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Vanilla Sky…part four.
Honestly I’m bubbling over inside.
I’ve got my hand filled with a bunch of tissues half the time and I’m getting to do stuff that I’ve wanted to always do. I’m playing girls games. I mean it too like hopscotch and we skip rope and sing those little chants that we have for when we do and I even take my turn at playing with the hula hoop.
So I’m crying as it all bubbles out of me and laughing…laughing at getting some of the little girl jokes or just how fun it is.
I don’t know any older transgirls but me I’ve know forever that I’m not a boy, never was, never will be and I had all these little things that so many little girls had denied to me. It was either by fear or more fear from my Step dad and my mom and stepsiblings.
I just had a three way conversation with a seven and a nine year old girl about which is better the old My little pony and the new My little pony.
And yeah I’m way older but they treated me just like as real a girl as them.
And Dad’s taking pictures and Lizzie keeps getting me spare tissues and I cry on her twice…because I’m happy but there’s also a big ball of “Why” hurt inside that’s starting to unravel and stuff.
But she’s there.
I’m so used to shoving it all in until it hurts.
I’m so not used to someone, to so many people actually giving a shit. And dad…oh my god dad if he wasn’t over the moon cool enough as it was he get’s me a bottle of water and sits me on the swings to cool off from all the stuff going on and he…he pushes me on the swings.
Slowly and gently and he must have did that for the longest time and I only stop to go and help with the dishes. Some of the women there were going to say no but Lizzie looks at me and smiles and passes me a dish towel. “You can help dry so you get to know where everything goes.”
I know that a normal kid wouldn’t want to do the dishes and I’m likely strange for that but it to my step dad was women’s stuff and I was “A woman enough already.” He’d never get that wasn’t exactly an insult and would’ve just gotten him mad enough to make things worse.
But this… this was more than dishes to me.
This was getting to be part of the older women and teen girls. And this was us all talking and laughing and even nibbling at leftovers as we put them away or put them in things for people to take home with them.
I feel sort of strange just kind of bursting out about all this but it’s like a dream come true just being normal and being one of the girls only it’s not a dream because I could never come up with the accents or some of the thinks that these women are saying. Some of its pretty racy stuff but some of its clothes and kids and for some of the teenagers there boys.
I’m relieved when I find out that none of these girls here yet have a boyfriend yet. The all have boys that they like and stuff but no boyfriends.
It’s still a little intimidating especially since I’m not sure of my sexuality and stuff but by the time we’re done Selina, Anita, and Mercedes and Flora and Anne three Hispanic girls and two Pinays? I hope I got that right.
They got together and decided to help me move into my room.
So it’s upstairs all the way upstairs to what was the attic and….okay the ceiling’s got the whole slant thing going on but it’s tall and not cramped at all. I’m staring the entire attic by the looks of it is mine…?
I’ve got that hardwood click flooring and there’s a bathroom all my own with a big and shower unit and then there’s this really big closet not a walk in but six feet wide and I’ve these really nice looking tall white dressers with brass fittings as the handles on either side of this matching dressing room table…with this huge mirror and I’m just…
And there’s a matching daybed in white enameled metal right across from it that is just…
I’m getting hugged because I’m crying again and it’s just so much…
Then I see the best thing of all.
My Daddy made me a window seat. At the far end of my room and the house is this big round leaded glass circular window set in this bigger old fashioned bay window and right under it is this window seat…with cushioning set up but also lots of little pillows and each of the side walls of the seat are shelves for books and stuff.
I’m holding my hand over my mouth as I check it out and I do a little bouncy squee as I sit and the girls are all happy for me too and I look out the window and I can see the back part of the Vineyard and see just some of the gardens and stuff but it’s mostly these little sort of gentle rolling fields and so many fruit trees.
I’m picturing it all in blossoms and I hug myself and get all teary eyed and Anne sits in front of me and wipes my face.
“No…no be sorry you can cry…you get to be you now.”
Oh shit oh crap they know…they know?
I’m looking around at them waiting for stuff to start and them to freak out on me and stuff and they just look and smile or grin. Flora smiles and pops her gum. “Hey no big eh? My cousin a lady boi, she live in Germany as model and stuff and she cool she send my family money to afford to come here.”
Anita comes over and hugs me. “Samanta, chu so not a boy. An if chu not a boi then you a girl right?’
(Sniffle.) “R..right…I was scared you’d find out and you’d hate me for being a freak.”
“Freak, you not a freak.” Anita hugs me again. “If you’re a freak then I’ma freak.”
“Nuh-huh, you’re beautiful.”
Selina grins “Trus us you not a freak, Mercedes now she is a freak.” Mercedes squawks and grabs a pillow and swings at Selina who yells. “Mercedes was born with a tail!”
The whole thing turns into a pillow fight and there’s six screaming girls in the room including me.
Anita looks at me when we’re all panting and grinning. “Trus us hunny you are a girl, you need bigger boobies though the thing yous have aren’t big enough.”
Which get’s the girls cracking up and Flora and Anne already fighting over my gel forms when I’m done with them because their too small. Mercedes chimes in on that one too. “Chu? Chu think you are too small in the boobs? Chwana look at me I am the twin sister of John Liguizzano in a dress.”
And Anita and Selina both scream out. “Chi-chi we love you chi-chi!”
I’m laughing so hard it hurts and Flora and Anne look confused and even with their English being okay you try to explain Too Wong Fu to people that are English as a second language types.
Thank god for You Tube.
