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In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

“Can’t you smell it my minions?” The sinister man only known as Hellhound began. “Her scent runs heavy here.
Traveling along the canyon floor he searched. For the past few days he waited, hoping that his little “surprise,” would have already taken care of her. But it’s been too long, and Natalie’s scent began to wear. The only thing he had to go on was the scent of one from his own pack: Haylie. Perhaps she was able to eliminate the thorn in his side, but he’s grown too impatient. He needed Natalie dead. If she got across the border…
They came across a ruined village. By the looks of it, the damage was relatively recent. Taking a sniff of the air, he could sense the aroma of both Haylie and Natalie in this general vicinity. Hmmm…he delightfully thought, looks like my little surprise may have worked after all.
“Don’t move!” Someone cried from the distance. Standing there alongside a bevy of men, each aiming a bow and arrow right at their chests was the Matron.
“Do not make me shoot you,” she suggested.
He just looked at the tips of her arrows and laughed. “Silver arrows? Going on a were hunt, are we?”
“I warn you, leave!” she reiterated as she pulled her bow taut.
“Seemed to have plenty of trouble out here,” he continued. “'Tis a shame that trouble has only just begun!”
Suddenly like a landmine an explosion was conjured up from under her hooves, sending her flying off the edge in which she stood on. Everyone fired at the man, however he swiftly moved away from the barrage and with his inhuman strength leaped over the rocky edge and right behind one of the archers. Grabbing his face he began to melt his skin right off, until only ashes remained.
“Don’t be afraid of a few toothpicks!” the sinister man cried as he snapped an arrow in half. “Even the strongest prey has their soft spots!”
He slowly walked over to the beaten Matron and grinned. “You know,” he began, “If I turned you, you’d make such an awkward werewolf, with those hooves and all.”
She just spitted at him in response.
“Rest assured,” he said as he gutted the centaur, “I wouldn’t put you through such difficulty.”
Looking at his handiwork, he turned back onto the task at hand. He sniffed the air, and realized the scent didn’t end there.
“Boys!” he yelled. “Follow!”
They made their way down the secret passageway only to uncover before their eyes, more escapees! Marley took the remaining citizens on the catamaran to safety.
“Kill them!” he ordered. But it was too late. His men flailed off the edge and into the rapids below. They were too far away to grab, and for some reason, the sinister man did not seem comfortable anywhere near the water’s edge.
With that he let out a growl which carried throughout the canyon. He was extremely displeased. Now he had more flies to squash!
“You knew!” I yelled. I was once again in AsdzÄ…ÌÄ…Ì Ná¡dleehé’s dream world, and I wasn’t happy. “You knew that Haylie was bitten, and you didn’t stop it?”
“You forget,” she countered back, “I’m dead. I can’t just interfere with things like that!”
“But you could’ve told me sooner!” I cried.
“And what, “She retorted, “have you walk right into the enemy’s hands? Look, Nattie, there was nothing you could do. I could have told you she was a werewolf, but would that have kept you from going to her?”
“I…I!” I wanted to reply otherwise, but I couldn’t. I cared for my sister far too much.
“So what am I supposed to do then?” I asked her.
“You just have to keep going with your plan,” she answered. “There needs to be a force capable enough to oppose the Hellhound and his pack of wolves. Your sister Salia might be your best bet at this point.”
“That just doesn’t seem like much,” I admitted. “He can turn tens of hundreds in days, and I barely can scrape together a handful.”
“You forget,” she stated, “There’s a lot more power in your little hand than you realize, babe. You’re our ace in the hole. You just have to get stronger. And I know you are! You’ll get there, I know it!”
I slowly gave her a hug, feeling a little bit better, albeit still felt weird seeing we were naked.
“Don’t you love it when our boobs come together?” she joked. I immediately pulled away, feeling embarrassed.
“Come on!” I yelled. “We’re related, sicko!”
