inside. His fox pelt had to be as heavy as her own and she was wondering how he was remaining so suave having sat in it for however long he had. Even with the window open, it was uncomfortably warm. “I would be delighted. However,” she took a step to the side as he rose, “I think under the circumstances I will allow you to take the lead.”

The fox laughed. “As you wish, my larcenous darling. Let us away.” Kelly was impressed at how easily he climbed out the window. She attempted to do the same and found herself flat on her back with her tail at an uncomfortable angle.

“My larcenous beauty may not be so practiced at climbing into people’s homes in the dead of night as she first appeared.” The fox said sadly. He helped her up.

“I am as capable as I need to be,” Kelly replied, tossing her head again and letting her tail sway cooly.

“I would never contradict the given word of a lady. Especially not one so pretty as you.” He curled his tail around her body and opened his muzzle. She did the same and they moved in the simulation of a kiss.

The rest of the night’s pleasure was spent in a variety of sports. Sometimes he would chase her and then she’d be snapping at his tail as it flicked just out of reach. When one caught the other, they rolled around in the snow. It would have been hot and heavy if they weren’t so heavily padded and encased in fur. Kelly hoped he was satisfied with rubbing up against her. When he began to emit yelps and barks, she tried to imitate him in her own manner. Finally the gold chain ‘slipped’ and Kelly scooped it up.

“Will I see you again?” The fox called at the retreating white back and flowing tail.

“Perhaps.” Kelly called back. “If you continue to keep your valuables in such an easy to reach location.”

The entire thing had been outside Kelly’s usual preference, but it had gotten her what she wanted. In an outbuilding on the edge of a copse of trees on her client’s land, she found a box containing her special Christmas present to Reg. Of course there would be all the usual things under the tree, but this … would be delivered in a much more interesting manner. She giggled to herself at the thought of how she would surprise Reg with it.

She had to wait a few days before she could spring it on Reg, since it had to be a time when he could make it over and it was snowing. In the meantime, the occasional sidelong glance followed by a stifled giggle from his girlfriend tipped Reg off that something was in the works. Knowing Kelly, Reg was sure that it was going to be one of those days Arnold from the Magic School bus wished he’d stayed home. By the end of the week, Kelly was becoming so difficult — adding self-satisfied grinning to the giggles — that Reg was regularly pushing her onto the couch and tickling her in an attempt to get a hint. All she’d do then was look up with shining eyes and say, “You’re going to love it, Reg! I just know you will.”

The big day came. It was Saturday morning, snowing lightly and Reg was going to be coming over in two hours. Ned knew that if he took the Kelly suit off, he’d be unable to get rid of his excited erection and so rather than take the risk he’d slept that night as Kelly, rising with a stretch and a yawn to find herself all set for the day and though Ned’s erection was safely trapped between Kelly’s legs, there was no getting rid of the smile that had lit up Reg’s life for the last few months. Unable to wait any longer to start preparations, Kelly took her time inching her way into the Fox costume. With her body covered in the lush fur but before donning the mask, Kelly rolled around on the bed, hugging herself, rubbing her cheek against her shoulder and curling her tail around her body so she could hold it. She’d learned something else that was different about her. Ned wasn’t big on stuffed animals, but Kelly loved to have something to cuddle when Reg wasn’t around.

Reg was due in an hour, so Kelly put on the mask, careful to make sure that it was on right and that her entire body was encased in fur with no gaps. The muzzle opened in a silent pant, earning an inner grin and a laugh when she caught herself in the mirror. She padded outside and allowed the brown to fade. Already beginning to show a light coating of snow, Kelly burrowed down into the accumulation still on Ned’s lawn, curled up in the hollow she’d created and wrapped her tail around to cover her nose. Totally comfy in her fur lined igloo, Kelly settled down to wait for Reg. When he arrived, enough snow had fallen to cover her enormous fox tracks as well as to turn her into a barely distinguishable hump in the snow with a pair of cold blue eyes sticking out.

