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by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved. |
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“I think I might have made a mistake,” said the woman to her doctor.
“Mistake? About what?”
She went crimson, “Um–this is rather difficult.”
The doctor, a man in his late forties regarded her. She was twenty three according to his computer but she looked at least five years younger. She was slim with long blonde hair, although her breasts, which he knew were enhanced by fat which had been taken from her waistline, gave her a figure which had he been younger and unmarried, might have attracted him sexually.
Her face with large eyes and pouting, luxurious lips was pretty rather than beautiful though her cheekbones gave it definition before it dipped passed her sensual mouth and to her pointed chin. Yes, he definitely wouldn’t kick her out of bed had he the luck to find her beside him–well not until he’d kissed those luscious lips, shagged what he was sure was a tight fanny and if he was lucky, felt those lips round his tool.
He felt something twitch inside his trousers–well compared to Marjorie–his wife of twenty six years–who was forty five and beginning to show it–this woman was turning him on. He tried to push the thoughts from his head, replacing them with unprofessional conduct, or malpractice, but the twitching in his trousers just got worse.
Okay, he saw quite a few young and attractive women during his working week, some were pregnant and positively glowing, some were just so sexy, he had difficulty concentrating on their issues than his urges. There was one, whom he fancied so much, he had to get the nurse in to chaperone in case he lost his control–she was drop dead gorgeous in every department and she’d some in with what she thought was a lump in her boob. If the nurse hadn’t been there–he really didn’t know what he’d do. Then he had to do a needle biopsy–sticking a syringe with a large needle into the lump–impaling that perfect flesh on a spike of metal–violating that wonderful appendage in the name of science. It really grated on him. Twenty four years old, the body of a goddess and he was sticking her like a butterfly in a collection. It was sacrilege. She flinched and her eyes watered–he apologised and wanted to kiss the small red blood spot away–to kiss it better and suck the exquisite nipple protruding so wantonly below it.
He was having a mid-life crisis and had to endure the endless stream of people with bugger all wrong with them; that a good slap round the head and telling them to grow up would probably do as much good as the useless tablets he’d prescribe because they expected it.
No wonder he drank too much, his job was soul destroying. He’d trained to heal the sick and all he ever seemed to see were people who had nothing wrong with them or who were so old or ailing that he couldn’t do anything for them anyway.
The breast lump had given him something useful to do, he was pretty sure it was benign, it moved as he palpated it–that’s the clinical term for a good grope–so it was probably a cyst of some sort. However, if it wasn’t, he might have saved her life as he referred her to the breast clinic for mammograms and the whole gamut of tests they’d do.
He refocused his attention to the matter in hand, and the attractive looking woman before him. ‘Mistake?’ she said something about a mistake–probably taken the wrong pill or something, that’s why she was blushing–made her look even sexier. Shit! If Marjorie denied him sex tonight he was going to divorce her and find someone else.
“Mistake?” he repeated to her and she blushed exquisitely–if only she wasn’t his patient. “What sort of mistake?”
“This going to sound rather–um–silly,” she blushed even more if that was possible.
He looked at her pretty face and noticed the moisture filling her eyes. “That’s okay,” he said reassuringly. He was a lousy doctor but he had a wonderful bedside manner and she nodded, then he saw the tear escape her eyelid and trickle down the satin skin of her cheek. He pushed the box of tissues towards her and she took a couple and dabbed at her face carefully, not wanting to damage the makeup she’d probably spent ages putting on just to come and see him.
He remembered when she’d first come to see him, ten years ago almost crazy with the problems she had–he’d sat and listened and nodded, passed her tissues, referred her as she’d asked and watched her grow–perhaps blossom would be a better description. She was attractive then in a tomboyish sort of way, but the surgery and the pills had helped her develop and blossom–the lovely swan from the grubby looking cygnet–or perhaps, the luscious butterfly from the indifferent looking caterpillar. Yes that was better, she was an exotic species of butterfly whom he’d helped to emerge from her pupal case. The last surgery to reduce her waistline and improve her breasts and bum, was certainly money well spent and gave her a figure to die for.
If he wasn’t careful, Marjorie would ensure the latter, she’d kill him if she thought he was playing around, and sex with this exotic creature would almost be worth it–at least he’d die happy, unlike his miserable bloody wife who had kept her legs crossed for the past three months–all he did was get an erection while they were sitting on the beach–well, the girl was stark naked and she insisted on playing volleyball right in front of him. It made and spoiled his holiday at the same moment, he messed his bathing trunks and his wife seemed to take a vow of celibacy at the same time–the bitch.
“I’m sure it isn’t silly. Just relax and tell me all about it.” He gave her his sincere smile and she swallowed it, she nodded dried her tears and after blowing her nose began.
“This whole thing, it’s a mistake.”
He looked at her, “Sorry, you’ve lost me.”
“Registering, here with you again, Daddy–I should have gone to the other practice.”
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Omg the Doctor is Sick!
I wont say anything about the plot to ruin it for others, but I think that doctor is a sicko thinking what he thought at the end. I feel so sorry for the woman and who she is.
Well Angharad, you managed to stir my emotions up in this one! Owiiiieee!
Sorry, but this story reminded me old joke about
(R rating for further content ;-) ) Girl (at least 21 y.o. for the sake of our readers on the other side of Atlantic) rushing into elevator in huge apartment block as the doors are closing. And as doors close, lights go out. Girl finds that there is a pleasantly mannered guy with her in elevator and after some small talk she gives a man a BJ. Then guy produces a pack of cigarettes, girl produces her own pack from purse, both take and light one. Then the lights go on and girl goes: "Daddy?" And guy says: "You are smoking?"
