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In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.
Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

It must’ve been the altitude that knocked me out. As a Wyld, Shawna could breathe normal in high altitudes. Me, I’m out. It was probably for the best however; I’d probably be freaking out knowing how high in the air I actually was.
I woke up it seemed just before dawn. I was cozy underneath a woven Navajo quilt, yet when I first glance at my surroundings I noticed that this didn’t look anything like a bedroom.
The straw was stacked rather taut as it surrounded me in every direction like a barrier. It didn’t take much thought to put two and two together- I was outdoors, and was inside something surrounded by straw, branches and other dead plant life. This was a nest.
I slowly climbed out from the nest and witnessed a colorful birdlike being stretching out from her perch, as if she too woke up. It took me a little bit to realize that this wasn’t just anyone; this was Shawna, in her natural form, completely unclothed and nude.
She was a peculiar, yet fantastic sight to behold as her wings stretched out to her fullest, with their length going straight down to the ends of her hips. The blue and red feathers continued from the base of her spine to the end of her tailbone, which also had a plume of feathers which were spread out like a fan. It had to be difficult walking around in even sweat pants, seeing what she had to endure.
Noticing I was awake she turned around to greet me, and further witnessed her full figure. From the front she looked amazingly human, even up to the breasts she carelessly allowed to show off right now. At the bottom was her bikini line, which was covered in small down feathers of red, providing a natural form of underwear, so to speak.
While I looked at her in utter befuddlement, she just stared at me and smile. With a quick hop she flew over to greet me.
“So,” she said in a rather seductive voice. “You like what you see?”
I didn’t know what to say about that. This was all too weird for me. “W-what’s with the nest? Why, why are you naked like that?”
Her grin grew a little wider as I asked my question. “That nest? Well I built that myself. Not too bad if I do say so myself. Comfy, no?”
She began to caress my face. “And as for the nudity, well, I suppose it feel more normal. Guess that’s just my animal nature. I normally never let people see my like this, but…with you I think I can make an exception.”
She led me over back to her nest, meanwhile explaining herself. “I couldn’t stand living there, Nat. I may have been accepted by the Shaman, but still I would get odd looks. And then there’s everyone treating me a lot like I saw them treating you; like some sort of deity.
I began to sit back down on the woven cloth I awoke on while she continued. “This place was the only place I could truly ever get away. Out here I was free. I wasn’t some freak, or some Goddess. Out here, I could be me.”
“And that meant building a nest?” I quipped.
“You’ve seen what they’re like, Nat,” she replied. “If given the choice to live in a human world or a natural world, I choose nature. At least it doesn’t criticize me, or ridicule me for all of my faults. I’m a Wyld, Nattie; this was given to me. I had a lot of time spent on analyzing myself, understanding myself, finding myself. I’m not going to deny what I’ve truly became. The bird in me is just as much a part of me as the human I once was, and after experiencing what I’ve experienced, perhaps even a little more.”
I looked at her, and with deep regret, I said, “I’m sorry, Shawna. I didn’t know how difficult it’s been for you. You always seemed cheery, even around complete strangers. I guess, I never thought about it.”
Hearing this she couldn’t help but smile. “It’s not your fault, Nattie. It used to be the only reason I’d ever drop into town was because of you. You’re the only person who treats me like me. You don’t know how much I appreciate that.”
“You’re my best friend, Shawna,” I replied warmly. “I grew up with you; that’s the only Shawna I know. Besides, I’m finally beginning to understand how you feel. How the Shaman and that man treated me, wanting to be something I’m not. I know I’m a woman, and I’m sure I’ll be one for the rest of my life, but whatever choices I have left are mine, and I want to live them the way I want to.”
“So then,” she digressed, resuming her seductive behavior, “tell me, what do you want to do with me?”
I felt kind of startled at her open candor, I couldn’t…could I? I mean, what about our friendship, and what about…well, me? I’ve never even had sex like this before!
“Shawna…I!” she shushed me right there. It may have looked like she was doing like so many others did before her, and try to use me for her own gain, but they’d be wrong. I knew, deep down, even before she was this beautiful creature, and before I was this beautiful maiden, that I really loved her. And somewhere, I knew even before this very moment, she loved me too.
Together, we weren’t going to be afraid anymore. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately. My defenses were broken, and I allowed myself this one simple pleasure. I gave myself to her; my sweet Lightning Angel. And for once I was happy; happy to be not just a girl, but her girl.