Reg didn’t give her hiding place a second look. She stifled the triumphant laugh that welled up as she watched him draw level with her, but let it all loose in a full throated bellow — or the best she could do with her Kelly voice — as she burst from her cover of snow. Reg leapt a foot in the air and in his surprise only registered that something big and hairy with claws had jumped out at him. He ran for the garden gate. Ned could have vaulted it and Kelly could have slipped through any gap, but in the fox costume she was far too bulky to slip and afraid of damaging it on the sharp wires if she were to try to jump it. Putting on a burst of speed, she caught Reg and tackled him to the ground. Panting for breath, she nuzzled his neck, opening her muzzle to pretend to nip at it and then when he didn’t move, she stuck her cold black nose into his ear. “Didn’t you see the full moon last night?” She mock growled. “Women can be such beasts when they’re on their period.”

Reg scrambled and twisted, turning around underneath Kelly’s furry bulk. She kept her paws firmly on either side of Reg, making sure he couldn’t escape. “You’re so …”

“Fuzzy? Adorable? Sleek? Wondrously beautiful?”


Kelly wagged her tail at him, then curled it up over her shoulder and tickled his nose. “What was that?”

“You are your mother’s daughter, aren’t you? Ned told me about the werewolf thing.”

Kelly sat back on her haunches. “I thought you liked white foxes…” She said sadly. “I got all dressed up as your favorite animal and you haven’t even said ‘thank you.’”

“Thank you, Kelly.” Reg said. “You’ve taken six months off my life, but you’re weird and wonderful and I love you.”

“Apology accepted!” Kelly helped Reg up and then crushed him to her in a hug that included a tail twined around their bodies. “Aren’t I just so soft and cuddly?”

“Maybe if you weren’t covered in snow.”

Kelly pretended to shake herself like a dog. “There’s a brush on the table just inside the door. Maybe you’d better get the worst of it out before we go inside.”

Reg went inside and emerged with a very loose bristled brush. The moment he finished his first stroke over Kelly’s back, she was rubbing up against him, humming like she was purring. “This feels really good.” She arched her back as Reg continued. “I can’t wait to see how you like it.”

“What was that?”

“Oops.” She covered her muzzle with a dainty paw. “You’ll see,” she murmured, leaning into the brush again.

The last of her camouflage was removed and Kelly followed Reg into the house. A wave of heat hit her even before she closed the door. She bent slightly and worked the mask off, leaving it lying muzzle-up on a chair. “This is a really nice costume for outside in the snow, but dad keeps the house way too warm for me to want to wear it indoors.”

Reg was looking at her and smiling. “You look absolutely adorable.”

“What do you mean? I thought I already did.”

Reg shook his head. “I’m not sure I can explain. It’s sort of a mixture of things. Your head is a little small for that body ,for one thing and it makes you look even more of a pixie than usual. Add that to the mischievous expression you’re still wearing after giving me that surprise, the obvious joy you had in doing it and how much you seem to like that big fluffy ball of fur you’re wearing. Oh, and to top it off, you’re the sweetest most amazingly pretty girl I’ve ever seen. You’re … elementally cute.”

“Awww. You’re really sweet too.” She waited for him to remove his coat and gloves, then hugged him close. She pecked him on the nose and said, “You deserve a little cuddle.”

“Aren’t you hot in that?”

“It’s not too bad without the head on.” She walked him over to the couch and sat him down with his head on her chest. “Isn’t this nice?”

“Very.” He rubbed the fur and buried his face in it.

His hand was on her chest as well and she giggled as he accidentally brushed a nipple. “Careful or I might think you’ve decided to take our relationship to the next level.”

Reg saw where he’d put his hand and dropped it down to her belly. “It’s all so soft and now that you’re warming up, it’s even better.” He saw the brown creeping across her body and brushed her back where it had darkened almost to charcoal. “Wow. It even adapts to temperature like a real fox.”

The anticipation, exertion and final triumph had made Kelly sleepy. She got up and grasped one of Reg’s hands lightly in a paw. She led him silently to her room and pushed him onto her bed, gently drawing his shirt up over his head and pulling his pants down. He looked at her quizzically but the trust went both ways and he lay down when she applied pressure to his bare chest. She settled down next to him and curled up around his body, pulling him close in an embrace and drawing her tail in to make a full circle around him. He tucked his legs in as well to get more comfortable. “Good night,” she said.

