One of the Girls - Chapter 8

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One of the Girls - Chapter 8
By Julie D Cole



Short chapter to see if the way the story is going is still OK.


OMG I remembered and realized that I must have drunk a lot more than I thought. Bo had woken me up by putting her cold feet on me. Why do women always have cold feet?

“Oh Little Bo your feet are freezing with that bathroom floor. Some room to talk about me last night. Let me get you warm again.”

Well if this experience was having an effect on me it had obviously started at my toes and not higher up because there was still some life in it and Bo decide it was a good place to warm her hands before she fondled my chest. They were still sore so I don’t know what had happened.

“ Do you like to be Little Bo? Or maybe you prefer should be Robbie or better still how about Bobbie or I know Bobbie Girl.”

“Whatever. I can answer to any name you wish to give me as long as you help me get home. I don’t have any clothes except what I was out in last night. Mom’s going to kill me. I can’t remember a thing since we left the bar last night. I don’t know where we are and I’ve no money or anything. Here I am naked with no clothes on. In bed with you who I never really met till yesterday. What a day it was and now my head hurts. It seems like we must have made out together last night. Did we?’
‘No not exactly. Well not exactly as you might be thinking but you did get in on some action and that’s why I ended up here in bed with you. Can’t you remember?’

‘What? I can’t remember a thing.’

‘What if I reminded you that you came back into the lounge and Rach and I were having some fun and you got angry?’

‘What sort of fun? I can’t remember anything.’

‘It was girl fun and you got jealous because Rach and I were making out. In fact you upset Rach and you shouted at her.’

‘I never.’

‘OK you never.’

‘Look Bo I never fall out with Rach and I wouldn’t upset her and if she was kissing and playing around with you then that’s her business and yours too.’

‘Easy to say but you didn’t like what you saw last night and it was obvious that it turned you on and you wanted to be in on it. I could tell immediately by your reaction.’

‘But I err wouldn’t get turned on by you and Rach hitting it off.’

‘ No? But you were standing there for a while before we saw you and you were sure ready for some fun when I came on to you. I didn’t have to strip you naked you played like a stripper to attract me and tossed your panties in the air. You were begging for it.’

‘Begging for what?’

‘Well you wanted me to make love to you as a woman so you could finish the day off properly. Don’t you remember coaxing me into bed and asking me to kiss your body and bite your titties? Don’t you remember any of this?’

‘No I don’t believe it. Honest I can’t remember any of this. Are you sure it was me? ‘

‘HaHa. Come on Bobbie Girl who else is here? Do you have a problem with it?’

‘Well it’s not like I ever had feelings like that so it’s hard to believe. I must have been drugged or hypnotized or something.’

‘Calm down and go with the flow. Rach is here remember and we won’t abandon you. Come to think of it we might dress you in bra and panties though and toss you out in the street to find your way home. That would be cool.’

Bo was laughing and I realized I was being stupid. Rach was still in the other bedroom I assumed. Well I hoped she was talking to me this morning if I’d upset her.

‘Come on Bobbie girl just chill out and drink some more water. Let the headache go and I’ll help you if you like by massaging your neck again. It worked last night. Are you a bit sore this morning? Did you check for teeth marks on your titties?’

I immediately cupped my chest. Oh they were sore and very sensitive this morning. My nipples were aroused and had been since I woke up. They were sore but it was a nice sort of sore.’

‘Let me touch them and put some of my body cream on them for you BG. I think you like my massage techniques.’

Next thing the duvet was pulled back and Bo was sitting astride me with a tube of moisturizing cream gently attending to my chest. Her bust was something else and I couldn’t take my eyes of it. ‘You like them BG? Would you like some like this? Last night you said you wished you were a girl full time since you’d enjoyed yourself so much.’

‘I never said that surely. You’re joshing me Bo. I didn’t say it. Did I?’

‘Would I make it up? Of course you said it and you meant it. Then you wanted me to make love to you like I do with Rach to know what it feels like. Why do girls have all the fun is what I recall you said as we made love together?’

‘Did we do it?’

‘What? Did we do what?’

‘Did we do the full sex thing since I can’t remember and I never did it before?’

‘BG of course you didn’t get your way with me as a man. We made love as two women and you don’t need to have any penetration to make love as you found out last night.’

‘But Bo I’m a guy and that’s what guys do.’

Bo fell off me laughing so much that she couldn’t get her breath. Finally in between the giggles she said ‘Girls are guys too these days. You could be a guy like us without much effort or much coaching from me. You’re a natural.’

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Oh to be young again...

Andrea Lena's picture

...but this time with large breasts. I mean it. Life wasn't all that terrific with a boy's chest, so how much more difficult could the teasing be vs. how much more wonderful the feelings; both physically and emotionally. I absolutely adore this story; it is so much fun! Thank you!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Oh my! that poor guy

can't win for losing about that night! LOL! :)

May Your Light Forever Shine





In a good way.
Your main character is being a bit thick, but it is to be expected after drinking to much.

Erotic but Gentle I hope

Yes I suppose he is but he is from Yorkshire and they like to give that impression. Maybe he realised acting dumb can have benefits.'They can't touch you for it.'
It depends if someone slipped something in his drinks.It's a tough lifein the North of England.