With our bodies glimmering from the afterglow and the reflection from the morning sun, I slowly wrapped my Manta around me, this time a little less snug than before. I leaned over and gave my love another sweet kiss on her lips.
“You were wonderful, Nat,” she praised. “I didn’t think I could go through with it. I wanted you so much, back when you were Nate. I thought it would be hard to accept you like this. But, it wasn’t. If anything all the experiences we’ve shared only made my love for you stronger.”
“I thought the same,” I admitted. “I didn’t even know what I’d liked. Sexually, I mean. I’m just happy it didn’t change the feelings I have for you.”
Suddenly I felt a rumbling in my belly. Shawna immediately picked up on it and joked, “All that activity must’ve made you hungry!”
I couldn’t help but giggle. “Well, I do say, the intense feelings I just got from it were way more powerful than I’ve felt as a man!”
“I suppose it’s time for to go fishing hmmm?” She suggested.
“Fishing?” I couldn’t help but wonder.
“Yeah, fishing!” she repeated. “These talons here aren’t just for show you know?” She gave me another kiss on the cheek and told me, “Let me get some clothes on.”
I was almost disappointed to see my love depart. I couldn’t stand not being wrapped around her arms, or wings for that matter. I suppose I just came to the conclusion that I have a rather clingy personality.
We flew down to the base of the cliff. I was surprised to see the mighty rapids crashing down from the north. She was going to catch fish in a river like that?
“Where exactly are we, anyway?” I wondered.
“The Colorado River!” She yelled as she remained flying above the river overhead. “Hold on just a second, Nattie! I’m gonna need to focus!”
Oh and did she. It was like she was locked on to the river below. Everything must have been in slow motion for her as she saw the fish swimming downstream. And as swiftly as a hawk she swooped in with her talons primed. And just as she predicted she successfully grabbed the fish with her imposing feet and flew it over to me.
“Dinner is served!” she cried proudly.
However I was never a big fan of raw fish. “Uh…you don’t happen to know a way how to cook this, do you?”
She looked at me dumbfounded for a second, then answered, “Don’t look at me. I’ve always ate it raw.”
“I was wonder why I tasted fish breath earlier!” I teased. She playfully gave me a light punch to my arm.
“Anyway…I’m kind of not made for eating fish like this,” I declared. “Even if it was washed and clean, and prepared like sushi, I probably couldn’t hold it in.”
Neither of us had any experience starting fires. Yet Shawna had a go get ‘em type of attitude- that’s kind of the reason she was able to do the things she did earlier, like build a nest, or catch fish. So I figured we give it a shot. Finding as much brush as we could we gathered it all together and tried to start a small bonfire.
With two sticks in hand, I tried to grind them together, hoping that the friction would be enough to set off a spark. Rolling them back in forth I was beginning to get a little annoyed at the attempt. Perhaps I was missing something, or was doing it all wrong, but the louder my stomach growled the more impatient I got.
All the energy I expended trying to light this fire got to me, and I came to a complete stop. Seeing my disappointment Shawna came over to console me.
“I knew when I was younger I should’ve joined the Boy Scouts!” I huffed.
I couldn’t take it anymore…I just wanted some food. I knew I was in the middle of nowhere, and I knew Shawna was just trying to impress me. But if I knew it would come down to this I would’ve asked her to fly me out to a Burger King or something!
“Please,” I began to plea to no one in particular as I picked up the sticks for a second attempt, “just light, damnit!”
I didn’t even have the sticks near the kenneling as all of a sudden it just magically lit. I jumped back in shock. Even Shawna eyes were wide, amazed at what happened.
“Did you,” Shawna gasped, “Did you just do that?”
I really didn’t know. This seemed really strange. But I wonder, maybe I could put it out?
I focused hard, commanding myself to extinguish the flame. Suddenly out of thin air a tiny little cloud formed, reaching about waist length high. It started to rain on the fire, quickly putting it out.
“Whoa,” Shawna cried, “This is really cool!”
“This must be my gift,” I said to myself. “I must be able to control the elements…”
“That’s awesome!” she continued to cheer. “My Nattie is an Elementalist! Wonder if you can do anything while I’m flying. You know, like give me a little boost, direct the flow of air?”
“I don’t know,” I answered. “This is all very new to me.” I couldn’t help but tease her a little more. “But I don’t know if that’d be a good idea. I don’t want my lover getting lazy! I love those big, powerful wings!”