“It’s not even noon,” he whispered, burrowing into her fur.

“I need a nap. Then I’ll show you the rest of my surprise.”

“It gets better?”

“Just you wait and see.” She kissed him and he reciprocated in a slow, lazy kiss. They took their time and somehow managed to get closer still. “In the meantime, enjoy being able to snuggle your girlfriend and favorite animal at the same time.”

“By the way, Kelly.” Reg said, succumbing to the sleepiness cuddling Kelly Fox was bringing on.


“You look really sexy in that. It flatters your curves.”

“I was hoping you might think that too. We’re going to have so much fun when we get up. Good night again.”

“Good night, dear. Love you.”

“Love you too,” she sighed contentedly.

Reg was wide awake again in an hour, but Kelly slept on for another one. Not wanting to disturb her, Reg continued to lie in a semi-fetal position wondering what the next surprise was going to be. The furry mass curled up around him stirred, Kelly’s tail twitching as she woke up. “Good afternoon, sleepyhead.” Reg said, smoothing her hair out of her face.

“Mmm,” she sighed. “That was nice.” She stretched, showing off how the padding on the costume augmented her curves along with everything else. She picked at her side. “I’m a mess.” She plucked a pair of brushes off her vanity and handed one to Reg. “You take the back and I’ll take the front.” When she was satisfied that the sleep had been brushed from her fur, Kelly padded over to her closet. “Oh wait!” She dashed out and returned with the arctic fox mask. “We might want this soon.” She went back to the closet and pulled out the box she’d gotten from her client. She hefted the heavy package and dropped it on the bed in front of her boyfriend. “Merry early Christmas.”

Reg opened the box and immediately knew what the mixture of orange, red, rust, white and brown fur inside was. “Where did you get these?” He asked, picking the mass of fur - just as soft as Kelly’s - out of the box.

“One of dad’s clients,” Kelly said truthfully.

“Tell him thank you from me.”

“I will.” She clapped, her paws making the move silent. “Put it on! No, wait. Take off your boxers. Trust me.” She winked slowly.

No matter how many times he did it, Reg was never quite comfortable being naked with Kelly. He accepted her help, however, as he always did and was soon as enthralled with hugging and brushing himself as she had been. He seemed to be enchanted by his animated tail and she giggled as he turned around in place and chased it. She pushed the fox mask over his head and put her own on. Taking his paw, they ran outside to play in the snow. Reg insisted they go to the back yard, however. He wasn’t sure if he could quite find the right words to explain to his parents if they passed by why he and his girlfriend, dressed as a red and white fox respectively, were rolling around in the snow and throwing snowballs at each other.

“I was wondering when you’d do something like this again.” Reg called from his snow fort, only a pair of black tipped red ears showing above the lip.

Kelly lobbed a ball up so that it fell down on top of him. “Did you miss it?”

“I was starting to.” Reg leapt up and braved the barrage to grab Kelly and hold her to him.

“It’s good to be appreciated.” She said, rubbing her muzzle on his.

“Did I ever tell you how weird, wonderful, pretty, lively and amazingly lovely you are?”

“I think you might have once or twice,” she said. “Have I told you how handsome, fun and above all how marvelously adaptable you are?”

“Probably. I’m sure I’ve told you I love you.”

“I’m sure I’ve told you that I love you.”

“Good. As long as we understand each other.” Reg had noticed that there was no padding in the armpits of his costume and he confirmed that there was none in hers either by tickling her.

“No fair!” She gasped, forcing the words out between uncontrolled giggles. “I’m more ticklish than you!”

“Nuh-uh. I’m just better at it.”

Kelly pushed her and Reg’s mask up and kissed him. “At least I’m better at this.”

“Nor argument.”

Since it was Saturday, Reg was able to stay late and Kelly made sure to return the favor he’d shown by brushing out his fur before they went in and then getting back what she’d given to him inside by stripping out of the costume — though for his sake she put on a pair of panties and a bra — and curling up with him on the bed for another nap.

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