Well, I went to my interview with Target, and it didnt go like I expected at all. I was interviewed twice by two different pairs of people, and then basically hired on the spot - I have a tentative employment with them starting the beginning of March. So now, I have a decision to make - go with them, or stay with Wal-mart?
Pray I make the right call here ....
Hope this helps...
Love, Andrea Lena
Maybe this will help.
I don't know if this will help you Dorothy but I'd suggest that you think about why you started looking for a new job in the first place. If you are no longer happy in you existing job then, perhaps, it is time to move on. If the new job you have been offered is at least comparable in terms, conditions and pay to your existing job then I think the question to ask yourself is:- Am I likely to feel happier in the new job than I am in the old?
Only you can answer that question but I believe that it is the most important one to consider as the deciding factor. Good luck whichever way you choose dear.