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In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

(This takes place without Natalie's involvement, therefore this chapter will be in the third person.)
Aftermath of Natalie’s escape:
“Aargh!” The man who had been called “Já³honaaʼéá” screamed. His hands were badly damaged. The crowd obediently came to his aid.
The Shaman, however wasn’t so willing. “You…are not Já³honaaʼéá,” the Shaman finally realized. “Explain yourself, monster!”
Still groaning in pain, his anger turned to sadistic laughter. Calming down, he stated, “You know how many people called me that? Monster! As if I was less than human. And what does that make you, worshipper of monsters?”
Shocked by such an accusation he responded. “Your deception may have fooled me. Perhaps I was too zealous in my foresight, desperate to deliver my people from the bonds of oppression. I will take full responsibility for my lack of judgment. However let it be known I will be a worshipper of your kind. You are a blight on this world, and must be dealt with.”
“…You’re no different,” he countered. “Christians, Pagans. Always playing the judge and executioner. And these rules, and ceremonies! What purpose does it serve but to waste my time. I could’ve had my marriage; I could’ve had my golden ticket to rule this land and people, but you had to delay it!”
“My devoted followers!” The Shaman shouted so every member present could hear it. “This man is a sham; deceivers of us all! He must be punished!”
This only made the imposter laugh harder as the crowd just stopped and stared at the Shaman without heeding his cries. “Do you really think you control them?” he asked. “Who will be the one punishing me, Hatalii?” He pointed at the stunned three ladies; the maidens of his runaway bride. They immediately stood frozen in terror.
“Them?” He cried. “Nothing more but fresh meat, and not the Grade A type. My friend, you haven’t any hope of stopping me, so enough of your nonsense.”
“You…what did you do to them?” the Shaman demanded.
“I took the initiative and liberated them from thinking,” he replied. Suddenly a giant razor sharp claw formed from his hand as he gutted the poor man.
“And now I will take the initiative and liberate you from your life,” he replied as he watched the Shaman’s dying body fall to the ground.
"Before you go," he told him, "I wanted to thank you for teaching me your colorful history. You religion is so impressive. But I think I have a better name for myself you can take with you to the grave. How about the name of the true deceiver? How about "áÅ‚tsé Hashké," First Angry, the bringer of witchcraft to the world?"
The three servants watched in horror as the remains of their Shaman lie dead on the altar in front of them. The murderer turned to the helpless women, and with a wave of his finger he commanded, “Minions! It’s supper time!”
The former men and women turned to the ladies, salivating at the opportunity. Suddenly they revealed their true forms as their bodies grew to twice their size, their jaws lined with pointy teeth and claws with similar appearance as their master. They pounced on their human prey, feasting like the savage beasts they’ve become.
“Watch out for the silver!” He told them, as he rubbed his hands. He knew he should’ve thought better than to let his anger get the best of him. But that’s the problem with his curse- sometimes it can’t be controlled.
He began to ponder about his next course of action as the carnage continued behind him. He looked at the eviscerated corpse of the Shaman. His wicked grin returned as suddenly he thought up a devious idea.
It looked as if he was going to be Já³honaaʼéá just a little bit longer.
A few days later:
There was a pounding on the Redbone family’s front door. They’ve been spending the last few nights panicking about their recently transformed daughter. Haylie tried to talk to them, and told them that she was taken by the Shaman of the village. However, at first they didn’t think much of it. They assumed that the Shaman was only helping her discover herself, and that it was his “spiritual duty” to set her off on that path.
However she’s been gone for over a week now, and no one has been able to find her. The issue became serious as the fairly apathetic family became worried about Natalie’s safety. Even her father, who had become distant ever since she went Wyld was worried sick. He even formed a search party to search within town and around the outskirts, hoping that she could be found. It seemed to affect him more than anybody else.
