
Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 6
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.


Image Credit: anime couple

They headed to the parking lot out to Jessie’s car and he smiled at the confused look on Kenyon’s face. “I thought we were getting lunch?”

Jessie smiled and took the things from the trunk and headed back inside through the cafeteria doors and set out some chinette bowls and he took out two cans of the chicken stew he had bought and the sliced bread from the grocery store getting looks from everyone there but Johnny.

She smiled at him and reached in the bag and took out some of the rest of the things and set their table. Dan smiled and shook his head but took the packets of the Uncle Bens ready to heat rice to the microwaves with Jessie and they came back with the rice and the chicken stew in to mismatched Tupperware containers and they all sat and ate with the bread and some slices of tomatoes and they were getting a lot of looks.

Kenyon looked at them. “You all do this a lot?”

Dan shook his head. “Nope first time.”

Jessie was putting stew over his rice and then spooning both into a slice of buttered bread. “My mom told me that you can save a lot more money sometimes getting things for lunch and heating them up from a grocery store that paying the prices here. She did the same thing at her school I guess.”

Johnny smiled. “I think it’s a cool idea and we should maybe chip in to this maybe like a lunch kitty and then maybe go shopping together sometime?”

There were a few nods and Honey was eating a little bit really the smallest portion in the group. “Are you sure we’re not going to get in trouble? I mean isn’t this like eating someplace else’s food in another restaurant.”

Jess shook his head. “We’re just heating things up and they can’t be making rules against us actually doing it as a group of setting a table.”

There were a lot of stares Jessie noticed; mostly being aimed at him out of the group. He was pretty sure that word had gotten out about him and how he was from gym class. He looked at the others. “I think I just went viral?”

Johnny nodded. “I heard on my way here about it and no one really talks to me.”

Honey was blushing a deep red. “S..so..it’s true? You have…” and she shut up but waved her hand in front of her breasts.

Jessie nodded finished eating the slice of bread. “It’s called Gynocomastia and I do have breasts.”

Dan laughed. “And you being the shameless hussy you are flashed all of the boys in the locker room.”

Jessie laughed. “Maybe I was trying to keep up with the Barbie girls over there.” He gestured with a thumb at some of the ones that Britney was sitting with and they had a bigger entourage over there than even looked normal. And they all sort of stopped talking and stared at their table when Jessie made the gesture.

He smiled and finger waved at them earning him a bunch of dirty looks. He turned and looked back at the others. “I imagine I’m very much the talk of things over there.”

Johnny nodded. “I think Britney might just about hate you more than she hates me.”

Dan cackled. “Oh and don’t forget Keith and company getting their butts handed to them by a guy with boobs.”

Kenyon looked at them. “Well if that’s the case we should be careful. These are the kind of people that used to love to stuff me into my locker with a bag of dirty jock straps.”

The others at the table stared at him. Jessie grinned. “He had a growth spurt.”

Jess looked over to Honey. “See, you’re not going to be alone about getting teased over your breasts.”

She blushed and nodded. “At least yours are small.”

“They’re pretty big on a guy.” He said.

Kenyon was blushing at the talk at the table and he just couldn’t shake the sight from the locker room out of his mind.

Keith and his friends went passed sneering which had to hurt with a broken nose. “Fucking trannies.” The other two said. “Freaks.” And “Fags.” Looking like they had some reason to be morally better than the kids sitting together.

Daniel grinned at them then half stood and made kissy faces at them. They nearly stopped getting mad and Jess looked at them and more at Keith and stared. Keith grumbled something more than likely insulting but moved on.

They talked a bit about just stuff like what they might do on the weekend since Jessie wanted to see some of the sights and stuff around town or some of the local spots. They sort of ignored the stares and a few of the snide comments that were getting tossed their way from some of the kids. Some of them doing it only because the whole nasty alpha body of the popular kids were all talking about them.

Three girls went past and made faces at honey as she was eating a spoonful of her lunch. “Moo…Mooo…why don’t you get a trough?”

She stared at them turning red and almost spat the food out but Jess shook his head and without even blinking Johnny said. “Hey why don’t you try eating a fucking sandwich?”

They stopped and blinked like they just had this WTF moment about someone actually talking back to them. The one that said it glared at Johnny. “Why don’t you mind you own business tranny freak.”

Johnny looked over and then she looked them up and down. Then she started laughing at them really hard even to the point of giggling.