She just giggled hysterically, “You’re just so easy to pick on!” She gave a quick exhale and said her goodbyes. “I’ll see you on the flipside!”
I woke up to the moist feeling on my face. Opening my eyes I was surprised to see Coyote, healthy as ever.
“Holy Goddess!” I yelled. “You’re alright!” I immediately gave him a hug, wonder just how he could recover so easily from such life threatening injury. I mean, he leaped off a cliff, for goodness sake!
“Guess you’re no ordinary canine!” I told him. But apparently that was obvious since we’ve first met. But, still, familiar or not, I cared for him. At this point he’s as much family as anyone I’ve got.
“What’s going on?” Yawned Shawna as I woke her from her slumber.
“Oops,” I said, realizing what I did. “Sorry. I guess I was a little too excited to see Coyote’s alive and kicking.”
“Coyote?” she replied while she rubbed the dust from her eyes. Opening them to see, she too was overcome by surprise. “That’s amazing. I wish I could heal that fast.” She began to rub her damaged wing.”
“Don’t worry,” I insisted, “your wing will get better.”
“I know,” she replied. “It’s just weird. I’m just not as used to walking as I used to be.”
“Well,” I said as I cuddled up next to her. Putting her arm around my shoulder I replied, “If you need a crutch, you know I’m here.”
She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m so lucky to have a top of the line crutch like you!” she joked.
Top of the line or not, even this crutch wasn’t entirely prepared for the journey ahead. The rocky surfaces and the brutal climbs- my body wasn’t built to endure such things. Honestly, even if I was still Nate I would have trouble. It made me realize just how much of an outcast my race had become. I meant the Wyld in general. No, in reality I was lucky, I could still live and hide myself as human, and in my tribe, my human looks was acceptable enough. But for some of them, the so called “monsters,” this was a struggle every day. And even our discriminatory actions pale in comparison to those of other nations. It just gave me a sense of how hated we really were.
Even though I was having a hard time, Shawna was really struggling. Her talon like feet proved disadvantageous when treading on rocky ground. If she could fly this would be nothing, but with her injury we had to cope. I could see Haylie, still trapped in her cage in front of us, feeling awful at what she did. It wasn’t your fault, Haylie. Don’t blame yourself.
We couldn’t take it any longer. Shawna needed to rest and although the caravan weren’t real thrilled about the subject, they knew how important every life was, and decided to stop. Immediately Shawna began to tend to her feet, which were no doubt painfully sore from all the miles we traveled.
“I’m sorry,” she said to me, “I know I’m just slowing you guys down.”
“It’s okay,” I assured her, “I’m just as beat as you are.”
“I understand your ailments,” said the group leader of this journey, “but we cannot stay long. If a Diné sees us here they won’t hesitate to attack us. For all they know, we were banished from this land. They will not take kindly our trespassing in it.”
“What are we suppose to do then?” I asked. “There’s just no way she can keep up like this.”
Suddenly, Shawna had an idea. “Hey, Nattie,” she began, “you remember how you totally leveled that cliff face?”
“Yeah,” I replied, “How couldn’t I?”
“Well,” she explained, “you were able to change the terrain of the area, so maybe you can to the same thing here?”
“But Shawna,” I reminded her, “I was panicking, and didn’t have a lot of control over what I was doing. I don’t think it’s that simple.”
“Are you sure?” she asked. “I mean, it’s not like you’re carving into a rock face or anything. You’re just leveling the land in front of us. That shouldn’t take that much energy, right?”
“I don’t know…” I hesitantly said.
“C’mon, Nattie,” she implored me, “I don’t know if we have any other options.”
I sighed. “I’ll try,” I stated. I wasn’t sure exactly how to achieve this, but I guess I had to wing it and find out. Laying the palm of my hand onto the ground floor, I tried to picture the land altered from a rocky surface to a more soft and fertile terrain. Suddenly the ground shifted in front of me and indeed the land was leveled. The terrain was now more manageable to walk on.
“It’s working!” Shawna cried in delight.