Haylie was sleeping on the couch as she heard the knock on the door. She hadn’t slept in the past few days, and seemed to be committed to remain there, by the front door, hoping she would come home. Hearing the knock, she immediately jumped up and rushed to the door, hoping that when she opened it she would see her new big sister.
Her heart racing, her hopes were shattered when she opened the door only to find it was her good friend, Miley, coming to check up on her, as well as offer her some groundbreaking news.
“Miley, what’s going on?” she asked, seeing that the young girl was huffing, trying to catch her breath.
She took a few seconds to regain herself and offered her response. “You have to come quick! They found the Hatalii! He’s been murdered!”
Hatalii? The Shaman, dead? Holy crap, this was a big deal! She didn’t waste any time. Even with her morning hair it could wait. She needed to know what was going on!
She made her way to the downtown circle with her friend in tow. The streets became more and more crowded as they got closer to their destination. Once there they saw the Shaman’s deceased body, lying in an open casket, for the whole world to see. This wasn’t the traditional Navajo’s funeral proceeding. No, rather this was only a means to provide the body with a convenient method of transportation. This wasn’t a funeral viewing; this was a trial, and the dead body was exhibit A.
Standing by the coffin was a man, the very same man who truly murdered him. Like Natalie, Haylie couldn’t help but get an ominous feeling about him. Much like her sister, she could sense that this man reeks of evil.
With his audience at full attention he began to speak. “Woe, woe is my broken heart; broken from the tragedy that the fates have brought us today!”
“What happened?” One person asked.
“It was to be a glorious day for the Navajo People!” he began. “The Shaman had for years tried to search for the ones, the ones who would lift our people up above the pettiness of our ways and lead us to a brand new world! The people would be considered the reincarnations of our long lost deities, who were the first born upon this very Earth, The Changing Woman, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé, and the Sun, Já³honaaʼéá. I came to him long ago seeking refuge. And with thorough testing, he realized my gifts, and agreed that it was I who possessed the soul of Já³honaaʼéá, the sun!”
“How can we tell?” Another crowd member wondered.
“If you must be convinced, then so be it!” One of his servants came forth with a flower which looked rather sickly. “This flower has been in the shade for too long. It is malnourished, and wilting.”
Holding out his hand he suddenly conjured up a ball of flame. He held it over the plant, and suddenly it began to perk up almost instantly as the color came back and instantly began to bloom. Impressed by the magic trick, they concluded that this indeed was the reincarnation of their Sun God, and began to bow in his honor.
“Please,” he insisted. “You have no right to kneel in my honor, for this day I have failed you. I have failed you, and the result was not only the death of this wise old man, but the kidnapping of my betrothed, the one who would be my wife once more, AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé.
Haylie remembered about that. The Shaman believed that Natalie was AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé. Was the Shaman trying to hook these two up? And who would go out and kidnap her from kidnappers? If anything that would be the same as a rescue.
“She had only been in her true form for a short time,” he continued. “But when I explained her significance, that she was the Changing Woman, and that she had a responsibility to her people, and that her feelings would show her the truth about her situation, she agreed to marry me and restore the union for the sake of a brighter future.”
Marry? Haylie thought. Yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind now. She knew how difficult it was for Natalie even getting up from her bed and look at herself. There was no way she would jump the gun just like that. She considered leaving the charade, but she knew that perhaps he would divulge something about her recent kidnappers, and that was important enough to keep listening, even if it was nonsense.
“We agreed it would be done in private, so we made our trek to the Four Corners to recite our ancient vows of long ago. We thought safety would be the best course of action, as a major crowd may compromise our security. Yet none of us were prepared for her abduction by the talons of a flying monster!
Haylie knew where he was going with this. He was about to blame Shawna. Way to go Shawnie! She thought to herself.
Of course she wasn’t the only to make that assumption. “You don’t mean Shawna, do you?”
Another audience member asked. “She was blessed by Hatalii- claimed that she was a descendant of the noble thunderhawk! Surely you don’t think?”