No relation to your great story. Just some crazy associations in my mind... Could not keep it in myself :-)
OK, Dunce That I Am
someone is going to have to explain this to me. I'm guessing she wants to have an affair with him. Do we have a reverse Pygmalion here?
I'm Not With It Either
She's 36, He's late 40's. Unlikely he's her father. It could be that he's already having an affair with her, or so much work has been done on her that she sees him as her father.
Angharad is pretty clever; so, there's something I'm not getting. Maybe it's a British thing. Some smart person will tell us I'm sure.
Maybe not
Hi cbee,
Long time since you read through my story lines and anticipated what was coming.
Maybe you read a pre edited verson. 'She was twenty three according to his computer but she looked at least five years younger.' So maybe she was really 17 and had an operation or injections by him when she was under age or even if she was 23 he is still old enough to be her father. Either way she'd be a bit young for a sex change operation and he was giving her an injection.
So the title could have meant she agreed to go through with his proposed changes but now regretted it.
I still think our author gave us some clues. The bust enhancement clue and the possibility that he had created a woman that he wished his wife would have been or maybe used to be.
I have to support a fellow Brit and the story made sense as far as I was concerned. Or I tried to make it make sense.
So maybe it is a British thing to give the benefit of the doubt even if the odds are stacked. We do like the underdog.
I also start from the belief that the likliehood of a smutty story is low so I just assumed we were being teased a little and read back. I hope that I'm right and that more chapters come.
Other practice?! What
other practice!? What kind of doctor practices like he does?
May Your Light Forever Shine
A sting in the tale
With two demented moggies, it's no wonder that your mind works the way it does.
Always worth reading.
I've made some adjustments
so it should read better now. I started to write something very different then thought - what the hell?
Is the site slow today or is it just me?
It does read better. Still not sure I get your intent though. Seems like he'd know the patient was his daughter/son since he'd been caring for her all along.
Site has been slow on and off for the last few weeks. It does seem to have been better the last several days except I'd agree that it's been slow again today (but with no browser timeouts) at times.
It Was A Really Nice Setup...
...for a punchline.
That one didn't work for me (it was too large a disconnect), but wouldn't this make a great contest, to come up with another final paragraph!
for puzzling a few of you. What happened was I was going to write a straight story and half way through I saw an opportunity to make a nice twist and went for it without checking through the earlier bit. It required some alterations. I went to edit as soon as I discovered the error and it took over ten minutes to upload the edit - I went and washed up my dinner dishes while I waited and it still hadn't finished!
Apologies to those who didn't enjoy the joke. I might write the original idea sometime which will probably press a few buttons.
Guess I'm lucky that I got to see the story AFTER you fixed it. :-)
I'm sorry
I'm sorry. You've lost me too.
You're going to have to explin this, Ang.
Much Love,
Valerie R
I dont get it
I dont get it, sorry
As much as I hate to admit it,
I seem to be in agreement with the majority. I don't quite get it either. Certainly not what I expected from the opening paragraphs, which led me to believe that she was experiencing "buyer's remorse" at having gone all the way from male to female, although I admit I was a bit thrown by the Doctor's seeming desire to... um... enjoy her from behind?
So I will wait til I can either talk with a certain Welch person of my acquaintance, or until Angharad chooses to enlighten us colonials.
Puzzled and chagrined,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Good Handiwork
My belief is that Catherine is on the right track
'her breasts, which he knew were enhanced by fat which had been taken from her waistline, gave her a figure'
There are a few more relevant comments later on mixed in with a lot of British humor and tinge of sarcasm that amuses me a lot.
So given the medication received and the change of tomboy features that turned a sygnet to a swan or a boy to a girl maybe the other practice was a private practice for sex change. The age difference does mean 'daddy' means father rather than 'sugar daddy' and of course the false age on the computer made the operation have legality.
So he's helped his son and created his dream girl that perhaps he lusts after but not necesarily in a pervert way. More as pride in his workmanship.
So given this theory what is the mistake?
Well done and not to be classed as a disappointment more like you are setting us all up.
I guess that's my take on it. By the way my favorite story was written by you in case anybody reads my blog. This is a good start too.
I think part of the problem
... is the title 'Wrong Diagnosis' doesn't fit the final story.
I don't get it!
Even a master (mistress?) doesn't get it right every time. But this is just a blip compared to the mass of Angharad's body of work which is brilliant.
Or maybe it's just me...
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Now you've got everybody thinking.
Congrats Ang,
You've got everybody's knickers in a twist over this one because it explores several issues on several different levels.
Keep on writing girl! 'Wrong diagnosis' provided excellent food for thought. My self I felt it explored a reverse 'Oedipus complex' of father-daughter instead of son-mother. But that's only one aspect of the several issues described both on the lines and between them.
I think I can see some issues regarding your own relationships with your parents as alluded in 'Bike' and that makes this story interesting on several levels.
Keep on writin' love, it's theraputic sometimes.
Daddy's shouldn't get that excited by their daughters. :-(
That said, I didn't see the problem she described coming! LOL Thanks. (I do hope things are benign!)
Doctors are not suppose to treat family sooooo...... Ahhhh well anyway t'is humorous! Thanks for posting this Ang. (Hugs) Taarpa
As I'm related to several doctors...
There are quite a number of reasons why many doctors make it a policy to not treat family members except for very minor things and/or in an emergency... One being the difficulty in separating what they feel for the patient from the treatment. Another, for fear they might miss something and all have to live with the results.
But, doctors DO treat family members - specially in rural areas - including surgery, etc. When there's a limited supply of doctors, you use who's available even if it's your mom.