Then it turns into a fashion show as I have to try on things and different looks and stuff before my things get into my closet and we do things with my hair and my make-up and even dance and play music.
Selina can really dance and so can Anita, Mercedes has two left feet and I’m about on par amazingly enough with Anne and Flora.
It’s amazing how despite their heavy accents the girls for the most part can sing really well in English and Mercedes is the best and she can belt out the songs like Celine Dion and even Whitney Houston.
Anita has a cousin for everything…if you said you knew someone who lost both legs and a hand to a barber accident Anita has a cousin that does. And Flora does too.
It’s funny as heck when they get going and start to compare cousin storied in this one upswomanship kind of thing.
I’m tired out by the time it gets close to ten at night and I walk the girls home just to see where each of them lives. It’s neat that they live here on the vineyard with us and that they are as happy as they are.
I like the community feel that the place has here and every one of their parents are happy to see me and offer me a bite of something or a drink of something. I generally say no politely and say that I’m stuff which I am still and I take my time going back to the house and just getting a chance to breathe and take all of this in.
I see dad inside and I go over and I hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Daddy, thank you I love all of it…everything.”
“Kitten you’re my baby girl…” he kisses me on my forehead. “I’m your Dad…and god let me be a lucky enough guy to get to love you and see you become this amazing young woman.”
“I’m serious Samantha…you are so brave just being you…I…you’ve walked through so much hell already just to get here…I mean it, I can’t wait to see the woman you’re going to become.”
(Glomphy-sniffles.) “Daddy…” I hug him really tight this time and he gives me this big almost bear hug kind of squeeze and I let him…he could hug me twice as tight and it’d still be awesome.
Because he’s my daddy and every little girl need a daddy like him…
To love me as I am.
To hold me for his own sake.
To chase away the monsters.
To make me feel safe.
All my life the girl I am has missed these arms and being that safe…he can hold me like that all he wants…
My first night home teenager or not my daddy carried me to my room and tucked me into bed.
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Go Daddy
go go go! Oh that all fathers were this supporting..... solemnly sighing Sigh
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Yeah, that's the beauty of fiction.
But there are some Dad's out there that are pretty cool and do get it.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
just a quick question
What's a glomphy? I searched the entire internet and you are the only person in the world to use that word, can you tell me what it means?
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
The Origins of the Glomph.. (No Patent pending)
To grab onto and smother hug....
I've first seen it in reference to anime / manga characters... something like the way Shampoo leaps onto (or tries) to Ramma.
But also online references to to it in IRC...
So a Glomphy Hug isn't just a quick, barely touching pseudo-hug you do when you are embarrassed to be touching somebody but a full contact real hug. Occasionally one needs Oxygen afterwords. *g* Or Splints for the ribs if someone with superstrength like Shampoo hugs you.
(and there is probably a real etymology listing for it somewhere *g*)
I think it's a Buffyism:)
I think I've heard it referenced there maybe or another teen drama show.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
A Glomph is...
A hug or embrace that is accompanied but both smiles and tears. It's the sobby friend hug.
*Big Hugs!*
Bailey Summers
Wept like a baby reading this. The love and acceptance by the ladies, by her dad, ah....
glomphy sniffles, indeed
Yes! Big Glompy-Sniffles Dotti:)
And being able to get all Glompy is one of the points to being a girl, being allowed to be open in your heart to be a big happy sobby because you can't talk mess:)
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey...A Proud Big Brother.
Bailey Summers
Tears. Again.
Okay Bailey, are you getting a percentage on sales from Kleenex or something? You made me cry again! Not just cry but stop and take a walk from because I was crying so hard at the end of it.
"I’m happy but there’s also a big ball of “Why†hurt inside that’s starting to unravel and stuff." Such a great line. I sooooo remember feeling something like that.
This is going to be a crying book, I can feel it.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
There's always a "Why" and "What" did I do?
And it just feels that for some reason something took you and wrapped you up in this great big huge mess that's so often the life you never asked for.
There's this hurt so bad all the time can't breathe tied up thing that I can imagine would have this emotional equivalent of once you start getting free. There's that pain of getting the feeling back in your soul.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Mercedes was born with a tail!
that sounds like a story and a half. looks like she has a great group of girls around her.
great chapter, thanks
There are all sorts of birth oddities:)
I went to school with a girl that had six toes on each foot, but like any close friends or family such embarrassing stuff's usually fair game.
*Hugs and Howls*
Bailey Summers
My daddy carried...
My daddy carried me to my room and tucked me into bed.
I so wish I had a daddy like that, it made me cry.
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
There's unfortunately lots of fathers and not enough Daddy's.
I was lucky to have been brought up by a really good dad who always had room to be someone else's too:) I'm just trying to keep parts of him doing what he did.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Bailey thanks once again
Bailey thanks once again for writing such wonderful stories. You truely have a gift for writting and I really enjoy reading your work.
Tamara Jeanne
Thank You Tamara Jeanne:)
I'm really glad that you enjoyed this story too. I'm going to still try to get some of the other good stuff out as soon as I can:)
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
daddy cool
k-jo needs a daddy like that right now
I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me
All girls are little girls when it comes to needing their Dads.
Not all of them get to have that but it still doesn't really change the fact that there are good fathers needed out there.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
The jerks sure blew it
Sean becomes this very grateful young lady when she's allowed to spread her wings.
The jerks doing their best to "fix" Sean are missing out on this lovely event. They are also missing out on a love which comes from very deep in the heart. A love they'll never understand.
Others have feelings too.