With his silver tongue he decided to convince the audience otherwise. “Our Shaman was a wonderful man,” he explained. “I’m sure if it was up to him, all beings, Diné or Monster would live together in harmony. I’m sure if there was a way for him to spare a young child her most tragic fate he would find it. But there were reasons why we do not live alongside these beasts. They are impure, descendants of a blasphemous ritual, the result when one gender separates from another!”
The Native Americans looked among one another, trying to make sense of everything. After all, it wasn’t like Shawna was some animal. As in fact, she was treated like so many other Diné Wyld; to be idolized.
Seeing that he was having hard time convincing them with words, he decided to take it a step further. He opened the casket fully to reveal the Shaman in his entirety, killing blow and all.
“See that, my people!” he exclaimed. “See the slash that forever scars our beloved Hatalii! So perfect in its execution; not even a knife could leave behind such a clean mark! What else could make it but such an animal- A monster whose talons are bigger than my own two hands?”
Everyone looked at the evidence in shock. They couldn’t believe it. Even Haylie had a hard time figuring out that one. But she knew in her heart Shawna wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t hurt a fly!
“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” He said as he closed the coffin completely. “This
'Shawna' may have been a kind, caring individual, but even that can’t change the true nature of her being. Perhaps it was jealousy; perhaps she was angered about her friend’s ascension to the realm of Godhood. Perhaps she was jealous of her beauty that she herself lacked. Maybe she was jealous of me. But it matters not! All it takes is a reason and her beastly behavior shows and her true nature arises!”
He had the audience hooked, and now he would reel them in.
“She is not descended from a thunderbird, my people,” he finished. “It is time you accept her as she truly is: a vile, vicious harpy! A Monster as anyone else! So I implore you, not as some future deity, but as a lowly beggar- please save my future wife!”
And it worked. The members of the crowd stood forward, ready to do what It takes to save their Princess, even killing someone who was once one of their own.
Haylie heard enough. She could hear her friend, Miley, shout, “Hey, come back!” but she didn’t want to hear it. That man was framing her friend, and did something to her sister. These people were so gullible is just made her more upset as she marched her way back from the horrible gathering.
Soon enough the crowd became smaller and smaller as she moved further and further away from the ruckus. Yet there was this unsettling feeling that she was being followed. Looking over her shoulder her premonitions were confirmed; they were the similar to the escorts who guided Haylie and her friends to the Shaman’s Hogan, then proceeded to block her from entry soon after. However they looked a little paler than what she last remembered. It didn’t take too much thought to figure it all out- these guys served him, and were surely after her.
Her face walk turned into a sprint and then an all out run as she tried to get away from the men. Knowing that she spotted them, they too picked up the pace, bumping past the civilians as they kept up.
She knew that these men were faster and had more endurance then her. She couldn’t run forever. She dipped into an alleyway, hoping there might be somewhere, someplace she could hide. And she found it: an empty trash bin. She didn’t have time to worry about the disgusting thing she was about to hide in, her life was in danger. Seeing she had a bit of distance between her and her chasers, she opened the lid and carefully climbed in, shutting it behind her.
Her pursuers ran right by her. It seemed like it worked. She opened the lid just slightly so she could get a quick peak of her surroundings. Seems clear, she thought. With the coast clear she got out of the plastic tub and turned the other way towards home.
She failed to scan up. Leaping down from the rooftop was another one of the shady man’s guardians, unfazed by the long jump down. She tried to turn around, but with his quick reflexes he grabbed hold of her and quickly subdued her, causing her to fall unconscious.
Haylie woke to the blurry visions of a decorative indoor room. It was the Shaman’s Hogan, now occupied by the dark and mysterious man. The man who fools her people, murders her Shaman, and frames her friend. And here she was, unbound, with this man standing right before her.
“Ah!” He began. “The young lady is finally awake! Very good!”
“Who the hell are you?” Haylie asked as she tried to regain her vision. “You surely aren’t any God I know of!”