However this realization meant I had to be in front of the pack at all times, constantly altering the land in front of me. I soon began to realize how much using powers could drain me. I was at the end of the rope, and nowhere near the Arizonan border. Whatever trek we had left, they had to do it on their own; I couldn’t take it anymore.
Shawna smiled as she grabbed my lifeless body. “I think I may have worn you out.” Gee, you think? I wasn’t really in the mood to yell at her now, obviously. I needed sleep.
She decided to pick me up and carry me piggyback style. “My feet are better now,” she stated. “I’ll handle the rest. You get some sleep.”
I woke up to the sound of a car engine as I felt the wind blowing at my face. Was I in a jeep? I was! How long was I out?
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” Shawna said. “Finally awake huh?”
“How long was I asleep?” I asked.
“Over 16 hours,” she replied. “Sorry, I guess I didn’t know you could wear yourself out casting magic. I don’t really have that power.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I told her. “Where are we now? How did we get in this jeep?”
“Well, we’re in Arizona now, if that wasn’t obvious by now,” she stated. “From here ‘refugees’ are taken from Flagstaff by motorcade to Phoenix. Once there we’ll be meeting your sister. Hopefully she’ll help us out.
“What about Haylie?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“That will have to be explained to her once we get there,” she said solemnly. The uncertainty was worrisome, but my sister wouldn’t abandon her. I just know it.
“Just relax, Nattie,” Shawna insisted. “The hard part is over now.”
We made it to Phoenix by nightfall. Apparently the director of the underground refugee movement knew we were coming, and knew my relation to my sister, Salia. He already made an appointment to see her. I thanked him as he guided me to her government office. I could hear her screaming from down the hallways.
“I don’t understand what is so hard about this!” she exclaimed. “We’re a landlocked country, surrounded by religious nutjobs and militant fundamentalists, not to mention drug lords to the south. It’s a win-win! North Sonora becomes the 6th state in our union, we get access to the Pacific Ocean, and they get protection from all the violence within the region. Because I know that with those warlords down there they won’t be able to combat them alone!”
“Ma’am,” the director interrupted her. “The two you were waiting for are here.”
She looked at her phone and then said, “Let me call you back.” Hanging it up, we made our entrance into her office. The director left, and now we were face to face with my big sister. I wondered if she knew who I was.
“Shawna!” she cried as she gave her a comforting hug. “It’s been so long! My God, you’re injured! Are you okay?”
“I think I’ll manage,” she replied. “Not easy getting out of there in one piece!”
Salia then turned to me. She looked at me intently, trying to figure out just who I was. Then it dawned on her.
“…No way,” she stated. “Nate?”
I was kind of embarrassed having to be greeted like that. “It’s Natalie now,” I told her. “I went Wyld.”
“It done quite the load on you,” she claimed. “Are you doing okay? I mean, changing genders and all must be rough.”
“I’m fine,” I assured her. “It’s been weird, but I’m getting used to it.”
“I wish I could’ve been there to help you out,” she said.
“It’s okay,” I replied. “You had to leave that place, and now at least I can understand why.”
“God how they sicken me,” she scowled, “deciding who is pure and who is not. This is the Free States, for Christ’s sake! And yet we treat Dinétah with kiddy gloves, afraid to assert authority over them because they may take offense to it!”
“They do make up a big chunk of our military,” I stated.
“But what point is a military when the reasons we fight aren’t being lived up to?” she explained. “There is no Diné, there are no Monsters! Just Wyld, and all Wyld deserve to be free, not just certain ones! And if we don’t uphold this certain unalienable right, then what do we fight for?”
Now I can see why she took up politics. She definitely has a lot of gravitas, particularly when it comes to things she truly cares about.
“Anyway,” she digressed, “You came here for a reason and I’m sure you have plenty to talk about. So please, let me hear it.”
We went over the story from the very beginning: my turning Wyld, being declared a deity, being assigned to marriage by the Hatalii to some strange guy, to Shawna helping me make my grand escape, and the journey afterward.