They glared as a group and Johnny leaned over and took some bread and butter and slid in some tomato slices and made a sandwich and stood up and offered it to them. “Come on, come on eat something you’ll feel better and you’ll be less yappy.”

“Yappy? What the hell? Are you saying I’m a fucking dog or something?”

Honey had it out of her mouth before she even realized that she was saying it instead of thinking it. “Well you sound like a bunch of chiwawas.”

The girl looked at her with this expression like a bug just talked to her. She pointed at Honey. “You shut your fucking mouth you fat ass.” Then rounded on Johnny. “And you…”

“Suzanne…” Johnny tried to interrupt her.

“No..you shut the fuck up…”

“You might want to shut up….” Johnny sort of sang to her.

“You Never get to tell me to shut up you fucking tranny slut, you’re a freak and your day’s coming too.”

There was a loud cough. “Miss Winslow! That’s more than enough. Would you and Miss Roberts and Miss Young please come with me and the officer to the office?”

There was a black man in a grey colored suit and shaved head with a trim beard and moustache there with the security officer from earlier. He did not look amused.

Suzanne turned and looked shocked and surprised with her eyes going wide at the sight of him and realizing he was there for most of her tirade. “I…I…they started it?”

“Really, I’m not to sure about that given the earlier activities of the three of you this morning.”

“Th…This morning?”

He held up a tablet and it showed in the schools Facebook Page her and her two friends both sabotaging Honey’s locker and making the rude and bullying comments and their laughter.

Suzanne blanched at seeing herself and her friends caught red handed.

“Mr. McClellan I can explain…”

“Good you can explain at the office, now march.”

He pointed and the three shuffled off trying to look as meek as they could and they even started to cry. Mr. McClellan looked the group over and then at Johnny. “Would you like to file a complaint against these girls for what they had just said?”

Jessie looked at her and coughed and she looked at him and he nodded. The looked at Honey who looked nervous. Johnny bit her lower lip and nodded. “Yes I do and they had started the mooing up again while we were eating lunch.” She looked at Honey and nodded. Honey looked at the others who all nodded. She took a deep breath. “I want to file bullying and harassment complaints sir.”

He nodded and smiled at them. “Very well then you girls get your things and follow me to the office. Mr. Stone you as well please.”


“You and I need to have a chat.”

“Certainly sir.”

Jessie got up and passed Dan the keys to his car. “If you can put the stuff in there?”

“Sure, no problem.”

Dan and Kenyon watched as the others went and some of the kids from the gamers table went over and sat down. “Yo Jackson, what’s going on? You’re hanging out with these guys now?”

“Hey I can have other friends outside the gaming group guys, chill their good people.”

Kenyon looked at them five or six people. “Why? What’s up with calling us these guys?”

“Whoa big dude nothing, we’re just asking.” It was this black kid that was asking the one that had held onto Jess’s jacket when Dan helped Jessie out the other day.

Dan grinned. “Kenyon chill they are just asking, Donnie trust me you’ll actually like them.”

“Even that uhm Johnny person?”

“Actually Johnny is a pretty sweet girl if people’d give her a chance. Honey too, shy but really nice.”

“Really…? So uhm do you think….”

“Think What?” Dan asked. “You want me to fix you up or something Donnie?”

Another one a skinned blonde crew cutted kid with braces spoke up. “You’d think they’d be into like rolling up some characters?”

Kenyon laughed it was just so….geeky, like the halo night episode of The Big Bang Theory... Dan even got a chuckle. “You guys all come over here and hang out with us or we’ll come over there and we’ll talk about seeing if the girls might be interested.”

They looked at Kenyon who shrugged. “I’ve never played any of that stuff before but hey I’ll try something new. I could definitely try to pick up some of the lingo at least.”

The skinny blonde kid with the braces…. Patrick grinned and went and got his book bags and he had one for his class stuff and another full of these gaming books? Dungeons and Dragons…he spent most of the rest of lunch looking over the books and really mostly at the art and thought that it looked interesting enough.

“Hey I’ll play of the others want to, so do we do this after school sometimes?”

“Sometimes like on the weekends.” Dan said.

“Cool we can do it at my place sometime then.”

“All of us?”

“Yeah we have a big place with dad being in construction and there’s a kids den built in back of our garage.”

They looked at him. “A kids den?” Donnie asked.

“Yeah my parents wanted a space for us during the winter and stuff to do things in so we wouldn’t be under foot in the house all the time.”

They all started talking about all of the stuff that they could do and the fact they had a big screen TV and stuff and video games and stuff and Kenyon was actually smiling a lot. These were sort of the kind of kids that he knew a bit back in his old school only he was more of a geek when it came to music and rock and roll that comics and D&D games and stuff.