“Oh?” he mocked. “Well, to whomever God or Goddess that you do know, please tell them to call me, hmmm?” He had a good chuckle at her expense. “I guess true sisters think alike don’t they? No, no, I can’t fool the great Redbone sisters, can I?”
“What did you do to Natalie?” She demanded to know as her fists were clinched and her anger rose.
“I thought I made myself quite clear earlier,” he replied. “Your little harpy friend took her from me. Now I fully intend to get her back.”
He turned his back to her, almost provoking her to try and make a move. Haylie didn’t have the strength, and she knew it. She’s only 17, and over a year away from going Wyld herself. He wasn’t one to trifle with. She was completely unrestrained, and yet she was as trapped as if she were chained and shackled.
“I’ll be completely frank with you,” he began. “I really had no desire to bring your sister into my little scheme. Honestly I just wanted to rise to power by taking the path of least resistance. Your Shaman was a very influential person among your city, but like a lot of religious zealots he got a little too caught up in his readings. Prophecies and all this utter nonsense! One thing I’ve learned from my experience is that those types don’t take a good look at reality! There is no eternal paradise, only war and death and bigotry!”
Reaching his tipping point he calmed himself down. “But I digress. I had certain ‘qualities’, so to speak, that I could take advantage of. I assumed that by convincing him I was some long reincarnated God that it would put me one step closer to my goal. And boy did he buy it! Of course, I’m quite the avid reader too- fantastic mythology you have, by the way. Yes, I do believe that in another life I might have made a wonderful actor. Ah, well.”
He turn and began to slowly walk towards the increasingly frightened Haylie. “But it wasn’t that simple was it? No. He claimed I had to be whole. I needed a wife, and to fulfill the obligations of his people, or more correctly, the obligations he made up in his delirious little mind! So against better judgment I agreed. And that led me to your sister. I heard the rumors, the way she was transformed, and pretty much told him that she was the one. I figured, hey get married, finally acquire my right to rule over your lot and that’s that. But he had to make it increasingly difficult! So you know, I couldn’t help myself killing the poor sap.”
“My God,” Haylie gasped, realizing this guy might be even more than she initially thought.
“So you see, when your friend came and flew off with her, everything was ruined. I honestly don’t know how she found me, and I don’t care. However I found it convenient, you see? The Shaman’s death, the way I gutted him with a strike from my serrated claw. Just claim the murder was done by her! That way I can get the locals to hunt her down, and rescue my, poor, precious little wife!”
“But why do you need her back!?” She yelled, “You’ve got the people on your side! She serves no purpose!”
“You’re quite right my love,” he replied. “I don’t need her. But now she’s become a loose end you see. Who knows how far they will run? They could reach Phoenix for all I know. And I don’t want my plans to be compromised. I’d rather keep things hush-hush.”
“Then why are you telling me this!?” She countered.
“Because I’m too arrogant for my own good?” he wisecracked. He kneeled over the frightened Haylie, his mouth salivating in an almost doglike manner. “No…it’s because in a few minutes it won’t matter!”
As his mouth sprouted fangs he bit into the young girl’s shoulder. The shock forced her to spasm uncontrollably. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she no longer could control herself. She was turning…turning into one of them.
His released the young girl as the bite continued to affect her. Seeing she was still conscious, he decided to continue his long diatribe.
“You know, I never wanted to be like this,” he admitted. “See, back when I was your age, when I lived a relatively decent life out west in Calivada, I had the same thing happen to me. Bitten by some parasitic Wyld freak, mostly for his benefit, not mine. What you’re going through, it’s no different. You’ll probably notice the major psychic connection I hold over you. Same as the man over me. I did all his dirty work, using me like chopped liver- killing everyone and anyone he deemed needing to be killed. All the killing, you see, can make a man numb, so forgive my lack of tact.”
He paused to clear his throat and continued. “I wound up being captured by their Religious Police, their "Inquisition". Tortured, beaten. And most often as the human form you’d see me in as now. They didn’t care that I was just a teenage boy- a puppet for some deranged fool.”