“This strange man,” she began, referring to my so preordained “husband,” “you said he was a werewolf. You’re sure about this.”
“I’m fairly sure,” I told her. “I don’t know his name, or where he came from, but I believe I have evidence showing it to be the case. You might not like what you see, however.”
She stood up adamantly and commanded, “Show me.”
We went back to the refugee headquarters, where I knew Haylie would be waiting, most likely still shackled up inside a silver cage. I told her it might be wise to cover herself up with some perfume or something in case the scent Salia had might be similar to my own which caused Haylie to get riled up. Spraying it on ourselves, I braced her as much as I could from the emotional impact that was about to come. But nothing could prepare her for this.
Opening the warehouse door I could see Salia’s jaw drop.
“Haylie?” she cried. “Oh my God, Haylie!”
She immediately ran up to her with tears filling up her eyes. Like me, she couldn’t believe this was happening. Seeing this made it sting even further.
“Salia,” Haylie cried. “Please don’t get close to me!”
She stopped. Logic knew the Haylie was right, but in her heart, it was hard not to have contact with her.
“It’s true then?” she asked.
Haylie just nodded. “I know who did this now,” she claimed. “I can hear his voice deep within me…it won’t stop!”
Seeing her strained didn’t help any. “Haylie, calm down,” I told her. “Can you give me his name?”
“He calls himself…Hellhound,” she replied. “He’s my Alpha…”
“Alpha?” I wondered.
“He has such a strong grip in my head,” she explained. “When he demands something from us it’s hard to say no. This cage is keeping me from just going out and leaving, and even so I feel like I’m losing more and more of my sanity just listening to him!”
I turned to Salia, who was pondering something. “Hellhound,” she mumbled, “Hmmm.”
“What?” I asked her.
“Well,” she said, “Perhaps this isn’t his first appearance. Maybe he has records in other states or countries that we haven’t uncovered.”
“And how will that solve anything?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“You said he seems to want revenge on something,” she continued. “Perhaps in looking at his past we might be able to find out just exactly what he is planning his revenge for. We can cut him off when he makes his move!”
It made sense. If we knew where exactly he would be going, we can track him down and stop him, particularly if he’s out of Dinétah’s borders. I hate to say it, but the police here have no qualms taking out a white man here, and he no exception.
Walking out of the warehouse Salia whispered into my ear.
“You know we’ll have to kill him, don’t you?” she asked.
“What?” I said. Sure I hated the guy, but as long as he saw justice I didn’t have a problem with him living.
“It’s Haylie, Nat,” she explained. “As long as he exists he’ll exhibit his power through her, and all other people he’s infected.”
“But,” I resisted.
“If he dies, Haylie will be free from his grasp,” she explained. “She might not be able to control her changes, but it’s a least a start. And I don’t want to see her, or my people, as puppets to this mad man.”
“So what are we going to do?” I asked.
“You get some rest, Nat,” she replied. “I’ll run through some of the databases to see if I can find some clues. We’ll discuss more of this in the morning.”
With that we parted ways. I don’t know if I could it. I wasn’t a killer, no matter how much I hated him. But Haylie…my people. I had some serious soul searching to do.
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" I had some serious soul searching to do."
Indeed she does. Bu I dont see another choice here.
A quandry here.
Is Natalie willing to kill in order to save people, or will her sensibilities interfere with what needs to be done. Plus her sister's freedom is at stake.
Good story so far.
We'll see
And even if killed, her sister isn't completely free. This is more of an unlocking of one of the shackles. Even though she's free from his control, she'll still be unable to control the beast within.
There's the other victims too,
but they might be too far gone to be saved. Interesting bit about the water.
Good stuff!
Free will
it's just a kill away... o.O
The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 11
Could a vampire turn him? Is there a Wyld version of Buffy? Wonder what would happen if he met Westeria?
May Your Light Forever Shine