They were still way more the kind of kids that would be the crowd he would like to hang out with given the choice. Well before he would have likely have tried to maybe fit in with some of the sporty kids or the jocks where he had changed and worked out so hard all summer.

He had wanted a girlfriend in the baddest way.

He looked over at where Jessie had been sitting and closed his eyes a moment and just pictured Jessie in the locker room getting changed again. He just didn’t get it? He did, like Jessie couldn’t help having the breasts or…

He was stiff…in an embarrassing way and a bit flushed and took a long swallow of his Pepsi to try and wet his suddenly dry mouth.

He jumped when his phone went off. He took it out and saw the others actually most of the kids in the cafeteria doing the same. He saw the video posted and reposted of that Suzanne girl and her two friends being that mean to Honey and them opening the containers of soured milk making faces at the smell and shoving straws in so they could squirt it into her locker.

They were saying things about her being a dumb cow, or a fatty, or a big titted bitch and how she needed to get them either cut off or gain another fifty pounds so peopled stop staring at her.

Kenyon looked around and most of the kids were watching it and saving it and sharing it. Dan nudged Kenyon and nodded toward the alpha tables where almost all of them were watching and there were a lot of them not amused.

Another video popped up this time with tow of the basketball players and it was a repeated loop shot of them pushing a junior into a locker over and over again and locking it. The two in question didn’t look amused and they got up and left the cafeteria in a hurry and headed out to the parking lot.

Again another plug to the webpage with the real truth about the school came up.

There were several members of the alpha tables on their phones looking grim and pissed off.

………………………….Nick watched from where he usually ate in the middle tables but tucked into the corner facing the popular kid’s tables. It was a pretty safe spot. The bench tables in the cafeteria were the ones that folded into the wall in case of other events and it was because the table was attached to the wall that he felt safe. There was just too much bother for the real predators of the school to bother going all the way there to antagonize him usually.

He kept putting up the links to the page he made as some people were trying to delete some of the stuff he had put up. Mostly though he didn’t have to. It was getting spread around by the other kids in the whole viral like and share way.

Tony Marks and Rick Scott had shoved the junior during morning break just like they had done all the time being all big shots and proving they were these big men that they could do that two on one no less to a kid that was half the size of one of them.

And Suzanne…she was hopefully going to get what she deserved for being a bully. Nick hated that, hated bullies and he hated the female ones almost more that the guys. He didn’t get people much but he could even see that they liked hurting the feelings of girls that they thought weren’t as good as them or in Honey’s case…like they said they wished she’d gain enough weight to not be noticed anymore.

Jealous and petty and just plain nasty, girls like those hurt people a lot more that just getting beaten up sometimes.

He added a link to his page for Voluptuous Vixens page on Facebook to the link with Suzanne and her bullying. It was a good page all about self empowerment for bigger girls, well them and all women really. It was still something that he thought might be a good thing though.

With his stutter and speech issues he really understood low self esteem.

…………………………………. Jessie sat in the office of Mr. McClellan he was the VP of the school and the man looked like he was still on edge. He had dealt with the Suzanne person and he’d taken the complaints of the girls and had the three girls that had messed with Honey in a separate room in the whole office area.

He looked at the VP and asked. “So why did you need to see me? You were there when the three of them started their stuff in the cafeteria.”

“I just want to talk to you about a few things.”


“Like the fight you had yesterday.”

“What about it?”

“Why did you even get into the fight in the first place and not report what Keith had said and done to the office?”

“Why are you asking me a question that you already know the answer to?”

“Excuse me?”

“You know if I had come and made the complaint that it would be my word against Keith’s and that he had other people to chime in about that as well and from that standpoint there is nothing that you could do but make an incident report without proof in his school file.”

“That’s not the point; you really should have reported it.”

“Yes and I’d be tagged as a rat and like I said it wouldn’t have any effect on what they would try and do. This way I met him off the school grounds and I was defending myself.”

“You hurt all three of those boys pretty badly. Their parents were less that pleased.”

“My ribs are less than pleased but they know that there’s a definite line there with me that they can’t cross without me fighting back.”

“Their parents want you charged or expelled.”

“They do that’s fine but my actions were off the school grounds and there’s a recording or several going around that show what happened. I think that my lawyers would have a good time with that and with the school.”

“The school?”

“Reckless endangerment.”

“Excuse me?”