Looking at the saliva involuntarily fizzing from Haylie’s mouth, he got to the climax of his drawn out tale. “But one day a great thing happened: I turned 19. The fool didn’t realize it when he bit me, but when I went Wyld his grasp on me faded. I was now in control, now I could turn Were when I decided it was best! And for all my bad luck I got a bonus! My rage, my anger, it gave way to my true form. The Christian Fundamentalist probably described me best when I began to slaughter them one by one- Hellhound.”
Seeing she was nearly through with her spasms he finally concluded. “I escaped Calivada with my life, but they took so much more than that. I will have my revenge. I will kill each and every Religious bastard that even so much breathes! And so, it’s my pleasure to say to you, young Haylie Redbone: welcome to the army. Just don’t expect me to make the same mistake my creator did. But for now you’ll prove to be a very valuable addition to my pack. Good night.”
Two from his “pack” came to him without even a shout, which showed just how powerful his mental connection was. “Take her to the desert and dispose of her. With my power in her, she’ll survive sure enough. Surely she’ll grab the attention of one of those “Monsters,” outside of town. Get her in the system and watch her tear it up inside out. I’m sure she’ll reunite with Natalie eventually, and when they finally do, she’ll be in for a surprise.”
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Oh no!
Poor Haylie! this guy is totally off his rocker, can our heroine save her sister?
It won't be easy.
To be honest it's almost the perfect plan. But we'll see what happens!
Someone added extra soil to my allotment...
Uh, need me to water it? You planting something?
I'm confused. o.O
It's another way of saying
"The plot thickens.".
I did a funny. =)
I see!
Well I guess I better start tilling that think plot then!
So he was betrayed, THAT gives him the right?
He deserves death.
As to the idiots who he conned, they need a BIG hit from a clue stick and to do serious penance.
As to those this bastard has turned, I pray that real goddess can save them.
The shaman was a fool until near the end so perhaps deserved his fate, MY GOD that attempted marriage was sanctimonious rape even if he really was her lost love which he was NOT. The maidens and our heroine's sister do not deserve this cruel fate of his.
Plus what idiots are they, these people? If they really are both the reincarnations of those deities WHY a marriage in secret? Religious devotion is fine but mindless cattle?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Honestly think about real life.
Sometimes people don't want tothink about the answers, many people don't want to investigate and look into things further. Hell, you look at people watching TV with Fox News and other biased news channels and still believes in everything verbatim, without even looking at the other side. And in the Wyld world, where magic does exist, some things many people have a hard time understanding. First place most people here would look to is for answers for such paranormal activity here would be in their religion. It's their Ockham's razor, so to speak. Unfortunately in this world the correct answer isn't always the simplest.
Well, look on the bright side, the Hatalii, or Shaman, still believed in his faith, even to the end. Navajo culture is Matrilineal, which means everything is passed on to their women. Therefore it is the woman who ultimately decides whether to allow a man to be her husband, and share her possessions. Natalie could be a Princess or Queen regardless of being married, the "Hellhound" couldn't be Prince or King without her hand in marriage. So sanctimonious rape? Not really, but it sure wasn't the best of spots for young Nattie to be in!
Sure, he's a pretty evil dude, but gotta give the protagonist a real challenge sometimes, you know?
She deserves love and happy fluffy snuggle bunnies and oooddles of fun fun fun..
-- grin --
Okay, you can bash your heroine now.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. PLEASE let her female feathered friend and her sister be alright?
Pretty please???
John in Wauwatosa
In my stories the bad guys win!
>=P I kid! I kid!
The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 5
WOW! But what if she goes wyld early?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Haylie is 17
and only about 6 months into being 17. So if we're to go by normal Wyld canon, it would be about 18 months until she has the opportunity to go Wyld (between 19-20 years of age). This is pretty full proof, at least for now...