“Geez, you’re mean!” she playfully replied as I stuck my tongue out at her. Of course all that playful energy gave way to my rather angry stomach that was in no mood to mess around.
“Oh, shoot!” I remembered. “I forgot entirely about the fish!” I looked at the dead fire, the brush now soaked totally and no longer usable. I sighed and on cue, rolled my eyes. “I’ll go get some more wood.” At the very least it won’t be a pain lighting it again.
Once through with our meal, we decided to walk it off as we strolled along the bottom of the canyon. I leaned over her shoulder as she folded her colorful wing around me, making me comfortable. I think she kind of enjoys being the “man” of the relationship.
Still, I was having some troubles of my own. I’ve been wearing this Manta dress for a long while now, and even though it was a little looser than normal, it felt as if I make one wrong move it would all come falling down. I’m sure Shawna wouldn’t mind, and maybe is looking forward to it, but still, it would be nice to wear some casual clothes for a change.
I couldn’t help but look at my strong woman’s clothing as well. Obviously with her being part bird it was pretty hard to find clothing that could adapt to her. But she had quite a bit of clothing, even when she was hanging with me in town.
“You seem to be staring at something,” Shawna replied, “Do you need a better look?”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little at her silliness. “No, no,” I insisted. “I was taking a look at your clothes. Just where did you get them? I mean, finding clothes like the type you wear is hard.”
“Oh,” she cried. “Want to know my little secret, huh?”
“Well, I was hoping that you might be able to introduce me to this person,” I replied. “That is, if he doesn’t mind making normal clothing for me. No offense, Shawna, but this Manta just isn’t cutting it for me.”
“Well,” She began, “First off she’s a woman. And secondly, I don’t know if I can just take you there.”
“Why not?” I asked, confused.
“The place I go,” She continued. “Isn’t real friendly with human-like people.”
“What do you mean?” I wondered.
“Well, you know how the Tribe works,” She explained. “Those who are Diné can stay; those that are Monsters go. Well, let’s just say that these refugees banded together and formed a secret society of their own, right in their own back yard.”
I was intrigued. I truly wanted to know more about this place. “So I can’t go?”
“It took me awhile before they even accepted me, hun,” She stated. “I really had to disown all my allegiance to the Human Tribe before they trusted me. And even then I still went behind their backs to visit you every so often. I’m sorry, I just don’t think it’s safe.”
I looked up into her starry eyes. “You forget Shawnie,” I reminded her, “I’m not human either. I may look human, but I was just as abused as you and everyone else. I’m not Diné, and you’re not Monster, we’re Wyld. And I’m willing to take that chance to ensure that they too realize this.”
She couldn’t help but appreciate my strength, and rewarded me with another kiss. “I just love hearing those things out of you,” She replied. “Come on. I’ll take you to them.”
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being an elemental
could be very interesting. I love this quiet little moment between the two girls, but more action could be right around the corner ..
Nice chapter.
I hope these Wyld are not as intolerant as the humans they fled
But if they had a hard time accepting Shawna and demnded she break all alianaces with humans they don't sound much better.
And we still have that perverted mind controling/body altering man/demon who has attacked/controlled/altered her younger sister and has the people convinced Shawna is the killer and not him.
Happy her love surived his bcoming a woman.
Can our lovers find real friends and alies?
Can they find peace?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Well, considering these Wyld
Were the very Wyld that their culture kicked to the curb, I could see why they'd be a little intolerant of them.
We'll have to see where the two ladies go from here. Of course there are some allies waiting still (don't forget the Coyote will be making his reappearance here shortly!)
I don't think-
it's going to be that easy. Nat still looks very human, and the exiles isn't going to be easy to convince. On the other hand an elementist would be a big asset for survival.
The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 6
Things will be getting WYLD, now.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Is it just me, or did you deliberately leave out most of the sex scene? I may be a horncat (rather than a horndog), but that doesn't automatically mean you're not a prude by contrast, does it? :)
One thing's certain though, it's very refreshing to see someone retain their original sexual orientation when they go through a full-genetic sex change. ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrKissLickyourface* <3
Sometimes I'd go into more detail ;P
But you know, honestly I find the whole unknown of what's going on a little more, erotic, so to speak.
And I'm an equal opportunity lover! While some of my characters (Ithycca) might be more into guys at this point, Nattie obviously prefers girls. To me love, no matter how, or who it is, is a beautiful thing! I'm glad Nattie and Shawnie love each other!