“There’s no surveillance cameras in the hallways.”

“We’re not allowed to put them up because it would be an invasion of privacy?”

“So can you search lockers?”


“Than seeing as the lockers are in the halls and there’s no expectation of privacy there then I think you could trump that legal threat.”

“No, we can’t the whole privacy thing is a really hot button issue with people here. No one likes too much Big Brother.”

“And what about the safety of the students?”

“We argued that point and the school board wanted to be politically correct.”

“Great logic in the Columbine era.”

“Hey…” He stared at Jessie. “Mr. Stone…”

Jessie raised his hands. “No I’m not going there I’m just voicing my concern about getting shot by a teen that has been bullied once too often and snaps because there was no safety net in place to prevent the students from getting bullied.”

“I’d like to have one, I’d like to have the cameras in place but my hands are tied. We can’t circumvent the school board.”

“Oh you can but are you willing to put up the fight to get what needs done, done.”

He sighed. “I’m only the vice principal.”

“No body is only anything sir, isn’t that what you’re supposed to be teaching us?”

“I will bring it up ant the next parent teacher association meetings and see about revisiting it with the school board.”

“Good speaking as a student I really appreciate that.”



“I heard from a few parents today that you showed your breasts in the locker room?”

“I was getting changed yes.”

“And you showed your breasts to the rest of the boys in the locker room.”

“As I said I was getting changed, I saw the breasts of other boys as well.”

“They don’t require a bra Mr. Stone.”

“Well sir some should trust me, I was not the most ample of the boys there.”

The VP had to stop and cough; Jess smiled and raised an eyebrow.

“Would you consider changing in a separate room or even the coach’s office?”

“No, not at all. I’m a male and I’m entitled to use the male facilities just like every other guy my medical condition should not be a factor here. I’ve already had this talk with the guidance councillor.”

“There’s been complaints.”

“I’m sure there have been but I’m within my rights again sir.”

He sighed. “Yes, yes you are.”

“Thank you sir. Is there anything else?”

“I also heard that you gave a little speech in the locker room advocating the use of camera phones to record bad behaviour in the school?”

“Yes sir I did.”


“You already know the answer to that sir.”

He sighed again. “Are you trying to cause trouble Stone?”

“No sir but when there’s things that just aren’t right going on sir that I can do something about you will see me sir doing something about them.”

“What do you mean by that if you please?”

Jessie shrugged. “It will likely be me doing something different every time sir really but I will give you my word I will try to never break the rules set down by the school.”

He sighed again. “You do know that there are parents already calling and throwing fits over the site and the Face book page.”

“I’d assume as much sir; I believe the saying goes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?”

“Do you know who’s responsible for the site and the page?”

“No sir.”

“Would you tell me if you did?”

“No sir, I’d never violate another person’s first amendment rights.”

He looked at Jessie. “Alright, you can go Mr. Stone; just remember that I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”

Jessie looked at him and got up and straightened his clothes. “Excellent then I take it we will be getting the cameras in the halls then?”

“Stone….” He pointed at the door.

“Thank you sir it was a good discussion that we had I think.”

“Yes, have a good afternoon Mr. Stone and please stop and get a pass before heading back to your classes.”

Jessie left and smiled as both Johnny and Honey had stayed and waited for him to get out of the office.

“You okay?” Johnny asked.

“I’m fine, I just apparently made a lot of waves and the VP doesn’t like the boat being rocked.”

Johnny looked at him. “What’d you do?”

“Nothing just never let him rattle me. There’s nothing he could do really.”

“But you got him angry?”

“No…not really but he’s not looking forward to me being here.”


“Because he knows without a doubt that I won’t back down from him or the parents of the kids that make this place a shitty school to go to for a lot of kids. He knows that and knows that I know enough that he can’t just get rid of me either.”


“I read, and wanted to have my rights protected because of my condition. Me and my parents knew there might be legal stuff that might happen with it.”

“So he tried to make you?”

“No, he asked me to change elsewhere but I’m not giving the people that can’t handle it the satisfaction.”

Johnny looked at him. “That’s pretty brave.”

“Well no just tired of the BS and besides if they get used to me then they might get more used to you.”

Johnny laughed. “Sure and they’ll talk to me and want to be my friends because I’m so pretty.”

“You are.” Jessie and Honey said together and smiled at each other then her.

Johnny blushed. “Yeah whatev’s let’s get to class okay?”

Jessie smiled and escorted them to their classed giving the security guy a smile and a nod as the left the office.

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