My mom found out last night that our little group of rental houses (condos?, not sure, they are connected one to the other, is that a condo?) are going to be sold off. Nobody know for sure what that means, but its possible they want to turn these from rental properties to ownership ones, in which case we wouldnt be able to stay here. My poor mom is panicking, and between that and the big storm we had last night that hailed out her flowers, she's having a rough day.
Not much I can do as long as she wont listen, so all I can do is listen and hope she can bring herself to stop worrying until we actually have something to worry about.
Ah, well.
Relax and listen.
Many people who buy 'condos' don't want to move in. They want rental income. So the landlord may change but likely you will still be living there.
I used to live in Greater Vancouver. Speculators would buy the condo then fix it up and sell it. I was forced to move about every 5 months there towards the end, but that's Vancouver where things are crazy.
Women comfort each other.
You don't need to fix anything, just be there for her and let her emote without your judgement.
Canadian Law
I do not know the law in your Province, but in Florida, there are strict rules on notices and time periods that must be given if a rental community is turned into an ownership community. There should be letters and perhaps required meetings. READ and LISTEN to what is said. Depending on your community, it is very possible the buyer of the unit would want the current tenant to stay. The Tenant would become th tenantof the new owner. One big question is if the units will be renovated or not. Also another importnant question is when yor current lease is up. Get all the anwsers from the owners and not just the rumors. Your current community is likely NOT a condominium, the new community will likely be a condominium or a Cooperative if such things are popular in your area.